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? 摘要:兄弟7010.7420..... 维修模式MFC7420依次按功能/设定键和启动键。再按四次 ▲ 键使机器进入维修模式。【提示】在带数字键盘的传真型号中,也可按功能/设定, * 2 8 6 和 4 键使机器进入维修模式。在设备鸣叫约1 ...

? ?

兄弟7010.7420..... 维修模式


依次按功能/设定键和启动键。再按四次 ▲ 键使机器进入维修模式。

【提示】在带数字键盘的传真型号中,也可按功能/设定, * 2 8 6 和 4 键使机器进 入维修模式。

在设备鸣叫约1 秒钟后,屏幕显示,说明设备已处于维修模式的初


从8.2 部分中选出一个维修模式功能,在控制面板的数字盘上输入相应的两位数功能代码。 (各维修模式的功能在8.4 部分中有详细介绍。)

注: ? MFC7420

要使机器退出维修模式,回到待机状态,可在维修模式初始期,连续按9 键两


? DCP7010/7025

要使机器退出维修模式,回到待机状态,可在维修模式初始期,用 键和设定

键连续输入9 两次。(对于不带数字键的型号,按 键数次,显示输入的数字代 码,然后按设定。每个数字代码输入都重复此操作。)

? 在只输入一位数字后,按停止/退出键的话,则机器回到维修模式的初始期。

? 当输入无效的功能代码时,机器将仍处于维修模式的初始期。



液晶显示屏显示“ MAINTENANCE﹡﹡”。


(3)可按停止/退出键使机器返回到待机状态。在可供用户使用的功能结束后,机器自动 的进入待机状态。

功能代码 功能 参考部分(页)

01 1EEPROM 参数初始化 8.4.1 (8-5)

05 扫描补偿数据打印页 8.4.2 (8-6)

06 CIS 单元位置固定以便传输 8.4.3 (8-8)

08 自动进稿器性能测试 8.4.4 (8-9)

09 测试图案1 8.4.5 (8-10)

10 固件开关设定 (8-11)

11 固件开关数据的打印 (8-14)

12 LCD 的操作检查 8.4.7 (8-16)

13 控制面板电路板的操作检查 8.4.8 (8-17)

32 传感器操作检查 8.4.9 (8-18)

53 接收数据的传送功能 8.4.10 (8-20)

54 扫描开始/结束位置的微调 8.4.11 (8-22)

55 白色级别数据的获取和扫描器扫描范围的设定 8.4.12 (8-24)

67 送纸和出纸测试 8.4.13 (8-24)

74 EEPROM 自定义 8.4.14 (8-25)

80 设备日志的显示 8.4.15 (8-26)

82 设备错误代码显示 8.4.16 (8-28)

87 传输日志输出到电话线 8.4.17 (8-28)

—— 内存安全模式的取消(不适用于日本版) 8.4.18 (8-29)




2、A对于DCP系列的机型 当屏幕上出现Replace Drum?(更换硒鼓)信息时请按▲键.当屏幕上出现Accepted(已接受)信息时请合上前盖.

B 对于MFC系列的机型当屏幕上出现Replace Drum?(更换硒鼓)信息时请按数字1.当屏幕上出现Accepted(已接受)信息时请合上前盖.

Back Cover Open (后盖打开) Change Drum Soon(立即更换硒鼓)

Comm.Error(通信错误) Connection Fail(连接失败)

Cooling Down(正在冷却) Wait for a while(请稍等)

Cover is Open(扫描仪盖打开) Data Remaining (数据残余)

Disconnected(已断开) Document Jam(原稿卡住)

Dust on Drum(硒鼓上有灰尘) Fail to Warm up(预热失败)

Unit is too Hot(单元过热) Machine too Hot(设备过热)

No Cartridge(无墨盒) No Paper Fed(无进纸)

No Response/Busy(未响应/繁忙) Not Registered(未注册)

Out of Memory(内存不足) Paper jam Inside(内部卡纸)

Paper Jam Rear(后部卡纸) Paper Jam Tray(纸盒卡纸)

Toner Life End(墨粉用尽) Toner Low(墨粉不足)

Unable to Init (无法初始化) Unable to Print(无法打印)

Unable to Scan(无法扫描) Wrong Paper Size(错误的纸张大小

? 摘要:兄弟7010显示Change Drum soon解决方法Change Drum soon 可以译为 (更换鼓组建)在开机状态下打开前盖 按选项键 然后再按一下向上键 就是增加纸张多少的键 这样是清零 弄好啦备忘说声谢谢啊!兄弟7010显示Drum ...

? ?

兄弟7010显示Change Drum soon解决方法

Change Drum soon 可以译为 (更换鼓组建)

在开机状态下打开前盖 按选项键 然后再按一下向上键 就是增加纸张多少的键 这样是清零 弄好啦备忘说声谢谢啊!

兄弟7010显示Drum Error这个怎么办???

Drum Error--Take Drum outslide the blue tab from side to side several timesreturn the tab to

当出现这个的时候 ,说明你的鼓上面的那个冲电丝脏了,你只要把鼓上面的那个蓝色的,给来回推几下就可以了!也可以拆卸下来用酒精棉清洁有条件可以用超声波清洗机!【但千万小心别弄断电晕丝】








Toner Life End是碳粉寿命已尽的意思。虽然你已经加过粉了,但是可能没有对粉盒复位,所以机器仍然不能识别。将粉盒从硒鼓上取下来,可以看到粉盒上有个半圆形的白色的塑料齿轮,将它拧到另一边重新装回即可。







要重置硒鼓计数器:打开前盖--通电--然后按控制面板上的“Option(选项)”键--当屏幕上出现“Replace Drum?(更换硒鼓)”信息时,请按数字“1”--当屏幕上出现“Accepted ( 已接受)”信息时--请合上前盖OK!

篇二:高三英语课外阅读the two brothers

The Road Not Taken

Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

1. What can you read from the poem named “The Road not Taken”?

2. How do you like the choice made by the poet himself?

3. Do you have the similar experiences or thoughts of life to share with us?

The Two Brothers

1 Two brothers set out on a journey together. At noon they lay down in a forest to rest. When they woke up they saw a stone lying next to them. There was something written on the stone, and they tried to make out what it was.

2 "Whoever finds this stone," they read, "let him go straight into the forest at sunrise. In the forest a river will appear; let him swim across the river to the other side. There he will find a she-bear and her cubs. Let him take the cubs from her and run up the mountain with them, without once looking back. On the top of the mountain he will see a house, and in that house will he find happiness."

3 When they had read what was written on the stone, the younger brother said:

4 "Let us go together. We can swim across the river, carry off the bear cubs, take them to the house on the mountain, and together find happiness."

5 "I am not going into the forest after bear cubs," said the elder brother, "and I advise you not to go. In the first place, no one can know whether what is written on this stone is the truth--perhaps it was written in jest. It is even possible that we have not read it correctly. In the second place, even if what is written here is the truth--suppose we go into the forest and night comes, and we cannot find the river. We shall be lost. And if we do find the river, how are we going to swim across it? It may be broad and swift. In the third place, even if we swim across the river, do you think it is an easy thing to take cubs away from a she-beer? She will seize us, and instead of finding happiness, we shall perish, and all for nothing. In the fourth place, even if we succeeded in carrying off the bear cubs, we could not run up a mountain without stopping to rest. And, most important of all, the stone does not tell us what kind of happiness we should find in that house. It may be that the happiness awaiting us there is not at all the sort of happiness we would want."

6 "In my opinion," said the younger brother, "you are wrong. What is written on the stone could not have been put there without reason. And it is all perfectly clear. In the first place, no harm will come to us if we try. In the second place, if we do not go, someone else will read the inscription on the stone and find happiness, and we shall have lost it all. In the third place, if you do not make an effort and try hard, nothing in the world will succeed. In the fourth pace: I should not want it thought that I was afraid of anything."

7 The elder brother answered him by saying: "The proverb says: 'In seeking great happiness small pleasures may be lost.' And also: 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.' "

8 The younger brother replied: "I have heard: 'He who is afraid of the leaves must not go into the forest.' And also: 'Beneath a stone no water flows.' "

9 Then the younger brother set off, and the elder brother remained behind.

10 No sooner had the younger brother gone into the forest than he found the river, swam across it, and there on the other side was the she-beer, fast asleep. He took her cubs, and ran up the mountain without looking back. When he reached the top of the mountain the people came out to meet him with a carriage to take him into the city, where they made him their king.

11 He ruled for five years. In the sixth year, another king, who was stronger than he, waged war against him. The city was conquered, and he was driven out.

12 Again the younger brother became a wanderer, and he arrived one day at the house of the elder brother. The elder brother was living in a village and had grown neither rich nor poor. The two brothers rejoiced at seeing each

other, and at once began telling of all that had happened to them.

13 "You see," said the elder brother, "I was right. Here I have lived quietly and well, while you, though you may have been a king, have seen a great deal of trouble."

14 "I do not regret having gone into the forest and up the mountain," replied the younger brother. "I may have nothing now, but I shall always have something to remember, while you have no memories at all."

Comprehension and Vocabulary 1. Structural Information

(Beginning of the story) Para. ( )~( ) Two brothers’ finding a stone in the forest on which there was some _________________________.

(Development of the story) Para. ( )~( ) The argument between the two brothers about ______________________. (Climax of the story) Para. ( )~( ) The __________ of the younger brother. (Ending of the story) Para. ( )~( ) The two brothers’ _____________ about their different experience.

2. Content Information

1. What did the two brothers find in the forest? 2. What decisions did the two brothers make?

3. What happened to the younger brother after going into the forest? 4. Why did the younger brother became a wanderer five years later? 5. How did the elder brother live during the five years?

6. Did the younger brother regret having gone into the forest? Why? 7. What did you learn from this story?

3. Directions: The following is a summary of the story you have just read. Complete the summary by filling in the blanks according to the story.

On a journey two brothers found a (1) ___________, on which there’s some inscription telling people how to find (2) __________. After reading the inscription the two brothers made (3) _________ decisions. While the (4) ___________ brother didn’t want to take a risk for various reasons the (5) _________ brother decided to go to the forest.

No sooner had the younger brother gone into the forest than he found the (6) _________ and swan across it, and there on the other side was the (7) __________. He took her (8) _________, and ran up the mountain where people came out to meet him and made him their (9) _________. He ruled for (10) _______ years until he was finally (11) _________ out by another king who was stronger than him.

At the same time, the elder brother was living in the village and had grown neither rich (12) _______ poor. The two brothers rejoiced at (13) __________ each other. The elder brother said that he had made the correct choice since he had been living quietly and well, but the younger brother had seen a lot of (14) _________ even though he had been a king. The younger brother replied that he did not (15) _________ having gone into the forest. He might have nothing then, but he would always have something to (16) ____________.

4. Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate word or phrase from the box.

2). When ____________ on a long walk, always wear suitable boots. 3). Later on, I _______ my decision not to take the job. 4). I’m _________ love and happiness in my life.

5). As she’s not here, I ________ she must have gone home. 6). Can you __________ what he is saying?

7). He is anxiously _________ the result of the medical tests.

8). He waited in the line for two hours and all _________--there were no seats left. 9). My letter received a(n) __________ reply. 10). The Normans __________ England in 1066.

篇三:朗文新派unit 2新

Ambow Test Paper!

[Vol. L2U2.01]

Name: _______ Class: _______ Score: _______(110%)

Part One

1. Listen and reorder. 9%

2. Listen and judge. Yes ( √ ) No ( × ) 6%

(1).( ) There’re twenty balls on the playground. (2).( ) Lisa is in front of Cindy.

(3).( ) The book is under my table. (4).( ) I like swinging on the playground. (5).( ) He likes running. (6).( ) We like jumping. 3.Listen and choose. 6% (1). ( ) A. I have thirty balls. B.I have thirteen balloons. (2). ( ) A. Lily is behind Lucy. B. Lucy is behind Lily. (3). ( ) A. It’s fifty. B. It’s one hundred. (4). ( ) A. They are talking. B. They are jumping. (5). ( ) A. There are twenty bugs. B. There are twenty frogs. (6). ( )A. He has 18 bats. B. She has 80 bats.

5. Listen and choose the correct answers. 5%

(1). ( ) Where is the kite? A. Behind the frogs B. Between the frogs C. I don’t know. (2). ( ) What is Lucy doing? A. She is sliding.

B. She is jumping rope.

C. She is flying.

(3). ( ) What is Larry’s age? A. 13 B. 30 C. 40

(4). ( ) Is Lily a girl? A. Yes. B. No. C. I don’t know. (5). ( ) How many balls do the have? A. 50 B. 90 C. 100

Part Two

A) 用am, is, are,填空:

1. ---I______ Tony. ---__________ you a waiter? 2. ---There ____ a bug in the shoe.

3. ---Here __________ some milk for you. 4. ---There____ five dogs running.

B) 用my, your, his, her, our填空:

1. ---The girl in red is happy. ____________ name is Alice. 2. ---He has five pens in ____________ pencil case. 3. ---____________ mother is a good nurse. I love her.

4. ---Today is ____________ birthday. Happy birthday to you! C) 用what, who, where, how many, how much填空: 1. ---_______________ is your T-shirt? ---100 yuan.

2. ---_______________ dresses are there? ---There are 100. . 3. ---_______________ is a teacher? ---Our father is. 4. ---_______________ does your brother do? ---He’s a student.

9. Read and write, put the words where they belong. 9%

A. actions

10.Read and match.6%

Our family is playing hide and seek. My mother is behind the slide.

My father is in front of the swing. My sister is between the slide and the swing. My brother is in the tree. I am next to the bench. The dog is under the slide.

1. My mother is ________the slide. 2. My father is ________the swing.

3. My sister is ________ the slide and the swing. 4. My brother is _______ the tree. 5. I am ________ the bench. 6. The dog is _______ the slide. 11.Read and write. 9%

The toys are all _______(n, i) the room. The toy bear is sitting _______(bheidn) the sofa. He’s thinking. The doll is dancing __________(nxet) to the radio. The music is nice. The balloons are __________(bnteewe) the marbles and the kite. The football is ______(udrne )the desk. 回答问题

1. Where is the toy bear?________________________________________________ 2. Where is the doll? ________________________________________________ 3. Where are the balloons? ______________________________________________ 4. Where is the football? _______________________________________________

12.Read and judge. 5%

Look, my family is playing in the park. My brother is climbing trees. My sister is swinging. My mother is sitting on the bench. My father is running. I’m flying a kite.. My grandfather and grandmother are walking.

1. My friends is playing in the park. Yes No 2. My mother is sitting under the tree. Yes No 3. My sister is swinging. Yes No 4. My grandfather and grandmother is fishing. Yes No 5. My father is dancing. Yes No 13. Write a short passage. (at least 40 words) 5%

What do you see on the playground


brother on the slide




1. Hello, What’s your name?1%

2. Make some sentences(用7个介绍造句)3% 3. 书本12页

What is he doing?……3%

4. Make some sentences(there is, there are)1% 5.900句 2%


9.Who’s the boy green ? He’s my brother A. in B. on C. with

10.desks .

A. am B. are C. is

11.wall .

A. of ; on B. of ; in C. of ; under

12.There a desk and some chairs over there .

A. is B. are C. am

13.There any pictures on the wall .

A. are B. aren’t C. isn’t

14.There a pair of shoes behind the door .

A. is B. are C. am

15.What’s near the window ? .



1.There i any juice in the bottle .

2.There is some b on the plate

3.Are there any h near your school ?

4.I can’t find my f , Where is he ?

5.H are some crayons for you .

6.How m umbrellas are there behind the bed 7.There is a girl u the big tree .

8.He l the new house very much .

9.Is there a dog b the door ? Yes , there is 10.四.按要求改写句子

1.There are some books on the desk . (改为一般疑问句2.There are 40 teachers in my school . (对画线部分提


3.I can see four windows in the room . (对画线部分提


4.There is a toilet in the park . (对画线部分提问)

5.There are four apples on the plate . (对画线部分提


6.The park is behind my house . (对画线部分提问)

7.There isn’t any water in my glass .(改写成肯定句8.Here is a chair for you .(改写成复数句)

9.These are some English books .(改写成单数句)

10.The rabbit in the black hat looks very happy . (对



1. A: Hi , this is our school .

B: there a big reading room ?

A: , there isn’t . There is small .

B: Shall we and have a .

A: OK .

2. A: Look the picture . Where’s the doll B: telephone the desk .

A: How nice !

3. A: there a park near your house ?

B: Yes . It’s a small , but a of flowers and trees .

A: Are there swings ?

B: Yes . And there’s a slide , .

A: Shall we and there .

( )3. I can see many ______________.

A. police B. policemans C. policemen

( )4. What _____________ your parents __________?

A. do, do B.does, do C. do, does

( )5. My _________is __________us English now.

A. teacher, teaching B. teachers, teaching teachers, teaches

( )6. My mother is a ___________ . She ___________ stories.

A. writer, write B.writer, writing C. writer, ( )7.My father is a ______ .He likes ____ sick A. doctor, help B . doctor, helps C. doctor, ( )8. __________she ?????? sweets?.

A.Can, make B.Does, makes C. Are, making

( )9. What _______your sister _______?

A. do, do B. do, does C. does, do

( )10. Su Hai’s parents are _______.

A. cooks, B.cookers C. cookes

( )11. Is your mother a worker?

Yes, she is. She ____ sweets.

A.makes B. make C. making

( )12. My father is a doctor, He usually ___ at A. cooks B. works C working

( )13. Who’s the man _____?

A. with big ears B. with a big ears C. in big ears

( )14. What’s that _____ the tree? It’s a cat.

A. in B. on C. at

( )15.In ,we call a policeman a cop.

A.US B. the US C. the UK


1、long, who’s, woman, the, with, hair (?)

2、me, nurse, a, you, excuse, are (?)

3、that, is, your, boy, brother (?)

4、in, boy, tree, the, who, the, is (?)

5、what, do, father, does, your (?)


( )1.What’s your sister job? She’ A B C

篇五:英语短文:Brother of Jesus(耶稣的兄弟)

英语短文:Brother of Jesus(耶稣的兄弟)

In October 2002, the Biblical Archaeology Society announced a discovery which could provide historical evidence for the existence of Jesus. An inscription had been found on an ancient bone box (ossuary) that reads "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus." If authentic, this container provides the only new Testament-era mention of the central figure of Christianity and is the first-ever archaeological discovery to corroborate biblical references to Jesus. This June, the Discovery Channel followed the story of the unearthing in Israel of this ancient ossuary, providing viewers with new information about the discovery of this historic relic and raising questions about Jesus' family life.

According to one of the world's leading specialist in ancient inscriptions, Andre Lemaire of the Sorbonne University in Paris, the Aramaic words etched on the box's side show a cursive form of writing used only from about 10 to 70 AD. Ancient inscriptions are typically found on royal monuments or on lavish tombs, commemorating rulers and other official figures. But Jesus, who was raised by a carpenter, was a man of the people, so finding documentation of his family is unexpected. The find is also significant in that it corroborates the existence of Joseph, Jesus' father, and James, Jesus' brother and a leader of the early Christian church in Jerusalem. The family relationships contained on the ossuary helped experts uncover that the inscription very likely refers to the biblical James, brother of Jesus. Although all three names were common in ancient times, the statistical probability of their appearing in that combination is extremely slim. In addition, the mention of a brother is unusual, indicating that this Jesus must have been a well-known figure. 耶稣的兄弟

2002年10月,圣经考古学会宣布一项发现,可能提供了耶稣确实存在人世的历史证据。在一个古代的藏骨柜上发现了以下的镌刻文字:“雅名,约瑟之子,耶稣的兄弟”。如果属实,这座藏骨柜将是“新约时代”首度提及这位基督世界的中心人物,也是第一个能证实圣经提及之耶稣事迹的考古发现。今年6月,Discovery频道追踪了这座古代藏骨棺在以色列的出土过程,提供观众有关发现这个历史遗物的新资讯,也对耶稣的家庭生活提出了新的疑问。 根据世界上首屈一指的碑铭研究家,巴黎索邦大学的李梅尔教授表示,刻在藏骨棺旁边的阿拉姆文字,是以一种仅在西元10到70年间使用的草写方式完成的。一般来说,古代铭文常在皇室纪念碑或奢华的陵墓中发现,用来纪念统治者或其他官方人物。但是耶稣生长在木匠之家,属一介平民,因此能够发现他家族的文字记载,实在出人意料。这项发现的重要性还在于它证实了耶稣的父亲约瑟以及兄弟雅各的存在,雅各也是早期耶路撒冷基督教的领袖。记载于藏骨棺上的家庭关系有助于专家确定,此铭文极可能与圣经中耶稣的兄弟雅各脱不了关系。虽然这三个名字在古时候都很普遍,但统计机率显示,三个名字同时出现于父子三人组合的机会微乎其微。此外,在铭文中提到某人的兄弟是很不寻常的,此举表示这位耶稣必然曾是一位知名人物。


inscription // n.铭文,碑文

authentic // adj.真实的,可靠的

corroborate // v.证实,确认

biblical // adj.圣经的,圣经中的

reference // n.提及,涉及

unearthing // n.发现,出土

etch // v.蚀刻 typically // adv.典型地,一般地 commemorate // v.庆祝,纪念 unexpected // adj.意外的,突如其来的 significant // adj.有意义的,重要的 slim // adj.渺茫的
