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篇一:Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather

一、 重点词语:

4. go climbing mountains / shopping / swimming 5. quite = very 很,相当 6. come back to life 复苏,复活 7. 名词转化为形容词:hope – hopeful care – careful 8. from December to February 从十二月到二月 9. fall off 落下;掉落 10. weather report 天气预报 11. a hopeful season 一个充满希望的季节 the harvest season丰收的季节 12. come after 紧跟其后 13. get warmer and warmer 变得越来越暖和 14. make dinner 做饭 make tea 泡茶 make faces 做鬼脸 make friends 交朋友 make wishes 许愿 make a mistake 犯错误 make a noise 制作噪音 make a sentence 造句 make sure 确信 make dumplings 包饺子 二、重点句型:

1. What’s the weather like today? = How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样? It looks like rain. = It looks like raining. 看起来好像要下雨。 2. Which season is the warmest / hottest / coolest / coldest in the year? 一年里哪个季节最暖和;最热;最凉快;最冷? 3. Sometimes it rains quite heavily / hard. 有时候雨下得很大。 4. It’s a good time to swim. 它是游泳的好时节。 It’s a good season for hiking. 它是去远足的好季节。 It’s a good time / season to do something. 它是做某事的好时间;好季节。 5. Do you like summer? Yes, but I like winter better. 你喜欢夏天吗?是的,但是我更喜欢冬天。 Which do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter? I like summer best. 你最喜欢哪个,春,夏,秋,还是冬?我最喜欢夏。

Like…better 更喜欢… like…best 最喜欢… 6. I like spring best. = My favorite ( season ) is spring. 我最喜欢的季节是春天。 7. What’s the weather like today? How was the weather yesterday? What will the weather be like tomorrow? 今天天气怎么样?昨天天气怎么样?明天天气怎么样?

8. It’s nice and warm. 今天挺暖和的。 Nice and …; good and … 可用来加强语气,意为“很,挺”。如: nice and cold 很冷 nice and far 很远 9. It’s better today than yesterday. 今天的天气比昨天更好。 10. The weather gets warmer and warmer. 天气变得越来越暖和。 get 变得。如:get cold 变冷;get thin 变瘦 比较级and比较级意为“越来越…”,如:

taller and taller, 越来越高; heavier and heavier,越来越重 11. The cold weather is coming. 寒冷的天气马上就要来了。 12. It lasts from December to February. 它从十二月持续到二月。 13. The newspaper says it’ll be sunny tomorrow. 据报纸报道明天将会是晴天。 14. The farmers are busy harvesting. 农民们忙着收割庄稼。 be busy doing something = be busy with something 忙着做某事 I am busy doing my job. = I am busy with my job. 我忙着我的工作。 三、语法学习:

1. 形容词的最高级: 单音节词和少数双音节词:

(1)一般情况下加-est,如:coldest, tallest

(2)以“e”结尾的词,加-st,如:nicest, finest

(3)以辅音字母+y结尾的词,先变y为i,再加-est,如:busiest, heaviest

(4)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写末尾辅音字母,再加-est,如:biggest, hottest

多音节词在前面加most,如:most beautiful, most dangerous


What’s the weather like in summer? It often rains. Sometimes it rains quite heavily. How is the weather in winter? It’s better than yesterday. Which season do you like best, spring, summer, fall, or winter? Which season is the coldest in a year? What do you think of the weather today? What’s the temperature? It’s 35℃. Topic2 The summer holidays are coming. 一、 重点词语:

1. the summer / winter holiday 暑假;寒假 2. talk about 谈论到,谈及 3. holiday plans 假日计划 4. want to go 想去 want to do something = would like to do something 想做某事 hope to do something 希望做某事 plan to do something 计划做某事 5. around the country 环绕国家 6. take pictures / photos of 给…照相 7. the local people / food 当地人;当地食物 8. places of interest 名胜古迹 9. celebrate something with somebody 和某人一起庆祝某事 10. get together with somebody 和某人聚会在一起 11. go on a trip去旅游 make one’s trip 旅行 make a holiday 度假 go for a holiday 去度假 be on holiday = go on holiday 在度假 take a holiday = have a holiday 休假 12. have a good time = have a great time = have a wonderful time = have a nice time = have fun 玩得很高兴 13. on the beach 在Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather topic1 What’s the weather like today?

海滩上 14. tell somebody something about something 告诉某人一些事情关于某个事物 15. the best time 最佳时间

16. enter someone’s home 进入某人家里 17. take off your shoes 脱鞋子 18. go out 出去 go back 回去 19. point to 指着 20. eat with your left hand 用左手吃东西 21. Muslin countries 穆斯林国家 22. touch somebody on someplace 触摸某人的某个部位 23. make the OK sign 做个好了的手势 24. arrive on time 按时到达 25. a little later晚一点

26. pass something to somebody 传递某物给某人 二、重点句型:

1. The summer holidays are coming. 暑假要来了。 2. I hope to get together with my old friends. 我希望和我的老朋友在一起。 3. Each of us has a good plan for the holidays. 我们每个人都有一个很好的假期计划。 4. Before you go on a trip, what will you pack for it? 你去度假以前,要打包准备些什么? 5. It sounds really interesting and exciting. 它听起来相当有趣和令人激动。 6. Different countries have different customs. 不同的国家有不同的风俗。 7. You shouldn’t eat with your left hand. 你不能用左手吃东西。 8. You mustn’t point to anything with your foot. 你千万不要用脚指东西。 9. Guess what I bought for you! 猜猜我为你买了什么! 三、语法学习:

1. 一般过去时的特殊疑问句: How was you trip? It was wonderful. How did you make your trip? By plane. What places did you visit? We visited some famous temples. When did you come back? I came back yesterday. Where did you go on a trip? To Australia. Why did you watch TV? Because I wanted to watch tennis games. Whom did you live with? My parents. 2. 情态动词should和shouldn’t的用法: What places should I visit in Yunnan? You should visit Dali and Lijiang and you shouldn’t miss Xishuangbanna. When you enter someone’s home, you should take off your shoes. 四、交际用语:谈论旅游和风俗。

Where do you want to go for you holiday? I’m going to travel around the country and take pictures of the local people. When you travel in other countries, you’d better know the customs of the country. How was your trip? It was wonderful. How did you go to Tibet? By plane. How long were you there? I was there for five days. When did you come here? I came back yesterday. What’s the best time to go there? Topic3 Let’s celebrate! 一、 重点词语:

4. give each other presents 互赠礼物 5. dress up 盛装打扮,乔装打扮 6. the most important 最重要 7. stay up 熬夜 8. gaze at 观看 9. get dark 变黑 10. have a family get-together 举行家庭聚会 11. prepare for 为…做准备 12. go trick-or-treating 去玩“是恶作剧还是请客” 13. knock on 敲打 14. play tricks on somebody 捉弄某人 15. enjoy doing something 享受做某事 16. be in bed 入睡 17. send…to 把…送到…;寄… 18. colored lights / candles 彩灯;彩烛 19. on Christmas Eve 在圣诞节前夜 20. lunar May 5th 农历五月五 21. hold dragon boat races 举行龙舟赛 22. eat rice dumplings 吃粽子 23. the birthday of China 中国的生日

24. the capital city of China 中国的首都城市 25. Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场 26. watch the national flag go up 观看升国旗 27. a seven-day holiday 七天的假期


1. People in many countries celebrate Christmas and give each other presents. 很多国家的人庆祝圣诞节和互赠礼物。 2. What other special festivals do we have? 我们有别的什么特殊的节日吗? 3. On this day people eat mooncakes and enjoy gazing at the full moon. 在这一天人们吃月饼赏月。 What do you mean by trick-or-treat? 你所说的“trick-or-treat”是什么意思? It the neighbors don’t give them candies they will play tricks on them.如果邻居不给他们糖果,他们将会捉弄他们。 Everyone is all smiles. 大家都笑容满面。 They must be from Santa Claus! 他们一定来自圣诞老人。 Before Christmas, I sent many Christmas cards to my friends. 圣诞节之前,我给朋友们寄了很多圣诞节贺卡。 三、语法学习:由when, before, after引导的时间状语从句。

When it snows, the ground is white with snow and I can make snowmen. When you travel in other countries, you should know the customs of the country. Before the Chinese New Year, many Chinese families burn the pictures of kitchen god, Zao Shen, to bring good luck. Parents also enjoy eating their children’s trick-or-treat candies after the children are in bed. 四、交际用语:学习中外节日。

Children dress up in strange clothes and play tricks. On Spring Festival, Chinese people celebrate and perform lion and dragon dances. Thank you for your Christmas cards!

篇二:Lesson 52 How Is the Weather Today

Lesson 52 How Is the Weather Today ?教案 小章中学 王湘灵 Target language 目标语言

1. Words and phrases 生词和短语

sun, wind, cloud, rain, snow, day, blow, leaf

2. Key sentences 重点句子

What day is it today / tomorrow?

It’s Tuesday, October 27th.

How is the weather today?

Is it snowy / windy / sunny?

Ability goals 能力目标

Enable students to talk about weather and what day it is. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help students learn how to describe the weather and how to answer “What day is it?” correctly.

Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点 How to describe the weather.

Teaching methods 教学方法

Speaking and Competition.

Teaching aids 教具准备

Pictures, cards, a Chinese calendar and tape recorder.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Lead-in

Ask several Ss who are good at drawing to draw “the sun, rain, cloud, wind, leaves, snow” on the Bb. (If Ss can’t understand you, maybe you can say them in Chinese.) Then:

T: (Point to the picture of the sun.) This is the sun. (Write it in the middle of the Bb. Ss read it.) The sun is hot. How is the weather?

Ss: It’s sunny.

T: Is it hot?

Ss: Yes, it is.

T: (Point to the picture of the wind.) This is wind. (Write it in the middle of the Bb.)The wind is blowing the tree’s leaves. (Have Ss repeat them.) How is the weather?

Ss: It’s windy.

T: Is it cool?

Ss: Yes, it is.

Learn the words “rain, cloud, snow” with the same way.

Pay attention to: (n.—adj.)

Sun — sunny; wind — windy; rain — rainy; snow — snowy; cloud — cloudy.

The last five words all end with “y”.

Step II Presentation

Show some pictures on the screen one by one. Ss make up dialogues in pairs.

S1: Look at the snow! How is the weather?

S2: It’s snowy / cold.

S1: Is it cold / snowy?

S2: Yes, it is.

S3: Look at the cloud! How is the weather?

S4: It’s cloudy. (Maybe Ss can say it’s going to rain.)

S3: Is it windy?

S4: No, but it’s cool.

Step III Vocabulary practice

T: Look at Ex. 1 (c) on Page 69. Here are five sentences with blanks. Fill in the blanks with the words given.

Students work alone to fill in the blanks. When they’ve finished, ask some students to read these sentences. Correct any mistakes they may have. Then let students make their own sentences with these words.

Step IV Presentation

At first, Ss review days of the week together.

Then show Ss a Chinese calendar.

T: Look here! What is the date today?

Ss: It’s December 15th.

T: What day is it today? (Write it on the Bb and explain it to the class. Help Ss to answer it with “It is……”)

Ss: It’s Thursday.

T: Good. What day is it today? It’s Thursday, December 15th. Is it windy today?

Ss: No, it isn’t.

T: Is it cloudy?

Ss: No, it isn’t.

T: How is the weather today?

Ss: It’s fine /sunny today.

T: What day was it yesterday?

Ss: It was Wednesday, December 14th. (Remind them to pay attention to “was”.)

T: How was the weather yesterday?

Ss: It was rainy.

Pay attention to the answer with the correct day of the week, then the month and the ordinal number.

Ss practise it with the calendar. They present it to the whole class: S1: What day is it?

S2: It is Monday, May 18th.

S3: What day is it?

S4: It is Friday, August 26th.

Step V Competition

What day is it?

It’s a game to review days of the week, months and ordinal numbers. Put your cards for numbers (not ordinals) from one to thirty-one, months of the years and days of the week in the front of the class. Divide the class into two teams. Ask for a volunteer from each team. The volunteer from Team 1 indicates, in any order, a month, a day of the week and a number. This volunteer then asks “What day is it?” The volunteer from Team 2 tries to answer with the correct day of the week, then the month and the ordinal number. Two more volunteers come forward.

Keep score. Give a point for each part of the answer that is correct and another point for putting all parts of the answer in the correct order (for a maximum of four points).

Step VI Reading

Play the audiotape. Let Ss read after it.

Language points:

1. The wind is blowing the tree’s leaves.

leaves 是leaf 的复数形式。 英语中以f, fe 结尾的名词变复数时,

篇三:仁爱版七年级下册Unit 8 The Seasons and

how was the weather

the WeatherTopic1

篇四:七年级英语下册 Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather Topic 1教学设计、

Unit 8 Topic 1 Section A 教案设计

The main activities are 1a and 3.本课重点活动是la和3。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标

1. Learn the words of seasons and the words describing the weather and activities: weather, spring, summer, fall, winter, warm, season, cold, rain, snow, fly kites, swimming, climb hills, make a snowman 2. Learn how to describe weather: What’s the weather like in summer? It’s hot. We can go swimming. How is the weather in fall?

It is cool. It’s a good time to climb hills.

3. Learn to use the comparative and superlative forms to express preference about seasons:

I like spring better.

Which season do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter? I think I like summer best. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具

四张教学挂图。每张的上方分别标有春、夏、秋、冬四个英语单词。挂图背面标有暖、热、凉、冷四个英语单词,下方有fly kites ,swimming, climb hills, make a snowman 短语。 挂图背面的下方为四季活动的图片。图与词应是相对应的。作为教学挂图的纸张应为纸板式,有一定硬度。

Step1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟)

1.(师生互动问好导入复习呈现。) T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning, teacher.

T: What day is it today? Ss: It’s Tuesday.

T: So we will learn a new section today. But first I would like to know the date today.

2.(找一学生协助导入复习。) T: What’s the date today? S2: It’s June 11th. (找学生2。)

T: When were you born? Ss: September 21st. (找学生3。)

T: What’s the 11th month of the year? S3: November.


T: There are twelve months in a year. But there are four seasons in a year, too. Look at the blackboard. What are the four seasons? Listen to 1a, find the answers and tell me. (导入下步。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 10分钟)

1. T: Now, tell me the answers. Ss: Spring, summer, fall and winter.


T: Listen to the tape again, finish lb, try to find the words describing the


April May 1 June July August 2

September October November 3

December January February 4



T: Can you find the words describing the weather? Ss: Yes.

T: What are they?

Ss: They are warm, hot, cool and cold. 3.(学生模仿录音机发音,老师板书,纠正。)

T: Listen to the tape for the third time. Find the sentences of doing activities. Ss: All right.

4.(放完录音,师生商讨核对答案,然后老师板书重点句型在黑板上。) T: What are your answers?

Ss: I like swimming in the river.

It’s a good time to climb hills. We can make a snowman in winter.

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)

1.(小组活动。一边看课本Page 77的四幅图画,两人互问互答,熟练掌握句型。学生重点操练句型,除了黑板上呈现的外,还有以下。) What’s the It’s warm.

How is the weather in fall? It’s cool.


Step 4 Practice第四步练习(时间: 10分钟)


T: Listen to 2, complete the chart.

T: Here are the answers, please check it.

2.(学生两人对话,仿照4,表达自己对季节的喜好和原因。) T: Work in pairs. Follow the example to make a dialog. 3.(完成3。)

T: Listen to 3, read and find Kangkang’s and Jane’s favorite season. And why? (学生听,读,找答案。) T: Now, tell me your answers.


S: Jane likes summer best. Because she likes swimming very much. Kangkang’s favorite season is winter. Because when it snows, the ground is white with snow and he can make snowmen. He likes doing that very much.

4.(四人小组活动。讨论自己最喜欢的季节及原因。并且需要对本季节的天气进行描述。) T: Now, work in four. Discuss about your favorite season. Describe the weather and your favorite activities.


S1: I like spring best. It is warm. I can go hiking. I like hiking very much. S2: My favorite season is winter. It is cold. It is not very cold. It often snows in winter. All is white. I like white. I like making snowmen with snow. S3: I like summer better. It is hot. It is not cold. I can go swimming in the river. I like swimming very much.

S4: I like fall better. It is cool, not very hot and not very cold. I can go climbing mountains. That’s my favorite activity.

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 15分钟)

1.(班级比赛活动。全班分成男、女两组。每组一?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我蝗恕L舫鲎约鹤钕不兜募窘?取出相应的教学挂图,藏在身后,不让对方看到。然后互相猜。猜中了要描述天气和适宜的活动情况。每人有三次机会。猜不中的被淘汰,记零分。最后哪组得分最多,算赢家。) T: Now, Let’s play a game.

Boys are the first group. Girls are the second group. One boy and one girl work in a small group.

They must guess the other’s favorite season, then describe the weather and activities. Each can guess three times. Let’s see which group can be the winner. Example: (第一小组)

A1: Is your favorite season spring? B1: No.

A1: Is your favorite season summer? B1: No.

A1: Is your favorite season fall, either? B1: Yes.

A1: It is cool in fall. It’s a good time to climb mountains. (换过来)

B1: What is your favorite season? Is it winter? A1: No. B1: Is it fall? A1: No.

B1: Is it winter? A1: Yes.

B1: It is cold. We can make a snowman in winter. (第二小组)

A2: Which is your favorite season? Spring or fall? B2: I don’t like spring. I don’t like fall, either. A2: Is it summer?

篇五:How is the weather


1 .复习本节课重点单词。


1.What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样? Today it’s (sunny). 天晴。 2.What was the weather like yesterday? 昨天天气怎么样?

Yesterday it was (snowy). 下雪天。




apartment_____________ department store_____________ museum_____________ skating rink_____________


农场 _____________ 公共汽车站 _____________ 羊 _____________ 交通灯 _____________ 树 _____________

5.Read .


movie theater_____________ ____________ ____________ 马 _____________ 篱笆_____________ 鸡_____________ 鸭子 _____________ 母牛 _____________ restaurant sandals


1.Listen the sentence and choose the word what you hear。

( ) 1. A. comb B. soccer C. clock D. television

( ) 2. A. cousin B. aunt C. uncle D. father

( ) 3. A. farm B. lake C. pond D. fence

( ) 4. A. desert B. ocean C. river D. jungle

( ) 5. A. moon B. star C. hat D. Snow

2.Listen the question then find the right answer。

( ) 1. A. I’m fine, thank you. B. Nice to meet you. C. How do you do?

( ) 2. A. An apple. B. A T-shirt. C. Here you are.

( ) 3. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I do. C. No, thanks.

( ) 4. A. I have to wash dishes. B. She has to do her homework. C. I go to bed.

( ) 5. A. He’s a waiter. B. She’s a doctor. C. He’s a pilot.

3.Listen the short passage and match。

What does Kim do at 4 o’clock in the afternoon?

eats lunch.

She sometimes does her homework. She never plays games.

4.Listen to where the animals live and circle.


1. lion deer 2. whale crocodile 3. camel penguin

4. ostrich polar bear

5.Listen to the weather report. Then circle the correct words.

1. The weather yesterday was hot rainy. 2. The weather today is sunny cloudy.

3. Today you don’t need an umbrella sunglasses.

4. You can wear a hat and coat sunglasses and shorts.


一、 把单词写到正确的图片下面,然后根据下面的表格,完成下面


2. What _____ the weather like __________? It ______ _________yesterday.

3. _______ was the weather like on __________? On Tuesday, it was ________.

4. _______ was the weather on Wednesday? _____ was _________ on Wednesday.

5. _________________________ Monday? On Monday, ___________________.


反义词: dry ---- ________ hot ---- ________

写英文:多云的________ 有雨的________有雪的________有风的________


1.What season is it now?

_________ __________________. 2.What’s the weather like? 3.What is Agnes wearing now?

________________________________________. 4.Do you like this season? Why?


1. What season is it now? ___________________________. 2. How’s the weather? _________________________.

3. What does Agnes wear in this season?

