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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 12:25:36 体裁作文

篇一:Figure legends

Figure legends

Fig.1. CCL exposure impaired hippocampus-dependent spatial memory in the MWM task. (A) Locomotor activity rhythm was disrupted by CCL exposure in the open field test compared with CTL rats. (B) CCL rats showed shorter escape latency during training day 1 – 2. (C) CCL rats spent less time in the target quadrant in the retrieval test. (D) CCL exposure did not influence the visible platform learning. (E) CCL exposure did not influence working memory in the MWM. (F) Jumping

behaviours/rat (jump back into the pool when they have escaped on the hidden

platform during the training day). Data are mean ± SEM. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 CCL vs. CTL rats. Fig.2. CCL exposure reduced stress response. (A) CCL exposure reduced thigmotaxis behavior on training day 1 – 3 in the MWM compared with CTL rats. (B) CCL rats spent more time in the open arms than CTL rats in the elevated-plus maze test. (C) CCL rats made more frequent entries to open arm than CTL rats. Data are mean ± SEM. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 CCL vs. CTL rats.

Fig.3. CCL exposure influenced hippocampal LTD. (A) CCL exposure failed to induce LTD measured 50 – 60 min after low frequency stimulation (LFS, bar, 1 Hz) (p > 0.05 vs. baseline),while short-term depression (within 30 min after LFS) was significantly smaller in CCL rats than in control rats (CCL vs. CTL). (B)Additional acute elevated platform stress enabled LFS to induce LTD in CTL but not in CCL rats (p < 0.01, CCL+EP vs. CTL+EP). All sample traces were taken 10 min after

commencement of baseline recording and 55 min after stimulation protocol. Calibration: 0.5 mV, 10 ms.

Fig.4. CCL exposure impaired L-LTP in the hippocampus CA1 region. (A)

Input–output curve for the fEPSP amplitude remained unchanged after CCL exposure. The stimulus intensity is controlled by Scope Software in mV to trigger a stimulus isolator to output the corresponding currents in mA. (B)E-LTP is similar between the CTL and CCL rats induced by 3 bursts of theta-burst stimulation (TBS). (C) 12 bursts of TBS evoked L-LTP in CCL slices (CCL, filled circles) that decayed to baseline after 3-h but evoked L-LTP in CTL slices (CTL, open circles) that endured for at least 3-h.

Fig.5. The role of D1/D5 receptors in CCL exposure induced impairment of L-LTP.

(A)Pairing 12 bursts of TBS with SCH23390 application rescues the impairment of L-LTP in CCL rats (Sch, filled circles). (B)SCH23390 or SKF38393 application alone respectively has no long-lasting effects on synaptic strength. (C)Pairing 12 bursts of TBS with SKF38393 application further impaired L-LTP in CCL rats (Skf, filled circles). (D)Summary histogram. **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05 vs. CCL.

Fig.6. The role of D1/D5 receptors in L-LTP of CTL rats. (A)Pairing 12 bursts of TBS with SCH23390 (1μm) application impaired L-LTP in CTL rats (Sch, filled circles). (B)Pairing 3 bursts of TBS with SKF38393 (25μm) converts E-LTP to L-LTP in CTL rats (Skf, filled circles).

Fig.7. CCL increased locomotor activity (means ± SEM) in an open field test.

(A)CCL rats traveled a longer distance than CTL rats. **p < 0.01, CCL versus CTL rats. (B) Vertical rears in an open field. **p < 0.01 CCL versus CTL rats.

篇二:浅谈SCI论文中Figure legends的写作要求

浅谈SCI论文中Figure legends的写作要求

1、 Figure Legends的写作应严格按照期刊要求,如有的期刊要求另页双行打印,位置在表格或参考文献后面,也就是在论文的最后。Figure legends不要排在插图下面。

2、图序即插图的序号。根据插图在正文中被提及的顺序,用阿拉伯数字进行排序,如Figure 1、Figure 2等,并尽量把图安排在靠近第一次提及它的位置。

3、Figure Legends不应该包含方法细节,或者不超过100个字。如果SCI论文没有方法部分,Figure Legends应该少于300个字。



6、当插图中含箭头、数字、符号或字母时,则要在相应的位置做明确的说明。 此外,在撰写Figure legends时一定要参考期刊的要求,有些期刊对图片数量有一定限制,因此在处理文档时,务必确认好哪些图片是必需放在文章内的,然后整理好Figure legends。























Twelve Steps to Developing Effective Tables and Figures

San Francisco Edit


The purpose of tables and figures is to report data too numerous or complicated to be described adequately in the text and/or to reveal trends or patterns in the data. Tables and figures are critical. If readers go beyond the abstract, they are likely to examine the tables and figures next.

Before writing the first draft of your manuscript, it is important to organize the data you plan to present in the manuscript. By preparing the tables and figures, their titles and legends, and appropriate statistical analyses, you will be certain of your results before you need to interpret them. At this time you will also be able to determine if you have all the data you need. Before writing the first draft, it is important to plan which results answer the questions you posed in your research and which data can be left out.

If you need help beginning, please read our article Twelve Steps in Developing an Effective First Draft at .

1. Decide which results to present, paying attention to whether data are best presented within the text or as tables or figures.

2. Limit the number of tables and figures to those that provide essential information that could not adequately be presented in the text.

3. Include only results which are relevant to the question(s) posed in the introduction, irrespective of whether or not the results support the hypothesis(es).

4. Design each table and figure to be understandable on its own, without reference to the text.

5. Number each figure and table in the order in which they are referred to in the text (figures and tables are numbered separately).

6. Organize the tables and figures in such an order that they tell a story.

7. Check with the targeted journal, but typically tables and figures are located on separate pages that follow the Reference section.

8. Make sure there is no page break in the middle of a table or figure, if the journal wants the tables and figures integrated into the text. Do not wrap text around tables

and figures.

9. Be sure all figures and tables are referenced in the text of the article.

10. Obtain permission from the copyright holder (usually the publisher) and

acknowledge the source, if you are including a table or figure that has already been published.

11. Write the table titles and figure legends in the past tense.

12. Provide information regarding what is presented in the table or figure in the table titles and figure legends, but not a summary or interpretation of the results.


Tables are used to make an article more readable by removing numeric data from the text. Tables can also be used to synthesize existing literature, to explain variables, or to present the wording of survey questions.

1. Create tables with the table function (pull down menu) in Microsoft Word. Do not use tabs.

2. Use column headings and table notes accurately to simplify and clarify the table. In most cases, the meaning of each column should be apparent without reference to the text.

3. Check with the journal, but most journals want the table title and table on the same page, with each table on a separate page in numerical order.


Figures provide visual impact and therefore they are often the best way to

communicate the primary finding. Figures are traditionally used to display trends and group results but can also be used effectively to communicate processes or to display detailed data simply.

1. Label each axis including units of measurement and clearly identify the data you are displaying (e.g. label each line in a graph).

2. Check with the journal, but most want the figure legends listed in numerical order on a separate page and each figure on a separate page in numerical order.

3. Figures should be of high image quality, with minimal pixelization. Check with the journal on which image file type they prefer.

4. Figures are usually in black and white. Color is extremely expensive to publish, and should only be used when it provides unique information.

5. Do not include experimental details in the legend; these details should be included in the methods section.

6. Photographs of subjects should be used only if written, informed consent was obtained prior to the taking of the photograph.

7. Choose the correct figure format: 1) if independent and dependent variables are numeric, line diagrams or scattergrams, 2) if only the dependent variable is numeric, bar graphs, 3) for proportions, bar graphs or pie charts.


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Reports must be no longer than 30,000 characters including spaces, 2 figures and/or tables, but

excluding references. For every figure or table over two, an additional 2,000 characters must be removed from the text. References should include titles

Overview of submission and review process The following is a brief overview of the submission and review process for JBC papers, along with links to the relevant instructions.

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Before preparing the manuscript

Research suitable for submission

Please consult the before preparing your manuscript.

Manuscripts may be declined without a full review if they are clearly inconsistent with these guidelines.

Submitted manuscripts must describe original research not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If related research is in press or under editorial review elsewhere, the abstracts or electronic reprints of these manuscripts should accompany your submission to JBC.

Manuscripts must be written in English, although papers may be submitted by authors from any country. Authors who are not native English speakers may appreciate

assistance with grammar, vocabulary, and style when submitting papers to the JBC. Several companies provide revising, editing, and proofreading services for scientific and medical research documents, including:

Please note that neither the JBC nor ASBMB has used these services and cannot attest to the quality of their work.

Copyright and co-author consent

All listed authors must concur in the submission and the final version must be seen and approved by all authors. All authors must transfer copyright to the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

JBC article types

JBC publishes several types of articles but only two of those can be submitted as an unsolicited manuscript: regular papers and reports. Most articles should be submitted as regular papers.

Reports (formerly known as Accelerated Publications) are concise but complete papers that present information on topics of exceptional novelty, significance, and broad

interest to readers of the JBC. To undergo expedited review and be featured as a report, the quality of an article must fall within the top 5 percent of all articles published in the journal. Reports are not simply short versions of regular papers, and the existence of competing manuscripts under concurrent review is not sufficient to merit report status. Articles that do not meet the criteria for a report may be returned to authors without a full review. Reports must be no longer than 30,000 characters including spaces, 2 figures and/or tables, but excluding references. For every figure or table over two, an additional 2,000 characters must be removed from the text. References should include titles.

Publication charges

JBC announced a new pricing structure, effective January 1, 2013.

ASBMB member publication charges*

Pages: $80 per journal page Color figures: FREE

*Member discount applies if the corresponding author is an ASBMB regular member. Standard (non-member) publication charges

Pages: $90 per journal page

Color figures: $50 per figure

Note on color figures: We encourage authors to use color figures where they will enhance the presentation of the data. Any figure submitted in color will be reviewed and processed with the understanding that the figure will be published in color. Reprints: Pricing is based upon the quantity ordered.

All articles, including NIH-funded ones, are automatically deposited in PubMed Central.

The authors must pay all page and color fees. ASBMB will consider requests for waiver of publication charges if research funds are not available for publication costs. Waiver requests must be made at the time of submission and the request must be co-signed by an institutional official certifying that the authors do not have research funds available for publication costs.

Author Choice option: In addition to the standard publication charges, for the following additional publication fee — $1,500 for ASBM(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:figure,legends)B members and $2,000 for nonmembers — the final version of your manuscript will be released immediately on the publisher’s website and PubMed Central and will be covered under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).

Note: If the Author Choice option is selected after publication, an additional $250 fee applies.


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Preparing manuscript text

Text formatting

Prepare the text in Microsoft Word 6.0 (Word 2001 for Mac) or a later version. Format the manuscript similar to a published JBC paper because, if your manuscript is

accepted, a PDF version of it will be published directly upon acceptance as a Paper in Press. The manuscript should have the approximate appearance and layout shown in the example paper below. Click on the paper below to view the complete example paper.

Formatting requirements: ?


? 8.5-by-11-inch paper size (standard US letter). Single-spaced text throughout. Two-column format for capsule/abstract through discussion sections. Single-column format for

title, references, footnotes, figure legends and tables. Click the image above to see an example. See below for help converting text to columns in Microsoft Word.



? One-inch left and right margins and 0.25-inch spacing between columns. 11-point Times New Roman font. Number all pages, including those with figures. Manuscripts without page numbers will be

returned to authors for correction before review, thereby delaying the review process. Converting text to columns in Microsoft Word:




? Finish writing and editing the text. Select text in the capsule/abstract through discussion sections. Click on ―Format,‖ and then ―Columns‖ from the drop-down menu. Select two columns and equal column width, and then change the spacing to 0.25 inches.

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Text Organization

Order of Sections

Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order:

a. title, author(s), complete name(s) of institution(s) and running title

b. capsule

c. abstract

d. introduction

e. experimental procedures

f. results

g. discussion
