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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 10:34:56 体裁作文



一、单项填空 在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共14分,每小题1分)

( )1. –You look so happy. What has happened?

-- I have got ______ “A” in ________ English test.

A. the; an B. an; the C. the; 不填 D. a; 不填

( )2. He used ________ on the right in China, but he soon got used _______ on the left in


A. to drive; to drive B. to drive; driving

C. to driving; to drive D. to drive; to driving

( )3. Another organization will be _________ to help the poor people around the world.

A. set up B. put up C. turn up D. cheer up

( )4. The actor in this comedy is ________ to make us all ________.

A. funny enough; laugh B. enough funny; laugh

C. enough funny; to laugh D. funny enough; to laugh

( )5. _______ of the people like to live in the ______ hotel because it’s too expensive.

A. Few; five-stars B. A few; five stars’

C. A few; five-star D. Few; five-star

( )6. The sign ______, “Keep quiet!” Why are you still _____ so loudly?

A. reads; speaking B. is said; talking C. says; talking D. is read; telling

( )7. Mr. Wu _____ this Maths problem ______ him many times, but he still doesn’t

understand it.

A. explains; to B. have explained; for C. explained; with D. has explained; to

( )8. -- Did you hear that we would have ________ teaching building ________? --Really? I’m happy to hear that.

A. another; to be built B. the other; to building

C. another; built D. other; built

( )9. It’s humorous_______ you to tell funny jokes to those_______ teenagers.

A. of; lonely B. of; alone C. for; alone D. for; lonely

( )10. What is your father arguing _____ your brother _______?

A. with; with B. with; / C. with; about D. about; /

( )11. -- 80% of our work ______ finished.

-- Really? It's ______ hard work, you know.

A. have been; such B. has been; such C. has; such a D. is; so

( )12. --That black T-shirt with Yao Ming’s picture on it ________belong to David. He admires

him a lot.

--No, it _____ be his. He hates black colour.

A. must, can’t B. may, can’t C. can, mustn’t D. must, mustn’t

( )13. She was so angry at ______ he was doing ______ she walked out without saying a


A. that; what B. what; that C. that; that D. what; what

( )14. -- Thank you for helping us paint the room.

-- __________.

A. That’s right B. With pleasure C. My pleasure D. All right

二、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共10分,每小题1分)

When you write a letter or make a telephone call, your words carry a message. People you put up your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to something or ask questions. When you your head, people know you are saying no. When you nod,

Other things can also give some information. For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take . A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you go. Have you that there are a lot of signs drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books, magazines, TV and radios and films all help us to communicate with other people. They all help

( )1. A. by B. with C. from D. without

( )2. A. sad B. glad C. modest D. brave

( )3. A. speak B. read C. talk D. say

( )4. A. shake B. cover C. hold D. raise

( )5. A. no B. hello C. yes D. nothing

( )6. A. which B. where C. how D. what

( )7. A. even B. ever C. once D. never

( )8. A. accept B. see C. send D. receive

( )9. A. scientist B. engineer C. artist D. director

( )10. A. what B. which C. that D. who

三、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 (本大题共26分,每小题2分)


( )1. Amanda has to get to school before 7:00 this morning. On her way to school, where can

she buy her breakfast?

A. At Papa Marko’s. B. At Apple Tree Bakery.

C. At Good Taste Fast Food. D. At Winnie’s Sandwich Club.

( )2. Yesterday was Amanda’s eleventh birthday. Her parents took her to Winnie’s Sandwich

Club for dinner. How much did they spend?

A. $300. B. $360. C. $480. D. $540.

( )3. Amanda can go to any place for lunch on Sundays except ____________.

A. Papa Marko’s. B. Apple Tree Bakery.

C. Good Taste Fast Food. D. Winnie’s Sandwich Club.


There are many idioms(习语) in English that are about animals. Today let’s chat a little about some of the idioms about dogs that make English language fun and colorful.

We love dogs, they are our best friends. When you first started to learn English, your teacher might teach you a number of phrases about dogs, such as: “you are a lucky dog,” “I’m dog tired,” “every dog has its day,” or “our team was the underdog but won the first place at last.”

When I first got into high school, my English teacher used the idiom “dog-ear”, which interested me very much. This word can be used as a noun, a verb, and an adjective as well. As a noun, it means a turned-down(折叠的) corner of a page as a bookmark. As a verb, it means someone makes a bookmark by turning down the corner of a page in the book. And as an adjective, the word describes an old book with many broken pages. Examples:

John made a dog-ear(noun) of the page he was reading before closing the book.

Jane was reading a book; when the telephone rang, she dog-eared(verb) the page before answering the phone.

In the old room, the children found some dog-eared (adjective) books left there for more than 30 years.

The idiom “dog-ear” gives a lively image of a page being turned down like a curled(卷起的) dog ear, but some dogs don’t have curled ears; rather, they have pointed(竖起的) ears.

( )4. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Idioms about colors. B. Idioms about history.

C. Idioms about animals. D. Idioms about dogs.

( )5. How many idioms about dogs are mentioned in this passage?

A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

( )6. Which of the following statements is Not true about the meaning of the idiom “dog-ear”?

A. It means a turned-down corner of a page as a bookmark.

B. It means someone makes a bookmark by turning down the corner of a page in the book.

C. It means an old book with many broken pages.

D. It means something is short and small like a dog’s ear.


Acting is a very crowded profession(职业) and the only advice to a young person thinking of going onto the stage is “Don’t!”. But still lots of young people would like to go, although very few

of them will become famous. The normal way to begin is to go to a drama school. Usually only very talented students are accepted, and the course lasts two years. Then the young actor or actress usually works with a show company as an assistant(助理). This means doing everything in the theatre: painting, looking after the actors, taking care of the costumes, and even acting in very small parts. It is hard work indeed; the hours are long and the pay is poor. But young actors who are crazy about acting are happy, waiting for the chance of work with a better company, or perhaps in films or on television.

Of course, some people have great chances and they just succeed without this long and hard training. Connie Parrat, for example, was just a next-door girl working in a bicycle factory. A film producer happened to see her one morning at a bus stop as he drove past in his big car. He stopped and got out to speak to the girl. He asked her if she would like to go to the film studio to do a test. At first she thought he was joking, and then she got angry and said she would call the police. It took the producer twenty minutes to convince(使……相信) Connie that he was serious. Then she went to the studio the next day. The test was successful. They gave her speech lessons and within a few weeks she was playing the lead role opposite one of the most famous actors of ( )7. Which word can best describe Connie Parrat according to her experience?

A.Lucky. B. Beautiful. C. Successful. D. Famous.

( )8. If we say “something happens once in a blue moon”, it must be very _________.

A. strange B. rare C. interesting D. common

( )9. What fact is NOT provided in the passage?

A. Too many people dream to become actors or actresses.

B. A drama school usually offers a 2-year training courses.

C. Not all people can achieve success without hard work.

D. Young actors often complain about being badly paid.


Chris is not a traditional explorer(探险家)—he usually works in an office for a large organization. However, Chris’ job can be just as exciting and dangerous as being an explorer.

Chris works for MSF, an organization also known as Doctors Without Border(国界). Since 1971, MFS has sent trained doctors all over the world to help people who have suffered from disasters, such as wars and illnesses. Chris is a doctor from France who has traveled to many places to organize programs that help people.

At the moment, over 27,000 trained doctors have taken part in MSF projects. The organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. All kinds of doctors can volunteer for MSF. They need to be ready to go almost anywhere in the world and, of course, they should face difficulties. Most of MSF’s work is in Africa. When MSF chooses a doctor for a task, they have to go for at least six months. When doctors have completed a few tasks, they might be sent on an emergency(紧急的) task following a disaster, such as an earthquake.

But why would doctors leave a comfortable life and a good pay to join MSF? According to Chris, the experience they have is a great help in their life. What’s more, just like the explorers of the past, they need to keep an open mind and learn to get on well with the people they meet. One thing that they can say at the end of any task is that they have made a real difference to people’s lives.

( )10. What may MSF’s work be like?

A. Tiring and boring B. Exciting and dangerous

C. Relaxing and colorful D. Peaceful and comfortable

( )11 As a volunteer doctor for MSF, he or she should ________.

A. have worked in Africa for six months

B. have been sent on an emergency task

C. be ready to work for a task for at least half a year

D. have suffered from wars, illnesses or other disasters

( )12. Why would doctors like to join MSF?

A. Because they can help others and get experience.

B. Because they can have a comfortable life.

C. Because they can get a good pay.

D. Because they can travel abroad with their families.

( )13. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. MSF offers medical help to people who have suffered from disasters.

B. MSF received the Nobel Peace Prize for helping poor countries.

C. Volunteer doctors make a real difference to their own lives in MSF.

D. Chris is a doctor who has organized programs to help people.

第二卷 (主观题 共40分)



1. The scientists have done a lot of __________ (研究) to reduce the air pollution.

2. My mother bought some ___________(牙刷) in the supermarket last Friday. They are nice.

3. It is ________ (明智)to bring a mobile phone with you than to bring a map with you.

4. All the students take an __________ (积极的) part in the sunshine sport activities.


5. He will be sent to England this summer for ________ ( far ) studies.

6. Most of the people in the south live ________ ( most ) on rice.

7. He has been _________( wake ) for half an hour, but he has not got up yet.

8. Where’s Mr Smith? He’s gone to the ________(dentist ).

六、动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)

(rise) in the east.

2. We can never follow the fashion because it ___________ (change) so quickly all the time.

3. Everyone knows that the disabled mustn’t __________ (laugh) at.

4. People thanked the soldiers for the things they had done to prevent fires________(make) the environment safer.

(chat) with his son while his wife was cooking in the kitchen.

6. -- When will we go to watch the basketball match in the sports centre?

-- Not until the work ________ (finish) tomorrow.

7. Sam, it’s the third time that you __________ (forget) to bring your Math book.

8. As soon as the ORBIS doctors ___________ (get) on the plane, they performed an operation on the patient at once.

七、短文填空 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容和所给字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。所填单词必须在横线上完整写出。(本大题共5分,每格0.5分)

After the serious earthquake happened in March, 2011 in Japan, a father rushed to his son’s where his son studied had fallen down and looked like a pancake. He was shocked and didn’, then he remembered the words he


Dog(狗),常指人,好人坏人都可以。不过,狗在英语中大多数场合是褒义词,反映英语国家的文化心理,他们视狗为可爱的同伴,人类最好的朋友,如as faithful as a dog就是用来形容人的忠诚。可用来形容值得同情信赖的人,如help a dog over a still(助人度过难关)。


You are a lucky dog.你真是个幸运儿。

Every dog has his day.凡人都有得意时。

Love me ,love my dog.爱屋及乌。

David works like a dog. David工作真卖劲儿。

Your partner is a dirty dog.你的合伙人是个卑鄙小人。 He is really a dead dog.他是个没用的东西。

Teach an old dog 班门弄斧。

Give a dog a bad name and hang him.谗言可畏。

It’s dogged that does it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。

我需要一些帮助 我想知道一些有特殊含义的英文 像"Lucky dog" 意思是“幸运儿” 等类似的 谢谢1.clock in 打卡

Don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid.


2.come on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐

Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.


3.come easily 易如反掌

Languages come easily to some people.


4.don't have a cow别大惊小怪

Don't have a cow! I'll pay for the damages.


5.push around 欺骗

Don't try to push me around!


1.keep one's shirt on保持冷静

Keep your shirt on. He didn't mean to offend you. That's just the

way he talks.


2.cool it冷静一点

Cool it. You are making me mad.


3.joy ride兜风

Let's go for a joy ride.



Do you like rap music? I have trouble understanding the words.


5.red-letter day大日子

This is a red-letter day for Susan. She made her first sale to a very

important client.


1.go up in smoke成为泡影

Peter’s vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis arose in the office.


2.hit the road上路

We should probably hit the road. It’s going to take us two hours to get home.


3.shape up表现良好,乖

You’d better shape up if you want to stay on.


4.scare the shit out of someone吓死某人了

Don’t sneak up behind me like that. You scared the shit out of me.


5.pull strings运用关系 (源于“拉木偶的线”)

He pulled some strings and managed to get us front row seats for the concert.


1.come again 再说一遍

Come again? I didn't quite understand what you said.


2.come clean 全盘托出,招供

The criminal decided to come clean.


3.spring for 请客

Let me spring for dinner.


4.spill the beans 泄漏秘密

Don't spill the beans. It's supposed to be a secret.


5.stick in the mud 保守的人

Cathy is such a stick in the mud. She never wants to try anything




I have to go to the john. Wait for me in the car.


2.keep in line管束

He needs to be kept in line. He's too wild.


3.jump the gun草率行事

Don't jump the gun. We have to be patient for a while.


4.jump to conclusion妄下结论

Don't jump to conclusion. We have to figure it out first.



This car is a real lemon. It has broken down four times.


hot dog:

n. 热狗(红肠面包)




1. A hot dog; a wiener.


2. I like hot dog very much.


you are a lucky dog

3. I have take a fancy on hot dog.


4. He have buy a hot dog franchise.



名词hot dog:

1. someone who performs dangerous stunts to attract attention to himself


2. a frankfurter served hot on a bun

同义词:hotdog, red hot

3. a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll

同义词:frank, frankfurter, hotdog, dog, wiener, wienerwurst, weenie

动词hot dog:

1. perform intricate maneuvers while skiing



If popular GPL projects diverge over time into incompatible products--those developed under GPLv3 and those under GPLv2--it will multiply the licensing and compatibility complications that already dog corporate open source adoption.


dog: cause continual trouble for (Oxford American Dictionary)

Another related meaning that I couldn't find in the dictionary: to dog a car's engine. When you accelerate in a gear (挡) that's too high, that's called dogging the engine (开慢的时候用高速挡)。

我不明白 dog corporate open source adoption.这句话的意思?是否是"给企业使用开源软件带来麻烦"

恩,就是“带来麻烦”的意思。Can "open source adoption" really be translated as "使用开原软件"?

I suppose that means pretty much the same thing. In English, you'd have to say "start using open source software": it's not a problem for open source software that is already used in companies, but it may prevent other companies from starting to use open source (companies that didn't use it before). This may be due to grammatical differences between English and Chinese, what do you think?




1. I am an old dog. 我已经老了。

2. He is a lucky dog. 他是一个幸运儿。

3. He is a lazy dog. 他是一个懒汉。

一 年 之 中 最 炎 热 的 日 子 , 阴 气 藏 伏 , 中 国 人 称 为 伏 天 或 者 三 伏 天 。 英 国 人 则 叫 这 段 日 子 做 dog days(狗 的 日 子 )。 狗 和 炎 热 究 竟 有 甚 么 关 系 呢 ?这 得 由 古 罗 马 时 代 谈 起 了 。

按 每 年 七 、 八 月 , 大 犬 星 座 (Canis Major)里 的 天 狼 星 (Sirius,the Dog Star)会 跟 太 阳 同 时 起 落 。 古 罗 马 人 相 信 , 这 两 个 月 的 酷 热 天 气 , 是 太 阳 加 上 天 狼 星 的 热 能 造 成 的 。 所 以 , 他 们 叫 这 日 子 做 caniculares dies, 译 成 英 文 , 就 是 canicular days或 dog days了 。

现 在 , 科 学 证 明 天 狼 星 不 是 七 、 八 月 酷 热 的 原 因 , 但 是 , 人 们 还 是 沿 用 dog days 一 词 , 例 如 ︰ The dog days will arrive soon .We had better install an air- conditioner.(三 伏 天 快 要 来 了 , 我 们 最 好 安 装 一 部 分 冷 气 机 。 )


Dog(狗): 常指人,好人坏人都可以;*****(母狗),则指泼妇

You are a lucky dog.你真是个幸运儿。

My boss is a jolly dog.我的老板是个风趣的家伙。

Every dog has his day.凡人都有得意时。

David works like a dog .David工作真卖劲儿。

The film must be a real dog.这部电影一定很糟糕。





76.I feel very hot in here.Would you mind opening that (门)?

77.We won’t be able to do the job well (没有)your help.

78.The speech was so (无聊的)that he fell asleep in the hall.

79.Koalas are very cute animals and they like eating (树叶).

80.Oh,my God ! We have (错过)the last bus.


81.my favorite day of the week because we have a computer lesson in the afternoon.

82.Please don’t .Everything will be better soon.

83.It’s time to go to bed.You’d better finish your homework .

84.—What do you think Peter wants to be when he up ? —A doctor,I guess.

85.The Changjiang River is one of the rivers in the world.


Ⅸ. 词汇运用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


71. Ningbo is a beautiful with a long history.

72. Uncle Wang usually goes in the river nearby on Sundays.

73. He can’t see the blackboard clearly, so he needs a pair of ▲ (眼镜).

74. Sorry, I can’t follow you. Would you please speak more ?

75. David wanted to buy an iPhone 4, but his father didn’t (同意).


76. It’s cold outside. Please put on your wwinter coat.

77. Last year we p a lot of trees around our school. And now they grow well.

78. This backpack is c, but he still can’t afford it.

79. May is the f ▲ month of the year.

80. Don’t worry about me, mom. I can take care of m.


Some colors make us feel calm and peaceful. Blue is one of these colors. Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue is good for the mind and body. Blue can mean sadness. Someone who is feeling sad may say “I’m feeling blue.” Some colors make us feel happy. Orange is such a happy color. It can bring you happiness and cheer you up when you are sad. If you feel 83 or weak, please wear colors that make you feel energetic. Green can give you energy, because it new life. And you can also wear red. That makes it easier you to take action.


Ⅸ. 词汇运用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


71. A shark is a dangerous _____________ (动物

) that lives in the sea.

72. Lin Shuhao did a good job in the basketball match last month. He is my favorite ________(明星).

73. John is ___________ (幸运的) enough to be shoes for the swimming club.

74. It has been the _________ (第十) day since we climbed the Great Wall. 75. He borrowed my iPhone 4s and hasn’t ___________ (归还) it to me.


76. Newton was sitting under an apple tree when an apple f__________ on to his head.

77. In my hometown, the weather of this summer is much h__________ than that of last summer.

78. Tom and Jerry r__________ their bikes to Uncle Ma’s Farm twice a month.

79. The mother cat was killed, and the baby cat had to live by i__________.

80. Pass me that pair of glasses, please. I can’t see the words c___________.



in recent years. Smoking , is increasing. More and more young people get to depend on sixteen. Smoking among teenagers is as popular now as 20 years ago. 120,000 people a year. And doctors say unless that changes, it of the future.




71. Don't make any________(噪音) when you are in the library.

72. Please________ (检查) your test paper before you hand it in.

73. I offered my seat to a________ (盲的) woman on the bus yesterday.

74. He invited her to his birthday party but she________ (拒绝).

75. It's a good habit to brush our ________ 牙齿) twice a day.

(B) 在下列各句的空格内填上一个适当的完整的单词,该词的首字母已给出。

76. The restaurant is open every day e ________ Monday.

77. I'm so tired that I can h ________ keep my eyes open.

78. The meat is producing a terrible s ________. Throw it away!

79. The new semester usually begins in September, the n ________ month of a year.

80. In summer, the days are longer and the nights are s ________ .


Many students like to work on the Internet. Of it can bring us many good things. We can learn more knowledge our books, practice our spoken English with someone and look up some useful information.

At the same time, it can bring us some bad things. Some students have too many friends, seen some bad information that is no good for us and spent too much time on it. Some

students even waste lot of time playing on the Internet. We should know what we can do and what we cannot do.




76. Sorry, I took your umbrella by 错误).

77. Please (倒空)出e box and put all the toys into it.

78. Be quiet, please. I can’t hear the teacher (清楚).

79. Would you mind (解释)出丨8 sentence to me?

80. Hold on to your (梦想).One day they may come true.


81. “Jackie is of medium h means Jackie is neither tall nor short.

82. lifestyle to spend weekends in the countryside.

83. every morning is a good way to improve your English.

84. us with light and heat. We can’t live without it.

85. Last year many of his short stories were t into some foreign languages.


As we know,

Let' look at the words about animals. Most in Chinese about the dog, for example, “a homeless dog”,“a running dog”,and “a dog catching a mouse”,have negative . But in western countries,dogs are usually considered and good friends of humans. In English, dog is used by positive behavior. For example, “You are a lucky dog” means you are a lucky person.

We can learn about many differences in cultures by how people use certain words.




81.Monday 77.without 82.worry 78.boring 83.quickly 79.leaves 84.grows 80.missed 85.Longest


71. city 72. swimming 73. glasses 74. slowly 75. agree

76. warm /warmer 77. planted 78. cheap 79. fifth 80. myself

81. room 82. also 83. tired 84. means 85. For


71.animal 72.star 73.lucky 74.tenth 75.returned

76.fell 77.hotter/humider 78.ride 79.itself 80.clearly

81.however 82.between 83.was 84.kill 85.problems


71. noise(s) 72. check 73. blind 74. refused 75. teeth

76. except 77. hardly 78. smell 79. ninth 80. shorter

81. course 82. outside 83. else 84. made 85. Games


76. mistake

81. height


77. empty 82. modern 87.meanings 78. clearly 83.aloud 88.honest 79.explaining 84. provides 89.describe 80.dreams 85. translated 90.comparing

篇四:英语词汇 与“狗”有关的谚语中英文版

英语词汇 与“狗”有关的谚语中英文版

You are a lucky dog. 你真是个幸运儿。

My boss is a jolly dog. 我的老板是个风趣的家伙。

Every dog has his day. 凡人都有得意时。

David works like a dog . 大卫工作真卖劲儿。

The film must be a real dog. 这部电影一定很糟糕。

Your partner is a dirty dog. 你的合伙人是个卑鄙小人。

The poet died like a dog . 这位诗人潦倒而死。

They treated him like a dog. 他们把他看得猪狗不如。

You can't teach an old dog new tricks. 你很难改变老人的想法。

He is really a dead dog. 他真是个没用的东西。

There is no point in having a dog-eat-dog attitude. “狗咬狗”是不对的。

篇五:9a unit6测试

9A Unit 6单元测试卷

二. 单项填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)


21. People didn’t know _________ during the night.

A. what was happened B. what the murder happened

C. what happened D. how the murder has happened

22. He told me that light _______ at high speed.

A. traveled B. would travel C. will travel D. travels

23. One of the suspects is _________ schoolboy.

A. a 18-year-old B. an 18-years-old C. a 18 years old D. an 18-year-old

24. The policeman is still not sure ______ the young man killed himself or was killed.

A. if B. that C. whether D. weather

25. The kidnapping ________ between 9 p.m and 1 a.m.

A. took place B. took the place C. took place of D. was taken place

26. If something is confirmed, it is _____.

A. not sure B. not true C. proved to be true D. very hard to solve

27. Yesterday night someone ________ the shop and took away lots of watches.

A. broke out B. broke up C. broke off D. broke into

28. — Do you know _____?

— Sorry, I don’t know. You may ask the woman over there.

A. when the shop opens

C. when does the shop open

fat man.

A. by, with


A. to, of B. with, of C. to, in D. with, in

三、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)


I finished my cooking course in a college at the age of 21. I thought I was going to 31 a world famous cook. I hoped people would travel from all over the world just to get a 32 of my food. But three months later, I knew I was 33 . Since nobody was traveling to taste my food. I decided I should travel to taste theirs. B. with, by C. for, to D. to, for 30. Though he is charged ______ the murder, he isn’t involved ______the B. when is the shop open D. when will the shop open 29. It is reported that the victim was attacked _______ a gun_______ a short,

34 my travel, I visited many different countries, such as Japan and France, where different kinds of food 35 my eyes. I especially loved the experiences in Italy and China. When in Italy, I learned how to 36 pizzas and salads. We had long lazy lunches in the sun and evening meals where the 37 went on long into the night.

In China, I loved the hot Sichuan food and 38 the delicious Beijing snacks. I also discovered the joys of making dumplings with good friends?

My year of travel came to an end all too 39 , but I had decided what I should do for the 40 of my life. I want to bring the fantastic food of the world into my kitchen in New York.

31. A. invite B. become C. follow D. remember

32. A. smell

34. A. After B. sight C. taste D. feeling B. Until C. Beyond D. During

D. show 33. A. free B. right C. wrong D. angry 35. A. covered B. opened C. closed D. filled 36. A. try B. send C. make

37. A. films B. stories C. introductions D. chats

38. A. enjoyed B. served C. offered D. took

39. A. slowly B. easily C. quickly D. suddenly

40. A. rest B. part C. half


The price of rice changes during the year.

It is useful for rice farmers to know how the price changes, then they can sell their rice when the price is high.

Last year, the price of rice was very low in November. That was a bad time for farmers to sell their rice. November, December and January were all bad months.

The best month for farmers to sell rice last year was April. July and August were also good time to sell rice.

Between August and November, the price of rice went down every month. During other parts of the year, the price went up and down.

It was hard for farmers to guess how the price would change from month to month.

D. quarter 四、阅读理解(共13小题;每小题2分,满分26分)

41. The price of rice was the lowest in ___________ last year.

A. January B. April C. July D. November

42. In which month did the price of rice stay the same last year?

A. April and May B. July and August

C. February and December D. March and September

43. When could farmers probably guess the change in price during the year?

A. Spring B. Summer C. Fall D. Winter


As we know, there are differences between western culture and Chinese culture. We can see differences when we pay attention to the way words are used. Let’s look at the words about animals and plants. Most expressions in Chinese about the dog, for example, ‘a homeless dog’, ‘a mad dog’, ‘a running dog’ and ‘a dog catching a mouse’, have negative(消极的) meanings. But in western countries, dogs are thought to be honest and good friends of humans. In English, people use the dog to describe positive(积极的) actions. For example, ‘you are a lucky dog’ means you are a lucky person. And ‘every dog has its day’ means each person has good luck sometimes. To describe a person’s serious illness, they say ‘sick as a dog’. The word ‘dog-tired’ means very tired. However, Chinese love cats very much. But in western culture, ‘cat’ is often used to describe a woman who is unkind. There are many other examples of how ‘cat’ is used differently as well.

The rose is regarded as a sign of love in both China and some western countries. People think the rose stands for love, peace, courage and friendship. And the rose is the national flower of England, America and many other countries.

The words about plants and animals are used in positive or negative ways in different cultures. We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words are used.

44. From the passage, we may know Chinese people like _________ better while western people prefer _________.

A. plants; animals B. animals; plants C. cats; dogs D. dogs; cats

45. --- I have just been recommended to be the chairman of the Students’ Union.

--- Congratulations. ________________________

A. Every dog has its day. B. You are a lucky cat.

C. You just like a dog catching a mouse. D. You are a lucky dog

46. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Words show differences in culture.

B. ‘dog-tired’ means a dog is very tired.

C. Western people think cats to be good friends.

D. Rose is the national flower of all western countries.


As a teacher, I think it is right to tell my students to write about their pure feelings and real experiences. I always taught my students how to learn by experience. And I also found that it helped me a lot to get on well with the students.

One day after explaining a text, I asked my students to write a passage about their families. I encouraged them to write about their real experiences with their closest family members. All the students wrote quite well but the best one of them was written by a little girl. She was Hao Fang. I was deeply moved by her story. In her passage, she said her father had died years before and her mother had to work hard to support the family. Many times she had seen her mother work deep into night but never seen tears on her face. She also wrote that she needed to stay strong and she would do the best to give her mother an easier life in the future. Like her mother, Hao Fang also worked hard at her lessons and she was really good at any of them. I didn’t know anything about her unlucky family till then. She always appeared happy and never showed that she needed anyone’s help.

In order to make her an example to the class, I read this passage to the class. When I finished reading it, I found my throat chocked and my students’ eyes full of tears. After class nearly all my other students crowded around Hao Fang and gave their money to help this girl. We knew her family needed money very much. Many students decided to offer her more help. To tell the truth, I was really proud of my students.

But to my surprise, this student of mine didn’t express her thanks to her classmates and left school without even telling me the next day. I wondered about this.

Was it right to tell her sad story to the class? Why did she refuse to accept the donation? These questions crowded my mind.

47. From the passage , we know the teacher always _____________________.

A. made the students feel sad

B. did a good thing

C. asked the students to make up stories

D. helped the students learn from the real life

48. Hao Fang wrote about her family’s hard life in order to


A. tell her real experiences B. show how strong she was

C. ask her classmates for money D. thank her mother

49. By reading the passage, we know that Hao Fang ________________________.

A. thanked the donation

B. was not satisfied with her hard life

C. wanted to improve her family’s life by working hard

D. disliked her teacher and classmates


For most people , the word “fashion”means “clothes” . But people may ask the question, “What clothes are in fashion ?” And they use the adjective “fashionable colour .”

But of course there are fashions in many things , not only in clothes . There are fashions in holidays , in restaurants , in films and books . There are even fashions in school subjects , job ?., and in languages .

Fashions change as time goes . If you look at pictures of people or things from the past , you will see that fashions have always changed . An English house of 1750 was different from one 1650 . A fashionable man in 1780 looked very different from his grandson in 1860 .

Today fashions change very quickly . Some of this is natural (自然的) . We hear about things much more quickly than in the past . Newspapers , radios , telephones and television send information from one country to another in a few hours .

New fashions mean that people will buy new things , so you see there is money in fashion .

50. From this passage we know that “ fashion ” means _________ .

A. clothes B. many things C. most of the popular things D. everything

51. Which of the following things is fashionable today ?

---- _________

A. Surfing on the Internet B.Having a family dinner on New Year’s Day .

C.Learning to sing songs on the radio D.Doing morning exercises at school

52. Today fashions change very quickly because ____________ .

A.people read newspapers every day

B.radios send information from one country to another

C.new things that people like are often shown on TV.

D.People quickly learn what is happening in the world

53. Which one is not right in the following statements ?

A.As time goes , fashions can be different from what they are now .
