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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 02:34:10 小学作文



1 验证目的:

确认CT-C-O型热风循环烘箱安装运行符合设计要求,资料和文件符合GMP规范,设备性能能够满足工艺要求。 2 验证范围:

本验证方案适用于CT-C-O型热风循环烘箱的安装确认、运行确认、性能确认。 3 设备概述:

设备名称:热风循环烘箱 规格型号:CT-C-O 生产厂家:台州春江制药机械有限公司 出厂日期:2010年02月

公司设备编号:YS-12 安装位置:直接口服饮片车间烘干间 主要用途:适用于直接口服饮片的烘干灭菌。



4 验证内容:



4.1.1目的:保证设备外观良好,备件、部件齐全,关健部件材质符合GMP要求。 4.1.2文件资料:下列文件资料齐全,并符合GMP要求


日 期: 年 月 日 4.1.3设备材质


日 期: 年 月 日 4.1.4公用介质


日 期: 年 月

日 4.1.5安装情况


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4.2.1确认目的:按照CT-C-O型热风循环烘箱操作规程进行操作,确认其性能。 4.2.2试验条件:在不使用任何试品的前提下,确认该设备是否达到设计要求。各连续试验二次。



日 期: 年 月 日


日 期: 年 月 日


4.3.1 确认目的:评价CT-C-O型热风循环烘箱对干燥工艺的适用性,应严格按照CT-C-O型热风循环烘箱操作规程进行操作,连续试验3次,以确认其重现性和精确性。

4.3.2 空载热分布:试验方法:热风循环烘箱空载,将留点温度计置于下图所示热风循环烘箱内各点,其中将一支温度计置于高温点(进风口附近)、一支置于低温点(排风口附近)、一支置于远离温度记录控制探头、一支置于靠近温度记录控制探头附近,此四支温度计编号依次为6、7、8、9,(如下图所示),其余五支随意安放。所有温度计均用特氟龙密封带固定烘干架上,温度计的尖端不可与热风循环烘箱内的金属表面接触。设定好工作参数(50℃,5.5小时),按照《热风循环烘箱操作规程》操作,运行完毕记录各支温度计的温度,重复3次,考察温度分布的均匀性和温度的稳定性。评价标准:热风循环烘箱内各温度差应不超过±2℃。




日 期: 年 月 日


日 期: 年 月 日


4.3.3 负载热分布试验方法:方法同空载热分布试验,不同处是:将待烘干物料,装载方式同正常生产所采用,温度计同上图放置,进行最大装载试验。设定好工作参数(50℃,5.5小时),按照《热风循环烘箱操作规程》操作,运行完毕记录各支温度计的温度,重复3次,考察温度分布的均匀性和温度的稳定性。评价标准:热风循环烘箱内各温度差应不超过±2℃。


复核者: 日 期:


日 期:

5 验证结果与评价:

验证小组综合所有验证资料,对验证结果进行综合评审,做出验证结论。填写“验证结果评价及建议报告表”,报验证小组组长批准。 6 最终批准:

验证小组组长签发“验证合格证”。 7 再验证:

7.1 验证每年进行一次。

7.2 结构如有重大改变,应进行验证。

7.3 关键配套件、元器件更换时,也应进行验证。


篇二:Solution for homework of Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Answers to Questions and Problems

6. The completed table looks like this:

a. Net benefits are maximized at Q?108.

b. Marginal cost is slightly smaller than marginal benefit

?MC?120,MB?130?. This is due to the discrete nature of the control



a The net present value of attending school is the present value of the benefits derived from attending school (including the stream of higher earnings and the value to you of the work environment and prestige that your education provides), minus the opportunity cost of attending school. As noted in the text, the opportunity cost of attending school is generally greater than the cost of books and tuition. It is rational for an individual to enroll in graduate when his or her net present value is greater than zero.

b.Since this increases the opportunity cost of getting an M.B.A., one would expect fewer students to apply for admission into M.B.A. Programs. 8.

a. Her accounting profits are $180,000. These are computed as the difference between revenues ($200,000) and explicit costs ($20,000).

b. By working as a painter, Jaynet gives up the $100,000 she could have earned under her next best alternative. This implicit cost of $100,000 is in addition to the $20,000 in explicit costs. Since her economic costs are $120,000, her economic profits are $200,000 - $120,000 = $80,000.

11.Under a flat hourly wage, employees have little incentive to work hard as working hard will not directly benefit them. This adversely affects the firm, since its profits will be lower than the $40,000 per store that is obtainable each day when employees perform at their peak. Under the proposed pay structure, employees have a strong incentive to increase effort, and this will benefit the firm. In particular, under the fixed hourly wage, an employee receives $144 per day whether he or she works hard or not. Under the new pay structure, an employee receives $264 per day if the store achieves its maximum possible daily profit and only $64 if the store’s daily profit is zero. This provides employees an incentive to work hard and to exert peer pressure on

employees who might otherwise goof off. By providing employees an incentive to earn extra money by working hard, both the firm and the employees will benefit.

13. First, note that the $170 million spent to date is irrelevant, as it will be lost

regardless of the decision. The relevant question is whether the incremental benefits (the present value of the profits generated from the drug) exceed the incremental costs (the $30 million needed to keep the project alive). Since these costs and benefits span time, it is appropriate to compute the net present value. Here, the net present value of DAS’s R&D initiative is





Since this is positive, DAS should spend the $30 million. Doing so adds about $26.6 million to the firm’s value.

14.Disagree. In particular, the optimal strategy is the high advertising strategy. To see this, note that the present value of the profits from each advertising strategy are as follows:













???$245,078,888.10. 23


Since the high advertising results in profit stream with the greatest present value, it is the best option.

17. No. Note first that your direct and indirect costs are the same regardless of

whether you adopt the project and therefore are irrelevant to your decision. In contrast, note that your revenues increase by $9,807,700 if you adopt the project. This change in revenues stemming from the adoption from the ad campaign represents your

incremental revenues. To earn these additional revenues, however, you must spend an additional $2,945,700 in TV airtime and $1,179,100 for additional ad development labor. The sum of these costs – $4,124,800 – represents the explicit incremental cost of the new advertising campaign. In addition to these explicit costs, we must add $6,000,000 in implicit costs – the profits lost from foreign operations. Thus, based on the economically correct measure of costs – opportunity costs – the incremental cost of the new campaign is $10,124,800. Since these incremental costs exceed the

incremental revenues of $9,807,700, you should not proceed with the new advertising campaign. Going forward with the plan would reduce the firm’s bottom line by $317,100. Expressed differently, the extra accounting profits earned in the U. S. would not offset the accounting profits lost from foreign operations.


? Direct Monetary Rewards

Direct monetary rewards are the most obvious compensation component. Sometimes referred to as cash compensation, these rewards encompass all those items involving the payment of dollars to employees for work accomplished or effort expanded (e.g, a wage, a salary, a commission).

? Indirect Monetary Payments

Indirect monetary payments include those items of financial value the organization provides to employees that do not result directly in employees’ receiving spendable dollars. This compensation component is usually referred to as benefits. Included in this category are various forms of protection ( health insurance, life insurance, disability insurance ) and services ( financial counseling, employer subsidized cafeterias, uniforms, free parking ).

? Psychological Satisfactions

The third compensation component consists of the psychological satisfactions that a worker derives from the work he or she performs and the environment in which it is performed. This form of compensation includes opportunities to perform meaningful work, social interactions with others in the workplace, job training, advancement possibilities, recognition, and a host of similar factors. ? The Labor Market

One of the primary determinants of compensation is the supply of workers with particular skills and the need that employing organizations within a particular labor market have for hiring workers with those skills. Where there is an abundance of available workers in the labor market, employers will have no difficulty in obtaining sufficient employees, and the level of compensation will tend to be lower. On the other hand, the reverse is ture.

? Cost of Living

Cost of living refers to the amount of direct monetary compensation required by workers to maintain an adequate standard of living for themselves and their families. ? Legislation

? Productivity

A fourth determinant of compensation is productivity, the ratio of output to personnel hours of inputs. While productivity is often a vague, elusive, and hard-to-measure concept, it does influence compensation. Generally speaking, the more a worker can produce, the higher his or her compensation will be.

? Ability to Pay

Organizational profitability is another factor that affects compensation levels. Put quite simply, the higher the profitability of an organization, the more it can afford to pay; the lower the profitability, the less an organization can afford to offer in compensation.

? Managerial Attitudes

Pay structures vary widely across company lines because of managerial attitudes

concerning pay. Management’s feeling about compensation may lead an organization to compensate employees at rates above, below or comparable to the rates being paid in the labor market.

? Job Requirements

Another determinant of compensation rates is the requirements of performing a particular job. Where long training periods are required to learn the skills necessary for successful job performance, compensation rates tend to be higher than they are for jobs where the training period is short or nonexistent. Where jobs involve dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant work, pay rates typically include a financial inducement to attract workers to those jobs.

? Worker Competencies

Organizational downsizing and rampant development of technology have created a new compensation determinant: worker competencies. In a world of scaled-down organizations or small companies that thrive on rapid shifts in products of technologies, workers may be called upon to perform a number of jobs. In these companies employees are compensated not on the basis of the job they are currently performing, but in the basis of the number of different jobs they can perform. ? Bargaining Power

Bargaining power refers to the ability of groups of workers to exert pressure on an employer and thereby increase compensation levels. This power is typically gained by banding together in unions. As collective bargaining increases compensation rates in specific companies and industries, other companies and industries periodically have to adjust compensation levels to stay competitive in attracting and retaining the workers they need. Thus, bargaining power affects, directly or indirectly, all labor market organizations.

? Job Analysis

Job analysis is the process of collecting, studying, and reporting information on job content and identifying the skills, efforts, and responsibilities needed to perform a job successfully. Job analysis is critical because it establishes the base upon which direct compensation will be built.

? Job Evaluation

Job evaluation is the process of determining the value or worth of a particular job within an organization relative to all other jobs in the organization. Its primary purpose is to establish internal equity; that is, to develop a structure of all the jobs in an organization that recognizes their similarities, differences, and contributions to achieving the work of the organization. The end product of job evaluation is a hierarchy of jobs that identifies the relative worth of each job to the organization. ? Grouping Similar Jobs

Once the relative worth of each job is determined, the evaluation committee can turn to the task of grouping jobs into pay grades before assigning pay rates to each job. A pay grade is comprised of jobs of approximately equal difficulty or importance as

determined by job evaluation. Ten to sixteen grades per “job cluster” are common. ? Compensation Surveys

The next step in the process of developing a compensation system is to determine what is happening in the labor market. This is the function of the compensation survey.

A compensation survey can be defined as a systematic procedure for collecting information on wages, salaries, benefits, payment methods, compensation policies, and related matters from other organizations in the labor market.

? Job Pricing

The focus of job analysis and job evaluation is internal to the organization. The focus of the compensation survey is external. These two focuses come together in job pricing. Job pricing can be defined as the process of assigning dollar values to the relative worth of each job within an organization. Motivational and organization’s policy considerations are of utmost importance in job pricing.

? Compensation Communication

The more transparent the pay and salary philosophy and determinations are, the more likely positive employee morale and motivation will be achieved. It is true that to some extent, individual compensation is confidential, but the methods for determining pay must be clear and understandable.

? Compensation Administration

Managing the compensation program is both a development step and an ongoing process. As a developmental activity, it concerns formulating policies, constructing procedures, and establishing rules to guide the operation of the compensation system. The ongoing side of a compensation administration is concerned with the day-to-day operation and functioning of the compensation system. Its focus is two fold: (1) handling the myriad of details involved in overseeing the program, and (2) making periodic adjustments to maintain the viability of the program.

? Production Bonuses

Production bonuses are incentives paid to workers for exceeding output goals. ? Commissions

In sales jobs, the seller may be paid a percentage of the selling price or a flat amount for each unit sold. When no base compensation is paid, total earnings come from commissions.

? Pay- for- knowledge/ skill Compensation

Pay-for-knowledge and pay-for- skill compensation systems reward employees with higher pay as an incentive for their increased knowledge or skills. These systems are based not on what an employee does but on the range of jobs the employee can do. These learning-based pay systems evaluate the employee’s worth to the employer. ? Long-term Incentives——Stock Option

A stock option is the right to purchase a specific number of shares of company stock at a specific price during a period of time; the executive thus hopes to profit by exercising his or her option to buy the shares in the future but at today’s price.

Indirect financial compensation is called benefits and services. It can be defined as all employer-provided rewards and services, other than wages and salaries.

? Mandated Benefits Programs(An employer has no choice about offering

mandated benefits programs.)

Unemployment Insurance

Health Insurance

Workers’ Compensation insurance: employees who incur expenses as a result of job-related illnesses or accidents receive a degree of financial protection from worker’s compensation benefits. Employers pay the entire cost of workers’ compensation insurance.


? Voluntary Benefits

Paid holidays: probably the most frequently offered of these times off with pay are paid holidays, Christmas, Labor Day, New Year’s Day being the most important ones. Paid Vacations: the typical sector is one week of paid vacation for an employee of less than a year’s service and two weeks for 1 to 10 years’ service.

Sick leave: in most situations, organizations allow and pay for one sick day per month.

Child care

Recreational programs




一, 填空题:(32分)

1, 写出以下操作面板上按键的功能。














G1直线插补,G3逆时针圆弧插补,G53机床坐标系, G54—G57工件坐标系,G18车削平面


WAITE(1) 等待通道1结束


SETMS(3) 设置动力刀为旋转轴

二, 选择题(10分)

1, 在创建程序时主程序的后缀名是(B)


2, 主程序结束的M指令是(D)

A, M99 B, M17 C,M02 D,M30

3, 倒45°角的指令是(B)


4, 用动力刀进行径向铣削时的坐标平面是(B)

A, G17 B,G19 C,G56 D,G500


A, 32号润滑油 B,32号液压油C,68号润滑油D,油脂


A,Q B,Q1 C,Q2, D,Z

7,卡盘在每月定期维护的时候,需要做以下哪种保养(C) A,水清洗 B,湿布擦 C,加油脂 D,涂汽油


A,$AA_MM[X10] B,$TC_DP3[3,1] C,$TC_DP12[3,1]


A,主轴锁紧 B,尾座退回 C,尾座前进 D,主轴松开


A,4 B5 C6 D7






2,在MT65,MT95机床中如何解决测头不能被准确校正?(20分) 答:测头不能准确校准的问题即:测头校准后发现测头测量的尺寸和实际用千分尺测量出的尺寸有偏差。

赋值: 千分尺测量的直径为 = D

测头测量的工件直径 = Dp

校准棒的直径 = Dt

测头的长度 = R50

测头接触工件或校准棒的机床坐标值 = $AA_MM[X10]


校准时的计算关系:$AA_MM[X10]-Dt/2 = R50

测量时的计算关系:2*($AA_MM[X10]-R50 )=Dp


1,D > Dp




2,编辑程序时如何用系统参数指令来设置G54的工件坐标系?(3分) 答:$P_UIFR[1]=CTRANS(Z,______)

3,EMCO MT95,MT65机床编程时用什么指令使通道2程序可调用通道1的程序?(5分)










T1 D1


G1 G94 Z=(595) F4000






5,在精车MT65,MT95机床中的R40, R41 R45, R50, R51, R60, R61, R88, R89在程序中的含义??(10分)

答: R50 程序计算出的测头长度

R51= AKTUAL_TOOLOFFSET+TOOLOFFSET 补偿完之后的刀具列表中磨损值 R45=$AA_MM[X10] 测头测量时接触到校准棒的机床坐标 R40=PART_DIAM1_IST 测头测量第1点的工件直径


R60=PART_DIAM2_IST 测头测量第2点的工件直径


R88 工件测量间隔数量为5

R89 校准间隔数量为20

篇五:Some collected translations of book 3

Some collected translations of book 3


1. ____________________ (现在孩子们把互联网看成是理所当然的) because they think life is not enjoyable without it.

正确答案: Nowadays, children take Internet for granted

2. ____________________ (那位科学家三年前通过实验发明的一种新药) has turned out to be effective against cancer.

正确答案: The new drug the scientist's experiments gave birth to three years ago

3. ____________________ (所有的路灯突然灭了) and the street plunged into darkness. 正确答案: All the street lights suddenly went off

4. Tom used to be such an NBA fan that ____________________ (除了NBA球赛外他几乎不看任何电视).

正确答案:he hardly watched any television program aside from/except NBA games

5. In order to keep fit, Peter made up his mind to make small changes in his life and ____________________ (开始从每天工作12小时削减到每天工作6小时).

正确答案:started to cut his working time from 12 hours to 6 hours every day


1. Learning that he couldn't keep both ends meet after his unemployment, ____________________ (她安慰他说她替他支付房租和电话费).

正确答案:she comforted him by saying that she would pick up the rent and the phone bill for him

2. Everyone of us was required to ____________________ (充分利用暑假为下学期尝试在线教学做好准备).

正确答案:make the best of the summer vacation to get well prepared for our trial of on-line teaching next term

3. ____________________ (在美国人的眼里,迈克尔·杰克逊是世界流行音乐之王) thanks to his greatest contribution to the music.

正确答案: In the eyes of the Americans, Michael Jackson is the king of pop of the world

4. The life-sized wax image ____________________ (如此栩栩如生以至于人们往往把它当成真人).

正确答案:is so lifelike that it passes for a real person

5. It is self-evident that we tend not to ____________________ (在失去某物前懂得珍惜它的价值).

正确答案:appreciate something until we lose it


1. The claim is not unrealistic that ____________________ (该城市中,暴力或非暴力犯罪已大幅度下降).

正确答案:crimes in the city, violent or non-violent, have decreased by a large margin

2. Colds can be held at bay by increasing your intake of fruit and vegetables,

____________________ (它们热量低且维生素C丰富).

正确答案:which are both low in calories and rich in Vitamin C

3. Because of lack of capital, ____________________ (两年前成立的这家公司三个月后将关闭). 正确答案:the firm established two years ago will be closed up in three months

4. Considering that Martha had worked for this company for 25 years, ____________________ (经理建议不要降低她的工资).

正确答案:the manager suggested that Martha's wages not be decreased

5. Only by working in the evenings and at weekends ____________________ (他才在最后期限前完成了他的论文).

正确答案:was he able to complete his thesis by the deadline


1. ____________________ (生于20世纪之初), Professor JiXianlin, good at 12 foreign languages, used to act as the vice-president of Beijing University before he died.

正确答案: Born at the turn of the 20th century

2. He was ____________________ (唯一连续五年赢得这项比赛的人).

正确答案:the only one who won the tournament for 5 years in a row

3. Though the film is not very complicated, ____________________ (对于英语初学者来说仍然很难跟上故事情节).

正确答案:it is still difficult for English beginners to keep up with the plot

4. As people are getting richer, ____________________ (他们越来越关注健康,相信锻炼有益).

正确答案:they pay more attention to their health and believe in the benefit of exercise

5. However simple it seems, be careful not to ____________________ (匆忙下结论).

正确答案:jump to conclusions


1. George often read his diary, ____________________ (这日记使他回忆起和父亲一起在海上度过的每一天).

正确答案:which brought back every day he spent with his father at sea

2. Professor Wang took advantage of multimedia to teach, ____________________ (这一方法毫无疑问进一步激发了他的学生们的创造性想象力).

正确答案:which, beyond doubt, further stimulated his students' creative imagination

3. ____________________ (是汤姆私下告诉她这件事的) and broke his promise to keep it secret from her.

正确答案: It was Tom who told her about the matter in secret

4. The ____________________ (动人的法国老歌) I used to hear before reminds me of the funny, sad and most embarrassing moments in my childhood.

正确答案:lovely old French song

5. China is the first to ____________________ (从全球经济衰退中走出来).

正确答案:emerge from the global economic recession


1. For me, Thanksgiving brings to my mind all the things in my life ____________________ (我反


正确答案:to which I respond most strongly and for which I am truly grateful

2. Because of the large demand ____________________ (我们需要会迅速装配汽车的熟练工人).

正确答案:we need skilled workers who can assemble cars very quickly

3. The psychologist kn

190hj hqp008 c o m

ew very well ____________________ (如何使一个幻想者从幻想状态回到现实中来).

正确答案:how to bring a fantast back to reality from a state of fantasy

4. It was the coach ____________________ (向全队反复强调必须尽全力追求卓越).

正确答案:who impressed on the team repeatedly the need to do their best in quest of excellence

5. It goes without saying that ____________________ (他的努力因成功而得到补偿). 正确答案:his effort was repaid by the success

6. Not only did they bring up the children physically ____________________ (而且他们要孩子们牢记永远说老实话的美德).

正确答案:but they also impressed on them the virtue of always telling the truth

7. Few of them realized that ____________________ (他的行为与他的原则不很符合). 正确答案:his behavior and his principles did not accord well together

8. ____________________ (上周六早上一瞬间一切都变了) when she realized she could see nothing any longer after a serious traffic accident.

正确答案: Everything changed in a flash last Saturday morning

9. The holiday was over; ____________________ (我们必须重新安下心来工作).

正确答案:we must get down to work again

10. ____________________ (如果你想在谈话中用幽默来使人发笑的话), you must know how to identify shared experiences and problems.

正确答案: If you intend using humor in your talk to make people smile

11. Not only did they bring up the children physically ____________________ (而且他们要孩子们牢记永远说老实话的美德).

正确答案:but they also impressed on them the virtue of always telling the truth

12. Few of them realized that ____________________ (他的行为与他的原则不很符合).

正确答案:his behavior and his principles did not accord well together

13. Because of the large demand ____________________ (我们需要会迅速装配汽车的熟练工人).

正确答案:we need skilled workers who can assemble cars very quickly

14. ____________________ (上周六早上一瞬间一切都变了) when she realized she could see nothing any longer after a serious traffic accident.

正确答案: Everything changed in a flash last Saturday morning

15. The holiday was over; ____________________ (我们必须重新安下心来工作). 正确答案:we must get down to work again


1. ____________________(他们本来打算要买幢房子), but eventually they bought a flat. 正确答案: They started out wanting a house

2. Always young in spirit, ____________________ (那位年长者?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路鹁醯米约夯雇耆歉瞿昵?/p>


正确答案:the elderly man felt for all the world as if he were still a young man

3. ____________________ (我们原则上同意你的方法), but we reserved our idea.

正确答案: We agreed in principle to your method

4. Young people enjoy the program very much ____________________ (因为流行音乐占了该节目的百分之三十).

正确答案:as pop music takes up thirty percent of it

5. She is the kind of person who will ____________________ (为一件小事就大吵大闹). 正确答案:kick up a fuss about a very trivial matter


1. The boy was so much frightened ____________________ (他紧紧抓住母亲的手臂不肯松手). 正确答案:that he caught tight his mother's arm and would not let loose

2. ____________________ (无论何时你想要表达你的意见), please look before leap. 正确答案: Whenever you feel like expressing you opinion

3. I think ____________________ (这一主题本应吸引哲学家们更多的注意力) than it has attracted attention from us.

正确答案:this topic should have attracted far more attention from philosophers

4. No one can say that ____________________ (他能抵御周围环境对他的影响) unless he is living in a vacuum.

正确答案:he is immune to the influence around him

5. That day ____________________ (他有许多工作要做,忙得疲于奔命) and didn't have the least rest.

正确答案:he was run off his feet with jobs to do
