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篇一:六年级英语上册 In the living room

六年级英语上册 In the living room

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( )1.Wang Jie is beside LiHong.

A.sit B.sitting C.siting D.sits

( )2.Mr.Li said with his friends.

A.loud B.quiet C.quietly D.quitely

( )3.Everyone in the room supper.

A.haves B.have C.has D.eat

( )4.Jenny and Danny to go to the park.

A.wants B.want C.wanting D.wantes

( )5.What LiGang and I doing?

A.is B.are C.does D.do



2.You can find a kite in the room.(改为一般疑问句)

3.Are they old or young?(用old回答。)

4.Jim is Kate`s brother and Lynn is Kate`s sister.(用Kate作主语改写,使句意不变)

5.Do you see LiMing in the picture?(作肯定回答)

6.They are playing cards.(改为否定句)

7.They are reading the newspaper.(加doing their housework改为选择疑问句)


Danny is He is Is LiMing doing? He is

篇二:六年级英语上册 In the living room

六年级英语上册 In the living room

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2.坐在沙发上3.坐在椅子上4.写信 5.在墙角6.读报纸


( )1.Wang Jie is beside LiHong.

A.sit B.sitting C.siting D.sits

( )2.Mr.Li said with his friends.

A.loud B.quiet C.quietly D.quitely

( )3.Everyone in the room supper.

A.haves B.have C.has D.eat

( )4.Jenny and Danny to go to the park.

A.wants B.want C.wanting D.wantes

( )5.What LiGang and I doing?

A.is B.are C.does D.do



2.You can find a kite in the room.(改为一般疑问句)

3.Are they old or young?(用old回答。)

4.Jim is Kate`s brother and Lynn is Kate`s sister.(用Kate作主语改写,使句意不变)

5.Do you see LiMing in the picture?(作肯定回答)

6.They are playing cards.(改为否定句)

7.They are reading the newspaper.(加doing their housework改为选择疑问句)


Danny is LiMing. He is Is LiMing doing? He is

篇三:Lesson6 In the Living Room教学设计

Lesson6 In the Living Room教学设计


本单元重点讲述Li Ming来到加拿大后在Jenny家发生的事情。本课教学内容是要让学生了解Jenny家客厅的物品摆放及Jenny家人在客厅中的活动。通过本课学习,要让学生用自己的语言来谈论客厅里的物品,并要求学生运用现在进行时这一时态来描述人们在living room中的活动。










(1)掌握客厅里的物品单词。如:TV, chair, couch

(2)掌握动词短语。如:watch TV, read the newspaper, play cards, write a letter, sit in the chair, sit on the couch 。


2. 教学难点

(1)变现在分词的不同方法。如:playing, reading, watching, writing, sitting



Step 1: Warming up

A. Revision

T: Where do you live? I live in an apartment. Here’s my apartment. How many rooms? Guess what room is it.

S1, S2, S3, S4: This is a bedroom/ living room/ kitchen/ bathroom.


Step 2: New Teaching.

T: What can you see in the bedroom/kitchen/bathroom?

Ss: I can see______ in the bedroom/kitchen/bathroom.

T: I want to watch TV. (指黑板)Is this a TV?

Ss: No, this isn’t a TV. This is a blackboard.

T: (指椅子)Is this a TV?

Ss: No, this isn’t a TV. This is a chair.

T: Where is the TV?

S1: Here’s the TV.

T: (出示 Jenny家客厅的图片课件)What can you find in the living room?

S1: This is a ____.

S2: These are ____.

S3: I see _____.

S4: I like _____.

T: What can you do in the living room?(选择和本课有关的短语板书)

设计意图:询问学生客厅里有什么,顺便引出了本课的重点生词chair, TV和couch,起到了一箭双雕的双重作用。通过对Jenny家客厅的反复谈论,既突出了趣味性,又给学生提供了获取成功和自信的机会,使这些词汇深深印在了学生的脑海里,为下一步的学习提供了良好的心理准备。What can you do in the living room?这是个拓展性很强的问题,这会使学生的语言自然流露,使语言与实际生活紧密联系。

Step 3: Game

教师让一个学生看动词短语,然后做动作,其他同学回答What is he/she doing? What are you/they doing? 和What am I doing?。教师把黑板上的短语变成现在进行时的句子。 T: (出示Jenny家客厅的图片) Ask and answer about the picture.

设计意图:为了突破本课的教学重点——现在进行时,教师特别设计了游戏活动——look and do the action。一方面调动了学生们的学习热情,激发学生的创造性思维,另一方面通过用What’s he/she doing? What are they/you doing? What am I doing? 等不同人称的提问,讲解了各种人称句式,进行了层次化的语言训练。

Step 4: Consolidation

T: Listen to the tape and answer the question “ Is everyone in the living room quiet?” (学生有目的的去听课文。)

OK, answer the question.(让学生回答问题。)

T: Take out your listening paper, listen and fill the blanks.


Listen, repeat and check your answers.


Step 5: Activities

T: Show four pictures and talk about themwith your partner.

(六) Step 6: Homework

T: Talk about your living room with your friends and your family.


篇四:六年级英语上册 In the living room

六年级英语上册 In the living room

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4.写信 5.在墙角读报纸


( )1.Wang Jie is beside LiHong.

(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:living,room怎么读)

A.sit B.sitting C.siting D.sits

( )2.Mr.Li said with his friends.

A.loud B.quiet C.quietly D.quitely

( )3.Everyone in the room supper.

A.haves B.have C.has D.eat

( )4.Jenny and Danny to go to the park.

A.wants B.want C.wanting D.wantes

( )5.What LiGang and I doing?

A.is B.are C.does D.do



2.You can find a kite in the room.(改为一般疑问句)

3.Are they old or young?(用old回答。)

4.Jim is Kate`s brother and Lynn is Kate`s sister.(用Kate作主语改写,使句意不变)

5.Do you see LiMing in the picture?(作肯定回答)

6.They are playing cards.(改为否定句)

7.They are reading the newspaper.(加doing their housework改为选择疑问句)



篇五:六年级英语上册 In the living room

六年级英语上册 In the living room

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( )A.sit B.sitting C.siting D.sits

( )2.Mr.Li said with his friends.

A.loud B.quiet C.quietly D.quitely

( )3.Everyone in the room supper.

A.haves B.have C.has D.eat

( )4.Jenny and Danny to go to the park.

A.wants B.want C.wanting D.wantes

( )5.What LiGang and I doing?

A.is B.are C.does D.do



2.You can find a kite in the room.(改为一般疑问句)

3.Are they old or young?(用old回答。)

4.Jim is Kate`s brother and Lynn is Kate`s sister.(用Kate作主语改写,使句意不变) 5.Do you see LiMing in the picture?(作肯定回答)

6.They are playing cards.(改为否定句)

7.They are reading the newspaper.(加doing their housework改为选择疑问句)


He is

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