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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 01:24:22 初中作文



魔兽3 语音中英文完全版 -=亡灵=- 侍从=建造音效= - The

damned stand ready! 诅咒者就绪! =选定音效= - My life for Nazul! Ner ''zhul 万岁!(Nazul 应为Ner ''zhul,UD 的老大,下同) - I wish only to serve! 服从是我的天命! - Thy bidding, Master? 您的命令,主人? - Where shall my blood be spilled? 我的热血应撒向何处? - I bow to your will. 服从您的意愿。 =行动/执行动作音效= - Yes, Master! 是,主人! - I gladly obey. 我乐意服从。 - My fate is sealed. 我的前途是未知的。 - Thy will be done! 您的意愿已完成! =骂游戏者音效(就如星际里连续点多次一样)= - This is the hour of the scourge! 天罚的时代降临了! - Death shall cleanse the world! 死亡将清洗大地! - All I see is blackness... Oh, my hood''s down. 我见到无尽的黑暗…噢,我的头巾掉下来了。 - Let blood drown the weak! 让血海淹没弱者吧! - My life for Aiur! Uh, I mean Nazul! Aiur 万岁!啊,我指的是Ner ''zhul! - The living be cursed! 诅咒生者! - Would you like to know the secret to eternal happiness? Page 246. 想知道永恒的幸福的秘密吗?翻到246 页。 - Once you head down the Dark Path, forever will it dominate your destiny! And you get dental. 一旦你步入黑 暗,它会永恒支配你的命运! =攻击音效= -

[.vs 英雄] I am sanctified! 我被净化了! - Death shall reign! 亡灵支配一切! - Fear the Reaper! 在死神面前颤抖吧! - Let life cease! 生命,终结吧! 噬尸鬼 - (注解: 所有其他音效都是噪音) =骂玩家音效= - Me eat dead people! 我吃死人~ - Me scary! 我好怕怕哦~ -

Me eat brains! 我吃脑髓~ - No guts, no glory! 不贪婪地吃,怎么能获得荣耀! 地穴魔王- (趣味注解: 他的死亡音效文件名是

''PitFiendDeath'' 而不是''CryptFiend'' ) =建造音效= - The sleeper awakes! 沉睡者苏醒了! =选定音效= - Proceed! 前进! - Make your choice!请指示! - You rang? 你在召唤我吗? - I await. 待命。 =行动/执行动作音效= - [召唤Vile Insects] Rise! 起来吧! - By

Narube!** 以Narube 的名义! - What''s done is done! 奉命行事! - The time is now! 是时候了! - Yes, Master! 是,主人! =骂玩家音效= - What a tangled web we weave!我们编织的网多么缠绕! - Spider sense tingling. - Last week my top half was on the Discovery channel. 上星期我的上半身出现在《探索频道》 - And my bottom half was on Animal Planet. 而下半身出现在《动物星球》 - My ass always gets bloated during my spin cycle! (注解: lol) 我吐丝的时候PP 都肿起来了! - I like chicks that are into bandage! (注解: rofl!) 我喜欢绷带绑起来的小鸡 - I''m stuck on bandages, ''cause

bandages are stuck on me!* 我被绷带绑住了,因为我绑住了绷带! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Fall before the scourge! 在天罚面前倒下吧! - For the Spider Kingdom! 为了蜘蛛王国! - Be drained of life! 吸干你的生命! - You may feel a sting. 可能会有点疼的~ 石象鬼- (注解: 全是噪音没有文字) 绞肉车- (注解: 全是噪音没有文字) 憎恶- =建造音效= - Us hear and obey!* 我们听从命令! =选定音效= - What we do?* 让我们做什么? - Egghhhh?* 恩? - We done

waiting!完成并等待! - Hmmmm. 唔 =行动/执行动作音效= - Us go!* 我们上! - Egghhhh?* 恩? - Random terror!* 随机之恐怖! - (Growl) 咆哮声 - (Growl) 咆哮声 =骂玩家音效= - We come in peace... es! 我们平静的到来……(由碎片组成)。 - Happy entrails! 祝内脏快乐! - You got us in stenches! 我们从恶臭中而来! - Choke! *打嗝* - (Growl) 咆哮声 - Us dead sexy! 我们贼性感! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] All for one! (注解: 还有one for all!) 万物归一 - Kill! 杀! - (Growl) 咆哮声 - Tear meat! 撕成肉片! - Rip! 撕碎! 亡灵巫师- =建造音效= - The shadows beckon! 影子在召唤! =选定音效= - The dead shall serve! 死者服从于我! - The restless dead await! 无尽的死亡在等待! - What does the shadow will? 何为影之意愿? - This better be good! 这最好有用! =行动/执行动作音效= - [尸体炸弹] Bloody corpses! 血之尸啊!(尸爆?早取消了啊) - [召唤骷髅] Awaken! 苏醒吧! - Intriguing! 有趣 - For the Lich King!为了巫妖王! - Let Darkness guide me! 黑暗,指引我吧! - As the shadow wills! 服从影之意愿! =骂玩家音效= - Every man lives, not every man truely dies! 每个人都生存过,但不是每个人都会真正死去! - I love the dead... frequently! 我爱死尸……经常是 - I see undead people! 我看见亡灵啦~~ - You smell something? Oh, its just the troops! 你闻到什么东西了吗?啊,这就是军队! - Right click for hot, undead action! 点右键观看亡灵热舞秀 =攻击音效= -

[.vs 英雄] They''ll all be mine in the end! 他们最终都将成为我的傀

儡! - Die! 死吧! - Tremble before the scourge! 在天罚面前颤抖吧 - None shall survive! 杀无赦! 骷髅- (注解: 全是噪音没有文字) 女妖- =建造音效= - Let my cries chill the living! 让生命在我的尖叫中颤栗吧! =选定音效= - You call to me? 你召唤我? - You brought me back? 你把我带回来了? - Why have I been

summoned? 为什么我被召唤来? - What must I do? 我得做什么? - High!* high =行动/执行动作音效= - If it pleases you. 如果这能取悦你 - Yes. 是 - If I must. 如果我必须做 - I must obey. 我必须服从 - If that is your wish. 如果那是你的意愿。 =骂玩家音效= - Let this torment end! 让痛苦结束吧! - How long must I suffer? 我还要受多少折磨? - U. N. D. E. A. D. Find out what it means to me! U N D E A D,告诉我是什么意思! - There is no banshee, only Zul!** 没有女妖,只有Zul。 - I hate you, I hate you... call me! 我恨你,我恨你……召唤我。 =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] My death awaits! 死亡在等待我! - Die! 死! - Feel my pain! 感受我的痛苦吧! - Your soul shall (注解: 还有一个字在''shall''后面, 我玩了超过30 次还是听不清楚. 听起来象是以''m''开头的 但是我试过了所有以''m''开头的都发现不是很配.)你的灵魂属于我! 冰龙- (注解: 全是噪音没有文字) 阴影- =建造音效= - The damned return! 被诅咒者再生了! =选定音效= - I shall be your eyes! 让我做你的眼睛! - My sight is yours! 我的视线就是你的! - What needs revealing? 有什么需要揭示? =行动/执行动作音效= - Let''s see. 我们来看吧 - I''ll look into

it.我看一下 - All shall be revealed. 揭示一切 - I go unseen! 探索未知 =骂玩家音效= - I''m but a shadow of my former self.我只是前身的一个影子 - What I do in death echoes in eternity! 我的死亡回荡于永恒! - Death is its own reward! 死亡就是回报! - I''m having a mid-death crisis! 我存在于生死之间 - I ain''t got no body! (用唱的) 我没有身体~~~~ - I''m invisible, gaseous, and deadly! 我是隐形的,气态的,致命的! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Glory to the scourge! 为了天罚的荣耀! - More souls for the Master! 更多的灵魂将会归于我主 - Die! 死! - Let screams fill the air! 让尖叫充斥天空! - Feel my rath! 感受我的愤怒! - For the Master! 为了我主! 死亡骑士- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - The pact is sealed! 契约已订! =选定音效= - You called? 你召唤我吗? - My patience has ended! 我的耐心已尽! - I am the Darkness! 我就是黑暗! - My vengence is yours! 你就是我的复仇! =行动/执行动作音效= - Let battle be joined! 加入战斗! - As you order! 听从命令! - Hiyah! 嗨呀! - At last! 终于! - For the Lich King!为了巫妖王! =骂玩家音效= - Has hell frozen over yet? 地狱还没有冻住吗? - I am the one horseman of the Apocalypse. 我是天命骑士之一。 - I hate people, but I love gatherings! 我恨人们,但我喜欢收藏品 - I''m a Death Night Rider! Muh ha ha ha 我是一个死亡骑士(死掉的夜骑士)!啊哈哈哈 - Blueca!** - Don''t touch me... I''m evil! 别碰我……我是邪恶的! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Let terror reign! 让恐惧统治一切吧! - Feel

篇二:SRS WOW是大家最为熟知的一种音效技术

SRS WOW是大家最为熟知的一种音效技术,它是SRS Labs公司针对MP3等新一代的音频格式而开发的一种音质增强技术,SRS WOW HD音效技术是WOW技术的升级版本,这项技术可以让用户根据自己的需要和环境调整音响效果。

SRS WOW由SRS 3D、WOW、TruBass、FOCUS组成,SRS WOW HD又新增了High Definition、CENTER、Limiter等技术,使得背景音效更加强;借助于High Definition人声清晰度更高,低音效果更强劲有力;调节Center,感知声源位置远近,使声音更富立体感。

SRS WOW HD音效包含的设置:








下面以台电X19+为例,分享几个网友们比较认同的设置方法: Trubass音率:100Hz


SRS宽度: 70

SRS中置: 50

音场焦点: 60

低音: 75

清晰度: 30

限幅器: 20





SRS中置:50 音场焦点:30 低音:90

清晰度:15 限幅器:90

图形化均衡器:摇滚 Trubass音率:100Hz


SRS宽度: 55 SRS中置: 25 音场焦点: 10 低音: 60~70 清晰度: 30 限幅器: 20

Trubass音率:200Hz SRS宽度: 54 SRS中置: 49 音场焦点: 32 低音: 27 清晰度: 64 限幅器: 20

(第三媒体 2009-10-20)


恶魔猎手- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - At last, we shall have revenge! 终于,我们可以报仇了! =选定音效= - The time has come. 是时候了 - We must act! 我们必须行动了! - My blade thirsts 我的刀刃渴望着…… - Quickly! 快! - Command Me! 命令我吧! =行动/执行动作音效= - [思想控制] You are spellbound!*** 你已经着魔了 - [蜕变] Time to raise hell! 呼唤地狱的时刻到了 - [吸魂] Your soul is mine!*** 你的灵魂属于我 - [鬼怪视界] Hide no longer!*** 你无处可藏 - Anatorettador!** 精灵语 - Though I be damned! 就算我是被诅咒的! - Duranacal.** 精灵语 - At last. 终于 - Hmmm. 唔 =骂玩家音效= - I shall fight fire with fire! 我要以火焰来克制火焰。 - Chaos boils in my veins! 混沌的力量在我血液中沸腾 - Demon blood is thicker than... regular blood. 恶魔之血浓于……一般的血 - I like my enemies dead and my blades flaming. 最爱看敌人死在我燃烧的刀 刃下 - I love green trees! (注解: 这个很粗暴. 在游戏中其实是倒过来的, 我不想把它 拼出来所以我把它倒过来了. ) - You will perish in flames (咳嗽声) Ops, sorry! 你将在火焰中毁灭(咳嗽)哦, 对不起! - Darkness called, ... but I was on the phone, so I missed him. I tried to *69 Darkness, but his machine picked up. I yelled: "Pick up the phone Darkness", but he ignored me. Darkness must have been screening his calls. 黑暗之王一 度召唤我,……但我在打电话,所以我错过了。我试着回拨给他,但只听到录音 留言。我喊道:“拿起电话呀,黑暗之王”,但是他不理我。黑暗之王一定是屏蔽 了他的电话。 =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] For Calendor! 为了 Kalimdor - None shall survive! 挡我者死! - Your blood is mine! 喝你的血! - Run for your life! 快逃命吧! - Revenge! 复仇! 丛林守护者- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - I must safegaurd the land! 保护大地是我的职责。 =选定音效= - Is there danger? 有险情吗? - Command me. 命令我吧 - Who threatens the wilds? 谁在威胁着大自然? - The time is now. 就是现在 - Nature is restless. 大自然永不宁静 =行动/执行动作音效= - [自然之触] Everything I touch dies or comes back to life! 我的触碰带来死亡和 再生! - [扼死藤] This should weed out a few! 这些杂草应该清除 - [荆棘] You mess with the branch, you get the thorns! 你跟树枝战斗,就得面 对荆棘。 - [宁静] The calm, before the storm. 暴风雨前的宁静 - By the spirits! 以精灵们的力量! - For Calendor! 为了 Kalimdor! - Well, there it is. 好,在那边 - So shall is be. 理应如此 - Naturally. 自然而然 =骂玩家音效= - My father was mounted over someone\'\'s fireplace. 我父亲是画在壁炉上方 的座骑 - Feel natural, nature\'\'s way. 感受大自然的自然 - Don\'\'t let the doe hit you on the way out

! 那些母鹿要来扁你了 - When I Attack, part 3. 当我攻击时,第 3 部分 - Free rides for the ladies MM 免费骑哦 - Heard up! 收到! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Smite the defilers of the land! 给污染者以致命一击! - Feel nature\'\'s wrath! 感受自然的愤怒! - Death to all defilers! 污染者,受死! - None shall harm the wilds! 没有人可以伤害大自然! 月亮女祭祀- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - Warriors of the night, assemble! 夜之战士们,集结起来! =选定音效= - We are poised to strike! 我们随时准备战斗! - We must act! 我们得行动了! - I am vigilant! 我时刻警惕着! - Trust in my command. 相信我的指挥吧! =行动/执行动作音效= - [月光] Godess, grant me sight! 女神啊,赐予我慧眼吧! - [月反射] Let me bounce this off you. 从你身上反弹吧! - [灼光] Highbeams on! 强光照射! - [强击] Shoot to kill! 射杀! - [黎明] Darkness falls across the land. 黑暗降临大地(知道 MJ 的 Thriller 吗? Darkness Falls Across The Land ,The Midnight Hour Is Close At Hand, Creatures Crawl In Search Of Blood……\'\'Cause This Is Thriller, Thriller Night……MJ 开始与一群僵尸跳舞^o^ ) - Leading the way! 领路! - Onward! 前进! - As I thought. 正合我意 - The Godess agrees. 正如女神所愿 =骂玩家音效= - I command the army of Darkness! 我指挥着黑暗(暗夜)部队! - I\'\'m caught between the moon and NightElf city. 我往返于月亮与夜精灵城之 间 - Come on! We\'\'re burning moonlight. 来吧!我们是燃烧的月之光 - When a Treant falls in the forest, does it make a sound? 一个树人在森林里倒 下时,会发出声音吗? =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] By the Godess! 以女神的力量! - Strike! 进攻! - For the Godess! 为了女神! - Prepare to be Moonstruck!准备接受月神之击!(Moonstruck 的字典解释:源 于月光能引起精神错乱的信仰,是不是有点讽刺?) Warden 守望者 Ready - "My prey is near." ---我的猎物就在附近。 Warcry - "Justice has come." ---审判降临。 What1 - "Have you reached a verdict?"---你有判决了吗? What2 - "Let me investigate." ---让我来仔细调查 What3 - (Elvish) What4 - (Elvish) What5 - "I am the iron hand of justice."---我是司法(正义)的铁碗。 Yes1 - "Let the hunt begin."---狩猎开始吧。 Yes2 - "Understood." ---明白。 Yes4 - "I can taste their fear."---我能感觉到他们的恐惧。 Yes5 - "Justice shall be swift." ---执法必须迅速。 YesAttack1 - "They shall not escape!" ---他们决对逃脱不了! YesAttack2 - "Let justice be served!" ---为司法服务! YesAttack3 - "I am the law." ---我就是法律。 Pissed1 - "I shall be your executioner." ---我会是你的死刑执行者。 Pissed2 - "Only the guilty need fear me." ---只有犯罪者对我感到恐惧。 Pissed3 - "Justice may be blind, but i\'m not." ---司

法可能有盲目,但,我没有。 Pissed4 - "Truth, Justice and the Night Elf way." ---执行真理,正义和夜精灵的 路线(方法?) Pissed5 - "You think you\'re above the law?" ---你认为你能凌驾于法律之上? Pissed6 - "What we have here is a failure to communicate." ---我们在这所面对 的是沟通的失败(既然已经这样,没有沟通的必要了。) Pissed7 - "I hold you in contempt."---对你,我只有蔑视。(鄙视你!!!:) Pissed8 - "He\'s no good to me if he\'s dead." ---他死了的话,对我毫无价值。 (追杀狂。。。) ORC 的: 剑圣- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - I obey the six vengance! (原帖都没翻译...obey 是执行的意思,vengance,复仇, 报仇,连起来我也不知道.我执行这 6 个复仇?不通顺...) =选定音效= - I am yours! 我属于你! - Ohh! 噢! - Yesa, Lord!* 是,主人! - What task is there?有什么任务? =行动/执行动作音效= - I hearo and obey!* 我听从命令!(剑圣说的是日式英语……把 r 音发成鲁等) - Hai! 日语,嗨咿! - Excellent choice! 完美的选择! - Yes, huh! 是,哈! =骂玩家音效= - Snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper! - My a blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato!* 我的刀可以切穿盔 甲,切到里面的番茄(心脏) - Twin blade action, for clean, close shave everytime! 看我的双刀流……每次 都可以把脸刮的很干净~(剔须刀呀?) - Wasabi! 日语,芥末 (……剑圣整个一日本武士) =Attack Sounds= - [.vs 英雄] For the burning Blade! 为了燃烧之刃 - Taste a* my blade! 尝尝我的利刃 - Ailease! *喊声* - Hooah! *吼声* 先知- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - The future is ours! 未来属于我们! =选定音效= - My eyes are open. 我洞悉一切 - Seeing is believing! 眼见为实 - Do you need my counsel? 需要我的忠告吗? - Destiny awaits. 命运在等待 =行动/执行动作音效= - It is certain. 确信无疑 - Of course. 当然 - I see. 明白 - Watch out! =骂玩家音效= - I see dead people. 我看见死人了(开地图秘籍哦,果然是 farseer) - Touch you tongue to mine! 敢用你的舌头舔我! (狼的呻吟声) - Concentrate and ask again. 思想集中一点!再问我一遍 - Outlook not so good. 前景不太理想(暗指微软的 outlook 不太好用) - Reply hazy. Try again! 回答的摸棱两可,再说一遍! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Spirits of Earth and Storm, strike! 大地与风暴的灵魂啊,攻击吧! - Strike! 进攻! - Look out! 注意! - Attack! 进攻! 牛头人酋长- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - I have an axe to grind! 我有把斧子要磨 =选定音效= - I stand ready! 我准备好了 - Your command? 你的命令? - Your order? 你的指示? - What would you ask of me? 你要我做什么? =行动/执行动作音效= - Done! 完成! - For my ancestors!为了我的祖

先们! - An excellent plan! 好计划! - Yes Chieftan? 是,酋长?(他自己也是酋长哦) =骂玩家音效= - Mmmm. My back is killing me! 唔,我的后背要了我的命。 - I need to take a load off! 我需要减轻负荷。 - Rrrrggg! I think I have a splinter! 呃啊~~~~我想我的骨头碎了! - These poles are heavy, I should find someone else to tote em!这些柱子好沉 啊,我该找别的人来背它(找个真人来作我的图腾) - I used to have to go to war uphills, both ways!我以前打仗的时候还得上坡,两 个方面…… - Your way, right away! 一是你上,二是马上 =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] For the War Chief and the Tribes! 为了酋长和部落! - For the Tribes! 为了部落! - Honorguide me!* 荣誉引导着我! - None shall pass! 把命留下! Shadow Hunter 暗影猎手 Ready - "Want to see somethin\' real scary?" ---想来点真正让人惊慌的玩意 儿? Warcry - "It be the mad time man." ---这真是一个疯狂的时代。 What1 - "Who do I kill first?" ---先来干掉哪个? What2 - "Where our enemies be hidin\'?" ---我们的敌人藏身在哪里? What3 - "Use my power." ---以我的力量。 What4 - "Direct my blade." ---指引我的利刃。 What5 - "Who be my next victim?" ---接下来谁受死? Yes1 - "Move faster." ---行动更快些。 Yes2 - "It be a pleasure." ---很乐意。 Yes3 - "Right." ---的确。 Yes5 - "We be jammin\'." ---我们陷入了困境。 Yes6 - *laughs* Yes7 - "Ya man."---年轻人。 YesAttack1 - "My blade be thirsty." ---我的刀刃渴望杀戮。 YesAttack2 - "I pity the fool." ---我真为那些愚蠢的家伙感到可怜。 YesAttack3 - "Killin\' be easy." ---将他杀死,简单。 YesAttack4 - "Die!" ---死吧。 Pissed1 - "Keepin it real, up in the feal." ---保持真实,?? Pissed2 - "Your commander is a fool." ---你的指挥官是个傻瓜。 Pissed3 - "Call me for your free reading." ---有免费阅读的话请叫上我。 Pissed4 - "You\'re the baddest soul in town man." ---你是整个部落最糟糕的灵 魂,小子。 Pissed5 - "Humans. They think they know everything." ---人类,他们总以为自 己无所不知。 Pissed6 - "You lack discipline." ---你缺乏纪律。 Pissed7 - "Stop whinin\'." ---别再抱怨了,年轻人。 Pissed8 - "Look at me. I\'m happy." ---看看我。我多开心。 Pissed9 - "Ooh, Baby."---喔,孩子。 UD 的: 死亡骑士- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - The pact is sealed! 契约已订! =选定音效= - You called? 你召唤我吗? - My patience has ended! 我的耐心已尽! - I am the Darkness! 我就是黑暗! - My vengence is yours! 你就是我的复仇! =行动/执行动作音效= - Let battle be joined! 加入战斗! - As you order! 听从命令! - Hiyah! 嗨呀! - At last! 终于! - For the Lich King!为了巫妖王! =骂玩家音效= - Has hell frozen over yet? 地狱还没有冻住吗? - I am the one horseman of the Apo

calypse. 我是天命骑士之一。 - I hate people, but I love gatherings! 我恨人们,但我喜欢收藏品 - I\'\'m a Death Night Rider! Muh ha ha ha 我是一个死亡骑士 (死掉的夜骑士) ! 啊哈哈哈 - Blueca!** - Don\'\'t touch me... I\'\'m evil! 别碰我……我是邪恶的! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Let terror reign! 让恐惧统治一切吧! - Feel my rath! 感受我的愤怒! - Ride or die! 逃跑还是受死! - By Nazul! 以 Ner \'\'zhul 的名义 恐惧之王- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - The night beckons! 夜在召唤! =选定音效= - Greetings! 向您问候! - What, mortal? 什么事,凡人 - What is it now? 现在呢? - I must hunt soon! 我立即行动! =行动/执行动作音效= - That was my plan! 正是我的计划! - Agreed! 同意! - Very well. 很好! - You thought of that? 你也那么想? =骂玩家音效= - If I have wings, why am I always walking? 既然我有翅膀,为什么我总是步 行? - (电话铃声) Yes? Arrgghh! For the last time, I\'\'m a Dread Lord, not a Drug Lord! 喂?啊!!我说最后一次,我是一个恐怖魔王,不是毒品王! - This is not a dress, it\'\'s the standard Dread Lord uniform!这不是一般的服装, 这是恐怖魔王标准套装! - Dress to kill! Blah! 是穿来杀人的!废话! - (电话铃声) Yes? Darkness, hey, what\'\'s up? The Demon Hunter left you a message? No, I don\'\'t have his number. 喂?黑暗之王吗?嗨,情况如何?恶 魔猎手给你留了条短信?哦,不,我没有他的号码。 - And then, after I overthrow this fool... Oh! Hello! I didn\'\'t know you were there. 然后,我揭穿这个笨蛋……啊,喂,我不知道你在那 - Imbisile! 不可思议 =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Your soul is mine! 你的灵魂属于我! - I hunger! 我饥渴! - Deathrageous! 死之怒! - Die! 死吧! 巫妖- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - The ancient evil survives! 远古邪恶生还了! =选定音效= - I am sworn to Nazul! 我效忠于 Ner \'\'zhul ! - Thy bidding? 你的命令? - Direct me! 指示我吧! - Yours to command! 由你指挥! =行动/执行动作音效= - [清醒] Cllleeaarrr! 了 解!!! - [冰霜铠甲] Nazul protect them!Ner \'\'zhul 保护他们! - [冰河] Freeze! 结冻吧 - [召唤冰龙] Rise from your grave! 从坟墓中复活吧! - So be it! 正是如此! - By your words! 听你的! - It it destined! 这是宿命! - Dead man walking! 死者在行走啊! - Chilling! 颤抖吧! =骂玩家音效= - Could you chew that up for me? 能帮我咀嚼一下吗? - I\'\'m so poor, I don\'\'t even have calcium deposits! 我真可怜,我甚至连个钙 质的驱壳都没有。 - I am the Ghost of Warcraft past.我是魔兽之幽灵。 - I hear that banshee\'\'s a real screamer! 我听见女妖还真是能喊哪! - You should see the skeletons in my closet! 你该看看我橱子里的骷髅! - Im hoe ch








农民 -


- Ready to work! 准备工作


- Yes, me Lord? 是,陛下?

- What is it? 要做什么?

- More work? 还有工作?

- What? 什么?


- [建筑] Construction Zone! Do not enter!*** 建造区无法进入!

- [建筑] Hard hat required!*** 戴好安全帽!

- [建筑] Move along, nothing to see here.*** 向前走,这里没什么好看的

- [建筑] I need a hard hat!*** 我需要一顶安全帽

- [建筑] Job''s done! 工作完成

- Righto!* 好哦

- Yes, me Lord! 是,我的陛下

- Alright. 好吧

- Off I go then. 那我去了


- You''re the King? Well I didn''t vote for you. 你是国王?我可没有投票给你 - We found a witch, may we burn her? 我们找到一个女巫,我们该烧死她吗? - Help! Help! I''m being repressed! 救命!救命!我被镇压了!

- A horse kicked me once. It hurt! 我被马踢过,真疼!

- Doh! 咚!


- [.vs 英雄] Yaaahhh! 呀!!

- I guess I can. 我猜我可以

- If you want. 如果您想要

- No one else available? 别人不可以吗?

- That''s it, I''m dead! 好吧,我死定了!

步兵 -


- Ready for action! 准备行动!


- Orders? 命令?

- What do you need? 需要什么?

- Yes, my Liege! 遵命,陛下!

- Say the word! 下令吧!


- Aye, me Lord! 是,陛下!

- On my way! 行进中!

- Right. 对

- Of course.当然


- Don''t ask, don''t tell. 不要问,不要说

- Grab your sword and fight the Horde! 握紧你的剑与兽人战斗吧!

- Uncle Lothar wants YOU! 洛萨大叔需要你!(洛萨是人类国王)

- It''s only a flesh wound! 这只是新伤口!


- [.vs 英雄] For Lordearon! 为了洛丹伦!(洛丹伦:人类联盟之家园)

- Let me at em!* 我来进攻他们!

- Attttaccckkk! 进~攻~~~

- To arms! 拿起武器!



- Locked and loaded! 锁定目标,填弹完毕!


- Aye, sir? 是,长官?

- Ya have a target? 您有目标吗?

- I''m your shooter! 我是您的射手!

- What do you need? 您需要什么?


- OoooK. 好的~~

- I''ll take care of it! 我来搞定!

- Time to go! 该走了!

- Aight!* 好啊


- This. Is. My. Boomstick! 这,是,我的,火枪!

- Where''s me drink?* 我的酒哪儿去了?

- I can''t shoot straight unless I''ve had a pint! 我不喝个一品脱就打不准!

- Oh! There''s me drink. Get. In. My. Belly! 噢!这是我的酒,进 我 的 肚 子 吧! - Guns don''t kill people. I DO! Ha ha! 枪并不会杀人,我会!哈哈!

- Don''t shoot, shoot, shoot that thing at me! 别拿那东西射,射,射我

- I shot the Sheriff, and the Deputy, and your wee doggy TOO!* 我杀了郡长,又杀了副官,现在我要杀你这狗崽子!

- You''ll take me blunderbuss we ye pry it from my cold, dead hands! 我死了你才能从我手中把枪拿走!


- [.vs 英雄] For Iron Forge! 为了钢铁熔炉(部落名)!

- Fire! 射击!

- I''ve got the beast in my sights! 我在视野中发现了野兽!

- Take that you sod. 尝尝这个你这#¥%*

- Shoot ta kill!* 射杀!

骑士 -


- I await your command! 等待您的命令!


- Sire? 陛下?

- Your honor! 以您的荣誉!

- Command me! 命令我吧!

- Yes, my Lord? 是,陛下?


- [冲锋] For Azaeroth!** 为了艾泽洛斯(人类以前的故乡)!

- At once! 马上!

- For the King! 为了国王!

- Aboslutely! 绝对服从!

- I swear it! 我发誓!


- My favorite color is blue... NO, yellllooowwww..... 我喜欢的颜色是蓝色??不,是黄色(声音渐弱)

- Victory for Lordearon!洛丹伦必胜!(头盔掉下来了)

- Dost thou speak unto me?* 汝谓吾呼?(呵呵,古文)

- By the Gods you''re annoying! 以上帝的名义??您真是烦!

- I never say: Ni! 我从来没说过Ni!

- Damn helmet, can''t seem to get ... this ... thing. (从头盔里传出的模糊声音) 该死的头盔,摘不下来(马的哀鸣声)


- [.vs 英雄] For honor, for freedom! 为了荣誉,为了自由!

- For the King! 为了国王!

- Have at thee! 进攻汝!

- To the death! 受死吧!

牧师 -


- I come to cleanse this land! 我为净化这片土地而来


- What ails you? 是什么困扰着你?

- Yes, my friend. 是,我的朋友。

- Is my aid required? 需要我的帮助吗?

- Is someone injured? 有人受伤了吗?


- [驱魔] Be gone spawn of Darkness! 消失吧!黑暗之子

- [治疗] Be well! 好

- Of course! 当然

- I am your servant! 为您服务!

- As you wish. 如你所愿

- Right away. 马上


- Scalpel... spounge... magic wand. 手术刀??海绵??魔法杖

- There is peace and serenity within the Light. 光芒照耀着和平与宁静

- Clear! (能听到电流声) 明白!

- Crossover children... crossover into the Light! 穿越吧,孩子??找到光明!

- I have been chosen by the big metal hand in the sky! 我被天上的巨大铁手选中了(鼠标指针)

- Side affects may include dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, water retention, painful rectal itch, hallucination, dementia, psychosis, coma, death and halitosis. Magic is not for everyone. Consult your doctor before use. 可能的副作用包括口干舌燥、恶心、呕吐、积水、阵痛、幻觉、痴呆、精神病、昏迷、死亡和口臭。魔法并不适用于所有人,使用前请遵医嘱。


- [.vs 英雄] For the memory of Quelforloss!** 为了Quelforloss的回忆! - Be gone spawn of Darkness! 消失吧,黑暗之子!

- Now feel my rath! 现在,感受我的愤怒吧!

- By the power of the Light, burn! 以光明力量的名义,燃烧吧!



- The flows of magic are whimsical today! 今天的魔法波动反复无常


- Do you require aid, human? 需要帮助吗,人类?

- This better be good. 最好如此

- Help me, help you. 帮助我就是帮助你

- What''ll it be hot shot?*

- Kick down sparky.


- [隐形] See ya later!* 一会见!

- [减速] What''s your hurry? 你慌什么?

- [水元素] It''s time to get wet! 是时候来点水份了

- If you insist. 如果你坚持的话

- What a good idea. 真是个好主意

- It''s about time. 是时候了

- Once again, it''s up to the elves. 事情又由精灵来决定了


- Click my baby, one more time! 点我呀,宝贝,再来一次!

- Maybe you should get a strategy guide! 也许你需要一本战略指导

- I don''t remember casting slow on you. 我不记得对你施了缓慢

- You don''t get out much do you? 你不太明白,是吧?

- Let''s chat on Battle.net sometime. 我们改天在战网上聊吧

- For the "End of the World" spell, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete. 想用世界末日魔法,按Ctrl+Alt+Delete


- [.vs 英雄] For the Alliance! 为了联盟!

- You wish is my command! 您的意愿就是我的命令

- Now victory shall be ours. 胜利属于我们

- Without delay! 马上!

矮人直升机 -


- We have liftoff! 我们起飞啦!


- How you doin?* 你好啊~

- What''s the flight plan? 飞行计划呢?

- Where to? 去哪儿?

- Ok to go. 可以走了

- Oh, it''s you. 哦,是你啊


- Roger wilco! 收到,照办!

- Will do command. 奉命行事

- Approaching the sound barrier! 逼近音障!

- What, over there? 什么?那边?

- They''ll never hear me coming! 他们永远听不到我!(直升机引擎发出巨大响声) =骂玩家音效=

- Opsss. I dropped something. (炸弹掉落声) 啊哦,我把什么东西掉下去了(爆炸声) - Stay on target! 紧随目标!

- I''d rather be flying.. uh... oh. 我宁愿飞行,呃,喔??

- You can be my wingman anytime! 你可以随时做我的舵手!

- Pilot to Bombardier. Bombardier here, go ahead Pilot. 飞行员呼叫投弹手。这里是投弹手,飞行员请讲(矮人直升机上只有一个人)

- I will now demonstrate the doppler effect. d... o... p... p.... l..... e....... r 我现在来证明多普勒作用。多??普??勒??

- There''s... something... on... the wing. 机翼上??有??什么东西

- I''m on a different PLANE of exstence. Get it? Plane? 我在一种叫飞机的物体上,懂吗?飞机。


- [.vs 英雄] Off to the wild blue yonder! 前往远处蓝色的原野!

- This bomb''s for you! 这个炸弹送给你!

- I''ve got tone! 我要唱歌!

- Death! 死吧!

- Take it! 接着!

迫击炮小队- (注解: 这个兵种有两个人, 所以并不是一个人在那里自言自语) (矮人#2 在

[ ] 里)


- Mortar combat! 迫击炮战斗组(用唱的)

=Selection Sounds=

- Let''s get to fightin''!* 我们去战斗吧!

(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:短信音效奇怪魔兽)

- Where do you want us? 想让我们去哪儿?

- Show us a target! 给我们指个目标!

- Hello! 哈楼!


- Gotta go. [ Me too! ] 该走了[我也是!]

- Move your arse! 走了,笨蛋

- You made the right choice. [ It''s on! ] 正确的选择![行动中!]
