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篇一:ef 少儿英语:如何激励孩子学习


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ef 少儿英语:如何激励孩子学习

3-6岁是学习第二外语是最佳的时期。ef 少儿英语非常注重课程设置、课堂教学、课外活动的趣味性,培养孩子对英语的兴趣,激发学习热情,树立自信心,更好地激励孩子学习。


Consistently praise your child everyday for what they are doing well. Don’t save the praise for only the top score. Tell your child specifically what you like about what they are doing or what they have done. A hug or pat on the shoulder increases the messages impact. When possible involve other adults in helping you praise your child. Here’s how:

One parent praises the child for their behavior or achievement

This parent praises the child in front of another person (family friend, grandparent, or other parent)

The other person now praises the child








When praise is not enough, sometimes we have to use other incentives to get your child motivated. An incentive is something that pushes a child into action. Once children start working on their own, the rewards can be phased out but make sure to keep up the praise. It is important to note that reward do not have to be expensive. More than anything, children want their parents’ attention. Rewards may include watching their favorite movie together, going to the park or getting an ice-cream together.



Communicating your expectations

Tell your child clearly and firmly that you expect them to do their homework responsibly.


Give choices: Would you prefer to do your homework before or after a snack? Don’t argue with your children; use the broken-record technique. (i.e. ‘Feel free to watch TV when your homework is done.” Regardless of how your child tries to test thi

ef parents

s statement- keep repeating it.)

Back up your words with actions. Show your child that you mean what you say and say what you mean.

Call your child’s teacher if your child cannot do the homework assignments, or does not bring home assigned work.





用行动来支持你说的话。用行动来告诉孩子,你要的就是你说的,你说的就是你要的。 当你的孩子不能完成功课时,或没有把功课带回家时,给老师打电话。

幼儿阶段是孩子成长最重要的时期,家长可以通过在线英语培训网站,了解到ef 少儿英语的相关信息。我们不仅仅只传授孩子英语学习技能,同时培养孩子语言能力,社交能力,肢体发展能洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。洛基英





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SECTION ONE: The 7 Hidden Values of Homework---------------------------------------------------- 3 SECTION TWO: Building good study habits ------------------------------------------------------------- 5 SECTION THREE: Managing homework ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 SECTION FOUR: How to motivate your child to study ------------------------------------------------ 13 SECTION FIVE: Language Learning Strategies---------------------------------------------------------- 15 SECTION SIX: Tips from an EF teacher--------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 SECTION SEVEN: Extra resources for kids and teens ------------------------------------------------ 27


第一部分:家庭作业的7大秘密--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 第二部分:养成良好的学习习惯---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 第三部分:合理安排家庭作业 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 第四部分:如何激励孩子学习 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 第五部分:语言学习策略------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 第六部分:EF教师对学习英语的建议-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 第七部分:补充学习用资源---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27



The Seven Hidden Values of Homework


Homework affects achievement in school

Research tells us that time spent doing homework directly affects a child?s achievement. Students who consistently do homework perform better academically than those who do not do homework. By doing homework, students can improve academic achievement in all subjects. This occurs across all grade levels for both high and low achievers.

Parents can maximize the benefit of homework for your child when you understand the purpose of it and the values it engenders.




The Seven Hidden Values of Homework

1. Responsibility: Homework is the child?s responsibility. When parents get too involved they deny the child the opportunity to take responsibility. The homework task may get done but the real lessons do not get learned.

2. Independence: Because this is the first time that someone other than a parent assigns frequent tasks to the child, homework breaks new ground. How this golden opportunity is handled will enhance or detract from the child?s progress toward self-direction.

3. Perseverance: There is no point to a child doing homework, if every time the gets frustrated, parents step right in and take over. It is alright to let the child struggle a little with a problem or task.

4. Time management: Children need to be told when to finish homework, not when to start

it. That way, instead of learning to waste time, the child learns to manage it efficiently.

5. Initiative: Like a muscle, the ability to be a ?self-starter? strengthens with exercise. For

this reason, it is essential that the child decides when it is time to begin each homework assignment.

6. Self-reliance: Homework can affirm a child?s feeling of ?I CAN DO IT!? If homework is

mismanaged, it destroys that feeling. Unfortunately, there is no in-between.

7. Resourcefulness: The ability to be inventive in the face of problems is the very essence

of being human. Homework encourages students to use lateral thinking, problem solving and other coping mechanisms, equipping them to meet the demands of the adult world.


1. 责任感:家庭作业是孩子的责任。如果家长替孩子完成作业,那么家长就剥夺了孩子承担


2. 独立性:对于孩子来说,这可能是第一次家长以外的人给他们布置作业,家庭作业可能是


3. 坚持力:如果每次孩子遇到困难家长就帮孩子解决掉,那么家庭作业就没有任何意义了。


4. 管理时间:我们应该告诉孩子何时完成作业,而不是何时开始做作业。这样,孩子就会学


5. 自发性:自发性就像肌肉一样,越锻炼就越强。所以,培养孩子能够自己决定应该什么时


6. 自信度:家庭作业能够强化孩子“我能做到!”这种感觉。如果家庭作业安排不合理,那


7. 适应力:对于人类而言,碰到困难的时候是否具有能力找到新的解决方法是非常重要的。




Building good study habits


Getting started

Develop a homework system. Find a time, place and plan that becomes as routine as soon as possible. Make study a part of this daily routine: teach your child to pace their study, rather than cramming at the last minute. Study daily in short segments.

As you read the homework tips below, keep in mind that patience and step-by-step management are vital to developing organizational skills in your child. Remember:




The most promising approach is to MODEL and COACH. MODEL by demonstrating the behavior and approach you want to encourage. COACH by slowly and gradually building upon their progress and appreciating every step they take toward independence.







孩子需要安全的稳定感,威胁孩子是不必要的 对孩子过高的要求会让孩子变得迟钝 总是不让孩子面对困难会降低他们对于独立生活的自信心 To threaten children can destabilize them To overwhelm them can immobilize them Yet, to rescue them can undermine their self-confidence in their ability to take charge of their lives.


(9.9)EF Unit5 Festivals

1.Mei Li is spending her first Christmas…

Do you like these Christmas cards?

Yes,I do. I really like the tree,too.

2.What do you do at Chrestmas?

We give gifts.

We also sing Christmas carols and send Christmas cards.

3.Do you like Christmas?

Yes,I like Christmas a lot.

I like New Year,too.

4.What festivals do you celebrate in China?

We celebrate Chinese New Year.

1.梅李花她的第一个圣诞节… 你喜欢这些圣诞卡? 是的,我喜欢. 我真的也很喜欢这棵树。

2.圣诞节你做什么?我们给的礼物。我们也唱圣诞颂歌和圣诞卡。 3.你喜欢圣诞节吗? 是的,我很喜欢圣诞节。 我喜欢新年,太。

4.你在中国庆祝什么节日吗? 我们庆祝中国新年

5.What do you do duing Chinese New Year? 你是做什么的在中国新年吗?

We eat dumplings and watch the fireworks. 我们吃饺子,看烟花。 When is it? It’s usually some time in February.


6.Which festival do you like best ,Zach? 这是你最喜欢的节日,扎克?

I like Halloween best. Why? I like trick or treating.

我最喜欢万圣节。为什么呢?我喜欢的 。

7.I don’t like Halloween. 我不喜欢万圣节

My parents don’t like Halloween, either.





SECTION ONE: The 7 Hidden Values of Homework---------------------------------------------------- 3 SECTION TWO: Building good study habits ------------------------------------------------------------- 5 SECTION THREE: Managing homework ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 SECTION FOUR: How to motivate your child to study ------------------------------------------------ 13 SECTION FIVE: Language Learning Strategies---------------------------------------------------------- 15 SECTION SIX: Tips from an EF teacher--------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 SECTION SEVEN: Extra resources for kids and teens ------------------------------------------------ 27


第一部分:家庭作业的7大秘密--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 第二部分:养成良好的学习习惯---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 第三部分:合理安排家庭作业 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 第四部分:如何激励孩子学习 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 第五部分:语言学习策略------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 第六部分:EF教师对学习英语的建议-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 第七部分:补充学习用资源---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27



The Seven Hidden Values of Homework


Homework affects achievement in school

Research tells us that time spent doing homework directly affects a child?s achievement. Students who consistently do homework perform better academically than those who do not do homework. By doing homework, students can improve academic achievement in all subjects. This occurs across all grade levels for both high and low achievers.

Parents can maximize the benefit of homework for your child when you understand the purpose of it and the values it engenders.




The Seven Hidden Values of Homework

1. Responsibility: Homework is the child?s responsibility. When parents get too involved they deny the child the opportunity to take responsibility. The homework task may get done but the real lessons do not get learned.

2. Independence: Because this is the first time that someone other than a parent assigns frequent tasks to the child, homework breaks new ground. How this golden opportunity is handled will enhance or detract from the child?s progress toward self-direction.

3. Perseverance: There is no point to a child doing homework, if every time the gets frustrated, parents step right in and take over. It is alright to let the child struggle a little with a problem or task.

4. Time management: Children need to be told when to finish homework, not when to start

it. That way, instead of learning to waste time, the child learns to manage it efficiently.

5. Initiative: Like a muscle, the ability to be a ?self-starter? strengthens with exercise. For

this reason, it is essential that the child decides when it is time to begin each homework assignment.

6. Self-reliance: Homework can affirm a child?s feeling of ?I CAN DO IT!? If homework is

mismanaged, it destroys that feeling. Unfortunately, there is no in-between.

7. Resourcefulness: The ability to be inventive in the face of problems is the very essence

of being human. Homework encourages students to use lateral thinking, problem solving and other coping mechanisms, equipping them to meet the demands of the adult world.


1. 责任感:家庭作业是孩子的责任。如果家长替孩子完成作业,那么家长就剥夺了孩子承担


2. 独立性:对于孩子来说,这可能是第一次家长以外的人给他们布置作业,家庭作业可能是


3. 坚持力:如果每次孩子遇到困难家长就帮孩子解决掉,那么家庭作业就没有任何意义了。


4. 管理时间:我们应该告诉孩子何时完成作业,而不是何时开始做作业。这样,孩子就会学


5. 自发性:自发性就像肌肉一样,越锻炼就越强。所以,培养孩子能够自己决定应该什么时


6. 自信度:家庭作业能够强化孩子“我能做到!”这种感觉。如果家庭作业安排不合理,那


7. 适应力:对于人类而言,碰到困难的时候是否具有能力找到新的解决方法是非常重要的。




Building good study habits


Getting started

Develop a homework system. Find a time, place and plan that becomes as routine as soon as possible. Make study a part of this daily routine: teach your child to pace their study, rather than cramming at the last minute. Study daily in short segments.

As you read the homework tips below, keep in mind that patience and step-by-step management are vital to developing organizational skills in your child. Remember:




The most promising approach is to MODEL and COACH. MODEL by demonstrating the behavior and approach you want to encourage. COACH by slowly and gradually building upon their progress and appreciating every step they take toward independence.







孩子需要安全的稳定感,威胁孩子是不必要的 对孩子过高的要求会让孩子变得迟钝 总是不让孩子面对困难会降低他们对于独立生活的自信心 To threaten children can destabilize them To overwhelm them can immobilize them Yet, to rescue them can undermine their self-confidence in their ability to take charge of their lives.

篇五:七选五阅读练习 (1)

High-quality relationships make people happy. Some people living in the poorest communities have almost nothing but turn out to be the happiest because they share a life, together. If effective relationships are working, happiness is always possible. Here are some simple tips for building effective relationships.

Listen to and try to understand others' positions and feelings. Listening in itself can lead to understanding, and if you understand someone else fully, then you know how to work better with him or her.

Openly express your needs and feeling. Sometimes we expect people particularly those close to us at home or work to understand what we want and to give us what we need intuitively (凭直 觉地). However, people are so complicated and so different

A.Think before you speak.

B.Never listen to your parents

C.Think about the problem from your parents’ point of view.

D.It is quite common to disagree with one’s parents.

E.Hear them out and then decide how to deal with the problem.

F.Be clear about what you need,rather than focus on why you disagree.

G.If you can, try to discuss the problem with your parents at another time.


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer.

___71___ Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. Others burst with anger, and scream and yell. But other people keep their anger inside. They can not or will not express it. This is called repressing anger.

For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person’s health than expressing it. They said that when a person is angry, the brain releases the same hormones (荷尔蒙

the anger, then decide if the cause is get If it say, “___reasonably.”

angry. ___75___




A major source of teen stress is school exams, and test anxiety is not uncommon. When you recognize your teen is under stress, how can parents help your teen stay calm before an exam? Be involved. Parents need to be involved in their teen’s work.presence — to talk, to cry, or simply to sit with them quietly. Communicate openly with your teen. Encourage your teen to express her worries and fears, but don’t let them focus on those fears.

Together , you and your teen can work out a time—table in which she can study for what she knows will be on the test.

Provide a calm setting. Help your teen set up a quiet place to study and protect his privacy. Give them a nutritious diet. It is important for your teen to eat a healthy, balanced diet during exam times to focus and do her best. If this happens, encourage your teen to eat light meals or sandwiches. A healthy diet, rather than junk food, is best for reducing stress.

Persuade your teenager to get some sleep and /or do something active when she needs a real break from studying. Making time for relaxation, fun, and exercise are all important in

reducing stress. Help your teen balance her time so that she will feel comfortable taking time out from studying to spend time with friends or rest.

Your panic, anxiety and blame contribute to your teen’s

pressure. Make your teen feel accepted and valued for her efforts. Most importantly, reassure your teen that things will be all right , no matter what the results are.

A. A parent’s attitude will dictate their teen’s emotions.

B. Exam stress can make some teens lose their appetite.

C. They will only make the situation worse.

D. Encourage your teen to relax. E. The best thing is simply to listen.

F. Help your teen think about what she has to study and plan accordingly.

G. Your teen may also make negative comments about themselve


, 选项中有两项为多余选项。()

As a teen, through big changes physically and mentally. Your interests are expanding.

Here is the :Kids to explore the world in new ways, and parents need to protect them from the dangers that all out in that world. These conflicts can easily set off fireworks in otherwise calm houses. Sometimes conflicts can’t be avoided. But by paying attention to the building blocks of successful relationships, you can work towards making home a happy and healthy place for you and your parents.

For instance, try to find a time to talk when your parents are not angry, tired, distracted, or hungry. A good time to talk is when you’re all relaxed. Timing is everything. If the conversation begins to turn into an argument, you’d better calmly and coolly ask to stop the conversation--for now. Listen to what your parents are saying, and repeat it back to them. This shows them that you’re listening.

Respect is the building block of good communication. People who respect each other and

care about each others’ feelings call disagree without things getting ugly.

do. Some teens find that doing fun activities with their parents can improve their relationships. Sometimes we forget that parents are more than rule-makers--they’re interesting people who like to watch movies. And go shopping--just like their teenagers!

What do you do if you are trying your best, but your relationship with your parents continues to be rocky? ear.

Remember you can only change your own behavior. Your parents are the only ones who can change theirs.

A. B.You can pick it up again when everyone’s more relaxed.


E.parents believe in you.


