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Unit 6 Caught by Gork


The simplefuture tense 一般将来时

Tag questions 反意疑问句


Ⅰ.Choose the best answer.

( ) 1. There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. will be going to B. will going to be C. is going to be D. will go to be ( ) 2. Charlie ________ here next month.

A. isn’t working B. doesn’t working C. isn’t going to working D. won’t work

( ) 3. He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week. A. will be; is B. is; is

C. will be; will be D. is; will be

( ) 4. There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. A. was B. is going to have C. will have D. is going to be ( ) 5. –________ you ________ free tomorrow? – No. I ________ free the day after tomorrow.

A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will C. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be ( ) 6. Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday. A. will gives B. will give C. gives D. give ( ) 7. – Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? –________. (不,不要。)

A. No, you won’t. B. No, you aren’t. C. No, please don’t. D. No, please. ( ) 8. – Where is the m

caught by gork

orning paper? – I ________ if for you at once.

A. get B. am getting C. to get D. will get ( ) 9. ________ a concert next Saturday?

A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. There are ( ) 10. If they come, we ________ a meeting.

A. have B. will have C. had D. would have

( ) 11. He ________ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday. A. gives B. gave

C. will giving D. is going to giving ( ) 12. He ________ to us as soon as he gets there. A. writes B. has written C. will write D. wrote ( ) 13. He ________ in three days.

A. coming back B. came back

C. will come back D. is going to coming back ( ) 14. If it ________ tomorrow, we’ll go roller-skating. A. isn’t rain B. won’t rain

C. doesn’t rain D. doesn’t fine

( ) 15. – Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow? – No, ________ (不去).

A. they willn’t. B. they won’t. C. they aren’t. D. they don’t.

( ) 16. Who ________ we ________ swimming with tomorrow afternoon? A. will; go B. do; go C. will; going D. shall; go ( ) 17. We ________ the work this way next time. A. do B. will do C. going to do D. will doing

( ) 18. Tomorrow he ________ a kite in the open air first, and then ________ boating in the park.

A. will fly; will go B. will fly; goes C. is going to fly; will goes D. flies; will go

( ) 19. The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match. A. will watching B. watches

C. is watching D. is going to watch ( ) 20. There ________ a birthday party this Sunday. A. shall be B. will be

C. shall going to be D. will going to be ( ) 21. They ________ an English evening next Sunday.

A. are having B. are going to have C. will having D. is going to have ( ) 22. ________ you ________ free next Sunday? A. Will; are B. Will; be C. Do; be D. Are; be ( ) 23. He ________ there at ten tomorrow morning. A. will B. is C. will be D. be

( ) 24. ________ your brother ________ a magazine from the library? A. Are; going to borrow B. Is; going to borrow C. Will; borrows D. Are; going to borrows ( ) 25. – Shall I come again tomorrow afternoon? –________ (好的).

A. Yes, please B. Yes, you will. C. No, please. D. No, you won’t. ( ) 26. It ________ the year of the horse next year.

A. is going to be B. is going to C. will be D. will is ( ) 27. ________ open the window?

A. Will you please B. Please will you C. You please D. Do you ( ) 28. – Let’s go out to play football, shall we? – OK. I ________.

A. will coming B. be going to come

C. come D. am coming ( ) 29. It ________ us a long time to learn English well. A. takes B. will take C. spends D. will spend ( ) 30. The train ________ at 11.

A. going to arrive B. will be arrive C. is going to D. is arriving

Ⅱ.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.

1. I ______(leave)in a minute. I ______(finish)all my work before I ______ (leave). 2. -How long _____ you _____(study)in our country? -I _____(plan)to be here for about one more year. -I _____(hope)to visit the other parts of your country. -What ______ you ______(do)after you ______(leave)here? -I ______(return)home and ______(get)a job.

3. I ______(be)tired. I ______(go)to bed early tonight.

4. Mary's birthday is next Monday, her mother _____(give)her a present. 5. It is very cold these days. It ______(snow)soon. 6. -_____ you _____(be)here this Saturday? -No. I ______(visit)my teacher.

7. -______ I ______(get)you a copy of today's newspaper? -Thank you.

8. I am afraid there ______(be)a meeting this afternoon. I can't join you. 9. Mike ______(believe, not)this until he ______(see)it with his own eyes. 10. Most of us don't think their team ______(win). Ⅲ.Choose the best answer.

1、Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night,________ A. don’t they B. didn’t they C. did they D. do they 2、 -You’ve never seen dinosaur eggs, have you ? --_____. How I wish to visit the Dinosaur World.

A. Yes, I have B. No, I haven’t C. Certainly, I have D. Of course, I haven’t 3、His sister had a bad cough, ______she? A. wasn’t B. doesn’t C. hadn’t D. didn’t

4、Mr. Green went to Shenzhen on business last week,________? A. isn’t he B. doesn’t he C. didn’t he D. hasn’t he

5、John can hardly understand any Chinese, _________he? A. Can’t B. doesn’t C. can D. does

6、Don’t smoke in the meeting-room,_________? A. do you B. will you C. can you D. could you 7、Lucy, you clean the blackboard today,_______ A. do you B. did you C. will you D. can you

8、 Miss Cheng will never forget her first visit to Canada ,________? A. will she B. won’t she C. isn’t she D. wasn’t she

9、The lady couldn’t say a word when she saw the snake,________? A. could the lady B. couldn’t the lady C. could she D. couldn’t she 10、----________sweater is this? ----I think it’s Peter’s.



6A Contents Abstract

篇三:上海初中牛津英语课本信息Junior Knowledge points

6A Contents Abstract

6B Contents Abstract



Watch a video about space Pre-task: 1. Role-play:

Q: What’s behind Lo?

1 Are Hi and Lo on the earth?

2 Does Lo worry about the dinosaur/ monster behind him? 3 Is Hi think about the planet is safe ? 4 Is the planet really safe?

5 Is a monster approaching them from behind?

2. New words discussion:

Find the new words in the text and look up the words’ meaning in the dictionary. monster _____________________ captain _______________________ cliff ______________________ valley ______________________ navigator ______________________ crew _______________________ trap ______________________ pilot _______________________ alien ______________________ cage _______________________ Teacher encourage Ss to show several Ss’ own word boxes which they build before class.


3. Look at the picture, skim the title and introduction , and answer the questions.

(1) Teacher let Ss look at the picture , skim the title and introduction. Let Ss to do the choices before reading the story about space adventure. ( Ex B on the book)

(2) Teacher guide Ss to design their own questions by the question words

and 2) 3) 4)

Where _____________________________? What ______________________________? How ______________________________?

_________, our navigator, was lost again.

_________, our pilot, brought us down gently in a valley close to a great cliff of smooth, black rock.

In the story , our crew entered the cave of a monster _________.

6. Ask and answer:

T: Answer the following question according to the text. 1. What time did the space adventure happen?

_________________________________________________________ 2. Is the door of the cave very small ?

__________________________________________________________ 3. Who lived with Gork in the cave ?

___________________________________________________ 4. Why did Gork want to kill Captain King?

Gork thought they _________________________________ 5. What name does Captain King told to Gork ?


6. Was Captain King frightened by the monster when he was in the trap?

___________________________________________________ Post-task:

Game--Think Different (Group work):

Q1: Gork wasn’t kind to Captain Kind and his crew , was he ?

Q2: How do you think about this adventure for Captain King and his crew, interesting or frightening? Why?

I think this adventure was ________ for them because _________________________. Q3: If you are Captain King, what will you do to save yourself and your crew?

If I am Captain King, I will _________________________________. Q4: Which person do you want to be, Captain King, Lam or Peters ? Why?

I want to be __________ because ____________________________.


1. Read part I again and build your own word box 2. Complete the exercise (1) 日日练

Caught by Gork

(Oxford English Module3Unit6 8A)

Teacher: Wangjing Date: 30th.November 2011

Duration: 40 minutes Teaching objectives:

Language focus: 1. To expand vocabulary: stange, hurry aboard, detail, worried Ability focus: To develop reading skills: reading for gist; skimming and scanning To enable students to learn the style of science fiction.

Emotional focus: Students will learn how to command on different kind of characters in a story.

Teaching Aids: Textbook, worksheet, Multi – media Teaching Period: 1

篇五:Unit6 导学案(2)

Work Sheet

Caught by Gork

Read Part I , discuss the paragraphs , then ask and answer questions

1. ______________________________?

2. _____________________________?

3. _____________________________?

4. ______________________________?
