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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 05:42:02 字数作文



I saw Steve Johnson's house for the first time. Florante, Mai-Lan, and Loatawere helping me sell Jewel chocolate-covered almonds, the kind that came in a box with a two-dollar coupon from Pizza Hut wrapped around it. I needed to sell sixty boxes so i could go to Camp Erdman and participate in the Junior Police Officer’s annual get- together.

After we nearly covered the entire valley and got the same response of sorry-just-bought-one, i told them I’d try once more before calling it quits. I walked to the nearest house and knocked. A fat lady wearing glasses so thick they made her eyes look twenty-times bigger then the actual size, answered the door. I pulled out a box of Jewel’s and was about to ask her if she wanted to buy some when she interrupted, “too late. Just bought a case the other day, Too late.”

We did an about-face and started to head back to my house when Mai-Lan came up with the idea of going to the far end of the valley were people like Steve Johnson live. “I’m sure we can sell everything in less than a minute,” she said.”Yeah,” Florante said, “maybe you might even win an AM=FM headset.”

It took us almost an hour’s walk to reach the road that became narrower and narrower as ht e house got bigger and bigger. The first doors we knocked on were all owned by Filipnos like Nelson Ariola’s and Alan Vicente’s families. We sold over twenty boxes in less than thirty minutes.

We ran excitedly through the next couple blocks where the houses began to look more like a dream than wooden structures. Like Judy-Ann Kunishig's tea house in the middle of lighted lily pond. Or Mr. And Mrs. Bernard Chun’s indoor swimming pool with a Jacuzzi. We sold only ten boxes and it tool us more than an hour’s wait for them to decide.only the Chun’s didn’t hesitate because we are always spending our allowance in their store.

Mai-Lan counted the number of boxes sold. “fifty-seven,” she said. “three more to go,” Florante subtracted. “one more house left,” I added “ that’s O.K. We still have a chance,” Loata said pointing across the field to the biggest house in the valley. It seemed so far from us that it didn’t look like a part of the valley. Or the valley didn't belong to it.

With the sweltering heat on our backs, we trudged跋涉 across the field littered by gravel, broken bottles, and thorn weeds. We stopped in front of the gate and read the wooden sign drilled through the iron bars. Stenciled in fancy letterings were “No Trespassing侵入” next to “ Visitors,Please Ring Buzzer.”

Loata rang the buzzer and we waited while Mai-Lan and Floramte pressed their faces against the bars that barricaded the house. “It’s so beautiful and so quiet like a museum,” she said. “miniature rolling hills and Hollywood cars,” he said. “a fountain of Cupid in the center of a pool,” sh(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:dreamhouse,专辑下载)e said. “ a walkway that unfolds like a wedding gown,” he said. “it’s a dreamhouse,” she said. Loata pushed the button once ore and did not let go. “like Iolani Palace with department store windows,” he said.

“it looks like Dillingham Prison,” Loata blurted, finally releasing her finger off the buzzer. “i don’t think anyone’s home,” i said. “ but his parents’ cars are there,” he argued, ‘there’s gotta be someone home.”“maybe they don’t want to buy any chocolate,” i said.

I did an about-face向后转 and started to walk back home when Florante shouted, “Look, there’s Steve and his mom and dad.” i turned around and saw the three of them standing behind the giant window. Likeb breathing mannequins人体模型 on display. Steve and his mother smiling blankly, and his father blowing out smoke from the cigarette clipped between his fingers.

Loata pressed the buzzer and we waited, our faces pushing against the bars.

But none of them budged移动. They stood there posing like a Sears family portrait. We continued watching them until Steve’s mother walked out of the picture and all we saw were bodies disappearing behind closing drapes窗帘. We stood there for I don’t know how long, staring at the dreamhouse that was as far away as the hour it took us to get there and see them pretended that we were never there.


1. What product did you sell?

2. Did you sell the product alone or with someone?

3. How much time did you spend in selling the product?

4. What was the mot impressive moment in this experience? What was impressive about it?

5. Do you think your selling was a success or not? Why or why not?

6. What have you learnt from this experience?

篇二:Dream house

Dream house

An interesting phenomennon will be found if you ever savoured the poems that have been popularized in China for ages,that is the amusing scenery is rarely found in the prosperous areas,the most beautiful and suitable place to live is the place which is far away from the crowd .I am not the poet,but I enjoy the poetic life.Thus,if I can have a house of my own,I will be very pleased if it is located in a very quiet and beautiful place,especially when it is hidden among the bamboo forest. My dream house is not necessary to be very big and it need not have so many high tech things.However,living there,I can feel the real and simple happiness.Otherwise,my parents have done a lot for me,if possible,I want to offer them a comfortable life in their old ages,I think the tranquil life is a good perferance.

篇三:Dream house

Dream house

建材1班 马园园





春天是美好的季节,充满朝气并且积极向上。呼吸中有春天的健康与气息,似春暖花开般惬意,更似绿色清新 般健康,人 们宛若置身于大自然的怀抱。舒适、享受、环保和健康,一样都不少,更升华为一种品位,弥漫于整个空间之中。置身于这样的居室,听读自然的信号 ,让都市人浮躁的心灵享受自然的抚慰,似乎生活也被净化



舒适度作为科隆梦之屋所有的客房首要标准,一切设施都以此为目标,一定不会让您失望。酒店宽敞的客房,配有公寓设施:花园景, 平面电视, 书桌, 衣柜/衣橱, 免费洗浴用品, 浴室, 冰箱, 4人座餐桌等设施,让您瞬间忘记旅途的疲倦。 中文名称 英文名称 房间数量 酒店地址

科隆梦之屋 Dreamhouse 15

Donatusstrasse 157, 50259 普尔海姆, 德国



每个客房都配有公寓设施:花园景, 平面电视, 书桌, 衣柜/衣橱, 免费洗浴用品, 浴室, 冰箱, 4人座餐桌,希望能让客户在入住时更加愉快惬意。酒店的房型有多种选择,提供了地下室公寓、单人间 - 带共用浴室、双床间 - 带共用浴室、双人或双床间 - 带外部私人浴室、双人间、三人间、四人间、阁楼、家庭间,房间布置都到位,服务员也很热情。简而言之,客人在科隆梦之屋享受的服务与设施会有宾至如归的感觉。 再讲究的客人也能在酒店得到满意的服务。



15:00-21:00时 退房时间

07:30-10:00时 预订取消/ 预付政策

不同类型的客房附带不同的取消预订和预先付费政策 请输入您的入住日期并参阅您所需的客房的条款。 儿童和加床

允许客人携带6岁以上的儿童入住。 无法加床。

允许1名4岁至10岁的儿童,使用现有床铺收费:每人每晚EUR25。 最多容纳:每间客房0张加床/婴儿床。

附加费用不会自动计算在总价中,您需在入住时另行支付。 宠物

不允许携带宠物入住。 团体

如果预订客房数超过3间,住宿方将采用不同的政策和额外补充规定。 酒店接受的银行卡类型







好巧网综合打分是基于100多个酒店预订网站的评分综合算出。以上是该酒店在几家酒店预订网站上的评分,供您参考。 好巧网对酒店特色的分析数据,来自主流的酒店预订网站、旅游社区网站提到该酒店的评论,尽量展示客观中立的分析。

