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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 02:35:41 英语作文




文□ 中华英才网 人才研究中心

1. 请讲讲你遇到的最困难的销售经历,你是怎样劝说客户购买你的产品的?

2. 人们购买产品的三个主要原因是什么?

3. 关于我们的产品生产线和我们的客户群体,你了解多少?

4. 关于销售,你最喜欢和最不喜欢的是什么?为什么?

5. 若受到奖励,你有什么感想?

6. 你最典型的一个工作日是怎样安排的?

7. 为取得成功,一个好的销售人员应该具备哪四方面的素质?你为什么认为这些素质是十


8. 电话推销和面对面的推销有什么区别?为使电话推销成功,需要什么样的特殊技能和技


9. 在你的前任工作中,你用什么方法来发展并维持业已存在的客户的?

10. 若你给新员工上一堂销售课程,你在课堂上要讲些什么?为什么?

11. 请讲一下你在前任工作中所使用的最典型的销售方法和技巧。

12. 讲一个这样的经历:给你定的销售任务很大,完成任务的时间又很短,你用什么办法以


13. 你是否有超额完成销售目标的时候,你是怎样取得这样的业绩的?

14. 一般而言,从和客户接触到最终销售的完成需要多长时间?这个时间周期怎样才能缩


中华英才网 人才研究中心

15. 你怎样才能把一个偶然的购买你产品的人变成经常购买的人?

16. 当你接管了一个新的行销区或一新的客户群时,怎样才能使这些人成为你的固定客户?

17. 在打推销电话时,提前要做哪些准备?

18. 你怎样处理与销售活动无关的书面工作?

19. 请向我推销一下这支铅笔。

20. 你认为推销电话最重要的特点是什么?为什么?

21. 和业已存在的老客户打交道,以及和新客户打交道,你更喜欢那种?为什么?

22. 如果某位客户一直在购买和你的产品相似,但价格却很低于你的产品,你该怎样说服这


23. 具备什么样的素质和技能才能使你从众多的销售人员中脱颖而出?

24. 假如你遇到这样一种情况:你的产品和服务的确是某公司需要的,但是那个公司内部很


25. 将公司的广告材料等看10分钟,写出推销计划,并模拟向面试官口头销售(以考察其


中华英才网 人才研究中心


1. Can you sell in this (region/territory)?


2. Describe an example of how you persuaded a reluctant customer.


3. Describe your largest sale.


4. Describe your most successful sale.


5. Do you currently receive a commission for your sales?


6. How long have you been selling (____)?


7. How many units have you sold recently?


8. How would you sell a product that is a slow or non-mover?


9. How would you sell me this pen?


中华英才网 人才研究中心

10. If you were selling a product and you had a customer who was complaining about bad

service, what would you do?


11. What do you like most about sales?


12. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to sell?


13. What sales pitches do you find most effective with customers?


14. What was the last thing you sold? To who?


15. Tell me about your last three days at work-- beginning to end.


16. How many first appointments do you have each week?


17. What do you like and dislike about the sales process and why?


18. What do you like and dislike about the products or services you’re selling now and why?


中华英才网 人才研究中心

19. What attracts you to the industry?


20. What are your long-term professional goals?


21. What do you do personally for your professional development?


22. What are your favorite selling books?


23. What type of sales cycle is most rewarding to you? A long cycle for a big-ticket item or

a series of smaller, more frequent sales.


24. As a sale professional, what do you see as your primary and secondary roles within a



25. In your current position, how much time would you say you spend directly with

prospects and customers throughout the sales day and what specifically do you do with them?


中华英才网 人才研究中心





第二节 共3段对话和独白,





必修二 单元4 和5,必修三单元1 和2中的除△外的常用单词



第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每题1分,共10分)旧题型

第二节 任务型阅读(共5小题,每题2分,共10分) 6选5,


I.语法--- 现在进行时被动态



情态动词(常规题; can/may/must表示可能性; 情态动词+完成式)



burst into laughter/tears和burst out laughing/crying



succeed in doing sth

sell well 主动表被动

pretend to do

to be honest作独立成分

be popular with/among

be familiar with 和be familiar to

or so

break up以及break 的其他常用词组

break away脱离,逃脱

break down坏掉,抛锚;垮掉

break out(战争、火灾)发生,爆发

break in非法闯入(vi.)

break into非法闯入(vt.)

break off中断,停止

above all /after all /in all /at all

take place (不及物,无被动态)发生;举行

look forward to+sth/doing sth

as if/as though

turn up出现,声音开大/turn down声音关小/turn on打开/turn off 关掉

set off 出发,动身(vi.);引爆(vt.)

remind sb. of sth.

Nothing could be better.(比较级的否定形式表达最高级的含义)

lose weight/put on weight

get away with

too much和much too

benefit sth./sb.和benefit form/by

Why don’t you+动词原形=Why not+动词原形

before long 和long before


7.burst into laughter

burst into常见的搭配有:

burst into laughter/tears突然大笑/大哭

但burst out laughing/crying

11.contain vt.包含,含有,里面有

*Vegetables contain vitamins.

*The basket contains a lot of fruit.

*His article contains no mistakes at all.

include vt.包括在内(列在、收在里面)

*The list includes many new names.

*I included eggs on the shopping list.

*He was not included in the party.

*The bill doesn’t include the item.

12.affect vt.影响

*A sudden change in the weather may affect your health.

*His opinion will not affect my decision.

注意effect n.影响;作用;效果

*Did the medicine have effect on your illness?

*Violence in films has a bad effect on children.

13.appreciate vt.欣赏;感激;意识到

*That’s because you can’t appreciate music.

*He is the person I appreciate.

*I greatly appreciate your kindness,

*I would appreciate it if you could help me.

14.experience n.经验;经历



*She has no experience of life at all.

*The job requires three years’ experience as a nurse.

*I’ve had a very upsetting experience.


succeed vi.成功

*The experiment has succeeded.

*They didn’t succeed in the experiment.

*They didn’t succeed in doing the experiment.

“成功地做某事”不能说succeed to do,要说succeed in doing

16.sell very well


*Will you sell me your bike?

*All the tickets have been sold out.

但和well, badly或easily连用时,必须用主动形式表示被动意义,sell, wash, write, read等。 *His novel sells well.

*The cloth washes well/easily.

*This pen writes well.

*His story reads well.


A. pretend to do假装做某事

*He doesn’t pretend to be an expert.

*When Mother came in, he pretended to be sleeping.

*He pretended not to see me this morning.

B. pretend that

*He pretended that he didn’t see me this morning.

*When Mother came in, he pretended that he was sleeping.

4.to be honest

此处to be honest作独立成分。不定式作独立成分的固定说法有:

*, I cannot go today.

*, he married her and they lived happily together.

**更糟糕的是), she lost her only son.

11.be popular adj.大众的,流行的,受欢迎的

be popular with/among受…的欢迎

*Tom is very popular with girls.

*Short skirts used to be popular among girls.

12.be familiar with 和be familiar to

A be familiar with B (A熟悉B)

=B be familiar to A (B对A来说是熟悉的)

*I’m familiar with his name.

=His name is familiar to me.

*We are familiar with the singer and his songs are familiar to us.

14.or so大约(放在数词后面)

比较: 15.break up

*After midnight, the party broke up.(散场)

*The crowd broke up.(散开)

*The two friends broke up.(散伙)

*Sentences can be broken up into clauses. (拆开)

*The school broke up for summer vacation. (学期结束)

break 的常用词组

break away脱离,逃脱

break down坏掉,抛锚;垮掉

break out(战争、火灾)发生,爆发

break in非法闯入(vi.)

break into非法闯入(vt.)

break off中断,停止

break through 突破

17.above all 首先,特别重要的是

*Children need many things, and above all they need love.

*I enjoy all the other subjects, but physics above all.

after all 毕竟;到底

*After all, he is only a child.

*He came after all.(他到底还是来了)

in all 总共

*There were twelve in all at the party.

2.take place (不及物,无被动态)发生;举行

*Great changes have taken place in our village since then.

比较: The concert will be held next Saturday.

9.look forward to(其中to是介词)期待;盼望

*We’re looking forward to the holiday.

*The day we looked forward to ____ at last.

A. come

C. coming D. comes

10.as if/as though似乎,好像

A.以“it looks/seems as if+句子”的形式出现

*It looks as if it’s going to rain.

*It seems as if we’ll have to walk home.

B.以“主语+look/seem/taste/smell/feel等系动词+as if…”的形式出现 *The milk tastes as if it has already gone bad.

*He looked as if he were a stranger here.

*She felt as if something bad would happen.

C.以as if 从句作状语的形式出现

*I love you as if you were my own child.

*I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.

D.如果as if从句和事实相反,可用虚拟语气

*The milk smells as if it were sour.(虚拟语气,表明事实上牛奶不酸) *The milk smells as if it is sour.(陈述语气,表明牛奶酸)

*He looks as if he were from the country.

13.turn up

*Don’t bother to look for my key; it will turn up some day.

*The missing boy turned up an hour later.

*If he doesn’t turn up soon, we’ll go without him.

*For some reason he did not turn up.

*Turn the radio up a little so that I can hear the news clearly.(声音开大) *He turned the collar up because of the wind.(翻起,卷起)

turn on打开 turn off 关掉

turn up 声音开大turn down声音关小

17.set off 出发,动身(vi.);引爆(vt.)

*After they finished eating, they set off immediately.

*They set off for home in my car.

*At Spring Festival we will set off fireworks.

*The bomb could be set off by the slightest touch.

18.remind vt.提醒;使想起

A.remind sb. of sth.

*This picture will remind me of my childhood.

*Your present will remind me of you.

*I reminded him of what he had promised me

B.remind sb. that

*The sight of clock reminded me that I was late.

*Guests were reminded that smoking was not allowed here.

C.remind sb. to do

*Please remind me to take my medicine tomorrow.

3.Nothing could be better.


*Nobody loved money better than he did.

*I think nothing is more pleasant than traveling.

5.lose weight put on weight


7.get away with

*He mustn’t get away with this.

*How did he get away with cheating?

*You shouldn’t let him get away with telling lies.

9.far too much实在太多

too much(+n.)太多(…), 超过某人的能力

far/much too+adj./adv.实在太…

too much homework

The work is too much for a boy like him.

It’s (much/far) too hot today

much/ far too much实在太多

12.benefit vt. & vi.(使)受益





第二节 共3段对话和独白,





必修二 单元4 和5,必修三单元1 和2中的除△外的常用单词



第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每题1分,共10分)旧题型

第二节 任务型阅读(共5小题,每题2分,共10分) 6选5, 附录:单项题考查的知识范围:

I.语法--- 现在进行时被动态



情态动词(常规题; can/may/must表示可能性; 情态动词+完成式) II.其他知识点


burst into laughter/tears和burst out laughing/crying



succeed in doing sth

sell well 主动表被动

pretend to do

to be honest作独立成分

be popular with/among

be familiar with 和be familiar to

or so

break up以及break 的其他常用词组

break away脱离,逃脱

break down坏掉,抛锚;垮掉

break out(战争、火灾)发生,爆发

break in非法闯入(vi.)

break into非法闯入(vt.)

break off中断,停止

above all /after all /in all /at all

take place (不及物,无被动态)发生;举行

look forward to+sth/doing sth

as if/as though

turn up出现,声音开大/turn down声音关小/turn on打开/turn off 关掉 set off 出发,动身(vi.);引爆(vt.)

remind sb. of sth.

Nothing could be better.(比较级的否定形式表达最高级的含义) lose weight/put on weight

get away with

too much和much too

benefit sth./sb.和benefit form/by

Why don’t you+动词原形=Why not+动词原形

before long 和long before


7.burst into laughter

burst into常见的搭配有:

burst into laughter/tears突然大笑/大哭

但burst out laughing/crying

11.contain vt.包含,含有,里面有

*Vegetables contain vitamins.

*The basket contains a lot of fruit.

*His article contains no mistakes at all.

include vt.包括在内(列在、收在里面)

*The list includes many new names.

*I included eggs on the shopping list.

*He was not included in the party.

*The bill doesn’t include the item.

12.affect vt.影响

*A sudden change in the weather may affect your health.

*His opinion will not affect my decision.

注意effect n.影响;作用;效果

*Did the medicine have effect on your illness?

*Violence in films has a bad effect on children.

13.appreciate vt.欣赏;感激;意识到

*That’s because you can’t appreciate music.

*He is the person I appreciate.

*I greatly appreciate your kindness,

*I would appreciate it if you could help me.

14.experience n.经验;经历



*She has no experience of life at all.

*The job requires three years’ experience as a nurse.

*I’ve had a very upsetting experience.


succeed vi.成功

*The experiment has succeeded.

*They didn’t succeed in the experiment.

*They didn’t succeed in doing the experiment.

“成功地做某事”不能说succeed to do,要说succeed in doing

16.sell very well


*Will you sell me your bike?

*All the tickets have been sold out.

但和well, badly或easily连用时,必须用主动形式表示被动意义,sell, wash, write, read等。

*His novel sells well.

*The cloth washes well/easily.

*This pen writes well.

*His story reads well.


A. pretend to do假装做某事

*He doesn’t pretend to be an expert.

*When Mother came in, he pretended to be sleeping.

*He pretended not to see me this morning.

B. pretend that

*He pretended that he didn’t see me this morning.

*When Mother came in, he pretended that he was sleeping.

4.to be honest

此处to be honest作独立成分。不定式作独立成分的固定说法有: *

*, he married her and they lived happily together. *, the situation is not favorable.

*(更糟糕的是), she lost her only son.

11.be popular adj.大众的,流行的,受欢迎的

be popular with/among受…的欢迎

*Tom is very popular with girls.

*Short skirts used to be popular among girls.

12.be familiar with 和be familiar to

A be familiar with B (A熟悉B)

=B be familiar to A (B对A来说是熟悉的)

*I’m familiar with his name.

=His name is familiar to me.

*We are familiar with the singer and his songs are familiar to us.

14.or so大约(放在数词后面)

比较: 15.break up

*After midnight, the party broke up.(散场)

*The crowd broke up.(散开)

*The two friends broke up.(散伙)

*Sentences can be broken up into clauses. (拆开)

*The school broke up for summer vacation. (学期结束)

break 的常用词组

break away脱离,逃脱

break down坏掉,抛锚;垮掉

break out(战争、火灾)发生,爆发

break in非法闯入(vi.)

break into非法闯入(vt.)

break off中断,停止

break through 突破

17.above all 首先,特别重要的是

*Children need many things, and above all they need love.

*I enjoy all the other subjects, but physics above all.

after all 毕竟;到底

*After all, he is only a child.

*He came after all.(他到底还是来了)

in all 总共

*There were twelve in all at the party.

2.take place (不及物,无被动态)发生;举行

*Great changes have taken place in our village since then.

比较: The concert will be held next Saturday.

9.look forward to(其中to是介词)期待;盼望

*We’re looking forward to the holiday.

*The day we looked forward to ____ at last.

A. come

C. coming D. comes

10.as if/as though似乎,好像

A.以“it looks/seems as if+句子”的形式出现

*It looks as if it’s going to rain.

*It seems as if we’ll have to walk home.

B.以“主语+look/seem/taste/smell/feel等系动词+as if…”的形式出现 *The milk tastes as if it has already gone bad.

*He looked as if he were a stranger here.

*She felt as if something bad would happen.

C.以as if 从句作状语的形式出现

*I love you as if you were my own child.

*I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.

D.如果as if从句和事实相反,可用虚拟语气

*The milk smells as if it were sour.(虚拟语气,表明事实上牛奶不酸) *The milk smells as if it is sour.(陈述语气,表明牛奶酸) *He looks as if he were from the country.

13.turn up

*Don’t bother to look for my key; it will turn up some day.

*The missing boy turned up an hour later.

*If he doesn’t turn up soon, we’ll go without him.

*For some reason he did not turn up.

*Turn the radio up a little so that I can hear the news clearly.(声音开大) *He turned the collar up because of the wind.(翻起,卷起)

turn on打开 turn off 关掉

turn up 声音开大turn down声音关小

17.set off 出发,动身(vi.);引爆(vt.)

*After they finished eating, they set off immediately.

*They set off for home in my car.

*At Spring Festival we will set off fireworks.

*The bomb could be set off by the slightest touch.

18.remind vt.提醒;使想起

A.remind sb. of sth.

*This picture will remind me of my childhood. *Your present will remind me of you.

*I reminded him of what he had promised me

B.remind sb. that

*The sight of clock reminded me that I was late.

*Guests were reminded that smoking was not allowed here.

C.remind sb. to do

*Please remind me to take my medicine tomorrow.

3.Nothing could be better.

比较级的否定形式,实际上表达的是最高级的含义。 *Nobody loved money better than he did.

*I think nothing is more pleasant than traveling.

5.lose weight put on weight


7.get away with

*He mustn’t get away with this.

*How did he get away with cheating?

*You shouldn’t let him get away with telling lies.

9.far too much实在太多

too much(+n.)太多(…), 超过某人的能力

far/much too+adj./adv.实在太…

too much homework

The work is too much for a boy like him.

It’s (much/far) too hot today

much/ far too much实在太多

12.benefit vt. & vi.(使)受益

A. n.好处,益处(不可数)

*Did you get much benefit from your holiday?

*I get no personal benefit from the business. B. vt.对…有利;vi.受益(from/by)

*Your advice benefits me greatly.

*Rain will benefit the crops.

*The crops will benefit from the rain.

*I benefit from/by your advice.

所以 A benefit B = B benefit from/by A

13.Why don’t you sit down?

Why don’t you+动词原形=Why not+动词原形 *Why don’t you have a try?

=Why not have a try?

*Why don’t you call him right now?



一、听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节共5段小对话

第二节 共3段对话和独白,

二、单项填空(共15小题,每题1分,共15分) 三、完形填空(共15小题,每题1分,共15分) 四、阅读理解(共15小题,计30分)三篇文章,


五、单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 必修二 单元4 和5,必修三单元1 和2中的除△外的常用单词

六、书面表达(共10分) 附加题

第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每题1分,共10


第二节 任务型阅读(共5小题,每题2分,共10

分) 6选5,

附录:单项题考查的知识范围: I.语法--- 现在进行时被动态



情态动词(常规题; can/may/must表示可能性; 情态动词+完成式) II.其他知识点


burst into laughter/tears和burst out laughing/crying

contain和include的区别 affect和effect的区别 succeed in doing sth sell well 主动表被动 pretend to do

to be honest作独立成分 be popular with/among

be familiar with 和be familiar to or so

break up以及break 的其他常用词组 break away脱离,逃脱

break down坏掉,抛锚;垮掉 break out(战争、火灾)发生,爆发 break in非法闯入(vi.) break into非法闯入(vt.) break off中断,停止

above all /after all /in all /at all

take place (不及物,无被动态)发生;举行


look forward to+sth/doing sth as if/as though

turn up出现,声音开大/turn down声音关小/turn on打开/turn off 关掉

set off 出发,动身(vi.);引爆(vt.) remind sb. of sth.

Nothing could be better.(比较级的否定形式表达最高级的含义)

lose weight/put on weight get away with

too much和much too

benefit sth./sb.和benefit form/by

Why don’t you+动词原形=Why not+动词原形 before long 和long before


7.burst into laughter

burst into常见的搭配有:

burst into laughter/tears突然大笑/大哭 但burst out laughing/crying

11.contain vt.包含,含有,里面有 *Vegetables contain vitamins. *The basket contains a lot of fruit. *His article contains no mistakes at all. include vt.包括在内(列在、收在里面) *The list includes many new names. *I included eggs on the shopping list. *He was not included in the party. *The bill doesn’t include the item. 12.affect vt.影响

*A sudden change in the weather may affect your


*His opinion will not affect my decision. 注意effect n.影响;作用;效果

*Did the medicine have effect on your illness? *Violence in films has a bad effect on children. 13.appreciate vt.欣赏;感激;意识到

*That’s because you can’t appreciate music. *He is the person I appreciate.

*I greatly appreciate your kindness,

(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:sell,me,this,pen)

*I would appreciate it if you could help me. 14.experience n.经验;经历

作“经验”解释时是不可数名词; 作“经历”解释时是可数名词。 *She has no experience of life at all.

*The job requires three years’ experience as a nurse.

*I’ve had a very upsetting experience. 15.

succeed vi.成功

*The experiment has succeeded.

*They didn’t succeed in the experiment.

*They didn’t succeed in doing the experiment.

“成功地做某事”不能说succeed to do,要说succeed in doing 16.sell very well

sell大多数情况下作及物动词,例如: *Will you sell me your bike?

*All the tickets have been sold out.

但和well, badly或easily连用时,必须用主动形式表示被动意义,sell, wash, write, read等。 *His novel sells well.

*The cloth washes well/easily. *This pen writes well. *His story reads well.


A. pretend to do假装做某事

*He doesn’t pretend to be an expert.

*When Mother came in, he pretended to be sleeping.

*He pretended not to see me this morning. B. pretend that

*He pretended that he didn’t see me this morning. *When Mother came in, he pretended that he was sleeping. 4.to be honest

此处to be honest作独立成分。不定式作独立成分的固定说法有:

*, I cannot go today.

*they lived happily together.

*the situation is not favorable.

*更糟糕的是), she lost her only son.

11.be popular adj.大众的,流行的,受欢迎的 be popular with/among受…的欢迎 *Tom is very popular with girls.

*Short skirts used to be popular among girls. 12.be familiar with 和be familiar to A be familiar with B (A熟悉B)

=B be familiar to A (B对A来说是熟悉的)


*I’m familiar with his name.

=His name is familiar to me.

*We are familiar with the singer and his songs are

familiar to us.

14.or so大约(放在数词后面)


15.break up

*After midnight, the party broke up.(散场) *The crowd broke up.(散开)

*The two friends broke up.(散伙)

*Sentences can be broken up into clauses. (拆开) *The school broke up for summer vacation. (学期结


break 的常用词组

break away脱离,逃脱

break down坏掉,抛锚;垮掉 break out(战争、火灾)发生,爆发 break in非法闯入(vi.) break into非法闯入(vt.) break off中断,停止 break through 突破

17.above all 首先,特别重要的是

*Children need many things, and above all they need


*I enjoy all the other subjects, but physics above all. after all 毕竟;到底

*After all, he is only a child.

*He came after all.(他到底还是来了) in all 总共

*There were twelve in all at the party.

2.take place (不及物,无被动态)发生;举行

*Great changes have taken place in our village since


比较: The concert will be held next Saturday. 9.look forward to(其中to是介词)期待;盼望 *We’re looking forward to the holiday.

*The day we looked forward to ____ at last.

A. come

C. coming D. comes

10.as if/as though似乎,好像

A.以“it looks/seems as if+句子”的形式出现 *It looks as if it’s going to rain.

*It seems as if we’ll have to walk home.

B.以“主语+look/seem/taste/smell/feel等系动词+as if…”的形式出现

*The milk tastes as if it has already gone bad. *He looked as if he were a stranger here. *She felt as if something bad would happen. C.以as if 从句作状语的形式出现

*I love you as if you were my own child.

*I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.

D.如果as if从句和事实相反,可用虚拟语气 *The milk smells as if it were sour.(虚拟语气,表明事实上牛奶不酸)

*The milk smells as if it is sour.(陈述语气,表明牛


*He looks as if he were from the country. 13.turn up

*Don’t bother to look for my key; it will turn up

some day.

*The missing boy turned up an hour later.

*If he doesn’t turn up soon, we’ll go without him. *For some reason he did not turn up.

*Turn the radio up a little so that I can hear the news


*He turned the collar up because of the wind.(翻起,


turn on打开 turn off 关掉

turn up 声音开大turn down声音关小 17.set off 出发,动身(vi.);引爆(vt.)

*After they finished eating, they set off immediately. *They set off for home in my car.

*At Spring Festival we will set off fireworks. *The bomb could be set off by the slightest touch. 18.remind vt.提醒;使想起 A.remind sb. of sth.

*This picture will remind me of my childhood. *Your present will remind me of you.

*I reminded him of what he had promised me B.remind sb. that

*The sight of clock reminded me that I was late. *Guests were reminded that smoking was not allowed here. C.remind sb. to do


*Please remind me to take my medicine tomorrow.

3.Nothing could be better.


*Nobody loved money better than he did.

*I think nothing is more pleasant than traveling. 5.lose weight put on weight 这里weight前不能加冠词 7.get away with

*He mustn’t get away with this.

*How did he get away with cheating?

*You shouldn’t let him get away with telling lies. 9.far too much实在太多

too much(+n.)太多(…), 超过某人的能力 far/much too+adj./adv.实在太… too much homework

The work is too much for a boy like him. It’s (much/far) too hot today much/ far too much实在太多 12.benefit vt. & vi.(使)受益 A. n.好处,益处(不可数)

*Did you get much benefit from your holiday? *I get no personal benefit from the business. B. vt.对…有利;vi.受益(from/by) *Your advice benefits me greatly. *Rain will benefit the crops.

*The crops will benefit from the rain. *I benefit from/by your advice.

所以 A benefit B = B benefit from/by A 13.Why don’t you sit down?

Why don’t you+动词原形=Why not+动词原形 *Why don’t you have a try?

=Why not have a try?

*Why don’t you call him right now? =Why not call him right now?

15.before long 不久以后 long before 很久以前 *He has been abroad long before. *They arrived long before I came.

*It won’t be long before we meet again. *I shall see you again before long.
