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篇一:National Day,英语知识

National Day

作者:潘媛媛 转贴自:峡口初中初三(5)班 指导教师 柴日军 点击数:389

Oct.1 is our National Day. Every year , most of people in china

are very happy day. Especially our students, there are seven holidays. In holidays we can do different things, like climbing the mountain, go to the interesting places and so on.

National day of this year was more exciting. I went do Jiangshan with my parents by bus. Jiang shan was a beautiful city. There was a park, called Jiangbin in Jiangshan. I went there with my parents. I

want to see the monkeys there , I was amazed at these monkeys. They were playing very happily. Someone was very small, they looked very nice. After seeing the monkey , I saw the snakes, there was a very big snake, it could be as long as 1.5 meters, It looked very terrible.

How happy we were on that day!

Today is National Day. It is also my happy day. Because we have a long holiday and less homework. My parents took me to the zoo today. We saw many animals there. We also took many photos. We all had a happy day today.


1. After you. 你先请 . 这是一句很常用的客套话 , 在进/出门 , 上车得场合你都可以表现一下 .

2. I just couldn''t help it. 我就是忍不住 . 想想看 , 这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子: I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried. I just couldn''t help it.

3. Don''t take it to heart. 别往心里去 , 别为此而忧虑伤神 . 生活实例: This test isn''t that important. Don''t take it to heart.

4. We''d better be off. 我们该走了 .It''s getting late. We''d better be off .

5. Let''s face it. 面对现实吧 . 常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状 .

参考例句: I know it''s a difficult situation. Let''s face it, OK?

6. Let''s get started. 咱们开始干吧 . 劝导别人时说: Don''t just talk. Let''s get started.

7. I''m really dead. 我真要累死了 . 坦诚自己的感受时说: After all that work, I ’ m really dead.

8. I''ve done my best. 我已尽力了 .

9. Is that so? 真是那样吗?常用在一个人听了一件事后表示惊讶、怀疑 .

10. Don''t play games with me! 别跟我耍花招!

11. I don''t know for sure. 我不确切知道 .

Stranger : Could you tell me how to get to the town hall?

Tom: I don''t know for sure. Maybe you could ask the policeman over there.

12. I''m not going to kid you. 我不是跟你开玩笑的 .

Karin : You quit the job? You are kidding.

Jack: I''m not going to kid you. I''m serious.

13. That''s something. 太好了 , 太棒了 .

A: I''m granted a full scholarship for this semester.

B: Congratulations. That''s something.

14. Brilliant idea! 这主意真棒!这主意真高明!

15. Do you really mean it? 此话当真?

Michael : Whenever you are short of money, just come to me.

David: Do you really mean it?

16. You are a GREat help. 你帮了大忙

17. I couldn''t be more sure. 我再也肯定不过 .

18. I am behind you. 我支持你 .

A: Whatever decision you''re going to make, I am behind you.

19. I''m broke. 我身无分文 .

20. Mind you! 请注意!听着! ( 也可仅用 Mind.)

模范例句: Mind you! He''s a very nice fellow though bad-tempered.

21. You can count on it. 你尽管相信好了 , 尽管放心 .

A : Do you think he will come to my birthday party?

B: You can count on it.

22. I never liked it anyway. 我一直不太喜欢这东西 . 当朋友或同事不小心摔坏你的东西时就可以用上这句话给他一个台阶 , 打破尴尬局面: Oh, don''t worry. I''m thinking of buying a new one. I never liked it anyway.

23. That depends. 看情况再说 .

例: I may go to the airport to meet her. But that depends.

24. Congratulations. 恭喜你 , 祝贺你 .

25. Thanks anyway. 无论如何我还是得谢谢你 . 当别人尽力要帮助你却没帮成时 , 你就可以用这个短语表示谢意 .

26. It''s a deal. 一言为定

Harry : Haven''t seen you for ages. Let''s have a get-together next week. Jenny: It''s a deal


A. 肉类

Smoked Bacon 醺肉 Pork Fillet 小里肌肉

Spare Rib Pork chops 带骨的瘦肉 Spare Rib of Pork 小排骨肉

Pork ribs 肋骨可煮汤食用 Black Pudding 黑香肠

Pork Burgers 汉堡肉 Pork-pieces 一块块的廋肉

Pork Dripping 猪油滴 Lard 猪油

Hock 蹄膀 Casserole Pork 中间带骨的腿肉

Joint 有骨的大块肉

Stewing Beef 小块的瘦肉 Steak & Kidney 牛肉块加牛腰 Frying steak 可煎食的大片牛排 Mimced Beef 牛绞肉 Rump Steak 大块牛排 Leg Beef 牛键肉

OX-Tail 牛尾 OX-heart 牛心

OX-Tongues 牛舌 Barnsley Chops 带骨的腿肉

Shoulder Chops 肩肉 Porter House Steak 腰上的牛排肉 Chuck Steak 头肩肉筋、油较多 Tenderised Steak 拍打过的牛排 Roll 牛肠 Cowhells 牛筋

Pig bag 猪肚 Homeycome Tripe 蜂窝牛肚

Tripe Pieces 牛肚块 Best thick seam 白牛肚

B. 海产类

Herring 鲱 Salmon 鲑

Cod 鳕 Tuna 鲔鱼

Plaice 比目鱼 Octopus 鱆鱼

Squid 乌贼 Dressed squid 花枝

Mackerel 鲭 Haddock 北大西洋产的鳕鱼

Trout 鳟鱼、适合蒸来吃 Carp 鲤鱼

Cod Fillets 鳕鱼块,可做鱼羹,或炸酥鱼片都很好吃 Conger (Eel) 海鳗 Sea Bream 海鲤 Hake 鳕鱼类

Red Mullet 红鲣,可煎或红烧 来吃 Smoked Salmon 熏鲑 * Smoked mackerel with crushed pepper corn 带有黑胡椒粒的熏鲭 * Herring roes 鲱鱼子 Boiled Cod roes 鳕鱼子

Oyster 牡犡 Mussel 蚌、黑色、椭圆形、没壳的即为淡菜 Crab 螃蟹 Prawn 虾

Crab stick 蟹肉条 Peeled Prawns 虾仁

King Prawns 大虾 Winkles 田螺

Whelks Tops 小螺肉 Shrimps 小虾米

Cockles 小贝肉 Labster 龙虾

C. 蔬果类

Potato 马铃薯 Carrot 红萝卜

Onion 洋葱 Aubergine 茄子

Celery 芹菜 White Cabbage 包心菜

Red cabbage 紫色包心菜 Cucumber 大黄瓜 Tomato 蕃茄 Radish 小红萝卜

Mooli 白萝卜 Watercress 西洋菜

Baby corn 玉米尖 Sweet corn 玉米

Cauliflower 白花菜 Spring onions 葱

Garlic 大蒜 Gi(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:national,day英语资料)nger 姜

Chinese leaves 大白菜 Leeks 大葱

Mustard & cress 芥菜苗 GREen Pepper 青椒 Red pepper 红椒 Yellow pepper 黄椒

Mushroom 洋菇 Broccoliflorets 绿花菜

Courgettes 绿皮南瓜,形状似小黄瓜,但不可生食 Coriander 香菜 Dwarf Bean 四季豆 Flat Beans 长形平豆

Iceberg 透明包心菜 Lettuce 莴苣菜

Swede or Turnip 芜菁 Okra 秋葵

Chillies 辣椒 Eddoes 小芋头

Taro 大芋头 Sweet potato 蕃薯

Spinach 菠菜 Beansprots 绿豆芽

Peas 碗豆 Corn 玉米粒

Sprot 高丽小菜心

Lemon 柠檬 Pear 梨子

Banana 香蕉 Grape 葡萄

Golden apple 黄绿苹果、脆甜 Granny smith 绿苹果、较酸 Bramleys 可煮食的苹果 Peach 桃子

Orange 橙 Strawberry 草莓

篇二:聚龙外国语学校英语周末作业--资料搜查 National Day


English Assignment for Julong Foreign Language School Students







我国的国庆节是每年的_______________(日期),在______________(季节) 今年是第____________周年。



美国 ________________(国庆节日期:_____________)





1 Quanzhou Julong Foreign Language School





National Day material -- various countries National Day origin The National Day is each national important holiday, but the name has differently. Many countries are called "the National Day" or "the National Day", but also has some countries to call "the independent date" or "the independent festival", also some calling "republican date", "republic date", "revolutionary date", "liberation date",

"national revival festival", "constitution date" and so on, but also has directly to the country's name adds on "the date", like "the Australian date", "the Pakistani date", some take king's birthday or ascends the base date as the National Day, in case king changes,

National Day specific date also along with it replacement. Every time meets the National Day, the various countries all must hold the different form celebration, strengthens the our country people's patriotic consciousness, the enhancement country cohesive force. Between the various countries also all must mutually express the congratulation. Meets five meets for ten National Days, some also must expand the celebration scale. In order to celebrate the National Day, the various countries' government usually must hold a time of National Day reception, by the head of state, the head of government or foreign minister acts on behalf of to manage, the invitation is stationed at the locality the various countries' diplomatic agent and other important foreign guests participates. But also has the country does not hold the reception, like US, England do not hold the reception.




篇四:National Day

National Day

After seven days’ national holiday, we began our class immediately . Now I’d like to write about my holiday and my feelings.

As a famous proverb in Chinese English: People mountain, people sea. This national day I didn’t go anywhere faraway from my hometown, but just visit somewhere unfamous with my family so that it wouldn’t be crowded. So we could spend more time enjoying ourselves.

Through this holiday, I get to know that it’s not wise to go some well-known sight spots. In National Day, everybody out for a sightseeing, all you can see are people but not beautiful sights. What’s more, it will bother you how to get food and where could give you space to eat. So it may be a better choice to stay home and talk to your family or just go to field to get rid of noise and pollution and breathe fresh air. Enjoying your holiday doesn’t means you must go somewhere to take a vacation. Accompanying your family can get you closer to your relatives. Your parents will feel warm in heart after a long time separation. According to staying home, we can get some we couldn’t get in sight spots.

The above are my feelings, I wish everyone can enjoy their holidays.

篇五:national day

How I Spent the National Holiday

On October 1, 1949, the great man ,Mao Zedong declared that the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China was set up. Then he pressed the button to rise the first five-star red flag in the square of Tiananmen. From then on, October 1 of every year is our country’s birthday, new China was founded on that day. October 1st, the people's Republic of China on the day of birth, as the National Day is very appropriate. We have 7 days holiday to celebrate the National Day.

During the others days of the holiday, the most things I did was to watch TED. TED represents an abbreviation of technology, entertainment and design. It involves all aspects of the political, economic, cultural, social and science and so on. These must include what you like. I watched tens of sets. Martin Jacques have lecture on Understanding the Rise of China which leaves a deep impression on me. It made me full of confidence to the future of our country. I like this feeling. Watching TED is interesting and can expand our horizon. And we can get some knowledge and inspiration from it. Well, all of us are already graduate students. Sometimes we need to lecture on what we have researched to others. We can learn the skills of speech from TED.

On morning in the holiday, I went to classroom to study, I found there was few students in classroom. Then I just did not want to study, and began to miss my parents and my friends. So I called them one by one. Then I went back to apartment, and watched a film, Fight Club. In the movie, Taylor said, ‘You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.’ This made me think of my life. Frankly, I am glad to be in Shanghai University, but even now I don’t know what my career will be in the future. I don’t want to devote my entire life to add some labels to myself according to the social standard, just like spending money to buy equipments in online game. In my views, we should realize to set up our own standard, and live a life according to our own standard. How can we do that? We should change our standard of self value from the pursuit of label or external value to the progress of pursuit of value. That is to say, as long as you are on your way, you can just be yourself.

I knew there might be many people from all over our country who travelled to Shanghai with their family and friends, so I did not go out of our university. Although I did not study hardly during the holiday, I did a lot of things which I wanted to do. I spent a pleasant holiday.
