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篇一:Sorry I Love You

Sorry I Love You

We met by chance, maybe not stand for encounters.


No sweet emotion, as slowly-flowing rivers or slowly- floating flowers;


No brave saying, as quickly-striking-sky stones or madly-beating-banks



Fell in with you, it’s my honor; Fell in love with you, it’s my blessedness.


You’re not a pure white pear blossom, and no sense, to be refreshing and



You’re not a plain and neat wintersweet, and no sense, to be noble and



You’re not a quietly elegant lotus, and no sense, to be neat with delicate



Those all may not belong to you, for those all God preparing for others,

not I preparing for you only.



Do you believe in destiny?


Do you believe in lucky?


Buddha said, we can pass by in this life is for our previous life’s 500


佛说,前世的五百次回眸,才换来今世的一次擦肩而过。 Debts, love debts, lead me to know cherishing you, without need for too many fine-sounding words, without need for too many reasons and cause. But only with need for a simple pureness, only with need for a plain



Without your figure following, I don’t know what to step next;


Without your voice following, I don’t know how to live next.


Perhaps, the moment I’m clear to love, is not the moment I’m brave to

say, I love you.


Perhaps, all these seem offensive, all these happen suddenly.


Perhaps, I’m not the most excellent, most outstanding, most romantic,

most brilliant, most handsome man to love you.



But I know, I must be the man who loves you most and forever! 但是我知道,我一定会是最爱你的那个人,并且是,永远! If one day, when you find there is a man who always support you, encourage you, and guard you right behind you silently. Yeah, here’s he

standing! Here am I!



Once I dreamt one day, when I could lovingly ask an endearing girl, “Will

you marry me?”



So, such day is coming……




1、Our English teacher advises us to look ___ our test paper before we hand it in.

A、after B、over

C、on D、into

2、Mary wanted to avoid running down a dog but ran ___a big tree by the roadside.

A、into B、on

C、over D、up

3、— How are you, Mary? — ___Helen.

A、How are you? B、I’m fine. Thank you

C、How do you do? D、Nice to see you

4、— How are you getting along with your study? — ___.

A、Fine. What about you? B、I don’t know.

C、Quite right. D、It’s too hard for me.

5、— Hi, Tom, how’s everything with you? — ___.

A、Don’t mention it B、Pretty fast

C、Thanks D、The same as ever



1、It does not alter the fact that the man was ___for the death of the little girl.

A、ashamed B、guilty

C、responsible D、obliged

2、Mr. Edward was not in, so his brother acted as ___at the party.

A、actor B、guest

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:sorry,but,i,love,you)

C、host D、ghost

3、He is a leading authority___plant diseases.

A、on B、about

C、for D、of

4、Faced with all the difficulties, the girl___her mother for comfort.

A、turned over B、turned from

C、turned to D、turned up

5、– Li Hua failed in the math examination. –___

A、I’m sorry to hear that. B、Bad luck!

C、What a pity! D、Bad news.


1、The handsome boy fell ___ love with an American girl.

A、with B、down

C、in D、for

2、Can you tell me the house ___ you once lived last year.

A、that B、which

C、where D、in that

3、Practice is a good way to ___listening and speaking.

A、notic B、neglect

C、decrease D、improve

4、—Excuse me, sir.___ is it to the nearest hotel? —About 15 minutes’ walk along this road.

A、How much B、How soon

C、How far D、How long

5、—It’s cold here. Could you close the door for me. — ___.

A、Here you are B、With pleasure

C、That’s all right D、Thanks a lot



1、They ___very badly towards their guests yesterday..

A、behaved B、showed

C、presented D、behaved out

2、I’ll see___ she’s at home___not at home.

A、either … or B、neither…nor

C、whether …or D、if …or

3、I have established a good working ___with my boss.

A、relationship B、relative

C、association D、relaxation

4、— Congratulations! You won the prize for best photography. — ___

A、Yes, I am proud of myself. B、I’m fine.

C、Thank you. D、It’s nice.

5、— I think you look very nice in the red jacket. — ___

A、Oh, no, I don’t look nice at all. B、You are very kind.

C、I’m glad you think so. D、I don’t like red color but my mom made me wear it.



1、— Would you like to go shopping with me? — ___.

A、Yes, I’d like to. B、Yes. Thank you.

C、You are welcome. D、No. You are so kind.

2、—Let’s go swimming, shall we? — ___.

A、No. We don’t. B、Never mind.

C、Yes. Let’s go. D、Sorry to hear that.

3、— I suggest you work harder on English. — ___ .

A、You are clever. B、It’s easier said than done.

C、I’m afraid not. D、I don’t agree with you.

4、— I like pop music, but if you hate it, I’ll play something else,___? — How about some classics?

A、Why not change it B、They are so cool

C、It’s noise to me D、What do you want to hear

5、— Hey! Bob, don’t you think we should have a rest? —___ .

A、Don’t mention it B、Sound good

C、Thank you a lot D、Sorry, go ahead



1、She’s very committed to___ people who are homeless.

A、helping B、help

C、helped D、helps

2、I’ll just get these dishes___and then I’ll come.

A、to wash B、washing

C、wash D、washed

3、— ___ , I didn’t mean it that way. —Forget it.

A、All right B、That’s okay

C、Thank you D、Forgive me

4、— I’m terribly sorry about that. — ___

A、You are welcome. B、Don’t give it another thought.

C、Not at all. D、Excuse me.

5、—I___. —Think no more of it.

A、should have meant that B、should have done that

C、shouldn’t have meant that D、shouldn’t have done that



1、Last year the interest rate for loan______ by 20 percent.

A、raised B、arose

C、aroused D、rose

2、When she arrived, she found______ the injured and the dead there.

A、nothing but B、none but

C、none other D、no other than

3、The man was just about to______ the riddle, when suddenly he found the answer.

A、arrive at B、give up

C、submit to D、work out

4、The students are kept ______ cleaning the classroom.

A、busy with B、busying with

C、busy in D、to busy in

5、—Can I help you, sir? —_______.

A、Yes, you can help me B、No, I don’t need any help

C、Of course, if you like D、No, thanks. I’m being served



1、A completely new situation will___when the examination system comes into existence.

A、arise B、rise

C、raise D、arouse

2、The organization had broken no rules, but___had it acted responsibly.

A、neither B、so

C、either D、both

3、I make notes in the back of my diary___ things to be mended or replaced?

A、by B、in

C、with D、of

4、—Ken, ___, but your TV is too loud. —Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll turn it down right now.

A、I’d like to talk with you B、I’m really tired of this

C、I hate to say this D、I need your help

5、— I was really anxious about you. You shouldn’t have left without a word. — ___

A、Why not? B、Really?

C、I don’t know. D、I’m terribly sorry.



1、Is this ________ looking for?

A、you are B、what you are

C、that you are D、what are you

2、The classroom was almost empty ______ a desk or two.

A、besides B、except for

C、except D、in addition to

3、— What size do you have? — _______

A、I want size 26. B、We got various sizes.

C、This size is not for me. D、We want a small size.

4、— _______ — I don’t like bright color.

A、What about the red one? B、What do you want to buy?

C、What can I do for you? D、What is your size?

5、— _____ — Our price is the lowest one in the city.

A、I’ll take the blue one. B、How much is it?

C、May I try it on? D、Would you please make a discount?



1、Julie spent one month ___her term paper on Chinese poems.

A、to write B、and wrote

C、written D、writing

2、I was so___the night before my examination that I could not sleep.

A、worrying B、tired

C、happy D、nervous

3、Whether you learn or not is entirely___you.

A、up to B、as to

C、about to D、due to

4、The little girl showed the policeman the corner___she was knocked off her bike

A、and B、which

C、that D、where



ye, Love is pain ..

To all my brokenhearted people (come again)

one's old a flame, scream my name

And i'm so sick of love songs

ye, i hate damn love song, memento of ours


呢怎 把木 比噶 内料哇 闹儿 带料哇

早怎 gi哦 个太 对草giao 那

闹 哦不西 杂儿 撒儿 素 一大够 大几没把豆 哦早儿 素 哦不大够 某他嫩 素儿都 吗西够 艘他嫩 吗木 把木sei cei我把豆 西喽 闹 哦不嫩 哈路嫩 gi喽

比喽 在把里该 黑大拉够(够几吗里呀)

闹 哦不嫩 内在怒四米 包一几 啊那

(怒恩)木儿走擦 够一几 啊那 的嫩 撒儿够 西(不)几 啊那 要噶忒 要儿把该 你 僧噶该 豆拉波里够 噶忒

包够西喷带 包儿 素噶 哦不带 某度 可那带

I'll be right there

I'm so sorry but i love you

大 够几吗儿 一呀 某拉扫 一在呀 啊拉扫 乃噶 皮六嘿 I'm so sorry but I love you

那儿卡喽问 吗拉gi麦 那豆 某了该 闹儿 的那包内几满 I'm so sorry but I love you

(塔 够几吗儿)

I'm so sorry, but I love you

I'm so sorry but I love you

那了儿 的那 草恩草你 一早组内 内噶 啊怕哈儿 素 一该 个dei 类嘿扫 不闹哇(的恩) 内 某的恩 够儿 大把亲 闹类 啊吗 撒拉木的(了恩) 某了该就

难 混杂 可 啊木豆 啊木豆 某类

可类 内噶 黑的恩 吗了恩 够几吗儿

后喽 那木giao几挪头里 可 艘该 海麦嫩 内 够里

组么你 艘该 够gi够gi 早波吨 一表了两喊 走几(hey)

闹闹地那哟 闹儿 不了嫩 四(不)关豆

难 大那几内 一在恩 塔 无扫闹木gi 该

I'm so sorry but I love you

大 够几吗儿 一呀 ,某拉扫 一在呀 啊拉扫 乃噶 批六嘿 I'm so sorry but I love you

那儿卡喽问 吗拉gi麦 那豆 某了该 闹儿 的那包内几满 I'm so sorry but I love you


I'm so sorry, but I love you

I'm so sorry but I love you

那了儿 的那 草恩草你 一早组内 内噶 啊怕哈儿 素 一该 oh oh oh oh oh(某的恩该 古米gi儿)

oh oh oh oh oh (一够把该 按对嫩 那拉扫)

啊几豆 闹了儿 某你早

啊你 piaong僧儿 噶都 组够扫卡几豆

内噶 尊桑草 啊木喽嫩几

米啊内 啊木够都 黑尊该 哦不嫩 那拉扫

I'm so sorry but I love you

大 够几吗儿 一呀 某那扫 一在呀 啊拉扫 乃噶 批六嘿 I'm so sorry but I love you

那儿卡楼问 吗拉gi麦 那都 某了该 闹儿 的那包内几满 I'm so sorry but I love you


I'm so sorry, but I love you

I'm so sorry but I love you

那了儿 的那 草恩草你 一早组内

内噶 啊怕哈儿 素 一该

篇四:bigbang - 谎言


ye, Love is pain ..

To all my brokenhearted people (come again)

one's old a flame, scream my name

And i'm so sick of love songs

ye, i hate damn love song, memento of ours


呢怎 把木 比噶 内料哇 闹儿 带料哇

早怎 gi哦 个太 对草giao 那

闹 哦不西 杂儿 撒儿 素 一大够 大几没把豆 哦早儿 素 哦不大够 某他嫩 素儿都 吗西够 艘他嫩 吗木 把木sei cei我把豆 西喽 闹 哦不嫩 哈路嫩 gi喽

比喽 在把里该 黑大拉够(够几吗里呀)

闹 哦不嫩 内在怒四米 包一几 啊那

(怒恩)木儿走擦 够一几 啊那 的嫩 撒儿够 西(不)几 啊那 要噶忒 要儿把该 你 僧噶该 豆拉波里够 噶忒

包够西喷带 包儿 素噶 哦不带 某度 可那带

I'll be right there

I'm so sorry but i love you

大 够几吗儿 一呀 某拉扫 一在呀 啊拉扫 乃噶 皮六嘿

I'm so sorry but I love you

那儿卡喽问 吗拉gi麦 那豆 某了该 闹儿 的那包内几满 I'm so sorry but I love you

(塔 够几吗儿)

I'm so sorry, but I love you

I'm so sorry but I love you

那了儿 的那 草恩草你 一早组内 内噶 啊怕哈儿 素 一该 个dei 类嘿扫 不闹哇(的恩) 内 某的恩 够儿 大把亲 闹类 啊吗 撒拉木的(了恩) 某了该就

难 混杂 可 啊木豆 啊木豆 某类

可类 内噶 黑的恩 吗了恩 够几吗儿

后喽 那木giao几挪头里 可 艘该 海麦嫩 内 够里

组么你 艘该 够gi够gi 早波吨 一表了两喊 走几(hey)

闹闹地那哟 闹儿 不了嫩 四(不)关豆

难 大那几内 一在恩 塔 无扫闹木gi 该

I'm so sorry but I love you

大 够几吗儿 一呀 ,某拉扫 一在呀 啊拉扫 乃噶 批六嘿 I'm so sorry but I love you

那儿卡喽问 吗拉gi麦 那豆 某了该 闹儿 的那包内几满 I'm so sorry but I love you


I'm so sorry, but I love you

I'm so sorry but I love you

那了儿 的那 草恩草你 一早组内 内噶 啊怕哈儿 素 一该 oh oh oh oh oh(某的恩该 古米gi儿)

oh oh oh oh oh (一够把该 按对嫩 那拉扫)

啊几豆 闹了儿 某你早

啊你 piaong僧儿 噶都 组够扫卡几豆

内噶 尊桑草 啊木喽嫩几

米啊内 啊木够都 黑尊该 哦不嫩 那拉扫

I'm so sorry but I love you

大 够几吗儿 一呀 某那扫 一在呀 啊拉扫 乃噶 批六嘿 I'm so sorry but I love you

那儿卡楼问 吗拉gi麦 那都 某了该 闹儿 的那包内几满 I'm so sorry but I love you


I'm so sorry, but I love you

I'm so sorry but I love you

那了儿 的那 草恩草你 一早组内

内噶 啊怕哈儿 素 一该



ye, Love is pain。

To all my brokenhearted people (come again)

one's old a flame, ye scream my name And i'm so sick of love songs

ye, i hate damn love song, memento of ours


内就麻皮 哇内六 哇内太可哇


早知你要哭 太古超可那


闹无习打 杀苏 喂德狗

我下定决心说没有你我也能好好的生活 它寄给 把的我 就是 完的哥噢




搜他那马 帮木塞 秋我把斗 洗勾 也依然觉得没有你的日子过的太煎熬 no木马 狗给都 比勾


柴八楼滴给 他啦秋 (马嘎)

no母内 给勿树你 不米洗安那


no母哭恰 够米洗安娜




ye 要嘎太 要热把改莫名的发火

内伞给 有把 莫里够 嘎忒你觉得我疯了吧 木够习 盆太我说想见你

木书够 哦呆你却说不可以

木读哭马dei 你说都结束了

I'll be right there

I'm so sorry but i love you 打够级马都是谎言




I'm so sorry but i love you 内卡楼买哈给米 那都木路给


那斗那 普嫩几马不知不觉的失去了你

I'm so sorry but i love you 打够级马都是谎言

I'm so sorry (sorry)

but i love you(I love you 莫 莫) I'm so sorry but i love you 那聊都拿离开我的你

亲祝你 衣住初衣泪请允许让我慢慢忘记你 内嘎啊怕海苏衣给让我也感受到疼痛

可调离爱搜 普no哇特内 莫等哥 他把几no喂(no 喂)


撒郎 德聊恩 莫路改叫


那婚杂 可啊木豆啊木都 莫累


可乐内嘎 黑德恩 马勒 口机马


后楼 马呢几为头力 给书给 黑妹内能 够你


主莫你 搜给够给够几 秋包顿 衣表聊压寒


口袋里紧紧攥住意味着分别的纸条 闹都哪压 闹普路内 书挂都

你在哪啊叫你的名字已经成为了我的习惯 衣赞杂 乌苏老几内

我要改变现在让一切都一笑而过 I'm so sorry but i love you 打够级马都是谎言




I'm so sorry but i love you

内卡楼买 哈给米 那都木路给说着伤人的话的我

那斗那 普嫩几马不知不觉的失去了你 I'm so sorry but i love you 打够级马都是谎言

I'm so sorry (sorry)

but i love you(I love you 莫 莫) I'm so sorry but i love you 那聊都拿离开我的你

亲祝你 衣住初衣泪允许让我慢慢忘记你

内嘎啊怕海苏衣给让我也感受到疼痛 oh oh oh oh oh


oh oh oh oh oh

衣够吧给俺对能那 拉搜我只有这点愿望 (楚布带了被)

啊几都 闹乐莫你早至今也无法忘记你 啊你瓶森尔嘎都一生也无法忘记 主够搜嘎几都也至死也无法忘记

内嘎尊丧草 啊母路嫩几我带给你的伤疮愈合了吗

比啊内 阿木楼都海基给 奥本那啦搜 对不起我什么都不能为你作

I'm so sorry but i love you 打够级马都是谎言




I'm so sorry but i love you

内卡楼买 哈给米 那都木路给说着伤人的话的我

那斗那 普嫩几马不知不觉的失去了你
