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Author and radio host Diane Brandon has interpreted hundreds of dreams during her 40 years as a student of sleep research.


"I feel that our unconscious, which is the source of most but not all of our dreams, is a wonderful inner ally that is trying to bring us to wholeness and balance," Brandon tell us.


Brandon helped us compile a list of the 10 most common nightmares, or dreams with negative meanings.


10. Having a disease or health emergency


This nightmare could reflect a fear of an unknown thing suddenly having a negative impact on the dreamer’s life. It could also reflect an underlying fear of illness or of contracting a serious disease. It could also express a fear of not being able to enjoy life or that there’s something wrong (“ill” or “rotten”) in one’s life.


A nightmare about an illness could also be a way of telling the dreamer that he or she actually has an illness, even if consciously unaware of it.


9. Being attacked or injured


This type of nightmare could reflect a fear of others, a fear of not fitting in, a literal fear of violence, or a fear of being figuratively “attacked" or criticized by others. It’s important to take into account the actual scenario and what’s going on in the dreamer’s life for meanings.


8. Car trouble


This nightmare can reflect a feeling of not being able to move forward in life or even of one’s life being out of control. Our car is frequently how we not only travel, but “get to places" in life.


7. Drowning


This nightmare could mean you feel overwhelmed or put out a lot of effort with no success or return. It could also simply represent a fear of water. It's important to pay attention to the whole scenario as different meanings or even nuances could emerge.


For example, if the dreamer is drowning, it could mean one thing, but if the dreamer is drowning along with other people or being drowned by someone, there could be entirely different meanings.


6. Falling


We suddenly may feel that we’re falling, jerk awake, and then realize that we had indeed been sleeping. Nightmares of falling could reflect a fear of heights, a fear of not being in control, a feeling of having nothing solid to hold onto in life, or even a fear of death.

我们也许会突然觉得自己在坠落,然后惊醒发现不过是个梦境。坠落的噩梦可以反映恐高,对失去控制的恐惧以及一种生活中无所依靠的感觉,甚至是对死亡的恐惧。5. Teeth falling out


This nightmare generally means you feel out of control, powerless, or inadequate. It can also reflect social embarrassment, fear of being unattractive, or fear of being revealed as inadequate or not up to snuff. It would be important to consider what the dreamer was going through in life for more specific meanings.


4. Being lost

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:wonderful,nightmare)


This nightmare may be worse for children than for adults, but both can have it. 尽管大人小孩都会做这样的梦,但对于小孩来说,会更加严重一点。

For adults, it can mean that the dreamer does not feel in control in life or does not

know what to do next or which direction to go into.


It can reveal a figurative feeling of "not being able to find one’s way." It could also potentially reflect a feeling of not paying attention to or following directions.

这也可有一层隐含之意,表达的是“没有能力找到自己的方向。” 这还有可能表达一种没有注意到或把握方向的感觉。

3. Failing a test


This nightmare is fairly common, although the exact scenario can vary. It can indicate that one feels unprepared or hasn’t done something correctly in life. It can also refer to feeling that one has to prove oneself and either doesn’t know how or feels inadequate.


2. Being naked in public


This nightmare can often mean that the dreamer feels vulnerable or exposed in some way. It could also mean feeling small or ganged up on.




Author and radio host Diane Brandon has interpreted hundreds of dreams during her 40 years as a student of sleep research。作家兼广播主持人黛安-布兰森40多年来一直进行睡眠研究,她将成百上千个梦境进行了研究解析。

"I feel that our unconscious, which is the source of most but not all of our dreams, is a wonderful inner ally that is trying to bring us to wholeness and balance," Brandon tell us. 布兰森说:“我认为我们的潜意识也就是大部分梦境的源头,是我们身体的好盟友,会试图使我们完整和平衡。”

Brandon helped us compile a list of the 10 most common nightmares, or dreams with negative meanings。布兰森还列举出十个最常见的噩梦或带有消极意义的梦境。

10. Having a disease or health emergency 梦到患某种疾病或遇到健康危机

This nightmare could reflect a fear of an unknown thing suddenly having a negative impact on the dreamer’s life. It could also reflect an underlying fear of illness or of

contracting a serious disease. It could also express a fear of not being able to enjoy life or that there’s something wrong (“ill” or “rotten”) in one’s life。这个梦境通常反映的是做梦的人对突发未知事件的一种恐惧,害怕会对自己生活产生消极影响。这还可以反映出对某一潜在疾病的恐惧,又或者表达的是对不能享受生活的担忧,或生活中出现了不如意的地方。

A nightmare about an illness could also be a way of telling the dreamer that he or she actually has an illness, even if consciously unaware of it。关于疾病的噩梦,甚至可以告诉梦者他们的确患上了某种疾病,即使是在他们尚未察觉的情况下。

9. Being attacked or injured 梦到被打或受伤

This type of nightmare could reflect a fear of others, a fear of not fitting in, a literal fear

of violence, or a fear of being figuratively

“attacked" or criticized by others. It’s important to take into account the actual

scenario and what’s going on in the dreamer’s life for meanings。这种噩梦表达的是害怕别人,害怕不合群,害怕暴力或害怕被其他人采取其他方式的“袭击”或批评。了解实际情况,知道做梦的人生活中发生了些什么,对了解梦境的含义十分重要。

8. Car trouble 梦到车子出毛病

This nightmare can reflect a feeling of not being able to move forward in life or even of one’s life being out of control. Our car is frequently how we not only travel, but “get to places" in life. 这类噩梦反应的是实际生活中不能前进或是生活失去控制的感觉。车子反应的不仅仅是我们如何旅行,还有我们如何到达目的地。

7. Drowning 梦到溺水

This nightmare could mean you feel overwhelmed or put out a lot of effort with no success or return. It could also simply represent a fear of water. It's important to pay attention to the whole scenario as different meanings or even nuances could emerge. 这个噩梦可能表示你有挫败感,又或者辛辛苦苦付出努力却没有获得任何成功或回报。当然也能简单的表示你怕水。关注梦里的整个场景是十分重要的,即使小差别都有着完全不同的含义。

For example, if the dreamer is drowning, it could mean one thing, but if the dreamer is drowning along with other people or being drowned by someone, there could be entirely different meanings。比如,如果做梦的人溺水了,可以代表一件事,但如果梦者和其他人一起溺水,又或差点被淹死,含义将会大不相同。

6. Falling 梦到掉下来

We suddenly may feel that we’re falling, jerk awake, and then realize that we had indeed been sleeping. Nightmares of falling could reflect a fear of heights, a fear of not being in control, a feeling of having nothing solid to hold onto in life, or even a fear of death。我们也许会突然觉得自己在坠落,然后惊醒发现不过是个梦境。坠落的噩梦可以反映恐高,对失去控制的恐惧以及一种生活中无所依靠的感觉,甚至是对死亡的恐惧。

5. Teeth falling out 梦到掉牙

This nightmare generally means you feel out of control, powerless, or inadequate. It can also reflect social embarrassment, fear of being unattractive, or fear of being revealed as inadequate or not up to snuff. It would be important to consider what the dreamer was going through in life for more specific meanings。这类噩梦意味着你感觉失去控制,无力或不满足。还能反映社交中的不如意,害怕不够吸引人,或害怕发现被人揭穿不够好抑或干了什么不正当的事情。要想知道更多详细的含义,就需要了解梦者到底在现实生活中经历了什么。

4. Being lost梦到迷路

This nightmare may be worse for children than for adults, but both can have it。尽管大人小孩都会做这样的梦,但对于小孩来说,会更加严重一点。

For adults, it can mean that the dreamer does not feel in control in life or does not know what to do next or which direction to go into。对于大人,这梦就意味着梦者感觉生活不受控制,又或不知道接下来该干些什么,失去了方向感。

It can reveal a figurative feeling of "not being able to find one’s way." It could also potentially reflect a feeling of not paying attention to or following directions。这也可有一层

隐含之意,表达的是“没有能力找到自己的方向。” 这还有可能表达一种没有注意到或把握方向的感觉。

3. Failing a test 梦到挂科

This nightmare is fairly common, although the exact scenario can vary. It can indicate that one feels unprepared or hasn’t done something correctly in life. It can also refer to feeling that one has to prove oneself and either doesn’t know how or feels inadequate。这种噩梦十分常见,尽管实际的场景会发生改变。还能表示人们感觉准备不足又或什么事做错了。这还能表示人们必须要证明自己,却不知道如何证明或觉得不够格。

2. Being naked in public 梦到在公众场合裸体

This nightmare can often mean that the dreamer feels vulnerable or exposed in some way. It could also mean feeling small or ganged up on。这类梦意味着梦者感觉有些脆弱或暴露了自己。这还可能意味着梦者感觉被孤立或有人联合起来对付他。

1. Being chased 梦到被人追赶

Many people report nightmares in which they’re being chased. This is often indicative of feeling overwhelmed, stressed, that something being avoided is catching up with them, or not getting everything done in their lives。很多人都说做过被人追的噩梦。这通常意味着挫败感,压力,或逃避的事又来了,又或没有完成生活中的所有事。



Unit 1

Active reading(1)

1.achieving good results (productive)

2.the fact of being present at an event, or of going regularly to school, church etc (attendance)

3.the refusal to accept something new, such as a plan, idea, or change (resistance)

4.determined to be successful, rich, famous etc (ambitious)

5.agreement to a plan, offer, or suggestion (acceptance)

6.the written words of a play, film, television programme, speech etc (script)

7.very good, large, or showing great skill (impressive)

screenwriting course will definitely help you learn the skills. You also need to be very

the film business is very competitive. You have to be prepared to work hard producers because it’s too expensive. So make sure you have plenty of others to show

Active reading(2)

1.involving three things of the same kind (triple)

2.an area of ground where dead people are buried (cemetery)

3.the part of a place or thing that is at the back (rear)

4.a book that someone writes about someone else’s life (biography)

5.to put people or things into a space that is too small (cram)

6.at the very beginning of a career and likely to be successful at it (budding)

7.continuing only for a limited time or distance (finite)

8.to pass (elapse)

1.About two hours buried.

3.The entrance to the car park was blocked, so the road was full of cars which had been , making it almost impossible to get past.

, one of whom has written a .

5.The time we have on this earth may be there are no limits to the human imagination.

Unit 6

Active reading(1)

1.to make a fire stop burning (extinguish)

2.the total number of people who have been killed or hurt (toll)

3.an extremely difficult or frightening situation (nightmare)

4.a very sad event that causes people to suffer or die (tragedy)

5.as much as possible (utmost)

6.impressive actions that prove someone is very brave (heroism)

7.happening in a confused way and without any order or organization (chaotic)

For a firefighter arriving on the scene of a fire the first few minutes are usually the most

danger. When people are trapped inside a building he must act swiftly to prevent

, ––

Active reading(2)

1.someone who is chosen to represent a group of other people at a meeting (delegate)

2.to believe that something is the cause of someone or something else (ascribe)

3.a newspaper or television reporter, especially one who deals with a particular subject or area(correspondent)

4.a very high level of skill or ability (genius)

5.to control someone or something, often in a negative way, because you have more power or influence(dominate)

6.used about a feeling or thought you do not realize you have (unconscious)

7.to watch something in order to check that it works in the way that it should (oversee) ’s . She need to help people.

篇四:2012上海英语中考一模试题及答案 闵行区


Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar

II.Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) :(共20分)

31. Cormorant fishing is _______ traditional Chinese skill, but few people know it now.

A. a B. an C. the D./

32. Fancy is a pleasant girl with a cheerful face. She is a good friend of _______.

A .I B. my C. me D. mine

33. Lucy thinks young people can learn how to care for others ________ keeping pets.

A .at B. on C. in D. by

34. Mark isn?t feeling well now as she had too much _______ just now.

A. potato B. noodle C. bread D. biscuit

35. – Which place do you prefer to live in, a city or a countryside?

-- I don?t care. ________ is fine.

A. Either B. Neither C. All D. None

36. We ______ hurry all the way to the airport, the flight was cancelled because of the foggy weather.

A. mustn?t B. couldn?t C. needn?t D. shouldn?t

37. ________ funny the animals are! They are jumping up and down the trees excitedly.

A. How B. What C. What a D. What an

38. Ginger can?t dance as ______ as Jasmine, but she still got the prize.

A. beautifully B. more beautifully C. less beautifully D. the most beautifully

39. If you ______right now, you will catch up with him in two hours.

A. start B. will start C. started D. are starting

40. The Smiths ________ the fence of their new house dark green already.

A. paint B. will paint C. have painted D. had painted

41.Henry _________ more than two hundred foreign stamps by the end of last month.

A. collected B. had collected C. would collect D. was collecting

42. Don?t worry, your package________ here until you come back, so enjoy shopping here.

A. kept B. was keeping C. has been kept D. will be kept

43. His parents don?t let him ________television on school nights.

A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watches

44. Matt became so ______ when I dropped the coffee on her shirt, which made me quite upset.

A. forgetful B. carefully C. angry D. sadly

45. Often life is much ________ outside the big cities, as is true in other countries as well.

A. slow B. slower C. slowest D. the slowest

46. You can buy computers at a local shop. They?re usually mare expensive, ______ you can get better after-sales service.

A. and B. but C. so D. or

47. Arthur, you will get toothache ______ you clean your teeth regularly.

A. unless B. since C. if D. before

48. The thief admitted _______ the old woman?s purse in the department store.

A. steal B. to steal C. stealing D. stole

49. –I?m terribly sorry. I?ve forgotten to bring your notebook here.


A.I?s hard to say. B. Of course not. C. That?s all right. D. It?s my pleasure.

50. ---Keeping pet dogs is a good idea. It?s wonderful to see them growing up quickly.

---_______ Some dogs bark at night and this stops their neighbours from getting any sleep.

A. Are you kidding. B. I think so, too. C. Neither do I. D. I don?t agree with you.

III.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each one can only be used once.(8分)

My day at school yesterday was a nightmare (恶梦)! I overslept because I had gone to bed late and forgotten to set my alarm o?clock. When I woke up, I got a

____. It was ten o?clock! I put on my uniform and ran to school. muddy puddle (泥坑).

After I __53___ school, I apologized to my teacher, Miss Evans. She told me to go to the boys? toilets to clean myself up. When I was there, I saw Ben smoking. He handed me his_____54___. I took it but said I didn?t want to try it. Just ___55___, the headmaster walked in and saw me holding the cigarette. He called my parents and told them that I had been caught smoking.

My dad luck __56____ during the lunch break. I was playing football with some friends when suddenly I hit the ball really far. It ___57____ the sports field and broke a classroom window.

All in all, yesterday was the___58___ day that I?ve ever had at school. I?m going to bed earlier, remember to set my alarm o?clock, and be more careful. IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (8分)

59. It is reported that three bank_____have happened lately in the city. (robbery)

60. Jack won the _____prize in the school reading contest and he felt very excited. (two)

61. The students are busy with the survey on _____lassmates? spending habits. (they)

62. He had to make a_____between staying with his parents and going abroad. (choose)

63. I feel quite_____that I will pass the Chinese exam this time. (confidence)

64. The patient lay on his bed_____when the doctor came to examine him. (quiet)

65. Don?t move, or you?ll____the rabbit away, my child. (frightening)

66. The man was _____about the rude way that the doctor treated(对待) him.(happy)

V.Rewrite the following sentences as required.(14分)

67. All of us realize the importance of keeping the air clean. (改为一般疑问句) _______ all of you _______ the importance of keeping the air clean?

68. Sam had never created a comic strip by himself before. (改为反义疑问句) Sam had never created a comic strip by himself before ,________ _______ ?

69. We ?ve been close friends 对划线部分提问) _______ ________ have you been close friends?

70. Stefan usually spends nearly one month travelling around the world every year. (保持句意基本不变)

It usually _______ Stefan nearly one month _______ travel around the world every year.

71.The weather was so cold that we couldn?t go swimming. (保持句意基本不变) The weather wasn?t _______ ______for us to go swimming.

72. The boys haven?t decided what they will do during this Spring Festival. (改为简单句)

The boys haven?t decided _______ _________ do during this Spring Festival.

73. Are you interested in reading science fiction? Tom asked me. (改为宾语从句) Tom asked me _______ I _______ interested in reading science fiction. Part 3 Reading and Writing


Author and radio host Diane Brandon has interpreted hundreds of dreams during her 40 years as a student of sleep research。作家兼广播主持人黛安-布兰森40多年来一直进行睡眠研究,她将成百上千个梦境进行了研究解析。

"I feel that our unconscious, which is the source of most but not all of our dreams, is a wonderful inner ally that is trying to bring us to wholeness and balance," Brandon tell us. 布兰森说:“我认为我们的潜意识也就是大部分梦境的源头,是我们身体的好盟友,会试图使我们完整和平衡。”

Brandon helped us compile a list of the 10 most common nightmares, or dreams with negative meanings。布兰森还列举出十个最常见的噩梦或带有消极意义的梦境。

10. Having a disease or health emergency 梦到患某种疾病或遇到健康危机

This nightmare could reflect a fear of an unknown thing suddenly having a negative impact on the dreamer’s life. It could also reflect an underlying fear of illness or of

contracting a serious disease. It could also express a fear of not being able to enjoy life or that there’s something wrong (“ill” or “rotten”) in one’s life。这个梦境通常反映的是做梦的人对突发未知事件的一种恐惧,害怕会对自己生活产生消极影响。这还可以反映出对某一潜在疾病的恐惧,又或者表达的是对不能享受生活的担忧,或生活中出现了不如意的地方。

A nightmare about an illness could also be a way of telling the dreamer that he or she actually has an illness, even if consciously unaware of it。关于疾病的噩梦,甚至可以告诉梦者他们的确患上了某种疾病,即使是在他们尚未察觉的情况下。

9. Being attacked or injured 梦到被打或受伤

This type of nightmare could reflect a fear of others, a fear of not fitting in, a literal fear of violence, or a fear of being figuratively

“attacked" or criticized by others. It’s important to take into account the actual

scenario and what’s going on in the dreamer’s life for meanings。这种噩梦表达的是害怕别人,害怕不合群,害怕暴力或害怕被其他人采取其他方式的“袭击”或批评。了解实际情况,知道做梦的人生活中发生了些什么,对了解梦境的含义十分重要。

8. Car trouble 梦到车子出毛病

This nightmare can reflect a feeling of not being able to move forward in life or even of one’s life being out of control. Our car is frequently how we not only travel, but “get to places" in life. 这类噩梦反应的是实际生活中不能前进或是生活失去控制的感觉。车子反应的不仅仅是我们如何旅行,还有我们如何到达目的地。

7. Drowning 梦到溺水

This nightmare could mean you feel overwhelmed or put out a lot of effort with no success or return. It could also simply represent a fear of water. It's important to pay attention to the whole scenario as different meanings or even nuances could emerge. 这个噩梦可能表示你有挫败感,又或者辛辛苦苦付出努力却没有获得任何成功或回报。当然也能简单的表示你怕水。关注梦里的整个场景是十分重要的,即使小差别都有着完全不同的含义。

For example, if the dreamer is drowning, it could mean one thing, but if the dreamer is drowning along with other people or being drowned by someone, there could be entirely different meanings。比如,如果做梦的人溺水了,可以代表一件事,但如果梦者和其他人一起溺水,又或差点被淹死,含义将会大不相同。

6. Falling 梦到掉下来

We suddenly may feel that we’re falling, jerk awake, and then realize that we had indeed been sleeping. Nightmares of falling could reflect a fear of heights, a fear of not being in control, a feeling of having nothing solid to hold onto in life, or even a fear of death。我们也许会突然觉得自己在坠落,然后惊醒发现不过是个梦境。坠落的噩梦可以反映恐高,对失去控制的恐惧以及一种生活中无所依靠的感觉,甚至是对死亡的恐惧。

5. Teeth falling out 梦到掉牙

This nightmare generally means you feel out of control, powerless, or inadequate. It can also reflect social embarrassment, fear of being unattractive, or fear of being

revealed as inadequate or not up to snuff. It would be important to consider what the dreamer was going through in life for more specific meanings。这类噩梦意味着你感觉失去控制,无力或不满足。还能反映社交中的不如意,害怕不够吸引人,或害怕发现被人揭


4. Being lost梦到迷路

This nightmare may be worse for children than for adults, but both can have it。尽管大人小孩都会做这样的梦,但对于小孩来说,会更加严重一点。

For adults, it can mean that the dreamer does not feel in control in life or does not know what to do next or which direction to go into。对于大人,这梦就意味着梦者感觉生活不受控制,又或不知道接下来该干些什么,失去了方向感。

It can reveal a figurative feeling of "not being able to find one’s way." It could also potentially reflect a feeling of not paying attention to or following directions。这也可有一层隐含之意,表达的是“没有能力找到自己的方向。” 这还有可能表达一种没有注意到或把握方向的感觉。

3. Failing a test 梦到挂科

This nightmare is fairly common, although the exact scenario can vary. It can

indicate that one feels unprepared or hasn’t done something correctly in life. It can also refer to feeling that one has to prove oneself and either doesn’t know how or feels


2. Being naked in public 梦到在公众场合裸体

This nightmare can often mean that the dreamer feels vulnerable or exposed in some way. It could also mean feeling small or ganged up on。这类梦意味着梦者感觉有些脆弱或暴露了自己。这还可能意味着梦者感觉被孤立或有人联合起来对付他。

1. Being chased 梦到被人追赶

Many people report nightmares in which they’re being chased. This is often

indicative of feeling overwhelmed, stressed, that something being avoided is catching up

with them, or not getting everything done in their lives。很多人都说做过被人追的噩梦。这通常意味着挫败感,压力,或逃避的事又来了,又或没有完成生活中的所有事。


