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1 Weshouldn't _______ the animals at the zoo,that 's the rule.(2012大联盟第二题5)

A feeds B feeding C feed D feeder

2 Stop talking! You _____make noises in the library.

We keep quite.(2010小联盟第二题2)

A. can’t; must B. mustn’t; should C. shouldn’t; can D. can’t; should

3 ---Is the man over there Mr. Cool?

---No,it _______ be him. He has gone to Shanghai.(2011年小联盟第二题20)

A.can’t B. mustn’t C. Can D. must

4 MayI have a look at your new watch?

---- of course you __________.(2012年小联盟第二题9)

A. can B .must C .will D .would

(二) 真题解析

1 Stop talking! You make noises in the library. We keep quite.(2010小联盟第二题2)

A. can’t; must B. mustn’t; should C. shouldn’t; can D. can’t; should

【解析】此题考查常见情态动词及其否定形式的用法,can’t 表示“不能够,不会”,mustn’t表示“不准”,表示禁止。Shouldn’t 表示“不应该”根据题意可知,第一空表示“禁止,不允许”,用mustn't,第二空表示“应该”,用should。故答案选B.

2 ---Is the man over there Mr. Cool?

---No, it _______ be him. He has gone toShanghai.(2011年小联盟第二题20)

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. Can D. must

【解析】此题考查情态动词can/ could/ may/ might/ must等与be 动词连用表示推测的用法,must be 表示“一定是” can’t be 表示“不可能是”can be 表示“有时会” 而对musn’t be的考查较少,一般译为“不准是,不能是”。根据此题的题意,应该表示“不可能是”。故此题的答案为选项A

兔兔-东海(1059179622) 11:09:10


can和could/ be able to

(1) can表示某人或某物能做某事,意思是“能够;可以”,如:Ican cook the meals

could意思是“能够,可以”,是can的过去式,表示客气、委婉的语气,用 在句子中表示请求,如:Could you help me?

(2) can表示客观可能性或推测,用于否定或疑问句。He can’t be a teacher.

(3) 表示非正式的请求或许可,可和may互换,但may用于正式请求或许可。

Can(May) Iborrow your bike? You can (may)gonow.

(4) can仅用在现在时和过去时(过去式could),若用在其他时态必用be able to。 He will beable to answer the question.



She will visit her grandparents tomorrow.

would是will的过去式,通常跟like连用,常见的句式为would like sth./to do sth.?表示想要某物/想要做某事,如:

I would like a cup of tea.

I wouldlike to buy a cake for my sister.


shall也表示建议,通常跟第一人称,即I 和 we 连用,如:

Shall we visit the museum together?


You should go to bed early.

may和 must


May I speak to Lucy, please?


We aregoing to have a class meeting next week. You must come and attend it.

must和have to



He must bea teacher.


-Must Ifinish it now? -Yes,youmustn’t./No,you needn’t.

(4) have to 表示客观的需要,must表示说话人的主观看法。

Mybrother is very ill,so I have to sent him to the hospital.

We mustwork hard.

(5) must 没有人称和数的变化,但have to 有人称和数的变化。

He must gonow.

He has tostay at home.



(2) 作为实义动词:need+to do。有时态和人称的变化

had better


do sth. 例如: It is cold outside.You’d better put on your coat.

(2)注意它的否定形式:直接在后面加not,再接动词原形。即:hadbetter not

例如:You’dbetter not smoke. It’s bad for your health. may better do sth.


1. must的否定式mustn’t意思是不准,表示禁止,如:You mustn’t pick flowers in the park.

2 may 的肯定回答是,yes,.....may / can

否定回答是, No, ......can’t

3. 如果想表达“不必”,则应说needn’t或don’t/doesn’t have to + v.原,如: ---Must I do my homework now? 我必须现在就做作业吗?

---Yes, you must. 是的,你必须现在就做。

---No, you needn’t. /---No, you don’t have to. 不,你不




1. 处方必须以蓝黑墨水或毛笔应用中文或法典规定的外文名书写,但中文与外文名不宜混写,字迹清晰,无涂改,如因更正涂改,需签名盖章确认。





6.特殊药品应用专用处方,用法用量应符合规定。(医药招商 /)


8. 处方不宜写无效零,例如1g,不宜写成1.0g,以免误读。 处方常用外文缩写及含义

篇三:Unit 6 复习

Unit 6 复习

一.单词 英语 音标

生活方式n.____________ _____________ 块(片,张,件?)n. ___________ _________ 正午n. ___________ _____________ 一块___________ _____________

汉堡包n. ___________ _____________ 玻璃杯,玻璃n. ___________ ____________ 保持vt. ___________ _____________ 盘子n. ___________ _____________ 柠檬n. ___________ _____________ 盐n. ___________ _____________

西瓜n. ___________ _____________ 茶杯,杯n. ___________ _____________ 巧克力n. ___________ _____________ 千克,公斤n. ___________ _____________ 牛肉n. ___________ _____________ 盒n. ___________ _____________

胡萝卜n. ___________ _____________ 瓶子n. ___________ _____________

猪肉n. ___________ _____________ 较少的,更少的det. & pron________ ______ 糖果,甜点n. ___________ _____________ 比prep. ___________ _____________ (猪,牛,羊的)肉n. ________ ___________ 少于,小于___________ _____________ 小吃,零食n. ___________ _____________ 多于,不仅仅___________ _____________ 健康n. ___________ _____________ 散步___________ _____________

健康的adj. ___________ _____________ 总的,总计的,全部的adj. ________ _______ 保持健康___________ _____________ 数,数量n. ___________ _____________ 一餐(饭)n. ___________ _____________ 得分n. ___________ _____________ 梨n. ___________ _____________ 分数n. ___________ _____________

食糖,糖n. ___________ _____________ (程度上)更强,更多adv. ________ _______ 牙齿n. ___________ _____________ 点(菜)vt. ___________ _____________ 电脑游戏n. ___________ _____________ 菜单n. ___________ _____________ 可乐饮料n. ___________ _____________ 豆,豆科植物n. ___________ ___________ 改变,变化vt & vi___________ ___________ 行了,好吧___________ _____________ 打算,计划vt. ___________ _____________ 有?的味道v. ___________ _____________ 水池,水塘n. ___________ _____________ 能量n. ___________ _____________ 游泳池n. ___________ _____________ 整个的adj. ___________ _____________


1.吃一个汉堡_________________ 13. 有健康的生活方式_________________

2.对某人/某物有益_________________ 14. 少于_________________

3.跳舞两小时_________________ 15.多于、超出_________________

4. 一周两次_________________ 16. 散步_________________

5. 需要保持健康______________ 17.多锻炼_________________

6. 觉得饿_________________ 18. 一周三次_________________

7. 早饭吃牛奶和面包______________ 19. 吃更多健康的食物_________________

8. 餐与餐之间_________________ 20.看一看菜单_________________

9.太多的糖________________ 21. 没有问题。_________________

10. 对……有坏处 _________________ 22.尝起来不错_________________


11. 玩电脑游戏_________________ 23.给我一整个下午提供能量_________________

12. . 计划做某事 _________________ 24.需要它们来保持健康_________________


1. _______________ 意思是“对??有好处/坏处”如:




2. need

1)need可以作____________,在它的后面可以接_____________,即______________, 如: 我需要一块手表。_____________________________________






3. keep fit

_________________ = _________________ 意思是“_____________”在这里,keep是_________________,后面接_________________,类似的系表结构还有:_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________等。

4. ____________________表示一日三餐吃某种食物。如:



5. between meals

between meals 意思是“____________________”。between指两者之间,常与______连用。三者和三者以上,要用________。 如:

玛丽坐在她父母之间______________________________ 。


6. too much sugar

too much 意为“_______________”,后接不可数名词; too many 意为“太多”,后接可数名词复数; much too 意为“________”,后接_______________。 如:

_今年雨水太多了_____________________________ 。


这件外套太贵了。 ________________________________________

7. plan to do sth.

plan to do sth意为“________________________________________”。如:



8. twice a week

twice a week意为“______________”,表示频率。对其提问要用_______________


— 我一周去三次图书馆。________________________________________

9. a packet of salt


两包大米___________________ 三杯茶__________________

四公斤肉__________________ 五瓶果汁__________________

10. less than/ more than

less than用在数词前表示“__________________”,和more than在意思上相反;more than表示“__________”相当于over。如:


我们学校有2000多位学生_______________________________________. 。

11. how long…

how 可以和一些形容词或副词连用,组成表达不同含义的疑问短语。 如:


你多久吃一次蔬菜和水果? _______________________________________

你每年在衣服上花多少钱? _______________________________________

你们家有几口人? _______________________________________

从你家到学校有多远? _______________________________________

Simon还要多久才会回来? _______________________________________



注: +表示A级文章;*表示B即文章;其他为C级文章;

完形填空: 综合A级

11.+第十一篇:School Lunch

12.+第十二篇:A Powerful Influence

14.+第十四篇:Family History

15.+第十五篇:Helen and Martin

+第十一篇 School Lunch (综合A)

Research has shown that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat properly in the middle of the day. In Britain schools have to provide meals at lunchtime. Children can choose to bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen.

One shocking finding of this research is that school meals are much healthier than lunches prepared by parents. There are strict standards for the preparation of school meals, which have to include one portion of fruit and one of vegetables, as well as meat, a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta. Lunchboxes examined by researchers contained sweet drinks, crisps and chocolate bars. Children consume twice as much sugar as they should at lunchtime.

The research will provide a better understanding of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain has increased in the last decade. Unfortunately, the government cannot criticise parents, but it can remind them of the nutritional value of milk, fruit and vegetables. Small changes in their children's diet can affect their future health. Children can easily develop bad eating habits at this age, and parents are the only ones who can prevent it.

+第十二篇 A Powerful Influence (综合A)

There can be no doubt at all that the Internet has made a huge difference to our lives. Parents are worried that children spend too much time playing on the Internet, hardly ever doing anything else in their spare time. Naturally, parents are curious to find out why the Internet is so attractive, and they want to know if it can be harmful for their children. Should parents worry if their children are spending that much time staring at their computers?

Obviously, if children are bent over their computers for hours, absorbed in some game, instead of doing their homework, then something is wrong. Parents and children could decide how much use the child should make of the Internet, and the child should give his or her word that it won’t interfere with homework. If the child is not holding to this

arrangement, the parent can take more drastic steps dealing with a child's use of the Internet is not much different from negotiating any other soft of bargain about behaviour. Any parent who is seriously alarmed about a child's behaviour should make an appointment to discuss the matter with a teacher. Spending time in front of the screen does not necessarily affect a child's performance at school. Even if a child is absolutely crazy about using the Internet,he or she is probably just going through a phase, and in a few months there will be something else to worry about!

+第十四篇 Family History (综合A)

In an age when technology is developing faster than ever before, many people are being attracted to the idea of looking back into the past. One way they can do this is by ìinvestigating their own family history. They can try to find out more about where their families came from and what they did, This is now a fast—growing hobby, especially in countries with a fairly short history, like Australia and the United States.

It is one thing to spend some time going through a book on family history and to take the decision to investigate your own family's past. It is quite another to carry out the research work successfully. It is easy to set about it in a disorganized way and cause yourself many problems which could have been avoided with a little forward planning. If your own family stories tell you that you are connected with a famous character, whether hero or criminal, do not let this idea take over your research. Just treat it as an interesting possibility. A simple system for collecting and storing your information will be adequate to start with; a more complex one may only get in your way. The most important thing, though, is to get started. Who knows what you might find ?

+第十五篇 Helen and Martin (综合A)

With a thoughtful sigh, Helen turned away from the window and walked back to her favourite armchair. Would her brother never arrive? For a brief moment, she wondered if she really cared that much.

Over the years Helen had given up waiting for Martin to take an interest in her. Her feelings for him had gradually weakened until now, as she sat waiting for him, she experienced no more than a sister's. curiosity to see what had become of her brother.

Almost without warning, Martin had lost his job with a busy publishing company after spending the last eight years in New York as a key figure in the US office. Somehow the two of them hadn't bothered to keep in touch and, left alone, Helen had slowly found her confidence in her own judgment growing. Ignoring the wishes of her parents, she had left university halfway through her course and now, to the astonishment of the whole family, she was gaining a fast-growing reputation in the pages of respected art magazines and was actually earning enough to live on from her paintings.

Of course, she took no pleasure in Martin's sudden misfortune, but she couldn't help

looking forward to her brother's arrival with quiet satisfaction at what she had achieved.

完形填空: 综合A级

11.+第十一篇:School Lunch

12.+第十二篇:A Powerful Influence

14.+第十四篇:Family History

15.+第十五篇:Helen and Martin

+第十一篇 School Lunch (综合A)

Research has shown that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat (1) __ in the middle of the day. In Britain schools have to (2) __meals at lunchtime. Children can (3) __ to bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen.

One shocking (4) __ of this research is that school meals are much healthier than lunches prepared by parents. There are strict (5) __ for the preparation of school meals, which have to include one (6) __ of fruit and one of vegetables, as well as meat, a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta. Lunchboxes (7) __by researchers contained sweet drinks, crisps and chocolate bars. Children (8) _ twice as much sugar as they should at lunchtime.

The research will provide a better (9) __ of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain has (10) __in the last decade. Unfortunately, the government cannot(11) __ parents, but it can remind them of the (12) __value of milk, fruit and vegetables. Small changes in their children's diet can (13) __their future health. Children can easily develop bad eating (14) __ at this age, and parents are the only ones who can (15) __it.


Canteen / k?n'ti:n / n.食堂,小卖部 starchy / 'stɑ:t?i / adj. (食物)含有大量淀粉的


1. ... twice as much sugar as ... :……2倍的糖分……

2. it can remind them of the ... :提醒他们关于……


1. A) appropriately B) properly C) probably D) possibly

2. A) give B) provide C) make D) do

3. A) prefer B) manage C) want D) choose

4. A) finding B) number C) figure D) factor

5. A) standards B) procedures C) conditions D) Ways

6. A) piece B) portion C) bowl D) kilo

7. A) examined B) found C) taken D) investigated

8. A) take B) contain C) consume D) consist

9. A) view B) knowledge C) understanding D) opinion

10. A) increased B) expanded C) extended D) added

11. A) criticise B) instruct C) order D) tell

12. A) nutritional B) healthy C) positive D) good

13. A) damage B) predict C) destroy D) affect

14. A) behaviours B) styles C) attitudes D) habits

15. A) prevent B) define C) decide D) delay


1. A) appropriately B) properly C) probably D) possibly

2. A) give B) provide C) make D) do 3. A) prefer B) manage C) want D) choose

4. A) finding B) number C) figure D) factor

5. A) standards B) procedures C) conditions D) Ways

6. A) piece B) portion C) bowl D) kilo 7. A) examined B) found C) taken D) investigated

8. A) take B) contain C) consume D) consist 9. A) view B) knowledge C) understanding D) opinion

10. A) increased B) expanded C) extended D) added

11. A) criticise B) instruct C) order D) tell

12. A) nutritional B) healthy C) positive D) good

13. A) damage B) predict C) destroy D) affect

14. A) behaviours B) styles C) attitudes D) habits

15. A) prevent B) define C) decide D) delay


1. B 本句意为“在英国超过一半以上的儿童将午餐带到学校去吃而不是在中午饭点正常吃”此处需要有“正当地,得体地”意思的副词。A 选项意为 appropriately“适当地;相称地” C选项 probably 意为"大概,或许;可能"。D 选项 possibly 意为"可能地;也许;大概"。所以应该在A和B之间选择,A项倾向"得体"。故选 B。

2. B 根据四个选项的意思,可以看出这句有"提供"的意思,所以答案为 B。

3. D本句意为"孩子们可以选择带餐过去或者在食堂就餐"。选项 A 为 prefer"更喜欢"。选项B 为 manage"管理;经营"。选项 C 为 want"需要"。而 D 中 choose 意为"选择"。故选 D。

4. A本句意为"一项令人震惊的发现显示……" B 选项 number 为"号码;数字"0 c 选项figure 为"数字;人物"。D 选项 factor 为"因素;要素"。只有 A 选项 finding 为"发现",符合句意。故选 A。

5. A 本句意为"学校午餐有着严格的准备标准" B 选项 procedure 为"进程";C 选项condition 为"条件";D 选项 way 为"方式,方法";只有 A 选项 standard 为"标

准"。故选 A。

6. B 考查量词。A ,C,D 把量具体化了,然而本题中并没有明确指出每天应该摄人多少水果, 所以只是"比例"的意思,故选' B。

7. A 本句意为"然而被检查的学生自带的饭盒中含有甜饮料、薯条和巧克力棒。"D选项investigated 意为"研究;调查";A 选项 examine 更符合句意。故选择 A。

8. C 本句意为"学生摄取的糖分是他们应当在午餐中摄取的2倍。"其中 A 选项 take 意为 "拿,获得"。 B 选项 contain 意为"包含;控制"。 D 选项 consist 意为"组成;在于;符合"。只有 C 选项 consume 有摄取之意,符合句意。故选'C。

9. C本句的意思为"这份调查研究对为什么在过去的十年中英国学生的超重人数上升提供了 一个更好的解释。"A 选项 view 意为"观察;意见 "。 B 选项 knowledge 意为"知识;学问" c 选项 understanding 意为"谅解;理解",符合句意。D 选项 opinion 意为"意见,主张"。故选 C 。

10. A 本句意为"这份调查研究对为什么在过去的十年中英国学生的超重人数上升提供了一个更好的解释。"选项 B 为"扩大(面积,体积的扩大)";选项 C 为"扩张(延展.性)";选项 D为"增加,加上"的意思;A 选项 increased 意为"增长的",符合句意。故选 A。

11. A 此处的句意为"政府不能批评家长"0 B 选项 instruct 意为"指导;通知;命令"。 C 选项 order 意为"命令;整理" 0 D 选项 tell 意为"告诉,辨别";而 A 选项 criticise

意为"批评",与 句意相符。故选 A。

12. A 此处句意为"……但却可以提醒他们牛奶,7j(果、蔬?菜的营养价值。"B 选项 healthy 为"健康的,健全的";C 选项 positive 为"积极的";D 选项 good 意为"好的,优良的"。从句子的意思上看这里有"营养的"意思;而 A选项 nutritional 意为"营养的,滋润的",

与句意相符。故选 A。

13. D 此句意为"孩子们饮食上小小的改变可能会影响他们未来的健康。"A 选项 damage 意 为"损害,毁坏";'B 选项 predict 意为"预测";C 选项 destroy 意为"破坏,消灭,毁坏";只有D 选项 affect 意为"影响",与句意相符。故选 D。

14. D develop habits 为固定搭配“养成习惯”的意思,故选 b。

15. A 此句意为"……家长却是唯一能够阻止这件事发生的人。"B 选项 define 意为"定义,使 明确";C 选项 decide 意为"决定";D 选项 delay 为"延期,耽搁";只A 选项 prevent 意为 "预防,防止",与句意相符。故选 A。

+第十二篇 A Powerful Influence (综合A)

There can be no doubt at all that the Internet has made a huge difference to our lives. Parents are worried that children spend too much time playing on the Internet, hardly (1) ______ doing anything else in their spare time. Naturally, parents are (2) ________ to find out why the Internet is so attractive, and they want to know if it can be (3) ________ for their children. Should parents worry if their children are spending that much time (4) ________ their computers?

Obviously, if children are bent over their computers for hours, (5) ________in some




2. China is ______for its ancient civlization.

3. The students are walking______the street to Renmin Square。

4. who can find the _____inthia sentence.

5. please ______your answer.

6. Don?t be afraid! The question is very____.

7. I don?t _____he is right.

8. At last,she _________,but she couldn?t tell what had happened.

9. The boy promised his father not to _______any more.

10. You can't ______her, she cannot take care of your baby.


诚实,坦诚( )代替,顶替( )午夜,半夜( )醒,醒来( ) 不喜欢( ) 驾驶( )社会,社团( )街区( )总计,合计( ) 放置( )


1.“I am having supper,”he said.

2. ?I?ve seen the film,? Lili said to me.

3. ?Dou you know where she lives?? He asked.

4.Are you interested in this ? he said.

5.I met her yesterdy, he said to me.


1.Look at the instructions on the bottle of the medicine and then choose the right answers. John is twelve years old. He had a bad cold and coughed day and night. He went' to see a doctor. The doctor gave him some cough medicine. Cough Medicine Shake(摇动) it well before use. Take is three times each day before meals. Dose(药量):,

Age: over 14 2 teaspoonfuls(勺)

8-13 1 teaspoonful

4-7 1/2 teaspoonfuls

Not right for children below the age of three. Put it in a cold place. Use it before December 1st, 2003.

1. John should take a day.

A. 2 teaspoonfuls B. 3 teaspoonfuls

C. 4 teaspoonfuls D. 1 teaspoonful

2. The medicine should be kept in_______.

A. a fridge B. hot water C. any place D. the sun

3. John should before he takes it.

A. shake the medicine well

B. eat nothing

C. do some exercise

D. drink a cup of tea

4. When people are_______ years old, they cannot take this medicine.

A. eighty B. thirty C. two D. twelve

5. John will_______ the medicine when it is left after Dec. 1st, 2003. 2.Jan:I have new photos of my family, but they' re not very good. This is my sister?

Mark:Where is she? Is she at the library?

Jan:No, she' s in the living room. She s doing her homework. And that s my brother.

Mark:Is he doing his homework, too? What's he eating? Jan:He' s watching a scary movie on TV and eating french fries.

This is a picture of my aunt and my mother.

Mark:Is that -your mother in the pool?

Jan:No, that's my aunt. My mother can't swim. And this is my mother and my aunt at the shop. They really like shopping and eating at the shop. Mark: Interesting photos.

( )1. The pictures are ______.

A. good B. interesting C. scary

( )2. Jan' s sister is doing her homework ______.

A. at the library B. at the pool C. in the living room

( )3. Jan' s brother isn' t ______.

A. doing his homework B. watching TV C. eating french fries

( )4. Jan' s ______ can' t swim.

A. sister B. mother C. aunt

( )5. Jan' s mother and aunt like ______ at the shop.

A. eating french fries B. shopping C. swimming


Mr Jones and Mr Brown work in the same office (办公室).One day Mr Jones says to Mr Brown , “I will have a small party at our house on Monday evening . Would you and your wife like to

come ?”

Mr Brown says , “Thank you very much . I?d love to , but let me ask my wife first .”


So Mr Brown goes to the other room and telephones his wife . Then he comes back and looks veryworried .“What?s the matter?” asks Mr Jones . “Is you wife there at home ?”

“No,” answers Mr Brown . “She isn?t there . My small son answers the telephone . I say to him , ?Is your mother there , David ?? and he answers ?No , she isn?t in thehouse.??Where is she ?? I ask ,?She is somewhere outside(在外面) .??What?s she doing??

?She is looking for me .?”

1.There is a party at Mr Jones?s house on Monday evening .

( )

2.Mr Jones asks Mr Brown and his wife to go to the party .

( )

3.The telephone is in Mr Brown?s office. ( )

4.Mr Brown speaks to Mrs Brown on the telephone . ( )

5.Mrs Brown is looking for her son . ( )


One Sunday morning Mr Green and his child , Bill ,are in a big shop . Mr Green wants to

buy a new blouse for Mrs Green . Bill likes oranges , so his father buys two kilos(公斤)of

oranges for him , too . Bill wants to buy some picture—books and colour pencils , too . There are many people in the shop . They are men and women , old and young . They all want to

buysomething there .

6.Mr Green goes to the shop with ___.

A.Mrs green B.his son C.his daughter D.his father

7.Mr Green wants to buy a new blouse for ___.

A.Bill?s mother B.Bill C.his friend D.other people

8.Bill likes ___.

A.all the things B.the new blouse C.oranges D.orange

9.Bill wants to buy ___.

A.some picture—books B.some colour pencils C.clothes in the shop D.A and B

10.The shop is ___.
