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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 00:28:39 体裁作文

篇一:My school

教 学 设 计 模 板

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1.简易多媒体教学环境(由多媒体计算机、投影机、电视机等构成,以呈现数字教(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:人教版myshool,ppt)育资源为主);

2.交互多媒体教学环境(主要由多媒体计算机、交互式电子白板、触控电视等构成,在支持数字教育资源呈现的同时还能实现人机交互); 3.网络教学环境;


篇二:Unit 1 My school


1、单元教学内容:本单元重点学习学校科室及功能室的名称、分布和不同的功能。要求学生能够听说认读这些课室的单词,说出每个科室的不同功用,并简单介绍学校校舍的分布情况。重点学习的句型是:This is …….. That is ………. Is this …….? .Is that …….? Yes,it is ./No, it isn’t.同时渗透了序数词的运用以及字母组合er在单词中的最基本的发音。

2、单元教学重点:掌握学校中的一些功能室。例如:playground, garden, teacher’s office, library, art room, computer room, washroom, music room, gym, and TV room.掌握句型This /That is the… 及 Is this /that the…? Yes,it is./No, it isn’t.在实际情境中的运用。


本单元教学目标:认读PartA and Part B 中的单词;实际情景中灵活运用 Let’s talk 中的重要句型This/That is the(a)… Is this/that the(a)…? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.


人教版语文六年级下册课件全集(PPT、Flash)免费下载 按住Ctrl键,然后鼠标点击资源链接即可到达下载页面。


文言文两则 《匆匆》课件 《匆匆》flash课件

《桃花心木》课件(1) 《桃花心木》课件(2) 《顶碗少年》课件 《手指》课件



《藏戏》课件 《各具特色的民居》课件 《和田的维吾尔》课件

第三组 《十六年前的回忆》课件 《灯光》课件 《为人民服务》课件 《一夜的工作》课件 《一夜的工作》flash课件

第四组 《卖火柴的小女孩》课件 《凡卡》课件



第五组 《跨越百年的美丽》课件 《千年梦圆在今朝》课件 《真理诞生于一百个问号之后》课件 《我最好的老师》课件

第六组 阅读材料







篇四:My Happy Shool

My Happy School My happy school is lots of fun.

My happy school is fun.

My happy school is lots of fun.

I learn with everyone. (learn) [l?:n] My happy school is lots of fun.

My happy school is fun.

My happy school is lots of fun.

Come play with everyone.

I learner about the alphabet. (learner)[?l?:n?](alphabet) [??lf?bit] I’m learning how to read.

I’m learning two and two is four.

It’s not so hard you see.

I’m learning all about my eyes and all about my nose. I count out all my fingers and count out all my toes.

My happy school is lots of fun.

My happy school is fun.

My happy school is lots of fun.

I learn with everyone.

My happy school is lots of fun.

My happy school is fun.

My happy school is lots of fun.

Come play with everyone.

I listen to my teacher

She is very nice to me

And when I do the things she says she’s must so happily I’m learning to think nicely now

And I share the play with toys

Then now I can have lots of fun

With all the girls and boys

My happy school is lots of fun.

My happy school is fun.

My happy school is lots of fun.

I learn with everyone.

My happy school is lots of fun.

My happy school is fun.

My happy school is lots of fun.

Come play with everyone.

Now school is of all I’m always home

It was a lot of fun

It’s time for me to say goodbye and wave to everyone

Tomorrow we’ll come back to school I’ll see them all again I like to go to school together with all of my friends

My happy school is lots of fun.

My happy school is fun.

My happy school is lots of fun.

I learn with everyone.

My happy school is lots of fun.

My happy school is fun.

My happy school is lots of fun.

Come play with everyone.

Come play with everyone.

Come play with everyone.




第一组 《独坐敬亭山》课件 《望洞庭》课件 《忆江南》课件 《桂林山水》课件 《记金华的双龙洞》课件 《七月的天山》课件

第二组 《中彩那天》课件

《万年牢》课件1 《万年牢》课件2 《尊严》课件 《将心比心》课件

第三组 《自然之道》课件 《黄河是怎样变化的》课件

《蝙蝠和雷达》课件1 《蝙蝠和雷达》课件2 《蝙蝠和雷达》flash课件 《大自然的启示》课件

第四组 《夜莺的歌声》课件

《小英雄雨来》课件 《一个中国孩子的呼声》课件 《和我们一样享受春天》课件

第五组 《触摸春天》课件 《永生的眼睛》课件

《生命生命》课件(1) 《生命生命》课件(2) 《生命生命》课件(3) 《花的勇气》课件

第六组 《乡下人家》课件 《牧场之国》课件 《乡村四月》课件 《四时田园杂兴》课件 《渔歌子》课件 《麦哨》课件

第七组 《两个铁球同时着地》课件


《鱼游到了纸上》课件 《父亲的菜园》课件


纪昌学射 《扁鹊治病》课件 文成公主进藏 《普罗米修斯》课件 《渔夫的故事》课件
