作业帮 > 高中作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 14:35:13 高中作文

篇一:Color song 颜色歌

Color song 颜色歌


Red,Yellow,Blue,and Green stand up. 红色,黄色,蓝色,和绿色站起来。 Red,Yellow,Blue,and Green turn around,and, 红色,黄色,蓝色,和绿色转过 Stretch up high above your head. 来,然后,伸展过头顶。

Red,Yellow,Blue,and Green sit down. 红色,黄色,蓝色,和绿色坐下。 Pink,Purple,Brown,and Tan stand up. 粉红色,紫色,棕色和黄褐色站起来。 Pink,Purple,Brown,and Tan turn around,and, 粉红色,紫色,棕色和黄褐色 Stretch up high above your head. 转过来,然后,伸展过头顶。

Pink,Purple,Brown,and Tan sit down. 粉红色,紫色,棕色和黄褐色坐下。 Gold,Silver,Black,and White stand up. 金色,银色,黑色和白色站起来。 Gold,Silver,Black,and White turn around,and, 金色,银色,黑色和白色转过来, Stretch up high above your head. 然后,伸展过头顶。

Gold,Silver,Black,and White sit down. 粉红色,紫色,棕色和白色坐下。

Color song 颜色歌


Red,Yellow,Blue,and Green stand up. 红色,黄色,蓝色,和绿色站起来。 Red,Yellow,Blue,and Green turn around,and, 红色,黄色,蓝色,和绿色转过 Stretch up high above your head. 来,然后,伸展过头顶。

Red,Yellow,Blue,and Green sit down. 红色,黄色,蓝色,和绿色坐下。 Pink,Purple,Brown,and Tan stand up. 粉红色,紫色,棕色和黄褐色站起来。 Pink,Purple,Brown,and Tan turn around,and, 粉红色,紫色,棕色和黄褐色 Stretch up high above your head. 转过来,然后,伸展过头顶。

Pink,Purple,Brown,and Tan sit down. 粉红色,紫色,棕色和黄褐色坐下。 Gold,Silver,Black,and White stand up.

color song

金色,银色,黑色和白色站起来。 Gold,Silver,Black,and White turn around,and, 金色,银色,黑色和白色转过来, Stretch up high above your head. 然后,伸展过头顶。

Gold,Silver,Black,and White sit down. 粉红色,紫色,棕色和白色坐下。

篇二:Colour Song歌词

Colour Song歌词


Who is wearing yellow today? yellow today, yellow today Who is wearing yellow today? yellow today.

Who is wearing red today? red today, red today

Who is wearing red today? red today

Who is wearing green today? green today, green today Who is wearing green today? green today

Who is wearing blue today? blue today, blue today

Who is wearing blue today? blue today

Who is wearing black today? black today, black today Who is wearing black today? black today

Who is wearing white today? white today, white today Who is wearing white today? white today

Who is wearing pink today? pink today, pink today

Who is wearing pink today? pink today


Colour Song



Instruction sheet for teaching

? The Colour Song ?

1. Tell the students that they are going to learn a song about colours.

2. Present the colour cards from the Clues Kit and add on the colour labels. (Make sure that you present the colours in the same order as they are in the song). Put the colours on the board.

3. Have the students practice saying the colours.

4. Sing the song presenting the colours as they come along.

5. Sing the song a few times but having the students join in .

6. Tell the students that they are going to colour a Colour Train.

7. Have the students take out their colouring pencils or markers.

8. Have them prepare only the colours that they will use to colour the train.

9. Give step by step instructions.

A. First, take your red pencil(marker). B. Colour the first wagon.

C. Secondly, take your orange pencil(marker). D. Colour the second wagon.

Note: Colour your wagon as you tell them to do it.

10. Continue this way until the page is completed.

11. Have the students glue their page in their scrapbook.

12. Auto-evaluation at the end of the class.




2.教学难点:red、green的发音与句型―What color is it?‖―Is it red?‖―Maybe it's red.‖等句的理解与回答。


三年级的学生活泼、好动,注意力容易分散,但他们具有极强的求知欲,模仿与记忆力很强,而且极具学习的潜力。我们学校从一年级就开设了英语课程,所以学生已经积累了一些语言并具有一定的基础和学习能力。本课时的部分单词在以前一年级时已经接触过,所以在此基础上教师适当增加了一些难度,结合以前所学句子:It's ... / Do you like ...?等句。教师将教学的重点放在了单词的认读与语言运用能力的培养上,目的旨在以滚雪球的方式以旧带新,让不同层次的学生都有不同层次的提高,同时让学生在大量输入的基础上达到大量的输出,为运用语言进行交际打下扎实的基础。









Let's do.

Open your pencil-case.

Show me your sharpener.



(教师出示文具单词)T: Where is your pen / ... ?

Ss: Here it is. (学生边说边出示文具,有些学生看到单词反应快些,有些则慢些。)通过唱一唱、做一做来热身,使学生放松心情,制造浓厚的学习氛围。让学生在最快的时间内进入最佳的英语学习状态。


a.呈现新句(What color is it?)

T: Where is your crayon?

T: What color is it?(教师指向个别学生的蜡笔)

T: It's red. (教师自问自答)

T: What color is it?

T: What color are the apples?(教师指向黑板——树上挂着很多背面朝上并被白纸遮盖的苹果)教师设置悬念。


T: What color is it?(教师摘下苹果,被白纸遮盖的单词部位朝学生)(教师慢慢撕开白纸,并以直拼形式呈现单词red,再翻到涂有颜色的一面)教师用升降调带读 red。教师纠正个别学生的发音。

T: What color is it?(教师把苹果的单词面贴在黑板上)


T: Is it red?

T: What color is it? Let's have a look.(由学生揭开白纸)blue.

T: It's blue. Do you like blue?(与个别学生进行问答)

T: What about this one? Maybe it's red. / Maybe it's yellow. ... Can you?(让学生根据提示进行猜测)(揭开白纸,呈现yellow)教师带读yellow。

T: We still have two apples. What color is it?(学生摘下一个)

T: Maybe it's ....



T: The grass is green. / ... is green.

T: What else is green?


T: What is yellow in the picture?


T: Yes. Snow White is wearing yellow today.(点击课件风景图——七个小矮人围着白雪公主在唱―Who is wearing yellow today?‖)

T: Is it yellow now?(点击课件,白雪公主的衣服变成了黄粉相间色

T: No. It's yellow and pink.(教师反复两次并强调―and‖)

T: What color are the pants?(教师指着各个小矮人的衣物)

T: Yes. It's red and pink.(教师用夸张的语调给以肯定)

T: This one?

T: Is it pink?(指教室里的物品)

T: Is it pink?(教师随手拿起讲台上的一块橡皮)教师把橡皮送给回答准确、声音最响亮的学生。

T: Is it pink?(教师摘下树上最后一个苹果,并揭开白纸呈现单词,purple)

T: Do you like purple?

T: I like purple, too. Look! It's purple. It's a purple apple.(教师边说边将苹果翻到有颜色的一面。)

T: Oh! I'm sorry. I forgot to paint it. Let's do it now.教师指着每组学生前面的颜料。(教师有顺序地指导学生进行调色)First, Let's mix red and yellow. Second, ... Third, ...


Ss: Here it is.


Ss: It's ....(教师自问自答后,学生很快理解并能在老师再次提问时做出相应回答)学生开始观察并思考。

Sx: It's red / yellow / ....


Ss: It's red.(全班齐说)

Ss: Yeah.(猜对的学生表现得非常激动与兴奋。)



a. Look and read.(树上所有的苹果都已经被摘了下来。全班齐读单词,读完一个,教师把该苹果翻过来,颜色与单词对上号给学生一个完整的认识)

b. Listen and put.(篓里写着颜色单词。个别学生放苹果)

T: I like red / ....


c. Sum up.



d. Listen to the Color Song

T: I'm tired. Let's listen to a song.(播放彩虹歌时教师按歌词顺序逐一出示彩虹条,在旋律优美的彩虹歌中结束了整堂课。)

1. 新课导入──歌曲开篇,引入情境。

学生刚上课时心理处于紧张状态,通过用英语与学生打招呼,和他们一起唱英语歌曲 How are you? 在轻松愉快的歌曲中使学生迅速地进入英语课堂,既活跃气氛,又消除紧张,集中学生的注意力,同时复习巩固了本单元学习的重点句型 How are you?

2. 新课的讲解──启发诱导,教学新知。

小学生对色彩有着较强的敏感程度,色彩鲜明的教具有助于激发学生学习英语的兴趣。首先,让学生用 TPR 的形式复习颜色;其次利用蜡笔、颜色卡、颜色转盘等色彩鲜明的教具,使学生眼前一亮,吸引了全体学生的注意力,教授新单词。每学一个颜色单词时,都用TPR动作表示出来,让学生也跟着动一动,说一说,还通过师生问答,适当扩展句型,这样学得活、用得活,学了就会说,学生学起来感到亲切有趣,享受到学习的兴趣。教学中以


3. 巩固阶段。(创设情景,巩固新知)


4. 反馈练习,发展新知。


5. 归纳总结


lesson Plan


Three──Let's paint (PartB: Let's learn, Let's do and Let's check)

二、Teaching aims:

Language Skills:

1. Learning something about the words of colour.:white, black, pink, orange, brown

2. Learning something about the Language structures: Stand up! Sit down! Touch the ground. Touch your head. Turn around. What colour is it? It's... I like ....

Learning Strategies:

1. Work with others to get information.

2. Learn through the games.

3. Moral education: How beautiful the colourful world is! We must love our life.

三、Teaching key poins:

1. enable the students to understand something about colour items.

2. enable the students to understand the the instruction of the sentence:Stand up! Sit down! Touch the ground. Touch your head. Turn around. What colour is it ? It's... I like...

四、Teaching difficult points:

Students will be able to identify the pronunciation of black brown ground and turn around.

五、Analysis about the pupils: Students from Grade Three. Before this lesson, they have learned the colour items: blue, green, yellow, red, purple. Today go on to learn the other colour words: white, black, pink, orange, brown. On the other hand, Learning something about the

Language structures: Stand up! Sit down! Touch the ground.Touch your head. Turn around. What colour is it ? It's... I like ... Maintaining an English –only environment in the classroom is critical when English is being taught as a foreign language. So teachers need to be continuously modeling correct language use, surrounding students with the English experience, and encouraging the students to learn English by doing/singing/acting.

六、Teaching method:

Situational Language Teaching, Communicative Language Teaching, Task-based,

Contrastive Analysis, Heuristic method of teaching.Total Physical Response, Direct method of teaching

七、Teaching Preparations:

activity book, CAI, Tape-recorder, Over projector, Teaching aids, Picture., Word card,colour card, colour revolving plates

八、Teaching Procedures:

Step 1──Getting students ready for class【通过师生、生生日常生活用语的问答,自然地营造了英语语言氛围,使学生很快地进入到英语语言学习的情境中来。】

A. Greetings

T:Hello! Boys and girls. How are you?

S: Fine, thank you. How are you?

T: Very well. Thanks.

B. Free talk【生生自由组合对话并表演。每堂课课前进行对话表演,提高语言交际能力,让对话变成生活化的交流,消除怕开口的心理压力。(评价)】

A: Hello!

B: Hi!

A: What's your name?

B: My name is....

A: Nice to meet you.

B: Nice to meet you, too.

A: Goodbye!

B: Bye!

Step 2──Warming up

Let's sing a song──How are you? 【从儿童心理学特征来讲,唱歌能使学生感到松弛 、愉快、满足,产生兴奋情绪。因此,课前一首歌是进行组织教学的好方法。在轻松愉快的歌曲中使学生迅速地进入英语课堂,激发学生英语的兴趣。同时复习巩固了本单元学习的重点句型How are you? 真可谓一箭双雕。】

Step 3──Presentation


1. Lead-in【复习环节教师从词汇复习入手,教师可以引导学生通过实物做与 "颜色"有关的游戏,激发学生的兴趣。并适宜地将词汇复习扩展到常用句型的复习中来,将二者有机地结合起来,真正做到了英语语言学习的‘词不离句’的认知规律。学生的积极参与,体现了教师驾驭课堂的能力。】

a. Let the pupils listen and do (T:Show me your crayons. Show me your blue /green /yellow /red /purple crayon) 【学生通过实物,回忆已经学过的表示颜色的词,教师通过TPR,课堂气氛活跃】

For example:

T: Show me your blue crayon.

S: Blue crayon.

b.. Show the words cards. Let the pupils read the words quickly. Chant: red, red, I like red. c. Point to the colour revolving plates and tell the pupils we have learnt the five colour

words,today we are going to learn the other colour words 【新知传授环节,教师给学生一个整体的感知的教学思路,让学生了解学习的全过程及学习的知识,使其能灵活地把握学习的主动权,从而充分体现了素质教育的宗旨。】

2. New concept【利用蜡笔、彩图等色彩鲜明的教具,有助于激发学生学习英语的兴趣,
