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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 04:36:16 字数作文

篇一:山东一中学强制600学生有偿补课 回应未违规

山东一中学强制600学生有偿补课 回应未违规



8月6日上午,记者根据学生家长提供的补习班地址,来到宁津县城北环路上的振宁小学,发现每个教室约有50余名学生。高一年级学生小新告诉记者,学校要求高一升高二成绩前600名的学生来此进行封闭式补习,老师全部由宁津一中各任课老师担任,吃住都在这里。当被问及是否可以不补习时,小新说:“那得经过班主任同意才行,不然就不让在这儿读了。” 记者发现,振宁小学教学楼共有四层,除了宁津一中高一年级学生在此补习外,振宁小学一至六年级的学生也在教学楼三楼进行有偿补习,教师全部由振宁小学各科老师担任,“一个月540元的补习费,两个月有优惠,大概900元。”振宁小学六年级学生小贝说。











A. A?B???2,?1?

C. A?B??0,???

1?3??B. ?CRA??B????,0? D. ?CRA?IB???2,?1? 122.若a?log0.9,b?3,c??1?则 2???3?

A. a?b?c


A. B. a?c?b C. c?a?b D. b?c?a 11,tan??????,则tan?? 4311 7C. ?7 11B. ?1 13D. 1 13



数?的值是 A. ?????2,f????0,且??的最小值为3?,则正41 3 B. 24 C. 33

2 D. 2 35.曲线y?e

A. e2

1x2在点?4,e?处的切线与坐标轴所围三角形的面积为 C. 2e2 D. B. 4e2 92e 2

2?上为减函数,则a的取值范围是 6.函数f?x??loga?6?ax?在?0,

A. ?0,1? B. ?1,3? C. ?1,3? D. ?3,???


A.?8对称,则m的最小值为 ( ) ???3? B. C. D. 4324

11,x?2,曲线y?及x轴所围成图形的面积为 2x

B. 8.由直线x?A. 15 417 4C.

21ln2 2 D. 2ln2 9.右图是函数f?x??x?ax?的b部分图像,则函数

g?x??lnx?f??x?的零点所在的区间是 A. ??11?,? ?42?B. ?1,2?

32 C. ?,1? ?1??2?D. ?2,3? 10.已知函数f?x??x?ax?bx?c,在定义域x???2,2?上表示的曲线过原点,且在x??1处的切线斜




第II卷(非选择题 100分)


11.已知定义在R上的可导函数y?f?x?的图象在点M1,f?1?处的切线方程为y??B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 ??1x?2,则2f?1??f??1??________.











rr(Ⅰ)求向量a与b的夹角?; rrr(Ⅱ)求a?b及向量a在错误!未找到引用源。方向上的投影.

?217.(本题满分12分)设命题p:函数f?x??1g?ax?x??a??的定义域为R; 16?



rr?rr??18.已知向量a??2cos2x,1?,b??2cos(2x?),?1?.令f?x??agb. 3??

(1)求f?x?的最小正周期及单调增区间. (2) 若f(?)?1

42?5?,且??();求cos?的值, 366

(2)当x??????,?时,求f?x?的最小值以及取得最小值时x的值. 4?2?




20.(13分)设函数f(x)?2?lnx,g(x)?x3?x2?3. (Ⅰ)讨论函数f(x)的单调性;

,2?,都有x?f(x)?g(x)成立,试求实数a的取值范围. (Ⅱ)如果对于任意的x1,x2??112???3?





22 (3)当x??0,e?时,证明:ex?5x?(x?1)lnx 2


选择题答案 1-5 DBCBA , 6-10 BADCB

211 13. (?8,?)?(?,4) 14. 8 15.1 522


填空题答案:11. 1 12. 1??4?22?8cos??



?? 23????1a(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)知?b?abcos??2?1??1 2





???a?a?b????acosa,a?b??? 7a?b??

?a?0a?2?a?2, ?0恒成立,则需满足?17.解:命题p:对于任意的x,ax?x?a2


1111q:g(x)?3x?9x??(3x?)2???a? 6分 2444




(3)若p假q假,则a?2且a?1,a是空集。 7分 411,?a?2 9分 4411,a? 11分 44

所以a?2 12分









1.集合A?y?Ry?1gx,x?1,B???2,?1,1,2?则下列结论正确的是 A. A?B???2,?1? C. A?B??0,???




B. ?CRA??B????,0? D. ?CRA?IB???2,?1?





A. a?b?c 3.已知tan??A.

B. a?c?b C. c?a?b D. b?c?a


,tan??????,则tan?? 43



C. ?

7 11

B. ?

1 13


1 13


x???x?cos?x,x?R,又f数?的值是 A.




1 3


24 C. 33





5.曲线y?eA. e2




C. 2e2


B. 4e2

92e 2

2?上为减函数,则a的取值范围是 6.函数f?x??loga?6?ax?在?0,

A. ?0,1?

B. ?1,3?

C. ?1,3?

D. ?3,???




对称,则m的最小值为 ( )


B. C. D. 4324


,x?2,曲线y?及x轴所围成图形的面积为 2x



15 417 4




ln2 2

D. 2ln2





A. ?


,? ?42?

B. ?1,2?



C. ?,1?





①f?x?是奇函数;②若f?x?在?s,t?内递减,则t?s的最大值为4;③f?x?的最大值为M,最小值为m,则M?m=0;④若对?x???2,2?,k?f??x?恒成立,则k的最大值为2.其中正确命题的个数为 A.1个

第II卷(非选择题 100分)


































?的定义域为R; 16?

命题q:3x?9x?a对一切的实数x恒成立,如果命题“p且q”为假命题, 求实数a的取值范围.




(1)求f?x?的最小正周期及单调增区间. (2) 若f(?)?


42?5?,且??();求cos?的值, 366



,?时,求f?x?的最小值以及取得最小值时x的值. 4?2?

19.(12分)在三角形ABC中,角A、B、C满足ccosB??2a?b?cosC. (1)求角C的大小;(2)若?ABC是锐角三角形,求函数y?2sinB?cos2B的值域




,2?,都有x?f(x)?g(x)成立,试求实数a的取值范围. (Ⅱ)如果对于任意的x1,x2??112??



21.(本小题满分14分)已知函数f(x)?x2?ax?lnx,a?R (1)若函数f(x)在?1,2?上是减函数,求实数a的取值范围; (2)







x?(x?1)lnx 2


选择题答案 1-5 DBCBA , 6-10 BADCB


13. (?8,?)?(?,4) 14. 8 15.1 52216

填空题答案:11. 1 12.


















?a?2, ?0恒成立,则需满足?17.解:命题p:对于任意的x,ax?x?a2



q:g(x)?3x?9x??(3x?)2???a? 6分


因为“p且q”为假命题,所以p,q至少一假 (1)若p真q假,则a?2且a?(2)若p假q真,则a?2且a?(3)若p假q假,则a?2且a?


,a是空集。 7分 4


,?a?2 9分 44


,a? 11分 44

所以a?2 12分 18.(1)


英 语 模 拟 考 试 试 题



第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. What is the weather like?

A. It’s raining. B. It’s cloudy. C. It’s sunny.

2. Who will go to China next month?

A. Lucy. B. Alice. C. Richard.

3. What are the speakers talking about?

A. The man’s sister. B. A film. C. An actor.

4. Where will the speakers meet?

A. In Room 340. B. In Room 314. C. In Room 223.

5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. C. At home

第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. Why did the woman go to New York?

A. To spend some time with the baby. B. To look after her sister.

C. To find a new job.

7. How old was the baby when the woman left New York?

A. Two months. B. Five months. C. Seven months.

8. What did the woman like doing most with the baby?

A. Holding him. B. Playing with him. C. Feeding him.


9. Whet are the speakers talking about?

A. A way to improve air quality. B. A problem with traffic rules.

C. A suggestion for city planning.

10. What does the man suggest?

A. Limiting the use of cars. B. Encouraging people to walk.

C. Warning drivers of air pollution.

11. What does the woman think about the man’s idea?

A. It’s interesting. B. It’s worth trying. C. It’s impractical.


12. How long will the man probably stay in New Zealand?

A. One week. B. Two weeks. C. Three weeks.

13. What advice does the woman give to the man?

A. Go to New Zealand after Christmas. B. Book his flight as soon as possible.

C. Save more money for his trip.

14. What can we learn about flights to New Zealand at Christmas time?

A. They require early booking. B. They can be twice as expensive.

C. They are on special offer.


15. Why did Jane call Mike?

A. To ask him to meet her. B. To tell him about Tom. C. To borrow his car.

16. Where will Jane be in about one hour?

A. At Mike’s place. B. At the airport. C. At a garage.

17. What can we infer from the conversation?

A. Jane has just learned to drive. B. Jane’s car is in bad condition.

C. Mike will go to the airport.


18. What did the speaker ask the students to do the week before?

A. Write a short story. B. Prepare for the lesson.

C. Learn more about the writer

19. Why does the speaker ask the questions?

A. To check the students’ understanding of the story.

B. To draw the students’ attention to reading skills.

C. To let the students discuss father-son relationships.

20. What will the students do in 10 minutes?

A. Ask more questions. B. Discuss in groups. C. Give their answers.


第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Children who spend time with their fathers have a higher IQ

Children who spend large amounts of time with their fathers have higher IQs, according to a new study.

Strong fatherly involvement in their early life can also improve a child's future career prospects, the research shows.

Academics at the University of Newcastle, who carried out the study, also found that men tended to pay more attention to their sons than their daughters.

The researchers warned that it was not enough for parents to live together, but that a father should be actively involved in a child's life to benefit their development.

The study looked at more than 11,000 British men and women, born in 1958.

The scientists asked their mothers how often the father of their child took part in activities with them, including reading, organising outings and general "quality time".

The findings, published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour, show that those children whose fathers spent more time with them had a higher IQ and were more socially mobile than those who had received little attention.

The differences were still detectable by the age of 42.

Dr Daniel Nettle, who led the research, said: "What was surprising about this research was the real sizeable difference in the progress of children who benefited from paternal interest and how thirty years later, people whose dads were involved are more upwardly mobile.

"The data suggest that having a second adult involved during childhood produces benefits in terms of skills and abilities that endure throughout adult life," he added.

Jon Davies, chief executive for Families Need Fathers, said: "We hope that research like this will lead to the government to reconsider how poorly served separated families often are and how a child needs a father as well as mother."

21. We can learn from the passage that ____

A. fathers don’t like children.

B. fathers pay more attention to their sons than daughters.

C. fathers are often actively involved in children’s life.

D. fathers often read books to their sopns.

22. What made the researchers surprised?

A. the real sizeable difference lasts as long as 30 years.

B. People whose dads were involved in their lives are more upwardly mobile.

C. Children who spent large amounts of time with their fathers have higher IQs.

D. Children who often take part in activities with their fathers are outgoing.

23. According to Jon Davies, the purpose of the research was _______

A. to warn the fathers not to spend too much time with their sons.

B. to tell the fathers to pay more attention to daugthters than sons.

C. to tell us that a child needs a father as well as a mother.

D. to require government to help with the research.


WHEN I was a teenager I volunteered to work at the water station at a 10,000m race. My job was to hand out water to the runners. I remember being so excited to see all the different kinds of people who passed by and grabbed (抓起) a cup of water. Some ran past, some walked past and a few wheeled past. I saw so many types of people doing it, I thought maybe I can do it too! So the next year I ?signed up for the race and gave it a shot.

That first 10,000m race was quite an experience. I jogged (慢跑), I walked, I jogged and I walked. At times, I didn’t know if I could finish. Then came a defining moment.

At one point near the end, a 70-year-old man ran past me, very very fast, and I felt embarrassed that I was 50 years younger than he and I couldn’t even keep up with him. I felt defeated for a second.

But then I realized something. He was running his race and I was running mine. He had different capacities (能力), experience, training and goals for himself. I had mine. Remember my goal was only to finish.

After a minute, it hit me that this was a lesson I could I learned something about myself in that moment. I turned my?draw from. embarrassment into inspiration.

I decided that I would not give up on running races. In fact, I would run even more races and I would learn how to train and prepare properly and one day I would be one of those 70-year-olds who was still running. As I crossed the finish line, I was proud of my accomplishment.

In life we all have those moments when we compare ourselves to others. It’s only natural. Don’t allow those moments to weaken you. Turn them into motivation and let them inspire you. Use them to show you what is possible.

Every struggle is rich with opportunities. You define your own race when you define your own goals. With the proper preparation and training, you can improve your results to achieve anything you want in life.

24. Why did the author sign up for the race?

A. She was bored with the volunteer work.

B. The people doing the race inspired her.

C. She was really interested in running.

D. She wanted to prove that she was the best.

25. The defining moment came when the author _______.

A. found racing was uninteresting

B. didn’t know if she could finish

C. fell behind an old man

D. crossed the finish line

26. The author felt ______ at her race result.

A. regret B. embarrassment

C. satisfaction D. amazement

27. According to the article, if you find you are not as good as others, you should ________.

A. change or redefine your goal

B. try to explore other skills you might have

C. avoid comparing yourself with others

D. try to motivate yourself


Everybody is happy as his pay rises. Yet pleasure at your own can disappear if you learn that a fellow worker has been given a bigger one. Indeed, if he is known as being lazy, you might even be quite cross. Such behavior is regarded as ―all too human‖, with the underlying belief that other animals would not be able to have this finely developed sense of sadness. But a study by Sarah Brosnan of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, which has just been published in Nature, suggests that it is all too monkey, as well.

The researchers studied the behaviors of some kind of female brown monkeys. They look smart. They are good-natured, co-operative creatures, and they share their food happily. Above all, like female human beings, they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of ―goods and services‖ than males.

Such characteristics make them perfect subjects for Doctor Brosnan’s study. The researchers spent two years teaching their monkeys to exchange tokens (奖券) for food. Normally, the monkeys were happy enough to exchange pieces of rock for pieces of cucumber. However, when two monkeys were placed in separate and connected rooms, so that each other could observe what the other is getting in return for its rock, they became quite different.

In the world of monkeys,grapes are excellent goods (and much preferable to cucumbers). So when one monkey was handed a grape in exchange for her token, the second was not willing to hand hers over for a mere piece of cucumber. And if one received a grape without having to provide her token in exchange at all, the other either shook her own token at the researcher, or refused to accept the cucumber. Indeed, the mere presence of a grape in the other room (without an actual monkey to eat it) was enough to bring about dissatisfaction in a female monkey. The researches suggest that these monkeys, like humans, are guided by social senses. In the wild, they are co-operative and group-living. Such co-operation is likely to be firm only when each animal feels it is not being cheated. Feelings of anger when unfairly treated, it seems, are not the nature of human beings alone. Refusing a smaller reward completely makes these feelings clear to other animals of the group. However, whether such a sense of fairness developed independently in monkeys and humans, or whether it comes from the common roots that they had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question.

28. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. Only monkeys and humans can have the sense of fairness in the world.

B. Women will show more dissatisfaction than men when unfairly treated.

C. In the wild, monkeys are never unhappy to share their food with each other.

D. Monkeys can exchange cucumbers for grapes, for grapes are more attractive.

29. The underlined statement ―it is all too monkey‖ means that ________.

A. monkeys are also angry with lazy fellows

B. feeling bitter at unfairness is also monkey’s nature

C. monkeys, like humans, tend to be envious of each other

D. no animals other than monkeys can develop such feelings

30. Female monkeys of this kind are chosen for the research most probably because they are ___ .

A. more likely to weigh what they get

B. attentive to researchers’ instructions

C. nice in both appearance and behaviors

D. more ready to help others than their male companions

31. Which of the following conclusions is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Human beings' feelings of anger are developed from the monkeys.

B. In the research, male monkeys are less likely to exchange food with others.

C. Co-operation between monkeys stays firm before the realization of being cheated.

D. Only monkeys and humans have the sense of fairness which dates back to 35 million years ago.


The group of people introduced themselves to me and my German classmate Julia. They were from a production company, currently in the process of filming a movie based in DuAn, a rural area a few hours north of Nanning. They tried to explain the plot of the film, but neither mine nor Julia's Chinese was good enough to fully understand what they were saying. They then asked if we would be interested in being part of the project.

I came to China to experience new things and new opportunity, and being in a movie sounded so exciting. So in less than a second, I jumped at the chance of being in the film. Julia on the other hand was not so enthusiastic. It took 30 minutes to convince her to be part of the film, and she eventually accepted the chance.

That afternoon we were taken to the production company's office to meet the director and some of the cast. We all sat together, drinking tea, talking about why I and Julia were in China and about the film. It seemed a little bit like a dream.

Ever since I was a small child, I dreamed of becoming a movie star, but I would never have guessed that my dream would come true, especially now in China.

At the end of the talk, we were given scripts (剧本) and had a few photographs taken. We were given the production schedule and ensured that our scenes would only be shot at weekends so it wouldn't interfere (影响) with our studies. We left the office excited about the film, but unknowing what filming was actually like.

On our first day of filming, we were picked up in the early morning from the university and we drove deep into the countryside.

We arrived on location and waited for our scene to be shot. We watched as the other actors and crew went about their work, busy shooting and re-shooting the same scene from different angles and perspectives. I never knew how much effort and care went into filming even the most short and simple scene. It was then our turn to shoot, and I was very nervous and very excited.

32. From the first paragraph we know that______.

A. The writer was also a German

B. DuAn is the name of the new film

C. Neither the writer's Chinese nor her classmate's was very good

D. They wanted the writer to be the director of the film

33. From the passage we can learn that the writer______.

A. was interested in new things

B. was interested in exciting films

C. jumped high in the film

D. wasn't as enthusiastic as Julia for the film

34. Which of the following is TRUE about the filming?

A. Before being a part of the film, the writer has to make friends with the director.

B. An actor or actress must recite all the scripts (剧本).

C. Before being a part of the film, one must know what filming is actually like.

D. Sometimes the same scene can be shot or reshot many times.

35 What might happen in the paragraph to be followed?

A. The writer was praised in her university.

B. The writer became very famous as a new actress.

C. How the writer performed in the film.

D. How the writer went along with other actors.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett, who is a successful investor, comes off as a pretty ordinary guy.He was born on August 30,1930. ,Buffett became a paper boy for The Washington Post. Buffett ran his five paper routes and even added magazines to round out his product offerings.While still in school,he made $175 a month,a full-time wage for many men. pinball machines in barbershops.They called their venture(企业)Wilson Coin Operated Machine Co.

Already a successful businessman, Buffett wasn't interested in going to college but ended up at the University of Pennsylvania—admission decisions in Harvard history.The outcome affected Buffett's life, for he ended up attending Columbia Business School, where he studied under Professor Benjamin Graham, the father of securities analysis who provided the foundation(基础) for Buffett's investment strategy.

From the beginning, Buffett made his fortune from investing. He started with all the money he had made from selling soda water, delivering papers, and operating pinball machines. Between 1950 and 1956,he grew his $9,800 鄙视) companies that waste money on expensive cars, private dining rooms, and high-priced real villas. He is a creature of habit—same house, same office, same city, same soda water.

A.Then Buffett applied to Harvard Business School.

B.Buffett is more likely to be found in a four-star restaurant.

C.When he was 14, Buffett developed great interest in investment.

D.Even as a young child, Buffett was serious about making money.

E.One thing is for sure about Buffett: he is happy to do what he is doing.

F.Buffett's investment strategy mirrors his lifestyle and his overall philosophy.

G.From there, he organized investment partnerships with his family and friends.


第一节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。 My class and I visited Chris Care Center in Phoenix, Arizona to comfort the old people who needed a little cheering up during the holiday season.

there were for persons requiring help in taking care of themselves. We sang for them. They loved our sweet songs and the flowers that we left with them.

As we were on the third floor for old people with Alzheimer (老年痴呆症), most of them off at the walls or floor. However, one lady my eye. She was sitting by the door, in a wheelchair, singing songs to herself. They weren’t the songs that we were singing, at least they didn’t like that. As we got also out to us with her hands and body. I knew that I should have gone over to her, but I thought that my were to my students. People who worked at the care center could to her, I thought. Just when I stopped feeling the holiday season is really about.

Justin also on her needs, but I didn’t. During the last song, ―Silent Night,‖ Justin walked over to her and held her hand. He looked this aged lady in her and with his actions said, ―You are important, and I wito let you know that.‖

This tired, elderly lady stopped singing and held his hand. Then she touched his cheek with the other hand. Tears began to fall down her face. No can completely describe that touching moment...

It boy to teach me, a man, about kindness and love. Justin’s example of a complete, selfless attitude toward another was a to have witnessed his lesson.

41. A. rooms B. buildings C. floors D. groups





1. 应用物理知识分析生活中的常见现象,可以使物理学习更加有趣和深入。例如平伸手掌托起物体,由静止开始竖直向上运动,直至将物体抛出。忽略空气阻力,对此现象分析正确的是






A.第1 s内的位移是6 m B.前2 s内的平均速度是6 m/s

C. 任意相邻的1 s 内位移差都是1 m D. 任意1 s内的速度增量都是1 m/s







4. 如图所示,在粗糙水平地面上放着一个截面为四分之一圆弧的柱状物体A,A的左端紧靠竖直墙,A与竖直墙之间放一光滑圆球B,整个装置处于静止状态。把






5. 物体A、B经无摩擦的定滑轮用细线连在一起,A


