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篇一:Thank You Ma'am sample review

“Thank You, Ma’am” Review

Thank You, Ma’am is a short story written by American writer and poet Langston Hughes. The story takes place over the course of one late evening when Roger, a young teenage boy, attempts to steal the purse from Mrs. Jones, an older woman passing by. Although Roger tries to steal and run away from Mrs. Jones, he is quickly outdone by her force and powerful stature. Soon Roger is not only getting a lesson from Mrs. Jones about not stealing from others but he learns valuable life lessons from her as well.

Langston Hughes’ portrayal of Roger is very realistic. It can be assumed by the reader that Roger comes from a very poor home and may even live either alone or on the streets. When Mrs. Jones asks Roger who he eats with at home, he sheepishly answers that there is “nobody home at my house.” Roger is described as dirty in the face and very shy and defenseless. The reader gets the sense that Roger has had to live on his own and try to make it as best as he can on his own. Roger captures my sympathy and indeed, if I were to meet him, I would want to help him out. At the same time, Hughes describes him so well as a meek character that I wonder whether I would really notice him in real life if I were to walk by him on the street.

Contrasting to the meek and pitiful Roger is Mrs. Jones’ powerful, strong character. Although also coming from humble backgrounds, she seems self-assertive and confident. Hughes helps the reader know that Roger never had a chance to successfully rob Mrs. Jones. Not only is her stature and weight big, her personality is larger than life. If I were to ever meet Mrs. Jones, I would not want to cross her and get on her bad side. At the same time, Hughes shows how much love, empathy and compassion she has. Her ability to welcome home for dinner and trust the very boy who just attempted to rob her is rare. She refuses to see the evil side in Roger and recognizes that his attempt to rob her stemmed from his dire situation and was a cry for help.

One also learns from “Thank you, Ma’am” about the setting and day to day life and impoverished conditions in African American communities in cities during the time Hughes wrote the story. Although it isn’t exactly clear which decade the story took place, the reader gets the sense that it was during a time before certain modern conveniences were readily available to most people. Mrs. Jones apartment is a modest one-bedroom flat with a small kitchenette in the corner and an ice-box. Although better off then Roger himself, Mrs. Jones must work long hours in a hotel

beauty salon to makes ends meet. She has the bare necessities for eating and seems to count every penny she earns carefully. The reader knows that she lives in a busy crowded boarding house with many other tenants because Hughes so brilliantly describes the laughter and chatter of the other tenants in the building, some of whom had their doors open. The portrayal of Mrs. Jones’ home and her neighborhood helps the reader get a sense about how life was for many Americans before they achieved middle class status. That particular time may have been difficult and people may have lived paycheck to paycheck but there was a sense of community and solidarity where neighbors provided comedy relief and support to one another as evidenced by Mrs. Jones’ neighbors’ chatter and laughter as well as Mrs. Jones’ own generous act of helping Roger.

This story does indeed merit reading and comes highly recommended. The reader will enjoy Hughes’ lively and realistic description of the characters, particularly the contrast between Roger’s meekness and Mrs. Jones’ larger-than-life stature. Hughes’ description of day to day life in American cities, particularly in African American communities, will not only help the reader appreciate how fortunate he or she is but also is a first-hand account of a unique perspective of American history. Last but not least, the rea(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:thank,you动态图片)der will be moved by Mrs. Jones’ compassion and generosity and her ability to turn an ugly situation into a life changing one. One hopes that there is a little bit of Mrs. Jones in every aspect of society.

篇二:Lesson 6 thank you

(book 1) lessen 6 Thank you !

The first period

The Center Primary School Of ShangZhen Liu Li-na I.Teaching aims:

1.To learn and say :“Stand up,please.

Sit down,please.Here you are !Thank

you!You are welcome!”

2.When can you say“Thank you!”

3.Let’s try to be polite.

II.Teaching impotant:

1.Can use“--Thank you!

--You are welcome.”

2.Free talk with your partner.

3.Let’s try to be polite.

III.Difficult points:

Can free talk with your partner.


Recorder,flash card,slide show.

V.Teaching steps:

Step1.Warming up:

1.Sing a song“How are you ?”(CD)


Make a dialogue with your partner.You can use given centences:(1)How are you ?

(2)Nice to meet you!(3)What ’s your name? And so on.


T: Hello,boys and girls.Stand


Ss: Hello,Miss Liu.

T: Sit down,please!

Ss: Thank you!

Teacher says:You’re very polite.Can

you tell me when do you speak “Thank you”to others? Oh,in every things we do.Ok, this class we will learn the new lesson.(Lesson 6 Thank you!)

Step2.New lesson.

1.Listen,look and say(I)(II) twice.(CD)

2.Teaching sentences.

(1)T write down the sentences on the blackboard.

---Stand up,please.

---Sit down,please.

---Thank you!﹙Thank you very much.﹚ ---You’re welcome.﹙That's all right﹚ ﹙2﹚Teach Ss to read these sentences. ﹙3﹚Drill.

A.Say and do.(I speak “stand up,please or sit down,please.”Ss do and say thank you .)

B.Pair work/Group work.(Ss do as me.) ﹙4﹚Write down “Here you are.”on the


T:Whose book is this? Is it yours? S1:Yes.

T:Here you are.(acting and teaching) S1:Thank you!

T:You’re welcome.(That's all right.) ﹙5﹚Pair work/Group work.


1. Open books and listen.

2. Make a dialogue about the given flash

card. (CD)


Let’s try to be polite

Let’s try to be polite. In everything we do.

Remember always to say “Please!” And don't forget “Thank you!” Step5.Homework.

1. Read book at P33-35 to your parents.

2. Make a dialogue with your partner.

3. Let’s try to be polite.

Step6.Blackboard desigh.

Lesson 6 Thank you!

Stand up,please.

Sit down,please.

Here you are.

Thank you.(Thanks./Thank you very


You’re welcome.(That's all right.)

篇三:thank-you letter samples

1. Job Interview Follow-Up / Thank You Letter Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

schedule to talk to me about the Senior Programmer time and consideration in interviewing me for this position.

After speaking with you and the group, I believe that I would be a perfect candidate for this position, offering the quick learning and adaptability that is needed for a diversified position.

necessary to get the job done.

are made regarding this position. Please feel free to contact me at anytime if further information is needed. My cell phone number is (555) 111-1111.

Thank you again for your time and consideration. Sincerely,

Your Signature

2. Sample Personal Thank You Letter

Dear First Name, (or Mr./Ms. Last Name if you don't know them well)

during my job search.

I appreciate the information and advice you have given, as well as the connections you have shared with me. Your expertise and help have been invaluable during this process.

Again, thank you so much. I sincerely appreciate your generosity.

Best Regards,

Your Name

3. Thank You Letter – Internship

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

the internship position available at Jones Corporation. a well-regarded organization.

The internship, as you presented it, seems to be an willingness to learn, both about the company and the accounting field.

information, please let me know. Thank you for your consideration.


Your Signature

4. Job Offer Thank You Letter

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

assistant position. I appreciate the time you took to

I'd like to thank you for the great opportunity. Sincerely,

Your Signature

篇四:Thank you for being with me

Thank you for being with me

My dear friend, I am always looking for a opportunity to express my genuine thanks to you——my dear friend. Now, I seize the chance , I want to say them out :thank you for being with me. First of all, I would like to say, I feel very very lucky to have came across you. You remember that

Sunday, that is October 1th,2011, we met on the top of the mountain, south of our University of Jinan. We both did not hang out with dormmates or other friends while many of our schoolmates went home or to went to travel or looked for some part-time jobs. You know, I still feel it strange that we two have the same idea to go climb. Somehow, I believe that maybe it is fate that bring us together on that mountain.

That’s how we met. We talked so much that day, you told me that you also came from the south, you also felt homesick, you also found yourself lonely and unfamiliar with things around you and so many other things we shared. We talked all the worries and anxieties out. At last, we both relifed and laughed with each other. We felt happy and excited , felt hopeful for our university life. Thank you for being with me that day, without you, I may be not so enthusiastic and positive about my future life in this university along the time.

You and me changed our QQ number, and then said goodbye to each other. Since then, we have not met the second time. We just met for once, but, I feel that we are meeting every day. We are meeting online. Through our phones, we change our ideas, share our favourate books, songs, films even idols. Each time we enjoy ourselves. Sometimes, I feel sad about my studies, and you comfort me and you can always make me happy by telling some interesting stories or jokes. You known, I admire your high sense of humor. Thank you for being with me, I really appreciate that. The other week, however, we both faced emotional problems. You trust me, and you talked to me about it first. After my speeches, you say a line: we travel together, we fellow sufferers commiserate with each other. At that direct time, I cried out. You known, I cried just for you understanding me, you are my bosom friend. Besides, that’s you let me come to known that a bosom friend brings a distant land near. Yes, known you then I known myself, known others. Thank you for being with me, because of you, I gradually become mature.

And you known, just the same with you, we both don’t mention our another get-together. We don’t get on this topic. Actually, I prefer this way of communicating. Friends won’t need to meet often. And, we are totally different from other online friends, we are real, true friends.

I really treasure our friendship. I am not sure whether you will get this article or not, though I am always expressing my thanks to you in our talks. But I do want you to known my meanings. At some times, I am shy in showing my feelings. I really enjoy every minutes talking with you, feeling like that I am talking with you face to face. Strange feelings!

I stick to the strong belief that we could be bosom friends forever. We will be friends for whole our life. In the end, allow me to say again: my dear friend, thank you for being with me, and may you happy along your life!

篇五:3A Unit 10 Thank you 教学设计


——《牛津小学英语》3A Unit 10 第一课时教学设计

扬州梅岭小学 窦海蓉

一. 教材分析








an egg an ice cream a cake a hamburger

a glass of milk a glass of juice

2、能听懂,会说日常交际用语some...? /A(an)...?/a glass of...?以及应答语。







教学内容:《牛津小学英语》3A Unit 10第一课时。



an egg an ice cream a cake a hamburger a glass of milk a glass of juice



1、an ice-cream 的读音以及a glass of milk/juice的运用。

2、征求对方意见时要求学生用升调说出建议的物品,学生对于升调很难说到位。会用正确的语调对话去征求对方的意见,强调No, thank you./No, thanks.








Step 1. Pre-task preparation

1、 Warm up: Sing a song “If you are happy”



Look, this is LiLi (电脑出现会说话的卡通人物)

T: Hello, LiLi L: Hello.

T: Nice to meet you. L: Nice to meet you, too.

T: How are you? L : Fine, thanks(thank you) (反复回答) Ss learn to say “thanks/ thank you


Step 2. Presentation

1. Learn the sentences

1) Show a picture of supermarket, let’s go to the supermarket!

2) Show some pictures: (a coat, a dress, a sweater, some books, some pencils, some pens, some apples, some bananas, some pears.)Learn and practice

“ some…”

3) Teacher act a shop assistant and practice sentences

some...? /A(an)...?


Yes, please. No, thank you/ thanks.

( T Ss S1 S2)


2. Learn the new words

1) Show a flash, learn word “a cake”, “some cakes”

[设计意图]:为了说明其区别及联系时,我设计了一个动画(CAI):首先出现一个完整的蛋糕,介绍This is a cake,然后出现一把刀,刀徐徐落下,将蛋糕切成几份,介绍“some cakes”。.利用多媒体,免去了言语的繁琐,让学生能一目了然,更直观理解“some”的含义。体现了信息技术对英语课的支持作用,展现信息化在课堂教学中的应用方式。

2) Show a real object ,learn word “hamburger”

3) Show a flash, learn word “an egg ” “ an ice cream” (注意讲解a和an的区别)
