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很多小伙伴都希望自己可以说一口流利的英音!其实在英国有大大小小数十种英语口音,只有英格兰南部和威尔士所用的皇室口音或”标准英音”Received Pronunciation,才是外国人对英国人说话的固有印象。不过这种口音在现代英国其实几乎从未用过。虽然有一丝丝的装逼,但如果练好了,在考官面前显摆一下还是不错的!!

1. “R”不发音


在美式英语中,以“rl”或“rel”结尾的单词发音时可以用一个或两个音节,没有区别。但在英式英语中就不同。以“rl”结尾的单词,如“girl”、“hurl”等只发一个音节,R不发音;而“squirrel”则要读成“squih-rul”,而“referral”则为“re-fer-rul”。 有些单词用英式口音读起来比较轻松。比如“mirror”读起来就是“mih-ra”。别把它读得像“mere”一样,英国人几乎从不这么发音。

2. 字母“U”在“stupid”和“duty”中的发音为“ew”,和单词“you”一样 不要像美式口音那样发“oo”音,所以正确的发音应该是stewpid ,或者schewpid 也很常见,但不是stoopid ;而duty 应该是“dewty”,或更常见的“jooty”。在标准英音中,“A”(比如在“father”中)应该是在口腔后部发的开嗓音,听起来就是“Arh”。这点在几乎所有英式口音中都不例外,不过在标准英音中尤为突出。在英格兰南部和标准英音中,诸如“bath”、“path”、“glass”和“grass”这样的词也发这个元音(bawth、pawth、glawss和grawss,等等)。不过在英国其他地区,“bath”、“path”这些词还是发“ah”音。

3. 辅音较多的单词要发音清晰

“duty”中的T 发T 音:不要像美语中那样发成D ,读成doody,所以“duty”应该读dewty ,或者柔和一点,jooty 。读后缀“-ing”的时候要加重“G”的后鼻音。这样听起来就应该是“-ing”而非“-een”。不过有时候也会缩短为“in”,比如“lookin”。 “human being”这个词组要读成“hewman being”,有的地区读成“youman been”,不过也可以是“hewman bee-in”。

4. 略去“T”

包括伦敦腔在内的某些口音中,单词中的“T”不发音,而美国人会用“D”取而代之。不过在原本“T”的位置上通常会有短暂的停顿。所以“battle”的发音就应该是“Ba-ill”,在第一个音节末尾含住舌根的气息,然后在发第二个音节的时候才把它吐出来,这就是所谓的“喉塞音”glottal stop。 美国人也用喉塞音,比如像“mittens”和“mountain”这样的词,只是英国人用得更多罢了。


5. 请注意,有些单词的发音与拼写是一致的

单词“Herb”的发音中有“H”的音,而“Often”通常都读成“Off tin”而非“Off in”。单词“Been”的发音为“Bean”,不是“bin”或者“ben”。“Again”和“renaissance”读成“a gain”和“run nay s?nce”,“ai”的发音和在“pain”中一样,而不是“said”中那样。以“body”结尾的单词也都按照拼写发音,如“any body”而非“any buddy”,不过“O”的发音是英式的短促音。

6. 请注意,“H”并不总是发音


7. 单词“been”的读音是“bean”,而不是“bin”


8. 聆听语言的“乐曲”


9. 请一位英国人来说一些有名的句子:

“How now brown cow”和“The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain”,并留神细听。在伦敦读成圆口元音的单词,如“about”,在北爱尔兰常会变成平舌音。

10. 请注意,两个或多个元音在一起,可能会增加一个音节。






用英式口音说“at all”的时候,发音与“a tall”相近。


(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:mountain怎么读)

除了口音以外,还要留意俚语用词,比如“lads”或“blokes”就是指男孩或男人,而“birds”或“lasses”(用于英格兰北部和苏格兰)则是指女人。“Loo”是厕所,但“bathroom”则是供你清洁洗澡的房间。不太确定的时候,就去看Monty Python的喜剧或者科幻剧《神秘博士》吧,《哈利?波特》也有帮助。

遇到特别强的区域性口音时,往往会用“ff”来替代“th”——“through”听起来可能像是“froo”,而“birthday”则要读成“birfday”。《神秘博士》中的Billie Piper说起话来就是这样。

篇二:如何制作Mountain Lion系统安装U盘

如何制作Mountain Lion系统安装U盘 2012年07月27日10:32威锋网我要评论(2)

字号:T|T 苹果在Mac App Store提供了Mountain Lion的下载,并一改传统,不再提供USB版的安装程序。但是,如果你家里有两台以上的Mac,用U盘来安装显然节省更多时间。因此,我们在购买了Mountain Lion之后,先不急着安装,首先来自制一个安装U盘。


第一,Mountain Lion下载完成后,系统将提示重启计算机来开始安装。先不急着重启。

第二,下载后在应用程序文件夹内会看到一个“安装OS X Mountain Lion”的程序,如果刚才你重启了电脑,安装完成后这个文件会自动删除。这就是刚才不急着重启的原因。按下“Option”键,把这个安装程序复制一份到你的文件夹或桌面。确定复制了至少一份之后,这才可以点击重启。





第六,把桌面的InstallESD.dmg文件拖到磁盘工具左边,并双击该文件。 转播到腾讯微博





最后,系统提示输入密码,输入密码即开始恢复。完成后,你就可以用这个U盘给其他Mac安装Mountain Lion系统了。


篇三:Huangshan Mountain

Huangshan Mountain


????Huangshan Mountain is a famous tour paradise, there is a lot of tourists every day.Never do the people not pay attention to protect environment several years ago, but there is a big new face actually at present.In several years ago, the people throw the scrap paper and the plastic bag frequently, the canned food box and so on.But at present, carries off trash actually.In the past killed the animal frequently, captured birds, but there is no longer goes hunting actually.In the past the people often destroyed the flowers and plants trees, now actually cherishes the plant.In the past they often lit a fire in the forest to prepare food, now actually brings the lunch, guarded against the forest-fire.I believe that Huangshan Mountain will be more beautiful after people's protection. ????

篇四:the glass mountain 玻璃山英文读书报告

A Brief Introduction of the Author

Donald Barthelme is an American writer known for his playful, postmodernist style of short fiction and his best-known work is Snow White. Barthelme's stories typically avoid traditional plot structures, relying instead on a steady accumulation of seemingly-unrelated detail, and always subvert the reader's expectations through constant non-sequiturs. With the weird and black humored writing style, Barthelme is the recipient of many awards and honors, including the National Book Award.

A Brief Introduction of the Story

The Glass Mountain is a short story which only consists of a list of 100 numbered sentences and fragments. The story was first appeared in Andrew Lang’s book, the Yellow Fairy Book, as a traditional fairy tale, but Barthelme’s version only kept the original frame. The place where story happens was changed into downtown New York City and the mountain was replaced by a “splendid, immense office building”. There was a heap of corpses both of horses and riders at the bottom of the mountain,but the man in Barthelme’s story used two plumber’s friends to climb, brave but painful. The crowd was cursing and laughing, hoping him to fall down. The man insisted climbing and finally, he reached the top and saw “the beautiful enchanted symbol” - a beautiful princess. Surprised and upset, he threw the princess down. Here, the story stops abruptly.

The Word “Acquaintance” in the Story

In the beginning of the Glass Mountain, when the main character attained the lower slope, he told the readers that “I was new in the neighborhood. Nevertheless I had acquaintances”. In the whole story, the word “acquaintances” has appeared more than ten times, it seems that the man isn’t all alone in the modern city and his acquaintances have gathered to encourage and support his adventure. But to our surprise, not only did these acquaintances not understand the man’s behavior, but they even started to gloat and use many bad words to humiliate him.

However, such kind of thing is not hard to understand in 1960s, the time when the story was written: cold war, civil rights movement, lack of faith, dismantling of traditions and many other crises brought America to a stressful and even turbulent

period. At that disordered time, the relationship between people is indifferent and distant, the whole society was facing the moral depravity problem. People only focused on money and materials, the money-mad relationships has already replaced the sincere friendships. The 55th sentence “It was cold and when I looked down I was not encouraged” can be regarded as the true feeling of a man who lived in the cold postmodern society - unease and hopeless. The story is a reflection of that disappointing society, and I can only hope that there won’t be a replay of such tragedy.

篇五:小学英语作文-mountain 山

小学英语作文:mountain 山

There is a very beautiful mountain in our county. There are many trees and flowers on the mountain. There are also many animals and birds. But very few people come to visit it. Because it is far away, and there is noting for children to play there.

amusement park? Why or why not?




