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Lesson 23 Which glasses? 哪几只杯子?

on prep. 在……之上

shelf n. 架子,搁板



on the table

in the kitchen

a beautiful flower

a book on the desk

定语从句 The girl I saw yesterday…

the magazine on the bed

the book on the stereo

the box on the cupboard

the cigarette on the table

the bottle on the dressing table

the desk on the desk(短语)

The book is on the bed.(句子)

There is a book on the bed. 床上有本书。


some books

some milk

Would you like something to drink? 你想喝点什么吗?

★ Text

Give me some glasses please, Jane.

Which glasses?

These glasses.

No, not those. The ones on the shelf.


Yes, please.

Here you are.




Lesson 1

1. b

选b最为正确。因为a. d.都与课文内容不符合,也不合乎逻辑; c.的意思是“他们没有注意他”,而作者的意图并不是想让他们注意他,而是想让他们停止谈话。 所以选b. 最能表达作者当时心里的感受。




因为a. to 不对,可以是He went to the theatre; c. into 也不对,可以是He went into the theatre;

d. on更不符合语法,表示在某一个地方用介词in 或at, in 表示在大的空间,如国家,城市等,at 则表示在小的地点或空间,如at the office, at the theatre 等, 所以选b.是正确的。


b. above(在……上方);

c. ahead of (在……的前面,在……之前)不和behind 对应,也不强调位置的前后顺序。

a. before 和 d. in front of 都是和behind对应的,都有“在……前面”的意思。但in front of 更具体的强调位置,而before 则包含更宽泛的意思,即时间上,空间,次序,登记,重要性 方面的“在……前面”


因为用 a. Where, b. why, d. when 提问都不符合逻辑, 都不是针对

状态提问的, 只有How提问,才能用Angry回答。


b. they 只做主语; c. their只能做定语;

d. us 虽然可以做宾语,但与前一句意思不符合。


a. none是代词,很少用在名词前面; b. any 只能用在否定句或疑问句中;

c. not any 不符合语法,因为前面没有助动词did. 8.b

a. chair(椅子), c. armchair(手扶椅)

d. class(班级) 这3个选择都和seat的意思不符合。

Seat 是”座位, 座席” 的意思。 强调的是可供坐下的地方,不是具体的椅子。 只有b. place 是seat 的同义词。


b. big(大的)指体积; c. tall(高的)指身材;

d. large(大的)指空间和面积。 这3个词都与人的年龄无关。 只有a. old是说明年龄的。


a. sad(悲哀,忧愁的)没有生气的意思;

b. unhappy(不幸的,不快乐的)不一定是生气; d. pleased(高兴的)同angry意思相反;

只有c. cross(脾气坏的,易怒的,生气的)与angry 意思相反。



c. stand 是bear的同义词,都有忍受的意思。而其他3个选择都没有忍受的意思。


(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:新概念英语第一册23课)

a. clever(聪明的), b. rude(粗鲁的),

d. kind(仁慈的) 这3个都不是rude的反义词,只有polite(有礼貌的)才是和rude相对应的反义词,所以选c.

Lesson 2 1. c

因为根据课文内容,作者正在吃早饭,他不可能在床上。 所以a. 和b.与课文内容不符合,作者强调尽管他起床很晚,已经是中午,但他还在吃早饭,所以d.也不对。

2. d

因为只有d.才是Aunt Lucy 感到惊讶的原因,其他3个选择都不合乎逻辑。

3. c

本句有一个表示经常性动作的时间状语sometimes,所以要用一般现在时。 因为主语是He, 所以它后面的动词要在词尾加s. a. stay 词尾没有加s; b. is staying 是进行时;

d. staying 是现在分词;只有c. stays符合时态和人称。


4. c

go to bed 是固定词组,意思是“就寝”。 a. in 可以用在stay in bed 之中;

b. into 和 d. at 不符合语法和习惯用法,英语中不用into bed, at bed 这样的短语。

5. a

只有a. late 是前一句中early的反义词,意思是“迟,晚”。 b. lately(最近), c. slowly(慢) ,

d. hardly(几乎不) 都不是early的反义词。

6. b

此问句的回答是By train ,是表示方式的,意思是乘火车来的。 只有b. How才能对句子中表示方式的部分进行提问。 而 a. When是就时间提问的;

c. Why是就原因提问的;d. where 是就地点提问的。

7. b

如果填a. still句子不符合语法规则,也不符合逻辑; 选c. often 和 d. always 也不符合逻辑。 只有填b. now 句子才符合逻辑:他现在不能见他姑妈,因为他正在吃早饭。

8. a

4个选择都有看的意思。 Look 的词意思是“看, 望”强调看的动作,常和介词at, out of 等连用; See 的词意思是“看到,见到”强调结构,后面要带宾语; Watch的词意思是“观看,注视”多用来指看戏剧,电视节目等,是及物动词,如watch TV, watch a play; Remark 的词意思是“注意到, 觉察到”也强调结果。 本句中只有选looked,意思


9. d

a. at once 和b. immediately 都是“立刻,马上”的意思;

c. again是“再一次”的意思;只有d. at the moment 同前一句中的just then意思相接近,所以选d.

10. c

a. son, b. grandson ,

d. niece 都不能表明他和他姑妈的关系,只有选c. nephew才能准确说明他们的关系。

11. d

a. food(食品), b. dinner(正餐) ,

c. lunch(午餐) 这3个词都不能同breakfast 划等号。

只有d. a meal(一顿饭) 可以等同于breakfast, 所以应该选d.

12. b

本句中的”Dear me” 是感叹句,表示吃惊。 只有选b. surprised 才能使这个句子符合逻辑,而其他3个词都没有吃惊的意思。


Lesson 3 1. c

根据课文可以判断出作者不喜欢写明信片,但他很想收到别人寄来的明信片,所以应该选c. d. doesn?t like postcards 不喜欢明信片,和课文的含义不符合,所以不选d.

2. a


3. c

a. at 表示在小的地点和空间; b. to 表示方向;

d. on 表示在……上;

只有c. in 表示在大的空间和地方,如城市国家等,所以选c.

4. a

只有选a. Who taught ,这句问话才与回答相配。

5. d

只有选d. in a friendly way(以友好的方式)才能说明前一句He was a friendly waiter,也合乎语法和逻辑。而其他3个 a. friend(朋友),

b. as friends(作为朋友),

c. like friends(像朋友一样)在语法上都讲不通。

6. b

本句的时态是一般过去时,应该用动词的过去式形式; a. reads 是第3人称蛋单数现在时形式; c. red 词意思不符合;

d. reading 是现在分词形式;

b. read 过去式和现在式形式相同,发音不同。所以只有选b.

7. c

a. the hole 词意思不对;

b. the ball 和 d. all of 不合乎习惯用法;

英语中不用the all day, all of day 这样一来的短语。 只有选c. all 才能使句中的词组all day 同前一句中的the whole day 意思相同。 8. c

句中的waiter 是“饭店服务员”的意思,他通常在饭店工作,而不在a. public garden(公园), b. shop(商店),

d. private house(私宅) 工作, 所以选c. restaurant.

9. b

只有b. borrowed 才与前一句中的lent相对应,而其他3个选择都不是。 英语中的borrow 和lend 都有“借”的意思,但是borrow是“向……借”,而lend则是借给。

10. a

b. end(最后,结束)有名词和动词词性,不能用在名词前修饰名词。 c. latest (最近的)不符合意思。

d. bottom(底部)是名词,不能修饰名词

只有a. final(最后的)才能使句子的意思成立。

11. b

只有b. made up his mind(下决心)才同前一句中的 made a big decision 意思相近。 而其他3个选择 a. thought about it (考虑),


c. changed his mind(改变主意),

d. made a wish(立下心愿)都没有下决心的意思。

12. b

只有b. didn?t write even one(连一张也没有写)与前一句中的 didn?t write a single card 意思相同, 而

a. wrote only one, c. wrote just one, d. wrote all the cards except one 都与其意思有别。

Lesson 4

1. d

根据课文内容Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm

只有d. Tim is working for a big firm as an engineer 是对的,其他3个与文章不符合。

2. b

根据课文的最后一句My brother has never been abroad before…,应该选b.其他3个选择都与课文内容不符合。

3. a

b. in(在……里面)不能和动词go连用; c. at(在……地方)也不能同go 连用; d. into(进入……内)可以与go连用,但是到某个国家不能用go into; 只有a. to 同动词go 连用 go to 才能表示到某个地方去,如国家,城市等,所以选a.

4. b


a. is he 是一般现在时;

c. has he 中没有过去分词been, 不符合语法;

d. was he 是一般过去时;只有b. has he been 是现在完成时, 所以选b. 5. b

a. for 只有同表示一段时间的词连用时候才能用在完成时中,如for six months, for one year等.

c. from 常与介词to连用表示"从……到……",它很少用于现在完成时;

d. by 可以表示时间“到……为止”,常用于过去完成时中和将来完成时中,但是它用在本句意思不对;只有b. since(从……以来)可以用在完成时态中,选b.才能使句子的时态和意思正确并且合乎逻辑。

6. a


b. a long time ago(很久以前)与原来句子不符合。 c. last year(去年)也跟原来句子不符合。

d. six months ago(6个月前)也不对,句子中没有明确说明;

只有a. a short time ago(不久前,最近)同just的意思相近,所以应该选a.

7. c


a. went 是过去式; b. being 是现在分词;


d. was 是过去式,只有c. been 是过去分词,所以选c.

7. b

本句需要选出与firm(公司)的同意义词。 只有b. company(公司)和firm 的词意思相同。 而其他3个 a. society(社会), c. factory(工厂),

d. store(商店)都不是firm的同意义词,所以选b.

8. c

本句需要选出一个与前一句的different相对应的词. a. the only (唯一的)不是different的反义词.

b. a similar (相似的,类似的)也有同样的意思,但是它不是和different相对应的反义词;

d. alike(相象的,相同的)通常做表语. 只有c. the same(同一的,同样的)是different的反义词,所以应该选c.

9. a

只a. bigger than a village but smaller than a city 才能准确表达town的含义,而其他3个选择都不表示这个意思。

10. c

本句需要选出一个同前一句soon(不久)意义相接近的词, a. quickly(快速地),

b. for a short time(短时间),

d. in a hurry(匆忙地)这3个选择都与soon意思不同,只有c. shortly(不久)是soon 的同义词.

11. c



Lesson 23-24

? Content and Aim 内容和目标

? One的复数的使用(ones)

? 双宾语结构(本课重点)

? Key Words and Expressions 关键词和词组

on 在…之上 shelf 架子,隔板 on the shelf 在架子上 ? Language Points 语言点

? Give me some glasses please, Jane. 这是祈使句,前一课学习过,这里换成了复数的说法。Glasses在这里表示“玻璃杯”。本课我们将学习这个动词“give”的用法。

1. 句中的动词give后面有两个宾语,一个是“me (人)”,一个是“some glasses(物)”,我们称之为双宾语,人是间接宾语,物是直接宾语。这样的动词我们

2. 这里“me


请记住以下常用的双宾语动词:give 给某人… lend借给某人… send 送给某人… hand 递给某人… pass 递给某人…. buy… 给某人买… make…给某人做… sing…给某人唱…

例如:Give me some pens, please.

Can you lend me a book?

My mother buys me a very beautiful gift.

Please sing us a song.

3. 双宾语结构的间接宾语和直接宾语一般情况下可以互换,需要注意的是,如果把直接宾语(物)放在前,那么间接宾语前面需要加上适当的介词。其结构是:

互换以后是直接宾语(物)在前,间接宾语(人)在后。 请记住以下常用的双宾语动词:

用to的动词:give lend send hand pass

用for的动词:buy make sing

例如:My sister gives me some money = My sister gives some money to me. Will you make me a cake? = Will you make a cake for me?

注意:当直接宾语是人称代词,那么就必须是直接宾语在前,间接宾语在后。 例如: I will pass it to you.

不能说:I will pass you it. (这里的直接宾语是代词it, 不能放在后面) Which glasses?

These glasses?

No, not those.

The ones on the shelf.

1. 这里的ones代替了前面的glasses.在上一课学习了代词“one”,它的复数形式?


例如:Give me some pencils please, Tom.

These ones? (代替前一句里提到的pencils, 避免重复) No, not those. The ones (pencils) on the desk.

2. on the shelf 介词短语,表示“在架子上”,用语修饰名词ones. 但要注意:这


请思考前面学习的形容的用法:形容词修饰名词时,放在哪里呢?? 名词之前。

例如:The books on the table. 桌子下面的那些书

The pens in the box. 盒子里的那些钢笔

The blue cups. 蓝色的那些笔

? Patterns基本句型

--Give me/him/her/us/them some…

---Which ones?

---The ones…/The…ones

例句:---Give them some books please.

---Which ones?

--- The ones in the bag./The yellow ones.



Lesson 23 One man’s meat is another man’s poison 各有所爱 People become quite illogical when they try to decide what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten. If you lived in the Mediterranean, for instance, you would consider octopus a great delicacy. You would not be able to understand why some people find it repulsive. On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat----the normally accepted practice in many northern countries. The sad truth is that most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods and we stick to them all our lives.

No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail. Cooked in wine, snails are a great luxury in various parts of the world. There are countless people who, ever since their early years, have learned to associate snails with food. My friend, Robert, lives in a country where snails are despised. As his flat is in a large town, he has no garden of his own. For years he has been asking me to collect snails from my garden and take them to him. The idea never appealed to me very much, but one day, after a heavy shower, I happened to be walking in my garden when I noticed a huge number of snails taking a stroll on some of my prize plants. Acting on a sudden impulse, I collected several dozen, put them in a paper bag, and took them to Robert. Robert was delighted to see me and equally pleased with my little gift. I left the bag in the hall and Robert and I went into the living room where we talked for a couple of hours. I had forgotten all about the snails when Robert suddenly said that I must stay to dinner. Snails would, of course, be the main dish. I did not fancy the idea and I reluctantly followed Robert out of the room. To our dismay, we saw that there were snails everywhere: they had escaped from the

paper bag and had taken complete possession of the hall! I have never been able to look at a snail since then.

Language points

(Attention: The following points are not covered by the video. It is better for you to watch the video or listen to the MP3 first and try to take notes on your own. Then you may check here to get more details. )

1. On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat on the other hand 转折连接词,表示而另一方面

at the idea of: at 介词搭配作状语,表示当......就......;一......就......

at the idea of 一想到

at the sight of 一看到

at the mention of 一提到

at the news of 一听到......消息

at the touch of 一触摸到......东西

at the sound of 一听到......声音

at the thought of 一想到

Eg.: I was glad at the thought of getting something the eat.

I always love at the mention of ghost story.

2, the normally accepted practice in many northern countries

practice 表示习俗,做法



E.g.: Early to bed and early to rise is good habit.

It is now quite common practice for married women not to take their husband’s second name.

the custom of giving present at Christmas

3, The sad truth is that most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods that引导表语从句,说明truth的内容

bring up抚养

Joe is born in England, but brought up in France.

She was brought up to believe that money is the most (great) important thing in life.

4, we stick to them all our lives.

stick to = keep to; not give up

Eg.: We stick to them all our lives.

I made my decision and I am going to stick to it.

stick to the idea

stick to the plan

insist on doing sth. 坚持做某事

persist in doing sth. 坚持做某事

5, No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail. 比较级表达最高级的概念

Nobody is more beautiful than you.

He is more intelligent than anyone else in my class.

The common garden snail often receives more praise and abuse than other creatures.

6, There are countless people who, ever since their early years, have learned to associate snails with food.

countless: 无数的,数不尽的 (=numerous)


associate sth. with sth. 把某物与某物相联系

7, Acting on a sudden impulse, I collected several dozen, put them in a paper bag, and took them to Robert.

on a sudden impulse 一时的,冲动的

Acting on a sudden impulse, he went shopping to buy several dresses.

Robert was delighted to see me and equally pleased with my little gift. ==Robert was not only delighted to see me, but also pleased with my little gift.

8, I happened to be walking in my garden when I noticed a huge number of snails taking a stroll on some of my prize plants.

happened to do 恰巧,碰巧

I happened to be out when he called.

We both happened to be travelling on the same plane.

happen / chance

It happened that I was out when he called.

It chanced that I was out when he called.

9,I had forgotten all about the snails when Robert suddenly said that I must stay to dinner. when,表示正在这时突然,主句通常使用过去进行时,过去完成时等搭配;位于句中

He was having a bath when the telephone suddenly rang.

We had not ... like this when ... came in.

We were about to start when it rained.


Multiple choices

1 In a country where snails are eaten, you would expect _____ .

a. to find a great many snails in people’s gardens

b. to find that people cooked them in wine

c. snails to be so popular that they are a luxury only the rich can afford

d. people to be amazed by anyone who refused to eat them

2 The idea of collecting snails never appealed to the writer very much until _____ . a. the sight of the snails made him think of Robert

b. a heavy shower of rain led him to look for them in his garden

c. a sudden impulse made him decide to visit the country where Robert lived d. he felt obliged to remove them from his prize plants


3,The sight of blood always turns her stomach.



It is sad that racial discrimination still happens today.


During the process of growing to be an adult, she has learned to obey to the

篇五:新概念英语23课课堂练习 得分 3

新概念英语23课课堂练习 得分


1、_____ (给) 2、_____ (一个) 3、_____ (哪一个)

4、_____ (空的) 5、_____ (满的) 6、_____ (大的)

7、_____ (小的) 8、_____ (锋利的) 9、_____ (小的)

10、_____ (大的) 11、_____ (钝的) 12、_____ (盒子)

13、_____ (杯子) 14、_____ (茶杯) 15、_____ (瓶子)

16、_____ (罐头) 17、_____ (刀子) 18、_____ (叉子) 19、_____ (勺子) 20、_____(在.....之上) 21、_____(架子、搁板)

1) I _____ a student. 2) You ____ a doctor.

3) ____she Kitty? 4) _____ you Chinese?

5) He _____ in Shanghai. 6) It_____ a car.

7) They ____ cars

8) ____ your mother in the room?

9) _____your friends in the room?

10) What ____ your name?

11) These _____ buses.

12) Those _____oranges.

13) Where _____ your mother?

14) How old _____ your sister?

15) Where _____ you
