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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 03:28:53 体裁作文




PS:日本制造,这一词代表着品质优良,工艺精湛、价格适中、外观精美、品质上乘、环保节能等特色。此次,AEON永旺综合百货超市以及包括The Clock House、Flaxus Tokyo、











1F Part 1 楼层导图+国际美食:汇聚全球各国美食——国际饕餮汇


1F Part 2 永旺综合百货超市

1F Part 3 其他:国际时尚品牌、北京同仁堂、周六福、老凤祥、中国三大通信运营商

2F Part 1 楼层导图+中华美食:聚集中国各大菜系——四海美食汇

2F Part 2 生活方式提案:武汉规模最大的家居时尚杂货店、青春时尚区、诊所&美容会所

3F Part 1 楼层导图+武汉市内最大的美食广场“亚惠美食玛特”、武汉人气最旺的大型餐馆“永兴家味”

3F Part 2 娱乐休闲与儿童区:韩国综合性影院“CGV”、儿童娱乐设施 、儿童服装、面向儿童的杂货店铺、日系儿童时装品牌











green eyed 嫉妒;眼红

to look through green glasses 对…感到嫉妒

2、绿色是未成熟的颜色,英语常用green表示某人缺乏经验 a green grave 新坟

green boy 初出茅庐者

green as grass 幼稚的

a green old age 老当益壮

greener 生手

be green at one's job 对工作不熟悉

a green horn 涉世未深,容易上当的人

green hand 新手

a green thought 不成熟的想法

green meat:鲜肉


green power:“金钱的力量”或“财团”

green back 美钞;美国南北战争时不兑现的纸币

green stamp:指美国救济补助票,因印成绿色而得名

green sheet指政府预算明细比较表

green pound:绿色英镑(指共同体内部计算农产品价格而规定的高汇率英镑。 green room 演员休息室

green field project 新上马项目 需要资金新兴的企业

4、在英语国家,绿色是植物王国的颜色,象征生命,新鲜,精力旺盛 on the green 在草坪上

green stuff 蔬菜,草木

go to the green wood 落草

a green winter 温暖的冬天

a green Christmas 无雪的圣诞节

remain green forever 永葆青春

in the green 在青春期,年富力强时

in the green tree 处于佳境

to get the green light 得到允许做某事

green party 绿党

green around the gills 脸色苍白




(1)劳动人民进步党(The Working People’s Progressive Party):议会第一大党,2007年7月退出联合政府。1926年8月成立,前身为塞浦路斯共产党。1941年改组并改现名。该党认为目前塞阶级斗争的内容是反帝和争取民族解放,不是由工人阶级直接夺取政权,主要任务是争取同其他党合作,制定解决塞问题的共同路线和策略。该党支持塞加入欧盟,前提是加入有助于塞的统一。

(2)民主大会党(Democratic Rally):1976年7月4日成立。成员多系银行家、工商企业家、律师、医生和高级职员等。该党主张对内发展西方民主,对外同希腊等西方国家及欧盟大力发展政治、经济和文化等关系,主张通过谈判解决塞问题。

(3)民主党(Democratic Party):执政党。1976年7月11日成立。成员多系中小企业主、职员、自由职业者和富裕农民等。基本目标是实现国家统一和彻底独立,争取国家的进步和经济发展。主张维护塞的独立、主权、领土完整、统一和不结盟。坚持土耳其从塞撤军和根据联合国决议寻求解决塞问题。

(4)社会民主运动党(Social Democratic Movement):执政党。前身为塞浦路斯社会党(The Socialist Party of Cyprus)。1970年5月成立。对内主张机会均等、消灭人剥削人制度,在人民控制生产资料和资源的基础上建设社会主义;对外反对美国和北约对塞的控制,主张积极发展与不结盟国家、社会主义国家和阿拉伯国家的关系。该党的目标是促进民族和社会的发展,加速迈向21世纪的政策改革;团结各方力量,成为第三大党。该党曾于1988年参政,1999年由于克莱里季斯总统决定不在塞南部部署俄制地空导弹而退出政府,与中央重组运动(Movement for the Regrouping of the Centre)合并后易名,但很快分裂。

(5)欧洲党(European Party):2005年6月成立。由欧洲民主党、新视野党和一位独立人士联合组成。

其他政党还有:联合民主运动党(United Democrats Movement);战斗民主运动党(Fighting Democratic Movement);绿党(Green Party of Cyprus)。

土族主要政党:(1)共和土族党(Republican Turkish Party):1970年成立。(2)民族团结党(National Unity Party):1975年成立。(3)民主党(Democratic Party):1992年成立。(4)族社解放党(Communal Liberation Party):1976年成立。(5)和平民主运动(Peace and Democracy Movement)。(6)改革党(Reform Party):2006年成立。

篇四:UK Independence Party

UK Independence Party's by-election win throws Britain into political abyss

By Robin Oakley, Special to CNN November 21, 2014 -- Updated 1224 GMT (2024 HKT)

UKIP's Nigel Farage will be reveling in his party's triumph and redoubling efforts to win over Euroskeptic Tories.





? Conservative Party defector Mark Reckless brings UKIP a second by-election win in two months Oakley: Second successive UKIP victory makes it hard to predict the winner of upcoming General Election Oakley: Reckless' win an embarrassing blow for David Cameron, who threw kitchen sink at winning vote Oakley: UKIP has successfully tied itself to the bandwagon of popular discontent with "establishment"


Editor's note: Robin Oakley was political editor and columnist for The Times newspaper in London from 1986 to 1992, the BBC's political editor from 1992 to 2000, and CNN's European Political Editor between 2000 and 2008. The opinions expressed in this

commentary are solely his.

(CNN) -- The UK Independence Party, led by the pub-clubbable Nigel Farage, has won a resounding second successive Parliamentary by-election and sent British politics tumbling

into an abyss of the unknown.

Mark Reckless, the former Conservative politician who left the party for UKIP in September, won back his seat in Parliament Thursday in the Rochester and Strood

by-election that was triggered by his defection.

UKIP is now more than just a fringe group thumbing its nose at the big parties: it is a wild

card which can threaten all their prospects.

Few political experts would claim at this moment to be able to predict the outcome of the next General Election, which will take place on May 7, 2015. And nobody knows how many of the protest votes UKIP has been gathering will stay with them when voters are

deciding who will govern the country.

But UKIP are still advancing: back in May, they won the European Parliamentary elections with 27 percent of the votes and 24 seats, the first time a party other than Labour or the

Conservatives has done so.

What seems almost inevitable is that there will be another "hung" Parliament after the General Election -- meaning no party will win an outright majority of seats. But this time neither Conservatives nor Labour look like being able to build a coalition government

without doing deals with more than one other political grouping.

Britain is likely to experience an unstable era of Scandinavian-style politics where the chief preoccupation of the political class is not solving the problems of the nation, but

putting together deals to enable any decisions to be taken at all.

Reckless was the second former Tory to resign his seat and win his way back to Parliament in the purple colors of UKIP after Douglas Carswell had done the same in Clacton in October. And although his roughly 3,000 vote majority will be less sustainable at a General Election than Carswell's crushing victory, it keeps UKIP on track for its

ambition of winning enough seats next May to hold the balance of power.

In Rochester, UKIP managed to resist a huge Conservative campaign that included five visits from Prime Minister David Cameron, who was desperate to stave off another UKIP

victory that could call his effectiveness as the leader of the Tories into question. UKIP also won over a significant proportion of the former working class Labour vote -- aided by a Labour front-bencher's online posting of a photo of a house in Rochester draped in English flags with a white van in the driveway. Politicians of all stripes were quick to pounce on Shadow Attorney General Emily Thornberry's ill-judged tweet as snobbish and derogatory, and Thornberry resigned her position before the night was over. UKIP also reduced the Liberal Democrat vote to a derisory figure: some of their former

protest votes on the Left are now going to the Green Party.

The UKIP bandwagon is still rolling. Reckless was a confused candidate who at one stage was slapped down by Nigel Farage for suggesting that EU immigrants might be sent home, but the party that secured a mere three percent at the last General Election in Britain has

become a significant political player.

It is now the obvious receptacle for protest votes in the way that the Liberal Democrats used to be. But their participation in a coalition government with the Conservatives has

shredded the Lib-Dems' political appeal.

UKIP has successfully harnessed to its bandwagon to the common feeling of disillusion

with the two major parties and the Westminster "establishment." As well as its

anti-European stance, it has profited from bringing immigration to the fore as a political


This has spooked lawmakers in other parties who have demanded that their own party leaders must also get tougher on immigration -- a policy area on which few deal in facts

but on which much emotion is expended. But the more that Labour and the Tories rush out new immigration policies, the more the public say: "We thought you told us that UKIP were

a bunch of fruitcakes, but now you are agreeing they were right all along."

Political strategists used to believe that UKIP were chiefly a threat to the Conservatives, taking the votes of right-wing Euroskeptics away from them. But in the recent Heywood and Middleton by-election in the greater Manchester area UKIP came within a few

hundred votes of grabbing a Labour seat too.

With the resurgent Scottish National Party threatening to grab 30 of Labour's 40 Scottish seats in the Westminster Parliament, and Labour's leader Ed Miliband proving the lowest-rated occupant of his position in polling history, Labour too are shivering at the

UKIP intervention.

So where do we go from here? UKIP will revel in its triumph and redouble its efforts to entice more Euroskeptic Conservative MPs to jump ship in order to save their seats at the

next election.

David Cameron, his authority badly dented after he promised to throw the kitchen sink at saving the Rochester seat, will be under massive pressure from his MPs to turn the political tide now with the major speech he has for some time been promising on immigration (and which he postponed for fear of having the Rochester result taken as a

verdict on his efforts).

He is handicapped because the Conservatives' pledge to reduce immigration to less than 100,000 a year has failed because of the EU's commitment to the free movement of people within its borders, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel is heading Europe's

refusal to reconsider that principle. That again plays into UKIP's hands.

Right-wing Euroskeptic Conservative MPs insist that their party and UKIP are part of the same political family, and they will now try to pressure Cameron into some sort of electoral pact -- arguing that otherwise Labour will "win" next May's election with less than a third of

the votes.

Cameron will resist, but the irony for UKIP is that of all the possible election results, the

only one that will bring about their chief political aim -- an in/out vote on Britain's

membership in the European Union -- is victory for the Conservatives who have promised

that referendum.

The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.

篇五:河南省偃师市府店镇第三初中七年级英语下册《Unit 7 The Birthday Party Topic 1》测试题(无答案) 仁爱版

七年级英语下册《Unit 7 The Birthday Party Topic 1》测试题



( ) 1.April A. eleventh

( ) 2.September B. eleventh

( ) 3.November C. seventh

( ) 4.March D. sixth

( ) 5.July E. first

(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:the,green,party,店铺)

( ) 6.February F. twelfth

( ) 7.December G. second

( ) 8.June H. tenth

( ) 9.January I. ninth

( ) 10.October J. fourth

二.句型转换。 1.His present is round.(对划线部分提问)

2.The rectangle is 10centimeters long.(对划线部分提问)

3.What day is it today?(用yesterday改写)

4.When were you born?(同义句转换)

5.Kangkang was born in China on May thirteenth,1995.(对划线部分提问)



B:Hi ,Jane.

A:① .

B:It `s Friday.

A:And ② .

B:It `s May eighteenth.

A:Oh, today is your birthday.③ .

B:Thank you.

A:④ .

B:My parents want to have a birthday party for me.Would you like to come?

A:⑤ .Thank you.

四.单项选择。 1. She a student ten years ago, but now she an English teacher.

A: is, is B: were, is C: was, is D: was, was

2.What was the date last Monday? .

A: It was May 2nd. B: It` s May 8th, 2008.

C: It was Sunday. D: It` s Tuesday.

3. How many words are there in this story? There are .

A: two hundred and forty five B: two hundreds and forty five

C: two hundred and forty-five D: two hundreds and forty-five 4.Next Sunday is Father`s Day,and I`ll go fishing with my Father Father

` s Day.

A: on B: at C: in D:to

5.What do some young people use MP3 for? They it to music.

A: use, to listen B: use, listen C: is using ,to listen D: use,


6.Excuse me ,where is Mr. Green` s office? It `s on floor.

A: twelve B: the twelve C: the twelfth D: twelfth

7.What is your present for Ann`s birthday? I want to buy a book her. A: to B: for C:of D: with

8.How wide is your classroom? It` s wide.

A: centimeters B: meter C: meters D:5-centimeter 9. she born in 1980? No, she .

A: Is, isn` t B: Was, wasn`t C: Was, isn`t D: Is,

wasn`t 10.Lingling here is a present you.

Thank you. A: to B: for C: of D: on


It is the last day of May. It is grandma`s birthday. Father, mother and I go

to see her.

Grandma lives with my uncle in a village. It is not too far away. Early in the

morning, we buy a birthday cake and some fruit, then go to her home by bus. Grandma and uncle are very glad to see us. We give the presents to grandma and

say“Happy birthday to you!” She is very happy. Then we sit down to talk. Uncle

goes to prepare lunch. The meal is very nice. We all enjoy it very much. At 4 o`

clock, we say good-bye and leave for home.


1.When is grandma`s birthday?

2.Who does grandma live with?

3.How do we celebrate grandma`s birthday?

4.Who goes to prepare lunch?

5.When do we leave for home?

六.Wei Hua 下星期天(April 10th)要过生日了,她父母将在家为她举办一个生日聚会,假设你是她最好的朋友,准备去参加她的生日聚会并送她一件礼物。请根据上面的提示写一篇短文,不少于60个单词。
