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篇一:小学英语 名词所有格

小学英语讲义 名词所有格

一、名词所有格 名词所有格的构成:


例如:Xiao Zhang’s sister小张的姐姐



1. 一般情况在名词后加's


That girl's coat is in the room. 那个女孩的衣服在房间里。

2. 在以s结尾的名词(包括以s结尾的复数名词)后面,只加 '。 如果复数名词不是以s结尾的,末尾也要加's。例如:

Today is September 10th, Teachers' Day. 今天是九月十日,教师节。 Children's Day is coming, I should buy something new for my son. 儿童节马上就要到了,我应该为我的儿子买一些新东西。

3. 表示词组内的并列名词各自的所有关系时,须在各个名词后加's;如果一个东西为两个人或者两个以上的人共同拥有,只在最后一个名词后面加's。例如:

They are John's and Kate's rooms. How beautiful they are! 这是约翰和凯特的房间。它们(指房间)太漂亮了!

He is Lily and Lucy's father. 他是莉莉和露西的爸爸。

4. 表示某人的家、店铺等的所有格,一般可以省略它后面所修饰的名词。例如:

My father and I will have dinner at the Johnson's (home )。 我爸爸和我将要去约翰逊的家吃晚饭。

We will have our hair cut at the barber's(shop) tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午我们要去理发店理发。

5. 有些指时间、距离、国家、城镇等的名词,也可以加's构成所有格。例如:

There is something important in today's newspaper. 今天的报纸上有一些重要的东西。

It's about ten minutes' walk from school to our home every day. 每天从学校到我们家步行大约需要十分钟。

6. 英语名词所有格修饰的词,如果前面已经提到过,后面则可以省略,以防止重复。


This is not Dick's dictionary, but is Tom's. 这不是迪克的字典,但是是汤姆的。



1. March 8th is _______ Day.

A. Woman’s B. Women’s C. Womans’



2.—What’s that ?

—It’s a ______ home.

A. bird B. birds’ C. bird’s



3. The desk is ______.

A. Kate B. Kate’s and Lucy’s C. Kate and Lucy’s




1. 表示"无生命的名词"一般与of构成短语,表示所有关系。如There is a river on the other side of the road. 在公路的另一边有一条河。

2. 有时我们用名词 + of +名词所有格构成双重所有格的形式。例如: This is a photo of Mr Brown's. 这是一张布朗先生的照片。



名词后加 's,这种情况最常见。


复数名词有s, 后面只把 '来添。


A of B是B的A,体现英汉序不同。



1、John Mike the dog the sheep my sister my uncle the farmer John’s_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.The girl under the tree is a friend of______________. (Lucy)

2.They’re______________(Mary) friends.


3.Sue is one of my ____________(friend).

4.These ___________(postman) coats are green and big.

5.What’s his_________________(sister) name?

6.This is Chinese __________________ (teacher) office.


( ) 1. Room 110 on the second floor is the _____ office. I know some of them.

A. doctors B. doctor’s C. doctors’ D. doctors’s

( ) 2. The room is _______. They are brothers.

A. Tom and Mike’s B. Tom’sand Mike’s

C. Tom’s and Mike D. Tom and Mike

( ) 3. Excuse me, where is the______?

A. men's room B. mens' room C. men's rooms D. men rooms

( ) 4. On the wall there is a_______

A.China’s map B.map of China

C.China map D.Chinese map

( ) 5. This is ______ friend.

A. May’s brother B. May’s brother’s C. May’s brother of

( ) 6. Those are _______ houses.

A.Mr. Smith and Mr. Zhang’s B.Mr. Smith’s and Mr. Zhangs

C.Mr. Smiths’ and Mr. Zhangs D.Mr. Smith’s and Mr. Zhang’s

( ) 7. It is _______ between the two cities.

A. three hours drive B.three hour’s drive

C.three hours’ drivers D.three hours’ drive

( ) 8. The post card is sent by ____.

A. a friend of my father B. a friend of my father's

C. my father friend D. my father friend's



1.The watch is our________. (teacher)

2.Those boys are my good _______(friend).

3.What’s his_________________ (sister) names ?

4._______(Mark) bicycle is new. He likes riding it.

5._______(who) computer is this? It’s _______ (Linda).

6.___________(who) footballs are these?

They are___________(Tim and John).

7._____________(Tim and John) bedroom is very big and clean.

8.Are these _______ (Jim) black shoes?

9.The _______ (waitress) coats are very nice.

10.These _______ (girl) kites are flying very high.


( ) 1. It’s a picture of ___________ family.

A. Bob B. Bob’s C. Bobs’ D. Bobs


( ) 2 .Let's meet at 7: 30 outside the gate of___?

A. the People's Park B. the Peoples' Park

C. the People Park D. People's Park

( ) 3 .This is my____dictionary.

A. sister Mary B. sister's C. sister, Mary's D. sister's Mary's

( ) 4. He went to ___ shop to buy a shirt.

A. a tailor B. the tailor C. a tailors D. the tailors'

( ) 5 .It's about ___ walk from my house.

A. ten minute B. ten minutes'

C. ten minute's D. ten minutes

( ) 6 .This is a book of ___.

A. Tom B. Tom's C. her D. him

( ) 7. Will you show me _______?

A.a Beijing’s map B.map of Beijing’s

C. a map of Beijing D. a map in Beijing

( ) 8. Before going to the museum, the students gathered at ___________.

A. the school’s gate B. the gate for the school C. the gate of the school

( ) 9. I have to see ___________.

A. that friend of Tom’s B. this friend of Tom C. a friend of Tom

( ) 10. _______ is on the second floor.

A.The teacher’s office B.The teachers’ office

C. The teacher office D. The teacher offices





连系动词am is变成are。

冠词a an要去掉,改为some,any也可以。




主格 I we you you he/she/it they

宾格 me us you you him/her/it them

例1 She is a girl . They are girls .

例2 I like her. We like them.


单数 this that

复数 these those


例1 This is a book . These are(some)books .

例2 Is that a pen? Are those(any)pens?


1、名词性物主代词:mine ours,yours yours,his/hers/its theirs

2、形容词性物主代词:my our,your your,his/her/its their

例1 The book is mine. The books are ours.

例2 This is her pen. These are their pens.


例1 This is my book . These are my books .

5、当句中形容词性物主代词与句中的主语一致时,形容词性物主代词 应随主语人称的变化而变化,仍要保持一致。

例1 He likes his bike. They like their bikes.

6、连系动词由单数变复数:is/am are

例1 I am a teacher. We are(some)eachers.



例1 This is a book . These are(some)books .

例2 Is that a pen? Are those(any)pens?



例1 He is a boy student .

They are(some)boy students.(man和woman)除外。

例2 She is a woman worker.

They are(some)women workers.



例1 What’s this? What are these?

例2 She likes his bike. They like their bikes.




1, I have a car. we have cars.

2, He is an American boy. They are American boys.

3, It is a car They are cars.




名词所有格分为三种:’s 所有格,of所有格 ,双重所有格 ①’s所有格


⒈一般单数名词和不以s结尾的复数名词在词尾加s My son’s watch我儿子的表a women’s hospital一家妇科医院 to live a dog’s life过着猪狗不如的生活 ⒉词尾是s的复数名词在词尾直接加’s

birds’neats 鸟窝 my parents’wishes我父母的心愿 ⒊词尾是s的单数可数名词或专用名词之后加’或’s my boss’s∕boss’ plan 我老板的计划

Paris’s∕Paris’fashion expo巴黎服装博览会 ⒋复合名词在最后一个词上加’s

My brother-in law’s birthday cake 我姐夫的生日蛋糕

A grown-up’s problem一个成人问题 ⒌名词后有同位语时,只将同位语变所有格即可

This is my elder sisther,Mary’s bicycle这是我姐姐玛丽的自行车


John and Mary’s school约翰和玛丽的学校

John’s and Mary’s schools约翰和玛丽各自的学校 ⑵’s所有格的用法


The White House is the president’s home in Washington D .C 白宫是美国总统在华盛顿特区的家

Many students’eyesight is getting poorer and poorer 很多学生的视力变得越来越差


today’s newspapers 今天的报纸

a five days’journey 一次五天的旅行

two days’absence 缺席两天


China’s economy中国经济Nature’s works 大自然的作品 sorrow’s tears 悲哀的眼泪 spring’s smiles春天的微笑 ⒋构成不同节日时常用’s或’所有格

Valentine’s Day 情人节 April Fool’s Day愚人节


At the doctor’s(office) 在诊所 at the Tom’s(home)在汤姆家 ⒍’所有格单独使用。有时为了避免重复。可以单独使用’所有格,在句中相当于名词

This teddy bear is my little sisther’s(doll)

My spoken English is just as good as Susan’s(spoken English) ②of所有格 of +名词

⒈用于无生命的事物 from the top of the hill of the car ⒉用于名词化的词the life of the poor the living conditions of the old

⒊用于有较多修饰语的名词the advice of the old man The tail of old black cat

⒋与人的活动紧密相关的名词既可用’s 但更常用of所有格 China’s economy=the economy of China 中国的经济 Today’s weather =the weather of today 今天的天气

⒌表示某人所发生的事情或遭遇时可用’s 但更常用of所有格 his father’s death the death of his father

③双重所有格 of+名词’s所有格或名词性物主代词 ⒈特定人的不特定所有关系

A latest work of my father’s (works)我父亲作品中最新的一部 Another friend of George’s (friends)乔治的朋友中的另外一个 Any friend of George’s 乔治的朋友中的任何一个

注:不能用the friend of his 或a friend of a student 或

A f riend of a student’s来表示所属关系



That brother of yours is always looking for trouble 你的那个哥哥总是惹是生非

This old watch of my father’s gains a lot every day 我父亲的这块旧表每天都会快很多

特别提示:a friend of my father 与a friend of my father’s的差别,前者强调‘朋友关系’,后者强调‘许多朋友中的一个’

Sam is a friend of my father 山姆是我父亲的朋友

Sam is a friend of my father’s山姆是我父亲的一个朋友

A photo of my sisther 与a photo of my sisther’s 前者强调同位关系,后者强调所有关系

A photo of my sisther 我妹妹的一张照片

A photo of my sisther’s我妹妹拥有的一张照片




一、's 所有格的用法


Jim's bed

the man's wife

children's toys

the fox's tail


the students' books

Teachers' Day

my boss' office

a girls' dormitory


today's newspaper, five minutes'walk, a ton's weight, a dollar's worth of stamps, the moon's rays


Joan and Jane's room(房间属二人共同所有)

Joan's and Jane's room(指Joan和Jane各自的房间)



I met her at the doctor's(office).我在诊所遇见了她。

He has gone to the tailor's(shop).他到服装店去了。

She went to Mr.Black's(house)yesterday.她昨天到布莱克先生家去了。


Whose pen is this?It's Tom's.这是谁的钢笔?是汤姆的。

The bike is not mine,but Wang Pinpin's.这辆自行车不是我的,是王品品的。

二、of 所有格的用法



a map of the world

the story of a hero

the windows of the room

the title of the film


the sticks of the blind 盲人的拐杖


the very long and graceful tail of the black cat 黑猫的又长又美的尾巴


the children of the family 那家的孩子们


the son of a poor peasant=a poor peasant's son 一个贫农的儿子


an old woman's story(一个老妇人讲自己的身世)

the story of an old woman(别人讲一个老妇人的身世)



the students'reading room 学生阅览室


the arrival of the train 火车的到达


the search of knowledge 知识的探究


the name of Kate 凯特这个名字





a good friend of mine 我的一个好朋友

an interesting story of his 他的有趣的经历


He is a friend of my sister's.(=one of my sister's friends)他是我姐姐的一个朋友。

Look at that long nose of Jack's.看杰克的那个长鼻子。(感情色彩)


a picture of Xiao Zhang 小张(本人)的照片

a picture of Xiao Zhang's 小张(具有的照片中)的一张照片

此外,不定冠词、数词、某些不定代词(some,any,many,no,few等)以及which等限定词,一般不与形容词性物主代词或's所有格等一起放在名词前修饰名词,而采用of所有格或双重所有格形式。例如: most of the students 学生中的大多数

three of them 他们中的三个人

I have read some books of his.我读过他的一些书。

Which book of Qiong Yao's have you read?你读过琼瑶的哪一本书?



1.She is Mary's brother's friend.

2.She is a friend of Mary's brother.

3.She is a friend of Mary(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:birds的名词所有格)9;s brother's.


2句用的是of所有格,侧重说明她和Mary的哥哥是朋友关系,强调突出了Mary's brother。



① 在英语中,有些名词可以加’s来表示所有关系,带这种词尾的名词形式称为该名词的所有格。大多数表示有生命的东西。但是表示时间的名词特殊hour minute second

e.g. Tom’s book

My mother’s book

3 hours’ time

② 如果复数名词末尾已有s,就直接加 ’ 。

e.g. the teachers’ office

③ 如果一些物品为两者共有,只需在后一个名词后加’s ;


e.g. Lucy and Lily’s bedroom.(Lucy 和 Lily共用一个卧室)

Lucy’s and Lily’s bedrooms.(Lucy 和 Lily分别拥有各自的卧室)

④ 表示无生命的物体的名词所有格,一般与of短语连用。

e.g. a map of the world ,a photo of my family

⑤ 双重所有格:把of所有格和’s所有格结合在一起表示所有关系。

e.g. a friend of my father’s

2. —What’s that ? —It’s a ______ home.

A. bird B. birds’ C. bird’s



2.This is _______ room. The twin sisters like it very much.

A.Lucy’s and Lily’s B.Lucy’s and Lily C.Lucy and Lily’s

6.The room on the right is ________.

A. her B. she C. Lucy’s D. Lucy

6.Whose bike is it ? It’s ____________.

A. John B. John’s C. Johns’ D. Johns

9.My pen is black. _________ is blue.

A. Kates B. Kate C. Kate’s

1. Today is September 10th. It's ________ Day.

A. Teacher B. Teacher's C. Teachers' D. Teacher'

D. boys', girls 6. This is ________ ball. It's not ________ . A. the boy's, girl's B. the boy's, the girl's C. the boy, the girl

12. This is ________ .

A. Mike and Jim's bike

C. Mike's and Jim's bike

A. A friend of her B. Mike's and Jim bike D. Mike and Jim bike C. A her friend D. Her's one friend 15. ________ has travelled to Beijing. B. A friend of hers



名词在句中表示所有关系、所属关系、动作执行者及动作承受者等意义时常需用所有格形式。名词所有格也称为属格、主格,它主要包括's所有格、of所有格和双重所有格三种表现形式。 's 所有格的用法

表示有生命的东西的名词末尾加's。例如:Jim's bed, the man's wife, children's toys, the fox's tail

以-es或-s结尾的名词末尾加’。例如:the students' books, Teachers' Day, my boss' office, a girls' dormitory

有些表示时间、距离、度量衡、价值、自然现象、国家、城镇等无生命东西的名词,也可以加's构成所有格。例如:today's newspaper, five minutes' walk, a ton's weight, a dollar's worth of stamps, the moon's rays


Joan and Jane's room(房间属二人共同所有)

Joan's and Jane's room(指Joan和Jane各自的房间)

of 所有格的用法--- of所有格由of加名词构成,其用法归纳如下:

of所有格一般用于无生命的东西的名词中。例如:a map of the world, the story of a hero, the windows of the room, the title of the film

某些of所有格和's所有格可以互换。the son of a poor peasant=a poor peasant's son 一个贫农的儿子


an old woman's story(一个老妇人讲自己的身世)

the story of an old woman(别人讲一个老妇人的身世)



名词+of+名词性物主代词。例如:a good friend of mine 我的一个好朋友

名词+of+'s所有格。例如:He is a friend of my sister's.他是我姐姐的一个朋友 试比较a picture of Xiao Zhang 小张(本人)的照片

a picture of Xiao Zhang's 小张(具有的照片中)的一张照片



1. Today is September 10th. It's ________ Day.

A. Teacher B. Teacher's C. Teachers' D. Teacher'

2. It's June 1st, it's ________ Day.

A. Childrens B. Children's C. Childrens' D. Childrens's

3. This year, ________ is on May 9th.

A. My mother's brithday B. My mothers' brithday

C. My mothers brithday D. My mothers's brithday

4. —Where is Mr. Zhang? —He is in the ________ .

A. teacher's reading room B. teachers' reading room

C. teacher reading room D. teachers reading room

5. It's about ________ from my home to our school.

A. twenty minutes' walk B. walk of twenty minutes'

C. walk of twenty minutes' D. twenty minute's walk

6. ________ is very small and white.

A. The hat of your brother's B. The hat of your brother

C. Your brother's hat D. Your brother hat

7. This is ________ .

A. Mike and Jim's bike B. Mike's and Jim bike

C. Mike's and Jim's bike D. Mike and Jim bike

8. These are ________ books. Li Lin bought some at the Sun Bookstore and Jill bought some at the Blue Sky Bookstore.

A. Li Lin's and Jill B. Li Lin and Jill's C. Li Lin's and Jill D. Li Lin's and Jill's

9. Billy and I are good friends, I have ________ . Look at this one, how sweet he is smiling!

A. some pictures of Billy' B. some pictures of Billy's

C. some Billy's pictures D. some pictures of Billy

10. This is ________ , and I borrowed it two days ago.

A. a picture of Mr. Cox B. a picture of Mr. Cox's

C. a Mr. Cox' picture D. Mr. Cox's picture

二: 写出下列名名词和词组的所有格

1 a sister ______________ 2.a boy ______________

2 today ______________ 4.a baby ______________

5 a camel ______________ 6.men _______________

7.birds ______________ 8.two days ______________

9.John and Mary(两人共有的)_____________________________

10.John and Mary (两人各自所有的)___________________________



名词所有格分为三种:’s 所有格,of所有格 ,双重所有格 ①’s所有格


⒈一般单数名词和不以s结尾的复数名词在词尾加s My son’s watch我儿子的表a women’s hospital一家妇科医院 to live a dog’s life过着猪狗不如的生活 ⒉词尾是s的复数名词在词尾直接加’s

birds’neats 鸟窝 my parents’wishes我父母的心愿 ⒊词尾是s的单数可数名词或专用名词之后加’或’s my boss’s∕boss’ plan 我老板的计划 Paris’s∕Paris’fashion expo巴黎服装博览会 ⒋复合名词在最后一个词上加’s

My brother-in law’s birthday cake 我姐夫的生日蛋糕

A grown-up’s problem一个成人问题 ⒌名词后有同位语时,只将同位语变所有格即可

This is my elder sisther,Mary’s bicycle这是我姐姐玛丽的自行车

⒍由and两个或多个名词表示共同拥有某事物时,只将最后一个名词变为所有格形式;如果表示各自所有,则每个名词都要变成所有格 John and Mary’s school约翰和玛丽的学校

John’s and Mary’s schools约翰和玛丽各自的学校 ⑵’s所有格的用法 ⒈表示人或物真正的拥有时用’s或’所有格形式

The White House is the president’s home in Washington D .C 白宫是美国总统在华盛顿特区的家

Many students’eyesight is getting poorer and poorer 很多学生的视力变得越来越差


today’s newspapers 今天的报纸

a five days’journey 一次五天的旅行

two days’absence 缺席两天


China’s economy中国经济Nature’s works 大自然的作品 sorrow’s tears 悲哀的眼泪 spring’s smiles春天的微笑 ⒋构成不同节日时常用’s或’所有格

Valentine’s Day 情人节 April Fool’s Day愚人节


At the doctor’s(office) 在诊所 at the Tom’s(home)在汤姆家 ⒍’所有格单独使用。有时为了避免重复。可以单独使用’所有格,在句中相当于名词


This teddy bear is my little sisther’s(doll)

My spoken English is just as good as Susan’s(spoken English) ②of所有格 of +名词

⒈用于无生命的事物 from the top of the hill of the car ⒉用于名词化的词the life of the poor the living conditions of the old

⒊用于有较多修饰语的名词the advice of the old man The tail of old black cat

⒋与人的活动紧密相关的名词既可用’s 但更常用of所有格 China’s economy=the economy of China 中国的经济 Today’s weather =the weather of today 今天的天气

⒌表示某人所发生的事情或遭遇时可用’s 但更常用of所有格 his father’s death the death of his father

③双重所有格 of+名词’s所有格或名词性物主代词 ⒈特定人的不特定所有关系

A latest work of my father’s (works)我父亲作品中最新的一部 Another friend of George’s (friends)乔治的朋友中的另外一个 Any friend of George’s 乔治的朋友中的任何一个

注:不能用the friend of his 或a friend of a student 或

A f riend of a student’s来表示所属关系




That brother of yours is always looking for trouble 你的那个哥哥总是惹是生非

This old watch of my father’s gains a lot every day 我父亲的这块旧表每天都会快很多

特别提示:a friend of my father 与a friend of my father’s的差别,前者强调‘朋友关系’,后者强调‘许多朋友中的一个’

Sam is a friend of my father 山姆是我父亲的朋友

Sam is a friend of my father’s山姆是我父亲的一个朋友

A photo of my sisther 与a photo of my sisther’s 前者强调同位关系,后者强调所有关系

A photo of my sisther 我妹妹的一张照片

A photo of my sisther’s我妹妹拥有的一张照片
