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篇一:Globalisation is beneficial for developing countries

Globalisation is beneficial for developing countries

Globalization is the process of development of human society. Further, it has been effecting the nations, especially for developing countries, in various aspects. Globalization has provided developing countries numerous opportunities via the appropriate frameworks of the political economy (Kunnanatt 2013, p. 42). Developing countries cannot merely acquire theoretical knowledge, but also practical experience on many fields by cooperating with developed countries attribute to globalization. On the other hand, “the rise of political philosophies, based on the assumption that free markets follow a natural trajectory towards democratic and capitalistic philosophies. Using these assumptions, increasing global trade increases political stability and also increases job opportunities, technological progress, and equality” (n.d.). However, this essay will argue that Globalization is good for developing countries for several reasons. Specifically, the international trade will ficilate the economic growth for developing countries. Moreover, globaliztion will also make the contributions to the social improvement like healthcare. The advanced technology and facilities, better education and medication ensure the progress of healthcare.

To begin with, developing countries will get significant progress on economy by international trade owing to the globalization. Import and Export Corporation plays a pivot role to bridge the gap between nations, which is a very good way to build up the relations between the countries. For example, some poor countries that have opened their markets to do international trade with others have five times faster economy growth compared with those that kept their market closed (Dan 2009, p. 144). Therefore, if poor countries keep closing their market, the poor countries could have a low growth rate in the world. In addition, the rate of import in developing countries could boost the growth of economy. For instance, some underdeveloped countries apply some advanced strategies from experts of developed countries with a minimum growth rate of 15% per year (Friday et al.2014, p. 13) and the increase of merchandise exports of developing countries is significantly higher than that in developed countries (developing countries 7.3% annual average growth, developing countries

4.9%)(Dan 2009, p. 145). Dan(2009, p. 144) points out that globalization can also create competition that acts as a stimulator of economy growth of developing countries which in order to increase the competency on the international market, a country has to improve the quality of its products to keep pace with other country?s

needs. As a result, globalization has contributed to the industrial production growth of developing countries, which will also improve the economy growth of developing countries and the government of a developing country can learn the advanced technologies and ideas from some developed countries.

Secondly, developing countries will be benefited from the globalization in terms of healthcare, which includes worldly advanced technology, facilities and medication. Developing countries can utilize the welfare system from some developed countries to meet citizen?s satisfaction and to improve their well-being and developing countries can also enhance their medical conditions by importing medicine and medical facilities. For example, Canada has become the first country to pass the legislation that allow for the production and export of medicine to those countries that lacked their own drugs manufacturers (Lexchin 2013). As a consequence, developing countries could be benefited from developing countries, which could lower their sickness from importing medicine and medical facilities. In addition, the doctors in developing country also have the opportunities to acquire the advanced medical technology and treatment by having a group meeting with others or reading others professional reports. As a result, the doctors in developed countries can provide the cutting-edged brain surgery method to those doctors who are in developing countries.

Finally, people in developing countries can gain better education because of globalization. Many people even did not have an opportunity to attend to school in many feudalism countries in many years ago, due to the fact that they do not have “right” to do. But in contemporary society, many countries have declared that all people have right to receive education. For example, the government of Pakistan admitted that education is a fundamental right for its citizens, and the government will provide access to education to every citizen (Tarique 2010, p. 151). Consequently, the progress of education in developing countries is remarkable, although some developing countries still have some problems need to improve such as the imbalance between rural and urban, gender issues and insufficient funds of education. Additionally, students who choose to go overseas to continue their tertiary education and return to their home countries after finishing study will build up their countries. For instance, “2013 data produced on the return rate of foreign exchange students

shows that since the 1980s reforms were implemented, a total of 1.09 million people have returned to China; including 800,000 in the last five years alone, three times the number returning 30 years ago. 2012 saw the largest number return at 272,900; which is a growth of 46.57%.” (EChinacities, 2013), which also is a very good example of globalization benefits education in developing countries that students command profession skills to return for the sake of developing their home countries. Thus, developing countries will get benefits from better education.

In conclusion, globalization has benefited developing countries economy growth, healthcare improvement, education accessibility and industry development etc. It is clear that globalization exerts positive influence on developing countries in various aspects. However, we also have to notice that there are still a lot improvements we can do to achieve better results, although the dramatic change in developing countries has been showed to us. Globalization makes developed countries have more responsibilities to help those underdeveloped countries, especially in the aspect of medical care and education. They should share their technologies and ideas to help developing countries so that we can make a better world.

Reference List:


GLOBAL PARTICIPATION MODEL', Economics, Management & Financial Markets, 8, 4, pp. 42-58, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 28 May 2014.

Boundless n.d., ?Benefits of Globalization?, retrieved 22 May 2014,

< https://www.boundless.com/business/international-business/globalization-in-


Wei, Dan. 2009. "Common Development Strategies for Asian and Latin American Developing Countries: from the perspective of foreign trade." Journal Of International

Commercial Law & Technology 4, no. 2: 143-153. Legal Source, EBSCOhost (accessed May 28, 2014).

Ebong, Friday, frebong@yahoo.co.uk, Elijah1, udoea@yahoo.com Udoh, and Frances1,

francesobafemi@yahoo.co.uk Obafemi. 2014. "Globalization and the Industrial Development of Nigeria: Evidence from Time Series Analysis." International Review Of Social Sciences & Humanities 6, no. 2: 12-24. Humanities Source, EBSCOhost (accessed May 28, 2014).

Joel Lexchin, 2013, Canada and access to medicines in developing countries: intellectual property rights first, Globalization and Health

Bhatti, Tarique, 2010. "Globalization and Reforms in Public Sector Education Systems in Developing Countries." Learning Community: An International Journal Of Education & Social Development 1, no. 2: 151-156. Education Source, EBSCOhost (accessed May 28, 2014).

eChinacities, 2013, Why Are China?s Most Talented Overseas Students Not Returning?, < /china-media/Why-Are-Chinas-Most-Talented-Overseas-Students-Not-Returning>

篇二:Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries 全套教案

Teaching plan

Module Two

Developing and Developed Countries

Teaching Aims:

1. Knowledge and Skill

a. Improve students’ ability of analyzing the given data and expressing their own opinion.

b. Train the skills of scanning, fast reading and careful reading. Guess the meanings of the new words

according to the context.

c. Learn how to use but, however and although, while. Write a short passage using these link words.

d. Cultivate students’ logical thinking ability by making comparison.

2.Emotion and Values

a. Make comparison between developing and developed countries. Analyze the data and have the students

come to the conclusion that something must be done to help the poor.

b. To encourage the Ss to be active and cooperative in the class

3. Cross-cultural awareness:

a. Understand the difference between developing countries and the developed country, and carry on objective

analysis to this kind of difference.

b. Know the development of the world as well as China, stimulate their strong desire to build their motherland

a more powerful one.

4. Character-building:

a. To help them know the problems some developing countries are facing and cultivate the emotion of loving

and care

b. To let them know the importance of giving their hand to the poor.

Difficulties and Importance:

a. How to use but, however and although, while.

b. How to analyze the given data and express their own opinion.

c. Improve the student’s ability of grasping the general idea of the passage.

Teaching Method:

a. Task-based methodology

b. Communicative Approach

Teaching Time:

Five periods:

Period 1 vocabulary and speaking


Everyday English

Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary

Period 3 Grammar Link words

Vocabulary and Listening

Period 4 Function Making comparisons

Vocabulary and Speaking


Period 5 Cultural corner

Task writing an advertisement for your hometown

Teaching Procedures:

Period 1

Step 1. Warming up

Look at the map of the world. And answer the following questions.

1. How many continents are there in the world?

2. Do you know the meaning of the following word?

Australia France Germany Iceland

Japan Norway Sweden

the Netherlands the UK the US

3. Can you find the countries above on the map?

Step 2 Vocabulary

1 the knowledge that you get at school or college

2 when people have very little money

3 an illness

4 when you do not have food, especially for a long period of time

5 the money that you make

6. a country that has a lot of business and industry

7. a country that is poor and does not have much industry

Suggested answers:

1. education 2. poverty 3. disease 4. hunger 5. income 6. developed country

7. developing country

Step 3 Discussions. Try your best to find the specific reasons to support your idea.

1) Which countries are developed countries and which are developing ones?

2) What are the differences between developing and developed countries?

? Income: ( larger / smaller)

? Industry and commerce: (flourishing / laggard)

? Education: (good / little)

? Life expectancy: (live long/short)

? Environment: good/bad(terrible)

3) What are the problems that the developing countries face? How to solve them?

? Poverty

? Less education

? Disease

? Hunger

? Bad environment

Suggested answers:

1) Developed countries are most of the western countries. Mainly included: America, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Canada and Japan.

Developing countries are most of countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

2)3) Any suitable answers are available.

Step 4 Everyday English

Choose the correct answer.

1. How do you find it? Means_______.

a. What is your opinion about it? b. How did you get here?

2. It’s totally fascinating means ________.

a. It’s very, very interesting. b. It’s very, very important.

3. as you see(them) means ________.

a. while you see them b. in your opinion

4. I didn’t get that means________.

a. I didn’t take that b. I didn’t hear what you said

5. (Let’s) find some of the action means ______.

a. Let’ do something interesting b. Let’s act.

Suggested answers:

1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a

Step 5 Speaking

a. Work in pairs.

Student A: You are collecting money for a charity that gives money to developing countries. explain to

Student B why he/she should give money.

Student B: Listen to Student A and ask questions. Decide whether you want to give money. If you decide to

give money, say how much you will give and why.

b. Make the dialogue in the right order.

1 Hi, David. I am collecting money for a charity. Can you give some money?

2 what about 5 dollars?

3How much should I give?

4 God. I do think I should give some money to them.

5Thank you. If we make greater efforts, more people will have safe drinking water.

6 You are right. Now I know we should do our best to help people in developing countries to reduce poverty. 7 For developing countries?

8 We are collecting money for developing countries.

9 It’s so kind of you.

10 That’s interesting. But why?

11 Yes, you know, every day 799 million people in developing countries are hungry.

12 It’s up to you.

Suggested answer:

1; 10; 8; 7; 11; 4;9; 3;12;2;5;6


1. Memorize the new words we have learned in the class.

2. Preview the passage: The human development report.

Period 2

Step 1 representation

As we all know, there are two kinds of countries in the world; if the country is rich, we call it a developed country; if the country is poor, we call it a developing one. Now, what’s the difference between them? Let’s learn the text, the human development report will give the difference between them.

Step 2 While-reading

a. Skimming and Scanning

b. Detailed Reading

Read the text quickly and silently and find the answers to the questions.

1. What did world leaders agree to do in 2000?

2. What does the Human Development Index measure?

3. What are the first two Development Goals?

4. What progress have we made towards these goals?

5. What do developed countries need to do?

Suggested answers:




4. 147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce poverty by 2015 or earlier. It measures a country’s achievement in three ways: life expectancy, education and income To reduce poverty and hunger, and ensure all children are educated up to the age of 11. There are some examples of successful development, like in China, but more effort is needed.

5. They need to give more money.

Step 3. Post-reading

Step 4 Discussion

We know there are lots of problems in some developing countries, they need our help, how should we help them? Discuss in a group of four, try to think of ways to help them. These topics may help you.

When you enjoy your meal, remember lots of people are hungry;

When you study, remember lots of children can not;

When you enjoy yourself, remember lots of people suffer from diseases;

When you live peacefully, remember lots of people suffer from the war.

So let’s give our hand and help them. Then the world will become a better one.

Step5 Language Explanations:

1. developed countries,发达国家 developing countries发展中国家

-ing分词和-ed分词作名词的前置定语时,现在分词表示主动或进行,过去分词表示被动或完成。 boiling water 滚开的水

sleeping baby 熟睡的婴儿

setting sun 下落的太阳 boiled water凉开水 retired worker 退休工人 improved conditions 改善了的状况

2. From this agreement came The Human Development Report.



Here comes the bus.

Out of classroom rushed the children.


Here he comes. Here you are. Away they went.

3. The index has some surprises.

surprise 为一可数名词,属于抽象名次的具体化,类似的词还有success, youth, beauty, power, necessity Your coming is a pleasant surprise. 你的来到是一个惊喜。

If you follow the teacher, you will be a success.如果你听老师的话,你将成为成功者

China has a great power. 中国已跨入大国行列。

4. The UK is in the13th position, while China is in the middle of the list.居于13位的是英国,而中国位于中游水平。

while 在此意为“然而,可是”具有轻微的转折和对比的含义。

Mother is busy cooking while Father is watching TV after work.下班后,妈妈忙于做饭而爸爸却在看电视。 The bottom ten countries are all from African countries, with Sierra Leone at the bottom of the list. 倒数的十个国家都来自非洲,塞拉利昂位居倒数第一。



Cubist artist painted objects or people, with different aspects of them showing at the same time.

With a book in his hand, the teacher came into the room.

The teacher came into the room, book in hand.

5. The most important goals are to reduce poverty and hunger: make sure that all children have education up to the age of 11. ( Page 2)

此处make sure意为“弄清楚;确保”,是动词短语,sure可以用certain代替。后面常跟的形式有:

(1) of / about + 名词/动词-ing。如:

Arrive early at the station to make sure / certain of getting a ticket.


China is a developing country, and in the socialist modernization drive in the process of economic development and environmental protection often conflict. We need to protect the environment of economic development.

First, we must protect the environment of economic development is the essential requirement of economic development. Economic development is to improve people's living standards. China's economic development is to solve the people's increasing material and cultural needs. Born Out of China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal agricultural country. Weak economic foundation, a low level of industrialization, in the course of economic development and economic development in the protection of the environment prevailing contradictions. Protection of the environment including the protection of people's living environment and the natural environment. Exist in the city economic development especially industrial development on the lives of the residents have a negative impact on the situation in the rural areas there is more damage the natural environment and ecological environment. The purpose of economic development is to improve people's living standards, and the process of development because of damage to the environment affect people's lives, and contrary to the original intent of economic development.

Second, we must protect the environment of economic development is the strategy of sustainable development requirements. The environment we live in, our future generations have to live here. We destroy the environment of economic development, some damage is irreparable, the future generations of crime. Now countries around the world have attached great importance to the strategy of sustainable development research, vigorously develop the green industry, and pollution-free industries. China is a civilization with a long history and a big country in the process of economic development should also attach importance to environmental protection, to leave our future generations a better living space.

Third, we must protect the environment of economic development is a natural law requirements. The process of economic development, if the serious damage to the natural environment, then we will be natural to be severely punished. Major floods caused damage to the environment are the inevitable result. In the floods in the consumption of manpower, material and financial fear of the expense of the environment more than the fruits of economic development. The laws of nature is merciless, who violated it who will be its revenge. We must attach great importance to the process of economic development in the protection of the natural environment and social environment.

Fourth, economic development and resolve conflicts protection of the environment is the fundamental way to further economic development.

Development is the last word. We can not lose the economic development and the protection of the environment, not because of the ground to protect the environment in the development of economic issues before the vine. Way is economic development. It is necessary to strengthen environmental awareness and use our brains. Economic development and environmental protection are not necessarily contradictory. On the contrary, economic development should promote environmental protection. Extensive multi-level high-technology development, industrial pollution-free green. The development of the economy, the prosperity of the country, the level of development of productive forces, people conquering nature's ability to transform nature will be further strengthened. People not only have the ability to protect the environment, but also the environment can be rebuilt. Desert will be transformed into farmland. Economic development is the way to protect the environment.

Fifth, the whole society should attach importance to developing the economy and protecting the environment. At present many places, there are many sectors of the expense of the environment and developing the economy. This is historical and practical reasons, but look at the use of the development issue, people will be even more profound understanding of the economi(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:developing)c development process of the importance of environmental protection, leaders at all levels should establish environmental awareness, from the strategic height of the development of knowledge economy and the protection of the environment , based on the overall situation into consideration in the protection of the environment at the same time vigorously developing the economy and improving the people's standard of living.

In short, protecting the environment and economic development are not contradictory. In the process of economic development must pay attention to protecting the environment.

Because pollution will, of course, cause harm. Earth is a circle of the world. In fact, there is no absolute on the planet waste. All things can be recycled. But human intervention so that the deviation in this cycle, there has been not the cycle of things. For example, the styrofoam boxes years ago. If this is the case, then, is a vicious circle. That the Earth's resources will be consumed End. Well, the earth dangerous. Protective measures should be as close to the Earth's self-cycle. Prevention should do more "farsightedness" and not always stare in the economic goals. Should be from the perspective of the humanities and natural starting








总之,保护环境与发展经济是不矛盾的。发展经济过程中必须注意保护环境。 因为污染当然会造成危害。地球是一个循环的世界。其实,在地球上没有绝对的废弃物。所有的东西都可以循环利用。但是人类的介入,使这个循环出现了偏差,出现了不能循环的东西。比如早些年的发泡饭盒。如果这样的话,那么,就是一个恶性循环。这样地球的资源就会被消耗完。那么,地球就危险了。保护的措施应该是尽量的接近地球的自我循环。预防应该是多做些“远视”,不要老是盯在经济目标上。


|评论Which should receive priority in China?Evironmental protection or

econonmic growth.

正方陈词:Good morning everyone! We are here now debating about whether environment protection or economy growth should take priority in China, we think it’s environment growth should be chosen. I have three reasons to prove this point. First, as a developing country, the economy power is far behind the developed counties, China have one fifth of the people in the world, but the income of per head is only in 109th among countries. so the urgent affairs of china is developing our economy. Second, economy growth doesn’t necessarily conflict with environment protection. we can develop our economy without environment pollution .Third, when our economy strength become strong ,we can spend more money and energy on environment protection,till then it will be a win-win. In a word, considering the current situations, economy growth should take priority in China.

反方陈词:We agree econonmic growth is needed.But think about the past decades,we followed the old model of “first pollution,last treament”, however, how did it come out? The environment problems have become increasingly prominent, and some local regions’ environment have been polluted to a dangerous extent that poses a great threat to our existence.What’s more , the cost was too high and the effect was not up to much by this means, it placed us in a completely passive position. At the same time the people started voicing new values: quality of life, urban conservation and the environment.So,we must get to the bottom of the problem and learne from the past ,that is to say, in the course of development, we should consider the effect of pollution and receive environment protection in first priority. Only in this way can we solve the environmental problems in the future reasonably. That’s all I want to say. 自由辩论

正方:We all know that in many places of china like many poor contries,where the environment is pretty good,there are thousands people 徘徊在贫困线上,lack of maoneyfor the food the need to live.then, opponent debaters,do you think we still need to develop our economics?

反方:But opponent debaters can’t ignore a fact that most areas of China have solved the problem of food and clothing at present.We have had the ability to help them.On the contrary, the level of economic development in many cities in eastern China is very high .But the pollution is pretty serious accordingly. The overcrowded living areas, the foul air, the impure water, the unbearable noise and rush hour traffic, all these things have affected the quality of life. We have money, but being under the sub health condition.Does it make any sense, opponent debaters?

正方:There do exist some estern cities whose economy is quite developed, but you forget that China has 130 billion people. And In most place the economy is quite backward, the estern cities can’t support all need of Chinese people. We know that environment protection need high-technology, High-tech personnel, and science research. They all need a lot of money,and money is created by economy. I want ask my fellow debater that can we protect our

environment well without strong economy strenth?

反方:Environmental protection needs economy . But we can’t sacrifice the environment for the economic growth . If you drink polluted water ,eat the toxic food , can we have a high quality of life ? Economic development must be on the premise of environmental protection . The policy of “returning farmland to forests and grass” slow down the speed of economic development to protect the environment. Doses it show that the environmental protection is more important?

正方:Opponent debaters have refered the returning farmland to forest policy.we admit our country has pay a lot of money for the environment even sacrificing the profit .but we hold the idea that the ep is an appro.. to ensure our economic develop better. As for the incident ,why we give up the money 。。。。。


反方总结: Our opponent said , ” the urgent affairs of china is developing our economy” .The goal we develop the economy today is to create a happy and comfortable life for people in the future . If the economic growth lead to the pollution of the environment ,can we live a better life ? The excessive economic growth has caused the greenhouse effect ,which lead to sea-level rises . As a result , thousands of coastal dweller have to face the fate of the migration . Moreover,the opponent also said ,” when our economy strength become strong ,we can spend more money and energy on environment protection.” I want to question that when the animals and plants have died out , what the opponent debater protect with the money and energy . If the economic growth delays for two years , we can wait two years to develop it .But , if the environmental protection delays two years , the species will be extinct , the resources will exhaust . The urgency like this can’t wait . So our side advocate the environmental protection should receive priority in China.Thank you.

篇四:Module2 Developing and Developed Countries 教学设计

Module2 Developing and Developed Countries




Step 1: Before you read

Please go over the word list for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation of the word, the relationship between its pronunciation and its spelling.

Step 2: While you read

Cut0 the sentences into thought groups, blacken the predicates, useful expressions and darken the connectives.

Step 3: After you read

Copy all the useful expressions into your Expression Book. You may make sentences with these expressions.

Periods 1&2

Introduction and

Reading—The Human Development Report


● To learn to read passages with link words about the Human Development Report ● To learn to read with strategies


Step 1: Warming up by defining The Human

Development Report

HDR is an annual report launched by UNDP(United Nations

Development Program联合国开发计划署) in 1990 to

stimulate and inform global development debate. The world's

173 countries are ranked according to their level of human

development. Usually every HDR focuses on some key issue

such as democracy. Country by country assessment of trends

towards achieving the UN MDGs (United Nations Millennium Development Goals联合国千年发展目标) is also given.

Warming up by getting to know what human development is

The concept of human development focuses on the ends rather than the means of 'development' and progress. The real objective of development should be to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative lives. Though this may appear to be a simple truth, it is often forgotten in the immediate concern with the accumulation of commodities and wealth. Human development denotes both the process of widening people's choices and the level of their achieved well-being. The most critical ones are to lead a long and healthy life, to be educated, and to enjoy a decent standard of living. Additional choices include political freedom, guaranteed human rights and self respect. The concept distinguishes between two sides of human development. One is the formation of human capabilities, such as improved health or knowledge. The other is the use that people make of their acquired capabilities, for work or leisure. Step 2: Before you read

Please go over the word list for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation of the word, the relationship between its pronunciation and its spelling.

Step 3: While you read

3. Complete the article with one word in each blank

In 2000, 147 world leaders agreed to cooperate to _1_ poverty by 2015 or earlier. From this agreement the Human Development Report is _2_. One of the most important parts of this report is the Human Development Index. _3_ Development Goals are listed in this report. The most important goals are to: Reduce _4_ and hunger; Make sure that all children have education up to the age of 11; Fight AIDS and other _5_; Improve the environment of poor people, e.g. make sure they have safe drinking water; _6_ developed countries to give more help to other countries. The 2003 Human Development Report _7_ example of successful development. For example, in nine 4. Answer the reading comprehension questions according to the text

1. In the year_____, 147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce poverty by _____ or earlier.

A. 2001, 2010 B. 2000, 2015 C. 2002, 2005 D. 1995, 2000

2. Which of the followings are not included in the most important goals listed in the report?

A. Reduce poverty and hunger B. Make sure that all children have education up to the age of 11

C. Fight AIDS and other diseases D. Get rid of all kinds of pollution

3. Over half of those going hungry daily are in _____.

A. North Asia and Africa B. South Asia or Africa

C. South America and Africa D. West Europe and South Asia

4. The Netherlands, Norway and Sweden among the _____ richest countries in the world

Step 4: After you read

1. Copy all the useful expressions into your Expression Book. If possible, make your own

2. Read to transfer information

In the Human Development Report you will find: Paragraph 1 telling about Development Report; Paragraph 2 telling about The Human Development Report Index; Paragraph 3 telling about and Paragraph 4 telling about


Step 5: Closing down by retelling the text

To end this period we shall try to retell the text in our own words with the help of the diagram above.

Period 3 Grammar—Link words


● To learn about link words and sentence cohesion


Step 1: Learning about cohesion

To achieve cohesion, the link of one sentence to the next, consider the following techniques: Repetition. In sentence B (the second of any two sentences), repeat a word from sentence A.

Synonymy. If direct repetition is too obvious, use a synonym of the word you wish to repeat. This strategy is call 'elegant variation.'

Antonymy. Using the 'opposite' word, an antonym, can also create sentence cohesion, since in language antonyms actually share more elements of meaning than you might imagine.

Pro-forms. Use a pronoun, pro-verb, or another pro-form to make explicit reference back to a form mentioned earlier.

Collocation. Use a commonly paired or expected or highly probable word to connect one sentence to another.

Enumeration. Use overt markers of sequence to highlight the connection between ideas. This system has many advantages: (a) it can link ideas that are otherwise completely unconnected, (b) it looks formal and distinctive, and (c) it promotes a second method of sentence cohesion, discussed in (7) below.

Parallelism. Repeat a sentence structure. This technique is the oldest, most overlooked, but probably the most elegant method of creating cohesion.

Transitions. Use a conjunction or conjunctive adverb to link sentences with particular logical relationships.

f. Concession. Indicates a willingness to consider the other side.

篇五:Unit 1 The Developing World

Unit 1 The Developing World

Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly.



The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. Learn some new words and useful expressions:

cruel, proper, by the way, bell, chairwoman, yet, grandson

2. Learn the present perfect tense:

You have just come back from your hometown.

Where have you been, Jane? I have been to Mount Huang with my parents.

By the way, where?s Maria? She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer…

3. Learn some functional sentences:

I felt sorry for them.

There goes the bell.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:12分钟)


T: Listen! The bell is ringing. Let?s begin our class! (老师解释The bell is ringing等于There goes the bell,板书bell,要求学生掌握)

Nice to see you again. Did you enjoy your summer holidays?

Ss: Yes.

T: (问其中一学生S1: I went to my grandparents? home. T: What did you do there?

S1: I went fishing, swimming and so on.

T: Wang Xue, where did you go?





?re a good girl. You?re helpful. S4, did you go

to summer classes?

S4: Yes. I did. I went to an English training school to improve my English. I think the English

training school is a nice place for me to improve my English.

T: (板书生词,请学生猜汉语意思并领读,要求掌握。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)

1. (创设对话情境。Mr. Smith组织Class 2


,解释并稍加操练。) (星期一Jim返回学校,Mr. Smith和Jim展开对话,呈现have/has been to …)

Jim: Good morning, Mr. Smith.

Smith: Good morning, Jim. You have just come back from Beijing. How was your trip? Jim: Cool! And I have been to many places of interest. (教师可用简笔画呈现have/has been to和have/has gone to,并讲解它们的区别。)

He has been to school.

He has gone to school.

(教师加重语气读has just come back。)



T: Yes. You have the right answer. Rita has been to her hometown in India in her summer

S2: Mount Huang.


T: S3: He has been to an English training school.

3. (重放课文1a录音,核对答案,板书并领读生词)





S4: They were working. They looked so tired and thin.

T: Rita saw them working for a boss in her hometown in India. They couldn?t go to Rita has been to …
