作业帮 > 体裁作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 15:26:39 体裁作文




Part I Writing

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the following topic. You should write at least 180 words but no more than 200 words.





Part II Listening

Section A

Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four , B) , C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the letter on Sheet I with a single line through the centre.


A.At lot showroom

a fast food restaurant


a little nap after lunch

B.Get up and take a short walk

C.Change her position now and then

D.Stretch legs before standing up

Question 3


A.The students should practice long-distance running

B.He doesn’t quite believe what the woman says

C.The students’ physical condition is not desirable

D.He thinks the race is too hard for the students

Question 4

A.They do not want to have a baby at present

B.They cannot afford to get married right now

C.They are both pursuing graduate studies

D.They will get their degrees in two years

Question 5

A.Twins usually have a lot in common

B.He must have been mistaken for Jack

C.Jack is certainly not as healthy as he is

D.He has not seen Jack for quite a few days

Question 6

A.The man will take the woman wo the museum

B.The man knows where the museum is located

C.The woman is asking the way at the

D.The woman will attend the opening of

Question 7

A.They cannot ask the guy to leave

B.The guy has been years

C.They should not the guy

D.The guy must lonely

Question 8



of his daily activities

9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


winds its way to the sea

B.It is quickly rising

C.It is eating into its banks

D.It is wide and deep

Question 10

A.Get the trucks over to the other side of the river


B.Take the equipment apart before being ferried

C.Reduce the transport cost as much as possible

D.Try to speed up the operation by any means

Question 11

A.Ask the commander to send a helicopter

B.Halt the operation until further orders

C.Cut trees and build rowing boats

D.Find as many coats as possible

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 12

A.Help him join an Indian expedition

B.Talk about his climbing experiences

C.Give up mountain climbing altogether

D.Save money to buy climbing equipment

Question 13

A.He was very strict with his children

B.He climbed mountains to earn a living

C.He had an unusual religious background

D.He was the first to conquer Mt. Question 14

A.They are like humans

B.They are sacred places C.They are to be D.They are to be Question

A.It was that pilled him through

B.It a in his mountain climbing career

gave him the strength to succeed

understand the Sherpa view of mountains

Section B

:In this section,you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage,you will hear questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a questiyou must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre

Passage One

Question 16


A. By reviewing what he has said previously

B.By comparing memorandums with letters

C.By showing a memorandum’ s structure

D.By analyzing the organization of a letter

Question 17

A.They spent a lot of time writing memorandums

B.They seldom read a memorandum through to the end

C.They placed emphasis on the format of memorandums

D.They ignored many of the memorandums they received Question 18

A.Style and wording

B.Structure and length

C.Directness and clarity

D.Simplicity and accuracy

Passage Two

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard. Question 19

A.Accurate dating

B.Professional look

C.Direct statement of purpose

D.Inclusion of appropriate humor

Question 20

A.They give top efficiency

B.They make an their workload

C.They unless forced to

D.They best use of their time


for work


A.They are addicted to playing online games

B.They try to avoid work whenever possible

C.They find to pleasure in the work they do

D.They simply have no sense of responsibility

Passage Three






China is playing an increasingly important role in helping the international community to eliminate extreme poverty by 2030. China has lifted as many as four hundred million people out of poverty, since the implementation of the reform and opening upin the late 1970s. In the next five years, China will provide supports to other developing countries in reducing poverty, development education, agricultural modernization, environmental protection and medical care, etc.China has seen notable improvements in reducing poverty, and has madeunremitting efforts in promoting economic growth. This will encourage otherpoor countries to strike back challenges when developing themselves. Whenpursuing the developing path with their own characteristics , these countries can learn from China’sexperience.



Recently, the Chinese government decided to upgrade its industry. China is now involved in the construction of high-speed trains, ocean-going vessels, robots, and even aircrafts. Not long ago, China obtained the contract for construction of a high-speed rail in Indonesia. It has also signed a contract with Malaysia to provide high-speed trains. This proves that people have faith in China-made products.

China-made products are gaining popularity, for which China has paid a price. However, it does contribute to the eradication of poverty and also, in the meantime, provide employment opportunities for people around the world. This is a good deed which is commendable. You may want to take a look at the purchased goods for the name of the producing country next time you go to the store. Most probably the product is made in China.


In China, parents are always trying to help their children. They even help make important decisions regardless of what their children want, because they believe

that it is for the good of the children. As a result, the growth and education of the children tend to succumb to the wishes of their parents.

If the parents decide to sign up extra-curricular classes for their children in order to increase their chances of being admitted to key schools, they would stick to their decisions, even if the children simply are not interested in them at all.

However, in the United States, parents are likely to respect the views of the children, and pay more attention to their ideas in decision-making.

It is probably commendable that Chinese parents attach great importance to education. However, when it comes to education, they should learn from American parents on how to balance the relationship between parents and children.


36. E. exception

37. O. worldwide

38. N. transmitting

39. L. shrank

40. A. assumed

41. F. fault

42. H. notably

43. I. previous

44. C. desperate

45. D. deterioration

选词填空 答案

36. O) vulnerable

37. J) permanent

38. A) advocate

39. N) tighten

40. K) restricted

41. E) facilities

42. G) investigate

43. M) statistical

44. C) correlation

45. D) exercise

36 O vulnerable

【解析】考查固定搭配be vulnerable to...易受....的影响。

37 J permanent

【解析】can be ______. 后可以填入形容词或分词,结合上下文语境,应填入形容词“他们所产生的影响是永久的。”

38A advocates

【解析】此处需填入一个名词。和前面的形容词构成搭配,即健康和环保倡导人士。 39N tighten

【解析】此处需填入一个动词。和后面的use 构成搭配,即加强对.....的使用。 40K restricted

【解析】考查主谓搭配和动宾搭配。Restricted与前面的“机构”及后面的“类型”搭配。 41E facilities


42G investigating

【解析】is now ______.此处从时态上判断,是现在进行时,所以要用分词形式,只能是G. 43M statistical

【解析】solid ______ evidence. 此处需填入一个修饰词对evidence加以限定,即统计证据。

44C correlation

【解析】a direct ______.此处需填入一个名词。结合上下文应该是“直接联系”。 45D exercise

【解析】to ______ caution. 此处需填入一个动词,即“保持谨慎”。



C 46. Not only moving objects and people but all systems have momentum.

I 47. Changing the current energy system requires the systematic training of professionals and skilled labor.

E48. Changing a light bulb is easier than changing the fixture housing it.

K49. Efforts to accelerate the current energy transitions didn’t succeed as expected.

G 50. To change the light source is costly because you have to change the whole fixture.

A 51. Energy systems, like an aircraft carrier set in motion, have huge momentum. G 52. The probl


em with lighting, if it arises, often doesn’t lie in light sources but in their applications.

J 53. The biggest obstacle to energy transition is that the present energy system is too expensive to replace.

D 54. The application of a technology can impact areas beyond itself.

B 55. Physical characteristics of moving objects help explain the dynamics of energy systems.


Passage One

56. A) It is free from racial biases.

57. D) It is politically sensitive.

58. A) Racial biases are widespread in the professional world.

59. C) People’s conception of a person has much to do with the way he or she is labeled.

60. D) All ethnic groups share the nation’s continued progress.

仔细阅读2 答案

61. A. It is the biggest obstacle to social mobility.

62. C. It is not correctly interpreted.

63. C. offer poor children more chances to climb the social ladder.

64. A. Family structure.

65. D. It is better to start from the community to help poor children move up the social ladder.




W: Wow, what a variety of salads you’ve got on your menu, could yourecommend something special?

M: Well, I think you can try this mixed salad. We make the dressingwith fresh


Q: what does the man mean?


W: I was talking to Mary the other day, and she mentioned that your newconsulting firm is doing really well.

M: Yes, business paced up much faster than we anticipated. We now haveover 200 clients.

Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?


W: Do you know where we keep flash disks and printing paper?

M: They should be in the cabinet if there are any. That’s where we keepall of our office supplies.

Q: what does the woman mean?


W: The printing of this dictionary is so small. I can’t read theexplanations at all. M: Let me get my magnify glass. I know I just can’t do without it.

Q: What does the man mean?


W: I’m considering having my office redecorated, the furniture is oldand the paint is chipping.

M: I’ll give you my sister-in-law’s number. She just graduated from aninterior designing academy, and will give a free estimate.

Q: What is the woman considering?


W: We have a full load of goods that needs to be delivered. But wecan’t get a container ship anyway.

M: That’s always being a problem in this port. The facilities here arenever able to meet our needs.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?


W: Why didn’t Rod get a pay raise?

M: The boss just isn’t convinced that his work attitude warranted it.She said she saw him by the coffee machine more often than at his desk.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?




Part I Writing

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the following topic. You should write at least 180 words but no more than 200 words.




In the modern society, with competition becomes increasingly fierce, to find a job is too difficult for the young generation. Academic qualification, as a job a stepping-stone, is an essential factor during the job hunting.

Some people think that the highly educated must be able to find a good job, because education can prove that a person has a good capacity. Therefore, it is commonly believe that a job seeker with a master degree must be easier to find a promising job than a undergraduate. However, now the company interviewers generally prefer to required a even higher academic qualification, like a doctor degree. Otherwise, the applicants, even though he or she has tremendous potential, will be refused relentlessly.

As far as I am concerned, education should not be the single standard in an interview. As for the companies, it is not necessarily a good principle as well. Now the whole community often talk about working ability and efficiency. For example, some people may have high academic qualification, but actually his ability is very limited. So both the individual and the community ought to change their attitude on academic qualification. We should realize that it is the operational

Part II Listening

Section A

Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A) , B) , C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

Question 1

A.At a grocery

B.In a parking lot

C.In a car showroom

D.At a fast food restaurant

Question 2

A.Have a little nap after lunch

B.Get up and take a short walk

C.Change her position now and then

D.Stretch legs before standing up

Question 3

A.The students should practice long-distance running

B.He doesn’t quite believe what the woman says

C.The students’ physical condition is not desirable

D.He thinks the race is too hard for the students

Question 4

A.They do not want to have a baby at present

B.They cannot afford to get married right now

C.They are both pursuing graduate studies

D.They will get their degrees in two years

Question 5

A.Twins usually have a lot in common

B.He must have been mistaken for Jack

C.Jack is certainly not as healthy as he is

D.He has not seen Jack for quite a few days

Question 6

A.The man will take the woman wo the museum

B.The man knows where the museum is located

C.The woman is asking the way at the crossroads

D.The woman will attend the opening of the museum

Question 7

A.They cannot ask the guy to leave

B.The guy has been coming in for years

C.They should not look down upon the guy

D.The guy must be feeling extremely lonely

Question 8

A.Collect timepieces

B.Become time-conscious

C.Learn to mend locks

D.Keep track of his daily activities

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 9

A.It winds its way to the sea

B.It is quickly rising

C.It is eating into its banks

D.It is wide and deep

Question 10

A.Get the trucks over to the other side of the river

B.Take the equipment apart before being ferried

C.Reduce the transport cost as much as possible

D.Try to speed up the operation by any means

Question 11

A.Ask the commander to send a helicopter

B.Halt the operation until further orders

C.Cut trees and build rowing boats

D.Find as many coats as possible

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 12

A.Help him join an Indian expedition

B.Talk about his climbing experiences

C.Give up mountain climbing altogether

D.Save money to buy climbing equipment

Question 13

A.He was very strict with his children

B.He climbed mountains to earn a living

C.He had an unusual religious background

D.He was the first to conquer Mt. Qomolangma

Question 14

A.They are like humans

B.They are sacred places

C.They are to be protected

D.They are to be conquered

Question 15

A.It was his father’s training that pilled him through

B.It was a milestone in his mountain climbing career

C.It was his father who gave him the strength to succeed

D.It helped him understand the Sherpa view of mountains

Section B

Directions:In this section,you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage,you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre

Passage One

Question 16

A. By reviewing what he has said previously

B.By comparing memorandums with letters

C.By showing a memorandum’ s structure

D.By analyzing the organization of a letter

Question 17

A.They spent a lot of time writing memorandums

B.They seldom read a memorandum through to the end

C.They placed emphasis on the format of memorandums

D.They ignored many of the memorandums they received

Question 18

A.Style and wording

B.Structure and length

C.Directness and clarity

D.Simplicity and accuracy

Passage Two

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard. Question 19

A.Accurate dating

B.Professional look

C.Direct statement of purpose

D.Inclusion of appropriate humor

Question 20

A.They give top priority to their work efficiency

B.They make an effort to lighten their workload

C.They never change work habits unless forced to

D.They try hard to make the best use of their time

Question 21


B.Sense of duty

C.Work efficiency

D.Passion for work

Question 22

A.They are addicted to playing online games

B.They try to avoid work whenever possible

C.They find to pleasure in the work they do

D.They simply have no sense of responsibility

Passage Three

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. Question 23

A.He lost all his property

B.He was sold to a circus

C.He was forced into slavery

D.He ran away from his family

Question 24

A.A carpenter

B.A businessman

C.A master of his

D.A black drummer

Question 25

A.It named its town hall after Solomon Northup

B.It declared July 24 Solomon Northup Day




最近,中国政府决定将其工业升级,中国现在涉足建造高速列车、远洋船舶、机器人,甚至飞机。不久前,中国获得了再印度尼西亚(Indonesia)建造一条高铁的合同;中国还与马来西亚(Malaysia)签署了为其提供高速列车的合同。这证明人们信赖中国造产品。 中国造产品越来越受欢迎。中国为此付出了代价,但这确实有助于消除贫困,同时还为世界各地的人们提供了就业机会。这是一件好事,值得称赞。下次你去商店时,可能想看一看你所购商品的出产国名。很有可能这件商品是中国造的。

Recently, the Chinese government decided to upgrade its industry. China is now involved in the construction of high-speed trains, ocean-going vessels, robots, and even aircrafts. Not long ago, China obtained the contract for construction of a high-speed rail in Indonesia. It has also signed a contract with Malaysia to provide high-speed trains. This proves that people have faith in China-made products.

China-made products are gaining popularity, for which China has paid a price. However, it does contribute to the eradication of poverty and also, in the meantime, provide employment opportunities for people around the world. This is a good deed which is commendable. You may want to take a look at the purchased goods for the name of the producing country next time you go to the store. Most probably the product is made in China.


在帮助国际社会于2030年前消除极端贫困过程中,中国正扮演着越来越重要的角色。 自20世纪70年代末实施改革开放以来,中国已使多达四亿人摆脱了贫困。在未来五年中,中国将向其他发展中国家在减少贫困、发展教育、农业现代化、环境保护和医疗保健等方面提供援助。


China is playing an increasingly important role in helping the international community in the process of eradicating extreme poverty by 2030.

Since the implementation of reform and opening up in the late 1970s, China has helped as many as 400 million people out of poverty. In the next five years, China will provide assistance to other developing countries in poverty reduction, education development, agricultural modernization, environmental protection, health care and so on.

China has made remarkable progress in poverty alleviation, and it has made unremitting efforts in promoting economic growth. This will encourage other poor countries to cope with their own development challenges. These countries can learn from

China?s experience in seeking the path of development with their own characteristics.

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on thepicture below。You should focus on theimpact of social networking websites on reading。



第一段: 描述漫画内容。强调网络阅读的趋势和现象

第二段: 分析网络读书的原因。(或阐述不同的人的不同观点)在这一段,既可以把网络阅读的影响力归结为利大于弊,也可以归结为弊大于利,自圆其说即可。


Thepicture describes a conversation between two people,one of them said: “I readabout 3 hours a day。My favorite book is Facebook。”The picture intends toinform us that the Internet has exerted an important influence on reading forthe modern citizens。 The phenomenon involves many factors,which canbe listed as the follows。 To begin with,with the rapid development of scientific technology,The Internet has become indispensable in our daily life.Undoubtedly,it provides people with many advantages and makes our life morecomfortable and efficient, including the way of reading。What?s more,it is a moreadvanced way to get information needed by people,and an efficient way to searchfor materials。“I have hardly ever bought any books since 2003。I have beenreading online in recent years。”said professor Wang from Peking University。“With the click of the mouse,any stories or information that I want at anygiven time or place,is there。”she said。This may well explain why so manypeople now prefer to embrace the wonders of the

Internet than read print copiesof book or any other reading material。

Every coin hastwo sides,reading in social networking websites is no exception。 Admittedly,there is false and useless information on the social networking websites, it isadvisable that we read more critically and carefully。

最近,中国政府决定将其工业升级。中国现在涉足建造高速列车,远洋船舶,机器人,甚至飞机。不久前,中国获得了在印度尼西亚建造一条高铁的合同: 中国还与马拉西亚签署了为其提供高速列车的合同。这证明人们信赖中国造产品。



The Chinese government has decided to upgrade the industrial structure recently。 The construction of high speed trains, ocean-going vessels, robots and even airplanes have been involved in and a contract on the construction of high-speed rail has been signed by China and Indonesia lately, which proved the fact that the product made in China enjoys a high level of reliability。

The “Made in China” have been widely spread around the world at a hefty cost。 However, with the elimination of poverty and the job opportunities provided for people around the world, the popularity of the “ Made in China” deserves applause。 Therefore, you may want to check the original places of the product you have bought in stores because it is exceedingly possible that this product is made in China。


As is graphically revealed in the cartoon, a few employees are holding a conference in the meeting room equipped with advanced devices。However,the most striking feature of the drawing is that the man in the center,who seems like a manager,says that they have lots of information technology,while useful information is badly needed。Simple as the illustration seems,it discloses a serious problem that it is rather hard to obtain helpful information in the highly modernized society。

A multitude of reasons can account for the phenomenon。On the one hand, it can be partially due to the fact that the modern technology has been developing at an incredible speed, which provides a booming amount of information and it is difficult to tell the right from the wrong。On the other hand,it is also because the restriction about spreading information on the Internet is far from perfect, making it difficult to get rid of the problem

effectively and fundamentally。

From my perspective,it is high time that we transferred our focus from developing technology to searching for something helpful。Only in this way can we acquire what we literally need。


在帮助国际社会于2030年前消除极端贫困过程中,中国正扮演着越来越重要的角色。自20世纪70年 代末实施改革开放以来,中国已使多达四亿人摆脱了贫困。在未来五年中,中国将向其他发展中国家在减少贫困、发展教育、农业现代化、环境保护和医疗保健等方 面提供援助。中国在减少贫困方面取得了显著进步,并在促进经济增长方面做出了不懈努力,这将鼓励其他贫困国家应对自身发展中的挑战。在追求具有自身特色的 发展道路时,这些国家可以借鉴中国的经验。

China is playing an increasingly important role in helping the international community to eliminate extreme poverty by 2030。China has lifted as many as four hundred million people out of poverty,since the implementation of the reform and opening upin the late 1970s。In the next five years,China will provide supports to other developing countries in reducing poverty,development education,agricultural modernization,environmental protection and medical care,etc.China has seen notable improvements in reducing poverty,and has madeunremitting efforts in promoting economic growth。This will encourage otherpoor countries to strike back challenges when developing themselves。Whenpursuing the developing path with their own characteristics,these countries can learn from China?s experience。






Recently, the Chinese government has decided to upgrade its industry. China is now

involved in building high-speed trains, ocean-going ships, robots, even the planes. Not long ago, China won the contract of building a high-speed railway in Indonesia. The Contract of China proving high-speed trains for Malaysia also signed by the two sides, which proves that goods made-in-China are widely trusted.

Goods made-in-China has become more and more popular. Although China has paid prices for it, it does help to eliminate poverty and to provide work chances for people all over the world as well. This is a good work and worth speaking highly of. You may want to take a look at which country your goods comes from when you go to the store next time. It is very probably made in China.


As is shown above, in the middle of the picture sit two people, one of whom said, “I love reading but my favorite book is Facebook。 This cartoon is trying to inform us that Internet, as a matter of fact, has been performing an indispensable role in reading for modern life。

There are two factors leading to this phenomenon reflected by the cartoon。 For one thing, with the scientific technology developing rapidly, the internet, to a large degree, plays a dominant part in our daily life。 Thus, there is no doubt that it offers us many advantages and makes our life more convenient and efficient, ranging from online meal booking to reading online。 Additionally, it is a more advanced approach to access to essential and useful information。 By clicking the mouse , any stories and information what I want at any given time and site can be accessed。 Consequently, that?s the reason why a large number of people prefer to choose the way of reading online。

Admittedly, much useless and false information abounds on the internet。 It is advisable for us to reading more carefully and critically。

2015.12.19 英语六级翻译真题及答案(沪江)


最近,中国政府决定将其工业升级,中国现在涉足建造高速列车、远洋船舶、机器人,甚至飞机。不久前,中国获得了再印度尼西亚(Indonesia)建造一条高铁的合同;中国还与马来西亚(Malaysia)签署了为其提供高速列车的合同。这证明人们信赖中国造产品。 中国造产品越来越受欢迎。中国为此付出了代价,但这确实有助于消除贫困,同时还为世界各地的人们提供了就业机会。这是一件好事,值得称赞。下次你去商店时,可能想看一



翻译一:文学艺术 <翻译题目>



The ideal of country life reflected by the art and literature is the important feature of Chinese culture, which is, to a large degree, attributed to the feelings to the nature from Taoist. There are two most popular topics in the traditional Chinese painting. One is the various scenes of happiness about family life, in which the old man often plays chess and drinks tea, with the man in the harvest, woman in weaving, children playing out of doors. The other scene is all kinds of pleasures about country life, in which the fisherman is fishing on the lake, with the farmer cutting wood and gathering herbs in the mountains and the scholar chanting poetry and painting pictures.

sitting under the pine trees. The two themes can represent the life ideal of Confucianism and Taoism.





Since the reform was launched in 1978, China has transformed from the planned economy into a market-based economy, experiencing rapid economic and social development. On the average, 10% of the GDP growth has made more than five hundred million people out of poverty. The “millennium development goal ”of the United Nations has been realized or are about to be reached in China. At present, the 12th five-year plan in China emphasizes the development of service industry and solve the problem of environmental and social imbalance. The government has set up a goal to reduce pollution,increasing energy efficiency,improving the chance of education and health care, and enlarging the social security. 7% of annual economic growth target in China shows that the government attaches great importance to the quality of life rather than the growth rate.


<翻译题目> 中国将努力确保到2015年就业者接受过平均13.3年的教育。如果这一目标得以实现,今后大部分进入劳动力市场的人都需获得大学文凭。




China will endeavor to ensure every employee to have average 13.3 years of education. If the goal is achieved, a majority of people entering the labor market will be having Bachelor’s degree.

In the next few years, China will increase the number of people in vocational college. Except focusing on the higher education, the government will find a breakthrough point to ensure the justice of education. China is trying to optimize education resources and,accordingly, the countryside as well as the less developed areas will receive more support.

In addition, the education ministry decides to improve the nutrition of students in less developed areas and provides equal opportunities for the children of workers from out of town to receive education in the city.
