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篇一:Forever Young 歌词

Forever Young

Let’s dance in style Let’s dance for a while Heaven can wait

Were only watching the skies Hoping for the best But expecting the worst

Are you going to drop the bomb or not?

Let us die young or let us live forever We don’t have the power But we never say never Sitting in a sandpit Life is a short trip The musics for the sad men

Can you imagine when this race is won?? Turn our golden faces into the sun Praising our leaders Were getting in tune

The musics played by the madmen

Forever young

I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever Forever - and ever

Some are like water Some are like the heat

Some are a melody and some are the beat Sooner or later they all will be gone Why dont they stay young?

Its so hard to get old without a cause I dont want to perish like a fading horse Youths like diamonds in the sun And diamonds are forever

So many adventures couldnt happen today So many songs we forgot to play So many dreams swinging out of the blue Well let them come true

Forever young...




凝望天空我们追求极致不畏艰困阻扰 让我们孤注一掷奋力一博




但年青的执着却让我们傲杀公侯 天地一逆百代一过客




每个人都将脸庞仰向热力迸射的阳光 我们静静的赞美上帝

主啊,这次我们终于唱出敲响心灵的歌声 疯狂的人奏响最疯狂的乐音


永远年轻,我要保有这无价的青春 永远不让他从我手中流逝








年岁渐长而漫无目标真是情何以堪 我不愿如白驹过隙一般虚度



如今有太多的冒险不敢尝试 太多的歌已经忘记怎么唱 太多的梦想随忧郁而逝 我们努力将它们实现


Forever Young 永远年轻

Let's dance in style 让我们翩然起舞

Let's dance for a while 让我们尽情欢笑

Heaven can wait 天堂也得等著我们

We're only watching the skies 我们只是仰望凝视着天空

Hoping for the best 愿望有最好的结果

But expecting the worst 却作了最坏的打算

Are you going to drop the bomb or not 你到底是否即将要投下炸弹

Let us die young or let us live forever 让我们英年早逝,或让我们长生不死 We don't have the power 的确,我们没有实权

But we never say never 但我们绝不说:绝不

Sitting in a sandpit 坐在沙坑里冥想

Life is a short trip 人生只是一趟短暂的旅行

The music's for the sad men 这音乐是为了悲伤的人们而写的

Can you imagine when this race is won 你能想象得出当我们赢得这场战争 Turn our golden faces into the sun 我们以胜利者光彩荣耀的脸 面向太阳 Praising our leaders 赞颂我们的领导者

We're getting in tune 我们随著领导者的音乐起舞

The music's played by the madmen 当一群疯狂的人在指挥着音乐演奏 Forever young, I want to be forever young 永远年轻,我想要永远年轻 Do you really want to live forever 你真的想活到永远

Forever -- and ever 永远,永远----

Some are like water 有人静若流水

Some are like the heat 有人热情如火

Some are a melody and some are the beat


Sooner or later, they all will be gone 迟早,他们都终将漂逝而去

Why don't they stay young 为何他们无法青春永驻

It's so hard to get old without a cause 徒增岁月而没有奋斗的课题又情何以堪 I don't want to perish like a fading horse 我不愿像褪了色的马一般灰飞烟灭 Youth's like diamonds in the sun 青春就像阳光下的钻石

And diamonds are forever 而钻石是永恒的

So many adventures couldn't happen today


So many songs we forgot to play 有太多的歌我们已经忘记怎麼去唱

So many dreams swinging out of the blue 有太多凭空而生的梦想

We'll let them come true 我们要使它们美梦成真

篇三:forever young

Let's dance in style

Let's dance for a while

Heaven can wait

We're only watching the skies

Hoping for the best

But expecting the worst

Are you going to drop the bomb or not

Let us die young or let us live forever

We don't have the power

But we never say never

Sitting in a sandpit

Life is a short trip

The music's for the sad men

Can you imagine

When this race is won

Turn our golden faces into the sun

Praising our leaders

We're getting in tune

The music's played by the madmen

Forever young

I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever

Forever and ever

Forever young

I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever

Forever young

Some are like water

Some are like the heat

Some are a melody and some are the beat

Sooner or later

They all will be gone

Why don't they stay young

It's so hard to get old without a cause

I don't want to perish like a fading horse

Youth's like diamonds in the sun

And diamonds are forever

So many adventures couldn't happen today

So many songs we forgot to play

So many dreams swinging out of the blue

We'll let them come true

Forever young

I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever

Forever and ever

Words and phrases

1. in style:so as to cause admiration by being fashionable and spending a lot of money,由英文释义,我们可看出in style有两层涵义:“赶时髦、讲气派”,请看下面两个例句:

** This year, short skirts are in style. 今年,短裙很流行。

** He is living in style. 他一向生活奢华。

在歌中,dance in style可以理解为“舞步时尚或流行”。

2. Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst :其实这句话我们一点都不陌生,汉语中常说,“抱最大的希望,做最坏的打算”,其相应的英文表达就是:We'd better hope for the best, but expect the worst.

3. Are you going to drop the bomb or not :这句牵涉到一点历史背景,这首歌的原唱是Alphaville(阿尔发村合唱团),乐队于1982年成立于西柏林,单曲“Forever young”发行于1984年。

源于冷战,刻上鲜明时代印记的柏林墙建立于1961年,一堵墙,不仅隔开了资本主义和社会主义,还使很多柏林家庭分裂成两半。这种状况直至持续到1990年,伴随着东西德的统一,柏林墙才不复存在。但在这之前的几十年,有关柏林墙以及东德西德之间的故事却充满着“相互的敌对、相互的猜疑以及相互的思念”,无论是墙的东边还是墙的西边,人们从不怀疑战争随时爆发的可能。所以这句“are you going to drop the bomb or not”体现了当时的时代特点——缺乏安全感的德国人多么渴望和平和统一。

4. never say never :这是一句习惯用语,其英文释义是nothing is impossible, anything can happen(没有不可能的),请看例句:

Mary said Tom would never call her again, but I told her, "Never say never." 玛丽说,汤姆再也不会给她打电话了,但我告诉她,“这是不可能的事儿”。

其实,汉语中我们常常挂在口边的“有志者事竟成”,其内蕴的真谛就是“Never say never”。

在歌中,依据歌词意境——个体的生杀大权掌握在上帝手中,或存在于冥冥中的未知——Never say never可以理解为“(我们虽无力违抗天意),却决不愿放弃个体的努力来顺从天意。”

5. swinging out of the blue :原意指from an unexpected or unforeseen source(出乎意料的、没有想到或没有预测到的”,如:criticism that came out of the blue(突如其来的批评)。

在歌中,out of the blue用来形容“远方不可知的梦”,理解时可与席慕蓉《初相遇》中那句美丽的诗行相联系——“美丽的梦和美丽的诗一样,都是可遇不可求的,常常在最没能料到的时刻里出现……”,所以,dreams swinging out of the blue可以翻译为“未知的梦在远方召唤”,译文里为了上下句对应,省掉了“未知”。

篇四:纪念青春—《Forever Young》欣赏



属于年轻人的五四到了,是不是需要一首歌来纪念已经或即将逝去的青春?来听《Forever Young》吧,不是Bob Dylan那首,也不是水木年华那首,而是德国乐队Alphaville1984年的单曲。既然有这么多首歌叫《Forever Young》,说明这是一个很讨喜的名字,但Alphaville这首并不是你想象的那种文艺调调或小资情怀。五一假日里,我坐在书房的飘窗前,一边听着它,一边看着北京春天里的漫天飘絮,思绪纷飞了一个下午,心情却愈发沉重。


耳边似乎总是在重复着一句歌词:“Do you really want to live forever”,你是否真的渴望永远年轻?这似乎是一个无聊的问题,谁不想青春永驻?但那个飘渺的男声,唱的不是年轻的肉体,而是年轻的精神。事实上,我们大多数人,像“衰老的马一样死去”,青春就像北京的春天,越来越短暂,还未驻足就随风飘散。

于是,Alphaville用诗一般的句子,唱出一个发人省醒的问题:“Some are like water some are like the heat,Some are a

melody and some are the beat,Sooner or later they all will be gone,Why don't they stay young?”,有些人柔情似水,有些人激情高涨,有些人节奏激荡,有些人轻舞飞扬,或早或迟,他们都会离去,为什么不能让青春永远激昂?




什么是年轻?Alphaville唱到:“Hopingfor the best but expecting the worst”,年轻就是既要有最好的希望,也要有最坏的打算,换句话说,年轻就是敢梦想,输得起。但30多年的经济快速增长之后,我们已经输不起,因为得到的越多,我们越害怕失去。只有一无所有的时候,失去才没有机会成本,但我们并不是一无所有,经济发展伴随着物质积累,物质积累必然引致欲望膨胀。拥有越来越多的物质追求,我们就越来越不敢冒险,越来越愿意早点成熟起来,而那些不切实际的梦想,就逐渐变成了奢侈品,慢慢也就不再去想。 什么是年轻?Alphaville唱到:“Wedon't have the power but we never say never”,年轻就是我们没有力量,却永不放弃。但30多年的经济快速增长之后,无形之手和有形之手的力量都前所未有地得到展现,这些力量对物质世界的改变是如此之大,以至于我们每个人的精神世界也受到巨大冲击,缺乏对内心力量的信任,而是惊叹、畏惧、甚至崇拜外在的力量。我发现一个有趣的现象,很多年轻人,一边对机会公平缺失愤愤不平,一边又极力钻营,在贴近这些力量时毫不矜持。现在很多人在说阶级固化,连英国《经济学人》杂志也将中国的屌丝文化归因于阶级固化。不过,在我看来,比阶级固化更可怕的,是年轻人的思维固化,越来越多的年轻人不愿永远年轻,


什么是年轻?Alphaville唱到:“It's sohard to get old

without a cause”,年轻就是不接受没有理由的老去。那么,什么样的理由可以让我们接受老去的事实呢?我想这个理由就是已经做了想做的事。我们想做的事,很多是没有经济意义的事情,就像陈寅恪说的:“不做无聊之事,何遣有涯之生”。但30多年的经济快速增长之后,物质主义文化的影响如此深远,以至于做无聊之事的机会成本越来越高,很多年轻人,难得休息还想着请“有用的朋友”吃个饭,陪“有权的领导”打个牌,相比这些可以量化的物质利益预期,无聊之事实在无关轻重,没有做就变老也在所不惜。事实上,有趣的人越来越少,在年轻人聚会中,我最常听到的是政局秘闻和业界八卦,人们总是装作不经意地传递出一些信息,让你知道他有多么靠近这个时代的力量中心,兴奋之情溢于言表。可悲的是,几乎没有人谈论音乐、电影或文学,或是其他真正有趣的事情,年轻人的世界老气横秋。 说实话,经济发展改变了我们的物质生活,也影响了我们的精神世界,在物质主义抬头的时代,想要永远年轻真的很不容易。从这一点看,中国经济增速慢慢降下来,寻找一个更有质量的均衡,也是一件好事吧。

就我而言,《Forever Young》最震撼我的一句歌词是:“Letus die young or let us live forever”,让我们年轻时死去或者永生。


篇五:Forever young

Forever young? 青春永驻?

BIOLOGISTS have made a lot of progress in understanding ageing. They have not, however, been able to do much about slowing it down. Particular versions of certain genes have been shown to prolong life, but that is no help to those who do not have them. A piece of work reported in this week’s Nature by Darren Baker of the Mayo Clinic, in Minnesota, though, describes an extraordinary result that points to a way the process might be ameliorated. Dr Baker has shown—in mice, at least—that ageing body cells not only suffer themselves, but also have adverse effects on otherwise healthy cells around them. More significantly, he has shown that if such ageing cells are selectively destroyed, these adverse effects go away.

在对人类衰老过程的探索中生物学家们取得了长足的进步。可是如何减缓衰老他们还没有太多的办法。与延长寿命相关的特定基因已经找到,但这还帮不了那些此段基因缺失的人。本周《自然》杂志发表了明尼苏达州梅奥诊所的Dr.Darren Baker的一项实验报告,描述了其所采取的方法使得衰老进程得到改善,结果非常好。至少在实验小白鼠体内是这样,Dr.Barker称体细胞不仅自己逐渐衰老,还将不利的影响传达到周围健康的细胞。更神奇的是,如果这些衰老的细胞被人为破坏掉,它们对健康细胞的负面影响也会随之消失。 The story starts with an observation, made a few years ago, that senescent cells often produce a molecule called P16INK4A. Most body cells have an upper limit on the number of times they can divide—and thus multiply in number. P16INK4A is part of the control mechanism that brings cell division to a halt when this limit is reached.


The Hayflick limit(1), as the upper bound is known (after Leonard Hayflick, the biologist who discovered it), is believed to be an

anticancer mechanism. It provides a backstop that prevents a runaway cell line from reproducing indefinitely, and thus becoming a tumour. The limit varies from species to species—in humans, it is about 60 divisions—and its size is correlated with the lifespan of the animal concerned. Hayflick-limited cells thus accumulate as an animal ages, and many biologists believe they are one of the things which control maximum lifespan. Dr Baker’s experiment suggests this is correct.

海弗利克极限,即我们所知的上限(以发现的生物学家 Leonard Hayflick的名字命名)现在认为可作为一种抗癌机制,它可以拦截、阻断细胞链的无限期、失常的增生,正是这种失常的增生形成了肿瘤。这种极限随物种不同而不同,人类大致的分裂次数上限是60次,极限的大小与相应动物的预期生命期限有关。 细胞的海弗利克极限累加就是动物的寿命长度,很多的生物学家推测它们控制着生命期限最长值。Dr.Barker的实验证明了推测是正确的。

Age shall not weary them 老而未衰的器官

Dr Baker genetically engineered a group of mice that were already quite unusual. They had a condition called progeria, meaning that they aged much more rapidly than normal mice. (A few unfortunate humans suffer from a similar condition.) The extra tweak he added to the DNA of these mice was a way of killing cells that produce P16INK4A. He did this by inserting into the animals’ DNA, near the gene for P16INK4A, a second gene that was, because of this proximity, controlled by the same genetic switch. This second gene, activated whenever the gene for P16INK4A was active, produced a protein that was harmless in itself, but which could be made deadly by the presence of a particular drug. Giving a mouse this drug, then, would kill cells which had reached their Hayflick limits while leaving other cells untouched. Dr Baker raised his mice, administered the drug, and watched.

Dr. Baker 通过基因工程处理的一组小白鼠非常特别,它们的症状也称早老症,意味着它们比一般的小白鼠衰老的更快。(不幸的是,少数人类也患有这一病症),他在这些小白鼠的DNA中加入了可杀死能产生P16INK4A分子的细胞的特别基因,具体做法是在实验小



后,就会杀死那些接近海弗利克极限的细胞,其它细胞则完好无损。 Dr Baker 培养这些小白鼠,给它们服用药物后,观察它们。

The results were spectacular. Mice given the drug every three days from birth suffered far less age-related body-wasting than those which were not. They lost less fatty tissue. Their muscles remained plump (and effective, too, according to treadmill tests). And they did not suffer cataracts of the eye. They did, though, continue to experience age-related problems in tissues that do not produce P16INK4A as they get old. In particular, their hearts and blood vessels aged normally (or, rather, what passes for normally in mice with progeria). For that reason, since heart failure is the main cause of death in such mice, their lifespans were not extended. 结果是出人意料的。小白鼠出生后每3天给一次药,服药小白鼠比没服药小白鼠的与衰老相关的机体耗损要少的多。它们耗损的脂肪组织更少,肌肉丰满(经过反复实验,效果都不错),并且都没患上白内障。接下来,他们还对那些老化的但并没有出现P16INK4A分子的器官也进行了衰老相关问题的实验,特别是它们的心脏和血管,老化的进程很正常(即使患早老症的小白鼠也是这样),小白鼠的主要是死因心脏衰竭,所以它们的预期寿命不会再延长了。

forever young

The drug, Dr Baker found, produced some benefit even if it was administered to a mouse only later in life. Though it could not clear cataracts that had already formed, it partly reversed muscle-wasting and fatty-tissue loss. Such mice were thus healthier than their untreated confrères.

Dr Baker发现,这种药物即使是饲喂给生命快到尽头的的小白鼠也会有一定的疗效,尽管对已经形成的白内障没法再变回清澈,但能使肌肉及脂肪组织的耗损部分得以缓解,这些小白鼠因此比没有服药的更健康。

Analysis of tissue from mice killed during the course of the experiment showed that the drug was having its intended effect. Cells producing P16INK4A were killed and cleared away as they appeared. Dr Baker’s results therefore support the previously untested hypothesis that not only do cells which are at the Hayflick limit stop working well themselves, they also have malign effects (presumably through chemicals they secrete) on their otherwise healthy neighbours.


Regardless of the biochemical details, the most intriguing thing Dr Baker’s result provides is a new way of thinking about how to slow the process of ageing—and one that works with the grain of nature, rather than against it. Existing lines of inquiry into prolonging lifespan are based either on removing the Hayflick limit, which would have all sorts of untoward consequences, or suppressing production of the oxidative chemicals that are believed to cause much of the cellular damage which is bracketed together and labelled as senescence. But these chemicals are a by-product of the metabolic activity that powers the body. If 4 billion years of natural selection have not dealt with them it suggests that suppressing them may have worse consequences than not suppressing them.



By contrast, actually eliminating senescent cells may be a logical extension of the process of shutting them down (they certainly cannot cause cancer if they are dead), and thus may not have adverse consequences. It is not an elixir of life, for eventually the body will run out of cells, as more and more of them reach their Hayflick limits. But it could be a way of providing a healthier and more robust old age than people currently enjoy.

相反的,真正的消除掉衰老细胞可能是延长机体细胞正常运作的一个符合逻辑的作法(如果细胞死亡了,当然就不会再引发癌症),也不会再有不利结果了。世上没有生命可以长生不老,随着机体内越来越多的细胞到了自己的海弗利克极限,最终,机体也就到了消亡的那一天。但是未来的我们可能会比现在更健康、更有活力的老去。 Genetically engineering people in the way that Dr Baker engineered his mice is obviously out of the question for the foreseeable future. But if some other means of clearing cells rich in P16INK4A from the body could be found, it might have the desired effect. The wasting and weakening of the tissues that accompanies senescence would be a thing of the past, and old age could then truly become ripe.

毫无疑问,在可预见的未来某天,Dr. Baker在小白鼠身上采用的基因技术就能应用在人类身上。但如果还能找到其它方法消除体内富含P16INK4A分子的细胞,那可能才是我们期望的效果。伴随着衰老而产生的机体组织耗损、衰弱都将成为过去,年老只意味着真正意义上的成熟!

from the print edition | Science and technology

(1)海佛烈克极限(黑弗利克极限)(Hayflick limit)指因为端粒(telomere)有分裂次数极限而使细胞停止分裂。于1965年由列奥那多·海佛烈克(Leonard Hayflick)提出,他证明一般人类细胞在细胞培养下,在进入衰老期前可分裂52次,恰好推翻艾力克西斯·卡洛(Alexis Carrel)先前主张的细胞永生说。端粒DNA会随每次细
