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Tonight I watched the movie for the third time. I really enjoy this film so much.

So what's your choice between being a common person or a hero with people's respects? Most people will choose the latter. But what will be your choice if the cost is laying your lover among the risks? What will it be if the cost is you can never tell the girl, who you love so much, that you love her? The spider man had this contradiction. But finally he still chose the latter, not in order to be a hero, but to make this word peaceful.

I was so moved by the words the Aunt Mary said:

You will never guess what he wants to be, the spider man. He knows the hero when he sees one, too a few characters out there, flying all around out there, saving old girls like me. Lord knows kids like Henry need hero courageous, sacrificing for people, setting examples for all of us. Everybody loves a hero. People enthrone them, cheer them, scream their names and years later they will tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse the one who taught them to hold on to stand longer. I believe there is a hero in all of us. They keep us be honest, give us

strength, make us noble, and finally allow us to die with proud. Ever though sometimes we have to initiatively give up the thing we want most, even our dreams. Spider man did that for Henry, so he wants to know where he is gone. He needs him.

The spider man got much from these words, so did I. And what about you? what's the hero lying in you?



????Kramer vs. Kramer is a 1979 film which tells the story of a divorce and its impact on everyone involved, including the couple's young son. In Kramer vs. Kramer,

Joanna Kramer, a Smith College graduate, is a stay-at-home mother for her son Billy. Feeling confined in this role, and neglected by her husband Ted, Joanna leaves the marriage in order to find herself a life.

????Ted, who has been focusing on his career in advertising, and was just given his agency's biggest new account, is shocked by Joanna's decision and is left to raise Billy by himself. With the help of his neighbor and Joanna's friend, Margaret, Ted comes to understand why his ex-wife Joanna left. In the process, he also becomes more invested in raising Billy than in his job.

????About a year and a half after leaving, Joanna returns to New York in order to claim Billy, and a custody battle ensues. The courts side with the mother. But Joanna knows that his son's true home is with Ted, and she chooses to let Billy stay with his father.

????There is an amazing cultural impact in Kramer vs. Kramer which I like best. It reflected a cultural shift that occurred during the 1970s and the period of second-wave feminism, when ideas about motherhood and fatherhood were changing in American society!






[转]为大学英语写作加分的30句经典谚语 2010-9-13 19:13阅读(11)转载自肖世学.






上一篇 |下一篇:中国从四面“包围...

1. The more you pay,the more you will gain。


2.The view from the mountain top was most picturesque.。


3.Every man is the architect of his own forture。


4.Never too told to learn ,never too late to turn。



5.No cross,no crown.,


6.No pains,no gains。


7.A friend without faults will never be found。


8.Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind 。


9.There is fierce competition in the college Entrance Examinations。


10.Every man has his fault。


11.Face the music。


12 When the going gets tough, the tough get going。


13.Don not give up。


14.The happy the happiness。

越快乐越幸福 。

15.Where thoughts serenely sweet express。


16.A good book is a good friend。


17. To save time is to lengthen life


18. The greatest pride in life is exploration and precious。


19 Today must borrow nothing of tomorrow 。


20. No cross no crown。


21.When the going gets though the tugh get going。


22.Working together,hard work。


23. Knowedge is possiession。


24. Half a successed is hard work。


25. A crowd is not company。


26. If you think you can ,you can。


27. No cars, no crown。


28. Great hope make great men。


29. Doubt is the key of knowledge。


30. Where is a will there is a way。














童年的一起突发事件,令彼得?帕克(安德鲁?加菲尔德 Andrew Garfield 饰)和父母生离死别。转眼彼得成为一名高中生,他偶然发现父亲的公文包,并从叔父本处得到线索,于是启程前往奥斯库公司拜访父亲当年的合作伙伴——科特?康纳斯博士。在公司内四处寻找线索的彼得意外被蜘蛛咬了一口,回程途中他的身体发生奇异的变化。在康纳斯博士德引导下,彼得不断了解并发掘体内超乎寻常的能力,喜怒哀乐,各种意想不到的事情迅速向他袭来。渐渐地,他便成了远近闻名的超级战士蜘蛛侠。



1. Come on. I know a right cross when I see it.


2. I'm afraid duty calls. I will leave you in the more-than-capable hands of Miss Stacy. 我还有事,就把你们交给能干的斯泰西小姐了。

3. Most of his victims are suspects with rap sheets. They're calling him a vigilante. 被他打的人大都是有前科的嫌犯,人们称他是侠客。

4. Go figure.


5. He’s a character.


6. I was touching up stuff.





Peter: Hey. Hey, I thought you…

Uncle: Did you forget something?

Peter: What?

Uncle: Now, don’t answer that, but I’m glad to know it’s working. You owe your aunt an apology big time. Be a man, get in there and apologize.

Peter: I’m sorry. Aunt May, I…

Aunt: Honestly, you don’t have to apologize to me. It’s your…

Uncle: The hell he doesn’t.

Aunt: Ben.

Peter: Look, I’m sorry, I got distracted.

Uncle: Oh, he got distracted.

Peter: Yeah.

Uncle: Your aunt, my wife, had to walk 12 blocks alone in the middle of the night and then wait in a deserted subway station because you got distracted.

Aunt: Ben, sweetheart, honestly, I am completely capable of walking home… Uncle: You will not defend this boy!

Aunt: I’m not defending…

Uncle: You are defending him. Listen to me, son.

Peter: Yeah, go ahead.

Uncle: You’re a lot like your father. You really are, Peter, and that’s a good thing, but your father lived by a philosophy, a principle, really. He believed that if you could do good things for other people, you had a moral obligation to do those things. That’s what’s at stake here. Not choice. Responsibility.

Peter: That is nice. That’s great. That’s all well and good. So where is he? Uncle: What?

Peter: Where is he? Where is my dad? He didn’t think it was his responsibility to be here to tell me himself?

Uncle: Oh, come on, how dare you?

Peter: How dare I? How dare you?

Uncle: Where are you going? Peter, come back here, please.

Aunt: Ben, leave him alone for a little while, He’ll be all right.

Uncle: Peter! Peter? Peter?

Salesman: It’s $2.07. It’s $2.07.

Peter: Yeah. No, I know.

Salesman: Yeah, you’re holding up the line. No. You can leave a penny. You can’t take a penny.

Peter: What?

Salesman: You can leave a penny anytime, you have to spend 10 dollars to take a penny. It’s a store policy.

Man: You’re holding up my line.

Peter: I don’t have 2 cents.

Salesman: You can’t afford milk, step aside. Daddy didn’t give you enough milk money today?

Peter: We’re talking about 2 cents.

Salesman: Just step aside, kid. Really? No, not cool, bro. Hey, man, stop! Somebody stop that guy! Hey, kid, little help?

Peter: Not my policy.

Salesman: Somebody stop that dude! Hey! Hey, stop! Somebody stop that dude! Uncle: Hey!

Peter: Oh, god, oh, god. Uncle Ben, Uncle Ben. Call an ambulance! Someone call an ambulance! Uncle Ben, Uncle Ben. Oh, god, oh, my god. Oh, god. No. Oh, Jesus. Police: Witnesses gave a description to the sketch artist. I need you to take a look. Aunt: No, I don’t know him.

Police: I didn’t expect you would, ma’am. Homicide detectives are on it. We’ll see what they turn up.

Aunt: Okay.
