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Writing assignment 1

1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: How to Build an Ideal Teacher-student Relationship. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given below in Chinese.

1) 大学中的师生关系是最重要的一对关系。

2) 如何才能建立理想的师生关系。

How to Build an Ideal Teacher-student Relationship

The relationship between a teacher and a student is very important to both teachers and students. A good teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and efficient as well as make the teacher’s job worthwhile. In contrast, a bad relationship will discourage the students from learning and make teaching an unpleasant task.

How to build an ideal teacher-student relationship? First of all, teacher and student should respect each other, which is the precondition of good relationship. Moreover, the teacher’s attitude plays an important role. If the teacher is too strict, he might frighten the student; if the teacher is too permissive, the student may become lazy. As for the student, he should be eager for knowledge and willing to work hard. If he learns from his teacher modestly, he will be able to profit fully from his teacher’s teaching.

In conclusion, a good teacher-student relationship needs common efforts from both the teacher and the student. And it can be mutually beneficial. The student gains knowledge eagerly and enjoyably, and the teacher gains satisfaction from his teaching job.

Writing assignment 2

The Place I Love Most

1、 我喜欢的地方是……

2、 它之所以吸引我是因为……

3、 结论

(中心话题)One of the most attractive places I have ever lived is my hometown-Xi’an, the provincial capital of Shanxi. I love this land because it is a

center of Chinese intellects, and more importantly, it is a world-famous historic city.

(理由1)Xi’an was the historic city where thirteen dynasties in Chinese history 兵马俑)of the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty was found there in its mighty battle formation. Because of this, millions of people come all the way form overseas to visit this natural museum of Chinese history.

(理由2)Xi’an was historically a birthplace of Chinese culture, breeding numerous famous, brilliant statesmen, scientists and war strategists. Now it is a center of Chinese intellects, having thousands of specialists in various fields of science and technology and more than 50 institutions of higher learning. Each year sees may major achievements gained by the scientists here for the progress of the nation and of the world. It truly shines with a brilliance of great civilization.

I feel proud of this land where I was born. I can proudly declare that it is a blessed land of abundance, a birthplace of talents. I believe whoever comes to this land will unconsciously feel the irresistible attraction of the special beauty and the spirit of this land the cradle of Chinese civilization.

Writing assignment 3

My View on Self-reliance



From my point of view, self-reliance means doing whatever we can by ourselves, and when facing difficulties, we try our best to deal with the problems rather than rely on others. Self-reliance is vital to everybody in that we can not depend on others all the time. Besides, it is also a sign of growing-up, which means that we can take the responsibilities for the family and the society.

Then how can we become self-reliant? Firstly, we should get rid of the bad habits of being looked after by our parents. Secondly, we should not ask for help from others easily when we are involved in troublesome situations. Moreover, self-confidence is a precondition of self-reliance, for only when we trust in ourselves, can we be self-reliant.

“Trust myself”, so says American author and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson in his famous essay “Self-reliance”. Self-reliance is important to everybody and is one of the key factors that make us successful in life.

Writing assignment 4

Learning from Successful People

1. 要成功就要向成功人士学习。

2. 说明原因和意义。

3. 结论。

Most people want to succeed, but most people fail. Then how can you succeed? The answer is to learn from those who have already achieved the kind of success you desire.

For one thing, those who are already successful are experienced at achieving what they set out to achieve. For another, they have the confidence that comes from building one success on top of another. Perhaps the prime reason is that they have the knowledge, the contacts and a reputation that opens doors for them.

Never in the history of the world has there been a better opportunity for learning from others than there is right now. We live in a world that is overflowing with in-depth information. If you can’t find at least a dozen detailed success stories in your field of endeavor, you are not really looking.

In a word, instead of envying others for their success, learn from them and create a success story of your very own.

Writing assignment 5

On opportunity

1. 对机会的不同看法

2. 机会的重要性

3. 我自己的观点

Some people regard opportunity as the most important factor in their lives. It is the key to success. So, when they see their friends succeed, they will complain that they are not lucky enough to have the opportunity. In contrast, other people hold the view that opportunity is sheer luck. With their hard work, knowledge and skill, opportunity is everywhere waiting for them. So it often happens that some capable people don’t cherish opportunity and simply let it slip away.

Although the attitudes towards opportunity are different, opportunity is indeed an indispensable factor that no one should neglect. It can enable a person to be successful. It brings one’s abilities and skills to full play. Missing it, on the contrary, nothing will be left but regret and disappointment. So we should grasp every valuable opportunity and make good use of it.

Yet it is not opportunity itself that can decide a person’s success or failure. In my point of view, opportunity is fair to every person. In order to take advantage of the opportunities before us, we need knowledge, skill and experience. In a word, I think opportunity is important, but is not decisive.





回忆童年往事就算现在想起来,也会笑得哈哈大笑,笑得肚子都疼了呢! 每个人都会生病,生病了就要打针、吃药,而我最怕打针。一听到打针我就头大,每次打针我都会大哭一场,可是从那一次开始......








一二·九运动又称为一二·九抗日救亡运动,1935年12月9日,北平(北京)大中学生数千人举行了抗日救国示威游行,反对华北自治,反抗日本帝国主义,要求保全中国领土的完整,掀起全国抗日救国新高潮。12月12日,北平学生举行第5次示威游行,高呼"援助绥远抗战"、" 各党派联合起来"等口号。这是中国共产党领导的一次大规模学生爱国运动。在“冀察政务委员会”计划成立的12月16日,北平学生和各界群众1万余人又举行示威游行,迫使冀察政务委员会延期成立。之后,天津学生又组成南下扩大宣传团,深入人民中间宣传抗日救国。杭州、广州、武汉、天津、南京、上海等地相继举行游行示威。北平学生的爱国行动,得到了全国学生的响应和全国人民的支持,形成了全国人民抗日民主运动的新高潮,推动了抗日民族统一战线的建立。


正如毛泽东所指出的,一二·九运动“是抗战动员的运动,是准备思想和干部的运动,是动员全民族的运动”,“有着重大的历史意义” 。







(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:关于12.9的作文500)



通过并发表了《北平市学生联合会成立宣言》。随即,平津15所大中学校联合发出通电,反对“防共自治”,要求政府讨伐汉奸殷汝耕,动员全国人民抵抗日本的侵略。就在这天,传来了在日本侵略者逼迫下将于12月9日成立“冀察政务委员会”的消息,广大同学和各界进步人士极为震惊。12月7日,在中共北平临时工委的领导下,北平学联决定于9日举行学生大请愿,反对“华北自治”。8日,彭涛、姚依林、郭明秋、黄敬、孙敬文等人开会研究,决定由黄敬任游行队伍总指挥,姚依林、郭明秋进行队外指挥。 事件过程













星期六的早上,天气凉爽!我妈妈叫我起床吃早餐然后洗头,我无精打采的说:”妈妈,你能让我多睡一下吗?“ 妈妈说:”不行,你忘了今天我们还要去锦里玩吗?“我一听来了精神,立刻清醒了起来,迫不及待的去吃了早餐洗头的速度也比平时快了很多,然后洗完头我们就立马出发了。



我们一行四人,刚一进锦里大门就看到一辆独特的黄包车,这黄包车跟前有一位穿着比较传统的叔叔,看样子是这个黄包车的主人,这一副画面非常吸引大家的眼球,不少人纷纷拿出手机或者相机在那里拍照,我妈妈叫我摆了一个以前经常使用的动作,和叔叔阿姨一起拍了一个合影,然后一起微笑的欣赏我们的成果,这一小举动,让我们的小旅程有一个好的开始。接着往里走,然后引入眼帘的是一排排的灯笼挂在有传统特色的房屋旁边,有一种古代的风格,给我感觉也是一种以前在老家过年 的景象。两旁是非常有特色手工作坊及很多特色小吃,因为人非常多,大家都纷纷抢着想多了解一下这些传统工艺及小吃让我眼睛都看不过来,又害怕跟丢爸爸妈妈,就念念不舍的牵着爸爸妈妈的大手走了进去。

一路上风景很美,让我印象深刻的有我吃过的龙须糖及张飞牛肉的老板化妆成黑脸张飞的样子很是让人容易记住他的样子。还有个原因就是因为我们拍了他们的照片,还有绿绿的小河及旁边的柳树 还有柳树下坐着喝茶的叔叔阿姨们,大家都是嘻嘻哈哈的在一起聊天,总是给人一种轻松愉快的感觉,因为我的叔叔和阿姨是上海人他们第一次来成都,这一幕给他们留下了非常好的印象,他们一路上对成都赞不绝口,特别强调下次还要来找我们玩。

游玩中间有个小插曲,当爸爸妈妈经过一个小道路的时候 突然看到两个铜像动了一下,妈妈当时吓的叫了起来,我们仔细一看,原来是两位叔叔用特别的粉末涂在身上,跟平时公园里面看见的铜像好像好像,这时我们才恍然大悟,原来两个叔叔是在景区跟游客照相合影,并赚取一点小费的工作者,这也是景区一道独特的风景,不少叔叔阿姨都乐意跟他们合影,我也加入了其中,非常开心。




篇五:四级作文 (9-12)

9. Vocational Training Vs. Humanities

(1) 高等教育的一个新现象是人文科学遇到冷落,而专业性强的学科受到青睐.

(2) 引起这一现象的原因.

(3) 我的看法.

A recent trend in higher education is the retreat from humanities to science and technology and other career-oriented specialized studies. Throughout the country, schools are under pressure to become more vocationalized.

One reason is that it’s difficult to get grants for the liberal arts studies, for , unlike the specialized studies whose results can be immediately converted into profits, what the liberal arts studies produce is only helpful to the nurturing of ethics and human values. The second is that parents and students tend to scorn the courses that do not teach people how to become attractive to employers in a rapidly tightening job market. As result, literature and philosophy are only regarded as intellectual adornments, contributing nothing directly to a job.

However, the goal of education is to produce not only specialists, but also the educated and developed minds because being productive requires not only professional capabilities, but also the ability to deal with people and the world around with grace and the ability to create the joy of living. So instead of trying to shrink the liberal arts, it’s time for us to find ways to infuse it into other specialized studies. Only by so doing can we produce the well-developed talents for the future.

10. A Thirsty World

(1) 以下图为依据描述世界水资源的需求和供应变化情况.

(2) 分析未来人类将面临的问题.

These two line graphs show us the increasing worldwide demand for water supply and the future prospect of global water supply in more than two decades.

From the water use graph, we can see that since 1990 the amount of fresh water used has increased more than six-fold. Agriculture is by far the largest consumer of water, and two-thirds of all water consumed in the world goes to farming. On the contrary, the water availability graph shows a steady decline of global water supply. Today, there is about 6,800m of water available per person on a yearly basis. But if current trends continue, only 4,800m will be available in 2025. Through the above analysis we can safely come to the conclusion that if man doesn’t take measures to reduce water use, there will be a global water stress in the near future. It’s high time for the world to save this precious resource.

11. A New Form of Internet Media: Blog 博客之我见

1. 近年来网上博客发展迅猛

2. 人们对待博客观点不一

3. 你对博客的看法

Blog is the shortened form of the term “Web log”, which refers to the constantly updated new commentary and links about a particular topic, often very personal. Now in China, it has become a new form of media in vogue.

The emergence of Blog has aroused heated discussion in today’s society. On the one hand, it

is greatly welcomed by many young people because Web log is almost like an open diary, and it can give any person, no matter whether they are rich or poor, powerful or humble, a platform to speak out their thoughts. On the other hand, people who think negatively of blogs hold that they are too difficult to be managed. The openness and expressiveness, which are considered the two best points of blogs, can also become hard nuts because any vicious person could easily make use of it to create and spread rumors ands biased opinions, and thus jeopardize the reputation and safety of innocent citizens and organization.

As far as I am concerned, I prefer this new form of media. Although I have not set up my own blog, I am a keen blog-reader, and especially appreciate the blogs written by some celebrities. By reading them, I can broaden my knowledge, refresh my thinking, and absorb sophisticated life philosophy. In conclusion, blog could add diversity to our preference of media when it is under proper supervision.

12. Basketball Is Gaining Popularity篮球运动升温

1. 有关青少年运动文化的调查结果显示,篮球是目前青少年最喜爱也是最常进行的一项运


2. 分析这一现象的原因。

Recently, a survey of the sports preference of the population aged from 10 to 35 displayed that basketball has become the most popular sport in major cities in China.

Reasons for young people’s high preference of basketball are various. To begin with, basketball match, unlike football, is easy to organize and require little of external factors like number of participants and the filed limitation. In addition, basketball itself has unique characteristics. It embodies both the team work and personal ability manifestation of players and , simultaneously, provides spectators funs and the feeling of participation. Finally, the fame of some superstars like Yao Ming also strengthens the attractiveness of this sport in China. Therefore, it is not a surprise to see the rapid popularization of basketball. It will become a good way to strengthen young people’s physique and cultivate their team work spirit.
