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初中英语作文:What is family?

What is family?

Everybody has his own family. What is family? I don’t think everyone really knows. There are six letters in the word “ FAMILY ”. I think “ F ” means “father”, “A” means “and”, “M” means “mother” , “I” means “I”, “L”

means “love” and “Y” means “you”. So “ FAMILY ” is the short form of “ Father and mother , I love you.” Don’t you think so ? Father and mother love us, and we love father and mother. That’s a happy family.



My Room

My room is very simple but warm. My room’s color is white. At first, I think it is too drap, but now think it is comfortable for not too much color. There is a small bed, a desk, a bookshelf and a wardrobe in the room. It is very simple, right? But on the bed there are a lot of lovely dolls on my bed. There are teddy bear, Mickey Mouse, dolls and soon. I love the most is the bookshelf. On the shelf, there are different kinds of books. All of them are my favorite. Seeing the lovely dolls and wonderful books, I can have good dreams every night. I love my room. 作文翻译:





The Secret of Success

Once I asked my father what the secret of success was. He didn't say a word, but wrote a few words on a piece of paper and handed it to me. I looked at the paper. on it was written: A=X+Y+Z.

"What does it mean?" I asked.

"A means success, ” explained my father." X means hard, Y means good ways, and Z means you must stop talking and start to work."

That's right. From then on, I tried my best to be better.









Asking for Leave

Auguest 6th, 2013

Dear Mr Li,

I’m sorry to tell you that I have to ask for sick leave for the whole afternoon class. Because I have a heavy

headache now and feel very sick. I think I have to ask for sick leave to go to hospital for medicine. I will attend the next day classes on time.

Yours repectful,








My way to go to school

Different students like different ways to go to school. As for me, I like to go to school on foot the most. There are four reasons.

Firstly, my home is not far away from my school. It takes me only twenty minutes to get to school. Secondly, the traffic on my way to school is heavy. There are a lot of bikes, buses and cars. I think it's safe to go to school on foot. Thirdly, I think walking is a kind of sport. It’s good for my health. Finally, I can listen to my MP3 when I am walking. It's fantastic, but a little dangerous.

These are the reasons why I like to go to school on foot the most. What about you?








Trip to Beidaihe River

Today we had a short trip to Beidaihe River. We set out in the school bus at 7:20 a.m. The weather was pleasant and everyone of us was excited. After two hours’ ride, we arrived there at nine thirty. We began our programs as soon as we got off the bus. We played games on the sands and swam in the river happily. After that, we had lunch in a restaurant. In the afternoon we walked along the beach to Nandaihe. It is also very beautiful. Many photos were taken there. We enjoyed ourselves very much. Time passed quickly and we had to leave,. It was half past four when we returned safe. What a good trip we had today! I’ll never forget it.






Happy Summer

This summer, I move to a new city with my parents, and I transfer to a new school. I used to live in the

countryside, so my new life is so different from before. The school is a little far from my home, so I go to school by bus. After school, I have many activities in school. Classmates are friendly to me. I learn English now. It’s so interesting that I like it very much. Besides, life in city is different. There are many interesting places to go. At weekends, my parents take me outside. We go to the park, the zoo or go shopping. But we are not so familiar with our neighbors. I think we should build good relationship with them.




初中英语作文:Spring Rain


Spring Rain

Spring comes. lt's getting warmer and warmer. Everything is dry, trees, fields and even the air. Just then, it rains. lt's as soft as silk. lt washes the dirty of the earth and waters the plants and the fields. lt also waters people's hearts. Farmers stand in the spring rain and smile. Spring rain is as dear as oil. They seem to see the harvest time in autumn.

Spring rain brings water to the air. It also brings hope to people.





Mickey Mouse has a new job in China: teaching kids how to speak English at new schools owned by Walt Disney Co. popping up in this bustling city. 米老鼠(Mickey Mouse)在中国有了项新工作,那就是:在华特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)开办的新学校教孩子们说英语。如今,在上海这座熙熙攘攘的城市,这样的新学校正不断涌现。

The company says the initiative is primarily about teaching language skills to children, not extending its brand in the world's most populous nation. But from the oversize Mickey Mouse sculpture in the foyer to diction lessons starring Lilo & Stitch, the company's flagship school here is filled with Disney references.

该公司表示,这项计划主要着眼于向孩子们教授语言技巧,并非为在中国这个世界人口最多的国家进一步扩大其品牌。但从门廊里树立的超大个儿的米老鼠,到以星际宝贝(Lilo & Stitch)为主角的语音课,这家公司在上海的旗舰学校到处都能看到迪士尼的影子。

Classroom names recall Disney movies, such as 'Andy's Bedroom,' named for the setting of the 'Toy Story' films. To hold the attention of children as young as two years old, there is the Disney Magic Theater, which combines functions of a computer, television and chalkboard and is the main teaching tool.

教室名称也让人们想起迪士尼的影片,比如“安迪的卧室”是以《玩具总动员》(Toy Story)的场景起的。为吸引小孩子(最小的只有两岁)的注意力,学校还设立了集电脑、电视和黑板功能于一体的迪士尼魔幻剧场(Magic Theater),它还是主要的教学工具。

Disney's foray into English-language instruction in China comes as the niche industry is booming. McKinsey & Co. estimates that China's

foreign-language business is worth $2.1 billion annually. More than 300 million Chinese are studying English, according to a speech delivered in January by Premier Wen Jiabao.


(McKinsey & Co.)估计,中国外语教学市场每年的规模达到21亿美元。据中国总理温家宝在1月份的一次讲话中说,有超过3亿中国人在学习英语。

Last week Pearson PLC announced it would buy the Wall Street Institute chain of 39 English schools in seven Chinese cities from Carlyle Group for $145 million. Pearson predicted the operation, which focuses on adult education, would generate about $70 million in revenue this year and said it 'expects English language teaching in China to remain a good growth market.'

上周,培生公司(Pearson PLC)宣布,它将从凯雷集团(Carlyle Group)手中以

1.45亿美元收购华尔街英语(Wall Street Institute)在中国七个城市的39家英语培训学校。培生预计,这项侧重成人教育的业务今年将实现7,000万美元收入,并称,预计中国英语教学市场仍将保持不错的增长。

Disney, based in Burbank, Calif., already sells merchandise at shops nationwide and has produced two films in the country, including a

live-action one due for release this year featuring China's beloved pandas. And in the boldest attempt to extend the brand, the company recently asked China's government for permission to build a $3.59 billion Shanghai Disneyland that could open in 2014.


Still, amid China's limits on foreign media, the company has been unable to start a television channel or distribute its full portfolio of movies in China, and teaching English is a way for Disney to expand its reach. The company plans to have four Shanghai centers by June, from the current two, and to launch in Beijing within a year. Disney declined to say how many students it has.


Disney executives say that if their efforts in China are successful, they'll likely roll out English schools in other countries around the world. But they stress the goal is authentic English learning, not a marketing push.

迪士尼管理人士称,如果他们在中国的努力获得成功,那么,他们将有可能在世界其他国家开办英语学校。但是他们强调,他们的目标是真正的英语学习,而不是将其作为营销手段。 'We never saw this as an effort to teach the Disney brand and Disney characters,' says Andy Mooney, chairman of Disney Consumer Products Worldwide. 'We set out to teach Chinese kids English.'

迪士尼旗下Consumer Products Worldwide董事长穆尼(Andy Mooney)说,我们决不认为此举是在教授迪士尼的品牌和迪士尼的角色。我们的出发点是教中国孩子学英语。

Nonetheless, classroom and homework exercises introduce the kind of Disney books, TV shows and movies that China's government otherwise tightly restricts. Students are introduced to as few as four words a week. 不过,课堂练习和家庭作业中引进了迪士尼的图书、电视节目和影片,而中国政府在其他领域对这些内容有严格限制。学生在这里每周有时只学4个单词。

In class, a strong singing voice earns students 'magic tokens' that are exchangeable into 'reward gifts' like Disney pens and hats on display in the lobby. Students can also get Mickey Mouse book bags as well as bilingual books, flashcards and CDs that feature Disney characters, much of them otherwise unavailable in China.


Considered as a school only, Disney English will likely take years to offer meaningful heft to the entertainment giant, which recorded $37.8 billion in revenue last year. Disney declined to reveal the school's revenue. 因被视为只是一所学校,迪士尼英语可能要花数年时间才能给这个娱乐业巨头带来有意义的提升。去年,迪士尼实现收入378亿美元。迪士尼拒绝透露学校的收入。

English First SV, a Sweden-based company with the most extensive network of children's schools in China, says it uses the program as a loss leader to feed its lucrative adult schools and overseas study programs. 'When we look at just the kids' business, it hasn't made a dime in 15 years,' says English First President Philip Hult.

总部位于瑞典的英孚教育(English First SV)在中国的儿童学校网络规模最大。该公司称,它的儿童英语项目是赔本赚吆喝,以此为盈利的成人学校和海外教育项目吸引人气。英孚总裁菲利普·霍特(Philip Hult)说,如果只看儿童业务,15年来没有赚过一分钱。

Regardless of its financial outlook, Disney English appears to be a hit with members of China's burgeoning middle class. After a recent

Monday-evening class, five-year-old Zang Siqi rushes toward her mother, eager to show off a white rocket she has made out of paper, a Snow White sticker in its nose cone.

不论财务前景如何,迪士尼英语似乎在中国新兴的中产阶级家庭中深受青睐。最近一个周一的晚班课程结束后,5岁的臧思琪(音)冲向她的妈妈,急不可待地让她看自己用纸叠的一枚白色火箭,火箭头锥部分贴着白雪公主的贴纸。 The girl's mother, Li Ruchen, says she enrolled her daughter in

twice-a-week Disney English classes for roughly $1,000 a year because she wants the girl to be 'international' and Disney is a 'familiar and trustworthy brand.'


In the family's sport-utility vehicle on the way home, a Disney English CD plays over the sound system. Arriving at the family's 30th-floor

apartment, young QiQi, as she is called by her parents, eagerly directs a visitor toward a notable decoration: a tiny Cinderella sticker on a glass cabinet in the dining room. Next to the girl's Disney English backpack, her mother sets down instruction books from the school featuring 'Toy Story's' Buzz Lightyear character on the cover, including one titled, 'Whose Toy Is This?'

琪琪家住在一幢公寓的30楼。在驾驶运动型多用途车(SUV)回家的路上,车上的音响系统播放着迪士尼的CD。到家后,琪琪急切地带着客人参观屋内一件惹眼的装饰:餐厅玻璃柜上的灰姑娘贴纸。在琪琪的迪士尼英语背包旁,她的母亲放下从学校带来的封面上有《玩具总动员》里Buzz Lightyear角色的指导书,其中一本的书名写着“这是谁的玩具?”

Soon, QiQi and her parents are gathered around a dining table -- her colorings of Ariel the Little Mermaid displayed underneath a plate of glass -- and gripping yellow Disney English playing cards.


Following the girl's daily diving lessons, her parents say they usually surf onto Disney's Internet 'parent portal' with their daughter, where Piglet and other Winnie the Pooh characters help her brush up on vocabulary words.


Later, after QiQi goes to bed, the parents stay online to see what the teacher says about the girl's progress in class, sometimes listening to recordings of her class sessions. 'We can't step into the class so it's a good way to understand what she learned,' Ms. Li says.




Mickey Mouse has a new job in China: teaching kids how to speak English at new schools owned by Walt Disney Co. popping up in this bustling city. 米老鼠(Mickey Mouse)在中国有了项新工作,那就是:在华特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)开办的新学校教孩子们说英语。如今,在上海这座熙熙攘攘的城市,这样的新学校正不断涌现。

The company says the initiative is primarily about teaching language skills to children, not extending its brand in the world's most populous nation. But from the oversize Mickey Mouse sculpture in the foyer to diction lessons starring Lilo & Stitch, the company's flagship school here is filled with Disney references.

该公司表示,这项计划主要着眼于向孩子们教授语言技巧,并非为在中国这个世界人口最多的国家进一步扩大其品牌。但从门廊里树立的超大个儿的米老鼠,到以星际宝贝(Lilo & Stitch)为主角的语音课,这家公司在上海的旗舰学校到处都能看到迪士尼的影子。

Classroom names recall Disney movies, such as 'Andy's Bedroom,' named for the setting of the 'Toy Story' films. To hold the attention of children as young as two years old, there is the Disney Magic Theater, which combines functions of a computer, television and chalkboard and is the main teaching tool.

教室名称也让人们想起迪士尼的影片,比如“安迪的卧室”是以《玩具总动员》(Toy Story)的场景起的。为吸引小孩子(最小的只有两岁)的注意力,学校还设立了集电脑、电视和黑板功能于一体的迪士尼魔幻剧场(Magic Theater),它还是主要的教学工具。

Disney's foray into English-language instruction in China comes as the niche industry is booming. McKinsey & Co. estimates that China's

foreign-language business is worth $2.1 billion annually. More than 300 million Chinese are studying English, according to a speech delivered in January by Premier Wen Jiabao.


(McKinsey & Co.)估计,中国外语教学市场每年的规模达到21亿美元。据中国总理温家宝在1月份的一次讲话中说,有超过3亿中国人在学习英语。

Last week Pearson PLC announced it would buy the Wall Street Institute chain of 39 English schools in seven Chinese cities from Carlyle Group for $145 million. Pearson predicted the operation, which focuses on adult education, would generate about $70 million in revenue this year and said it 'expects English language teaching in China to remain a good growth market.'

上周,培生公司(Pearson PLC)宣布,它将从凯雷集团(Carlyle Group)手中以

1.45亿美元收购华尔街英语(Wall Street Institute)在中国七个城市的39家英语培训学校。培生预计,这项侧重成人教育的业务今年将实现7,000万美元收入,并称,预计中国英语教学市场仍将保持不错的增长。

Disney, based in Burbank, Calif., already sells merchandise at shops nationwide and has produced two films in the country, including a

live-action one due for release this year featuring China's beloved pandas. And in the boldest attempt to extend the brand, the company recently asked China's government for permission to build a $3.59 billion Shanghai Disneyland that could open in 2014.


Still, amid China's limits on foreign media, the company has been unable to start a television channel or distribute its full portfolio of movies in China, and teaching English is a way for Disney to expand its reach. The company plans to have four Shanghai centers by June, from the current two, and to launch in Beijing within a year. Disney declined to say how many students it has.


Disney executives say that if their efforts in China are successful, they'll likely roll out English schools in other countries around the world. But they stress the goal is authentic English learning, not a marketing push.

迪士尼管理人士称,如果他们在中国的努力获得成功,那么,他们将有可能在世界其他国家开办英语学校。但是他们强调,他们的目标是真正的英语学习,而不是将其作为营销手段。 'We never saw this as an effort to teach the Disney brand and Disney characters,' says Andy Mooney, chairman of Disney Consumer Products Worldwide. 'We set out to teach Chinese kids English.'

迪士尼旗下Consumer Products Worldwide董事长穆尼(Andy Mooney)说,我们决不认为此举是在教授迪士尼的品牌和迪士尼的角色。我们的出发点是教中国孩子学英语。

Nonetheless, classroom and homework exercises introduce the kind of Disney books, TV shows and movies that China's government otherwise tightly restricts. Students are introduced to as few as four words a week. 不过,课堂练习和家庭作业中引进了迪士尼的图书、电视节目和影片,而中国政府在其他领域对这些内容有严格限制。学生在这里每周有时只学4个单词。

In class, a strong singing voice earns students 'magic tokens' that are exchangeable into 'reward gifts' like Disney pens and hats on display in the lobby. Students can also get Mickey Mouse book bags as well as bilingual books, flashcards and CDs that feature Disney characters, much of them otherwise unavailable in China.


Considered as a school only, Disney English will likely take years to offer meaningful heft to the entertainment giant, which recorded $37.8 billion in revenue last year. Disney declined to reveal the school's revenue. 因被视为只是一所学校,迪士尼英语可能要花数年时间才能给这个娱乐业巨头带来有意义的提升。去年,迪士尼实现收入378亿美元。迪士尼拒绝透露学校的收入。

English First SV, a Sweden-based company with the most extensive network of children's schools in China, says it uses the program as a loss leader to feed its lucrative adult schools and overseas study programs. 'When we look at just the kids' business, it hasn't made a dime in 15 years,' says English First President Philip Hult.

总部位于瑞典的英孚教育(English First SV)在中国的儿童学校网络规模最大。该公司称,它的儿童英语项目是赔本赚吆喝,以此为盈利的成人学校和海外教育项目吸引人气。英孚总裁菲利普·霍特(Philip Hult)说,如果只看儿童业务,15年来没有赚过一分钱。

Regardless of its financial outlook, Disney English appears to be a hit with members of China's burgeoning middle class. After a recent

Monday-evening class, five-year-old Zang Siqi rushes toward her mother, eager to show off a white rocket she has made out of paper, a Snow White sticker in its nose cone.

不论财务前景如何,迪士尼英语似乎在中国新兴的中产阶级家庭中深受青睐。最近一个周一的晚班课程结束后,5岁的臧思琪(音)冲向她的妈妈,急不可待地让她看自己用纸叠的一枚白色火箭,火箭头锥部分贴着白雪公主的贴纸。 The girl's mother, Li Ruchen, says she enrolled her daughter in

twice-a-week Disney English classes for roughly $1,000 a year because she wants the girl to be 'international' and Disney is a 'familiar and trustworthy brand.'


In the family's sport-utility vehicle on the way home, a Disney English CD plays over the sound system. Arriving at the family's 30th-floor

apartment, young QiQi, as she is called by her parents, eagerly directs a visitor toward a notable decoration: a tiny Cinderella sticker on a glass cabinet in the dining room. Next to the girl's Disney English backpack, her mother sets down instruction books from the school featuring 'Toy Story's' Buzz Lightyear character on the cover, including one titled, 'Whose Toy Is This?'

琪琪家住在一幢公寓的30楼。在驾驶运动型多用途车(SUV)回家的路上,车上的音响系统播放着迪士尼的CD。到家后,琪琪急切地带着客人参观屋内一件惹眼的装饰:餐厅玻璃柜上的灰姑娘贴纸。在琪琪的迪士尼英语背包旁,她的母亲放下从学校带来的封面上有《玩具总动员》里Buzz Lightyear角色的指导书,其中一本的书名写着“这是谁的玩具?”

Soon, QiQi and her parents are gathered around a dining table -- her colorings of Ariel the Little Mermaid displayed underneath a plate of glass -- and gripping yellow Disney English playing cards.


Following the girl's daily diving lessons, her parents say they usually surf onto Disney's Internet 'parent portal' with their daughter, where Piglet and other Winnie the Pooh characters help her brush up on vocabulary words.


Later, after QiQi goes to bed, the parents stay online to see what the teacher says about the girl's progress in class, sometimes listening to recordings of her class sessions. 'We can't step into the class so it's a good way to understand what she learned,' Ms. Li says.

