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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 03:27:02 作文素材


Kung Fu Panda is a lazy panda, he works in a small store, one day he went to a selection of dragon to a temple of the competitors, in coincidence lazy panda was chosen as the Dragon contender, first everybody doesn't like the panda, because he is very lazy, he didn't like learning kung fu, but we have no way to deal with him.A few days later, the teacher found that the pandas like one thing - eating, panda like eating very much. In order to eat he can do anything, the teacher by training this way it, finally become a first-class master of Kung Fu panda.

It is mainly a fat panda dreams of becoming a kung fu master, and a coincidence that dream become a reality. Of course we need experienced a series of difficult to achieve success.

In the movie what impressed me most was the film in a series of Chinese elements, from the name we can know it is this. Of course, not only have kung fu, and other Chinese elements. In this film, everywhere is full of meaningful dialogues.Such as"To make something special, you just have to believe it's special."

See the "Kung Fu Panda > I think as long as you work hard, everyone can succeed







Ugliness and beauty, agitation and calmness

The film of Kung Fu Panda, recording the process of the panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu, becomes the dragon warrior. The film contains some differences. The first is the ugliness and the beauty of human nature. Treating their master shifu, one has an attempt to kill his Shifu to attain his own profits, while the other shows his kindness. The second is the different attitudes towards difficulties. Facing with the trouble, one is irritable and agitated, but another is calm and steady.

The ugliness and the beauty of human nature are revealed respectively in the film. Confronting with their master shifu, Tai Lung is a typical evil example, who loses his kindness in human nature and even tries to kill his master shifu. Tai Lung is an orphan, being raised from his early age by his master shifu who regards Tai Lung as his own son. He is so clever that he shows his talent in Kung Fu at his early age. Thus, from that moment on, his shifu begins to train Tai Lung and he firmly believes that Tai Lung is destined for greatness, while master shifu's love and care does not satisfy his student. Tai Lung wants the Dragon Scroll, but Oogway sees darkness in Tai Lung's heart and considers that Tai Lung is not meant to be the Dragon Warrior, which causes Tai Lung's outrage. Then Tai Lung ruins the village and attempts to take the scroll by

force. Hence, his shifu has to destroy what he has created, but he could not bear to punish Tai Lung. Ultimately, thanks to master Oogway, Tai Lung is put into the jail. However, a few years later, Tai Lung flees from the prison. He attributes all of that to his master shifu and even attempts to kill his shifu regard-ness of his shifu's graciousness. In the movie, Tai Lung's behavior shows us his ugliness.

Conversely,Po is distinct from Tai Lung. Facing with their master shifu, the panda, named Po, shows us his goodness. Po is the biggest fan of Kung Fu, dreaming of becoming a Kung Fu master someday. Fortunately, he is elected to the dragon warrior by Oogway, but his master Shifu does not consider that the panda will be a warrior, as his master shifu perceives that Po has the fat butt, flabby arms, and ridiculous belly. His master shifu adopts all kinds of ways to make Po flinch from becoming the dragon warrior, and he even talks to master Oogway that the panda is not to be here and it is just an accident. Although his master shifu looks down upon him, Po still does as much as he can to help his shifu under the emergent circumstance. When his shifu is tortured by Tai Lung and almost been killed, Po is back, and uses the Dragon Scroll to tempt Tai Lung to make his shifu get free. Though Po's Kung Fu is not inferior to Tai Lung's Kung

Fu, Po defeats Tai Lung and saves his master shifu's life after a drastic struggle. His action reveals us his goodness of human nature.

The second difference is the two different attitudes to the troublesome, which is showed by another two persons in the film. The master shifu is unrestful when facing with problems. He is easy furious for the trouble. When master Oogway tells that he has a vision that Tai Lung will return, master shifu becomes unrestfull. He commands Zeng to fly to Ohorh-Gom prison and tell them to double the guards, double their weapons, double everything in case Tai Lung leave the prison. Meanwhile, master shifu considers that they must do something and do not let Tai Lung march on the valley to take revenge. However, master shifu's defendant does not take any effect. A few days later, Tai Lung breaks out of the prison. On hearing the news, the master shifu hurried tells Oogway that there is a bad news and Oogway's vision is right. At that moment, his tone is filled with panic; his expression is full of fear; and his pace is messy. He is lost in the chaos thoroughly and becomes agitated. The behavior of the master shifu shows us his testiness and unrestful. In contrast, master Oogway is very calm no matter what has happened. When Oogway sees master shifu is furious for the

news that Tai Lung will leave the prison, master Oogway comfort master shifu that one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. Then when master shifu attempts to illustrate that his idea is right, master Oogway says, “Your mind is like the water. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear." After some time, Tai Lung escapes from the prison. When master shifu tells that there is a bad news,master Oogway says that there is no good or bad news, and advises master shifu that the Dragon Warrior can stop Tai Lung. In the emergency, he does not agitate as well as master shifu. His tone is normal; his expression is natural; and his behavior is proper. His action reveals us that he is very steadily.

Kung Fu Panda reflects different human nature. Confronting with their master shifu, Tai Lung chooses to kill him merely for his own sake. However, the panda opts to takes the risk to save his shifu in the emergency although his shifu treats Po badly initially. Besides, the film reveals the two attitudes towards problems. Facing with the trouble, master shifu are easy tangled up, while master Oogway stays calm and restful. To some extent, the movie shows us that people should keep their goodness and be grateful to their benefactor, and should keep calm no matter what has happened. Only do these

can people lead a beatific life and handle the problem appropriately.



I do not know why lots of Chinese people criticized a cartoon named . Perhaps just because this movie was made by a group of foreigners and we couldn’t. In my opinion, it is a really wonderful Kung Fu film. Not only art but also entertainment reaches a very high level. Especially in this movie Chinese conventional Kung Fu is designed vivid and interesting. How fantastic a cumbersome panda study Kung Fu? The panda who is named Bo is very “Wu li tou” which means cunning, funny and humorous in Cantonese. Of cause he dreamed to be a Master as the common Chinese people were and he realized it finally, although the process seemed magical and unexpected. In the end, Bo beat Tai Lang who was the villain in this movie and was advocated to be a hero by the villager. A master was born from that day.

There are other animals in the cartoon played some minor roles such as tiger, monkey, crane and so on. They are also strong and fight for justice and well liked. These figures are designed from the Chinese conventional Kung fu which is called “Wu Xing Quan”. It makes people simulate animals’ act and fight like them.

hirty years ago, Bruce Lee brought his Kung Fu movie and Chinese Kung Fu to the whole world. After that more and more foreigners loves Chinese Kung Fu. From the cartoon we can see their favorites about Kung Fu and Kung Fu has no boundary of country now. Both panda and Kung Fu are national treasure of China. So should we put them just in our country or show them to the outside.

Kung fu panda, this is the interesting film. Paul wanted to become a wu3 lin2's ace (near master) kung-fu to save those who were in danger, teacher taught him how to fight, and let him go to save the world, at last, he defeated 3 Tailung, he met not friends, I think he is a great hero, I like the movie, because... I like the film <> very much!The panda is brave and funny.Many animals in the film are great,I love them.But I don't like dalong,he is a cheater,and he is also dangerous.But the panda beat him at last.

I will be a person like the panda.He is warm-hearted.The most important is,he is a real hero!He is my idol!



Kung Fu Panda2 English Movie Review

Since ancient times by the Peacock family of Phoenix, in charge, because they invented the beautiful fireworks, bring happiness to people. However, Phoenix's successor Shen princes are not satisfied with these, he discovered the terrible dark side of fireworks (gunpowder), and ambitious. His parents, after that, very worried, invited Yang Xian Gu (god stick) to count a diagram Shen princes. Sheep Xiangu prediction: if it continues, sooner or later provoke disaster Shen princes, and in that time, there will be a black and white warrior to defeat him. Shen princes do not want these words to be listened to, he wanted to rewrite the young of their own destiny, led his men destroyed the panda village. Shen princes of the parents because this horrible thing will he expelled. Shen princes expelled before leaving put down relentless: he will come back, he will dominate the Central Plai(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:功夫熊猫影评英语作文)ns. Several years later, Shen princes successfully create a gun, threatened to destroy the world martial arts, he came to Phoenix. The head of the Phoenix mine rhino a shelling after the death of princes finally occupied Shen Phoenix. Several years later, Bao also live up to expectations, as the dragon warrior, in a war with the robbers, he vaguely remembered his little life experience, with the confusion of life experience, went to Phoenix to prevent princes, at the same time, Shen princes that this world there are only panda Bao existence, also ordered his men to arrest him, Bao and "matchless five Man" sneaked into the Phoenix, the results suffered Shen princes military pursuit, the two sides began a chase scene ... Finally Bao not only understand their own life experience (Shen princes to exterminate the village, is the hometown of Bao. Bao's mother to save him, loaded him in the escape on the way to the food basket, looked small Bao mother mouth babbling Hengji a cry out, "Hush," tearful Bao's mother kissed the forehead a small, reluctant to go to the depths of the forest, to distract the men, Shen and his princes, the results would only fill the food baskets voyage radish, lucky enough to be transported to the open side pavilion goose father Mr. Ping hands. so it was a small he adopted a Bao.), is also realized for the loved ones in the internal the true meaning of peace, seem to gain from Johnson in the fierce tiger's love, finally defeated the peacock Shen princes



I do not know why lots of Chinese people criticized a cartoon named . Perhaps just because this movie was made by a group of foreigners and we couldn’t. In my opinion, it is a really wonderful Kung Fu film. Not only art but also entertainment reaches a very high level. Especially in this movie Chinese conventional Kung Fu is designed vivid and interesting. How fantastic a cumbersome panda study Kung Fu? The panda who is named Bo is very “Wu li tou” which means cunning, funny and humorous in Cantonese. Of cause he dreamed to be a Master as the common Chinese people were and he realized it finally, although the process seemed magical and unexpected. In the end, Bo beat Tai Lang who was the villain in this movie and was advocated to be a hero by the villager. A master was born from that day.

There are other animals in the cartoon played some minor roles such as tiger, monkey, crane and so on. They are also strong and fight for justice and well liked. These figures are designed from the Chinese conventional Kung fu which is called “Wu Xing Quan”. It makes people simulate animals’ act and fight like them.

hirty years ago, Bruce Lee brought his Kung Fu movie and Chinese Kung Fu to the whole world. After that more and more foreigners loves Chinese Kung Fu. From the cartoon we can see their favorites about Kung Fu and Kung Fu has no boundary of country now. Both panda and Kung Fu are national treasure of China. So should we put them just in our country or show them to the outside.
