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Dear Mom,

Mother’s Day is coming. I’m sorry that I am abroad 66._______

and can’t send your flowers, so I’m writing to you. 67._______

Mom, I know I have never expressed my thank to you 68.________

before. But on today, at this special time, I just want to tell 69.________

you loudly: I love you, Mom! Thank you so much by not 70._________

only giving me life, but also teach me how to be a good 71._________

person. Thank you for all you had done for me. Mom, though 72._________

I may often say it, I do love you. Nobody can take your 73,_________

part in my heart. Whenever I am, I will always love you. 74._________

Hope you good health and much happiness every day! 75._________

Your little girl,


Tom was having much troubles getting up in the

Morning and was always late with work.. His boss wanted to fire him if he didn’t start coming on time,but he went to the doctor for a help. The doctor gave him some medicine and told him to take them before he went to bed.

The man did is told and slept.really well,wake up before the alam had even gone off.He had time for a properly breakfast and was still the first reach the factory.”Boss,”he said ,”that medicine really works!””I’m pleasing to hear it ,”said his boss,”but where were you yesterday?”

An English lady was finally decided that she really should

learn to drive. And after many attempts, she past her

66.__________ 67.__________ 68. __________ 69. __________ driving test and told her husband that, to celebrate, he was going to drive him over to France for a holiday. But then a week after the trip, she suddenly announced that 70. __________

71. __________ they wouldn’t take the holiday. “How did you change your

mind?” he asked her by surprise. “Well, it’s all because

of the business of driving on right.” she said, “I have

been practicing for three weeks now, but I still couldn’t

get used to it—in fact, I’ve nearly killed three peoples.”

四 72. __________ 73. __________ 74. __________ 75. __________

Three men were fishing when the angel appeared in the boat with them. The first man got over his shock and politely said to The angel, “I’ve suffered by back pain for years. Can you help

me?” The angel touched his back, and he had recovered. The second man pointed to his glass and asked if the angel could cure her poor eyesight. The angel touched his eyes, but he could see everything clearly. The angel then turned to the third man, threw up his hands in fear. “Don’t touch me!” he cries. “I’m on disability pay! I don’t want to be a normally person!”

As summer vacation are coming soon, my classmates are 56. _____

trying very hardly to get train tickets to go home. But 57._____

I have made up my minds to spend the vacation far from 58._____ home for first time in my life. My parents have agreed 59._____ to visiting me, and I will have a different vacation. When 60.____ they came here, I will show them around my university 61. _____ and the city just as well. I have decided to buy them 62. ____ some nice gifts. It will be a big surprising for them. My 63._____ parents have done a lot for me, and I think it is high time that I did anything special to express my thanks.

64._____ 65._____





It has been over eleven years now. It was a snowy afternoon. Laura, our ten-year-old daughter, sat quietly, and was busy with her work. Suddenly, she asked how to spell a name of someone in our ____, and then wrote the notes one by one. Next, she ____ some flowers with grass, a red sun, and the blue sky on them.

That evening. I noticed a “mailbox” on the doors to each of our bedrooms. There was one for Steve, one for Tom. She hadn't forgotten Sam or baby Paul. My heart felt ___ when I saw that Reed, her dad, and I also ____ one. For the next few weeks, we received notes that showed __ love for each of us. When Steve lost a baseball game, there was a note telling him she thought he was the best ____ player in the world. After I had a busy day, there was a note thanking me for my hard work, with a smiling face on it. In baby Paul's notes, there were lots of colorful ____ including flowers with happy faces. “He can't ___ yet,” she said. “But he can look at the pictures.”

However, one night, I noticed the mailbox that Laura had made for herself. Suddenly, I ____ that our little angel's mailbox had been ____ but the others had enjoyed her love notes. My eyes were filled with tears.

“I'll take care of it,” Reed said. And in the following weeks, her ____ wrote the sweetest of love notes to this little girl, our daughter.

____ this little girl is grown now, driving to the college every day, some things about her have ____ changed. One afternoon only about a week ago, I found a love note on my bed.

“____ always being there for me. Mom.” It read, “I'm glad that we're the best of friends.”

I always remember the nice child whose smile and ____have brought me thousands of hours of joy during these years. There are angels among us. I know, I live with one.

1.A. class B.office C.family D.company

2.A. drew B.bought C.picked D.planted

3.A. warm B.worried C.sad D.afraid

4.A. gave B.borrowed C.had D.pushed

5.A. his B.her C.our D.my

6.A. basketball B.football C.volleyball D.baseball

7.A. pictures B.books C.clothes D.toys

8.A. write B.read C.speak D.sing

9.A. laughed B.said C.realized D.told

10.A. empty B.full C.beautiful D.dirty

11.A. sister B.boy C.mom D.dad

12.A. And B.Though C.So D.But

13.A. never B.always C.often D.usually

14.A. Ask for B.Thanks for C.Wait for D.Care for

15.A. voice B.study C.reason D.love



















1.考查名词及语境的理解。句意:突然她问怎样来拼写我们家里面的某个人的名字,并且一个一个的写了下来。class 班级;office 办公室;family 家庭;company公司。根据文意可知,Laura是一个10岁的孩子,所以她问的不是班里的或是办公室或公司里的人的名字,应该是家里的。故选C。

2.考查动词及语境的理解。句意:接下来她在上面画了一些带草的花,一轮红日和蓝天。drew的原形是draw,意思是画画; bought 的原形是buy,意思是买;picked 的意思是摘;planted种植。根据句意可知,Laura在上面画了一些画,故选A。

3.考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:当我看到她的父亲Reed和我也有一个邮箱的时候,我的心里感觉很温暖。warm 温暖的;worried 担心的;sad 伤心的;afraid 害怕的。根据文意可知,Laura给家里的每个人的卧室的门上都画了一个“邮箱”,当作者看到她和Laura的父亲也有一个的时候,她感觉很温暖。故选A。

4.考查动词及语境的理解。句意:当我看到她的父亲Reed和我也有一个邮箱的时候,我的心里感觉很温暖。gave 的原形是give,给;borrowed 借;had 有;pushed推。根据文意可知,Laura给家里的每个人都画了一个“邮箱”,作者和Laura的父亲也有一个。故选C。

5.考查物主代词及语境的理解。句意:在接下来的几周里,我们都会收到一些她对我们每个人表达的爱的便条。his 他的;her 她的;our 我们的;my我的。根据文意可知,Laura给家里的每个人都画了一个“邮箱”,在里面写一些便条,表达她对家里每个人的爱。故这里用her代替Laura的。故选B。

6.考查名词及语境的理解。句意:有一次Steve输了棒球比赛,在他的“邮箱”里就有了一张纸条,告诉他她认为Steve是世界上最棒的棒球运动员。basketball 篮球;football 足球;volleyball 排球;baseball棒球。根据句意可知,Steve输了棒球比赛,所以Laura就给他写纸条,说他是世界上最好的棒球运动员。故选D。

7.考查名词及语境的理解。句意:在小Paul的纸条上,有很多五彩的画,上面有花,还有笑脸。pictures图片,图画; books 书;clothes 衣服;toys 玩具。根据下文?he can look at the pictures以及文意可知,这是Laura给小Paul的纸条,Paul还是一个婴儿,所以Laura给他画了一些画。故选A。


write 写;read读; speak 说;sing 唱歌。根据文意可知,Paul是一个婴儿,他不会读,所以Laura给他的纸条上都是一些画。故选B。

9.考查动词及语境的理解。句意:突然我意识到我们的小天使的邮箱一直是空的。laughed 笑;said 说;realized 意识到;told 告诉。根据文意可知,Laura一直给家里的每个人写纸条放在他们的邮箱里。但是作者有一天看到了Laura自己的邮箱,发现是空的。因此选C。

10.考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:突然我意识到我们的小天使的邮箱一直是空的。empty 空的;full 满的;beautiful 美丽的;dirty脏的。根据文意可知,Laura一直给家里的人写纸条,放在邮箱里。但是家里却没有人给她写,她的邮箱是空的。故选A。

11.考查名词及语境的理解。句意:Reed说:我来处理。在接下来的几周里,她的父亲写了很多甜蜜的爱的纸条给我们的女儿。sister 姐妹;boy 男孩;mom 妈妈;dad 爸爸。根据上句话I’ll take care of it. Reed said可知,Laura的父亲Reed去处理这件事。故选D。

12.考查连词及语境的理解。句意:虽然这个小女孩现在已经长大了,每天自己开车上大学,但是关于她的一些事却从来没有变。and 和,而且,表示并列;though 虽然,尽管,引导让步状语从句;so 因此;but 但是,表示转折。根据句意可知选B。

13.考查副词及语境的理解。句意:虽然这个小女孩现在已经长大了,每天自己开车上大学,但是关于她的一些事却从来没有变。never 从不;always 总是;often 经常;usually通常。根据句意可知,虽然Laura已经长大了,但是关于她的一些事没有改变。故选A。

14.考查动词短语及语境的理解。句意:一周前的一个下午,我在我的床上发现了一张爱的纸条:妈妈,感谢你一直陪伴我。ask for 请求,要求;thanks for 因为?而感谢;wait for 等待;care for喜欢。根据文意可知,在爱的纸条上,Laura向妈妈表示感谢,感谢妈妈一直陪伴她。故选B。

15.考查名词及语境的理解。句意:我总是会想起这个可爱的孩子,她的笑和爱在这些年里给我们带来了很多欢乐的时刻。voice 声音;study 学习;reason 理由,原因;love 爱。根据文意可知,Laura给她的家人写了很多爱的纸条。故这里应该选D。 考点:日常生活类短文。

Cloze test (本题共15分,每小题1分)

One Sunday afternoon, my younger brother and I were left alone at home. I was doing my homework ___ my younger brother was watching TV. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. My brother thought it was our parents, so he opened the ___ quickly. A tall man stood outside and _ _ politely if our parents were at home. Without thinking, my brother said, "No." When I wanted to close the door, he suddenly ___ the door very hard and came into our house. He took out a ___ and ordered me to tie up my brother's _ _ with a rope(绳索). I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie(松开) himself _ _. The man then tied my hands up and locked __ of us in the kitchen. Soon, he went upstairs. I taught my brother to __ his rope with his hands. He then untied ____. I rushed to the telephone to call the police, _ the line was cut off. The doors were all locked from outside. It was lucky that the man forgot to_ _ the kitchen door. We got out of the house through the window and went to the nearest pay phone to call the police. Soon the police came and __ was caught. By the time, my parents had come home. We told them the __ __ story. My parents were glad that we were not hurt. They told me that I should stop my brother from __ __ the door to the stranger. I learned a lesson on safety.

16.A. when B. before C. after D. while

17.A. cupboard B. door C. doorbell D. window

18.A. guessed B. asked C. argued D. cried

19.A. pushed B. pulled C. knocked D. closed

20.A. candy B. gift C. knife D. phone

21.A. feet B. legs C. hands D. arms

22.A. hardly B. easily C. suddenly D. difficultly

23.A. all B. each C. neither D. both

24.A. make B. tie C. untie D. use

25.A. me B. myself C. him D. himself

26.A. but B. and C. or D. as

27.A. break B. lock C. move D. see

28.A. my father B. my mother C. my brother D. the man

29.A. happy B. whole C. usual D. same

30.A. turning B. sending C. opening D. closing






















19.语境理解与逻辑推理。根据上文的“When I wanted to close the door”当我想关门时,以及下句的“and came into our house”进入我们家,可以推知这里是“他要强制破门而入”,所以是与“我”相对。应该用“推”,而不是pull拉、knock敲或close关,所以选择答案A。


21.细节理解题。由下文“I tied up his hands in a special way so”我用特殊的方法系住他的手,可知这里是系住的hands手,而不是foot脚、leg腿或arm胳膊。所以选择答案C。

22.语境理解。根据这里所说的I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie“我用特殊的方法系住我弟弟目的就是为了他能容易地打开”,所以是用easily,而不是hardly几乎不、suddenly突然地或difficultly困难地。所以选择答案B。

23.语境理解。根据文章开头说到了“我和弟弟单独在家”,下文也说到了我和弟弟怎么逃脱,所以这里是“我们两个”both of us,所以选择答案D。

24.语境理解与逻辑推理。由上文说到“那人上楼去”,下文也说到了“然后给我解开,??我们才能出去”,所以这里是先untie his rope“打开他的绳索”,所以选择答案C。

25.语境理解。由上文“他打开自己的绳索”和下句I rushed to the telephone to call the police“我跑去打电话报警”,所以这里是“给我”打开,所以选择答案A。


27.语境理解。根据上文的The doors were all locked from outside. “所有的门都从外面锁上了”,这里“幸运的是那人忘记锁厨房的门”,而不是break打破、move搬动或see看见。所以选择答案A。

28.语境理解。根据上文的Soon the police came“警察很快来到”,所以这里是“那人”被捉住,所以选择答案D。






More and more students are using mobile phones at school now. Some mobile phones are just phones—they are being used as radios,cameras and MP5 players, and they are also to send e-mails or surf the Internet. Some of them can even be used as mini computers. People have ideas about whether students can use mobile phones at school or not.

Some people think that students don’t really mobile phones. If their parents have something to tell them, they can ask their teachers for help. If someone’s mobile phone rings during a Chinese class, he and his classmates

can’t what the teacher is saying. Some parents also say that their children use their mobile phones to download(下载) information from the Internet. They are really worried about this. But other people believe we can find some to use mobile phones to improve students’ in learning, since many of today’s mobile phones are like mini computers. And children usually know more than adults when it comes to use mobile phones.

31.A.because of B.instead of C.no longer D.more than

篇三:下凡到人间? 英国伦敦拍到天使照片

据英国媒体报导,伦敦38岁的Mirjeta Binoke与朋友在后花园时,拍摄到了这张疑似有天使的照片。(视频截图)

下凡到人间? 英国伦敦拍到天使照片




据英国媒体的报导,英国伦敦38岁的Mirjeta Binoke与朋友在后花园时,当她抬头望着夜空,看到月亮两侧有四颗星。当时,她认为这会是一个不错的景象,于是去室内拿手机拍照。





2000年10月16日在“www.angelcities.com”网站上有一张美联社发表的图片,是摄影记者Mike Valeri在无意之间拍了一张漂亮的落日余晖照片,却被读者Laura Moise发现照片的上方出现一位长发飘逸、飞翔在云间的天使。这引起了读者极大的兴趣。


片,是摄影记者Mike Valeri在无意之间拍了一张漂亮的落日余晖照片,却被读者Laura Moise发现照片的上方出现一位长发飘逸、飞翔在云间的天使。这



《UFO探索网》2012年12月的报导称,1957年10月4日,苏联的第一颗人造卫星上了天。此后,随着卫星升上太空,“太空之眼”却发现了很多的秘密。 美国的哈勃太空望远镜升空后(哈勃空间望远镜,Hubble Space Telescope,缩写为HST ,是以天文学家爱德温.哈勃为名,在轨道上环绕着地球的望远镜,它于1990年成功发射。)一直有奇异现象进入它的视野,其中拍到的一组天空中的奇妙镜头,显示有一些活生生的生命体在宇宙中“漫步”。

“最初科学家们还以为他们发现了一个新天体,但是经过细致分析和观察后,他们却发现那些灯光都是具有生命的人形物体,而并非是什么天体。” 天文学家们本来认为是那座价值1.5亿美元的哈勃望远镜出了毛病,所以才拍到这些很不寻常的影像。不过,当他们把资料输入电脑进行分析、整理后,却发现那些影像是真真实实存在的。











1994年2月8日,世界新闻周刊(Weekly World News)率先发表这张照片,并报导了梅森博士(Marcia Masson)的发现。尽管媒体报导了此事,但是美国航天局(NASA)拒绝核实这张照片的存在。

世界新闻周刊的网站上公布了这张由哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的宇宙中的天国世界(http://weeklyworldnews.com /headlines/11684/new-hubble-images/)。据报,实际上哈勃太空望远镜,传回美国马里兰州格林贝尔特的戈达德太空飞行中心(Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt)的图片有几百张。 事情发生在1993年12月26日。这些照片清楚的显示出,在茫茫的夜空当中,有一大片璀璨无比的城市,简直就是现实生活中的神话故事!

女研究员梅森博士(Marcia Masson)引述美国航天局内部专家的话表示,那片城市绝对是天国:“因为就我们所知,人体生命是不可能存在于一个冰冷的、没有空气的太空中。”








(Colton Burpo)在濒临死亡的瞬间,真切地看到了天堂的真实故事,不仅被写成书——《天堂真的存在》(Heaven Is For Real),此后又被改编成电影,于2014年4月16日复活节在美国电影院上映。

“天堂是真实的”的故事源自于美国内布拉斯加州一名牧师托德(Todd Burpo)的儿子科尔顿的亲身经历。科尔顿在大约3岁时接受了紧急阑尾切除术。在手术室里,他的灵魂离开了身体,去了天堂。回到人间的他讲述了很多细节,使得他的父母托德和索尼娅(Sonja Burpo)不得不相信儿子这一经历的真实性。 科尔顿说,(2003年)他在天堂里见到了过世的家族成员,与天使交谈,看到耶稣骑着五彩马,另外,他还分享道:“那个地方在很多方面很像地球,但是大家都会帮助你,只是因为他们想帮助你,而不是源于自己的利益,”他说,“所以那是一个相当不错的地方。”



爱琪美 Academie亚佩尔 Adrien Arpel埃尔维罗·马汀尼 (意大利) Alviero Martini ( Made In Italy )安娜苏 Anna Sui阿诺姿 Arezia雅达 Aveda雅漾 Avene自然香调 Bare Escentuals碧嘉 Becca贝玲妃

laura angel tube

Benefit碧欧泉 Biotherm烁光 Blinc布鲁姆 Bloom波比布朗 Bobbi Brown贝佳斯 Borghese夜巴黎 Bourjois泰利 By Terry卡尔文 Calvin Klein嘉美露 Cameleon嘉美露 Camelicolor凯伊黛 Carita香奈儿 Chanel香缇卡 Chantecaille迪奥 CD Christian Dior娇韵诗 Clarins柯丽柏蒂 CDPCle De Peau倩碧 Clinique皮肤专家 Dermablend德美乐嘉 Dermalogica杜嘉班纳 Dolce & Gabbana丹尼斯博士 Dr. Denese德国世家 Dr. HauschkaDS 实验室 DS Laboratories爱德华贝斯 Edward Bess雅顿 Elizabeth Arden伊莉莎白泰勒 Elizabeth Taylor爱丽斯法斯 Ellis Faas雅诗兰黛 Estee Lauder冰凝 24/7 Freeze 24/7清新 Fresh美容汇 Fusion Beauty阿玛尼 Giorgio Armani纪梵希 Givenchy葛罗氏 GloMinerals歌诗 Gosh娇兰 Guerlain维健美 Guinot水芝澳 H2O+赫莲娜 Helena Rubinstein高科技美颜 HighTech Cosmetics盈润之美 Hydroxatone英格蜜儿 Ingrid Millet茵芙莎 Ipsa伊莎杜拉 IsaDora珍曼妮 Jan Marini珍爱芮德 Jane Iredale果漾美颜 Juice Beauty佳丽宝 Kanebo凯文奥库安 Kevyn Aucoin契尔氏 Kiehl's珂诺诗 Korres高丝 Kose欧舒丹 L'Occitane欧莱雅 L'Oreal贝拉多娜 La Bella Donna海蓝之谜 La Mer蓓莉 La PrairieLancaster兰蔻 Lancome兰芝 Laneige罗拉玛斯亚 Laura Mercier劳拉卢克 Lauren Luke魅可 MAC美卡芬艾 Make Up For Ever蜜丝佛陀 Max Factor科斯美蒂矿物彩妆

MineraLogics by CosMedixModelCo摩顿布朗 Molton Brown纳斯彩妆 NARS莲娜丽姿 Nina Ricci品木宣言 Origins幽兰 Orlane奥斯莫蒂克斯 OsmoticsPaul & Joe保娜多芙 Paula Dorf柏姿 Payot彼得罗夫 Peter Thomas Roth自然哲理

Philosophy皮尔卡丹 Pierre Cardin琵熹 Pixi配方 Prescriptives漂亮 Pretty倍欧丽 Priori宝柏 Pupa矿物彩妆 PurMinerals芮薇塔 RevitaLash露华浓 Revlon史葛巴力斯 Scott Barnes资生堂 Shiseido植村秀 Shu Uemura希思黎 Sisley美之匙 SK II出色潮流 Smashbox诗丹丽 Stendhal诗狄娜 Stila蒂勒克 T. LeClerc绝棒彩妆 TheBalm无所遁形 Too Faced多娃比弗丽山Tova Beverly Hills翠丝麦依和 Trish McEvoy迪茜曼 Tweezerman退化城市 Urban Decay法儿曼 Valmont维森朗戈 Vincent Longo梵堡 Von Berg德国活力素 Youngblood伊夫·圣罗兰 YSLYves Saint LaurentZa



夜间 A La NuitA&F Abercrombie & Fitch水润Acqua

一生之香 A Scent by Issey Miyake星光大道 Absolutely Irresistible天使之吻 Acqua Delgi Angeli

花调 A Scent Florale独我 Absolutely Me寄情水 Acqua Di Gio

新寄情 Acqua Di Gioia

新寄情女香精粹版Acqua Di Gioia Essenza

彭玛之源 Acqua Di Parma

佛洛伦天娜 Acqua Fiorentina

活跃 Active Start


魅惑 Addict密使 Agent Provocateur爱格纳 Aigner

粉红魅惑 Addict 2密使 Agent Provocateur黑色爱格纳 Aigner Black

粉红魅惑清新 Addict 2 Eau Fraiche活力紫泉Agua de Loewe Ella爱格纳皮革 Aigner In Leather

魅惑精灵 Addict Eau Fraiche畅游地中海 Agua de Loewe Mediterraneo爱格纳星光 Aigner Starlight

晶采魅惑 Addict ShineAgua De Rocio爱格纳女人味 Aigner Too Feminine

恋上生活Addict To Life爱格纳白色 Aigner White

阿迪达斯 Adidas艾瓦国际 Air Val International

爱瑞精粹 Adri Essence外表 Aire

亚佩尔 Adrien Arpel梵拉奴碧绿 Aire de Verano Aquamarine

维特汀尼 Adrienne Vittadini



雪花石 Alabaster不凋之花 Amaranthine安妮 Anais anaisAnais Anais

艾伯特 尼波 Albert Nipon爱慕 Amarige安迪·沃霍尔 莱星顿大街 Andy Warhol Lexington Avenue

艾伯特 尼波 Albert Nipon惊讶 Amazing安迪·沃霍尔 银色工厂 Andy Warhol Silver Factory 亚历山大 Alexandra奇异恩典 Amazing Grace安迪·沃霍尔 成功在纽约Andy Warhol Success Is A Job in New York

亚历山大马尔科夫Alexandra De Markoff夏恋 Amazone安迪·沃霍尔联合广场 Andy Warhol Union Square

瓦化逊 Alfred Sung琥珀 Amber魅幻天使 Ange Ou Demon

异形 Alien琥珀 Ambre魅幻天使 Ange Ou Demon Le Secret

异形精纯精华 Alien Essence Absolue琥珀香草 Ambre & Vanille柔情魅幻天使 Ange Ou Demon Tendre

异形琥珀阳光 Alien Sunessence Series琥珀 Ambre De CabochardAnge Ou Etrange 夏娃 All About Eve龙涎香Ambre Gris天使 Angel

魅力 Allure橙色苏丹 Ambre Sultan天使 Angel

感性魅力 Allure Sensuelle美洲 America天使食品 Angel Food

永久Always紫水晶 Amethyst天使纯真 Angel Innocent

艾丽莎 Alyssa Ashley紫晶 Amethyst摇滚魅力天使 Angel Innocent Rock

爱神 Amor Amor安吉斯勒塞 Angel Schlesser

爱神绝对 Amor Amor Absolue安吉斯勒塞 Angel Schlesser

爱神青春热情 Amor Amor Elixir Passion安尼米尔 Animale

爱爱禁吻 Amor Amor Forbiden Kiss安尼米尔 Animale

爱神诱惑 Amor Amor Tentation安娜苏 Anna Sui

爱慕 Amouage安霓可古特尔 Annick Goutal

爱慕 Amour安妮卡 Annika

爱慕之花 Amour Florale安妮卡·索伦斯坦 Annika Sorenstam

千里之爱印度胡里节 Amour Indian Holi安东尼奥·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas


目睹 Apercu花草水语之睡莲花 Aqua Allegoria Flora Nymphea阿拉伯 Arabie

幻影 Apparition日光百合香水 Aqua Allegoria Lys Soleia雅顿美人 Arden Beauty

幻影异域清新 Apparition Exotic Green花草水语之栀子含羞草 Aqua Allegoria Tiare Mimosa雅门巴斯 Armand Basi

苹果花Apple Blossom水莲娜 Aquolina阿玛尼女士代码Armani Code Femme

四月紫罗兰 April Violets月色女性 Armani Code Luna

完美馥活 Aroma Blue

芳香果汁 Aroma Juice

倩碧露 Aromatics Elixir

天然植物精华 Arome Spa Tonic

光韵 Arpege

艺术收藏系列 Art Collection Series

阿提密西亚 Artemisia


阿斯特坊 Astor Place珍爱时刻 Attimo尼马拉 女香 Au Feminin Nirmala

花水时刻 Attimo L'eau Florale先兆 Aura



AV阿莎露情人对香Azzaro Duo

雅达 Aveda阿莎露橙水 Orange TonicAzzaro Orange Tonic

雅达 Aveda阿舒娜 Azzura 艾维安斯 夜间麝香 Aviance Night Musk



爱琪美 Academie自然香调 Bare Escentuals卡尔文 Calvin Klein迪梵 Darphin

艾克 卡帕 Acca Kappa碧欧泉 Biotherm凯伊黛 CaritaDDF

亚佩尔 Adrien Arpel烁光 Blinc卡罗尔的女儿 Carol's Daughter思妍丽 Decleor

伊索 Aesop必列斯 Bliss凯玛士 Caswell Massey德布兰 Denblan

艾哈佛 Ahava布鲁姆 Bloom仙丽施 Cellex-C德美乐嘉 Dermalogica

爱茉莉 Amore Pacific贝佳斯 Borghese香奈儿 Chanel丹尼斯医生 Dr Dennis Gross 安娜苏 Anna Sui博倩叶 Boscia香缇卡 Chantecaille柏瑞特博士 Dr. Brandt

雅典娜 Athena伯克药妆护肤 Boske Dermaceuticals迪奥 CD Christian Dior丹尼斯博士 Dr. Denese

雅达 Aveda贝文研究室 Bremenn Research Labs娇韵诗 Clarins德国世家 Dr. Hauschka 雅漾 Avene宝格丽 Bvlgari柯丽柏蒂 CDPCle De Peau赛贝格医师 Dr. Sebagh

泰利 By Terry倩碧 CliniqueDS 实验室 DS Laboratories

莎乐美 Coryse Salome


科斯美蒂 CosMedix

牛舍 Cowshed


艾丽美 ElemisFake Bake卡尼尔 Garnier水芝澳 H2O+

忆念美 Elene冰凝 24/7 Freeze 24/7积姬仙奴 Gatineau汉普顿Hampton Sun

雅顿 Elizabeth Arden清新 Fresh阿玛尼 Giorgio Armani赫莲娜 Helena Rubinstein

雅丽 Ella Bache美容汇 Fusion Beauty纪梵希 Givenchy高科技美颜 HighTech Cosmetics 源美肌 Eminence葛罗氏 GloMinerals宙派德 HydroPeptide

欣赏 Enjoy葛罗氏美疗 Glotherapeutics

雅诗兰黛 Estee Lauder葛莉斯黛 Glytone

Eve Lom医美护肤 Good Skin

高斯密 GoSmile

娇兰 Guerlain

维健美 Guinot


英格蜜儿 Ingrid Millet珍曼妮 Jan Marini佳丽宝 Kanebo欧舒丹 L'Occitane

茵芙莎 Ipsa珍爱芮德 Jane Iredale契尔氏 Kiehl's欧莱雅 L'Oreal

医洛维媞 IS Clinical约翰大师有机物John Masters OrganicsKinara贝拉多娜 La Bella Donna 果漾美颜 Juice Beauty纪娜丽诗 Kinerase丽嘉儿 La Claree Oliv'

尊积帕 June Jacobs君与后 Kings & Queens海蓝之谜 La Mer

茱丽 Jurlique科拉普 (GK美容) Klapp ( GK Cosmetics )蓓莉 La Prairie

祖芬娜 Juvena克连贝格 Klein Becker理肤泉 La Roche Posay

珂诺诗 KorresLancaster

高丝 Kose兰蔻 Lancome

兰芝 Laneige

兰泽 Lanza

罗拉玛斯亚 Laura Mercier

丽蕾克 Lierac


福特医生 M.D.Forte纳斯彩妆 NARS欧邦琪 ObagiPaul & Joe

魅可 MAC娜图比索 Natura Bisse玉兰油 Olay柏姿 Payot

妈妈米欧 Mama Mio奴博 Nubo奥丽哈力逊 Ole HenriksenPCA 美肤 PCA Skin 马拉喀什 Marrakesh欧树 Nuxe品木宣言 Origins泊菲堤 Perfective Ceuticals 美华娜 Mavala Switzerland幽兰 Orlane培礼雅 Perlier

MD 配方 MD Formulations奥斯莫蒂克斯 Osmotics裴礼康 MD Perricone MD MD护肤 MD Skincare彼得罗夫 Peter Thomas Roth

珍碧嘉 Methode Jeanne Piaubert蓓丽雅 Pevonia Botanica

摩顿布朗 Molton Brown菲利普 B Philip B

慕拉 Murad自然哲理 Philosophy

妙思乐 Mustela普拉达 Prada

培法芝 Prevage

倍欧丽 Priori

矿物彩妆 PurMinerals


利维肤 Re Vive欣蔓 Sampar蒂勒克 T. LeClerc最美 Ultima

任 Ren史葛巴力斯 Scott Barnes嫩肌护肤 Tend Skin瑞妮蔻 Unique 瑞斯澜 Rexaline资生堂 Shiseido岱蔻儿 Thalgo

洛克 ROC植村秀 Shu Uemura刮胡学问 The Art Of Shaving

有机分子医学护肤 Sircuit Skin Cosmeceuticals纯真戈德 The Pure Guild 希思黎 Sisley绝棒彩妆 TheBalm

美之匙 SK II汤姆福特 Tom Ford

皮肤药用品 Skin Ceuticals无所遁形 Too Faced

斯美凯 Skin Medica真谛 True

丝凯琳 Skyn Iceland

出色潮流 Smashbox

诗丹丽 Stendhal

诗狄娜 Stila


基尔工作室 Studio Gear

苏迪弗 Sue Devitt

雪花秀 Sulwhasoo


灿烂微笑美齿 Supersmile

雪肌丽 Swissline


法儿曼 ValmontXen Tan德国活力素 Youngblood哲·碧卡狄 Z. Bigatti 瑞士维他命B12 Vitacreme B12伊夫·圣罗兰 YSLYves Saint Laurent


维维特药妆 Vivite


Unit One

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

Not long after the telephone was invented, I assume, a call was placed. The caller was a parent saying, “your child is bullying my child, and I want it stopped!” The bully's parent replied, “you must have the wrong number. My child is a little angel.”

A trillion phone calls later, the conversation is the same. When children are teased or tyrannized, the parental impulse is to grab the phone and rant. But these days, as studies in the U.S. show bullying on the rise and parental supervision on the decline, researchers who study bullying say that calling moms and dads is more futile than ever. Such calls often lead to playground recriminations and don't really teach our kids any lessons about how to navigate the world and resolve conflicts.

When you call parents, you want them to “extract the cruelty” from their bullying children, says Laura Kavesh, a child psychologist in Evanston, Illinois. “But many parents are blown away by the idea of their child being cruel. They wont believe it.” In a recent policedepartment survey in Oak Harbor, Washington, 89% of local high school students said they had engaged in bullying behavior. Yet only 18% of parents thought their children would act as bullies.

In a new U.S.PTA survey, 5% of parents support contacting other parents to deal with bullying. But many educators warn that those conversations can be misinterpreted, causing tempers to flare. Instead, they say, parents should get objective outsiders, like principals, to mediate.

Meanwhile, if you get a call from a parent who is angry about your child's bullying, listen without getting defensive. That's what Laura McHugh of Castro Valley, California, did when a caller told her that her then 13-year-old son had spit in another boy's food.Her son had confessed, but the victim's mom “wanted to make sure my son hadn't given her son a nasty disease,” says McHugh, who apologized and promised to get her son tested for AIDS and other diseases. She knew the chance of contracting any disease this way was remote, but her promise calmed the mother and showed McHugh's son that his bad behaviour was being taken seriously. McHugh, founder of Parents Coach Kids, a group that teaches parenting skills, sent the mom the test results. All were negative.

Remember: once you make a call, you might not like what you hear. If you have an itchy dialing finger, resist temptation. Put it in your pocket. [419 words]

1.The word “bullying” probably means______.

[A] frightening and hurting [B] teasing

[C] behaving like a tyrant [D] laughing at

2. Calling to a bully's parent.______.

[A]has long existed but changed its content [B]is often done with careful thinking

[C]often leads to blaming and misunderstanding [D]is used to warn the child not to do it again

3. According to the surveys in the U.S., _______.

[A] bullying among adults is also rising

[B] parents are not supervising their children well

[C] parents seldom believe bullies

[D] most parents resort to calling to deal with bullying

4. When bullying occurs, parents should_______.

[A] help the bulling child get rid of cruelty [B] resort to the mediator

[C] avoid getting too protective [D] resist the temptation of calling

5.Laura McHugh promised to get the bullied boy tested for diseases because________.

[A] her son confessed to being wrong [B] she was afraid to annoy the boy's parent [C]he was likely to be affected by these diseases[D]she wanted to teach her own son a lesson


blow away *① to completely surprise sb., to affect intensely; overwhelm使大为惊讶;强烈影响,征服 例:That concert blew me away.音乐会震撼了我。 ② to defeat sb. completely, esp. in a game (尤指在比赛中)彻底战胜 例:Nancy blew away the rest of the skaters.南希战胜了其他的滑冰运动员。

bully n. [C] 恃强凌弱者;流氓,暴徒

vt. ① to threaten to hurt or frighten sb. weaker 欺侮例:He was bullied by the older boys at school. 他在学校里受到大孩子的欺负。 ② to use your strength or power to make sb. do sht. 恐吓, 胁迫 例: The manager tried to bully his men into working harder by threatening them with dismissal. 经理企图以解雇相威胁, 迫使职工更卖力气。

Contract n..[C] 契约;合同

vi. to become smaller or narrower缩小;收缩 例:Metal contracts as it becomes cool. 金属冷却时收缩。

*vt. to begin to have an illness患(病) 例:He contracted pneumonia.他得了肺炎。

flare vi. (也作flare up)① to suddenly begin to burn, or to burn more brightly for a short time 突然燃烧起来;(短暂地)烧旺 例:The match flared in the darkness.火柴在黑暗中突然着了一小会儿。 *②(感情等)突然爆发 例:Violence has flared up again in the Middle East. 中东又突然爆发了暴力事件。 ③(疾病)突然加剧 例:My asthma tends to flare up on smoggy days. 在烟雾天我的气喘往往会加剧。

n. [C] ① 闪光,瞬时的明亮火焰 ② 信号灯(弹)

resolve vt. * ① to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem or difficulty解决 例:There werent enough beds, but the matter was resolved by George sleeping on the sofa.床不够用,但乔治睡到沙发上问题就解决了。 ② to make a definite decision to do sth.(某人)决心,决定 例:After the divorce she resolved never to marry again.离婚以后,她下决心永不再嫁。 ③(委员会、会议等通过投票)作出决议,表决 例:The Senate resolved to accept the President's budget proposals by 70 votes to 30.参议院以70票对30票通过决议,同意总统的预算草案。

vi. 下决心,决定 例:He resolved on/against (making) an early start. 他决定(不)早出发.


itchy a. 使人发痒的

mediate *v. 斡旋,调停 a. 居中的,间接的

rant n./v. 怒吼,咆哮,大声抱怨

recrimination n. *① 反诘,互相指责 ② 反控告

tyrannize vt. ① 对??施行暴政 *②专横地对待


1.That's what Laura McHugh of Castro Valley, California, did when a caller told her that her then 13 year-old son had spit in another boy's food.

该句主干是That's what...。在what引导的表语从句中,其主干成分为Laura McHugh did,of Castro Valley, California是一个介词短语,做后置定语,修饰主语Laura McHugh; when引导的时间状语从句修饰谓语did。

2.She knew the chance of contracting any disease this way was remote, but her promise calmed the mother and showed McHughs son that his bad behavior was being taken seriously.

该句是由but引导的并列句。前一分句的主干是She knew (that)...,宾语从句中的主干为the chance was remote,介词短语of... this way做后置定语修饰主语chance;后一句的主句是her promise calmed the mother and showed McHughs son that...,that引导的宾语从句做动词show的宾语,构成show sb. sth.的结构,sb.为间接宾语,sth.为直接宾语,这里的直接宾语为that从句。



第一段为第一部分,指出现象:受欺负的孩子的家长打电话投诉,希望对方家长能管教好自己的孩子,但对方家长不以为然。句子You must have the wrong number. My child is a little angel体现了欺负人的孩子的家长对此问题的态度。


第二段:引用了两类研究结果。一类研究结果表明:仗势欺人现象在增多而家长管教却在减少(bullying on the rise and parental supervision on the decline)。另一类研究结果表明:①家长的投诉电话毫无用处(more futile than ever);②这种电话常导致相互指责(lead to recriminations);③达不到教育孩子的目的(not teach our kids any lessons)。

第三段:引用心理学家Laura Kavesh的观点指出,一方面,受欺负的孩子的家长打电话的目的是希望对方家长帮助其孩子改掉坏毛病(extract the cruelty);另一方面,接到电话的家长却很少相信(blow away)自己的孩子会欺负别人。作者进而用警察局调查结果的数据(89% students engaged in bullying,18% parents thought children bully)支持Laura的观点。


第四段:提出了第一种解决方法,即希望通过客观的局外人(objective outsider)来调解(mediate),而不是当事人双方直接联系。

第五段:提出了第二种解决方法,即家长学会耐心倾听(listen without getting defensive)。列举了“父母教导孩子组织”的创始人Laura McHugh处理问题的实例进而教育家长该怎么做:①认真倾听;②积极处理;③通过严肃处理事情借以教育孩子,这与第二段末句中“dont really teach our kids any lessons”对应起来了。




1. 事实细节题

(1) 可以考查“打电话投诉”这种行为的结果,参见试题2。

(2) 在文中,作者列举了两类研究结果(第二段)、两个专家的观点(第三段和第五段)以及两个调查结果(第三段和第四段),可以综合考查,参见试题3。

(3) 针对文中提出的解决方案,可以综合考查,参见考题4。此外,也可以采用判断正误的形式进行考查,如:以下哪一项是错误的?[A] 想打电话的家长要克制自己的行为;[B] 受欺负的孩子的家长应该直接联系当事人;[C] 接听电话的家长需要耐心倾听;[D] 需通过客观的局外人来调解。(答案:[B])

(4) 可以考查Laura McHugh的身份,如:[A] 儿童心理学家;[B] 研究父母如何教育孩子的专家;[C] 一个欺负人的孩子的母亲;[D] 某个社区组织的创始人。(答案:[C])

(5) 还可以考查最后一段中所举实例的具体细节,参见试题5。

2. 推理引申题

(1) 针对第一段末句You must have the wrong number. My child is a little angel考查接到电话的家长的态度。

(2) 可以考查第二段第一句的暗含信息,即,家长之间的投诉电话长久以来就存在,而且其内容没有改变。

(3) 针对两次调查结果的数据(89% of students and only 18% of parents;5% parents),可以推理家长的态度。

3. 词义句意题

(1) bully一词在全文反复出现,可以就其语意进行考查。参见试题1。

(2) 可以考查考生根据上下文推测第二段末句中playground recrimination的具体含义。

4. 作者写作目的题

可以考查末段中引用Laura McHugh的实例的目的。


1. 单词bullying可能的含义是________。

[A] 恐吓和伤害 [B] 取笑 [C] 表现得像暴君一样 [D] 嘲笑

[精解] 答案A本题考查根据上下文猜测词义。文章首段双方家长的对话中出现的“bullying my child”与“My child is a little angel”相互对照,说明 bullying是坏孩子的行为。第三段中提到打电话的目的是“想让对方改掉他们孩子的残忍行为”,cruelty一词说明了bullying的特点。此外第五段给出了bullying的具体事例:把痰吐到另外一个孩子的饭里。因此可推知[A]项“恐吓伤害”为正确答案。[B]项虽然出现在第二段中,[D]项与其近义,但却都只是其中一种形式,不足以概括所有的行为。[C]项含义不正确。

2. 打电话给恃强欺弱者的父母________。

[A] (这种做法)长期存在但内容有了改变 [B] 经常是通过仔细考虑后才做

[C] 常常导致责备和误解 [D] 被用来警告这个孩子不要再做

[精解] 答案C本题考查事实细节。第一段提到,打电话给恃强欺弱者的父母的做法自有电话以来就长期存在了。


3. 根据美国的调查表明,______。

[A] 成人中的恃强欺弱现象也在增加 [B] 父母没有很好地看管他们的孩子

[C] 父母很少相信恃强欺弱者 [D] 大部分父母打电话解决恃强欺弱问题

[精解] 答案B本题考查事实细节。第二段第三句提到,研究表明恃强欺弱现象增加,父母看管减少,因此[B]项正确,[A]项无从得知。第三段最后用数据说明,父母很少相信自己的孩子会恃强欺弱。[C]项换成了不相信恃强欺弱者本身,错误。第四段首句提到,研究表明5%的父母支持找家长解决恃强欺弱问题。[D]项错在most(大部分),与事实不符。

4. 当恃强欺弱问题发生时,父母应该_______。

[A] 帮助恃强欺弱的孩子改掉残忍的行为 [B] 求助调停者的帮助

[C] 避免变得太过自我保护 [D] 抵挡打电话的诱惑

[精解] 答案B本题考查作者观点。第三段首句提到,受欺负的孩子的家长打电话是希望对方家长能改正其孩子恃强欺弱的毛病。可见,[A]项并不是作者的观点。第五段首句提到,接到电话的家长不要自我保护。第六段提到,如果你想拨电话,一定要忍住诱惑。显然[C]和[D]项是分别针对“接到电话”和“打电话”的家长而言的。只有[B]项在第四段提到,是教育者对双方家长给出的建议,因此也是作者同意的观点。

5. 劳拉?麦休许诺让受到欺负的孩子做疾病测试是因为_________。

[A] 她儿子承认他错了 [B] 她害怕惹怒男孩的家长

[C] 他可能会被这些疾病感染 [D] 她想给儿子一个教训

[精解] 答案D本题考查第五段的细节。该段举例说明应如何正确对待一位愤怒的家长的电话。该段倒数第三句提到,麦休许诺让受欺负的孩子做疾病测试,不仅让其母亲平静下来,也让自己的儿子知道父母是非常严肃地对待他的恶劣行为。由此可知[D]项正确。








Text 2

“I've never met a human worth cloning,” says cloning expert Mark Westhusin from the cramped confines of his lab at Texas A&M University. “It's a stupid endeavor.” That's an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy. So far, he and his team have not succeeded, though they have cloned two calves and expect to clone a cat soon. They just might succeed in cloning Missy later this year—or perhaps

not for another five years. It seems the reproductive system of man's best friend is one of the mysteries of modern science. Westhusin's experience with cloning animals leaves him vexed by all this talk of human cloning. In three years of work on the Missyplicity project, using hundreds upon hundreds of canine eggs, the A&M team has produced only a dozen or so embryos carrying Missy's DNA. None have survived the transfer to a surrogate mother. The wastage of eggs and the many spontaneously aborted fetuses may be acceptable when you're dealing with cats or bulls, he argues, but not with humans. “Cloning is incredibly inefficient, and also dangerous,” he says.

Even so, dog cloning is a commercial opportunity, with a nice research payoff. Ever since Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1997, Westhusin's phone at A&M College of Veterinary Medicine has been ringing busily. Cost is no obstacle for customers like Missy's mysterious owner, who wishes to remain unknown to protect his privacy. He's plopped down $3.7 million so far to fund the research because he wants a twin to carry on Missys fine qualities after she dies. But he knows her clone may not have her temperament. In a statement of purpose, Missy's owner and the A&M team say they are “both looking forward to studying the ways that her clone differs from Missy.”

The fate of the dog samples will depend on Westhusin's work. He knows that even if he gets a dog viably pregnant, the offspring, should they survive, will face the problems shown at birth by other cloned animals: abnormalities like immature lungs and heart and weight problems. “Why would you ever want to clone humans,” Westhusin asks, “when were not even close to getting it worked out in animals yet?” [397 words]

6. Mr. Westhusin thinks cloning is dangerous because_____ .

[A] animals are tortured to death in the experiments

[B]the public has expressed strong disapproval

[C] too many lives are wasted for laboratory use

[D] cloning becomes a quest only for profit

7. What is the problem confronting the Missyplicity project?

[A] The client holds a suspicious view toward it.

[B] There is a lack of funds to support the research.

[C] The owner is unwilling to disclose the information.

[D] Cloning dogs is a difficult biological problem.

8. Which of the following is true about animal cloning?

[A]Few private cloning companies could afford it

[B]Few people have realized its significance.

[C] An exact copy of a cat or bull can be made.

[D] It is becoming a prosperous industry.

9. From the passage we can infer that _____.

[A] Mr. Westhusin is going to clone a dog soon

[B] scientists are pessimistic about human cloning

[C] human reproductive system has not been understood

[D] rich people are only interested in cloning animals

10. Mr. Westhusin seems to believe that cloning______.

[A] is stupid and should be abandoned [B] has been close to success

[C] should be taken cautiously [D] is now in a dilemma


confines n. limits or borders范围,界限;边界 例:the confines of human knowledge 人类的知识范围 / the confines of family life 家庭生活的范围


aborted a. *① 流产的 ② 出问题的,出故障的

canine a. 犬的,犬科的

cramped a. 狭窄的,拥挤的 例:working in cramped conditions 在拥挤的环境里工作

embryo n. 胚胎
