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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 23:30:33 单元作文


skipping rope 跳绳

merry-go-round 转马

bubber band skipping 跳皮筋

teeter-totter;seesaw 跷跷板

playing birdie;kicking shuttlecock 踢毽子

catapult;sling shot 弹弓

marbles 弹珠

swing 荡秋千

frisbee 飞盘

hide-and-seek;blind man's buff 捉迷藏

dropping handkerchief 丢手绢

palying leg-fight 斗鸡(每个人抬起一只脚的)

hopscotch 跳房子

cat's cradle 翻绳

kite flying 放风筝

toy bricks ;building blocks 积木

slide 滑滑梯

clapping games (你拍一,我拍一)

iron hoop 滚铁环

fox and chickens; eagle-chicken catching老鹰捉小鸡

whipping tops 打陀螺

jackstone 抓子儿

dodge ball ;ball tag 闪避球

play a game of tag 玩捉人游戏(你跑,我追)

picking up sticks 捡棒子

leapfrog ;frog jump 跳绳游戏

beanbag game丢沙包

Hide-and-seek or hide-and-go-seek (or, in Scotland, hidey) is a variant of the game tag, in which a number of players conceal themselves in the environment, to be found by one or more "seekers". Numerous variants of the game can be found worldwide.

[edit] Gameplay

The game starts with all players in a central location, indoors or out. One player is given the designation of "it". There are two portions to the game: the hiding, where all the players except "it" locate a place in which to hide, and the seeking, where "it" attempts to locate as many of the players as possible. The overall objective is to remain undiscovered by "it".

The hiding portion of the game begins with "it" using a method to avoid seeing the other players hiding, and counting out loud for a predetermined number of seconds, often with the aid of a word that takes about one second to say (e.g., "one-Mississippi, two-Mississippi..."). During the count, other players locate a place to hide. When the counting is completed, the "it" player usually

announces the start of the seeking portion by shouting a phrase such as "Ready or not, here I come!". "It" then begins a search for the hiding players.

When all players have been found or caught, the next game's "it" is usually the first player to be found. Alternatively, the players can agree that the last person to be discovered or tagged will become the next "it".

Occasionally, the "it" may call out "Ollie Ollie Oxen Free" to say that he has given up, and the players leave their hiding places.

[edit] Variants

In some variations players may move to other hiding spots while "it" isn't looking, and those who can remain hidden the longest are considered to be the best players.

In a more active variant, hide and seek can be combined with the game of tag. Instead of "it" simply spotting players, he or she has to tag them instead to get them out. Hiders can make a dash for 'Home Base', which is usually a landmark next to where whoever is "it" counts off. Touching the base area makes a hider safe, and the aim of the game is to touch base without being tagged; this game was, and may still be known as Pom Pom Home by school children in Berkshire (UK), which may be a variant of Pom Pom Runaway, as outlined below.

Another form similar to the above game involves tagged players becoming another "it". Rather than having a base, the aim is simply to survive as long as possible without being tagged, and the last one to not be tagged is the winner.

A derivative game is called Sardines. In this variant, only one person hides and the others must then find the person that's hiding and hide with them. The last person to find the group that's hiding is the loser. If playing indoors, turning the lights off may make it easier to hide large groups of people. A. M. Burrage calls this version of the game 'Smee' in his 1931 ghost story of the same name.[1]

Another name to call it is Yaki 123, where there is a home base in which the person who is it guards but has to also look for the players, the hiders try and make their way to the home base either undetected or if seen by the person who is it must get to homebase before them and call out Yaki 123. The hiders who are victorious have to stay near homebase til the end of the game, but they can also help the other hiders by distracting the person who it is.



湖北省应城市实验小学三(11)班 杨思绮


记得我很小的时候,我爬到妈妈的身上。妈妈还没有站稳,身子一歪,一下子把我从很高的地方摔下去。看到我摔在地上,妈妈吓得魂都飞了,连忙把我抱起来看伤在哪儿。我的额头摔了一个大包,疼死了。 我疼得大哭起来。家里人都责怪妈妈没有好好照顾我。直到现在,我的额头还有一个疤呢,就是因为那一次,我再也不敢打家马了。


指导老师 周燕凌

妈 妈 陪 我 练 体 操


湖北省应城市实验小学三(11)班 王紫依






指导老师 周燕凌




(1) 123木头人 statues

(2) 吹泡泡 blow bubbles

(3) 跳绳 skip the rope

(4) 踢毽子 kick shuttlecock

(5) 石头剪子布 scissors-paper-stone

(6) 扇洋片 fan the paper cards

(7) 过家家 play house

(8) 呼啦圈 hula-hoop



本文由有道词典原创或授权发布,转载请注明出处和链接,如有问题,点此反馈 ? A Thousand Miles-Vanessa Carlton

绝命毒师:毒贩也疯狂 ?


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(1)弹弓 slingshot

(2)弹珠 marbles

(3)滚铁圈 roll iron hoop

(4)抽陀螺 spinning top

(5)捉迷藏 hide-and-seek

(6)跳房子 hopscotch

(7)丢沙包 beanbag game

(8)跳皮筋 rubber band skipping


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英语里ice的大用途 ?


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Suppose Fudan is to choose the hottest newsmakers through public appraisal of the past year, two prodigies, Man Zhou and Han Han, will certainly stand beside the celebrities in scientific domain. Still being controversy, however, their appearances in prestigious Fudan challenge the conventional attitudes toward children cultivation. These two fortune's favorites exemplify some talents who successfully make their own decisions and achieve preliminary accomplishments.

There is no skepticism that our society is experiencing a profound reformation. As most sociologists indicate, children are a more sensitive and particular group that deserves intensive attention. People readily witness the construction development while the distinct shifts that children confront are neglected. Decades ago, people usually need not, or to some extent, could not make their own decisions because the so called "Screw Spirit" was adrotated greatly. One has no choice but to conform and adjust to the arrangement. Compared to their predecessors, present freedom and choices are more readily available to children. Almost everything ranging from education to career, religion to marriage is up to one's own wills. As a consequence, more emphasis should be attached to cultivating children's ability to make their own decisions independently. In this way they will adjust better future's fierce competitions.

Given that children should be entitled to make decisions,there emerges another problem how to make them efficiently.Creativity and talent of children are not new. It is just that their personalities and characteristics are becoming more pronounced.Unfortunately, it frequently happens that one born to be movie star who may probably win Oscar Award someday is excluded in a drama club in school;an innate business elite is dismissed only in the name of violating the rules by selling Christmas cards on campus; a more universal story is that the vast majority of children are merely ordinary people whose requests refer to leading a pacific life. How can parents or teachers impose their values of becoming someone on a child whose propensity is devouring a bestseller during spare time and going to movies with his or her spouse on weekends and refusing to working on additional hours in the unreasonable excuse of a boss. Although one is supposed to exert his utmost in some field, he also possesses the right to choose his or her own life style.

The intricacy of children issue lies not only in the lack of decision making opportunities, but also in being overlooked their essence children, meaning naive and credulous. It grieves us that the rate of adolescent crimes has been spiraling continuously. The number of teenagers involved in illegal sex, violent hooliganism and drug abuse is still shockingly spiraling. Some people often boast that the new generation are the best one ever before, but few of them are aware of the tough situation. We should not be overoptimistic and it is high time we took some substantial actions to cope with it. It is not lawmakers' job, but the entire society's responsibility.

The ongoing debate concerning children will remain an eternal topic and we must call on more concerns toward them. It is generally accepted that the children nowadays determine future rivals among countries. Consequently, it is worth our enthusiasm and wisdom to resolve this problem.



作者的语言功底较好,词汇量比较丰富,在文中使用了许多大词,如elite,propensity,pacific等,给读者留下了深刻的印象。作者也大胆地尝试了较为复杂的句式和被动语态,使文体显得更为庄重严肃。当然,在大词和复杂句式的使用中难免存在少量这样那样的小毛病,如We should not be overoptimistic andit is high time we took some substantialactions tO cope with it.这一句最好拆开成为独立的两句话,而不必为了延长句式而拼凑在一起。断句是中国英语学习者的一大常见问题。最常见的情况是,要么把两个独立的意群通过逗号连成一句,要么使用and将两者绑在一起,这些都是不符合英语的表达习惯的,值得广大同学注意。 本文结构清晰,语言流畅,被动语态、虚拟语气、定语从句等结构手段的使用都显示了作者扎实的语法功底。本文稍欠之处在于作者的观点不够明晰,尤其是第三段有冲淡主题之嫌。从文章的标题来看,作者的观点似乎只是呼吁对儿童的成长问题给予更多关心,而这样的立论容易流于空泛,因而不易把握,殊为可惜。
