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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 01:24:03 体裁作文


Formerly known as Manzhouli, "Horace Jin Prague", the Mongolian word means "strong spring."It's due to completion of the Dong Qing railway station here named in 1901 , Russian for "Manzhouliya", Transliteration to Chinese become "Manzhouli", 1907, Manzhouli officially opened the commercial port , which is a port city with centuries of history, place at the throat to the Eurasia continental bridge, known as "Asian window" in the world. Manzhouli is the largest land port in China, backed by the Northeast and North China's economic zone, north of Russia, west of Mongolia.

Manzhouli Port is located in the Asia-Europe Continental Bridge which is the first hub, the port is the gateway to the Bohai Sea in China Russia and other CIS countries and Europe, the most convenient, most economical, the most important land and sea transport Greater access and bear the Sino-Russian trade 60% of the land transport task. Manzhouli was 5 times won the

"double-support model city" award for 3 consecutive sessions and was "the civilized port," the title is the spiritual civilization advanced cities. China Excellent Tourism City, the title of China's top ten charming city, Inner

Mongolia, five-star civilized city and the satellite towns, national civilized city, Manzhouli has unique tourism resources, and offers endless as the "northern pearl." Hulunbeier prairie grass, prairie meandering river Hulunbeier distant sight; blue waves of the Hulun, free of dust; towering doors, solemn; Mongolia passionate style, forceful heavy; Western blend urban style, unique charm.



CIS系统是由理念识别(Mind Identity简称MI),行为识别(Behavior Identity简称BI)和视觉识别(Visual Identity简称VI)三方面所构成。











祸的报复,在我国,这样的事例也是?再发生,我们的生存环境已经告急。 “人性化”设计必须以“为人类的利益设计”为宗旨,我们必须以自然界作为整个设计的出发点,全面、长远地考虑人与自然、人与社会的关系,考虑人类生命的延续,这样才真正体现“人性化”设计“以人为本”的宗旨。更重要的是,它给予了现代设计更新的定位,从而有利于防止设计被现代社会物质化,传统思想文化及人类之间友谊的遗失。





原 文

CIS DEICIGN CIS system is ideal identification (Mind Identity listed MI), Behavior Recognition (Behavior Identity listed BI) and visual identification (Visual Id entity listed VI) which constitute three.

CIS corporate image design concept is the establishment of enterprises identify unique business philosophy is the production and operation of enterprises in the process of design, scientific research, production, marketing, services, business

management concept of identification system. Enterprise is on the current and future period’s operational objectives, business; marketing and sales patterns in the overall planning and defined, including: the spirit of enterprise, corporate values, corporate credo, operating purposes and operating strategies, market positioning, industry structure, organizational structure, social responsibility and development planning, and so on. Enterprises belonging to the area of ideology.

cis countries

CIS corporate image design, conduct business practice is to identify business concepts and create a culture of enterprise guidelines on the modalities for the operation of the unified planning and the formation of the dynamic identification system. It was based on the operating principles - basic starting point is to establish and improve internal organizational systems, standardized management, staff

education, standard and welfare system; it is to explore the external market surveys, product development, through social welfare and cultural activities, public relations, marketing and other means to convey ideas enterprises to gain public recognition for businesses in the form of recognition.

CIS corporate image design, visual identification is the corporate logo, standard fonts, standard color-start the core integrity, Visual Communication System is the enterprise concepts, cultural, service, standardize enterprises semantic abstract into concrete symbol of the concept, he has carved out a unique corporate image. Visual

recognition system is divided into the basic elements of system and application elements of both systems. Basic elements of the system include: name of the

enterprise, signs, the word standards, standards, symbolizing logo, publicity spoken, Marketing Report, and so on. Application of the system including : office supplies things, production equipment, construction, packaging, advertising media, transport, clothing, uniforms, banners, signs, signs, windows, etc. displayed. Visual Recognition (VI) in the CIS corporate image design system with the most power and influence spread. Most likely to be accepted by the public, according to a leading position. In fine, our country the business enterprise has to come out the mistake area of various understanding top and behavior while ducting into CIS, comprehensive consider oneself of management present condition, pay attention to MI, BI, VI to systematize a design with whole turn an implement, emphasize CI ducting and manage level of promote and raise, pass norm of with the valid implement of system, pierce through the principle of business enterprise in the whole activities of the business enterprise and the behavior of the employees. Only so, business enterprise then can from whole top with promote and improve image basically, then can make CI strategic real achieve success.

This time VI design is mainly the characteristics which aims at virtuous and high machine electricity business enterprise group, designing a marking, standard word, standard color and foundation system and applied system, the whole design understands in brief together the product, principle...etc. of business enterprise to match very much, also more outstanding the virtuous and high machine give or get an electric shock of position.

On the say, we should see: The VI design wants to combine with the product, principle...etc. of company, pass the design make company of the image is more outstanding, let the feature of company have a brand-new look. According to the unsteady of [with] our country merchandise quality, the CI is the commitment of a business enterprise, making consumer business enterprise the impression of the image to purchase merchandise, in the future very grow a period all is so. The CI will play more important role in the Chinese business enterprise step by step get into the



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Installment plan :a system for paying goods by installments. 分期付款购物法

commuter:通勤者,上班乘车者 FAO: 联合国粮食与农业组织 USNE: 美棉北欧到岸价 POD:交付凭证(Print on Demand)account balance: 账户结余、收入明细 checks and balances:政府机关彼此之间的相互制衡,制约与平衡 L/C:信用证 TAO:道教 most-favored nation treatment bonded goods:保税货物 CDED:欧洲裁军会议(conference on disarmament in Europe) automated teller machine:自动柜员机,自动取款机 POD: print on demand 交付凭证

外向型经济 export-oriented economy 政企分开: separate government functions from enterprise management 载人航天计划: manned space program

优惠合同: preferential contract 关税贸易总协定: General Agreement on Tariff and Trade

战略伙伴关系:strategic partnership 购货合同: purchase contract

报关: to declare something at the customs 恶性循环: vicious circle 贸易顺差: favorable balance of trade 节能: energy conservation 安检: security check 显示器: display 安理会常任理事国: permanent members of the United Nations Security Council

自负盈亏: assume sole responsibility for its profits or losses

swan’s song: 天鹅之绝唱,比喻最后的作品 Sudan red dye 1:苏丹红染料,一种非生物合成着色剂 catch-22:《第二十二条军规》 Babel:巴别塔,巴比伦似的城市 wet blanket: 扫兴的人或事 town-gown community:

八宝粥:Mixed Congee,北二路,王若飞在狱中,三通:three direct links of trade, mail, and shipping and air services ,林纾,素质教育:quality-orientd Education ,暗箱操作:covert deals,信达雅: faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance ,讨债公司:

CAD: 计算机辅助设施 red star over china:《西行漫记》 个体工商户:private business 鸦片战争: First Opium War 民革: Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang 即中国国名党革命委员会 民盟: China Democratic League 限价房: limited price

社会保障体系: Social Security System 国计委: state planning conmmission

NASA:美国国家航空航天局 FBI : 美国联邦调查局 UNESCO: 联合国科教文组织 CCTV: Closed Circuit Television(闭路电视) IAEA: 国际原子能机构

FDI: 外商直接投资 Diet of Japan: The Tories: 托利党,王党保守党

The Treasure Department of the U.S : 美国财政部 The State Department in the Washington: 华盛顿美国国务院 Balance of Payments: 国际收支平衡

港人治港:Hong Kong Self-rule Hong Kong people govern Hong Kong

全面建设小康社会 :to build a moderately prosperous society in all aspects

中国特色社会主义:socialism with Chinese characteristic

构建两岸关系和平发展的框架: 祸从口入:知足常乐:水火无情:一蹶不振:

Diplomatic asylum: 外交庇护 Genetic mutation: 基因突变 International Herald Tribune: 《国际先驱论坛报》 UNFCCC : 联合国气候变化框架公约 Ramadan: 斋月 Non-aligned movement: 不结盟国家组织 futures business: 期货贸易 NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement北美自由贸易协定

The transference of the title of property: 所有权转让

国家质量技术监督局:State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision


保险索赔:an insurance claim 优惠关税:preferential duties

红白喜事:weddings and funerals 安居工程:housing project (for low-income urban residents 《论语》: The analects 常规裁军:conventional disarmaments 海协会:Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait (ARATS) 欲速则不达:More haste less speed一次性筷子:one-off chopsticks 按揭贷款:mortgage loan IATA: 国际航空运输协会 IPR:知识产权 UNICEF: 联合国国际儿童基金

bonded warehouse: 保税仓 Binary theory: 二进制理论 温室气体:greenhouse gases 转基因食物: GM FOOD APEC: 亚太经合组织 售后服务:after-sale service de facto: 实际制 艾滋病毒:AIDS virus 应用语言学:applied linguistic 爵士摇滚:Jazz- Rock 入境签证:an entry visa 美国联邦储备银行:federal reserve bank HDTV; 高清晰度电视 CBS: 哥伦比亚广播公司 deoxyribonucleic acid:脱氧核糖核酸 force majeure:不可抗力 carbon dioxide:二氧化碳 magic realism:魔幻现实主义 OED:Oxford English Dictionary 牛津英语字典 UNFCCC:The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 联合国气候框架公约, multipolarity:多极化, the APEC CEO summit:亚太工商领导人峰会, On the origin of Species:《物种起源》, ecocriticism:生态批评, thriller film:恐怖电影 , FOB:到岸价 , optimize economic structure:优化经济体制, overall revitalization,

白条:IOU 共赢:WIN-Win 硕士点: master degree programs, 钉子户:Tartar(难对付的人) 次贷危机: Subprime Crisis 金砖四国:BRICS 亲子鉴定:paternity test, 打黑除恶: crime crackdown (这个是重庆市外事翻译中心给出的翻译), 整顿小煤矿: bring order to small coal mines, 中国大陆:Chinese Mainland,教师休息室:混合动力汽车:HEV(Hybrid Electric Vehicle), 四项基本原则:four cardinal principles,发展是硬道理;Development is the absolute principle 社会主义和谐社会:harmonious socialist society

Neet: 尼特族,即不读书、不工作、也不接受训练的的人 unfriend: 删除好友 somebody's cup of tea: 某人的心爱之物 give the floor to:给与发言权 the in-thing:时髦事务 Arbor Day:美国植树节 infortainment:信息娱乐, 前苏联:former Soviet Union 打造知名品牌: Forging farmous brands 老人节: The Old Men Festival 中国十佳宜居城市: China's top ten livable cities 晚婚晚育: Latter marriage, latter childbirth

CIF:到岸价 DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE:道琼斯工业平均指数 THE RENAISSANCE:文艺复兴 METEOR STORM:流星雨 intangible asset:无形资产 insurance policy:保险单 immune system disorders:免疫系统失调 exchange rate:汇率 fiscal deficit: 财政赤字 brain drain:人才流失 oedipus complex:俄狄浦斯情绪 force majeure:不可抗力 multilateral cooperation:多边合作 epidemic disease:流行病

半导体: semiconductor 知识产权: 酸雨:acid rain 自由撰稿人:free-lance writer 温室效应: greenhouse effect 外资企业Overseas-founded enterprise 贸易顺差:favorable balance of trade 货币贬值: devaluation 高血压: hypertension 违约责任:liability for breach of contract 可再生能源: renewable energy sources 扩大内需: expand domestic demand 民意调查: poll/ mass observation

dynamic equivalence: 动态对等法 PostScript:附言 transliteration:直译 overtranslation:超额翻译 black sheep:害群之马 outsource:外包 山寨手机: copycat cellphones 破釜沉舟:cut off all means of retreat 以牙还牙: return like

for like 对冲基金: Hedge fund 本末倒置: put the incidental before the fundamental GDP: 国内生产总值 BBS:电子布告栏 WHO:世界卫生组织 LCD:液晶显示屏 LC: 登陆艇(landing craft) NGO:非政府组织、民间组织

CPPCC: 中国人民政治协商会议 ASEM;亚欧会议 China- ASEAN Expo;中国东盟展览会 SWOT analysis: 四点分析(优势,劣势,机会, 威胁) Global Sourcing: 全球采购 Information Asymmetry : 信息不对称 Innocent Presumption : 无罪推定 The Book of Rites : 《礼记》 Mencius: 孟子 Consecutive Interpreting: 接续口译 The House of Commons: 下议院 A farewell to arms 《永别了,武器》

全国人民代表大会: National People’s Congress 外交部; Ministry of Foreign affairs 会展会计: exhibition economy 注册会计师: CPA( Certified Public Accountant) 董事会:board of directors 中国证监会; CSRC China Security Regulatory Commission) 廉政公署:ICAC( Independent Commission Against Corruption) 暂行推定:temporary provisions 有罪推定; guilty presumption 佛经翻译: the translation of Buddhist scriptures 百年老店:century-old shop 论语: the Analects 三国演义:Romance of Three Kingdoms / Three Kingdoms 南方都市报: South City News

台湾当局:TaiWan authorities 台独:Tai Wan Independence 台湾同胞; Tai Wan compatriots 反分裂国家法 : the anti-secession law

一国两制:One country, two systems CIS countries: 独联体国家

中美联合公报:Sino-US Joint Communique

account balance 1.〈会计〉账户结余,账户余额,结平账户

checks and balances 1.政府机关彼此之间的相互制衡

installment plan分期付款方式

bonded goods 1.保税货物,扣存关栈货物

安理会常任理事国 1. permanent members of the security council 安居工程 1.Comfortable Housing Project

2.economy housing project

3.housing project for low-income urban residents

特区政府 special district government

somebody’s cup of tea指合乎某人喜好的活动或感兴趣的事情

give the floor to 给予发言权

the in-thing流行事物;时髦事物

Arbor Day 美国植树节

Infotainmentn. 娱乐信息节目(兼具教育及娱乐功能的电视节目,电影或书籍) 前苏联 former Soviet Union

中国十佳宜居城市China's top 10 livable cities

晚婚晚育 late marriage and late childbirth; later marriage and later childbearing

知识产权 intellectual property

弱势群体 vulnerable groups

应试教育 exam-oriented education

Market access 市场准入;进入市场;开放市场

Artificial intelligence 人工智能

The millennium goals 千年发展目标

海峡两岸 the two sides of the Taiwan Straits

Apartheid 种族隔离

Trade liberization 贸易自由化

统筹兼顾 making overall plans and take all into considerations 加强务实合作 enhance corporation in practical terms 趋利避害draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages 更快更高更强 swifter, higher, stronger

Sandstorm syndrome 沙尘暴综合症

个体工商户persons engaged in individual business of industry 鸦片战争 Opium War

限价房 low-pricing apartment

社会保障体系 society security system

国计委 Kingdom planning commission

应用语言学 applied linguistics

爵士摇滚 jazz rock

入境签证 entry visa

美国联邦储备银行 Federal Reserve Bank

diplomatic asylum 外交庇护

genetic mutation 基因突变

international herald tribune 国际先驱论坛报



This agreement is made on the ___ day of ______, 200_


1. Magnetic Technologies LLC., having its principal place of business and head office in Dubai, U.A.E., P.O.Box 27559 (hereinafter referred to as the MANUFACTURER)


2. M/s. ____________________, having his principal place of business and head office in ____________ (hereinafter referred to as the AGENT).


Whereas, for the purpose of this agreement it is understood that MANUFACTURER holds, owns or controls in its own rights or under agreement with the original owner thereof, all the rights for manufacture and distribution of magnetic products worldwide excluding the CIS countries, Germany and Argentina. Whereas, the AGENT is an experienced business organization and quite influential in the local business community and is desirous of acquiring agent’s rights in Sudan for stocking, sales and promotion and cause the same to be promoted in the said area for the products, specified in Clause 1 on the following terms and conditions.


MANUFACTURER grants AGENT exclusive rights for selling magnetic products only in

Agriculture, Household Usage, Medicine and Fuel Modification with related scientific research and popular literature.


MANUFACTURER hereby appoints the second party as his AGENT in the territory of

____________ only, the citizen of which the AGENT is.


a) MANUFACTURER grants AGENT the rights to market and distribute the above-mentioned products to any customer or resident with its principle place of business in the AGENT’S territory.

The right shall be sole and exclusive in so far as AGENT under permission of the contract, promotes and sells the products in his territory.

b) AGENT is not allowed to advertise or set up and maintain branch offices and/or houses to resell the products outside his territory. However, AGENT can only fix devices in neibouring countries.

c) Any eventual sale out of the territory through the AGENT’S organization could be mutually discussed, and every single operation has to be agreed upon between the parties in writing.


a) AGENT agrees to give MANUFACTURER a purchase schedule on a year-by-year basis.

b) MANUFACTURER and AGENT have agreed upon a minimum NET purchase of US

$ _______/= ( after discount ) for the first full year, from which this agreement takes effect. For the second and the following years the minimum NET purchase shall be US $ _______/= ( after discount ) for the products under Clause 1.


a) The MANUFACTURER will issue a Net Price List to the Agent, specifically applicable to the Territory of this Agreement, based on which all transactions will be concluded.

b) On signing this agreement the AGENT shall put a minimum purchase order worth of US $ 10,000/=.

c) AGENT shall take delivery of materials at MANUFACTURER’S head office, AGENT shall undertake the responsibility for transportation and all other risks.


MANUFACTURER has the right of reviewing the prices of the material once every six months depending upon the market situation. An increase in prices will be agreed upon by the parties hereto and shall come into force after three month’s notice given by MANUFACTURER.

However, during the first year of cooperation MANUFACTURER guarantees stability of prices for the materials stipulated in Clause 1 of the present agreement.

The products shall be supplied at prices ruling on date of order entry.

Each project in any industrial field, should such an opportunity arise, will be dealt on a

case-to-case basis and terms and conditions along with fees, revenues and other matters shall be discussed additionally.


a) AGENT undertakes to sell the mentioned devices exclusively at the rate suitable for his region.


AGENT shall pay for the product in cash at site upon receiving the goods.


AGENT shall:

a) Use his best endeavors to maintain, increase and promote the sales of products in his

territory, and by way of appointing sub-dealers and distributors directly under his control in his territory.

b) AGENT shall have the head office with equipment and information similar to the head office of MANUFACTURER in Dubai. The same logo, trademark of MANUFACTURER, symbols shall be used by AGENT.

c) AGENT does not have the right to promote, market any other similar or related materials produced by other MANUFACTURERs.



a) Supply the products as ordered by AGENT on the basis of previous order confirmation.

b) MANUFACTURER shall not appoint any third party as an agent within the territory for import and sale of the products and shall not grant any third party the right or privilege within the territory for the sale of the products.

c) MANUFACTURER informs AGENT that the lifetime of equipment is 10 (ten) years form the date of delivery.

MANUFACTURER does not bear the responsibility for any damages caused to the equipment by the customer.

The MANUFACTURER does not bear the responsibility for any dissatisfaction, which could be caused to the customer as the result of wrong usage of devices.


On demand, AGENT shall send his employee to the MANUFACTURER’s head office for 15 days

for special training in order to obtain the knowledge for right presentation of information to the customer. The expenses shall be borne by AGENT.

MANUFACTURER trains AGENT’s personnel free of charge.


Any trademark or business mark that exists in respect of the products shall remain the sole property of MANUFACTURER.


Neither party shall during the continuance of this agreement nor at any time thereafter, divulge any information of the other party trade secret, business techniques or other confidential matters relating to the other party, except for the purpose of performing the terms of the present agreement.


AGENT undertakes to advertise the products in the territory and shall keep MANUFACTURER informed of any action, which may help the sales promotion.

The cost incurred by advertisement, trade fairs, exhibitions and promotions, etc. carried out in the AGENT’S territory shall be borne by AGENT.

MANUFACTURER will place at AGENT’S disposal, on request and as available, publicity material and products literature in reasonable quantities.


AGENT shall have the right to appoint sub-dealers or distributors, to carry out any of AGENT’S obligations in his territory under the present agreement.


Neither party shall be liable to the other in the event of being unable to perform this agreement by reason of riots, civil disturbances, wars, accidents, strikes, lockouts, storms, fires, floods or any other circumstances beyond reasonable control.


a) The agreement comes into force on this ____day of ________, 200_ and remains valid for the period of two calendar years, and could be renewed for another two years by mutual written agreement .

b) If the AGENT succeeds in achieving the high standards of sales and feels the requirements of establishing a joint venture with the MANUFACTURER. Both parties will work out a separate agreement for the said joint-venture.

c) This agreement automatically gets canceled if the AGENT failed to meet the purchases tasks agreed upon by this agreement, and that could avoided by mutual written agreement as special case.


AGENT shall not sign or transfer his rights or obligations contained herein to any other party without previous written consent of the MANUFACTURER.


Any notice required under the terms of this agreement shall be given in writing or sent by cable or telex or fax to the address of either party as is duly specified in the present agreement.


If any dispute or disagreement arises out of interpretation of this agreement, any sale and purchase contract hereunder or the performance thereof on any matter arising out of this agreement and if such dispute or disagreement is not settled in writing between AGENT and MANUFACTURER by mutual cooperation in good faith, such dispute or disagreement shall be referred to and settled finally and conclusively under provisions of U.A.E. Federal Law No.18 of 1981 or any amendments and the rules and regulations made thereof.


Subject to U.A.E. Federal Law No. 18 of 1981, the provisions of this agreement constitute the entire agreement between MANUFACTURER and AGENT, related to the matter covered by this agreement and supersedes all previous agreements related to the same. In witness the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the day and year, first above written.

