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●We had a d●I like to f________ the story and see what h●But you can e●What do you p●Because I h●Over 80 years ago, he first a________ in the cartoon ●One of the main r________ is that Mickey was like a common man, but he always ________(尽力面对) ●However, he was always r__________(愿意)●She dresses up like a boy and__________(代替他父亲)Keys: discussion follow happens expect plan hope

appeared reasons face ready takes


知识点一 :—What do you think of talk show?

—They are OK. I don’t mind them.

What do you think of......=How do you like/feel



What do you_______ ____the transportation in Wuhan?

2.—_______did you________the summer vacation?(武珞路中学期中考试真题)

—It was terrible.I have too much homework to do.

A. What;think

C. How;think of B. How;liked D. How;feel about

3.—_____ do you think ____ the weather today?(武汉二中广雅中学期中考试真题)

—Hmm! Warm sunshine and cool wind! It’s pretty good.

A. How, of



1. Father is sleeping. Would you mind_____ the TV?

A. turning down B. to turn on C. turning up D. turn off

2. He made up his_____ to go for a swim.

A. idea B. thought C. mind D. head

3.—would you mind_____ if I open the window?


A. Sorry, I can’t. B. No, go ahead. C. It’s a pleasure. D. It’s really cold.

4 用所给词的适当形式填空: B. What, of C. What, like D. How, about

Would you mind_____ (open) the window?

知识点二 :—What do you think of talk show?

— I can’t stand them.


1. The girl can’t stand her little brother_____ talking.

A. keep B. keeping C. to keep D. kept

2. When the teacher came in, we should_____.

A. put up B. get up C. stand up D. look up

3. 用所给单词的适当形式填空:

1. She said she can’t stand_____ (wait) so long.

2. I couldn’t stand_____ (she) any more.

3. I can’t_____ (stand) the loud music.

知识点三 :I like to follow the story and see what happens next.


1. I still don’t know what_____ while I was away from home.

A. had happened B. was happeded C. has happened D. happened

2. I happened_____ a friend of mine on my way to Naijing.

A. meet B. to meet C. met D. meeting

3. She is so sad. What was happened_____ her?

A. in B. with C. at D. to

4. A bad traffic accident_____ yesterday.

A. happen B. take place C. happened D. took place

5.The meeting will_____ at half past four this afternoon.

A. happen B. be taken place C. take place D. be happened

6 用所给单词的正确形式填空:

What’s _____(happen) to the old man who is lying on the ground?

Keys:知识点1 Exercise1 think of B B Exercise2 A C B opening

知识点2 B C waiting her stand

知识点3 D B D C C happening



1. ----The summer vacation is coming. Where are you going?

----Oh, we are planning ______ the West Lake.

A visit B visiting C to visit D visited

2. ----How long have you been away from your hometown?

----Nearly two years. I really ____ to return to my hometown one day.

A make B plan C expect D enjoy

Keys: (C) (C)

三 小知识点对应习题:

知识点一:I like to follow the story and see what happened next.

follow (vt) 跟随,遵循 效仿,听懂 听清

following(adj) 接着的 其次的

follow sb to do sth 跟着某人做某事

follow one’s advice 听从某人的劝告


1 冬去春来。 。 2 你应该听从老师的劝告。


3 你能懂我的意思. Can you ?

Keys:1 Spring follows winter. 2 follow your teacher’s advice 3. follow me

知识点二:What can you expect to learn from sitcoms?

expect (vt) 期望,预料,期待

expect to do sth

expect sb to do sth.

expect that+从句

★★练习一: 翻译

他想要在周日回来。 (expect to do sth)

★★All the students expect English well because it is very useful.

A learn B to learn C learning D in learning

Keys:练习一He expects to be back on Sunday. 练习二B

知识点三:Because I hope to find out what’s going on around the world.

hope (v) 希望 hope (n) 希望 in the hope of

hope to do sth (注意:不能说hope sb to do sth)

hope that +从句

hope 与wish辨析


wish 一般只不可能实现的愿望

wish to do sth

wish sb to do sth

wish sb sth / adj e.g. Wish you success/happy

wish that


Martin Luther King has ever said, " We must accept(接受) disappointment in our life, but we must never lose our___54___" What he said is quite true.When we___55__difficulties. Please face them bravely. Where

there is a will, there is a way.


55.A.happen B.money B.meet C.health D.time D.choose C.feel

★★★★★练习二 首填。(武汉二中广雅中学期中考试真题)

Don and his 11-year-old son, Aron, love basketball. For Aron’s birthday last October, Don decided to take him to Cincinnati, more than two h___51___ drive, for the first game of the World Series. They had no tickets but h 2to buy a pair from scalpers(黄牛党)

★★★练习三 同义句转换

1. I hope I will visit Wuhan. I visit Wuhan.

2. I hope that you will succeed. I Keys:练习一 A B 练习二hope

练习三 hope to wish you success

知识点四:Over 80 years ago, he first appeared in the cartoo Steamboat Willie.

over (prep) 相当于more than


There are over 300 students in our school.

300 students in our school.

Keys: more than

知识点五:However, he was always ready to try his best.

ready (adj) 愿意的,准备好的

be ready to do sth 准备做某事

be ready for 为......做准备


1我们准备迎接新的挑战。 (be ready to do sth)

2 妈妈正在准备晚饭。(be ready for )

Keys:1 We are ready to meet the new challenge. 2 Mom is ready for dinner.

知识点六:Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey’s.

famous (adj) = well-konwn

be famous as : 作为….而出名

be famous for: 以…而闻名


1. The summer Palace is ______ around the world. Lots of people come to visit it every year.

A popular

B famous B famous for C smart D favorite 2. China is very ______ the Great Wall, china and pandas. A famous as C ready to D ready for

3. The river was k______/f_______ for its crocodiles(鳄鱼) and fast moving water.

Keys: B B known/famous

知识点七:She dresses up like a boy and takes her father’s place to fight in the army.


1. She hurriedly ______ the child and took him downstairs.

A put on B wore C dressed D in

C dressing herself up D dressed up 2. The young woman is _____ now. A dressed her up B dressed up her

Keys: C C


知识点一 meaningless adj. 没有意义的


1. ----If we live alone without friends, money is _____ to us, right?

----Yes, money can’t buy anything.

A close B dirty C poor D meaningless

2. ----Why didn’t you go to watch the movie? It was so fantastic.

----I ____ to, but my uncle dropped in.

A hoped

Keys:D C

知识点二、 successful adj.

success n.


----In the 1930s, the character Mickey got a great _______?

----Is that why Wall Disney became rich and ________?

A success; success

Keys: C




A orders B reasons C characters D news

reason& casue& excuse 辨析


1. Drinking and driving is one of the most common ______ of traffic accidents.

2. You don’t have to find a/an _______ for her.

3. What’s the _____ for your hurry?

4. There’s no ____ for such behavior.

5. The _____ why he was absent today is that his father died.

Keys: B Keys:cause ; excuse; reason; excuse; reason B successful; successful D successful; success C success; successful B wised C meant D expected 1. Sun Li becomes very popular now. One of the main _______ is that she acts very well in many movies.





Jane is my best friend from the United States. She has a lot of good habits. She always exercises and she reads books every day. Also, she often drinks juice and she hardly stays up late. However, she has some bad habits, too. She usually watches TV for more than two hours. She sometimes eats junk food. She never goes to the dentist for teeth cleaning. She says she is afraid.

My best friend and I

Friends are like books-- you don’t need a lot of them as long as they’re good. My best friend is Nancy. She is 14 years old. We are both tall. But she is heavier than me. She is more outgoing than me and she plays basketball better than me. She often makes me happy. We like sharing everything together. She brings out the best in me. We will be good friends forever.

TV Show

I like watching all kinds of TV shows. I like game shows, because I can try to guess the answers to the questions. It is really exciting. And I always except to learn something from the soap operas. I like to follow the story and see what happens next. But my favorite TV shows are the news and talk shows. I can find out what’s going on around the world from the news, and I think talk shows are educational.

My winter vacation’s resolutions

The winter vacation is coming. I am going to make three resolutions. The first one has to do with my physical health. I am going to get a lot of exercise every day and eat some healthier food. The second one is about my schoolwork. I am going to do my homework and read some books every day. The third one has to do with self-improvement. I am going to take up a new hobby. I am going to take the piano lessons. I will have a busy vacation.

My life in 20 years

In 20 years, I think I will be a teacher. I will live in Beijing, because I went there for vacation last year and fell in love with it. It is a really beautiful city. As a teacher, I think I will teach more kids. I will read some interesting books. I hope they can learn something new and useful from them. I will also make friends with my kids. I will be a good listener and give them some advice about their problems. I will give them more free time to do what they want to do. If I am a teacher, I will be very happy.


unit 1

1. go on vacation[]去度假

2. be on vacation[]在度假

3. go to the mountains[]去爬山

4. stay at home[]待在家里

5. go to beaches[]去沙滩

6. visit museums[]参观博物馆

7. go to summer camp[]去参加夏令营

8. anything special[]任何特别的东西

9. anyone interesting[]任何有趣的人

10. something important[]重要的事

11. go (out) with somebody[]和某人一起(出)去

12. study for ...[]为......而学习

13. take photos[]拍照

14. quiet a few[]相当多

15. few[]少数(修饰可数名词,表示否定)

16. a little[]一点儿(修饰不可数名词,表示肯定)

17. little[]少许(修饰不可数名词,表述否定)

18. most of the time[]大部数时间

19. have a good time[]玩的愉快 (相当于have fun; enjoy oneself)

20. of course[]当然

21. buy something for somebody[]=buy somebody something买某物给某人

22. seem to be[]似乎

23. keep a diary[]记日记

24. arrive at or in[]到达(at后接小地点,in后接大地点)

25. in the past[]过去

26. get to[]到达

27. because of[]因为

28. enough money[]足够的钱(名词放enough后面)

29. fast enough[]足够的快(形容词和副词放enough前面)

30. one bowl of...[]一碗...

31. taste great[]尝起来好

32. walk around[]四处走动

33. the next day[]第二天

34. along the way[]沿路

35. on our school trip[]在学校旅行时

36. find out[]找出,查明

37. so...that...[]如此...以至于...

38. up and down[]上上下下

39. come up[]出来

40. decide to do something[]决定去做某事

41. try doing something[]尝试做某事

42. try to do something[]努力做谋私

43. feel like...[]感觉

44. enjoy doing something[]喜欢做某事

45. start doing something[]开始做某事

46. forget to do something[]忘记去做某事

47. forget doing something[]忘记做过某事

48. tell somebody (not) to do something[]告诉某人(不要)做某事

49. dislike doing something[]不喜欢做某事

50. stop to do something[]停下来去做另一件事

51. stop doing something[]停止做某事

unit 2

1. on weekends[]在周末

2. go to the movies[]去看电影

3. help(somebody)with housework[]帮助某人某事

4. help somebody (to) do something[]帮助某人做某事

5. hardly ever[]几乎从不

6. go shopping[]去购物

7. go to the shopping center[]去购物中心

8. every day[]每天(注意与everyday的区别)

9. once a week[]每周一次

10. twice a week[]每周两次

11. three times a week[]每周三次

12. once a month[]每月一次

13. twice a month[]每月两次

14. how often[]多久一次

15. use the Internet[]使用互联网

16. be free[]有空

17. have dance and piano lessons[]上舞蹈课和钢琴课

18. swing dance[]摇摆舞

19. play tennis[]打网球

20. at least[]至少

21. stay up late[]熬夜;睡得很晚

22. go to bed early[]早点睡觉

23. play sports[]进行体育活动

24. go camping[]去野营





29. it’s +adj for somebody to do something[]对某人说,做某事怎么样。 it’s + adj. of somebody to do something[]某人做某事怎么样。 be good for...[]对...有好处 be good with...[]与...相处好 want to do something[]想要去做某事

30. ask somebody about something[]向某人询问某事

31. fifteen precent of ...[]...15%

32. not...at all...[]一点也不

33. go online[]上网

34. be surprised at[]对...感到惊讶

35. most students[]绝大数学生

36. for fun[]为了玩

37. in one’s free time[]在某人的业余时间

38. answer to question[]问题的答案

39. such as[]比如(后接一个或两个,一般为短语)

40. for example[]例如(后接一个,一般为句子)

41. spend some time with somebody[]和某人一起度过时光

42. spend some time or money doing something[]花时间或钱做某事

43. Old habits die hard.[]积习难改

44. start doing something[]=start to do something[]开始做某事

45. the best way to do something[]做某事的最好方式

46. more than[]多于

47. less than[]少于

48. go to the dentist[]去看牙医

49. be afraid of[]害怕

unit 3

1. play the drums[]敲鼓

2. run fast[]跑得快

3. jump high[]跳得高

4. work hard[]努力巩固

5. more outgoing[]更外向

6. as...as...[]和...一样

7. the singing competition[]歌唱比赛

8. make somebody do something[]使某人做某事

9. the same as[]与...相同

10. be similar to[]与...相似的

11. be different from[]与...不同

12. be in talented in...[]在某方面有天赋

13. care about[]关心,在乎

14. be good at[]擅长……

15. be good with[]善于与……相处

16. be like a mirror[]像一面镜子

17. like doing something[]喜欢做某事

18. enjoy doing something[]喜欢做某事

19. That’s way...[]这便是为什么...

20. as long as[]只要

21. bring out[]使表现出

22. reach for[]伸手取

23. in fact[]事实上

24. get better grades[]取得更好的成绩

25. touch one’s r heart[]感动某人

26. share something with somebody[]和某人分享某物

27. It’s+ adj.+for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事……的。

28. not as/so…as[]不如

unit 4

1. movie theater[]电影院

2. close to[]离...近

3. in town[]在镇上

4. so far[]到目前为止

5. thanks for doing something[]=thank you for doing something因做某事而感谢。

6. No problem.[]没问题。

7. what...think of...[]=how...like...认为...怎么样

8. how far[]多远

9. how long[]多长

10. how soon[]多久

11. how often[]多久一次

12. talent show[]才艺表演

13. around the world[]世界各地

14. such as[]比如(后接一个或两个,一般为短语)

15. have...in common[]有共同特征

16. try to do something[]努力做某事

17. try doing something[]尝试做某事

18. look for[]寻找

19. and so on[]等等

20. all kinds of[]各种各样

21. be up to...[]由...决定;是...职责

22. play a role in doing something[]在做某事方面扮演重要的角色

23. not everybody[]不是每个人

24. make up[]编造

50. for example[]例如(后接一个,一般为句子)

25. in fact[]事实上

26. take... seriously[]认真对待

27. give somebody something[]=give something to somebody给某人某物

28. come true[]实现

29. one of...[]...之一(后接可数名词复数形式)

30. keep doing something[]一直做某事

31. stop doing something[]停止做某事

32. stop to do something[]停下做另一件事

33. watch somebody do something[]观看某人做某事

34. watch somebody doing something[]观看某人正在做某事

unit 5

1. talk show[]谈话节目

2. soap opera[]肥皂剧

3. game show[]游戏节目

4. sports show[]体育节目

5. think of[]认为

6. mind doing something[]介意做某事

7. can’t stand doing something[]不能忍受做某事

8. learn from[]从...获得;向...学习

9. more educational[]更句教育意义

10. plan to do something[]计划做某事

11. like doing something[]=love doing something

12. have a discussion about something[]就……讨论

13. follow the story[]跟着故事(发展)

14. see what happens next[]看看接下来发成什么(what引导宾语从句)

15. expect to do something[]盼望做某事

16. expect somebody to do something[]盼望某人做某事(不可以说hope somebody to do


17. hope to do something[]希望做某事(hope + that从句)

18. one day[]有一天

19. come out[]出来;出版

20. find out[]查明;弄清

21. happen to do something[]碰巧做某事

22. go on[]发生

23. around the world[]全世界

24. with two large round ears[]带有两只圆的大耳朵

25. one of the main reasons[]重要原因之一

26. try to do something[]努力做某事

27. try doing something[]尝试做某事

28. such as[]例如(后接一个或两个例子,通常为短语)

29. be ready to do something[]乐于做某事

30. try one’s best[]尽某人最大努力

31. not so...as...[]不如

32. a pair of[]一双;一对

33. dress up[]打扮;梳妆

34. take one’s place to do something[]代替某人做某事

35. her love for her family, friends and country[]她对家、朋友和国家的爱

36. something enjoyable[]令人愉快的东西




第一部分:听力理解 (共三节,30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)

听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。 1. How much does the handkerchief cost?

A. $16.00. B. $9.50. C. $6.50. 2. How does the man find the woman?

A. Careless. B. Honest. C. Helpful. 3. Where did the woman leave her keys?

A. In her bag. B. In her pocket. C. On the desk. 4. What?s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Mother and son. 5. What?s Mr. Carson doing?

A. Making a phone call. B. Taking a message. C. Having a meeting. 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)

听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。

6. Where does the conversation take place?

A. At home. B. In a shop. C. At a hotel. 7. What will the woman do later?

A. Take a sleep. B. Have some coffee. C. Watch football match. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。

8. What?re the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A book. B. A film. C. The weather. 9. What?s the man?s opinion?

A. The weather was hot. B. The book must be interesting. C. The director should follow the story. 听第8段材料,回答第l0至12题。

10. How long will the man stay in New Zealand?

A. One week. B. Two weeks. C. Three weeks. 11. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Save more money for his trip.

B. Book his flight as soon as possible. C. Go to New Zealand after Christmas. 12. When will the man book his flight?

A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow morning. C. Tomorrow afternoon. 听第9段材料,回答第l3至15题。

13. What?re the learners required to do during the training period? A. Ride motorbikes in the city. B. Move from one point to another.





C. Missy Heart was on the VTV Awards Show. D. Gizmo Valdez taught the Los Angeles River Girls. 57. Whom should a beginner choose if he wants to learn Breakin?? A. Missy. B. Gizmo. C. Bryan. D. Gusher.

58. What can a reader get if he registers before Dec. 10th?

A. He can receive a discount in cost. B. He can get the instructors? autographs.

C. He can choose whichever of the classes he likes. D. He can enjoy free lunches in the Community Center. 59. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To inform the instructors of their class times. B. To locate directions to the Community Center. C. To introduce some talented dancers to readers. D. To encourage readers to sign up for the classes.


Three years ago I was on a fishing trip up to Grand Lake. I had been out on the water nearly all of one day and, getting tired, paddled back to camp.

When I got within about 100 feet of the shack(棚屋), I saw the front door was open. I glanced in. There stood a big black bear just remov

follow the story

ing the cover of my molasses(糖浆) bottle with his teeth.

Out came the sticky molasses all over the floor. He lapped up some of it and then rubbed his right paw(爪子) into the rest—smeared(涂抹) it all over.

Silently I crept around behind the camp, yelling. The bear shot through the door like a bullet and headed for the lake. At last he sat down on the shore, holding his sweetened paw up to the air. It was June and the air was full of flies and mosquitoes. I could see that they were flying around that molasses foot. Soon it was covered with insects, feasting.

Suddenly the bear waded out in the water and placed the sweetened paw down close to the surface. Then I saw a fine trout(鳟鱼)jump out of the water at those flies. Every time a fish jumped clear of the water, he would bat it ashore far up the beach. Looking at the pile of trout on the sand, I recalled that all I had caught that day was two small fish.

He had a fine feed. And when he had eaten half a dozen fine big trout, he paused, looked over at the bushes where I was and actually laid the remaining fish. Then he wandered off up the shore, and oddly enough kept looking back over his shoulder.

Soundlessly I walked down to the beach where there was a dozen wonderful trout. At the edge of the woods the bear stopped, standing up. As loud as I could, I yelled, ?Thanks, old man!? I noticed that the bear actually waved a paw at me and dove into the woods.

60. How did the author feel when he saw the bear in his shack? A. Excited. B. Frightened. C. Delighted. D. Annoyed. 61. The bear walked into the water to ______.

A. catch some fish B. drink some water C. cool himself down D. get rid of the insects

62. From the passage we can see that in the end the author regarded the bear as ______. A. a lovely pet B. a good helper C. a human being D. a strange animal 63 Which is the best title for the passage?

A. What Bears Eat B. Where Bears Live

C. How I Dealt with a Bear D. Why I Never Shoot Bears


The characters in Deb Caletti?s books are teens, yet when Caletti writes, she doesn?t target her stories to any particular readers.

