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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 09:23:11 字数作文

篇一:小学作文:I like flower

I like flower




i like作文





I like flower !

篇二:作文范文i like exercising

一. I like exercising

Exercise is good for our health. I look after my heath and I have a very healthy lifestyle. I usually exercise three or four times a week and I often exercise for half an hour every time. I like running, swimming and playing basketball.

Exercise is very interesting. It helps me to keep in good heath and helps me to study better. I like exercising very much.

篇三:The food I like best英语作文

The food I like best

I like a lot of food: chicken, fried chicken, duck, fish, beef ... ...

I like beef, it's delicious and nutritious, so I like it. I like ... I like chicken, because it is very fragrant! I like fried chicken, because it is very delicious! I like lamb, because be put in the hot pot is very delicious! ...

I like vegetables, I like peas, pea flowers are white or purple, pea is green, I like to eat them. By the tender. I love peaches, they are very delicious, I like grapes because it is very delicious!

I have three meals a day in the morning I eat porridge, can also be. Noon to eat

dumplings taste awful. Night, eat, eat whatever. In general, no school to eat good!


幸福,一直以来都被人们所追求。有些人可能会埋怨:每天被沉重的书包压着,被父母整日唠叨着,更要被各种烦恼纠缠着,人们甚至会发出疑问:幸福在哪里?有人说幸福就在身边。幸福真的在我身边?过去我不相信,我曾哀叹:我没有遗忘幸福,可幸福却遗忘了我。现在我知道,只要你用心去体会,你就会发现幸福,幸福就在身边。 幸福就在我们身边,我们没感觉是因为它在就身边。拥有哗哗的自来水也算幸福吗?撒哈拉沙漠的人最清楚;拥有三天光明是幸福吗?海伦凯勒会告诉你;能够听到潺潺的流水、簌簌落叶、清脆莺啼也是幸福?贝多芬会让你坚信;甚至,爸爸的训斥、妈妈的唠叨也是幸福,当你远离家的时候你就会知道——幸福来来去去犹如旋转的灯塔上部的灯光,忽明忽暗,当它乍然亮起的时候会给你无限惊喜,而若长期处于灯光之下,你就会无动于衷。拥有灯光的我们可曾想过,那些没有电灯的山区孩童对灯光的渴望。 幸福就在我们身边,我们没感觉是因为它就在身边。有这样一名话:“予人玫瑰,手留余香”意思是说帮助了别人的人,心中也会感到快乐。当我们乘坐公交车让座时;当我们带惊惶失措的小朋友过马路时;当我们帮同学解一道难题时;还有哪怕当我们帮家人做一件力所能及的小事时,都会有一股愉悦感涌上心间,这难道不是一种幸福?因为我们于人方便,证明自己是个阳光的人,便拥有了幸福。

幸福就在我们身边,我们没感觉是因为它就在身边。当你生病时,同学、老师关心的话语,家人无微不至的照顾,不就是一种幸福吗?当你考试失败时,老师的鼓励,不就是一种幸福吗?当你快快乐乐的过完一天,等待着明天的到来的时候,不就是一种幸福吗? 幸福就在我们身边,我们没感觉是因为它就在身边。幸福,并非遥远地如海市蜃楼,可望而不可及的即,幸福,平平常常、简简单单,能游览“地平线的某处神秘玫瑰花园”,诚然是一种幸福,享受今天盛开在窗下的月季又何尝不是一种幸福。

幸福是一种感受,它源于生活,它在我们就身边,它需要我们用心去感受! 我们是幸福的,可总有些人不知道幸福就在身边。


篇四:英语作文I Like Googlo

英语作文I Like Googlo

I Like Googlo

I have a little dog. Its name is Googlo. He is three years old. He has two big eyes. They're black. He has one blue ear and one black ear. He is clever.

I like my Googlo. He likes playing with me. He can bark, jump and run. He can play football, basketball and volleyball. He likes playing football very much. He likes some fruit, such as apples, bananas, oranges, pears and watermelons. He enjoys his snacks.

I love my dog---Googlo. He is very interesting.

篇五:Why I Like Traveling 英语作文句酷网作业

Why I Like Traveling

Nobady cannot refuse go without they have the opportunity to go traveling as I do, The reason Why I Like Traveling is that traveling offers a stage for us set up our confidence and strengthen our body in a way, For us, It is worthwhile to do it.

I have fallen in love with traveling deeply, In the first place, I like to walk under sunset, feeling a breeze through, green trees growing up and enjoying the charm of nature,

compared with the beauty of quiet, the vast sea, towering mountains, blue sky are able to make my heart tremble completely. In the second place, In fact, I am always

impatient to confront to my messy life somehow, when a big hit suddenly appeared as if I have not earned a powerful heart. Traveling is the best choice that helping me to give over different kinds of pressure and going on to achieve my dream what I pursued all the time.

I like traveling, Only in this way can we enrich our life experience, know the world better.
