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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 18:26:54 初中作文

篇一:My college life

My college life

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight I am going to share my college life to you. For me, college life is absolutely another adventurous and unique journey. Although I haven’t achieved many goals like the others, I am nearly satisfied about my unforgettable experience. Campus learning activity, different categories of challenging part-time job and various kinds of friends constitute my wonderful world.

When I was a freshman, entering this school, I felt excited, curiosity and nervous. Everything in front of me is extreme new. Not only the delicate environment covered by the bright blessed sky, but the twinkling stars are also hanging in the dark scared night. At that time, I was filled with passion, energy and sweet dreams. My goals are to be a best host, basketball player of our campus and travelling around the world with my girlfriend. Because of this, I took part in so many associations that I can barely focus on one. Everyday, with disappointment, judgments and exhausted heart, I went back to my dormitory very late. Day by day, I start to doubt my initiate motivation. Should I proceed or find a new way out? What’s worse, I realized that my psychological quality was not as tough as I thought. I decided to join in the travel and work program to America (I guess I am the only one who work in America as a freshman in our campus.).

It is joyful to be a lifeguard of six flags in Marietta, Atlanta in America. Even though we have been trained under 40 degrees centigrade, I still enjoy saving drowning visitors. Personally, maybe my heart started to become stronger at that time. Also, thank god, I met a mean, fastidious and hypercritical roommate during the three months. He would criticize me on every aspect and I can not get along well with him. At the beginning, I would complain to my best friends how unlucky I was.

However, when I met someone like my roommate, with new horizon, I will deal with them in a better way. In another words, the negotiation

strategy matters the relationship. It is possible to turn my roommates into friends when I use different ways.

Besides, my valuable gifts in my first year are my first girl-friend and my key-four team. First gift, I had relationship with a beautiful girl while I lost her because of my childish. She taught me a lot, but nothing will go back. Second, the ‘key four’ team made up by my three best friends and me. We

gained some prices in a few three-player basketball matches. I learned about ‘share’ from them.

After the lifeguard experience, I made up my mind to study aboard. On the contrary, I suddenly found out my GPA was far away from the

standard which required by the foreign university. Facing this situation, I know that anxious is not the solution and I have no choice but to work hard to reverse course. This decision forced me to accomplish a

student’s job in time and caught up on lost time. Fortunately, now I have the same marks like the others.

When I became a junior school student, life went crazy. It is just like the first two years are the catalyst of the third year. First, introduced by my friend, I was in charge of the chocolate promotion activity, the office building part, of the snicker’s company in Guangzhou. This is such a tired job which involved negotiating with the facility managers. Second, it is so lucky to be a broadcaster in the canton fair. And I know a lot of new friends there. Third, we, the negotiation team of our campus, gained the second prize of negotiation competition over the China University.

There is one last year, the graduate year in campus for me to achieve some goals. And my goal is to get the chance to study as a postgraduate in Britain. I have faith on myself. Go on Bourne!

Hoping you can enjoy it.

篇二:My college


篇三:My college life演讲稿

My college life

Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Xujiguang. At first ,I got very nervous when I have to give my opinion and make a presentation here ,because I had not had such experiences before. However ,I think it is the valuable experience to get accustomed to express my own opinions and feelings.

Now today my topic is my college life. I wish I could share my happiness and annoyance I have experienced with you all . Time flies without giving a warning .Recalling about the past several months , so many thoughts are flooding in my mind . I just can not tell my real idea. The memory is just like so fresh, and all the things happened yesterday.

After entering college, we found, to our surprise, that differences between high school life and college life are great. In high school, we always depended on our parents and teachers to solve all kinds of problems. At college, however, we have to rely exclusively on ourselves. What is more, we have to learn how to get along with others, learn how to study independently, learn to love. There are so many things we have to learn.

When you say college life is dull, others make it interesting. So, why? Just hold in mind, at college, there are not so many people to watch you and guide you how to do

something any more, neither are there so many students who share with you one dream. So where is your dream?

As we all know, the train life is impressive on everybody. We had a lot of activities, for example, giving a speech on a stage or playing basketball. At that time, I felt myself so little among them. All of them have a special talent, but not me. Why do not I have this kind of talent? Am I stupid? I always said to myself.

No, consider, you in all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe. Wow, stop and think about that. You are better than one in a million, or a billion, or a gazillion. You are the only like you in a sea of infinity.

God gives every bird its food, but he does not throw it into its nest. Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do, it is truly up to you.

My life in university is like allegro. It is painstaking but worthwhile; bitter but sweet; tiring but exciting. The rainbow appeared in my first day of university life promised me a colorful life. Over the rainbow, there is the high sky above, the way ahead is long. I see no ending, yet high or low, I will search

my will unbending.

That is all, thank you!





My college life

It was a hot summer season, although it is autumn, but do not feel the autumn chill. . I am full of longing for life on college students, set foot on the train to the land of dreams, and began learning a new career. However, this is the first time, a father with me, travel is no longer lonely fear, only a heart filled with longing!

Different with high school, college students not binding, more slack, usually very little academic day, only just started coming, freshman management is also more stringent, to the earlier study up, despite how reluctant we do not, can still obediently toe the line, from not absent. In those days, now think about it, actually feel quite sweet, quite happy.

Life is very monotonous, one of four quarters, because I was late, to coincide with school dormitory nervous, so on and live with sister school senior, and this for me, there is no

inappropriate, just and classmates from the less, and not so often, I temper

my college girlfri

this relatively cool, fun loving though, is particularly practical, lack of vitality and passion college.

College life, a great extent improved my self-learning ability. Because the University taught in high school are no longer spoon-fed so as to learn is very boring. And high school teachers teaching methods are quite different, but a lesson taught a lot of knowledge, usually counted as one class of two classes, the kind of attached. So at first not used to. Classroom lectures alone is not enough. This requires the consolidation in the class to practice the knowledge learned in class to be their own and often go to the library to delve into some relevant information, over time, self-learning ability is improved. There is also understood how to use the same time focus on learning to think independently. To learn just is not enough hard at hard study, to learn "method" of doing it. As the old saying that good, delegate to fish than giving the fishing, my purpose here is to learn to "fish", but easier said than done, I changed a good many ways, what are diligent in thinking, the event to understand the problems can be diligent to ask. During the study, the "independent thinking" as their motto, always keep in mind alert. In addition to professional courses, we still have to learn English, Mathematics. In fact, these I like. These non-professional courses are usually together on the two classes, so teachers can also reduce the workload by half. For me, I'm so quiet, always quiet like a person on the line, so little spare time. Students are busy with their own business, so we have very little communication. Only during school breaks only slapstick about.

University of carefree life full of sunshine. Perhaps because of this that feels about right over time, we have a sophomore now blink of an eye, and this semester is nearing an end, think of quite feeling ah! Feel that they are slow however, so far do not know anything, there is no clear future plans. That the school sister asked me, have not tried? She said to me, "You should take advantage of a period in the university, for obtaining the number of documents, these will find a job after you is very useful, otherwise this will be after you graduate, you'll regret, why did not how how . "I want to do so, so good times, we should not be abandoned on the so give it to off, but should make good use of. No matter how the future, at least now I have to be fair.

Others say the university to learn a lot of things, we have to learn how to get along with others, deal with the communicative relations between people, lots to take part in practical activities,

training to improve their ability to develop their own social. Yes ah, of course, universities are still very much changed my thinking, my view of the world, view of life. While many depressed

through a lot of things fail, but I had never regretted her choice, because after experiencing college life, I am not the same on all, and the high school is an entirely different person, perhaps more mature, perhaps the ways of the world , and short, generally a reborn. I take life at a time when I can to make more rational decisions!

In fact, universities are not very good. The total time in high school before that the University is a paradise to come out from where the person can get paid work, dressed, fed and clothed. Often hear people say college is a large amount to anything, a good university is destined to a lifetime of glory, not when the life of the peasants, and not busy doing farming work, and do not do farm work so hard up. . .

College years are very good, can do so I went to college I found that is not really going on, had been talking about hype of college life not imagined it this good, so simple. . . I think, before,

perhaps too simple own ideas on us. . . In fact, it is most important is that their views and attitude. Many students believe that college is to learn practical knowledge in many gorgeous and not actually learn these things do not know what, that they can not be used to eat, can not be used for work, school chanting just given you, do not study does not test better. Of course, not. We have to realize their own

Was often said to me: what college you should learn well, maybe not after your professional

opportunities for you to find a job, and you learn something casual you may want to use whole life!

Since I entered the university, for the first time that life is worth a lot of things to learn and cherish his own lifetime, and it is the first time such a profound experience. High school time is spent in the books, but now has the most profound insight into the university is the original and the people know how to get along with one of life's a required course, as I said earlier,

relationships are important, and we must learn how to get along with others !

Oh, be they reading junior high school, college and now, as long as you still a student, as long as you were in school, your life is not inevitable, "three-point line" in the hover. Therefore, classroom, bedroom, dining room became my regular haunt. The beginning, would also have a bit of

university life, I hope, for the first time that college life sound just like high school life, is going to be living! Life is dull most of the time already, so time for a long time felt that the days of no novel. Can even be said to be boring! Fortunately, however, the library became a place I often go in the library reading homework, but also very happy happy. Sophomore redistribution about the bedroom, now I have, and their classmates live in together. Living together who share the same bedroom, after so many days to live, we had some mutual understanding, in life and learning will be more dependent on each other, more united! These are the commonplace understanding of life out.

But now when I go over people's eyes back to my freshman life, there has been a different

perception. Now I am more in the future to consider how to find a good job to go into society, but also experienced a variety of interviews to find part-time, in the process I began to reflect on my college life, I considered a qualified students? I chose the college life right? I am going through it for my future development to help?

Perhaps these experiences in some people seem to be very rich, not commonplace wasted, get some honor and encourage the recognition of this is, but I also think so and this has been targeted efforts.

Some people say that university friends will be friends for life, the childish high school faded in the face of a common life experience while also preserving the student's sincere and friendly, ask people how much life the opportunity to have pure friendship? People are social animals, but also emotional animals, if ignored the feelings of communication between people will be how sad thing. Handed in different circles with different friends in different experiences produce different inspiration, this is not also a valuable asset is it?

Over time, I not only learned the basic disciplines of public knowledge and professional

knowledge, I also made efforts toward a qualitative leap can more quickly master a new technical knowledge, I think it is important for the future . Knowledge in the learning period, the teachers taught, so I appreciate the fun. Around many of my classmates and I, have also established good relations of learning, help each other overcome difficulties. Especially the freshman curriculum design, but also exercise the hands of self and ability to analyze issues and benefit.

I have been pursuing the sublimation of personality, focusing on their behavior. I admire

people who have great personal charm, and always hoped I could be done. After nearly two years of university life, I adhere to the self-reflection and efforts to improve their own personality. In the library, I read some classics and a few books of this perfect personality for their help, more and more recognized for the conduct of a person how important it is related to whether the correct outlook on life and world view. Therefore, no matter under what circumstances, I have to come to moral demands on themselves. Wherever and whenever I have followed the tenets of

self-discipline, and practical to follow it. Students usually love, respect for teachers and helpful. Previously only felt very happy to help others is a virtue. Now I realize the truth, and helpful not only to cast noble character, but will also get a lot of their own interests. Also to help others to help themselves.

Recalling the past year and a half, I am very pleased to have a difficult time in the students who helped them, relative, in my difficulties, my classmates and selfless lent a helping hand. Without their help, I may not know where to go. I realized that, not so much the character and moral conduct of individuals as it is the responsibility of individuals to society. A person living in the world, must assume some responsibility to society, obligations, with the noble character, you can correct understanding of their responsibilities, the contribution to the realization of their value. Social work ability has been greatly improved, university life, I participated in many school activities and did some social practice. Participate in school activities to get to know more students, thus increasing communication with other students and their learning opportunities, training their communication skills, learn other people's strengths, recognize their own shortcomings.

I think, can not predict the future, but at least now I will try, will not let me leave any regrets in college life. Also like all my friends and classmates alike, for their future efforts!










英语口语演讲 My college,mmy life

By mikey

College life is colorful, but also need us to grasp and deep experience. Someone said: "ordinary college students have the same ordinary, but not the ordinary university but has its own brilliant." But, you can choose to ordinary, but not can choose mediocrity; If you can't believe that ordinary. So, how can we make our own university life worthwhile meaningful, how to advocate their university life? I just talk about personal time view.

first is to establish goals and plans, farther gaze. The ancients have "volunteers," save lofty when MAO zedong also has "custom long appropriate looking quantity". No goal will not have the efforts to advance direction, and with no power at all. Project goals, can divide again for immediate and long-term. Such as the recent I will read as many books as this month I should know what knowledge, holiday what practice plan to wait. For the long-term such as: before graduation of diploma, get relationships should be much, how should practice ability to the degree, etc. Moreover, the realization of the goal is a little wrath coherent process meter to realize. If one day, to remember five words can be written to many test. But, this requires persistence and perseverance.

second, is to put far vision, it is to point to not be temporary mood and mood that what will be done to drag, addiction, it must be great business event grasps, small relax. Such as online gaming, don't be such by the goal of satisfying some have been addicted, what does not know, temporarily meet the bigger behind the emptiness. Believe we all have this experience.

 the first three is to establish employment crisis. We always blame myself himself is not strong, control force without aspirant power. What does not know is own consciousness not awake. Someone will say: "love is study power" or "disadvantaged study power", etc. Actually, from direct sense, employment crisis is also should be our progress power. I often think of yourself after graduation actually do? The diploma, just college; Relations, believe in sit nothing most of the relationship. So, we the only way out is to have what ability. And this, then ask yourself: what you learned, you master? The problem now is not what we do not know to learn, but we don't want to learn.

fourth, is to learn knowledge and capacity development simultaneously. Before is heavy knowledge and light ability, but it's different now, just contrary, because social influence, diploma requirements of decline, so now properly many college students run outside looking for part-time job. If they are not affect the premise of learning, that didn't go as saying, instead should advocate. But some of them not, for a side dish, the waiter work at leave cleans, nor the arching over star. I side with this phenomenon. Now, there was such a dislocation thought, is that the authorities enterprise staff on-the-job, are using spare time "charging", and the college students in school but run into social part-time. I think this should be rectified the zeitgeist, position.

Well, my speech today is so far. Finally, the only one: "way streched endless ahead,

we will from head to foot." Yes, gave I, too, and everybody said.
