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篇一:肖邦作品目录 英文版

Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin,1810 年 3 月 1 日,生于华沙郊区热拉佐瓦沃拉,1849 年 10 月去世,享年 39 岁 Frédéric François Chopin(法语) 伟大的波兰音乐家 作曲家Op.1 - Variations Concertantes on a Theme of Krumpholz for Violin & Piano Op.2 - Brilliant Rondeau on the Cavatine de Carafa for Piano 4-Hands Op.3 Brilliant Fantasy and Variations on "Romance of Blangini" for Piano with String Accompaniment Op.4 - Le Souvenir, Variations Op.5 - Grand Rondeau No.1 in C Major Op.6 - Waltz or Exercises Op.7 - Piano Sonata No.1 in Ab Major Op.8 - Amicitiae, Andantino with Variations Op.9 - Variations Brillant & Facile on a Favorite Theme Op.10 - Brillant Grand Sonata in C minor for Piano 4-Hands Op.11 - Brilliant Divertissement for Piano 4-Hands Op.12 - Variations on Schubert's Trauer-Walzer D.365 No.2 (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.13 - Piano Sonata No.2 in A minor Op.14 - Brilliant Variations on an Austrian Waltz Op.15 - Recreation for the Carnival, Brilliant Choice of Waltz and easy: 2 Books Op.16 - Introduction and Variations on "O cara memoria" Op.17 Brilliant Rondo on a favorite Menuet of C. Kreutzer (Alternate Title: Fantaisie de A. Delaseurie sur un Air Suisse) Op.18 - Brilliant Grande Polonaise Op.19 - Variations of a Barcarole Favorite Op.20 - Introduction and Variations on a Marche favorite della Donna del Lago Op.21 - Introductions and Variations on a Cav. Favorite "Sorte secondami" Op.22 - Rondino No.1 on "Cara attendimi" Op.23 - Brillant Rondo No.2 in G Major for Piano 4-Hands Op.24 - Presto Caratteristico, Duet in A minor Op.25 - Brilliant Variations on "Ah come nancondere" for Piano 4-Hands Op.26 - Rondo quasi Capriccio in Eb Major Op.27 - Fantasy in Bb Major Op.28 - Piano Concerto in F Major Op.29 - Rondino No.2 on a Theme de l'Opera Corradino Op.30 - Rondino No.3 on a Theme de l'Opera Armida Op.31 - 3 Fugues Op.32 - New Year's Gifts, 24 Waltzes Op.33 - La Ricordanza, Variazioni sopra un Tema di Rode Op.34 - Duet after the 1st Trio of Mayseder for Piano 4-Hands Op.35 - Waltz di Bravura Op.36 - Impromptus & Brilliant Variations on Cotillon de Ballet Arsena Op.37 - Fantasy followed by a Romance varied Op.38 - 1st Grand Potpourri Concerto for 2 Pianos 6-Hands Op.39 - Rondino No.4 on a Theme by Fesca Op.40 - Brilliant Variations on Ballet La Danseuse d'Arthere for Piano 4-Hands Op.41 - Rondino No.5 on a Theme by Beethoven Op.42 - Rondino No.6 on an original Theme Op.43 - Brilliant Divertissement No.2 on a Cav. "Aure felice" for Piano 4-Hands Op.44 - Romance of Beethoven arranged as a Brilliant Rondo for Piano 4-Hands Op.45 - Charms of Baden, Rondo Pastoral Op.46 - Variations on a Bohemian Air Op.47 - Grand Exercise in Bravura in the form of Brilliant Rondo Op.48 - Die Schiffende, for Voice & Piano with words by Holtz Op.49 - 2 Brillant Sonatinas Op.50 - 2 Brillant Sonatinas for Piano 4-Hands Op.51 - 2 Brilliant Sonatinas for Violin & Piano Op.52 - Variations in an Easy Style on the Air from Die Fee aus Frankrei

ch Op.53 - Rondoletto Scherzando in C Major Op.54 - Brilliant and Characteristic Overture for Piano 4-Hands Op.55 - Charms of Friendship on a Theme of Beethoven Op.56 - Introduction and Variations on the 1st Galoppe Op.57 - Piano Sonata No.3 Op.58 - Legerrazza e Bravura, Brilliant Rondo (with Quartet Accompaniment) Op.59 - Introduction and Brilliant Variations on a Rondo and Marche favorite of Roland Op.60 Einleitung, Variations and Rondo on C. M. von Weber's Hunting Chorus from Euryanthe (with Orches tral Accompaniment) Op.61 - Preludes, Cadences, and a Short Fantasia in a Brilliant Style Op.62 - Caprice and Variations on "An Alexis" by Himmel Op.63 - Brilliant and Easy Toccatine on Tarrantelle of the Ballet Die Fee und der Ritter Op.64 - Fantasy in the Modern Style on Potpourri Op.65 - Piano Sonata No.4 in G Major Op.66 - Rondo and Waltz in C Major Op.67 Concert Variations followed by a Hunting Rondo on the walk of the Ballet, (转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:肖邦的英语作文)Barbe Bleu for Piano 4Hands Op.68 - Passionate Rondo Op.69 - Allegretto grazioso on a Theme from the Ballet, Barbe Bleu Op.70 - Romance in D Major Op.71 - Brilliant Nocturne after "Das waren mir selige Tage, for Piano 4-Hands Op.72 - 2 Nice Rondos Op.73 - Variations on "Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser" (with Quartet or Orchestral Accompaniment) Op.74 - Brilliant Rondoletto in Eb Major Op.75 - 3 Grand Allegros Op.76 - Piano Sonata No.5 in E Major Op.77 - Variations on "God Save the King" Op.78 - Piano Concerto in C Major Op.79 - 3 Grand Marches (Solo & Duet versions) Op.80 - Introduction and 7 Variations, Concerto for Piano & Flute (or Violin) Op.81 - Variations on Marche Anglais Op.82 - Grand Exercise in F Major Op.83 - Romance from W. Scott's "Fraulein vorn See" for Voice & Piano Op.84 - Grand Potpourri No.2 for 2 Pianos 6-Hands Op.85 - 3 Polonaises Op.86 - Variations sur l'hymne Bavarois Op.87 - Introduction & Variations Faciles on a Waltz of Mr. le Comte de Gallenberg for Piano 4Hands Op.88 - Rondino No.7 on a Motif from the Opera "Elisa e Claudio" of Mercadante Op.89 - Capriccio a la Fuga in E minor Op.90 - 6 Rondeaux Mignons for Piano 4-Hands Op.91 - German Air with Variations, "Es Ritten drei Rieter Op.92 - Toccata or Exercise in C Major Op.93 - Rondo Espressivo in E Major Op.94 - 2 Grand Marches for Piano 4-Hands Op.95 Notturno Brillant for Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Flute, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon, & Double Bass) Op.96 - Rondino No.8 on an Original Theme (alla Polacca) Op.97 - Rondino No.9, "La Chasse" Op.98 - Rondino No.10 on a Theme of Mozart Op.99 - Rondino No.11 on a Theme of Haydn Op.100 - Rondino No.12 on a Theme of Cherubini Op.101 - Grand March composed for the Coronation of the Empress Caroline of Austria for Piano 4Hands Op.102 - Rondeau Brillante No.3 for Piano 4-Hands Op.103 - Variations Brillante sur un Air Militaire Francaise Op.104 - 3 Sonatines Faciles et Brillantes for Piano with Violin & Cello Accompaniment ad libitum Op.105 - Piano Trio No.1 in Eb Major Op.106 - Introduction & Variations on an

Original Theme for Piano 4-Hands Op.107 - Rondeau Brillante dans le Style Francaise in D minor Op.108 - Caprice in E minor Op.109 - 5 Unvergangliche Blumchen for Voice & Piano Op.110 1st Decameron Musical, Recueil de Compositions Brillant et Faciles (10 Bks., Solo Piano Version) Op.111 1st Decameron Musical, Recueil de Compositions Brillant et Faciles (10 Bks., Piano 4H Version) Op.112 - Galoppe Varie No.2 Op.113 - Variations on an Original Theme Op.114 - Valse Variée Op.115 Easy Variations on a Theme from the Farce, Staberl's Reise Abentheuer in Frankfort and Munchen Op.116 - Impromptu Brillant for Piano 4-Hands Op.117 - Tendress, Amitie, & Confiance, 3 Rondeaux Op.118 - Grande Polonaise Brillante (with string quartet ad libitum) Op.119 - Sonate Militaire et Brillante for Piano 4-Hands Op.120 - Sonate Sentimentale for Piano 4-Hands Op.121 - Sonate Pastorale for Piano 4-Hands Op.122 - Grand Divertissement in the Form of a Rondo Brillante with Orchestral Accompaniment Op.123 - Variations Brillante sur "Gott Erbalte Franz den Kaiser" for Piano 4-Hands Op.124 - Piano Sonata No.6 in D minor Op.125 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Il Crociato' for Piano 4-Hands Op.126 - Grande Serenade Concertante for Clarinet, Horn, Cello, & Piano Op.127 - Rondino No.13 on a Theme from Auber's Opera "Le maon", for Piano Quartet Op.128 - Rondeau Brillant in A Major Op.129 - Duo concertant in G Major for Flute (or Violin) & Piano Op.130 - Variations Brillantes on 2 Themes from the Opera 'L'Ultimo Giorno di Pompei' for Piano 4Hands Op.131 - Fantasie Elegante (or Potpourri Brillant) on Themes from the Opera 'La Dame Blanche' Op.132 - Variations Brillantes sur "Depechons Travaillons" de l'Opera 'Le Macon' (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.133 - Introduction & Variations on the Cavatine from the Opera 'L'Ultimo Giorno di Pompei' Op.134 - Impromptu (or Variations) on a Theme from the Opera 'Oberon' Op.135 - Variations on a Theme from teh Opera 'Oberon' Op.136 - Hommage aux Dames, Repertoire des Nouvelles Compositions Brillantes (3 Bks.) Op.137 - Allegro Affetuoso for Piano 4-Hands Op.138 - Variations de Concert on "La Marche des Grecs" de l'opera 'Le Siege de Corinthe' Op.139 - 100 Progressive Etudes Op.140 - Introductions & Variations on a Favorite Air from 'Das Madchen aus der Feenwelt' Op.141 - Variations on the Favorite Duet "Bruderlein Fein" for Piano 4-Hands Op.142 - Overture for Orchestra in C minor Op.143 - Piano Sonata No.7 (Grande Fantaisie en forme de Sonate) Op.144 - Piano Sonata No.8 in Eb Major (Grande Fantaisie en forme de Sonate) Op.145 - Piano Sonata No.9 (Grande Fantaisie en forme de Sonate) Op.146 - Funeral March on the Death of Ludwig van Beethoven (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.147 - Variations a Capriccio on 2 Themes from the Opera 'Oberon' for Piano 4-Hands Op.148 - Piano Quartet No.1 Op.149 - Rondoletto Concertant in F Major Op.150 - 3 Polonaises Sentimentales Op.151 - Grand Exercise on the Shake Op.152 - Grand Exercise in All the Keys, Major

& Minor Op.153 - Concerto in C Major for Piano 4-Hands & Orchestra Op.154 Graduale Pastorale in F Major, "Hodie Christus Natus Est", for 4 Voices, 2 Violins, Viola, 2 Clarinets, 2 Horns, Cello, Double Bass, & Organ Op.155 - Exsulta filia Sion, Offertorium Pastorale Op.156 - Belohnung der fleissigen Jugend, 3 Sonatinen for Piano Duet Op.157 - Fantasia in A Major, Der Brand von Maria-Zell Op.158 - 3 Rondeaux Faciles & 3 Sonatines Faciles Instructives et Doigtees in 4 Bks. (Bk.1 Rondeaux Piano Solo Version, Bk.2 Rondeaux Duet Version, Bk.3 Sonatines Piano Solo Version, Bk. 4 Sonatines Duet Version) Op.159 - Rondeau Brillant di Bravura in A Major with Orchestral Accompaniment Op.160 Introduction, Variations, & Polacca after a Theme from Bellini's "Il Pirata", for Piano & Orchestra Op.161 - 48 Etudes in the Form of Preludes Op.162 - Fantaisie Brillante on Diverse Themes Suisses & Tiroliens Op.163 - 6 Easy Sonatinas Op.164 - Rondino No.14 sur "Ma Quell Amabile" dans 'Il Pirata' Op.165 - Grand Nocturne Brillant for Piano 4-Hands Op.166 - Piano Trio No.2 in A Major Op.167 - Sonatina in A Major Op.168 - 2 Rondeaux Op.169 - Rondino No.15 on a Theme of Paganini Op.170 - Grandes Variations Brillantes on Paganini's "La Campanella" Op.171 - Fantasia on 3 Themes of Haydn, Mozart, & Beethoven Op.172 - Grand Capriccio in C minor Op.173 - Piano Trio No.3 in E Major Op.174 - Ecossaises Brillantes (or Exercises de Bravura) Op.175 - Second Decameron Musical, Recueil de Compositions Amusantes (10 Bks., Piano Solo) Op.176 - Second Decameron Musical, Recueil de Compositions Amusantes (10 Bks., Piano Duet) Op.177 - Allegro Fugato in Quintetto for Strings Op.178 - Grand Sonata in F minor for Piano 4-Hands Op.179 Introduction, Variations, & Polacca on 2 Favorite Airs from "Der Alpen Konig und der Menschenfried " Op.180 Introduction & Variations on a Favorite Air from "Der Alpen Konig und der Menschenfried" (Solo & Duet Versions) (Opus 181192 are collectively entitled "12 Grand Rondeaux Nationaux Brillants et Caracteristiques") Op.181 - Rondeau National Allemand Op.182 - Rondeau Anglais et Ecossais Op.183 - Rondeau Boheme Op.184 - Rondeau Espagnol Op.185 - Rondeau Francais Op.186 - Rondeau Hongrois Op.187 - Rondeau Italien Op.188 - Rondeau Polonois Op.189 - Rondeau Russe Op.190 - Rondeau Suedois Op.191 - Rondeau Suisse Op.192 - Rondeau Turque Op.193 - Galoppe Variee No.3 Op.194 - Introduction, Variations, & Rondo on 2 Favorite Styrian Alpine Airs (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.195 - Rondino No.16 sur 'Ah come rapida' Op.196 - Introduction, Variations, & Rondo on "Or Che Son Vicino a Te" (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.197 - Fantasie Elegante No.3 sur 'La muette de Portici' Op.198 - Rondino No.17 on the 2 Barcarolles from 'La Muette de Portici' Op.199 - Variations sur "Ach! ich Stell" du Falsche Dir (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.200 – The Art of Improvisation (or The School of Extemporaneous Performance) Op.201 - 6 Rondeax d'Amusement Op.202 - Introduction, Variation Brillantes, et Ro

ndeau de Chasse Op.203 - Valse Autrichienne Op.204 - Divertissement de Concert for Piano & Orchestra (or Adagio, variations et rondeau) Op.205 - Impromptu Brillant on a Theme of Rossini Op.206 - Theme Russe, variee Op.207 - Rondoletto sur le Theme Hollandis Favori, "Wien Neelands Bloed in de Aders Vloeit" Op.208 - Introduction & Variations sur 'La muette de Portici' (Auber) Op.209 - Divertissement Briallant & Facile Op.210 - Concertino for Piano with Orchestral Accompaniment in C Major Op.211 - 2 Trios Brillants for Piano, Violin, & Cello (C Major & A Major) Op.212 6 Grands Potpourris Brillants & Concertants (Versions for Piano, Violin, & Cello or 2 Pianos) Op.213 - Andante & Rondo with Orchestral Accompaniment in C Major Op.214 - Piano Concerto No.1 in A minor Op.215 - Rondoletto Brillant sur Plusiers Motifs tires des Romances Francais Op.216 - Rondoletto Brillant on 2 Motifs from the Opera 'William Tell' Op.217 - Rondeau de Chasse on "Quelle Savage Harmonie" from 'William Tell' Op.218 - Potpourri Brillant on Motifs from the Opera 'Faust' Op.219 - Introduction & Variations on the Pas de Trois from 'William Tell' Op.220 - Variations Brillantes on the Tyrolienne from 'William Tell' Op.221 - 2 Grandes Fantasies on Motifs from 'William Tell' (No.1 E minor, No.2 A Major) Op.222 - Impromptu Brillant on a Pastorale from 'William Tell' Op.223 Variations Brillantes on "Das Wandern ist des Mullers Lust" of Schubert (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.224 - 2 Piano Quartets Brillantes (No.1 in F Major, No.2 in G Major) Op.225 - Variations Brillantes on a Romance from Ivanhoe's Opera 'Templar & Judinn' for Piano 4Hands Op.226 - Fantasia in F minor for Piano 4-Hands (Opus 227-229 & 295297 are part of the Collection Les Pianistes Associes, ou Compositions Brillant et Concertant) Op.227 - Bk.1, Rondeau Brillant for Piano 6-Hands Op.228 - Bk.2Variations Brillante on a Tyrolien Theme from the Opera 'La Fiancee' for Piano 6-Hands Op.229 - Bk.3Divertissement Militaire for Piano 6-Hands Op.230 - Concerto for 4 Pianos in C Major Op.231 - 3 Rondeau Mignons Facile & Brillantes on Favorite Themes (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.232 - Grand Variations di Bravura on 2 Motifs from the Opera 'Fra Diavolo' (Auber) Op.233 - Rondo Brillant (For Piano Solo or with Orchestral Accompaniment) Op.234 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes sur la Marche dans "Gli Arabi nelle Gallie" Op.235 - Rondino No.18 on a Theme of Auber Op.236 Variations Brillantes on the Petit Tambour (For Solo Piano or with Orchestral Accompaniment) Op.237 Einzugs Marsch, Performed at the Opening of the Hungarian Diet, Sept. 13, 1830 (Solo & Duet Versio ns) Op.238 March Performed on the Occasion of the Coronation of His Imperial Majesty Ferdinand as King of Hu ngary, Sept. 28, 1830 (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.239 - 50 Duett Studies Op.240 - Fantasy Romantique No.1 on Sir Walter Scott's 'Roman Waverley' for Piano 4-Hands Op.241 - Fantasy Romantique No.2 on Sir Walter Scott's 'Guy Mannering' for Piano 4-Hands Op.242 - Fantasy


Can Frederic Chopin, who wrote no symphonies, no operas, and no string quartets, who wrote only for the piano, be considered one of the greatest classical composers of all time? Instrument makers and composers have long devoted their lives to creating sounds that capture the range and essence of the most emotional instrument of all: the human voice. From the outset, Chopin incorporated the singing or cantabile style into almost all of his piano compositions. For those who heard Chopin play it seemed like the piano was invented for him and he for it. Today his compositions continue to be performed more than any others for the piano. Chopin proved that the full scope and range of an orchestra can be experienced from a solo piano.

Frederic Chopin was born in 1810 in a small Polish town near Warsaw. His mother was Polish, his father French. Chopin’s incredible talent was apparent at a young age; by the time he was seven he had already written several pieces. By the ripe old age of nine he was performing publicly in Warsaw. Like every other European 8)wunderkind that showed great talent on the piano, he was being touted as the new Mozart. Chopin studied music at the celebrated Warsaw Conservatory. After graduating in 1830, he embarked on a solo tour to find fame and fortune in Europe. While performing in Vienna, he learned of Russia’s invasion of Poland. Unable to return home, he went to Paris where he found himself among thousands of Polish exiles. Chopin decided to stay among them and pursue a career in performing and teaching. The frail sickly soft-spoken and elegant Chopin became a favourite of Paris high society.

Another thing that also astonished his contemporaries was how he buried the traditional roles of the left and right hands. The “D Flat Major Prelude” is a good example of this: the left hand begins with the raindrop accompaniment while the right hand carries the melody. Note how a few bars in they switch. Chopin was a master of short forms: he had popularized his native polonaises and mazurkas and was known for the brilliance of his etudes and preludes. But it is Chopin’s nocturnes that will be forever synonymous with his name. As their title suggests, they are dreamy night pieces, with melodies many people consider among the most beautiful ever written.


My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts. And books, big Braille books that came with me on streetcars, to the table, and to bed. 我在童年和少年时代激情四溢,无时无刻不追求展现自我、磨砺才艺和体味生活。学校里的音乐、舞蹈和戏剧课让我欢欣不已,而剧院和音乐会更让我身心为之震颤, 乡间流连的时光也同样美妙,还有我的书,那些厚重的盲文书籍无论在我乘车、用餐还是睡觉时都与我形影不离。

Then one night at a high school dance, a remark, not intended for my ears, stabbed my youthful bliss: "That girl, what a pity she is blind." Blind! That ugly word that implied everything dark, blank, rigid, and helpless. Quickly I turned and called out, Please don't feel sorry for me, I'm having lots of fun. But the fun was not to last.

然而,一天晚上,在高中的一次舞会上,一句我无 意中听到的话霎那间将我年少的幸福击碎——“那女孩是个瞎子,真可惜!”瞎子——这个刺耳的字眼隐含着一个阴暗、漆黑、僵硬和无助的世界。我立刻转过身, 大声喊道:“请不要为我叹惜,我很快乐!”——但我的快乐自此不复存在。

With the advent of college, I was brought to grips with the problem of earning a living. Part-time teaching of piano and harmony and, upon graduation, occasional concerts and lectures, proved only partial

sources of livelihood. In terms of time and effort involved, the financial remuneration was disheartening. 升入大学之后,我开始为生计而奔波。课余时间我教授钢琴及和声,临近毕业时还偶尔参加几次演奏会,做了几次讲座,可要维持生计光靠这些还是不够,与投入的时 间和精力相比,它们在经济上的回报让人沮丧。

This induced within me searing self-doubt and dark moods of despondency. Adding to my dismal sense of inadequacy was the repeated experience of seeing my sisters and friends go off to exciting dates. How grateful I was for my piano, where—through Chopin, Brahms, and Beethoven—I could mingle my longing and seething energy with theirs. And where I could dissolve my frustration in the beauty and grandeur of their conceptions.

这让我失去了自信和勇气,内心郁闷苦恼。眼看我的姐妹和伙伴们一次次兴高采烈地与人约会,我更觉消沉空虚。所 幸的是,还有钢琴陪我。我沸腾的渴望和激情在肖邦、贝多芬、勃拉姆斯那里得到了共鸣。我的挫败感在他们美妙壮丽的音乐构想中消散。

Then one day, I met a girl, a wonderful girl, an army nurse, whose faith and stability were to change my whole life. As our acquaintance ripened into friendship, she discerned, behind a shell of gaiety, my recurring plateaus of depression. She said, “Stop knocking on closed doors. Keep up your beautiful

music. I know your opportunity will come. You’re trying too hard. Why don’t you relax, and have you ever tried praying?”

直到有一天,我遇见一位女孩,一位出色的女孩,这名随军护士的信念和执著将改变我的一生。我们日益熟稔,成为好友,她也慢慢察觉出我的快乐的外表之下内心却 时常愁云密布。她对我说,“门已紧锁,敲有何用?坚持你的音乐梦想,我相信机会终将来临。你太辛苦了,何不放松一下——试试祷告如何?”

The idea was strange to me. It sounded too simple. Somehow, I had always operated on the premise that, if you wanted something in this world, you had to go out and get it for yourself. Yet, sincerity and hard work had yielded only meager returns, and I was willing to try anything. Experimentally, self-consciously, I cultivated the daily practice of prayer. I said: God, show me the purpose for which You sent me to this world. Help me to be of use to myself and to humanity.

祷告?我从未想到过,听起来太天真了。一直以来,我的行事准则都是,无论想得到什么都必须靠自己去努力争取。不过既然从前的热诚和辛劳回报甚微,我什么都愿意尝试一番。虽然有些不自在,我尝试着每天都祷告——“上帝啊,你将我送到世上,请告诉我你赐予我的使命。帮帮我,让我于人于己都有用处。” In the years to follow, the answers began to arrive, clear and satisfying beyond my most optimistic

anticipation. One of the answers was Enchanted Hills, where my nurse friend and I have the privilege of seeing blind children come alive in God’s out-of-doors.

在接下来的几年里,我得到了明确而满意的回答,超出了我最乐观的期望值。其中一个回答就是魔山盲人休闲营区。在那里,我和我的护士朋友每年都有幸看到失明的孩子们在大自然的怀抱中是多么生气勃勃。 Others are the never-ending sources of pleasure and comfort I have found in friendship, in great music, and, most important of all, in my growing belief that as I attune my life to divine revelation, I draw closer to God and, through Him, to immortality.

除此之外,朋友们真挚的友谊以及美妙的音乐都给我带来无穷无尽的欢乐和慰藉。最重要的是,我越来越意识到,在我日复一日的祷告中,当我聆听上帝的启示之时,我正日益与他靠近,并通过他接近永恒 In the picture 阻碍 eg: If general is no longer in the picture?

Mess with 找麻烦 eg: don’t mess with us. Laminate v.切成薄片 n.薄片制品 adj.薄片状的 Plaza n.室内广场,购物中心,综合大楼 a clean shot 已经瞄准好的目标

Roger int 收到了(roger that=copy that 收到了) seminar n. 研讨会(teach a seminar 开一个研讨会) cheesy adj.漂亮的,时髦的,下等的,粗陋的 outfit n.所需的全套装备 comb v.梳理(comb the city 搜寻整个城市) hostile(不怀好意的)takeover(接管) 造反 dump n.卸货,;垃圾堆,沮丧 v.倾倒,扔下,占便宜 bend v.弯曲,专心于 n.弯曲,转弯 go around the bend on ..对某事反应过激。 tattoo n.纹身 sniper n.狙击兵 blocked number 不明号码 gumption n.魄力,勇气,积极性(got the gumption 有胆) initiate v.创始,发起 n.新加入者,被传授知识的人 interrogate v.审问 play on a field of this size 实行这么大的任务 tad n.少量 stonewall v.防守反击 ,阻碍 from what I have gathered 据我所知 vowel n.元音 supernova 超新星 eclipse v.失去,使。。黯然失色 A moment so powerful that it will eclipse everything(在他面前,一切都会黯淡无光) in one piece 安然无恙 save your trip 白来了 save your word 废话,别说了 half-baked plan 不周详的计划

burn/take the company down to the ground 彻底打垮公司 that’s it with or without you 有没

有你都一样 pose as a cop 扮成一个警察 thrive v.繁荣,兴旺,茁壮成长 eg: The fact that she thrived within the company. Take a shot 上

Something goes in, doesn’t mean it always comes back out 不是每个进去的东西都会出来 I don’t have the beefs with you 我没空和你闲聊

It comes that a thinking man has to take his stand.

Mighty adj.有力的,巨大的 lift a finger 站出来说话 gripe v.抱怨,抓住 dung n.粪便 parchment n.羊皮纸,上等纸 implement n.工具,器具 v.实现,旅行 abomination n.憎恶,厌恶 Are we made 我们被发现了么? I’d hope you can realize that there are many people who would like to get their hands on this 我希望你知道有多少人对这个望眼欲穿。 Prototype n.原型,模型 。 desalination 海水淡化 yield v.屈服,生产,放弃,让位于 subsist v.生存,维持生活 vaccinal adj.疫苗的,接种的 margin n.富裕,利润,押金 The profit margin will be split fifty-fifty 利润五五分成 venture n.冒险,冒昧的说 debunk v.揭露 catapult n.弹出eg :The technique I am offering you will catapult your country fifty years ahead of its time. Itinerary n.旅行计划 unveil v.揭露 trail n,足迹 v.跟踪,拖拉 port n. 左舷 turbine n.涡轮 crew n.全体工作人员,一起工作 be out of hair 离开 Not by a long shot 这事儿不会就这么结束的

篇四:高中英语作文点评:No Pains, No Gains

高中英语作文点评:No Pains, No Gains

高中英语作文点评:No Pains, No Gains

高州中学 梁冠华

在最近的一次作文训练中,我让学生写了下面的一篇作文:请以“No pains, No gains”为题写一篇作文。写作提示:解释谚语;举例说明;结论。词数:150—250。


No Pains, No Gains

As we all know, “no pains, no gains” is an influential proverb stressing the importance of hard working. It tells us that only by working hard can we achieve our goals, and on the contrary, the one who is lazy will never gain the things he wants.

Li Yundi is a famous pianist in the world. Most of us are amazed at his perfect performance, but few of us know how much time and energy he has spent in practising. He started playing the piano when he was only 5 years old. He never gave up practising even though he met difficulties. When other children at the same age were playing games outside or watching TV, he was playing the piano, totally absorbed in the beautiful music. He also took part in many competitions to improve his skills. Finally, he became world-famous when he won the champion in Chopin International Piano Competition, which is one of the best-known piano competitions in the world. And he is the first Chinese pianist to receive such a great honour.

Li Yundi would never become so successful if he didn’t practise so hard. And we wouldn’t gain what we want if we didn’t work hard. No pains, no gains. (209 words)







(1)As we all know, “no pains, no gains” is an influential proverb stressing the importance of hard working.

(2)It tells us that only by working hard can we achieve our goals.

(3)?the one who is lazy will never gain the things he wants.

(4)?few of us know how much time and energy he has spent in practising.

(5)He started playing the piano when he was only 5 years old.

(6)He never gave up practising even though he met difficulties.

(7)When other children at the same age were playing games outside or watching TV, he was playing the piano?

(8)Finally, he became world-famous when he won the champion in Chopin International Piano Competition, which is one of the best-known piano competitions in the world.

(9)Li Yundi would never become so successful if he didn’t practise so hard.

(10) And we wouldn’t gain what we want if we didn’t work hard.



(1)有9个词的简单句短句:Li Yundi is a famous pianist in the world.

(2)有25个词的复合句长句:When other children at the same age were playing games outside or watching TV, he was playing the piano, totally absorbed in the beautiful music.

(3)有分词短语结构:...an influential proverb stressing the importance of

hard working./ When other children at the same age were playing games outside or watching TV, he was playing the piano, totally absorbed in the beautiful music.

(4)有动名词结构:He started playing the piano when he was only 5 years old./ He never gave up practising even though he met difficulties.

(5)有倒装句结构:It tells us that only by working hard can we achieve our goals...

(6)有虚拟语气结构:Li Yundi would never become so successful if he didn’t practise so hard./ And we wouldn’t gain what we want if we didn’t work hard.



(1) ...and on the contrary, the one who is lazy will never gain the things he wants.

(2) ...but few of us know how much time and energy he has spent in practising.

(3) He also took part in many competitions to improve his skills.

(4) Finally, he became world-famous...

(5) And he is the first Chinese pianist...

(6) And we wouldn’t gain what we want...

通过使用顺序(finally)、并列(and)、转折(but, on the contrary)、补充(also)、说明、强调、因果、结论等连接词,进行句子和段落的衔接与拓展,使文章流畅和一气呵成,从而获得较高的评分。这位学生娴熟地运用了这些写作手段。









篇五:五大音乐家英文简介(贝多芬 海顿 莫扎特 舒伯特 萧邦)


Chopin is a Polish composer, virtuoso pianist. He was one of the great masters of Romantic music. He is also known as "the poet of the piano."

By six, he was already trying to reproduce what he heard or make up new melodies. He received his earliest piano lessons not from his mother but from his older sister Louise.

Seven-year-old "little Chopin" began giving small public concerts that soon prompted comparisons with Mozart as a child and with Beethoven

At the age of 8,he shoot to fame when the first time he performanced in public.

But, as everyone unexpected, only 39 years old, he silently died.As a star fell at that moment.

But undeniable ,Chopin was a genius of universal appeal. His music is the universal language of human communication.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Austrian composer, who is considered one of the most brilliant and versatile composers ever. He worked in all musical genres of his era, wrote inspired works in each genre, and produced an extraordinary number of compositions, especially considering his short life. By the time Mozart died at age 35, he had completed 41 symphonies, 27 piano concertos, 23 string quartets, 17 piano sonatas, 7 major operas, and numerous works for voice and other instruments.

When he was three years old,he started playing the piano.

He began to compose when he was four years old.

His father is also a well-known musician,So he began to perform with his father.

When he was seven-year-old,he went to Germany, Belgium, France, Britain, the Netherlands, Italy with his father.

Their performed was very successful,so Mozart falt in love with music.

So he got a name - music prodigy


Ludwig van Beethoven , his father drilled him thoroughly with the ambition of showcasing him as a child prodigy. Ludwig gave his first public performance as a pianist when he was eight years old. At the age of eleven he received the necessary systematic training in piano performance and composition from Christian Gottlob Neefe, organist and court musician in Bonn.

Beethoven was born in 1770. Most of Beethoven's compositions were written in the classical forms established by his predecessors Mozart and Haydn, so he is sometimes considered the last great cornposer in the classical tradition.He was died in 1827. He was known as the world's greatest musicians

When the most famous composer died, about thirty thousand mourners and curious onlookers were present at the funeral procession


Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer. He wrote some 600 lieder, nine symphonies (including the famous "Unfinished Symphony", liturgical music, operas, some incidental music, and a large body of chamber and solo piano music. He is particularly noted for his original melodic and harmonic writing.

Schubert was born into a musical family, and received formal musical training through much of his childhood. He was never able to secure adequate permanent employment, and for most of his career he relied on the support of friends and family. He made some money from published works, and occasionally gave private musical instruction. In the last year of his life he began to receive wider acclaim. He died at the age of 31.

People all over the world called him - the king of songs.


Franz Joseph Haydn, was a leading composer of the Classical period, called the "Father of the Symphony" and "Father of the String Quartet".

A life-long resident of Austria, Haydn spent most of his career as a court musician for the wealthy Eszterházy family on their remote estate. Being isolated from other composers and trends in music until the latter part of his long life, he was, as he put it, "forced to become original". In his older age, he was revered throughout Europe, journeyed to perform concerts in Paris and London, and died in Vienna.

He created a number of songs in a terrible condition and became leading musician at that time.
