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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 16:36:44 高中作文

篇一:05 The foolish Donkey

The foolish Donkey


It is a bright sunny morning. A man is loading a bundle of salt onto his Donkey. He is going to sell the salt

at the market. The man is very excited. He hopes to get a

good price for the salt.




Donkey: Hee-haw! Hee-haw!



Stand still, Donkey!


Donkey: (murmur) How heavy it will be!

驴子:(喃喃)那有多重啊! Man:

Don’t worry. It isn’t very heavy.

人:别担心。这不会很重的。 Donkey: (murmur)I don’t believe you.

It is always heavy.



Let’s go, Donkey! 人:我们走吧,驴子!

The two are on their way. The man is very happy, but

the Donkey is not. The salt on his back is very heavy.



Man: Oh, what a beautiful morning!

Look at the beautiful flowers.

I shall sell the salt and buy some new shoes.


应该把盐卖了,然后买些新鞋。 Donkey: What a terrible morning.

The sun is shining and my back is heavy. I am hot and tired. I want to rest.

驴子:真是个糟糕的早晨!阳光普照儿我的背上这 么重。我又累又热。我要休息。 Man: Let’s go fast, Donkey.

I need some new shoes.

人:我们快点走吧,驴子。我需要一些新鞋子。 Donkey: I can’t go any faster.

My legs are getting weak. Where is the market? Why is it so far away?


越没力了。市场在哪里?为什么这么远? The two keep walking. There is a stream ahead. They must cross it.



We must cross that stream.


Donkey: Oh no! A stream!I am tired and weak.

The stream will be hard to cross.


那条溪会很难渡过的。 Man:

Don’t be worry, Donkey.

It won’t be too hard. I will help you.


The two are at the stream.



Be careful, Donkey! Just follow me. Walk slowly step by step.

人:小心,驴子!跟着我。一步一步慢慢走。 Donkey: The rocks are very slippery.

What if I fall? I am afraid.


好怕啊! Man:

Watch out, Donkey! It is very slippery here.

人:小心,驴子!这里非常地滑。 Donkey: Hee-haw! 驴子:咿吼------(啪唰)

The Donkey slips and falls. It can’t get up.


Man: Oh, no! Get up, Donkey!

Get up quickly!

Get up before the salt melts! Now!



Donkey: I can’t. I can’t get up.

The rocks are slippery and my legs are weak. 驴子:(喃喃)我不行啊!我站不起来。石头好滑,

而且我的腿没有力。 Man: Come on! Get up at once! 人:加油!马上站起来!

The man keeps pulling at the donkey, but it is no use. After a while the Donkey finally gets up and they cross the stream.


Man: Look! All the salt is gone.

What shall I do?

人:你瞧瞧,所有的盐都没了。我该怎么办? Donkey: Hey! My back is light.

What happened?

I fell in the stream and my back became light. This is great!


事?我跌入溪中,然后我的背变轻了。太棒 了!

However, the next day, the Master loads more salt onto the Donkey and heads for the market again.

然而,第二天。主人在驴背上载了更多的盐 并再度朝市场出发。

Man: Stand still.

Today, I will load more salt. 人:别动,今天,我要载更多的盐。 Donkey: It is heavier than yesterday. 驴子:(喃喃)这比昨天还要重。 Man: let’s go quickly.

I have to sell all of this salt today.

人:我们快点走吧。我今天要把这些盐都给卖了。Again, they come to the stream.


Donkey: I have an idea.

I will fall down here on purpose. Then my back will become light again.

驴子:(喃喃)我有个点子了。我要故意在这里跌倒。然后我的背又会变轻。 Man:

You better not fall down again, Donkey.

Just follow me and be careful. One step at a time.



This time, the rocks weren’t slippery at all, but the Donkey fell down on purpose.




驴子:咿吼------(啪唰) Man:

Be careful, not gain.

人:小心!别又来了! Donkey:

Hee-haw., hee-haw.

驴子:咿吼------咿吼------ Man:

Come on, Donkey! Get up! Get up now!


The man pulled at the Donkey, but it didn’t get up for a long time. Afterwards all of the salt was melted.



Oh my goodness!

All of my salt is melted again! What shall I do?

人:哦,我的天!我的盐又都溶化了!我该怎么办? Donkey: Heh, heh, heh. It worked again.

I will keep falling down in the stream.


跌倒。 Man:

I know what you are thinking, Donkey. You can’t trick me.


西工大幼儿园 大二班 卢佳毓 The foolish Donkey 愚蠢的驴子

A man is loading a bag of salt onto his Donkey. 一个人把一大袋盐放到驴背上。He is going to sell the salt at the market.他即将到集市上把盐卖掉。

Then they come to a stream, and begin to cross it. 他们两个继续走着,前面有条小溪。他们开始横渡它。

The rocks are slippery and the donkey falls down。


“ Oh, no!”The man gets nervous and help the donkey get up quickly. 我的天啊!人紧张地赶紧帮驴站起来。

Finally they cross the stream. But all the salt is gone.

最终,驴子站起来了然后他们渡过了溪流 。但是所有的盐都熔化了。

Hey! My back is light. What happened?The Donkey feels surprised: I fell in the stream and my back became light. This is great! 嘿,我的背上变轻了。发生了什么事?驴子感到非常惊讶,我跌入溪中,然后我的背变轻了。太棒了! The next day,when the donkey cross the stream with salt,he fall down on purpose. 第二天当驴驼着盐过小溪时故意摔倒。 “Hey hey,It worked again.”Donkey feels so happy 驴子开心的说:成功了。

The Man thinks: I know what you are thinking, Donkey. You can’t trick me. I will teach you a lesson. 人在想:我知道你在想什么,驴子。你骗不了我的。我要给你一个教训。

Another day, the man loaded the Donkey again. But this time the donkey finds it not heavy at all. 又一天,人在驴子背上载东西。但是这一次驴子发现压根儿就不重。

“Hey ,This is light. But it will become even lighter soon. Hey Hey Hey” 驴子心想,嘿,这次挺轻的。 但是待会儿会变得更轻的。嘿嘿。

One more time, they come to the stream. 他们俩再度来到溪边。

This time, the Master doesn’t help the Donkey to get up. After a while, the Donkey tries to get up by itself. 这一次,主人并没有帮驴子起来。过了一会儿,驴子想要自己站起来。

: Hey! What’s wrong?it’s so hard to get up and my back is so heavy. 驴子说:嘿!怎么回事? 我起不来了,我的背好重啊!

You foolish Donkey!The Man says, Plain cotton is light. But wet cotton is very heavy. ,你这只笨驴。人说,平常的棉花是轻的。可是湿棉花 就很重!

Donkey is so regretted: Oh, I didn’t know. I shouldn’t have fooled my Master. 驴子后悔的说:我哪知道啊!我不该骗主人的。

Come on, Donkey! Let’s go!The Man smiles, The market is still far away. We have a long way to go. 来吧,驴子!我们走了!人说,市场还很远呢。我们有好一段路要走呢!

OH no 天呀!


The foolish Donkey 愚蠢的驴子

It is a sunny morning. A man is loading a bag of salt onto his Donkey. He is going to sell the salt at the market. He is excited.

Then they come to a river and begin to cross it.


Man reminds the donkey : Be careful, Donkey! It is very slippery here. Walk slowly step by step.


“I’m tired and the salt is so heavy and the rocks are so slippery. ”The Donkey feels afraid,”What if I fall?


Suddenly, the donkey falls down。


“ Oh, no!”The man gets nervous ,”Get up! Doneky .Get up quickly! Get up before the salt melts!

哦,不!人着急的说,起来,驴子!快起来!在盐溶化前站起来!马上! The Donkey says : I can’t. I can’t get up. The rocks are slippery and my legs are weak.

驴子说:我不行啊!我站不起来。石头好滑, 而且我的腿没有力。

finally the Donkey gets up and they cross the stream. But all the salt is gone. 过了一会,驴子终于站起来。而且他们渡过了溪流 。

Hey! My back is light. What happened?The Donkey feels surprised: I fell in the stream and my back became light. This is great!

嘿,我的背上变轻了。发生了什么事?驴子惊讶的说,我跌入溪中,然后我的背变轻了。太棒 了!

the next day, the man loads more salt onto his Donkey and heads for the market again.

This time, when they cross the the stre

the foolish donkey

am, it is not slippery at all .but the doneky decides to fall down again.“


“. Oh my god.”The man pulls at the donkey but it doesn’t get up for a long time.Once more all the salt is melted.

“”heiheihe奸笑。It worked again.”Donkey feels so happy:驴子开心的说:成功了。我要一直在溪里

The Man thinks: I know what you are thinking, Donkey. You can’t trick me. I will teach you a lesson.

人在想:我知道你在想什么,驴子。你骗不了我的。我要给你一个教训。 Both the man and the Donkey have a grin on their faces.


Another day, the man loaded the Donkey’s back again. But this time the donkey finds it not heavy at all.


“Hey ,This is light. But it will become even lighter soon. Heh, heh, heh. he” 驴子心想,嘿,这是轻的。 但是待会儿会变得更轻的。嘿嘿。

One more time, they cross the stream.


Man warns the donkey: Don’t fall down again today. If you do, you will be sorry.

人提醒驴子说:今天别再跌倒了。如果你跌倒, 你会后悔的。

The Donkey doesn’t think so. I will fall down on purpose . Then my back will become even lighter. Hee-haw.


This time, the Master doesn’t help the Donkey to get up. Instead, after a while, the Donkey tries to get up by itself.

这一次,主人并没有帮驴子起来。反而,过了一会儿,驴子想要自己站起来。 : Hey! What’s wrong?it’s so hard to get up and. My back is so heavy. 驴子说:嘿!怎么回事? 我起不来了,我的背好重啊!

you foolish Donkey!The Man says, Plain cotton is light. But wet cotton is very heavy.

,你这只笨驴。人说,平常的棉花是轻的。可是湿棉花 就很重!

Donkey is so regretted: Oh, I didn’t know. I shouldn’t have fooled my Master.


Come on, Donkey! Let’s go!The Man smiles, The market is still far away. We have a long way to go.

来吧,驴子!我们走了!人说,市场还很远呢。我们有好一段路要走呢! OH no

篇四:5分钟英文小故事-The foolish Donkey

The foolish Donkey 愚蠢的驴子

It is a sunny morning. A man is loading a bag of salt onto his Donkey. He is going to sell the salt at the market. He is excited.

Then they come to a river and begin to cross it. 他们两个继续走着,前面有条小溪。他们必须横渡它。

Man reminds the donkey : Be careful, Donkey! It is very slippery here. Walk slowly step by step. 人说:小心,驴子!这里非常地滑。一步一步慢慢走。

“I’m tired and the salt is so heavy and the rocks are so slippery. ”The Donkey feels afraid,”What if I fall?


Suddenly, the donkey falls down。


“ Oh, no!”The man gets nervous ,”Get up! Doneky .Get up quickly! Get up before the salt melts! 哦,不!人着急的说,起来,驴子!快起来!在盐溶化前站起来!马上!

The Donkey says : I can’t. I can’t get up. The rocks are slippery and my legs are weak. 驴子说:我不行啊!我站不起来。石头好滑, 而且我的腿没有力。

finally the Donkey gets up and they cross the stream. But all the salt is gone.

过了一会,驴子终于站起来。而且他们渡过了溪流 。

Hey! My back is light. What happened?The Donkey feels surprised: I fell in the stream and my back became light. This is great! 嘿,我的背上变轻了。发生了什么事?驴子惊讶的说,我跌入溪中,然后我的背变轻了。太棒 了! the next day, the man loads more salt onto his Donkey and heads for the market again.

This time, when they cross the the stream, it is not slippery at all .but the doneky decides to fall down again.“


“. Oh my god.”The man pulls at the donkey but it doesn’t get up for a long time.Once more all the salt is melted.

“”heiheihe奸笑。It worked again.”Donkey feels so happy:驴子开心的说:成功了。我要一直在溪里

The Man thinks: I know what you are thinking, Donkey. You can’t trick me. I will teach you a lesson. 人在想:我知道你在想什么,驴子。你骗不了我的。我要给你一个教训。

Both the man and the Donkey have a grin on their faces. 人和驴都在脸上露出了笑容。

Another day, the man loaded the Donkey’s back again. But this time the donkey finds it not heavy at all. 第二天,人又在驴子背上载东西。

“Hey ,This is light. But it will become even lighter soon. Heh, heh, heh. he” 驴子心想,嘿,这是轻的。 但是待会儿会变得更轻的。嘿嘿。

One more time, they cross the stream. 过了一会儿,他们俩再度来到溪边。

Man warns the donkey: Don’t fall down again today. If you do, you will be sorry. 人提醒驴子说:今天别再跌倒了。如果你跌倒, 你会后悔的。

The Donkey doesn’t think so. I will fall down on purpose . Then my back will become even lighter. Hee-haw. 驴子心想:(喃喃)我不相信你。我要再跌倒一次。然后我的背就会变轻多了。咿吼-----

This time, the Master doesn’t help the Donkey to get up. Instead, after a while, the Donkey tries to get up by itself. 这一次,主人并没有帮驴子起来。反而,过了一会儿,驴子想要自己站起来。

: Hey! What’s wrong?it’s so hard to get up and. My back is so heavy. 驴子说:嘿!怎么回事? 我起不来了,我的背好重啊!

you foolish Donkey!The Man says, Plain cotton is light. But wet cotton is very heavy. ,你这只笨驴。人说,平常的棉花是轻的。可是湿棉花 就很重!

Donkey is so regretted: Oh, I didn’t know. I shouldn’t have fooled my Master. 驴子后悔的说:我哪知道啊!我不该骗主人的。

Come on, Donkey! Let’s go!The Man smiles, The market is still far away. We have a long way to go. 来吧,驴子!我们走了!人说,市场还很远呢。我们有好一段路要走呢!

OH no
