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? ? ? ? ? ? ? _?__?__?__?__?__?__?__?_名?姓? ? ? _?__题__答__得__不__内__线__封__密号?学? ? ?__?__?__?__?__?__?__?__?_级?班? ? ? ?__?__?__?__?__?__?__?__?___校学




( )1. A. either B. eye C. elephant ( )2. A. help B. hungry C. but ( )3. A. like B. monkey C. panda ( )4. A. many B. much

C. make ( )5. A. fourteen B. fifteen C. thirteen ( )6. A. swim B. skate C. jump ( )7. A. very B. umbrella C. yeah ( )8. A. red B. robot C. orange ( )9. A. she B. he C. they ( )10. A. anything else B. a snack bar

C. a cup of tea


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选出正确的答句。(听两遍)(5分) ( )1. A. Nineteen. B. Nineteen yuan. C. It’s nine. ( )2. A. How cool! B. Thank you. C. It’s eight. ( )3. A. Yes, I can.

B. No, I’m not.

C. No, I don’t.

( )4. A. It’s in the bedroom. B. They’re in the bedroom. C. I’m in the living room.

( )5. A. I’d like a sandwich. B. I have two sandwiches. C. I like sandwiches.


( )1. A. Pandas. B. Monkeys. C. Lions. ( )2. A. Ten yuan. B. Thirty yuan. C. Fifty yuan. ( )3. A. A pie. B. A sandwich. C. Some noodles. ( )4. A. He’s in the bathroom. B. She’s in the kitchen.

C. He’s in the living room.

( )5. A. He can play basketball. B. He can play football.

C. He can play table tennis.



( )1.sh__e ( )2.sw__m ( )3.h__rse ( )4.cl__ck ( )5.tw__nty

A. i B. a C. o _________ A.o B. e C. i _________ A. i B. e C. o __________ A .a B. o C. e __________ A. a B. i C. e ___________


1. 他的小眼睛 2. 在浴室里 3. 那些鞋子 4. 一杯咖啡5. 多少只老虎 三、单项选择。(10分)

( )1. —Look at my doll. —

A. How beautiful! B. Thank you. ( )2. Her hair long.

A. are B. is A. on; in

B. in; on

C. am C. on; on C. No, you can’t. C. Yes, I am. C. give C. how much C. But C. hungry C. /

( ) 3.—Where’s my doll? —It’s the sofa. ( )4. —Can you jump? —

A. Yes,I can. B. Yes, you can. ( )5. — Do you have any grapes?—

A. No, I’m not. B. No, I don’t. ( )6. The mangoes are my sister.

A. to B. for ( ) 7. — is it? —It’s five yuan. A. How many

B. How much

( ) 8. I can’t play basketball. I can play football.

A. Either B. And ( ) 9. I’m , I’d like a cake.

A. fat B. thin A. an

B. a

( ) 10.—orange? —Yes, please.

四、对号入座,请将II中相应的序号填入I栏的括号内。 (10分)

C. Here you are.


( ) 1. What do you like?

A. His mouth is small.

( ) 2. How many pencils can you see? B.I have a fruit salad.

( ) 3. Where is the mango? C. It’s twenty-five yuan.

D. I’d like a cup of coffee. E.On the table. F.Yes, he can. G. Seventeen. H. I like lions. I. Well done. J.Yes, I do.

( ) 4. What would you like? ( ) 5. What do you have? ( ) 6. Can Tom run and swim? ( ) 7. Look at my brother. ( ) 8. How much is the juice? ( ) 9. Do you like dogs? ( ) 10. I can play football. 五、连词成句。(10分)

1、a is cat that nice (.)

2、cool all they very are (.) 3、ears her are big very (.)

4、toy your bedroom in the elephant is (?)

5、have can stickers some I(?) 六、根据所给中文,完成句子。(15分) 1.---他的足球鞋在哪儿?---在床下。

are his football ---They’re under the bed. 2.这些机器人会跑会跳。

robots can run and . 3.---你有菠萝吗? ---不, 我没有。

pineapples? ---No, I don’t. 4.---这个玩具汽车多少钱?---三十元。

---How is the toy car ? yuan. 5.他的头发很短。而且他很瘦。

His hair is ___________. And he is _________. 六、阅读理解。(10分)

1、阅读对话,根据对话内容判断句子。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(5分) Lily: Hi, Helen. Look, I have a toy cat. Helen: How cute!

Lily: Do you like cats, Helen?

Helen: Yes, I do. And I like tigers, too. Lily: Do you have a toy cat? Helen: No. But I have some toy tigers. Lily: How many toy tigers do you have? Helen: I have three. ( ) 1. Lily has(有) a toy cat. ( ) 2. Helen likes cats. ( ) 3. Helen has two toy tigers. ( ) 4. The toy cat is lovely. ( ) 5. Helen likes toy tigers. 2、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(5分)

My name’s Nancy. I’m eleven. I have a brother Tom. He’s twelve. This is my study. It’s not big but very nice. My new computer is on the desk. I like it very much. Here’s a big bookcase. I have many books in it. I like reading. There’s a nice toy car in the bookcase. It’s Tom’s. I like it, too. ( ) 1. Nancy is A. ten B. eleven C. twelve ( ) 2. There is in the study. A. a desk, a computer and a bookcase

B. a desk, a computer and a TV

C. a table, a computer and a bookcase ( ) 3. The toy car is .

A. Nancy’s B. Jim’s C. Nancy’s brother’s ( ) 4. What’s in the bookcase

A. Many books. B. A toy car. C. A and B ( A. The study is big. B. The computer is new. C. Nancy likes her study.


一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(听两遍) 1. eye 2.help 3.monkey 4.many 5.thirteen 6. skate 7.yeah 8.orange 9.he 10.a snack bar

二、听录音,根据录音内容给下列图片排序。(听两遍)(10分) 1.---Can I help you ? – I’d like a sandwich and a glass of milk. 2.—Do you like cats ? ---Yes, I do.

3.---How much are the shoes? ---Fifty-eight yuan. 4.---Can you swim ?---Yes, I can. 5.I like bananas very much.

三、听录音,选出正确的答句。(听两遍) 1. How much are the shoes? 2. Your toy cat is cute.

3. Can you make a fruit salad? 4. Jim, where(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:my,mouth,is,ur,toy) are you?

5. How many sandwiches do you have? 四、听对话及问题,选择正确答案。(听两遍) 1. A: What do you like ,Helen?

B : I like pandas. What about you, Mike? A : I like monkeys.

Q: What animals does Helen like? 2. A:Can I help you?

B: Some grapes, please. A: OK. Thirty yuan, please. Q: How much are the grapes? 3.A: What would you like, Nancy?

B: I’d like a sandwich. How about you, Yang Ling? A: I’d like some noodles.

Q: What would Yang Ling like? 4. A: Where’s Dad?

B: He’s in the bathroom. A: Where’s Mum? B: She’s in the kitchen. Q: Where’s Dad?

5. A: I can play basketball. What can you do, Liu Tao? B: I can play football. Q : What can Liu Tao do?




(考核范围:Oxford English 2AU1~9; Oxford Storyland 1A)

一、 Listen and choose the correct words (听录音,选出听到的单词,将其编号填入题前括号内)


( ) 1. A. tree B. three

( ) 2. A. coat B. cold

( ) 3. A. tall B. tail

( ) 4. A. short B. shirt

( ) 5. A. wind B. winter

( ) 6. A. slow B. snow

( ) 7. A. bell B. belt


) 8.

A. red

B. read


) 9. A. Coke B. cake

( ) 10. A. sleep B. sweep

二、 Tick the correct picture. (听录音,勾出正确的单词) 6%


( ) ( ) (2) ( ) ( )

(3) (4)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) (6)

( ) ( )

三、 Listen and number (给你听到的句子编号)10%

( ) I’m from Shanghai.

( ) I have got a blues dress.

( ) Christmas is coming.

( ) I can make a snowman with my friends.

( ) Hello, I’m Angela.

( ) It’s short.

( ) I live in Pudong.

( ) Listen to the wind.

( ) I need a new one in winter.

( ) We are very happy.

四、 Listen and choose the right sentences. (听录音选出正确的句子)5%

( ) (1) A. The pink rubber is very long.

B. The pink ruler is very long.

( ) (2) A. Say “thank you” to your teacher.

B. Say “goodbye” to your teacher.

( ) (3) A. The kitten is in the building.

B. The kitten is in the bin.

( ) (4) A. He is reading a book in the classroom.

B. She is reading a book in the classroom.

( ) (5) A. I can see a yellow light. Wait!

B. I can see a red light. Stop!

五、 Listen and fill in the correct words. (听录音,选择正确的词填空) 11%

(1) Look at the ______ ______. It is very fast.

(2) I have got ______ orange and ______ sweets.

(3) Put on your new ______ and ______. ( )

(4) It is the green ______. You can ______ now.

(5) I can see a yellow ______ on the ______. So beautiful.

(6) Come and fly a ______ with me.

六、 Listen and judge. (听录音,判断下列句子与听到的句子是否一致,相同的用T,不同用表示

F) 8%

1. Peter has got a ball. ( )

2. My brother has my hot dog. ( )

3. Mary lives in Shanghai. ( )

4. Sue goes to school by bicycle. ( )

5. Sam is very thirsty. ( )

6. Lily’s mother is a beautiful doctor. ( )

7. Sam has a scarf. It’s blue ( )

8. The snowman has got big eyes and a short nose. ( )

Reading: 50 %

一、 Write the sentence.(正确抄写下列句子) 6%

my mother needs a new dress

二、 Look and judge. (判断下列单词是否属于同类,相同写T, 不同写F)8 %

1. shirt shoe ( ) 2. snow cold ( )

3. swing side ( ) 4. read red ( )

5. white write ( ) 6. wait stop ( )

7. moon mooncake ( ) 8. cat rabbit ( )

三、 Write the correct words. (看图写单词)6%

1. 2. 3.


5. 6.

四、 Choose the correct answer. (选择,将正确的代号填入前面的括号内)10%

( ) 1. The sun is ________ the sky.

A. in B. on C. under

( ) 2. I can taste ________ my mouth.

A. use B. with C. on

( ) 3. ________ you draw a dog? Yes, I can.

A. Can B. Do C. Are

( ) 4. The apples ________ big and red.

A. am B. is C. are

( ) 5. This is my sister. ________ is a nurse.

A. He B. she C. She

( ) 6. I am ________. Can I have some noodles?

A. thirsty B. hungry C. Full

( ) 7. What is ________ father? He is a teacher?

A. you B. your C. you are

( ) 8. He likes to swim. I like to ________, too.

A. jump B. swim C. Run

( ) 9. Eat ________ hot dog and drink ________ milk.

A. a…a B. a…some C. Some…some

( ) 10. ________ the wind. It is cold.

A. Look B. Look at C. Listen to

五、 Questions and answers. (根据实际情况回答问题) 10%

1. Where do you live? I ________ ________ Shanghai.

2. How are you? I’m ________.

3. Where is your pencil-box? It’s ________ the ________.

4. Can you fly a kite? ________, I ________.

5. How do you go to school? I go to school ________ ________..

6. What do you like to drink? I like to drink ________ .

六、 Readings. (阅读对话判断,与对话内容一致的用”T”表示,不一致的用”F”表示)10%

(1) Sam’s Birthday

Hello, I am Joe. I am eight. I have got a brother. He is Sam. Today is Sam’s birthday. He is three now. My mum and dad give him a new bicycle. I give Sam a blue ball. He likes the ball

Judy: Here is the pet shop.

Mum: Look, Judy! The mouse is white. The parrot’s green.

Judy: The kittens are black and white.

Mum: They’re very furry. The puppies are small and brown.

Judy: Oh, I like this cat.

Kitten: Woof! Woof!

Judy: Say miaow! You’re a cat.

Kitten: No, I’m a dog.

Judy: She’s a dog. You’re a cat! She’s big and brown. You’re small and

black. Her legs are long. Your legs are short.

Judy: The dog likes sticks. She runs. She swims. She eats bones.

She’s a DOG.

篇三:3B M1U1 练习 2012.2

3B M1U1 ( Seeing and hearing )

Exercise One


what can you see kitty i can see a bus and some cars too

二、用 “ to have, to be” 填空


good friends. . a teacher and some children in the classroom. some children and a teacher in the classroom. some seeds.

two books. They are nice. 三、按要求完成单词

1. ship (同类词 2 . ride(同类词 含有与划线相同发音的词 5.tall( 反义词 含有与划线相同发音的词 6 . to (同音词 四、选择正确的单词填空

( I, you, my, your ) see? B: I can see black hair.

’s your toy car. ( a, an, the, / ) ship.

( a, an, the, / ) white aeroplane. ( I, you, my, your , them ) .

Exercise Two


listen ben what can you hear I can hear a ship


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( )


( ) 1. A. ship B. bus C. bicycle D. sheep

( ) 2. A. slide B. bus C. aeroplane D. bicycle ( ) 3. A. dog B. cat C. ship D. sheep ( ) 4. A. see B. can C. hear D. do 四、完成对话

Linda: Peter: I can see . Linda: What colour is the toy ship? Peter: It’.

Peter: 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空

1. A: What can ___________(your) draw? B: I can draw ___________(me). 2. There ___________(be) bird in the tree.

3. There are some _________(child) in the library. They _____(can) read books. 4. He can make ___________ (a) aeroplane. It's ______(a) paper aeroplane. 5. ___________(there be) white cat in the room.

Exercise Three


1. Is ___________ father tall or short? (you / your)

2. That's Lucy. ___________ has a beautiful doll. (She / Her) 3. This is Ben. ________umbrella is green. (His / He) 4. Are you my mother? Yes, ___________ am.(you / I) 二、选择填空

( friend. A. I B. we C. our ( A. are B. is C. am ( A. is, am B. are, am C. am, am ( ) 4. Mrs Wang is Eddie’ B. He C. She ( draw a beautiful doll. A. can B. has C. like ( ) 6. I can’play. A. can B. can’t C. like 三、阅读理解,判断句意正误,用“T”或“F”表示

Hi! I’m Charlie. I’m a pupil of Grade Three. I like drawing. Look at this photograph. There are two boys and one girl on the playground. They are my new friends. The short boy can swim. His name’s Bob. But he can’t dance. That girl is sitting on the chair. She’s Jenny. She has long hair and two big eyes. She can’t swim. But she can dance, draw and cook. I’m the tall boy. I can make a spinner. We’re spinning the spinner. We’re happy.

( ) 1. Charlie is a pupil of Grade Three. ( ) 2. Bob is short. He can swim and dance. ( ) 3. Jenny is sitting on the sofa. ( ) 4. Jenny has long hair and big ears. ( ) 5. Charlie likes his new friends.

Exercise Four


1. bus(复数 2. smooth( 反义词 3. child( 复数 4. warm(反义词 5. hot( 反义词 6. here( 同音词

二、判断划线部分的发音,相同的用 "T" 表示, 不同的用 "F" 表示

( ( ( ( 三、按要求改写句子

对划线部分提问 2. I can hear a bird.(否定句) 3. I can hear some chicks. I can't see them. (用but将两句合成一句) 4. There is a boy in the room.(一般疑问句) 5. There is a toy car on the desk. (一般疑问句,并作否定回答) 6. Kitty, hear, you, what, can (连词成句) 7.



I, car,






I have a new bedroom. It's not big, but it's very clean. There is a desk in front of the window. It's brown. There is a lamp on the desk. It's yellow. There is a toy car on the desk, too. It's pink. There is a bookcase beside my desk. It's brown, too. There are many books in it. There is a piano in my bedroom. It's new. It's black. I can play the piano well.

( ) 1. My bedroom is small and clean. ( ) 2. I have a brown desk. It's new. ( ) 3. I can play the piano well. ( ) 4. There are many books on the g desk

( ) 5. I have a lamp. It's yellow. (2012.2)

篇四:2013年译林版小学四年级Unit 6~7 测试卷

四年级英语半月测试Unit 6~7(2013年12月20日)

学生姓名_____________ 学校_____________ 年级______________ 得分______________



Unit 2 Looking different

Topic 1 I have a small nose.


1. movie star 电影明星 favorite star 最喜爱的明星

2. not?but? 不是?而是?

3. in the same school 在同一所学校 in different grades 在不同年级

We are in the same school,but in different grades。我们在同一个学校,但不同年级。 Same 必须与定冠词the 连用,而different 不接定冠词the,后面需用名词复数

4. 身体五官及各部位名称;部分颜色词语

5. 反义词:

small - big / large / wide long - short

black - white tall - short new – old

6. I have a big nose = My nose is big.

I have big eyes. = My eyes are big.

She has a big nose. = Her nose is big.

She has big eyes. = Her eyes are big.

7.1) Do you have long hair?

Yes, I do. No, I don’t. / Yes, we do. No, we don’t.

2) Does she / he have big eyes?

Yes, she / he does. No, she / he doesn’t.

3) Do they have new friends?

Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

8. I’m thirteen years old.

= I’m 13 years old. = I’m 13.

= I’m thirteen.=I am at the age of thirteen.

语言点:language points

1. 在五官描述上,要注意英美人习惯。在西方国家进行外貌描述时,不说a big mouth,而说a wide mouth。他们的a big mouth往往用来指一个人嘴巴多,喜欢在背后说三道四。

2. 特别注意第三人单数时表达时使用的是has。

Topic 2 What does she look like?


1. give something to somebody = give somebody something 给某人某物

Give the book to Maria = Give Maria the book. 把书给Maria.

2. right away =at once 立刻,马上

3. dark skin 黑皮肤 light yellow skin 黄皮肤 fair skin 白皮肤

4. the boy over there 在那边的那个男孩 the boy under the tree 在树下的那个男孩

5.look like 看起来像 look the same 看起来一样 look different 看起来不一样 You look different。=You don’t look the same.

6. different looks 不同的外表

7. good friends 好朋友

8. look at the picture 看着图片

9. the pair of shoes / trousers 这双鞋/裤子

shoe 常以复数形式出现,常见以复数形式出现的词还有;pants(裤子),shorts(短裤),jeans(牛仔裤),gloves(手套),socks(袜子),stockings(长筒袜),glasses(眼镜),scissors(剪刀),这类词常与pair连用,a pair of

10. 表示颜色的词语

11. 关于颜色的提问:What color??

-- What color is the skirt? -- It’s white.

-- What color are the shirts? - They are white.

12. which疑问词的使用

Which girl? The girl in red. 哪个女孩?穿红色衣服的那个女孩。

Which bag? The blue one. 哪个包?蓝色那个。

13. What does she look like? 她看起来怎么样?

14. 区别以下两种问题:

Mike’s pants are blue. What color are Mike’s pants?

The blue pants are Mike’s. Which pants are Mike’s?

15. Which color / bag / clothes do you like? 你喜欢哪种颜色/哪个包/哪件衣服? These are my favorite clothes. 这些是我最喜欢的衣服。

= I like these clothes best.

Favorite = like?best

16.I don’t know +sb/n 我不认识某人/某物

17.Oh, I see.= Oh, I know.哦,我知道了。

18.short brown hair棕色的短发


two long red chairs两张红长椅

three big black cats 三只大黑猫

19.The boy in a white T-shirt is Kangkang。 穿白色T恤的那个男孩是康康。

in a white T-shirt 是介词短语作后置定语,修饰前面的名词the boy。In 表示“穿着,戴着”,相当于“wearing sth ?”, in+颜色可以等于“in+a/an +颜色+名词,都表示“穿?衣服”

Topic 3 Whose jacket is this?


1. What does she / he look like?

She is young with long legs. / He is short with black hair.

2. Is the boy tall or short? He’s short.

注意:选择疑问句的选择部分前部分要读升调,后部分读降调。回答时要有具体内容,而不能用Yes, No回答。

3. 反义词或对应词:

small - big new - old old - young fat - thin long - short

man - woman boy - girl doctor - nurse dad - mum

4. 副词so、too、very的使用:

so fast 如此块!这么快! too fast 太快 very fast 很快

5. It will fit you soon. 它很快就会适合你的。

6. blue and white 蓝白相间 dark blue 深蓝 light blue 浅蓝

7. tall and thin 又高又瘦

8. curly / long / short hair 卷发/长发/短发

9. on a blue bike 在蓝色自行车上

in the black car 在黑色汽车里

in the pink blouse 穿着紫色衬衫的

10. 人称代词和物主代词的使用:

Whose toy is this? It is my toy. It’s mine.

It’s your toy. It’s yours.

It’s his toy. It’s his.

It’s her toy. It’s hers.

It’s its toy. It’s its.

It’s our toy. It’s ours.

It’s their toy. It’s theirs.

11.help sb do sth帮助某人做某事

Help sh with sth 帮助某人某事

With the help of 在?的帮助下


1. ’s的所有格形式:Wang Hai’s mother 王海的妈妈 Jim’s sister Jim的妹妹

2. 物主代词的使用:形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词


如:This is my bookstore。= This bookstore is mine。







6. make sentences with?用?造句 part 部分 each part 每一部分 use sth to do sth 用?来做 We use the pen to write.我们用笔来写字。 retell 复述,再说 一次 play soccer on the playground在操场上踢足球 base on 在?基础上

complete the table based on the text 。在课文的基础上完成表格。

7. exchange roles 互换角色

8. point out 指出

9. guess first。先猜。

10. phrase 短语 Read the phrases by yourself.自己读短语。

11. the colors of the national flags 国旗的颜色

12. one of +名词复数 ?.其中之一 one of my friends我的一个朋友

13. think about 思考,考虑,think of 认为

14. mix 混合 mix?together把?混合在一起 mix your things together把你的东西混


15. wanted 通缉的

16. put up除了有“举起”的意思,还有“张贴”的意思 put them up on the blackboard


17. famous 出名的,著名的 famous people 名人

golden key 金钥匙

1. Pictures can help you understand the conversation and memorize the words better.

图片可以帮你更好地理解对话,更好地记住单词。(memorize 记住,背熟,记忆)

2. Guessing before reading will help you understand the passage better and faster.


3. Review tests your memory and tells you what you have not learnt.复习检验你的

记忆,并告诉你哪些没有掌握。(review 复习,memory 记忆)

4. Chanting helps you to speak English clearly and smoothly.

