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篇一:Learning how to learn

Learning how to learn

枣庄市薛城舜耕中学 肖聪 2012年8月2日 20:09 刘恒俊于12-8-2 20:16推荐肖老师开篇的介绍确实应该引起大家反思。从教学的设计上,老师注意了分层教学,对中下等生有学习策略的指导,使不同层次的学生都能进行有效阅读,老师的意识不错。

王维秋于12-8-2 22:11推荐并加10分肖老师能够站在学生的角度重点采用了小组合作的方式来指导学生学习,培养学生合作的习惯,提高了学习的效率。在读中引导学生选择适合自己的策略如“可以直接向成绩较好的队友请教,也可以分任务查词典,标注音标等”来进行词汇学习。在总结归纳环节设计也很好,应该属于课堂学习的形成性评价。值得学习!

Learning how to learn

今天,烈日当头,酷暑难耐 ,但是学员们的研修热情就如同当下的气温一样高涨。大家一大早来到学校,认真的学习了北京师范大学外文学院程晓堂有关《中小学英语学习策略教学建议》的讲座。程教授所讲的“我们的英语教学从20世纪70年代的时候就从研究教师如何教转化成由研究学生如何学上来。如何提高英语学习的效果,实现个性化学习、自主学习、终身学习” 引发了我深深的思考。写到这,我想起了几个情景,和大家一起‘分享’。情景1:下课了,老师大手一挥开始布置作业“今天学的单词抄10遍,明天默写,不会默写的再抄20遍”显然,这里也体现了学习策略———抄。但是,一定没有考虑作业到学生的个体差异,更没考虑是不是时间的浪费?情景2:周五放学前,老师开始布置作业“这周作业很少,把本单元学的Reading 背下来,下周一检查。”好家伙,Reading 老长了,既没有教如何背,也不考虑学生的层次性?情景3: 该下课了,老师直接给了一个题目,“同学们,以??为题目写一篇作文,明天教。”没有思路分析,没有写法指导,连词数要求都忘了!这样真的是没有任何的学习策略的灌输与渗透,真是难为了这些学生。但是通过今天的学习,我们都会茅塞



Step 1 :课前分组 (也可以是长期组)



Step 2: warm-up


(两个目的:一是与本课有联系,远亲不如近邻么。 而是为学生后来的小组学习,进行情感铺垫。)

Step 3复习和导入(策略:好记性不如烂笔头,动手写下答案,可以比赛) 1. 复习一些动词的过去式, 抢答的形式 ,可以把机会多给学困生,因为比


2. 利用图片导入新课,问一些简单的问题 引导学生猜测答案,:

What is Lucy doing??

What about the other girl?



Step 4: 阅读训练

1:Fast –reading (判断对错)(策略:快速浏览,做出判断)

a. Lucy is a friendly girl.( )

b. The other girl is lonely. ( )



2.Carefully reading(策略:第一遍先读问题,再读文章,带着问题去读,提取有效信息)。第二遍,找出阅读障碍,做出标记 第三遍 合作扫除障碍,可以大胆猜想

a, 回答以下问题

a) Why Lucy is happy?

b) What did Lucy do?

c) Did they become good friend in the end?

b, 这一步可以充分利用生教生 先从单词入手 ,根据分组,组中学困生可以直接向成绩较好的队友请教,也可以分任务查词典,标注音标等等。首先做到大部分同学理解这篇课文。

b, 小组合作 可以让成绩好的学生领读或者跟磁带读,自己的队友模仿,老师选几个中等生课文朗读,好的小组加分。

(设计意图:首先过单词这一关 ,如果学完之后,还有很多学生连单词都不认识,那后来的学习就没意义了。其次是读,学完之后 不会读,那下节课就更没兴趣了,)

3. After-reading

小组合作讨论 概括段落大意 (一般是首句或尾句)看谁找的快又准?

(设计意图:整体把握课文,训练提取有效信息的能力,同时检查学生的掌握情况。) Step 5: 总结归纳 (策略:我从这篇文章学到了什么 ,及时总结)

选择一:根据今天所学,用英语说说知识层面上你学到了什么?(可以给提示,如 单词发音…………单词汉译……………. 如何连读…………也可以适当说汉语,鼓励学困生开口. )说得好的加10分。

选择二:根据今天所学,用英语说说学习策略层面上你学到了什么?(可以给提示,如何记单词……………如何快速阅读………如何概括段落大意………..。也可以适当说汉语,鼓励学困生开口. )说得好的加20分

Step 6 评价并颁奖

Step 7 Homework



篇二:How to learn English well

How to learn English well


As we all know, English is one of the most important langnages in the world. It’s necessary for us to learn it well .How do you study? Everyone learns English in different ways. I think the best way to improve your English is to improve your English skills—listening, speaking,reading ,and writing. We should practice them every day. we should remember more words and grammar. Reading more English story books or novels .Watching more English cartoon TVs or movies.Listening English tapes and repeating after the speaker. Second you are not afraid to make any mistakes you speak English as much as possible.Third you ask the teachers when you don’t understand any knowledge .It’s very good for you if you are interested in Egnlish . You will find studying Egnlish is interesting and helpful. One more thing remember?Practice makes perfect?! I hope everyone makes progress. Thanks!

English is a useful language now.Therefore we must learn English well.But some students say that it is very hard for them to learn English well.I have some suggestions for them. Firstly,you should love this subject in your heart and then you can devote yourself to learning English.Secondly,it is necessary for students to recite many new words and

phrases.Thirdly,you can learn some English songs if you think reading is boring or you can watch some movies.Finally,you should talk with your teachers or classmates in English. I think in this way ,you can improve your English.

English is one of the most important subjects in middle school. Almost everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well. Karl Marx has set a good example for us. He once said, "When one is learning a foreign language, he must use the foreign language." In this way, he could use several languages. A saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." When we learn English, we should read more, speak more, listen to English from time to time and practise writing every day. Don‘t be afraid of making mistakes. Only in this way can we learn it well.

篇三:How to learn English well 作文


learn how to learn

to learn English well

It’s not difficult to learn English well . I think you can learn English well if you follow my advice .

First , you should listen to the teacher carefully in class ,and take notes in the English class ;Write down what the teacher tells you .

Second , to remember new words , you can make word cards . Then you can recite the words anywhere , such as on the bus . Listening to tapes is good way for your pronunciation .

What’s more , it’s a good way to practice English by keeping an English diary every day . You can also join an English club to practice your listening and speaking skills .

If we are all confident in ourselves and keep practicing English in this way , I am sure you can make great progress .


Dear …..

How’s everything going ?

I know you want to know about the Spring Festival in China . Now I’m writing a letter to tell you about it .

The spring Festival is the most important festi9val in China . It is usually in January or February . When the Spring Festival comes , people usually get together with their family . They have good meals together . People usually wear new clothes and visit their relatives and friends . They have parties and watch fireworks(烟花) as well .

If you want to know about other Chinese traditional festivals , just write to me .



Changes in my life

My life has changed a lot in the past few years .

I used to be short , but now I’m tall . I used to be afraid of dogs , but now I like playing with them . In the past , I often played games with my friends , and we were very happy . Now most of the time I stay alone . I prefer to read books , listen to music and do something by myself . In the past , I used to be outgoing , but now I am quite quiet . I used to like watching TV, but now I seldom watch TV, because I’m too busy . I have a lot of homework to do every day . It makes me stressed out .

It seems that I was happier in the past . I really miss the old days.

The most useful invention----computer

In the past few years , more and more inventions have come into our life . I think computer is one of the most useful inventions.

We live in the “computer age” . Computers are used in many fields . They are very important because they can work faster and make nearly no mistakes . Computers can help people do a lot of work .Writers use them to write . Teachers use them to help teaching . They are also used for studying by students . what’s more , we can use a computer to search for information.

Computers are very useful and helpful in our life . They have changed our life and improved the quality of people’s life . They are our friends . I think everyone wants to have one.

School safety

More and more people pay special attention to school safety nowadays . Here are some rules to keep us safe

First , as students , we should follow the school rules , such as not being late for school and leaving school early . Second , we shouldn’t go with strangers and we’d better not accept things from strangers . Third , it’s better for us to have partners on the way home and to school . And we must get home before dark . Fourth , if we in trouble , don’t forget to tell our parents or teachers first so that they may give us some necessary help.

I think these rules are good for us . We must obey them .


篇四:How to Learn English中考英语作文

How to Learn English

Do you want to learn English well? Here is my advice to you.

Listening is the basic step for learning English. How about listening to the radio? Another way is to download some English songs from the Internet and sing them loudly.

To improve your speaking, you’d better speak English in class. And you can make friends with foreigners. These can help you with your speaking.

Reading is also important. Try to read English newspapers and read some novels every day

Then, if you want to write English compositions better. I think you should have a pen pal and write emails to each other. Other wise, you can ask your teacher to help you.

That is all. I hope I can help you with your English.

Class Four , Grade Two


篇五:作文how to learn English

How to learn English

We know it is difficult to learn English. My English is very good. I learn English like this.

I listen to the teacher carefully and write the important points down on my notebooks. After class I 复习) the lessons. Before class I prepare new lessons to find out the questions. Then I will listen carefully in class.

I also listen to the tape, and speak English with my classmates in the classroom and on the playground. It can help me improve my listening and speaking. I keep a diary every day to practise my written English. Besides this, I often read English newspapers and magazines to enrich my knowledge on English culture.

We will learn English well so long as we learn it hard.
