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大事件编辑 1997 零容忍行动(Operation Zero Tolerance);英雄重生(Heroes Reborn) 1999 第二次超级英雄大赛(Contest of Champions II);永远的复仇者(Avengers Forever)

2000 天启十二使徒(Apocalypse The Twelve);最高戒备(Maximum Security) 2001 毁灭前夕(Eve of Destruction);康之王朝(The Kang Dynasty) 2002 无限深渊(Infinity Abyss)

2004 复仇者解散(Avenger Disassembled);国家公敌(Enemy of the State);秘密战争(Secret War)

2005 马格纳斯之殿(House of M)

2006 湮灭(Annihilation);英雄内战(Civil War)

2007 绿巨人世界大战(World War Hulk)

2008 秘密入侵(Secret Invasion);湮灭征服(Annihilation Conquest) 2009 黑暗王朝(Dark Reign)

2010 围城(Siege);英雄时代(Age of Heroes);影域(Shadowland);混沌之战(Chaos War)

2011 恐惧本源(Fear Itself)

2012 复仇者大战X战警(Avengers Vs. X-Men: Versus)

2013 奥创纪元(Age of Ultron);无限(Infinity)

2014 原罪(Orginal Sins);复仇者和X战警:善恶轴心(Axis) 2015 秘密战争3(Secret War3)

篇二:LOL 英文介绍

Good morning,

I’m very glad to stand on our lectern and give you my informative speech. As the pictures show,today,I will introduce a very hot computer game to you. Its

name is league of legends.We usually call it“LOL”.

This is a multiplayer game developed by “RIOT GAMES”in America, and TENGXUN company is its Chinese agency. Now,it has been the most popular electronic sports game in china.

In the game, a player play a role as summoner to summon a hero to fight for him.The chief reason why this game is so hot owing to its mass styles heroes.

So far ,there are 119 heroes. Every week TENGXUN will select 10 heroes for players to play freely. Players will get gold coins after game.They can use these coins to buy permanent heroes. Of course, they also can buy it by QQ Coins.

And every hero has several special skins,players only can get them by QQ Coins . This is a team game,10 players enter a game at the same time. 5 players at purple team, the others at blue team. There are three main roads in the game map.Top road,middle road and bottom road.5 players play different roles in the game.The frist type is “top”who defend the top road. This type possesses high Defence capability,we usually call them “tank”.The second position is “AP”,(attack power),they usually stay at Middle road,most of them are wizards.The bottom road need two heroes to defend. “ADC and support”,ADC is weak but they can make enormous damage,most of them are long-range heroes. Supports’ main responsibility is protect ADC, and hold the whole rhythm.The last position is Jungling.They develop in the Field area.They are the most important position in the early stage because they should help companions to establish advantage.

The most important session is team fight. But every one must have enough money to buy equipments. The main way to get money is Creeps.That is you give the enemy soldiers the last attack.What more , slain the two bosses in the map also can get lots of money . The team fight usually occurs when one team want to kill the boss.Once the team fight break out,every one is supposed to find the proper position.The top should in front of the team to absorb damage ,the jungle help top absorb damage and to kill the AP or ADC. As supports,they should protect the ADC and create safe environment. AP should slain the most threatening enemy. When one win the team fight ,they should break the enemy defend towers and break their crystal base before the enemy reborn.

In the world ,there exist two significant games for LOL, one is all-star game,the other one is the final whole season game and the best team will win the champion.

LOL is really a fantastic game, it not only bring us happiness but also train us cooperation and reaction capability.

Thank you



2.《Everybody Loves Raymond》【24分钟的家庭喜剧,老实话,不好看,不能跟Friends比,但是它是典型的美国生活英语,比Friends里的有用,7.5分】


4.《Prison Break》【基本来说,PB就是大家美剧的敲门砖,看是都要看的,第二季起看不看就无所谓了,第三季刚开始精彩的时候又被编剧罢工给搅了,9.5分】


6.《Veronica Mars》【第一季和第二季还是可以的,校园+侦探,8.5分,第三季巨烂,所以被砍了,主角就是Heroes第二季里新出的那个放电女,叫啥来着?】


8.《The 4400》【4400个人拥有Ability,由于比Heroes早出,所以尽管题材相近,但还是不错的,但是看到后面么,跟Heroes比比就没什么出彩的了,8分】

9.《CSI Las Vegas》【LV是CSI系列的鼻祖,理所当然的是最好看的,现在已经出到第八季,收视率总是第一第二,非常经典,绝对要看一看,9.5分】

10.《CSI: New York》【NY里的头绝对没有LV里的帅,节奏更慢,镜头更露骨,不是很好,


11.《Greys Anatony》【由于和CSI:LV是同一时间播出,所以基本上CSI收视率第二的话,第一就是GA,给它打分,同样9.9分,绝对好看,一定要看,PS:凭心讲一句,abc出的基本上都蛮好看的】

12.《Ugly Betty》【觉得不是很好看啦,虽然无聊时还是把第二季看下去了,这个Betty和Daniel和Willie都满搓的,只有Marc和Amenda很可爱很好笑,8分】


14.《Painkiller Jane》【看了一集就受不了了,可想而知把,极不推荐,不及格】

15.《Kyle XY》【科幻剧,不好看也不难看,还好还好,8分吧】

16.《24 hours》【看了一季,毕竟有点老套,听说第六季比较好看,7.5分】

17.《Desperate Housewives》【的确是很作的一帮主妇,挺好看的,虽然很作,没事儿有事儿

就搞几具Dead Body出来,但是还不错,8.5分】

18.《The Sopranos》【黑道家族,看了一点点,不好看啊,而且6季了,太多】

hero reborn

19.《The O.C》【现在正在看,觉得不好看,不好看,剧情满俗的,也不能怪人家,出的早嘛,7.5分】

20.《One Tree Hill》【个人不是很喜欢这类的校园青春家庭剧,但是这一部还是不错的,演员都很养眼,剧情也很好,8分】


22.《Criminal Minds》【看了一点,最新一季广受好评,但是罪案类看得太多,先歇会儿,8分】

23.《Burn Notice》【去年夏天出的新喜剧,不错的,Miami风景很好看8.5分】

24.《Kitchen Confidential》【厨房秘事,同样是去年暑期出的喜剧,24分钟一集,很好看,期待下一季,9.5分】


26.《Hidden Palms》【棕榈泉疑云,第一季出完就被砍了,除了Palm Spring这个景点比OC好,其他没什么出彩,6.5分】




30.《Sex And The City》【至今只看了两三集,据我一位全部看完的同学称:很好看】

31.《Cashmere Mafia》【号称Sex And City姐妹篇,节奏感不错,刘玉玲穿的太挂三了一点,不过还是挺好看的,9分】


33.《Gossip Girl》【只能说,是一部很养眼的剧,挺好看的,就是没什么意思,8分】

34.《Nip Tuck》【整容室,很老的美剧了,看了5集,不好看,很不好看】


36.《Dirty Sexy Money》【第一季不久前出完,有点傻,不如名字那么Fancy,8分】

37.《Private Practice》【从Grey's Anatomy衍生出来的洛杉矶版,看了几集没有继续下去,因为种子太少下的太辛苦,但是蛮好看的,8.5分】


39.《Mad Men》【广告狂人,获得艾美奖最佳,下了一集来看,太高深了,讲的是最早那帮广告人的打拼史】

40.《Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles》【终结者外传,看了一集,不喜欢这类的科幻片,男孩子应该比较喜欢】

41.《Masters of Science Fiction》【科幻大师,出了四集就被砍了,是根据史蒂芬·金的小说改编的,很有深度,很讽刺人类,可惜了,8.9分】


OK,至今成果基本上是这样,又忘记的再补吧。其实我不想再看美剧了,好浪费时间,但是现在像是吃饭喝水一样的习惯,不好看也这么看着,实在是,无语。我的推荐(排名):《Lost迷失》、《Grey's Anatomy实习医生格蕾》、《CSI:LV犯罪现场调查:拉斯维加斯》、《Friends老友记》《Prison Break越狱》、《、Moonlight血色月光》《Heroes英雄第一季》、《Shark、律政狂鲨第一季》hellip;hellip;

篇四:Tutor Hitman Reborn大学英语课讲座

《Tutor Hitman Reborn》is an animation about Italian Mafia. The story is mainly about the 10th Voogle boss:“zina” and his families growing up. The descendant of the first boss of Voogle:“zina” is a garbage boy who hardly can do anything. But to bring him up,Italian Hitman Reborn entrusted by the 9th Voogle boss comes to be with “zina”. “zina” is so kind-hearted that he do not want to be the boss. But he really do not want to let anyone of his friends to be hurt and gradually shoulds his responsibilities. He fight again and again. Finally,he become an excellent boss.

The first part:CHARACTERS: 1, “zina” is the hero of the animation. But he is a garbage boy who can’t do anything. But with the help of Reborn, he become a very excellent boss of Voogle. He is very kind-hearted and don’t want anyone to be hurt. So he changed from: ”I can’t do even die ” to “if I don’t do, how are my friends” . He has the Sky flame and

can see through anything. Pure and innocent, he gradually grows up.

2, Gokudera is the right-hand man of the 10th voogle boss. Before he met “zina”, he is a rebellious boy who escape from his big family. He can’t recognise anyone. But when he is defeated by “zina”. He admires him so much. So he obey whatever “zina” says. He is the owner of Haze flame but there are really six kinds of flame in his body. He is very ridacal. He sometimes wants to sacrifice himself to protect “zina”. But gradually he knows the real he want is to be with everyone, smile happily.

3、Yamamoto is a baseball fan. He is the leader of the baseball team of BingSheng Middle School. He is very straightforward and thinks things simply. He has the Rain flame and become a swordsman over a baseball player. He sometimes is foolish. So Gokudera always says to him “a kou baga” meaning baseball foolish. But he has a peaceful heart which make him the best person to be a hitman. He is the purest person to be

around with “zina”.

4、Lambo is a five-year old boy. Lambo is a na?ve child. He is very greedy. And he want the good food that mum had made is all belonging himself. He has a sepecial hair style and there are many things in his hairs such as candies and bombs. He has the Thunder flame and whatever he is five or fifteen or twenty-five years old, when he is angry, he is really powerful. Always, “zina” don’t want Lambo to be hurt anyonce, but Lambo also always be powerful when it is the key time.

5、Ryohei is a boxing man. He likes boxing and always exercises every morning with Yamamoto. He also always says “over limit” to make himself be more powerful. And like Yamamoto, he is also a foolish. He looks things very simply. He has the Sun flame. The Sun flame has the active create faction. With his good flesh body, he is powerful too. He is the brother of the Kyokosang. He likes his sister very much so he will do anything to protect his baby sisiter.

6、Hibari is the best powerful man of the guardians. He is undefeated. But when he is hurt, he will have more belief to defeat the enemy. He is the leader of the discipinary members of BingSheng Middle School. He likes his school and the city BingSheng very much and can’t let anyone to destroy them. He hates who are cluster. And if he is unsaitisfied, he will kill the persons. He is always alone so his flame is the Cloud. Prade and mind.

7、Mukuro is the owner of the fog flame. He is the leader of the old enemy of “zina”. But he is one of the guardians of “zina”. He can use great hallucination to control people. He always says that he will be the guardian because he want to control “zina”, and then the whole world. But through all his behaviors, he want to protect “zina” who let him know what is friendship and what is the really thing to care about.

Because he is in a scary prison, he can just appear by hallucination. But even though, he

is very powerful.

8、Kurome is the possessed body of Mukuro. She is a unlucky girl before. She has no more visceral after a traffic accident, and her one eye so. When she is losing her breath, Mukuro finds her and says she can’t die because she is useful. But with “zina” and his families, she gradually find herself and can fight as Kurome, herself. She makes friends with Kyoko and so. She finds there are many people who care her and there are many things she can do to help her friends. She transform from a lonely girl to a big big girl with confidences and smile.

9、kyoko is the little sister of Ryohei. They have a hard feeelings. She knows that the garbage boy “zina” may like her so much. But she doesn’t feel embrassed with “zina”. And she help the boys a lot such as make delicious food and clean the house in the future. The boys don’t want to let her know the fight. But she want to know. And when she learn all, she do more effort to help them.



电子竞技奥运会Reborn!Welcome back 全球电竞大赛(WECG)震撼启动! 6月5日,由全球游戏竞赛及文化活动的组织者Aegis Gaming Networks Inc.(AGN)与全球移动游戏联盟(GMGC)强强联手打造的全球电竞大赛(英文为:World e-Sports Championship Games 简称为:WECG)在京启动。随着此项大赛(WECG)的成立,全球电竞大赛(WECG)将努力打造中立的全球性第三方电竞生态系统,为世界顶级电竞玩家提供专业培训、赛事组织、选手交流等综合性电竞服务平台。

2014年初,世界电子竞技大赛(World Cyber Games, 以下简称 WCG)宣布不再举办任何赛事,延续13年的WCG至此画上了句号,所有观众所期待的最大规模的电子竞技奥运会,各国家之间最高端的电竞对决也宣告结束。


为继续发扬世界电子竞技大赛(WCG)的游戏精神,Bory Jun(前WCG首席运营官)携手


今日,Mr.Jun与全球移动游戏联盟(GMGC)的创始人兼秘书长宋炜联合创办并启动全球电竞大赛(WECG)。宋炜本人也是中国乃至全球最具影响力的全球移动游戏大会GMGC创办人、全球移动互联网大会(GMIC)主办方-长城会(GWC)的联合创始人、2008年北京奥运会奥运村游戏中心总运行人之一。宋炜先生在中国科技和移动游戏领域被誉为移动互联网的践行者和全球资源整合者。全球移动游戏联盟(GMGC)资深国际总监Maxim de Wit表示,“宋炜先生和Mr.Jun两人在移动和游戏行业的经验加起来长达20多年,两人的完美组合将会把WECG推向新高潮!很高兴双方可以达成合作。”


WECG延续了WCG同样的赛制选拔机制,选手需要通过地区选拨赛,晋级选手代表就可以参与WECG总决赛。为了让众多顶级玩家更广泛地参与到世界级电子竞技大赛当中,WECG在原有赛事的基础上进行了改良,增加了各种精彩纷呈的线下赛事。 除了各个国家地区选拨赛以外,还会举办联合预赛、 不分国家只按游戏项目来进行的、还有在总决赛现场举行的Open bracket tournament, AGN打算组织最丰富的赛事既给选手更多的参赛机会,也给观众提供多彩缤纷的节目。

对于WECG的创立消息,很多有关方表示欢迎。WCG的中国区主办方“NEOTV”的总经理KENLIN说:“WCG在中国的影响力,比在韩国想象的还要大。对中国的很多E-sports观众来说,WECG的创立无疑给电子竞技行业带来了一枚重磅炸弹。” 另外,WCG全世界的合作伙伴也纷纷表示说,“WECG的创立对E-sports的粉丝和同行业的相关人来说都是令人欣喜的消息。 WECG的到来给电子竞技市场带来了新鲜的血液,WECG是一定需要的赛事。”





WECG(World e-Sports Championship Games)是一个全世界最具影响力的电子竞技赛事及电子游戏文化节,以通过游戏让全世界的年轻人结合为一体,健全的游戏娱乐文化为目标,由AGN和GMGC全球移动游戏联盟于2014年3月28日共同创办。

WECG以健全的运动文化节,通过国家之间公正的竞争、相互的融合与交流为目标, 并且WECG海纳百川集合文化节, PC、操纵、手机-移动端等玩家喜




※ contact

AGN (Chinese/Korean)Judy Choe 崔僖株+82 02-3446-6923Judy@agn-inc.com

AGN (Chinese)+86 maoyw@neotv.cn

