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篇一:My side of the Chinese story...

My side of the Chinese story


Grade:1 Class:3 Name:Liu Xiyuan Tutor:Bonnie

Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. The topic of my speech is my side of the Chinese story. Many stories happened around me. But what makes me remember is a thing of the micro blog. One of the events of the day in Sina Weibo in April 2012 caused me to pay attention to. This day, the taxi driver Mr.Ma driving a taxi on the road. When the car near by the school for the blind in Tianjin. There are two people who want to get on the car. Master Ma slowly to the car park on the roadside. One arm companion on the car, then Master Ma found in the car is a young blind guy. In the process of running, Master Ma had a conversation with him and knew that this guy is the foreign student who graduate from the school of the blind, today he came to visit his teachers and classmates. When Master Ma asked his work, the blind guy’ look immediately black, said that since graduation had not found suitable job, if he still can not found the job he will go back to his hometown. Here the blind guy’ face is full with lost. The taxi arrived at the destination quickly, the meter shows

11.4 Yuan. Blind guy ready to pay to get off , Master Ma stopped him, said: I don not charge your money! The blind guy apparently did not expect the driver will not charge,a little bit then insist on paying the fare. Finally Master Ma to help the blind guy to get off, refused his fare and said: I’m not great, don not charge your fare then you earn money easily. Finish Master Ma hurried back to the car. At this time the whole process of two people talking was seen by a uncle who stand in the roadside and want to take a taxi. Then the uncle also got on the car, on the road he continuous praise Master Ma, Ma also said that not what in humility. To the destination, meter display 14.5 Yuan. But the uncle took out 30 Yuan, and say: I'm not great, but it's easier to earn money than you. Master Ma accepted the money in his kindness.

Thank you!


篇二:The Story of Two Pots

The Story of Two Pots

A water bearer had two large pots, hung on either end of a pole that he carried across his neck. One pot had a hole in it, while the other was perfect and always full of water at the end of a long walk from the stream to the house; the cracked pot only arrived half-full.

For two years the bearer had only been able to take one and a half pots of water to his house.

Of course, the perfect pot was proud of itself. The poor cracked pot was ashamed of itself. It spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream, “I am ashamed of myself, and I want to say sorry to you.” “Why?” asked the bearer, “What are you ashamed of?”

“I have been able to take only half of my load because this hole in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house. Because of this, you have to do all the work, and you don’t get full value from your efforts.” the pot said.

The water bearer said, “As we return to the house, I want you to notice all of the beautiful flowers along the path.”

Indeed, as they went up the hill, the cracked pot noticed the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it a little. But at the end of the walk, the cracked pot still felt bad because it had leaked out half of its load, and so again the pot said sorry to the bearer for its failure.

The bearer said to the pot, “Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path, but not on the other pot’s side? That’s because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walked back from the stream, you’ve watered them. For two years, I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to make my room beautiful. Without you being just the way what you are, I wouldn’t have the beautiful flowers.”

Everyone has flaws. We’re all cracked pots in some way. But if we allow ourselves to take advantage of our flaws, nothing goes to waste. Don’t be afraid of your flaws. Get to know your flaws and you too can be successful.











bearer n. 搬运者 cracked adj.有裂缝的, 破碎的; 破裂的 flaw n. 瑕疵;缺陷

take advantage of 利用


Answer the following questions according to the passage:

1. Why had the water bearer been able to take only one and a half pots

of water to his house?

2. Why did the cracked pot say sorry to the water bearer?

3. How did the water bearer take advantage of the cracked pot’s flaw? 4. Why were there flowers only on the cracked pot’s side?


1. Because one of the two pots had a hole in it. 2. Because he felt ashamed of himself.

3. He planted flower seeds on the cracked pot’s side of the path and let it watered the flowers when he carried water back.

4. Because there was water only on the cracked pot’s side

篇三:my side of the mountain

My Side of the Mountain(资料)

My Side of the Mountain is a 1959 book by about a boy who learns about nature and himself. The book won the Award and was loosely adapted into a .

Jean Craighead George (b. in ) is an . She lives in .

Jean Craighead George has written over eighty popular books for , Most of her books deal with topics related to the environment and the natural world. While mostly writing children's fiction, she has also written at least two guides to cooking with wild foods, and an autobiography, Journey Inward.

Born in Washington, D.C. and raised in a family of , Jean George has centered her life around and . George graduated from with degrees in both English and science in 1940. Every kid thinks about running away at one point or another; few get farther than the end of the block. Young Sam Gribley gets to the end of the block and keeps going--all the way to the Catskill Mountains of upstate New York. There he sets up house in a huge hollowed-out tree, with a falcon and a weasel for companions and his wits as his tool for survival. In a spellbinding, touching, funny account, Sam learns to live off the land, and grows up a little in the process. Blizzards, hunters, loneliness, and fear all battle to drive Sam back to city life. But his desire for freedom, independence, and adventure is stronger. No reader will be immune to the compulsion to go right out and start whittling fishhooks and befriending raccoons.

Sam Gribley from his home in in the month of . He leaves with only a , a ball of cord, an , $40 which he had saved selling magazine subscriptions and a and set which he had purchased at a Chinese merchant's store in the city.

On his first night, Sam gets on a truck north of New York in search of his family's abandoned and overgrown in the . He hitchhikes to the Catskills, and spends a lonely first night in his small lean-to (a small

tent-like structure that consists of a hemlock bow and a stump). He catches five , but fails to start a to cook them.

In the morning he climbs a hill and discovers a small cottage near his cold and uncomfortable camp, the residence of an old man named Bill. His host shows the inexperienced boy how to prepare and cook his fish, and - more importantly - how to make proper use of the flint and steel with which Sam had been unable to make a fire the night before.

Finding the Gribley farm, Sam establishes a dwelling in the trunk of an immense old hemlock tree, using hand-axe and fire to expand a natural hollow into a home with space for a bed, stores of gathered foodstuffs, and even a small fireplace.

As the summer passes, his skills and knowledge of the mountains and of survival

grows. He learns to live off the land by hunting small game and and by gathering a wide variety of edible plants and nuts. He makes clothes, bedding, and other useful things from deer hide and fur.

Sam lives a free life in the wilderness for more than a year with his pet, a named Frightful, whom he had captured as a chick and hand-reared. His neighbors in the forest include the free-ranging musteline "Baron" , and a . Sam also encounters and "rescues" a lost school teacher whom he nicknames "Bando" because he'd first thought the teacher had been a runaway when they they'd met. Bando and Sam spend the summer together, at the close of which Bando departs, promising to return at Christmas.

During the winter, Sam's father comes out to the Gribley farm in search of him. Sam, his father, and Bando enjoy a wilderness dinner, after which the visitors bid farewell, both men approving the youngster's independence and determination to continue his life on the mountain.

After winter's end, Sam finds himself carving out a nearby tree as a "guest house", reflecting after a bit that his work to such a purpose was something of a contradiction of the reason he'd decided to come to the wild in the first place.

At that point, he hears his father, and then his mother, at the foot of the mountain, discovering that his parents had decided to come as a family - with all of Sam's younger siblings - to the old homestead, away from the city.

As the book closes, the Gribley family begins building the house that will shelter them all in the years to come.


温州市普通高中2014学年第一学期期末教学质量检测 高二英语试卷 2015.1





听下面5段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置;听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. How much should the man pay if he buys two bottles of milk?

A.$20. B.$35. C.$40.

2. How does the woman probably feel?

A. Disappointed. B. Happy. C. Tired.

3. Where is Kelly?

A. In the restaurant. B. In her house. C. In a meeting.

4. What does the man mean?

A. He will train the dog later.

B. He will walk the dog anyway.

C. He will stay away from the dog.

5. What do you know about the storm?

A. It was very big. B. It killed a large animal. C. It caused a lot of damage.




6. Why do they want to buy a gift for their mother?

A. It's her birthday. B. It's Mother's Day. C. It's Women's Day.

7. What are they going to buy?

A. Some flowers. B. A box of chocolates. C. A book.


8. What does the woman want to know?

A. What the man thinks about his future.

B. Where the man is going to drive.

C. What kind of dreams the man has at night.

9. Where does the man want to live in the future?

A. In a small town. B. In a big city. C. On an island.


10. How often does the man usually visit his aunt?

A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Every other day.

11. Where does his aunt live?

A. Far away from the shops. B. Near the shopping center. C. In the countryside.

12. Why does his aunt have lots of pain in her leg?

A. She is ill. B.She gets injured. C. She is old.


13. What do the speaker and Dave have in common?

A. Hobbies. B. Jobs. C. Characters.

14. What do we know about Dave?

A. He isn’t a good listener.

B. He knows the speaker well.

C. He’s never late for everything.

15. When did the speaker and Dave plan to meet last weekend?

A. At 4:00 p.m. B. At 5:30 p.m. C. At 6:30 p.m.

II. 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)



16. He would have continued to lead _____ poor life if he hadn’t met

my side of the story

Mr. Smith by _____ chance.

A. the; / B. a; the C. a; / D. /; the

17. The top students introduced three different _____ to the study of physics.

A. ways B. means C. approaches D. methods

18. I regret _____ my answers carefully before turning in the paper yesterday.

A. to check B. checking C. not to check D. not checking

19. Andy is a good husband and his wife, Alice, is clearly very _____.

A. content B. positive C. famous D. cautious

20. Mr. Burns looks rather upset, so he is ______ listen to you.

A. not likely to B. likely to C. likely not D. likely to not

21. The discussion today _____ three main farming problems.

A. carried on B. relied on C. based on D. focused on

22. Up to now, the program _____ thousands of children in those undeveloped areas.

A. will save B. has saved C. saves D. had saved

23. _____, the warmer a place is, the more types of plants and animals it will usually support.

A. In particular B. In general C.In advance D. In addition

24. The scientists became inspired when they helped the people _____ to Ebola virus(病毒).

A. expose B. exposing C. exposed D. to expose

25. ––I’ve been cleaning my room for hours.

––_____ you look so tired.

A. No wonder B. No way C. No doubt D. No need


When I was three, my father died in an accident on the job. Then when I was seventeen, my mother died. One minute she was laughing with friends; the next, she was unconscious(失去知觉的) on the floor. She never phoned Mike Fieseler, a friend of my mother.

he lived about an hour away, he arrived right away. As soon as he walked in, he took care of me. After the funeral(葬礼)he became a(n) visitor. He made sure there was enough food and that the bills were . Touchingly, one day he offered to be my guardian(监护人), in his opinion would be his honor to take me in.

the years, Mike has become not only a legal guardian but a real When I was unable to get past thoughts of my mother, he was there to first house, he spent weekends improving it. What more you want from a father than that?

Twelve years after Mike stepped into my , I gave birth to his first granddaughter, Emily Michl Simonson. Mike’s legal name is Michl. The name is a reminder of my saved and a

promise for the future. I hope one day Emily will see that . I also want her to know this: No may be to keep her head above the waves, will throw her a line.

26. A. suddenly B. naturally C. bravely D. painfully

27. A. gave up B. looked up C. turned up D. woke up

28. A. Because B. Since C. Though D. Unless

29. A. regular B. curious C. ordinary D. enthusiastic

30. A. spent B. sent C. paid D. taken

31. A. that B. which C. what D. who

32. A. Until B.Since C. After D. Over

33. A. teacher B. father C. friend D. partner

34. A. comment B. defend C. listen D. argue

35. A. could B. would C. should D. might

36. A. memory B. heart C. career D. life

37. A. child B. past C. family D. father

38. A. in addition B. as well C. or so D. on purpose

39. A. she B. he C. one D. it

40. A. nobody B. anyone C. someone D. everyone

III. 第三部分:阅读理解:(共两节,满分30分)




Jean Craighead George was an American writer of more than one hundred books for children and young adults, including Julie of the Wolves, My Side of the Mountain and On the Far Side of the Mountain. Common topics in George’s works are the environment and the natural world. Besides children’s fiction, she wrote at least two guides to cooking with wild foods and one autobiography(自传)published 30 years before her death, Journey Inward.

George was born in 1919, in WashingtonD.C. and raised in a family of naturalists. Her father, mother, brothers, aunts, and uncles were students of nature. On weekends they camped in the woods near their Washington, D.C. home, climbed trees to study birds, gathered eatable plants, and made fish hooks. It helped her interest in nature and animals develop. She centered her life around writing and nature.

George graduated in 1940 from Pennsylvania State University. In the 1940s she was a reporter for the Washington Post. From 1969 to 1982, she was a writer and editor at Readers Digest. She married John Lothur George in 1944, with whom she wrote her first novel.

Her career in children’s literature(文学)began in 1948 with her first book, Vulpes the Red Fox. Eleven years later came My Side of the Mountain, one of the best loved children’s books ever.It tells the story of Sam Gribley, a boy who escapes the busy life of New York City. He goes to live in the wilderness(荒野)of the Catskill Mountains. Sam makes friends with animals. He hunts and fishes and finds plants to eat. He also steals deer that have been killed by hunters. George said she wrote My Side of the Mountain to tell about all the wonderful adventures she experienced as a child in the woods.George hoped her work would help children enjoy the wilderness and also protect it.

George kept one hundred and seventy-three pets, although not all at once. The animals were always free to stay or go. While they are with the family, however, they become characters in George’s books, articles, and stories. Her own children followed in her footsteps. Her daughter writes books about nature for children. One son is a whale researcher and the other studies birds.

George died from heart disease at the age of 92 in 2012.

41. Which topic may NOT be found in George’s works?

A. Wild food. B. Science. C. Nature. D. Life stories.

42. Because she ________________, George was interested in natural world.

A. centered her life around writing B. grew up in a family of naturalists

C. was a reporter for the Washington Post D. was a writer and editor at Readers Digest

43. In My Side of the Mountain George tried to tell readers ________.

A. to escape the busy city life B. to make friends with wild animals

C. to hunt fishes and find plants D. to enjoy the wilderness and protect it


Do we organize our thoughts in different ways because of the culture we belong to? If it is so, how can we describe those differences?

The idea of different ―cultural thought patterns‖ was first put forward by an American professor, Robert Kaplan, in the 1960s. He had been looking at the writing style of non-native students at his university in California. He found that the writing styles changed systematically(系统地), according to the cultural origins of the students.

For example, in his opinion, native speakers of English usually went ―straight to the point‖ when writing an article. However, other students did not. Speakers of Semitic languages (such as Arabic and


My side of the story of Chinese story

Teacher, dear students! Today, I am honored to stand on this sacred flag of the speech, full of excitement. The topic of my speech is my side of the story of Chinese story

Filial piety is Chinese traditional etiquette, is a continuation of the ancient virtues. From ancient to modern times, people often say, filial piety. Filial piety, is the root of all the beautiful things, filial piety is the foundation, is the beginning of the industry. When I was young, I do not understand the unsuspectingly, the spirit of filial piety. Gradually, I grew up, and slowly learned to use love to capture the eyes of the side of the story of filial piety. The life of every day, mom and dad teach by precept and example of Chinese filial piety. They again hit every word and action my young heart, let my lifelong benefit.

My father is an often relatives "filial son, loud shouts of applause". Grandma in the country more than 70 years of age, also reluctant to close the business for decades a small grocery store, although not much business, grandma every day still stick to their posts, never tired. Because worry about grandma body, my mother and aunts exert all over skill, carrot and stick to persuade grandma closed rest, but failed to dispel the grandma's enthusiasm. As long as Dad, quietly to help grandma in the grocery store is installed on air conditioning and moved to TV, clean air, make the reasonable timetable for grandma, grandma like a child exposed bright smile. I asked my father, why not directly to persuade my grandmother to close it? My father said to me: "filial piety, that is to shun her heart, Grandma happy, the body will be healthy." In my opinion, my father is a pet.

Dad not only for grandparents grandparents so obey in every way, other elders.

Every car shuttle elders, I often see dad have a habit of action, when they got out of the car, he is always the first to extend large hands resting on the door to prevent their head knocked on the door, is such a small action, let my heart warm current surges.

It makes me think of "filial piety" in several stories: "Pro taste Decoction" in the Han Emperor Liu in the name of filial piety kernel, smell in the world, serve the mother never slack. "One hundred meters in their negative" you often do mining wild herbs meals, but from the outside in negative meters serve parents home. Rather than "," tiger choke Yang Xiang to save his father, completely ignoring his own safety, sprang forward, exhaustion systemic strength strangling tigers throat, the tigers finally put down father ran away and so on these invariably embodies their innermost Xiaogan, let us in to learn how to care about, to serve and to be grateful to our parents.

The sender of filial piety comes from each of us. We should learn to understand the needs of parents and the parents. Parents pay, we see in the eyes, remember in the heart. They may not ask us to give them anything, just hope that we will have better than they are, they are all for us, for our concern, for fear that they do not do, this is the parents - our most lovable person. Therefore, we should know how to share their parents, let them rest assured us, less to worry about us. Students, let us often cherish a thankful heart, when mom and dad tired for their Chuichui back, pour a cup of tea; in mom and dad busy and help them to do a few small things; in learning, conscientious, to reward outstanding achievements parents, so that parents feel our love, like crows feeding, with their greatest strength is filial piety the parents, a filial child.

Will use love to capture the eyes of the side of the story of filial piety. The life of every day, mom and dad teach by precept and example of Chinese filial piety. They
