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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 21:28:19 作文素材

篇一:shopping list in USA 美国购物介绍

1 GNC Aloe Vera gel (芦荟胶在 GNC 营养品店有卖,给我买10支)

2. Nature Made MULTI For Him (nature made 牌子 的 男士维生素 5瓶,在WALMART/CVS/ TARGET等超市有卖)

3 .Nature Made MULTI For her (nature made 牌子 的女士维生素 5瓶,在WALMART/CVS/ TARGET等超市有卖)

4.两岁以上的孩子吃的维生素 (Lil Critters Gummy 做成水果糖的那种,有calcium (钙片)/ vites(复合维生素)/ fruit veggie补充水果蔬菜营养 / immune C(增强免疫力)四个系列,有的话每个系列买一瓶,没有的话有什么系列就买什么系列的,一个系列一瓶就可以了。在各个卖食品的地方都有卖的。

5. Gerber rice& cereal 米粉 1、2、3 各买3罐

6. Aveeno baby Eczema Therapy 湿疹肌肤滋润乳霜治疗型 (只买一只就够了,也可以买其他的 soothing relief moisture cream)

7.*Aveeno小麦滋养防脱发 (洗发水 shampoo / 护发素 conditioner 各一支)

8 New Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief正品!Clinique倩碧水磁场 (去MACY’S买,带两瓶,一定要买哦)

9 。Clinique rinse-off foaming cleanser mousse (泡沫洗面奶)

10 。 Nike /adidas女士T-shirt 白色或粉色(不超过15美金就买3-4件,超过了就买两件)

篇二:Shopping List购物清单

Shopping List购物清单

Shopping in the supermarket

A:Where are you going?

B:I'm going shopping. Do you want to come with me?

A:yes, I’d love to. What do you want to buy?

B:A present for my mother. Tomorrow is her birthday. Let’s go to the supermarket.

售货员:Good evening, can I help you?/May I help you? B:Yes, I'd like to buy a dress for my mom.

售货员:Here are lots of dresses. You can have a look. What colour would you like?

B:I like pink.

售货员:Ok, you see this one. It’s beautiful.

B:It’s too short. Do you have long dress?

售货员:Yes, we do. This one. Here you are.

B:It’s beautiful. How much is it?

售货员:It’s 89 yuan.

B:Ok, I’ll take it.

A:We need to buy some apples too. Where is the fruit?/ Where can we find the fruit?

售货员:It’s over there. Go down here, then turn right/left at the first

shopping list

(second/third) turning.

A&B:Thank you!

(Then go buy fruit、vegetables、food、drink and so on…)

收银员:Miss, the dress is 89 yuan, the apples are 6yuan ,the…..,your total is 158 yuan. Do you need a bag?

B:yes, please. How much is the bag?/ No, thanks.

售货员:2 mao. Here are your things.

B:Thank you!

售货员:You are welcome. Have a nice day!

Word & Phrase:

1、need 需要 2、buy 买 3、find 找到

4、first 第一 5、second 第二 6、third 第三

7、total 总共 8、lots of 很多的

9、have a look 看一看

10、Can I help you. 想要什么吗?需要我帮忙吗?

11、How much is it? How much is the dress?多少钱?

12、turn left/ turn right 向左转/向右转

13、at the first turning第一个转角

14、go down here 一直往下走

篇三:shopping list

Belt腰带 shopping list 购物单 Lamp 灯 went=go 去 lift 电梯 bank 银行

Best 最好的 next 接下来,下一个 cost 花费

Gift 礼物 vest 背心 held 握着

篇四:shopping list

Belt腰带 shopping list 购物单 Lamp 灯 went=go 去 lift 电梯 bank 银行

Best 最好的 next 接下来,下一个 cost 花费

Gift 礼物 vest 背心 held 握着

篇五:shopping list
