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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 17:23:01 英语作文

篇一:Days of the Week电教教案


《Days of the Week》这一课选自冀教版小学《学英语》第二册第三单元第二十二课。这课的重点内容是教授一个星期的英语名称,并能准确问答句型“What day is it?”,从中了解加拿大人的风俗习惯。






篇二:My Days of the Week

My Days of the Week

Background information…

Students: Primary school Grade5

Lesson duration: 45mins

First period

Teaching Aims

By the end of lesson, student should be able to:

1. To have them learn the new words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; math, science, art, PE, computer, chinese, music, moral education, social studies.

2. To have the learn new structure:

What day is it today? –It/Today is…

What do we/you have on…? —Let me see, we have …

3. Student can express what class they have on which week.

4. Student can

Teaching Procedure

Step1.Review and learn the new words(15mins)

a) Review the structure they have learned: What classes do you like…

—I like/don’t like…

b) Warm up: a song” My Days of the Week”.

c) Students write the names of week they already known on the blackboard and

teacher summarize.

d) Teacher writes the new words on the blackboard and use the PPT introduce

the new words.

e) Use chant learn new words.

Step2.Learn the new structure (15mins)

a) Show the new structure (flash card)

b) Teacher help students understand new structure(textbook)

c) Uses PPT show some sentences and call some students read and translate it. Step3.task (10mins)

Listen and finish these tasks (Pag18)

Step4.summary and homework

Teacher summarize what we learned this lesson (PPT)

Asking student make a lesson table.

Reflection:(to be written immediately after the lesson)

Second period

Teaching Aims

By the end of lesson, student should be able to:

1. To have them learn the new words: Saturday, Sunday, do homework/housework, watch TV, read books, play computer games ,play ping-pong, do sports,etc..

2. To have the learn new structure:

What do you do on weekends/Saturday/Sunday?


3. Student can express what they often do.

4. Student can introduce their weekend life in English.

5. To have them practice the dialogues with substitutions.

6. To introduce some role play.


Step1.Review some phrases and words we have learned.(15mins).

a) Read the name of week on PPT.

b) Read the sentences on PPT and translate them.

c) According to the lesson table your made making dialogues and presentation. Step2.learn new structure and new phrase(15mins).

a) listen chant learn the new words.

b) Teachter help student understand the structure.

c) Read and write(pag 21)

d) Play the type recorder and answer the question.

Step3.summary and homework

a) make a comment for their presentation.

b) Summarize the lesson.

c) Write a short paragraph to introduce you weekends.

Reflection:(to be written immediately after the lesson)

Third period

Teaching Aims

By the end of lesson, student should be able to:

篇三:Days of the week

Days of the week

Hello, Kate. Hello, May!Let’s name the seven days. What day is today?Today is.

What day is the next day?The next day is. Sunday is the first(第一) day.

Sunday, , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,,

What day is the last day?The last day is Saturday.

Days of the week

Hello, Kate. Hello, May!Let’s name the seven days. What day is today?Today is.

What day is the next day?The next day is. Sunday is the first(第一) day.

Sunday, , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,,

What day is the last day?The last day is Saturday.

Days of the week

Hello, Kate. Hello, May!Let’s name the seven days. What day is today?Today is.

What day is the next day?The next day is. Sunday is the first(第一) day.

Sunday, , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,,

What day is the last day?The last day is Saturday.

Group work:

A: What’s your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is . A: What’s his favorite subject? B: Hisfavorite subject is .

A: What’s her favorite subject? B: Her favorite subject is .

Group work:

A: What’s your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is . A: What’s his favorite subject? B: His favorite subject is . A: What’s her favorite subject? B: Her favorite subject is .

Group work:

A: What’s your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is . A: What’s his favorite subject? B: His favorite subject is . A: What’s her favorite subject? B: Her favorite subject is .

篇四:Unit 2 My days of the week

Unit 2 My days of the week Lesson 1


1.能听懂问句:What day is it today?What do we have on Mondays?并能做出正确回答。


3.能够运用新的语言做Let's play中的星期转盘游戏。

4.能听懂、会唱歌曲“My days of the week”。


本课时的教学重点是Let’s learn 部分的五个四会单词:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,要求学生开动脑筋巧记单词,并结合所给句型灵活运用这几个单词。


本课时的教学难点是正确拼写从星期一至星期五这五个英语单词。理解和使用各科目的名称来表述课程安排。理解汉语中“上课”这一动作的正确表述方法,We have?。







1.教师播放Start部分的歌谣Let’s chant,学生感知星期一至星期五的表述。还可选择播放前几册学生用书中与本单元内容有关的Let’s chant、Let’s sing、Let’s do 部分的录音,学生听音,有节奏地吟唱,并做出相应动作。如四年级上册复习一中有关星期的歌谣,让学生温故知新,以减轻教与学的难度。

2.教师使用四年级下册第二单元中的句型:“It’s 8 o’clock. It’s time for Chinese.”引出句型:We have Chinese, English?on Mondays. 结合课程表,进行日常口语练习,内容可参考如下:

A: Hello, B. What time is it?

B: Hello, A. It’s 8:20. It’s time for English class.


(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

1.教师结合Let’s start 的图片和情景,提问:“What classes do you like?”引导学生复习有关课程的词汇。让学生理解一些新开课的名称或较难掌握的名称,如science, moral education, social studies。再让学生看图中七个小矮人的帽子,上面有星期名称的缩写,让同学们猜一猜每个名称的全称是如何拼写的。

2.出示Let’s learn 部分的挂图,向学生介绍星期一至星期五的名称,播放声音,让学生跟读。教师范写五个单词。可用彩色粉笔标出五个单词的后缀-day,引导学生仔细观察,发现单词构成上的这一共同点。教师激励学生巧记、速记单词。可在班内进行“谁的记忆力最好?”的拼写单词竞赛。最后让学生在单词卡背面仿写单词。

3.Let’s play (趣味操练)


让学生按座次,依次说出Let’s learn 图片中的课程表,每人说一个。教师可给学生们起个头,说:“It’s a time schedule. Let’s have a look.” 第一名学生说,“It’s 8:00. It’s time for Chinese. We have

Chinese on Monday.” 第二名学生说,“It’s 8:50. It’s time for English. We have English on Monday.” 第三名学生说,“It’s 9:50. It’s time for math. We have math on Monday.”第四名学生说,“It’s 10:40. It’s time for music. We have Chinese on music.”

(2)Let’s play

学生手持标有星期的圆盘,随意转动指针,根据指针停下的位置用句型“What day is it today? It’s?.”进行交流,巩固所学新单词。还可加入询问和回答课表的句子,如What do we have on Monday? We have?.

(3)Let’s sing

学生听录音或者看教学VCD,学唱歌曲“My Days of the Week”。可根据教学实际情况不在本课选用此部分。

(三)巩固与扩展(Consolidation and Extension)

(1)让学生做 A Let's learn部分的活动手册配套练习。

(2)让学生听Let's learn部分的录音,读给朋友或家长听。


(4)让学生参照Let's Play部分说一说,做一做,猜一猜。还可让学生报出某天的课程,让大家猜一猜是星期几。



本课时学习单词星期一至星期五:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,要求学生开动脑筋巧记单词,并结合所给句型灵活运用这几个单词。对于星期几,学生们并不陌生,可从复习旧知入手。如,复习怎么说时间的问题,几点、几号、星期几等。再进而引入哪门功课的问题,如,It's 8 o'clock. It's time for Chinese.结合本班的课表说一说今天上什么课,We have Chinese, English?on Mondays.在操练新单词时,可进行拼写单词竞赛这样的小游戏,因为学生们会很难一下子学会拼写每一个单词。可采取灵活多样的方式巧教、趣教,以减轻学生学习的难度。如,引导学生找出它们都含有day的规律,或者将星期二和星期四进行比较记忆等。

Unit 2 My days of the week Lesson 2


1.能听懂、会说“What day is it today?It's ...What do you have on...?We have ...I like...”并能再情景中熟练运用。



本课时需要重点掌握句型:What day is it today? It's....What do you have on Wednesdays? We have English,science,computer and P.E.I like Wednesdays.要求学生在实际情景中自



本课时的难点是Let's try部分,内容多,易混淆。要求教师多放录音,正确引导。必要时给出听力原文指导学生进行分句听和分段听。另一难点是能够简单描述一周内的学习和生活情况。







1.教师放Start部分的歌谣Let’s chant录音,学生复习巩固有关星期的新单词和课程名称。


A:What day is it today?

B:It's Tuesday.

A:What do you have?

B: We have P.E.class.I like Tuesdays.

(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

1.教师播放Let's try的录音,让学生仔细听,尽量按选出正确的图,并说出先后顺序。听了一遍后,老师可给出重点句型。让学生再听录音,完成听音选图练习后,教师指导学生给出正确答案。如果学生听了两遍后,还不能理解内容,可出示听力原文的同时播声音,让学生听懂后,在不看文字的状态下再听一遍。反复播放录音能强化对新句型的听觉感知。

2.在此基础上,教师出示本课时Let’s talk对话部分的图片,利用教学VCD或录音带,让学生来看一看、听一听Amy要上什么课程。要求学生在听的过程中做记录,有意识培养他们听的技能。小组或班级评选谁是听力王,对学生听的表现及时评价。


3.Let’s play (趣味操练)

(1)教师利用转盘教具做游戏,操练第一组句型:What day is it today? It's....然后引导学生依据实际的课程表替换新句型中的关键词,操练第二组句型:What do you have on?? We have....

(2)让学生根据自己的课程表,准备描述一下自己本周的学习情况。可先在小组内或同桌间进行交流。然后在全班宣读。在准备过程中教师要有意识地引导学生说出本部分重点学习的两组新句型,如:What do you have on Wednesdays? We/I have....交流完毕后,教师不要忘记让大家评选出最受欢迎的宣读者。

(3)Group work


(三)巩固与扩展(Consolidation and Extension)

(1)让学生做A Let's talk部分的活动手册配套练习。

(2)让学生听Let's talk部分的录音,读给朋友或家长听。




本课时通过听、读等活动来学习句型What day is it today? It's....What do you have on Wednesdays? We have English,science,computer and P.E.I like Wednesdays.侧重听力和口语的相关训练,让学生学会简单描述一周内的学习和生活情况。通过前一单元的学习,听力部分的形式已被学生熟悉,可在导入后,开始此部分的学习。然后,进行操练语言部分。此时可由教师控制节奏,进行不同难度、有梯度的操练。由浅入深练习句型。由教师主导渐变为老师辅导,由学生在活动中主动使用新句型完成各项任务,如,制作课程表等。

Unit 2 My days of the week Lesson 3


1.能够读懂Read and write中的对话,并根据对话内容完成后边的练习。



本课时需要理解、认读的句型: What day is it today? It's Wednesday. What do you have on Thursdays? We have English,math and science on Thursdays.要求学生重点掌握其中两组四会句型的认读和书写,并完成填充句子的练习。








1.师生齐唱本单元C部分的歌曲“My Days of the Week”,复习巩固有关星期的单词。


A:What day is it today?

B:It's Thursday.

C:I like music.Do we have music today?



1.教师呈现本课时教材图片,向学生提出问题说:“It's time to go to bed. Mike puts away his textbooks.But he puts wrong books in his schoolbag.Why?”让学生带着问题快速读对话,然后请学生尝试解答这一问题,能用汉语表达出来原因即可。



3.Let’s play (趣味操练)

(1)Pair work





(三)巩固与扩展(Consolidation and Extension)

(1)让学生做A Read and write部分的活动手册配套练习。

(2)让学生听Read and write、Pronunciation部分的录音,读给朋友或家长听。

(3)让学生参照Pair work说一说,做一做,设计一张自己喜欢的课程表介绍给大家。可参照语言I like music and English very much.I have English and music on Mondays.


本课通过妈妈与迈克之间的对话,展示了谈论星期几有哪些课的句型,What day is it today? It's Wednesday. What do you have on Thursdays? We have English,math and science on Thursdays.本课的阅读与书写同样重要。为使本课能上得更生动,更能调动学生参与的热情,可选择训练学生阅读速度的方法,让学生思考得快、阅读得紧张、回答问题更积极。在书写部分,要帮助学生集中精力,先看教师板书,再看书上的大小写,仿写后,认真核对。在操练部分可加入语音的学习,既活跃了课堂气氛,又使学生乐于接受。


Unit 2 My days of the week Lesson 4


1. 能听懂、会说两首歌谣。

2. 能够听、说、读、写Saturday,Sunday两个单词和do homework,watch TV,read books三个短语,并能结合所给句型在实际情景中运用。



本课时的教学重点是Let's learn部分的四会单词和短语:Saturday, Sunday, do homework, watch TV,read books。要求学生能结合所给句型和词语,在实际情景中熟练运用新单词和词组。







篇五:Unit 3 Days of the Week


Unit 3 Days of the Week

Lesson 1 What day is today?

I. Teaching goals:

1. Knowledge goals:

(1). Be able to listen, say, and read the words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

(2). Be able to listen, say, and read the sentence patterns: What day is today? It’s Wednesday. We have ? on Wednesday.

2. Ability goal:

Be able to use the pattern sentences neatly.

3. Emotion and strategy goals:

Guide the students to pay attention to cooperative learning.

4. Use goal:

Be able to talk about the timetables simply.

II. Key points and difficult points:

1. Key point :

Be able to listen, say, read, and use the sentence patterns: What day is today? It’s Wednesday. We have ? on Wednesday. 2. Difficult points:

(1). The pronunciations of the words “Tuesday”,

“Wednesday” and “Thursday” are difficult for students.

(2). The words “Tuesday” and “Thursday” are easily confused.

III. Teaching tools:

a tape, a recorder, some blank timetables and word cards about subjects, multimedia courseware,some flowers

IV. Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warm-up

1.Enjoy the song of Days of the Week:

T: Let’s listen to a song before our class.


2.Free talk:

(1)T: Good morning, boys and girls. Today let’s talk about the timetable. Look, this is our timetable. (课件出示课程表)Today is Wednesday. What subjects do we have today?

Ss: We have Chinese, maths, art, music and English .

(2)T: What’s your favorite subject?

S1: I like PE.

T: PE is very interesting.

S2: I like music.

1.T: Oh, you like music. We have music today. Then, what day is today? (板书句子。)Do you know its meaning?


T: Great. Now, read after me. What day is today?

Ss: What day is today?

T: Read it one by one .


T:You are great. Now you ask me .

Ss: What day is today?

T: It’s Friday. (板书) Let’s read. It’s Friday.

Ss: It’s Friday.

T: Read it two by two.


2. T: We are talking about our timetable. Li Ming and his friends are talking about theirs, too.(展示头饰)What day does he like? Let’s watch the video.(播放动画。)

T: What day does Li Ming like? Let’s look at the screen.(课件上出现选择题:Li Ming likes _____ .

A. Friday B. Wednesday )

A or B?

Ss: B.

T: Yes, you are right.(师戴头饰)Now,I’m Li Ming. I like Wednesday. We have music.

Who wants to be Li Ming to act? Practise in your groups. S4: I’m Li Ming. I like Wednesday. We have music. S5: I’m Li Ming. I like Wednesday. We have music

T: Super. You can get a flower.

3. T: Li Ming likes Wednesday. What about Guo Yang and Danny? Please read silently and underline the answers.


T: Who wants to show me your answers? Come here with your book. S6: Me.


T:Yes,you are right. You can get a flower.

(转向其他学生)Are you right?

Ss: Yes.

T: Guo Yang likes Tuesday and Friday.(板书单词)Follow me, u-Tu-Tues-Tuesday.

Ss: u-Tu-Tues-Tuesday

T: Good. Read it group by group.


教师戴头饰练习句子:I’m Guo Yang. I like Tuesday and Friday. We have English. Who wants to be Guo Yang?

S6: I’m Guo Yang. I like Tuesday and Friday. We have English. T: Very good. You can get a flower.

S7: I’m Guo Yang. I like Tuesday and Friday. We have English. T: Wonderful. You can get a flower,too.

T: Danny likes Monday and Thursday.(板书单词)Follow me, please. Monday. Monday.

Ss: Monday. Monday.

T: Boys read it together.

Boys: Monday. Monday.

T: Super. Girls read it together.

Girls: Monday. Monday.

T: Great! Now, this one. Thursday, Thursday.

Ss: Thursday, Thursday.

T: Look at my mouth. Th-Thur-Thurs-Thursday.

Ss: Th-Thur-Thurs-Thursday.

T: Good. Now, you read it please.

S8: Thursday, Thursday.

T: Good. Next one.

S9: Thursday, Thursday.


T: Great.(老师戴头饰练习句子):Now, I’m Danny. I like Monday and Thursday. We have science. Who wants to be Danny?

S8: I’m Danny. I like Monday and Thursday. We have science. S9: I’m Danny. I like Monday and Thursday. We have science. T: You are great. You can get a flower.

4. T: Look at

days of the week ppt

the blackboard. So many subjects. Here is a chant of them. Now let’s chant.

Monday,Monday,science on Monday.

Tuesday, Tuesday, English on Tuesday!

Wednesday, Wednesday, music on Wednesday.
