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Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter and his best friendsRon Weasley and Hermione Granger,all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The main story of Harry's quest to overcome the evil dark wizard Lord Voldemort, whose aim is to subjugate non-magical people, conquer the wizarding world, and destroy all those who stand in his way, especially Harry Potter.

Since the 30.June.1997 release of the first novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the books have gained immense popularity, critical acclaim andcommercial successworldwide. AsofJune 2011, the w

book series has sold about 450 million copies and has been translated into 67 languages.




I think most of you must know Harry Potter ,even you

haven’t read it.(我想大多数人都知道哈利·波特,即使你没有读过它。)

Harry Potter has its unique charm, so it has companied me for 10 years. When I brought the last one book of the series of Harry potter from a bookstore in 2007, I knew, from then on, Harry would not grow up with me any longer.

This is a story about a boy escaping from death in a great catastrophe who is named Harry Potter how to defeat Voldemort, and he struggled against himself on this way. This is also a story about the dream, the courage and the growth. To be honest, Harry isn’t strong enough to defeat Voldemort(伏地魔), but as said, what to defeat Voldemort is love. On the way Harry to defeat , Mpbadora Tonks, Cody, Fred, but also his simple and happy childhood. Because since he arrived at Hogwarts Harry is destined to fight against Voldemort, or die.

Time waits for no one. In order to live up to what has been lost and hasn’t lost, Harry had to struggle from time to time and never gave up, and what about us? Time is also irreversible for us, so we should have a thought about working hard and living a

good life. And we should know how to be grateful for all around us. In ten years, Harry has grown up, and me too. Facing all kinds of difficulties, Harry didn’t run away from them but chose to conquer them bravely. He was the winner of life. Life without difficulty dose not exist . It just likes that river without rock dose not exist. But because of the rock, the river can sing and looks more interesting. Because of the difficulty, the life is more worthy to respect and experience. After reading the book, we should learn the integrity and bravery from Harry Potter. Success belongs to the person who insists on his dream and never gives in to the difficulties. Let’s strive together!


My favorite is Fred and George, at the same time, I for harry facing death courage valiance. Because it is tragic end, so would be sad, will forever live Fred... And the people who died,

including the potters, Sirius, dobby, lupin... Miss them... Finally a bit sorry, this world left us like this, goodbye...

篇三:Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire英文介绍

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Many of the first 75 of this tome’s 700-plus pages are spent rehashing the first three books, so about the only new thing readers discover is that Voldemort is on the move again. Meanwhile, Harry escapes his summer “imprisonment” at the Dursleys’ to attend the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasley family and Hermione. Thousands of international witches and wizards are gathered at the Cup, and chaos erupts when the “Dark Mark” (Voldemort’s sign) suddenly appears in the sky.

harry potter英文简介

Back at Hogwarts for the fourth year, only a few remain concerned about the Dark Mark. Everyone’s attention has been diverted by the news of the Triwizard Tournament—a magical contest between the wizarding Champions of the three largest magical schools: Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbaton. Harry is too young to be chosen as Hogwarts’ official school champion, but someone finds a way to enter him in the contest anyhow. Once chosen, Harry must participate, and it is soon clear that whoever entered him did so intending him harm.

Through the year-long competition, champions complete three magical tasks, hoping to win honor for their school and a monetary prize for themselves. Along the way, readers discover that the Dark Mark and the Triwizard

Tournament are not unrelated after all. Also, something is fishy (again) about the new professor for Defense Against the Dark Arts (Does he want to help Harry or harm him?). Hermione goes on a campaign to free the house elves from slavery, and everyone gets fed up with muckraking journalist Rita Skeeter, who seems determined to ruin Harry’s life.

The Triwizard tournament ends with a twist, and the victory celebration has hardly begun before Harry is sucked into another battle with Voldemort. Rowling delivers on her promise that a well-liked character will die. Once again, Harry escapes with his life, but the end of this story spells more-than-usual concern for the future, because Voldemort has regained his body (which he had lost when he tried to kill infant Harry) and his followers. As the book closes, we find Professor Dumbledore calling the international wizarding community to stand together against the dark side. A large-scale battle is sure to come.

篇四:Harry Potter英文读后感


Reading report of Harry Potter

班级:英语1203班 学号:120810091 姓名:郑荔丹

I do not want it, nor need it. But I need some laughter. We may all need some laughter. I figure that you may feel sort of confused when you see this book. Because you might think that Harry Potter is a little childish for a college freshman to write. But I still got my reasons to convince you and make you to fancy on it.

How much tough life can be .How much tough you will be .As far as I am concerned ,Harry Potter is not only just some magical and dramatic novel. This book gives me a company from my childhood to come of age and ditto teaches me a lot of truly stuff about what real life is and how you gonna go through it. So let‘s have a fresh talk about it ,I bet you will find something you missed before.

J.K Rowling is the writer of this book. She almost is one of the most famous writers in the world till now. As an author, J.K Rowling has written fiction since she was a child. Born in 1965, she grown up in Chipping Sod bury and wrote her first book at the age of six--a story about a rabbit called Rabbit. She studied French and Classical at Exeter University, then moved to London to work at Amnesty International, and then to Portugal to teach English as a foreign language, before settling in Edinburg. When she was 24 ,the idea for Harry Potter occurred to her

on the train from Manchester to London. A thin, dark-haired bespectacled boy who is sitting near the window and wearing a wizard customs smiled to her. He suddenly broke into her life, so she sprouted the idea of creation of Harry Potter——A 11-year-old boy, skinny, tall, black matted hair, bright green eyes, wearing round glasses, forehead on a slender, lightning-shaped scar .And then you know what happened next .Harry Potter became the most popular character around the world .But most of the person always can not see others‘awfully tough experience behind their successful. And it happened to Rowling too .As a single mother, Rowling and her daughter's life is extremely difficult. The beginning of Rowling write the Harry Potter series‘first part Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, her own house was small dark and cold for that reason she often go to a cafe near her home to Harry Potter's story written on small pieces of paper .Life couldn’t be tough anymore so the thought of suicide herself was heat her mind again and again but she did not do it for considering of her young daughter. But once the HP series was come out she won everything that she deserved to. So here comes to one conclusion,you are supposed to hold on for a little more while and then you will get what you are shooting for .Because that nobody you or him knows what will occur next. Believe it or not at least you still can prove it on J.K Rowling .At present she is one of the richest person in the world .Dream is never far from you unless you give up your own chance

to have it.

Actually ,the whole story about Harry Potter can conclude in a word,How could even that possible the little boy with supernatural power named Harry Potter and his two best pals Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger defeat the powerful devil Lord Voldemort ?However,we all know it can not be such ordinary .Therefore ,let me tell you more and why.

First of all,Harry Potter the hero of this book. His parents were killed the day not very long after his birth by devil. He was sent to the house of his aunt to grow up for his own protection by Albus Dumbledore the leader of Hogwarts .But this family treated Harry very bad .They consider him to be a freak .He had no friend no freedom and got his magical gift but can not use it .But finally when he was 11,he came to Hogwarts and find who he really is. He is just the right one to be the leader Brave, strong, optimistic, love every one of his friends and witty. He always can fix things out even sometimes he may lost his right way.

And then ,Hermione Granger who is the heroine of the series, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley's best friend, she has great love and a sense of justice, while she has a high talent in magic even she is born from a Muggle(The people who can not use magic)family . Many readers are like her self-confidence, wisdom and courage. I think there is only drop-dead-gorgeous and terrible smart can describe her. Apparent ,she

helps Harry and Ron a lot .And Emma Watson the actress who performed Hermione in the film of Harry Potter is just the one perfect for this character. She is charming and entered the most top university Brown University by all the straight A. She is the person who with classic elegance and modern fashion aesthetic. She was only nineteen and become the highest actress in the 21 century.

What‘s more ,you will never want to miss him. This must be Ron Weasley my favorite character in this book .He is the second male of Harry Potter. And he is nor smart or good-looking and most times could be sort of dumb .But he won the thousands of readers and followers love. We all unconsciously for his courage of the infection, people who in life have done a brave man .He is a hero to his followers like me. A thousand words would not be enough of how adorable he is. And he never envy people who is more excellent than him. Finally he won the most valuable friendship with Harry. The most important thing is that he gets Hermione‘s love and they get married. Tell you what,this is the only one book I‘ve ever saw that the heroine fell in love with the second male even he is not smart and handsome at all .So you can see the charm of Ron’s personality clearly. That‘s the reason why I fancy on him.

I have to say that I really learnt much from Harry Potter .Do not ever try to make a conclusion early,you should go to find something really hide in the deep . Harry Potter have taught me a lot even I can tell .There

is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it. Most times I may find that life is tough and things can not always develop as how you want it be .But I'm not afraid to take a stand everybody come take my hand. We’ll walk this road together through the storm whatever weather cold or warm just let you know that you're not alone. Help shall always be given around you when you ask for it. And on the other side as Dumbledore said ,it is not our abilities that show who we truly are ,it is our choices. Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.

Life is all on your hand after you figure out who you are .What kind of person you meant to be. You must always know that you are really something then you will be something. I bet you will find what you are shooting for in Harry Potter.


Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is the first novel in the Harry Potter series written by J. K. Rowling and featuring Harry Potter, a young wizard. It describes how Harry discovers he is a wizard, makes close friends and a few enemies at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and with the help of his friends thwarts an attempted comeback by the evil wizard

Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents when Harry was one year old.

The book was published on 30 June 1997 by Bloomsbury in London, while in 1998 Scholastic Corporation published an

edition for the United States market under the title Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The novel won most of the UK book

awards that were judged by children, and other awards in the USA. The book reached the top of the New York Times list of best-selling fiction in August 1999, and stayed near the top of that list for much of 1999 and 2000. It has been translated into several other languages and has been made into a feature-length film of the same name.

Most reviews were very favourable, commenting on Rowling's imagination, humour, simple, direct style and clever plot

construction, although a few complained that the final chapters looked rushed. The writing has been compared to that of Jane Austen, one of Rowling's favourite authors, of Roald Dahl, whose works dominated children's stories before the appearance of

Harry Potter, and of the Ancient Greek story-teller Homer. While some commentators thought the book looked backwards to

Victorian and Edwardian boarding school stories, others thought it placed the genre firmly in the modern world by featuring contemporary ethical and social issues.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, along with the rest of the Harry Potter series, has been attacked by several religious groups and banned in some countries because of accusations that the novels promote witchcraft. However, some Christian

commentators have written that the book exemplifies important Christian viewpoints, including the power of self-sacrifice and the ways in which people's decisions shape their personalities.

Educators regard Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and its sequels as an important aid in improving literacy because of the books' popularity. The series has also been used as a source of object lessons in educational techniques, sociological analysis and marketing.
