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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 18:27:46 写作技巧

篇一:My View on the Internet

My View on the Internet

It is beyond reproach that the Internet is playing a more and more important role in people’s life. In reaction to this phenomenon, in my opinion ,the advantages of the Internet weigh much more than disadvantages.

As the society develops, there is an increasing number of people who are joining the “Information Age”via the Internet. It’s the Internet that removes barriers and provides people with immediate access to the word. For instance, now, we can get news on the Internet to know what’s happening all over the word, which makes us learn the world at home. Also it’s really convenient to get information about work, study or the likes on the Internet. And the Internet makes it possible to look up multiple we need in our daily life.

What other advantages does the Internet bring to us? First of all, it provide us a much more quick way to communicate with others. For example, it just takes a few seconds to send an e-mail, while a few days to send a letter. In addition, shopping online also brings us a lot of convenience. It helps people who are busy or don’t want to go out do shopping at home. Moreover, the Internet also provides some people more chances to make themselves heard, revealing some bad aspects of our society.

Of cource, the Internet also has some drawbacks. But as long as we

make a good use of it, it absolutely brings more advantages to us. In a word, I think the Internet is a blessing , changing our life in good ways.

篇二:英语作文 On the internet

On the Internet

Nowadays, Internet plays an important role in our lives. There is a big virtual world on the Internet. We can do lots of things on the Internet, such as reading news, watching videos, playing online games, doing on-line shopping and so on.

The Internet has lots of advantages. Firstly, if you want to further your education, and you have not enough time to go to school, going to the online university is the best choice. The online courses are flexible. You can finish your online course after dinner in the evening. You can stop the course by yourself when you have to do something immediately. Secondly, it is convenient for people to communicate with each other. We can use the real time communicate software such as MSN and QQ to send messages, pictures or even videos to our best friends or presents. And also we can get the information about our friends from Micro-blogging. Thirdly, we can do on-line shopping at home. It can save our time and money. And it can give you more choices for the goods.

Every coin has two sides. Computer viruses bring us lots of trouble. Trash mail is always a nuisance to everyone. Worst of all, people may become addicted on the Internet, especially young people.

In a word, the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. But on the whole, it brings people more benefits over harm. It is suggested that a clever use be made of this modern technique for the benefit of all people.

篇三:My View on the Internet

My View on the Internet

get on the internet

Nowadays, the Internet has become very common in our daily life, in that we can surf the Internet everywhere anywhere by computer or mobile. However, the debate on the pros and cons of the network has never stopped. Some people say that the network is a platform for information sharing. Due to it, we have a convenient channel for the

dissemination of information and access to information. But some others argue that some people commit a crime by the Internet, so we should stay away from the Internet. From my point of view, I prefer to agree to the former view.


There are some reasons accounting for my point. Firstly, with network, we can

exchange information frequently and conveniently. In the information area, information is wealth. In many cases, whether we can succeed in something, it depends on how much information we get. In addition, except for its serious functions, network is a good tool to entertain. Preciously, we only have TV or game machines to have fun, but now we have a functional platform for fun. On the Internet, we can watch TV programs and movies, or we can play online games as well as chat with friends freely, which is a good way to relax.


In short, there is no denying that the Internet has its own disadvantage, but I think its advantages far overweight its disadvantages that we can make good use of those good but avoid those bad.


篇四:阅读理解翻译Many children use the Internet

阅读理解翻译Many children use the Internet to get useful knowledge and

information, and to relax in their free time. But some of them are not using it in a good way .Here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the Internet .

l Make rules for Internet use with your parents .For example, when you can go on line, for how long and what activities you can go on line.

l Don‘t give your password (密码) to anyone else ,and never give out the following information ---your real name , home address ,age ,school ,phone number or other personal information.

l Check with your parents before giving out a credit card (信用卡) number .

l Never send a photo of yourself to someone in e-mail unless your parents say it‘s OK.

l Check with your parents before going into a chat room. Different chat rooms have different rules and attract different kinds of people .You and your parents will want to make sure it‘s a right place for you.

l Never agree to meet someone you met on the Internet without your parents‘ permission (允许). Never meet anyone you met on line alone.

l Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Treat everyone online as strangers.

l If something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable, leave the site. Tell a parent or teacher right away.

l Treat other people as you‘d like to be treated. Never use bad language. l Remember –not everything you read on the Internet is true. 许多孩子用网络获取有用的知识,并且在闲暇之余用以放松自己。但是有些孩子却并不能很好地利用网络。这儿有一些规则可以确保你在网络中是安全的并且玩的开心。 和你的父母一起为网络使用建立规则。例如,当你能上网时,你能玩多久,以及你能在网上进行什么活动。










Singapore's public transport system is one of the best in the world,so you should have no problem finding your way around like a local.there are four main forms of public transport that you would find in any other major city-trains,buses,taxis and rental cars.

Trains run from 6:00am to midnight,Single trip tickets start at 80 cents.if you buy an EZ-link card for $15,you can ride the trains and buses as you like.if you need more information,just call Transit link on 18007674333.

there are three main taxi companies -City Cab <65522222>,Comfort <6552 1111>and Tibs <6552 8888>.booking can also be easily by calling the numbers listed above.

Driving Singapore is a pleasure and if you liked to travel at your own

pace,renting a car is a good choice.renting takes away the hassle of getting to places around Singapore.Just sit back and enjoy the city.It also means you'll get to see a lot more that a train or a bus won't let you see.

for car rental,call Avis on 656737 1668. 新加坡的交通系统是世界上最好中的一个,因此你可以像一个当地人一样毫无障碍地找到你附近的路。在这里你可以找到在任何其他大城市都能找到的四种主要公共交通方式——地铁,公共汽车,出租车和租用车。

地铁从早晨6点到午夜运行,简单的旅游票从80分起价。如果你花15美元买一张EZ-link卡,你就能任意地乘坐地铁和公汽。<6552 8888>.如果你想了解更多信息,只需要用号码18007674333呼叫交通连线。

这里有三大出租车公司—City Cab <65522222>,Comfort <6552 1111>and Tibs<6552 8888>.拨打上述号码来预订也非常容易。


要租车,拨打号码656737 1668呼叫 Avis.

Soon computers and other machines will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes! The programmer works because everyone’s eyes are different. So in the future you won’t have to remember a number when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. You’ll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are.

The eye-recognition (眼睛识别) programmer is already being tested in shops and banks in the USA, Britain, Spain, Italy and Turkey. Soon, this technology (技术) will take the place of(取代)all other ways of finding out who people are.

However, scientists are working on other systems (系统). Machines will soon be able to know you from the shape of your face or hand or even your smell! We already have machines that can tell

who you are from your voice or the mark made by your finger.

Eye-recognition is better than other kinds because your eyes don’t change as you get older, or get dirty like hands or fingers. And even twins have different eyes, so the programmer can be up to 94% correct, depending on how good the technology is. Some programmers may only be right 51% of the time. In Britain, it was found that 91% of people who had tried it said that they liked the idea of eye-recognition.

In the future your computer will be looking you in the eye. So smile! 不久后,电脑以及其他的机器可以通过查看你的眼睛记住你。程序的工作原理是基于每个人的眼睛不尽相同这个情况之上的。所以,在将来,当你从机器里取出存在银行里的钱时,不用再去记忆密码了。你只要看一看机器,机器就可以分辨出你是谁了。





A very old lady won a million dollars in a lottery 全文翻译一个老妇人在彩票中赢了1万。他的儿子和他妻子在收音机上听到了这个消息。

―你将怎么告诉你母亲这个消息?‖他妻子问到:―这样震惊的消息可能会杀了她!‖ ―是啊,这是事实。‖他的儿子说道:―也许我们最好告诉她的医生这件事。他会知道怎么将这个消息温和的告诉她。‖


―我很高兴你们将这个消息告诉我‖他说:―一个震惊,就算是开心的事,也可能使她的心脏病突发。将它交给我我吧。我会找一个方法来告诉她这个事情。 他想这个问题想了几天,最终决定了他将怎么说。


―让我们来玩个游戏吧,亲爱的。‖他说:―一个?让我们来假装‘的游戏。‖ ―哦~好的。‖老妇人说:―我喜欢?让我们来假装‘的游戏。‖





The sea is a new world to us. And it is a big place. We know that some strange fish live in it. One of the strangest is the angler (琵琶鱼). It lives deep down in the sea. The water there is very cold. And it is as dark as night.

The female (雌性) angler knows a good way to catch food. She goes fishing.

She has her own fishing line. It grows out of the top of her head. It hangs down in front of her mouth. The tip (尖) looks bright in the dark water. The tip of her line is her bait (鱼饵).

Hungry fish see her bait. They thing it is food to eat. A hungry fish will swim closer and closer. It swims right at the bait. Then the angler closes her mouth. That‘s the end of the fish.

The female angler grows quite large. She may be longer than your arm. But the male is very small. He is about as long as a finger.

Soon after he is born, the male fish started to look for a female. When he finds her, he holds onto her side with his mouth. Soon his mouth grows into her side. Now he will not get lost in the dark.

The male angler has no fishing line. He does not need one. The female does the fishing for him. And he gets his food from her. 海洋是一个新的世界给我们。它是一个很大的地方。我们知道,一些奇怪的鱼类生存。奇怪的是钓鱼者之一它生活在大海深处。水是非常寒冷。它如同黑夜。





男性垂钓者没有鱼线。他并不需要一个。女性也为他捕鱼。他从她得到他的食物。 Qiao is a sixth-grader at Yuhui Primary School. He is only 12 years old but has been smoking for three years. Liu, 15, is a Junior 2 student at Chicheng No 2 Middle School. He began smoking four years ago. "Smoking is part of my life," Liu said. Qiao and Liu are not those boys ' real names. But their problem, smoking, is a very real problem. In many countries, smoking is becoming a bigger problem for young people. Most smokers start in their teens (years of a person's age from 13 to 19) or earlier.

A study of 8,000 Beijing students last May told us that smoking is a

problem for many Chinese kids. More than 21% of middle school students and 6 % of primary school pupils said they smoked.

"If young people start smoking early, they will probably get addicted to nicotine .And it will be very hard to give up later on," said a professor. Every year, about four million people die because of smoking. And if

people keep smoking, that number will go up to about 10 million a year by

2030, the World Health Organization (WHO) says. So we have to learn and tell others about the dangers of smoking. qiao是yuhui小学六年级的学生,他只有12岁但是已经抽烟三年了。liu,15岁,chicheng第二中学高二的学生,他四年前开始吸烟。―抽烟是我生活的一部分‖,liu说。qiao和liu不是这些男孩的真是姓名。但是他们的问题,吸烟是一个现实的问题。在许多国家,吸烟成为年轻人的一个巨大问题。大多数吸烟者从青少年时期(人的年龄从13-19岁)开始吸烟或者更早。



每年,大约有四百万人死于吸烟。世界卫生组织说:如果人们继续吸烟,2030年这数字将要上升到1000万。所以,我们必须学习和告诫别人吸烟的危害。 Lucy was surprised to find that some mice ran inside her house at night and hid themselves in the day. She thought to herself, “I really want to have a good cat.”She knew of a man who sold cats. So she went to see him. “Do you have a cat that is good for the mice?”She asked the man. “Well, yes, I happen to have a cat that’s good for the mice.”answered the man. “I’ll take it,”said the woman. She paid for the cat and took it home.Several days later, her house had more mice. She went back to ask the man, “Your cat won’t catch them. I thought you said he was good for the mice!”“That’s right,” said the man, “He is good for the mice. Come to think about it: He is really very good for the mice!” 路西是惊奇的发现一些老鼠在晚上跑进了她的房子,而在白天却把它们自己藏起来,她对她自己说,我真想要只好猫,她认识一个卖猫的人,因此她去拜访他,她问那个男人,“你有一个会抓老鼠的猫咪吗?,那个男人就回答她说“是的”,女人就说,”我会带走它“,她埋下了那只猫,并且吧它带回了家,几天后,她的房子里面有了更多的老鼠了,她就回去问那个男人,“你的猫不会抓老鼠,我想你说过它是很会抓老鼠的!”“是这样的啊”那个男人就说了,回去再考虑考虑吧,它对老鼠来说很好,它真的对老鼠很好!”

篇五:on the internet

On the Internet – a two-edged weapon

The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks. It originated from ARPA net, which was first put into use in 1969. From then on, ARPA net indicated that the modern interconnected computer networks came into being.

Obviously, with the advent of Internet, people around the world can get in touch with each other as easy as pie. Many web cams can make different friends from everywhere in this world. There is no doubt that they can communicate with someone freely and share different opinions on something. Thus, to some extent, the Internet can enrich the net users’ knowledge.

Besides, we can make full use of the outstanding features that the Internet possesses. Here are some examples. We can know about what happens on a global scale through the Internet. We can search the materials that we need through the on-line database or library. We can send e-mails to our friends or teachers, even net friends, to enquire about the problems we cannot understand clearly. In addition to the above points, there are still a large amount of benefits that the Internet possesses.

Undoubtedly, every coin has two sides. So the Internet is. While the Internet provides us with so many benefits, it also brings us some serious


First, cybercrime is the most severe one. There exist some quit serious problems in making friends on line. Some criminal offenders use the on-line chatting software as their crime methods. A part of the net users who is innocent is abducted by these offenders. Second, a great deal of the Internet users, especially the children, cannot make good use of it and is extremely easy to become addicted to the Internet. They just waste time on playing on-line games. As a result, they get nothing at all in the end. Last but not least, the personal information of the Internet users may be easily leaked out to some criminal offenders. Your electronic money may be stole by the web hacker. Or they steal your Identity Card information to apply for credit card and maliciously overdraft the card. This is a kind of credit card fraud. Besides all the above examples, there are a great number of cybercrimes that we could not imagine about.

To sum up, the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. We should make it clear that how we can make full use of the Internet and avoid getting addicted to it. I believe that we could make our life more convenient through the Internet.
