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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 07:16:22 字数作文

篇一:舒马赫病情突恶化 医生担心恐成植物人

舒马赫病情突恶化 医生担心恐成植物人

The U.K.'s Daily Mail online has reported a growing concern that Michael Schumacher may never come out of his coma. The retired Formula One legend, 44, who suffered severe head injuries in a skiing accident at a French Alps resort on Dec. 29, has been in a medically induced, unconscious state for 18 days.


The fears for his future are being fueled by German publications that have interviewed brain injury experts whose forecasts are dire.

有德国媒体采访了脑损伤专家,从专家可怕的预测来看,舒马赫未来堪忧。 According to the experts, a patient who is put in an artificial coma, which helps the brain recover more quickly, is usually brought out of it after one to two weeks. Schumacher, who also had surgery on his skull to relieve cranial pressure caused by brain swelling, reportedly has not recovered enough to make doctors plan to wake him.


The longer a coma lasts, the greater the damage it indicates, and it is possible that Schumacher could remain in that state for the rest of his life.


Schumacher remains in critical condition at a hospital in Grenoble, France, where his wife and two children are holding a constant vigil.


篇二:舒马赫病情突恶化 医生担心恐成植物人

舒马赫病情突恶化 医生担心恐成植物人

The U.K.'s Daily Mail online has reported a growing concern that Michael Schumacher may never come out of his coma. The retired Formula One legend, 44, who suffered severe head injuries in a skiing accident at a French Alps resort on Dec. 29, has been in a medically induced, unconscious state for 18 days.


The fears for his future are being fueled by German publications that have interviewed brain injury experts whose forecasts are dire.

有德国媒体采访了脑损伤专家,从专家可怕的预测来看,舒马赫未来堪忧。 According to the experts, a patient who is put in an artificial coma, which helps the brain recover more quickly, is usually brought out of it after one to two weeks. Schumacher, who also had surgery on his skull to relieve cranial pressure caused by brain swelling, reportedly has not recovered enough to make doctors plan to wake him.


The longer a coma lasts, the greater the damage it indicates, and it is possible that Schumacher could remain in that state for the rest of his life.


Schumacher remains in critical condition at a hospital in Grenoble, France, where his wife and two children are holding a constant vigil.


篇三:舒马赫病情突恶化 医生担心恐成植物人

舒马赫病情突恶化 医生担心恐成植物人

The U.K.'s Daily Mail online has reported a growing concern that Michael Schumacher may never come out of his coma. The retired Formula One legend, 44, who suffered severe head injuries in a skiing accident at a French Alps resort on Dec. 29, has been in a medically induced, unconscious state for 18 days.


The fears for his future are being fueled by German publications that have interviewed brain injury experts whose forecasts are dire.

有德国媒体采访了脑损伤专家,从专家可怕的预测来看,舒马赫未来堪忧。 According to the experts, a patient who is put in an artificial coma, which helps the brain recover more quickly, is usually brought out of it after one to two weeks. Schumacher, who also had surgery on his skull to relieve cranial pressure caused by brain swel(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:迈克尔舒马赫最新消息)ling, reportedly has not recovered enough to make doctors plan to wake him.


The longer a coma lasts, the greater the damage it indicates, and it is possible that Schumacher could remain in that state for the rest of his life.


Schumacher remains in critical condition at a hospital in Grenoble, France, where his wife and two children are holding a constant vigil.


篇四:车王舒马赫滑雪受伤 初诊脑震荡无大碍

车王舒马赫滑雪受伤 初诊脑震荡无大碍

Seven-time Formula 1 world champion Michael Schumacher has suffered a head injury while skiing in Meribel, France.


The German, 44, who retired from F1 for a second time in 2012, was taken by helicopter to hospital in Moutiers before being moved to Grenoble. 德国人舒马赫现年44岁,他在2012年赛季结束之后再次从F1赛场退役。伤后他被直升机送往小镇穆捷一家医院,随后被移送到格勒诺布尔的医院。

Schumacher was skiing with his 14-year-old son and others in an off-piste area between two marked runs above Meribel when he fell on Sunday morning. 舒马赫当时正在和14岁的儿子及其他人在梅瑞贝尔一片未被标记、介于两端高难度滑道之间的区域滑雪,突然他摔倒了。

He is being examined in hospital, with his wife and two children also present.


Christophe Gernignon-Lecomte, director of the Meribel resort, said Schumacher "was a little shaken but conscious" after crashing. Speaking to Radio Monte Carlo Sport, Gernignon-Lecomte added: "He was wearing a helmet and banged [his head] against a rock."


Schumacher was attended to by two ski patrollers who requested helicopter evacuation to the nearby valley town of Moutiers, before he was subsequently moved to a bigger facility at Grenoble.


The German is receiving the attention of Professor Gerard Saillant, a close ally and friend of Schumacher and his former Ferrari team boss Jean Todt.


Saillant is an expert in brain and spine injury. He oversaw Schumacher's medical care when the German broke his leg in the 1999 British GP. 塞兰特是治疗脑部和脊柱损伤方面的专家。他在1999年英国大奖赛舒马赫腿部受伤时监管他的医疗护理工作。

Schumacher's spokeswoman Sabine Kehm said in a statement: "We ask for understanding that we cannot give out continuous information about his health.


"He was wearing a helmet and was not alone. No-one else was involved in the fall."

"他戴着头盔,并且不是自己一个人。而这次摔倒事故中没有牵连到其他人。" Schumacher won seven world championships and secured 91 race victories during a 19-year career in Formula 1.

舒马赫在其19年的F1比赛生涯中曾获得七次世界冠军,赢得了91场车赛。 He won two titles with Benetton, in 1994 and 1995, before switching to Ferrari in 1996 and going on to win five straight titles from 2000. 在贝纳通车队时,他于1994年和1995年赢得了两次冠军,后来在1996年他转到了法拉利车队,从2000年起又相继赢了五次冠军。

The German retired in 2006, but returned in 2010 with Mercedes. After three seasons which yielded just one podium finish, he quit the sport at the end of 2012.


