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Mr and Mrs White have a baker's shop(面包房)in Tonda.Tonda is a holiday village(度假村).There are a lot of tourists(游客)in summer(夏天).The tourists live in holiday flats(公寓)and cook their meals. The tourists eat a lot of bread.1._________ In spring and autumn there aren't usually many tourists.2._________ In winter it is cold and wet(潮湿)and there aren't any tourists.3._________ Mr White cleans the shop and Mrs White works in the house and looks after her children.But they don't work all the winter.In winter they are tourists.

(A)The baker's shop is not open in winter.

(B)In summer Mr and Mrs White work twelve hours a day,and at weekend,too.

(C)So they work only seven hours a day and on Sundays they get up late and stay at home.

1.Where do the tourists live in?

A.Baker's shop.B.Holiday flats.

C.Mr White's house.D.Hotels.

2.Mr and Mrs White sell(卖)the most(最多的)bread in _________ .

A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter

3.There is no tourist in winter because(因为)it's _________ and _________ .

4.Mr and Mrs White are _________ in winter,too.

5.Mr and Mrs White work _________ hours a day in summer.


1.The children want to be on LammaIsland before nine in the morning.Which ferry must they take(搭乘)?


2.At what time does Ferry No.103get toLamma Island?


3.The children have to be back to Hong Kong before seven o'clock in the evening.Which is the last ferry they can take?


4.How many ferries go from Hong Kong to Lamma Island every day?


5.How many ferries go from Lamma Island to Hong Kong every day?


Mr and Mrs Scott want to buy some new chairs for their new house. They come into a shop and see some very good chairs on the floor. They like the colour and want to know how much they are. They see a price tag (标签) on one chair. It says "¥100". They like the chair but they are too dear for them. The Scotts don't think they can buy them now. They leave this shop and go to other shops. Mr Scott thinks they can find some cheap chairs.

( ) 1. Mr and Mrs Scott have a new house.

( ) 2. They want to buy tables and chairs for their house.

( ) 3. They think the chairs in this shop are cheap.

( ) 4. They leave the shop and go home.

( ) 5. They want to buy good and cheap chairs.


Mary is an American schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. She doesn't know Chinese, but she is trying (努力) to study and speak it. She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they don't understand her, because she can't speak Chinese well. It's Saturday morning. Mary goes out. She is on her way to the park. She is going there to see a flower show (展览). But she doesn't know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy. The boy can't understand her. Then she takes out a pen and some paper. She draws flowers on it, gives the picture to the boy and says something about it. The boy smiles and then shows (指给) Mary the way to the park.

( ) 1. Where does Mary live now? She lives in ____.

A. America B. England C. China D. Canada

( ) 2. She can speak ____ Chinese.

A. much B. a little C. little D. a few

( ) 3. She likes ____ Chinese with her ____.

A. speak, parents B. speaking, friends

C. speaks, girl-friends D. speaking, teachers

( ) 4. Where is she going?

A. To a new school. B. To see her friends.

C. To a farm. D. To see some flowers.

( ) 5. How does she ask the way to the flower show?

A. She asks the way in Chinese. B. She asks the way with a sign.

C. She draws a picture to ask the way. D. She doesn't ask any people.

Mr Jones and Mr Brown work in the same office.One day Mr Jones says to Mr Brown , “I will have a small party at our house on Monday evening . Would you and your wife like to come ?”

Mr Brown says , “Thank you very much . I’d love to , but let me ask my wife first . ” So

Mr Brown goes to the other room and telephones his wife . Then he comes back and looks very worried .

“What’s the matter?” asks Mr Jones . “Is you wife there at home ?”

“No,” answers Mr Brown . “She isn’t there . My small son answers the telephone . I say to him , ‘Is your mother there , David ?’ and he answers ‘No , she isn’t in the house .’ ‘Where is she ?’ I ask , ‘She is somewhere outside .’ ‘What’s she doing ?’ ‘She is looking for me .’”

( )1.There is a party at Mr Jones’s house on Monday evening .

( )2.Mr Jones asks Mr Brown and his wife to go to the party .

( )3.The telephone is in Mr Brown’s office.

( )4.Mr Brown speaks to Mrs Brown on the telephone .

( )5.Mrs Brown is looking for her son .

One Sunday morning Mr Green and his child , Bill ,are in a big shop . Mr Green wants to buy a new blouse for Mrs Green . Bill likes oranges , so his father buys two kilos(公斤)of oranges for him , too . Bill wants to buy some picture—books and colour pencils , too . There are many people in the shop . They are men and women , old and young . They all want to buy something there .

( )6.Mr Green goes to the shop with .

A.Mrs green B.his son C.his daughter D.his father

( )7.Mr Green wants to buy a new blouse for .

A.Bill’s mother B.Bill C.his friend D.other people

( )8.Bill likes______ .

A.all the things B.the new blouse C.oranges D.orange

( )9.Bill wants to buy .

A.some picture—books B.some colour pencils C.clothes in the shop D.A and B

( )10.The shop is______ .

A.empty B.close C.full of children D.full of people


Mike is a little boy. He four years old. One day, his mother him to see his grandmother. His grandmother’s home is very far . There only a few people on the bus. They all sit on looks the window and talks with his mother. After a while, Mike starts running on the bus. He runs and runs. “ are you always running? Please sit ,” his mother says. “I want to see my grandmother earlier , I want the bus 10 faster,” Mike answers.

( )1.A.has B. have C. is D. are

( )2.A.takes B. makes C. lets D. let

( )3.A.from B. off C. to D. of

( )4.A.by train B. with a bus C. by bus D. by car

( )5.A.is B. have C. has D. are

( )6.A.they B. their C. theirs D. them

( )7.A.out of B. out C. from D. of

( )8.A.What B. How C. Why D. Where

( )9.A.in B. down C. up D. on

( )10A.moves B. move C. to move D. moving

Tom lives in London. His father has a shop and his mother teaches in a school. He is seven years old now and begins to go to school this autumn(秋天). His home is near the school, so he goes to school on foot every day. He is never late for class and his teachers like him.

One day, his maths teacher Miss Red is teaching them to count(数数)from one to five. Tom is studying hard. Soon he can count them. Miss Red is very happy and asks, “ How many people are there in your family, Tom?” Tom stands up and begins to count with his fingers(手指). Then he says, “Two, Miss Red.” “Who are they?” “ My father and my mother.” “Oh?” Miss Red is surprised(吃惊). She says, “There are three people in your family.” “But now I’m not at home, but at school, you know!”

( )1. Tom is American .

( )2.Tom’s mother is a worker.

( )3. Tom is having(正在上) a maths class that day.

( )4. There are three people in Tom’s family.

( )5. Tom’s home is near the school, so he goes to school by bike every day.

Harry gets up at half past six every morning on weekdays. She has breakfast at seven o’clock and then she goes to school. At about 7:30, she gets to school. Harry is never late for school. Harry begins classes at ten to eight. She has four classes in the morning. Harry studies English, Maths, History and other subjects. Harry has lunch in the school. Her classes are over at a quarter past four. After school, sometimes Harry plays games in the playground. Sometimes Harry reads some books or newspapers in the reading-room.

In the evening, Harry does her homework and reviews(复习) her lessons.

At about 6:30, she has supper with her parents and her younger brother Tom. After supper, Harry often watches TV. Sometimes she does some reading.

She goes to bed at ten o’clock. p.m.

( ) 6. When does Harry get up everyday on weekends?

A. 6:00 B 7:15 C. 6:30 D. 7:00

( ) 7. How many classes does Harry have in the morning?

A. six B. four C. five D. three

( ) 8. Where does Harry have lunch on weekdays?

A. In the school B. At home

C. In Uncle Smith’s family D. In a restaurant

( ) 9. What does Harry do after school? She _________.

A. plays games in the playground or does some reading in the reading room

B. does housework C. does her homework D. clean the classroom

( ) 10. When are Harry’s classes over?

A. 3:45 B. 4:15 C. 4:45 D. 5:00

篇二:7B Unit 2 Neighbours第二课时含答案

7B Unit 2 Neighbours



1.某物坏了________________________ 2.买东西_______________________________

3.愿意做某事______________________ 4.各种各样的问题_______________________

5.帮助老人________________________ 6.很幸运做某事_________________________

7.在某方面帮助某人_________________ 8.分享他们不同的技能 __________________


1.His dream is to go into_______(大学).

2.I'm very_______(幸运的)to have a friend like you.

3. There are some_______(社会的)workers to help you in our neighbourhood.

4. You need to_______(检查)it before you hand in your homework.

5. We should learn as many different_______(技能)as we can.

6.- Can you help me to solve the_______(问题)? - With pleasure.


( )1. Sometimes we need _______to talk to.

A. someone B. anyone

A. have

A. When

A. she is

A. her B. there are B. Where B. she isn't B. she C. everyone D. something C will have C What C. she will C. hers D. are going to have D. How D. she won't D.his ( )2. Usually we _______a class meeting on Friday afternoon. ( )3. -_______ is Jack? - He is fixing his bike in the garden. ( )4. - Is Millie going to read in the reading club this afternoon? - No, _______. ( )5. Peter often helps his sister with_______ homework

( )6. You can get_______ in the centre if you want.

A. a help

A. fix B. help B. fixing C some helps D. helps C fixes D. to fix

D. waters

D. home ( )7. - What do you need? -I need someone_______ my toy plane. ( )8. There is some_______ on the desk. A. computer B computers C water ( )9.I like my_______ because they are very kind. A. family


Today, I'll talk about the problems we have these days. The problems of dogs and the objects B. house C room

falling from windows are getting . We have received a lot of letters such problems, so it's time to work out these problems.

Some dogs aren't taken good care of, and they make mess (粪便) on roads and in gardens. This makes our community dirty. I'd like to tell the dog-owners that behavior is too bad, and they are always making people feel unhappy.

Some people throw rubbish out of the hurt a notice to teach people not to do so. If it's found, we'll record the names and of those people. Then, a written warning will be sent to their homes and they will by law.

A safe and comfortable living environment is important to us. we try our best to care for our community, it will be a good place to live in.

( )1. A. easier B. worse C. better D.good

( )2. A. about B. except C. without D.with

( )3. A. busily B. suddenly C. freely D.carefully

( )4. A. his B. their C. our D.her

( )5. A. dogs B. doors C. cars D. windows

( )6. A. other B. the other C. others D.another

( )7. A. put up B. look up C. put away D.put off

( )8. A. hobbies B. addresses C. experiences D.homes

( )9. A. punish B. be punishing C. punished D. be punished

( )10. A. If B. Before C. Although D.Because


The Whites have a very nice garden round their house. It has some tall trees and many flowers. Mr and Mrs White work hard in their garden. Now Mrs White is in the garden getting some flowers. She will put the flowers in the dining room and the sitting room

Their daughter Millie is sitting in a chair in the garden. She is reading a book. Millie Doesn’t go to work today. She is at home. Their son Andy is saying goodbye to his mother. He is running through the gate, and he is going to school. He goes to school by bus. At school he studies with his friends. He has lunch at school. Mrs White and Millie have lunch at home. Mr White goes to London today. He is in London now and will have his lunch there. This afternoon he will go home by train, and he will drive from the station to his house. They will go to the town this afternoon and have tea there.

( )1. There is_______.

A. a beautiful house near the garden without trees and flowers

B. a nice garden near the Browns' house

C. a big park round the house

D. a nice garden with some tall trees round the house

( )2. Andy is_______.

A. having his lunch

C. reading a book

( )3. Mr White will_______.

A. have his breakfast in London B. have his lunch in London

C. have his supper in Andy's school D. have tea in his office












B. going to school by bike D. going to school by bus


一. 1.something wrong 2.do something shopping 3.be ready to do sth

4.all kind of problem 5.help old people 6.be lucky to do sth

7.help sb with sth 8.share their different skills

二. 1. college 2. lucky 3. social 4. check 5. skills 6. problem

三. 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. A


五. 1. D 2. D 3. B

六. 1. How many community centres are there in your neighbourhood?

2. Social workers often have all kinds of problems.

3. His father is a computer engineer.

4. Who do you usually ask for help when you are in trouble?

5.I’m always ready to help if you need me.


Week 1

Passage 3

A few years ago, Dave Stirling had the idea of selling CDs over the Internet. The business he started from his home in Ohio, the USA, now sells 500, 000 CDs a years and has made him into a millionaire(百万富翁) at the age of 24.

“ I could see that this was the future of shopping,” says Stirling. “Why should you pay $15 for a CD and spend the time and the money getting into the store and parking your car? You can have the same CD for half of the price by clicking (敲击) on your computer. And we can find any CD you want and bring it to your door in 24 hours!”

According to Stirling, this is the only beginning, “I believe that one day we’ll do our shopping over the net:it’s easier, quicker and cheaper. Shops and supermarkets will be the past.”

1. Dave Stiring started his business from________.

A. his home B. his company C. the office D. the country

2. How has Stirling become so rich?

A. By making ice cream.

B. By making advertisements.

C. By selling ideas to others.

D. By selling CDs over the Internet.

3. If you pay $15 for a CD in the store, how much should you pay for it over the net?

A. $15. B. $12 C. $7.5. D. $30

4. By shopping over the net, you won’t _________.

A. spend the time and the money

B. drive your car any more

C. click on your computer

D. get into the store by yourself

5. What can we learn from the passage?

A. More than half of the Americans prefer to shop over the met.

B. Shops and supermarkets will be the past in the future.

C. Some people don’t like to go shopping over the Internet.

D. It’s easier, quicker and more expensive to do our shopping over the net.

Passage 4

One day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents(帐篷) and then rode off to a forest to see how the trees were growing.

In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their camp(营地), it started to snow. More and more snow fell. Soon Bob could hardly see his hands before his face. He could not find the road. Bob knew there were two roads. One road went to the camp ,and the other went to his house. But all was white snow. Everything was the same. How could he take his friends back to the camp?

Bob had an idea. The horses! Let the horses take them back! But what would happen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip of thirty-five kilometers in such cold weather!

It was getting late. They rode on and on. At last the horses stopped. Where they? None of them could tell. John looked around. What was that under the tree? It was one of their tents!

1. John and his two friends went to the forest to ________.

A. build their camp B. find their way home

C. enjoy the mountains in the snow D. watch the trees in the forest

2. They could not find their way back because _______.

A. there was only one road to their camp

B. they couldn’t decide which of the two roads led to their tents.

C. there were no roads in the mountains at all

D. everything was covered by the white snow

3. It is clear that they wanted the horses to take them to ________.

A. John’s house B. the camp C. the forest D. the mountains

4. The horses stopped because _________.

A. it was getting late

B. they were tired after running for a long way

C. they knew that they had got to the camp

D. they had seen John’s house

5. The story happened ________.

A. on a cold winter day B. on a dark snowy evening

C. in a cold camp far from villages D. at night when nothing could be seen

Passage 5

Once Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister(宰相). He said that the Minister would die the next day. The next day, the Minister fell to the ground from the horse and really died. When the king learned this, he got angry and sent his men to catch Effendi at once.

When Effendi was brought to his, the king shouted angrily, “Effendi, since you knew when my Minister would die, you must know the date of your own death. Say it out, or you’ll die today.”

Effendi looked at the king for a while. Then he answered, “But how can I know? I’ll die two days earlier than you.” The king was afraid that if he killed Effendi, he himself would die after that. He thought he must keep Effendi alive as long as possible, so he left Effendi go.

1. This story tells us _______.

A. how Effendi fooled the king B. when the king would die

C. why the Minister died D. Effendi knew the date of everyone’s death

2. The Prime Minister died because ________.

A. Effendi killed him B. Effendi said he would die

C. he was badly ill D. he fell off the horse

3. Why did the king ask Effendi to tell him the date of Effendi’s own death?

A. Because the king wanted to know when he himself would die.

B. Because the king wanted to find an excuse to kill Effendi

C. Because he himself had known the date of Effendi’s death.

D. Because he wanted to know when Effendi would die.

4. The king let Effendi go because ________.

A. he hoped to live a long life B. he was afraid of Effendi

C. he didn’t believe Effendi’s words D. he knew he would die two days later

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Effendi played a joke in the Minister.

B. The king was afraid of death.

C. Effendi didn’t know when the king would die.

D. If the king killed Effendi, he himself would die two days later.

Passage 6

This is Kate Smith. She is 13 years old. She l__1__ in Guangzhou. She studies in No.10 Middle school. Her p__2__ work there. They are b__3__ English teachers. They are form the UK. She likes e__4__ junk food. She doesn’t like playing sports. She has one h__5__ habit: She sleeps for nine h__6__ every night.

Kate Smith has a brother. His name is Jack Smith. He is 11 years old. He doesn’t eat j__7__ food. He likes playing s__8__. He often runs, plays basketball and goes swimming. He eats fruit every day. He likes eating v__9__ . But he has an unhealthy h__10__: He sleeps for 6 hours every night.

Week 2

Passage 3

Mr and Mrs White had two sons and three daughters. One Sunday, Mrs White said to her husband, “The children don’t have any lessons today, and you’re free too. There’s a new funfair(游乐场) in the park. Let’s all go there to play.”

Her husband said, “I want to finish some work today. “Oh, forget it. Go there and make our children happy. That’s the most important work.” Mrs White said.

So Mr and Mrs White took their children to the funfair. Mr White was forty-five years old, but he enjoyed the funfair more than his children. He hurried from one thing to another, and ate lots of sweets. One of the children said to her mother, “Dad is just like a small child, isn’t he, Mom?” Mrs White didn’t want to follow her husband around any more at that time and answered. “He is even worse than a small child, Mary, because he might spend more money than a small child.”

1. There were ________ children in the White family.

A. two B. three C. four D. five

2. One Sunday, Mr and Mrs White wanted to go to _______ with their children.

A. school B. work C. a funfair D. a shop

3. Mr White liked the place so much that he ________.

A. bought lots of sweets B. followed his wife all the time

C. hurried from one thing to another D. asked a lot of questions

4. From the story we know Mrs White ____ when Mary asked her the questions

A. was still excited to play B. was a little angry with Mr. White

C. looked for Mr. White everywhere D. ate a lot of sweets

5. Of all he family member, ________ enjoyed playing there most that Sunday.

A. Mr. White B. Mrs. White C. Mary D. the boys

Passage 4

Chinese people call the Spring Festival ‘Nian’. But do you know that Nian was once the name of a monster(妖怪)?

A long time ago, the monster Nian lived in the mountains. It ate animals. But in winter, it could not find food. So it came to villages and ate a lot of people. People were so afraid of Nian that they locked their doors before evening came during the winter.

One day, an old man came to a village. He told people there that Nian was afraid of three things—the color red, fire and noise. He told people to play drums and gongs, make big fires and set off fireworks(放鞭炮) to make Nian go away.

On a moonless, cold night, Nian went to the village again. As soon as it opened its big mouth, people made loud noises and made fires. Nian was really afraid and ran away. Wherever it went, there was noise and fire. When Nian was tired and could not run anymore, people killed the monster.

After that, on the coldest day of winter, people beat drums and gongs, and set off fireworks to celebrate the death of the monster of Nian. They put up red lanterns and have a big dinner without sleeping during the night. In the morning people greet each other happily. So now we have the Spring Festival.

1. From the story, Nian seemed to be _______ long, long ago.

A. exciting B. interesting C. boring D. terrible

2. The monster Nian ate people in winter because it_________.

A. wanted to make people afraid B. had no food to eat

C. celebrate the Spring Festival D. like to eat people in a village

3. Nian was afraid of_______.

A. red B. fire C. noise D. A, B and C

4. The monster Nian wasn’t killed until ________.

A. it had eaten all the animals B. the old man came to a village

C. it was too tired to run away D. people knew what it was afraid of

5. What is the best title for the passage?

A. How the Spring Festival Came B. What People did to Nian

C. How People Celebrate Nian D. What the Spring Festival was

Passage 5

It was the end-of-year party. I had asked my mother to make us cookies. Mom’s chocolate chips were the best.

But two o’clock, and there was no sigh of her. Most of the other mothers had come and gone, dropping off their cakes and chips. The party went on, but I wouldn’t leave the window. The three o’clock bell soon took me away from my thoughts. I took my bag and walked out for home.

The house was empty when I arrived. My heart was filled with anger(气愤). For the first time in my life, my mother had let me down. I was lying on my bed when I heard her coming. “Robbie,” she called out. “Where are you?” She was looking for me from room to room, but I kept silent. When she entered my room, I didn’t move, “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I got busy and forgot.” She began to laugh. I couldn’t believe it. I turned over and found that she wasn’t laughing but crying. “I’m so sorry. I let my boy down.” She cried like a little girl. I had never seen my mother cry.

“It’s OK, Mom,” I said, “We didn’t need those cookies. There was plenty of food to eat. Don’t cry. It’s all right.” We held each other in a long hug(拥抱).

1. The story happened ________.

A. on my birthday B. during Christmas C. before Christmas D. before the New Year’s Day

2. I didn’t leave the window because I want ________.

A. to see my mother coming B. to enjoy the party

C. to get some cookies D. to go to the party

3. I lay down on my bed and kept silent because I was ________.

A. tired B. angry C. hungry D. excited

4.Why did my mother cry and say that she was sorry?

A. Because she was too busy to go to the party.

B. Because she couldn’t find me.

C. Because she didn’t support me.

D. Because she needed those cookies.

5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The boy expected his mother to send the chocolate chips to the party.

B. The boy’s mother could cook chocolate chips better than the other mums.

C. The boy’s mother was angry with the boy so she didn’t show up.

D. The boy didn’t enjoy the party though he had enough chips to eat.

Week 3

Pass There were three professors at the railway station. They were deep in conversation. The train has just arrived, but they didn’t notice it. Then the guard shouted, “Take your seats, please!”

The professors heard the guard and rushed for the train. Two of them got on the train. Two of them got on the train before it moved. The third one was left behind. It was Professor Egghead. He looked worried.

One of the professor’s students was at the station. He tried to comfort the professor. “ It wasn’t really bad, sir.” said the students. “Two out of three caught the train. That’s quite good, you know.” “I know,” the professor said. “But it was my train. My friends only came to say goodbye.”

1. The three professors were busy _______ at the railway station.

A. talking B. getting on the train C. working D. doing research work

2. As soon as the professors heard what the guard said, __________.

A. they said goodbye to each other

B. they all got on the train

age 3

C. only two of them got on the train

D. none of them got on the train

3. Professor Egghead felt worried ____________.

A. because only he didn’t catch the train

B. because he couldn’t find his ticket

C. because his two friends who came to see him off got on the train

D. because he didn’t know where to get on the train

4. Professor Egghead was too careless ____________.

A. to miss the train

B. to catch the train

C. to get to the station on time

D. to get on the wrong train



U5 P56


1、Tony and Jenny are hungry.(T)

2、It’s time for dinner.(F)

3、Gogo think,"he need some rice and


4、Tony says,they have some fruit.(F)

5、Tony、Jenny and Gogo want to make their own lunch



1、What are they going to do for their lunch? A:They are going to make their lunch.

2、What is the feeling of Jenny and Tony? A:They are feeling hungry.

3、What do they need for their lunch?

They need some rice、meat、fruits and


4、Where can they get all the food?

A:Maybe the supermarket.

5、What is the time now?

It’s lunch time.



1、You need 4 potatoes and 1 tomatoes.(F)

2、Wash and peel the carrots.(F)

3、Cut the potatoes,tomatoes,and carrots into small pieces.(T)

4、Put the salt,carrots,and potatoes in water. Cook for 20 minutes.(T)

5、Put in the sugar.Cook for another 20 minutes.(F)


1、What should we do for potatoes?

A:Wash and peel the potatoes .

2、How many patatoes and carrots do you need?

A:3 potatoes and 4 tomatoes

3、How many spoon of salt ?

A:2 spoons of salt

4、What is the shape of cutting potatoes,tomatoes and carrots?

A:Small pieces.

5、How many times do you cook after putting into the tomatoes?

A:5 minutes



1、Tofu is beside the juice.(F)

2、There’s no more tofu.(T)

3、Mrs.and Mr.White get some cheese and butter to make some sandwiches.(T)

4、Mrs.and Mr.White fine out the tofu after cheese.(F) 5、Mrs.and Mr.White want to buy some meat.(F)


1、Who want to buy some tofu?

A: Mr.and Mrs. White.



1. One day Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White can’t open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them. Just then a man comes up and shouts: “What are you doing with my car?”

Mr. and Mrs. White take a look at the car’s number and they are frozen there. It isn’t their car.

( ) 1. Mr. and Mrs. White drive for ___.

A. fishing B. shopping C. business

( ) 2. They stop their car ___

A. at the parking spot B. near the sea C. near the store

( ) 3. They want to put the things ___

A. in a big bag B. in their car C. in other’s car

( ) 4. Mr. White can’t open the car, so ____

A. they walk home B. they ask a policeman to help C. they call a taxi

2.Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife(妻子) , Mrs Brown. From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden beside his house. He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown.

( )1. Mr Brown lives in ____with his wife.

A. a city B. a small town C. a big town

( )2. He works___days a week in his office.

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:mr,and,mrs,white)

A. four B. five C. six

( )3. He isn’t ___on Saturdays and Sundays.

A. free B. busy C. happy

( )4. He likes ___on Saturdays and Sundays.

A. working in his garden B. walking in his gardon C. looking at his garden

( )5. Mrs Brown ___the flowers.

A. like B. doesn’t like C. often helps D. No,we don’t.
