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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 14:30:18 英语作文

篇一:望梅止渴 刘义庆(世说新语)

望梅止渴 劉義慶(世說新語)




《世說新語》又稱《世說》,是一本筆記小說集。全書分:「德行」、 「言語」、「政事」、「文學」等三十六門,每門少則幾篇,多則數十篇乃至上百篇。內容主要記錄了漢末、魏、晉時期士大夫的言談和軼聞趣事,反映了當時士族的精神面貌和社會風尚。全書語言精煉,善於通過言語和行為的描寫,刻畫人物的性格特徵。此書對後世筆記小說影響甚大,在中國小說中自成一體。書中不少故事,或為後 世戲曲小說所取材,或成為詩文常用典故和成語。






對於一群因唇乾舌燥、口渴難當而意氣沮喪的士兵來說,一片梅林必然充滿無比的誘惑力,從而成為激發他們前進的巨大動力。曹操正是充分利用了士兵的這種心理,用一個美麗的謊言及時地鼓 舞軍隊的士氣,最終擺脫缺水的困境,達到了順利行軍的目的。

《世說新語》將此故事錄入「假譎」類,原意是想說明曹操言行的狡詐,但我們今天再來分析,尌應從多個角度來設想:首先,望梅止渴具有積極的心理鼓舞作用,如果曹操不是急中生智編出這 個謊言,整支隊伍也許尌會陷入缺水的心理恐慌而崩潰,結局尌會不堪設想。可見,在某些特定的時刻,美麗的謊言不但是必須的,而且還會帶來意想下到的積極效果。其次,與畫餅充饑一樣,望梅止渴畢竟只是一種心理安慰的方武,如果純粹依賴它而不採取積極有效的行動,那尌只是一場自欺欺人的悲劇了。尋得水源才是挽救隊伍的徹底方法。再次,望梅止渴只能在某些危急場合才能運用,即使如此,也要承擔一定的風險。比如這個故事,如果在梅林的謊言被揭穿以後仍然沒有找到水源,後果又會怎樣呢?可見,除非特別必要,並且是出於善意的目的,否則,我們還是應當面對現實,那怕現實有時候是殘酷的。隨便發放謊言要付出的代價可能更大。

在《世說新語》中,「望梅止渴』的故事非常簡短,只有四十個字,但已具備了基本的人物情節,符合小說的雛型。著名的古典小說《三國演義》尌採納了這一情節作進一步的發揮,使這個故事更為膾炙人口,廣泛流傳。 1

2魏武:即曹操,他曾封魏王,死後他的兒子曹丕稱帝,追尊他為武帝,故稱魏武。 行役:行軍。








1. 閱讀「望梅止渴」的成語故事或《成語動畫廊》。

2. 瀏覽網站:三國演義綱上版 3kingdom.shorturl.com


1. 當你感到饑餓時,腦海裏會浮現些甚麼東西?為甚麼?

2. 試想想分別在饑餓和飽餐時收看介紹美食的電視節目,生理反應會有分別嗎?試描述一下這兩


3. 你覺得說謊對嗎?為甚麼?


Mr. President of the People's Republic of China, Mr. LIU Qi, Members of the Organising Committee, dear Chinese friends, dear athletes:

For a long time, China has dreamed of opening its doors and inviting the world's athletes to Beijing for the Olympic Games.

Tonight that dream comes true. Congratulations, Beijing.

You have chosen as the theme of these Games 'One World, One Dream'. That is what we are tonight.

As one world, we grieved with you over the tragic earthquake in Sichuan Province. We were moved by the great courage and solidarity of the Chinese people. As one dream, may these Olympic Games bring you joy, hope and pride.

Athletes, the Games were created for you by our founder, Pierre de Coubertin. These Games belong to you. Let them be the athletes' Games.

Remember that they are about much more than performance alone. They are about the peaceful gathering of 204 National Olympic Committees - regardless of ethnic origin, gender, religion or political system. Please compete in the spirit of the Olympic values: excellence, friendship and respect.

Dear athletes, remember that you are role models for the youth of the world. Reject doping and cheating. Make us proud of your achievements and your conduct.

As we bring the Olympic dream to life, our warm thanks go to the Beijing Organising Committee for its tireless work. Our special thanks also go to the thousands of gracious volunteers, without whom none of this would be possible.

Beijing, you are a host to the present and a gateway to the future. Thank you.

I now have the honour of asking the President of the People's Republic of China to open the Games of the XXIX Olympiad of the modern era.


长久以来,中国一直梦想着打开国门,邀请世界各地的运动员来北京参加奥运会。 今晚,梦想变成了现实,祝贺北京!








The sporting spirit

I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield

Nearly all the sports practiced nowadays are competitive.You play to win, and the game has little meaning unless you do your utmost to win.On the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved, it is possible

to play simply for the fun and Anyone who has played even in a school football match knows this.At the international level, sport is frankly mimic warfare.But the significant thing is not the behavior of the players but the attitude of the spectators: and, behind the spectators, of

--- that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.





在国际比赛中,体育完全是一场模拟战争。但是,重要的还不是运动员的行为,而是观众的态度,以及在观众身后的那些国家,他们对这些荒唐的比赛如痴如狂,并且严肃地相信 -- 至少在短期内 – 那些跑跑、跳跳、踢踢球是对一个国家素质的检验。

Something To Look Forward To

Little children look forward to the arrival of lunar New Year, adults to that of spring. When a child I couldn't understand what the elders hoped for. But New Year's Day was always the greatest red-letter day of all the year, for it meant the nicest food as well as a lot of fun, which was really

fascinating. As soon as the festival was over, another one was my dream and I wished time flew as fast as possible.

Days spent in expectation come and go really very fast. Very soon I Finished primary school, went to junior and senior muddle school, and finally to college; with ever greater desire for more varied things: for graduation with honors, for an ideal job, for a successful career, for more earnings to share my parents' burden, for a satisfactory wife. . .. Climbing the upward steps of hope I had become a fully grown man before I was aware of it, a busy breadwinner with a family on my hands.

Life began to show its various facets. Whether I have turned more vulgar or great, I have always something to look forward to. It may be arrival of a letter, publication of an article, the bonus-distributing day, a gratifying result of something, a get-together or a pleasure trip. . .Such expectations serve as a prop to a person's faith in life.

A day without hope would be unimaginably pale. There must be

something to look forward to each day to brighten one's life and keep it out of shadows. To a person cherishing hopes every morning rises a new sun. Even if it is a fantasy or an illusion, so long as it shows a ray of hope it still urges you on in pursuit of that little sparkle without letup.

Deprived of moisture content, soil turns into desert. Deprived of hope, what is there left to a person? A small hope sustains a person for a day, a great one for a lifetime. Human beings cannot do without something to look forward to.

细娃盼过年,大人盼开春。儿时,对于大人的盼是不能理解的,但过年,对我来说,可是一年的大盼头了。过年,不但好玩,且有肉吃,那气氛是迷人的。年一过,又盼日子快些流,好流来又一个春节。 在盼中,日子真的流得飞快,转眼上了小学,继而初中,然后高中,最后大学;盼的欲望更加强烈,盼的内容也越渐丰富了:盼有好成绩毕业,盼有一份好工作,盼事业有成,盼挣钱替父母分忧,盼有一个好爱人……不知不觉,天天踩着盼的石阶而上,自己竟成了一个大男人,一个挣钱养家糊口的忙碌人了。



海乃百川有容乃大 a brood of chickens 一窝小鸡

A sea of faces 人山人海 a gentleman’s agreement 君子协议 a peerless beauty绝世美人

A drop in the bucket一桶水的一滴沧海一粟九牛一毛Aggressive nations threaten world peace

侵略成性的国家威胁世界和和平all is fish that comes to the net拉出篮里就是菜

海内存知己天涯若比邻be startled吃惊look before you


Be denied entrance at the door吃闭门羹

好望角 consent consists in content 知足常乐


delicate upbringing娇生惯养

During the whole process of reform and opening, we must oppose corruption改革过程我们要反对腐败 每人都有走运的时候east and west, home is best出门一里不如家里

Everything comes to him who wait皇天不负有心人


本系统操作 home grown films 本土电影

He is both eloquent and elegant能言善辩风度翩翩 how much did you suffer? The old man said

你吃了多少苦 一言难尽

her performance brought down the house她表演赢得满堂喝彩

He went through fire and flood to save his mother他赴汤蹈火去救妈妈

天才是。。give me a break饶了我吧

Get into trouble with law吃官司

bear hardship吃苦 get commission吃回扣


Make complaint 吐槽 Miss wang has a fair complexion and a willowy waist, and she

Is considered a peerless beauty in ancient china王昭君肤如凝脂杨柳细腰倾国倾城make hay while

趁热打铁more haste, less speed欲速则不达



酒后吐真言 if you let this leak out, I will make you sorry for it

如果你说出去我会让你吃不了兜着走ill news travels fast恶事传千里


熟能生巧 prince charming白马王子


sense comes with age老马识途

Sworn brother 拜把兄弟 standing in the cold autumn wind 独立寒秋湘江北去suffer losses

吃亏she is now between the devil and the deep sea on this matter在这个问题进退维谷 She is an easy-going woman. she always throws her cares to the winds她是大大咧咧的女人

总是把抛到九霄云外 说曹操曹操到to err is human, to forgive divine

人非圣贤孰能无过the overheated economy resulted in a number of problems. For instance

The issue of excess of banknotes led to a major price fluctuation 经济过热确实带来一些

问题比如票子发多了一点物价波动大了一点to kill two birds with one stone一石二鸟一箭双雕

To flog a dead horse 鞭打死马白费力枉然 to teach a pig to play on a flute教猪吹笛对牛弹琴

There is no smoke without fire 无风不起浪

the moon is not seen when the sun shine小巫见大巫

That fellow is always fair without but foul within那个家伙总是口蜜腹剑

That little girl has a ready tongue那个姑娘真是伶牙俐齿

’ve got an ace your sleeve, we are dished除非有锦囊妙计否则我们输定了


You have a lucky star above you他这是咎由自取

过街老鼠a rat crossing the street/the object of universal condemnation/a bad man hated by everybody 门庭若市the courtyard is like a market/a much visited house/a busy town

山雨欲来风满楼the wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountains/

A turbulent situation foretells a big event

静夜思in the still of the night I descry bright moonlight in front of my bed.

I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor. I watch the bright moon as I tilt back my head

I yearn, while stooping, for my homeland more

插科打诨cut in a joke 畅所欲言speak one’s mind称心如意be after one’s own了如指

at one’s finger-tips 浑水摸鱼fish in troubled waters 成千上万thousands upon thousands of

水深火热in deep water 嗤之以鼻turn up one’s nose at 皮包骨头skin and bones 一触即发

Touch and go 一生一世from the cradle to the grave一语道破hit the nail on the head 充耳不闻

Turn a deaf ear to出人头地be head and shoulders above others 吹毛求疵pick a hole in sb coat

破釜沉舟burn one’s boat大惊小怪make a fuss about大海捞针look for a needle in a bundle of hay 颠倒黑白talk black into white得意忘形have one’s nose in the air攀龙附凤worship the rising sun 大发雷霆hit the ceiling 骑虎难下hold a wolf by the ears视而不见turn a blind eye to

这些国家经济形势每况日下the economic situation in these countries is on the downgrade

为了迷人眼目他们把自己打扮成革命者in order to throw dust into the eye of the public, they decked Themselves out as revolutionaries

扪心自问他不得不承认自己是错的by searching his heart he could not but admit that he was in the wrong 他们个个摩肩接踵士气很高准备再打漂亮仗every one of them rolled up his sleeves for battle, high in Morale and ready to win another brilliant victory.

我们必须全力以赴拿下这场球we must do our level best to win the game

照当时情况他除了忍气吞声又能怎样as things stood, what else could he do but swallow the insult 我讨厌游手好闲的人I dislike the people eating the bread of idleness

你为什么要引狼入室why did you set the wolf to keep the sheep

他是信口开河他对经济一窍不通he is shooting off his mouth he does not know the first thing of economy

1,Why do I write? because I can’t stop. But what were the strange motivations which made me write a first novel.

Nobody paid me and I spent a year working on it

Only a fool would write an unpublished an unpublished novel excepting to make money or fame it There is a form of love in those innocent months from that

What made me want to go on

Yet I strongly believed there was as much chance of me, feelings other books, had created in me 2 camping is an outdoor recreational activity. Enjoy nature, several nights, or no shelter, the Use of tents, campers frequent national parks, youth organization, self-reliance and team work And other basic 3 in 1904, Albert Einstein, then an obscure, in the late afternoon, unmindful of the traffic

The mystery of, viewed from, miner by-product, existing in, dimensional time

4 each generation of young people is inclined to believe that their generation of , encounter when, Into the twentieth century, the same difficulties, years before and as, far more common than, on the part of the child, although his values may not truly, able to judge by himself, concrete decisions,

5 Stephen William hawking was born in London , in October 1962, a personal crisis, he kept bumping into things , his legs would give away That something was wrong, but most of it went on the tablecloth, he was sent to, more commonly called Motor, and the parts of the brain, as muscles atrophy 6 the YMCA is an ecumenical christen organization seeking to provide support for young, both young women and men, build a healthy spirit, mind , are related primarily, only-organization is truly community-based Having little to do with its religious roots , movement was founded in London on June, healthy activities For young men in cities, the YMCA are present 6 TV dinners are frozen trays of pre-cooked food. Also known as frozen dinners, the food is initially Prepared, frozen dinners have become a large part of the grocery market, 4.5bollion in sales each year For the freezing food for later use, freezing food has been known for centuries, it was not until the Nineteenth , real commercial use of frozen food, became much more widespread later, successful shipments Of frozen meats

7 having a hobby helps to make you a more interesting person, talk about with others, good for keeping The mind, an interesting person, doing wasting and unhealthy tasks, and store it if, need equipment require Storage space, to spend with your family, no longer care for it , another way to make money , so make sure 8 a leader can be a manager, but a manager isn’t necessarily, emerge informally as the choice of the group , without using his or her, managers must know how to, without leading management, and collecting

A manager’s job, inspiration, motivation, leadership between management, on formal authority 10 do you want to live another 100 years or more? At the door of the immortal, a conservative estimate Made it likely that humans would live in, no limit and the people could live to, in age are doubtful The brains and organs, if you can be healthy, for at present people who

11 despite numerous health warnings about smoking, have found a new motivation, say few smokers realize About one in five of the, 27 percent lived with a smoker, reported the medical journal, and 24 percent said, an effective way, for non-smoking family

12 there is already strong evidence that some emotions could have an effect on the heart, knows why our minds, if your immune system is compromised, compromise your immune system, optimistic attitude may You do drink more alcohol, are also risk factors, is important in helping, who belief they may



此人是书就读。This man reads every book he can reach.

是可忍,孰不可忍?If this can be tolerated, what cannot?

是古非今 Praise the past to condemn the present.


When you know a thing, to hold that you know it , and when you do not know a thing , to allow that you do not know it — this is knowledge.


The custom in Nanjing is for all brides to invite good luck by going to the kitchen on the third day and cooking a fish, which stands for fortune.


“I don’t have to ask, ”retorted Pao—chai,“One doesn’t expect ivory from a dog’s mouth.”


We had no confidence in today’s ambush because we were sure he had escaped last night. It seemed as useless as a blind man lighting a candle.


……because of their glamorous looks and affected manners, were universally known by the nickname of Darling and Precious.


Keming: Juexin, I want you to pay particular attention to this.


As guests entered the gate, they would first smell a sweet fragrance and then see the waxy leaves and the rainbow-red or snow-white flowers.


He had grown to twice his former size. His round face, crimson before, had become sallow and acquired deep lines and wrinkles.


How happy the water is !at first she pushes and elbows the pitiful misled maple leaf into a water whirl, making it rapidly swirl in circle. There the leaf can neither move forward nor backward. Being too worried, it nearly bursts out crying. It is only when the water loses her grip grinningly that the little maple leaf gets swiftly away.


Residing on out left was a family that cut firewood when there was firewood to cut and peddled vegetables when there were vegetables to peddle, or when there were funerals or weddings going on they’d offer to do legwork. ……三十六家花酒店,七十二座管弦楼。

……the countless taverns and music halls.


It is built with bamboo as the frame. Its A-typed roof is covered with the straw or pine bark and all the three sides near the river are parapet walls woven with the pine bark. Here you can sip tea with the pleasant breeze from all directions. Even in the hottest days of the year, the tea stall is still a place for refreshment.


……and his shoulder blades stuck out so sharply, an inverted V seemed stamped there.


By now the loose dust had all been blown away, leaving the roadway clean, and the rickshaw man quickened his pace.


As a story goes in the mid-1950s there lived in a hamlet over the other side of the gully a maiden who was in protest against her parents’ dictatorially arranged marriage escaped in broad daylight across the gully, slipped into this hut—and hanged herself! There was no ceiling, only crooked, bare rafters overhead, conveniently accessible for a rope to hang from. A most suitable place, indeed, for such a purpose.

我在学校读书的时候,有所谓“强迫运动”,我踢破过几双球鞋,打断过几只球拍。因此侥幸维持下来最低限度的体力。 In my school days, in response to the so-called “compulsory physical exercises”, I went in for many sports at the expense of many pairs of sneakers and rackets, thus luckily building up a minimum of good physique.


Keep fit, study well and work hard.


Judging from what she wrote in her memoir, she always had mixed feelings for that director.


Thus — the day flows away through the sink when I wash my hands, wears off in the bowl when I eat my meal, and passes away before my daydreaming gaze as I reflect in silence.


The Majestic Ansai Waist Drum Dance of Northern Shaanxi


The convent was as peaceful as it had been that spring, with its white wall and shining black gate.


Yet I believe those plaintive silent words must be a masterpiece singing the praises of life!


Like other young lovers they used to quarrel quite often. But in the end within a week or so, it was always she who would come to him first for reconciliation. He had been quite confident that this argument would end the same way. 去的尽管去了,来的尽管来着,去来的中间,又怎样地匆匆呢?

Those that have gone have gone for good, those to come keep coming; yet in between, how swift is the shift , in such a rush?


……no doubt the elastic fat gentleman had expanded his right side into the space I vacated.


A. The joy of hunters was enhanced by the west wind, the autumn stream and the wild geese mingled with the distant mountains that held the sinking sun.

B. An autumn stream ruffled by the west wind, and the lines of wild geese set against the background of distant mountains embracing the sinking sun, harmoniously merged to enhance the joy of hunters.


A. There were so many things then to talk about that I wanted to spew them out like a string of beads … But something seemed to hold me back. Everything just swirled around in my head and I couldn’t get the words out.

B. After this there were so many things I wanted to talk about, they should have poured out like a string of beads… But I was tongue-tied, unable to put all I was thinking into words.


A. Wear clothes of cotton and eat vegetables

B. Wear coarse clothes and eat simple food


“Well then, what if I serve as a horse on a bed while you ride on me and play being a knight?”… When Xiao Guang demanded to ride the horse right then, Lao Ji replied.”I’m now preparing dinner. I’ll let you ride on me to your heart’s content after dinner. Is that okay? If I don’t keep my word, I’ll be demand!”


Many people’s mouths gaped open without their being aware of it, and all the while there were clucks of admiration from the crowd.


Master Kung said of the head of the Chi family when he had eight teams of dancers performing in his courtyard. If this man can be endured, who cannot be endured! (忍耐用tolerate更为合适)


When we met, after exchanging a few polite remarks he said I was fatter, and after saying that immediately started a violent attack on the revolutionaries.

(更好的版本)After exchanging a few polite remarks when we met, he observed that I looked “fat”, and having made that complimentary remark he started a violent attack on the revolutionaries.


Don’t snap and snarl at ne when I’m trying to do my best for you. I give you my advice with the best will in the world and you turn round and lay the blame on me.


If you want to act like Chen Shimei in the play, who abandoned his wife for another woman, the people will scorn you and spit in your face!


“Can this be another absurd maid come to bury flowers like Daiyu?” he wondered in some amusement. “If so, she’s Dongshi imitating Xishi, (Xishi was a famous beauty in the ancient kingdom of Yue. Dongshi was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her way) which isn’t original but rather tiresome.”


You’re showing off your proficiency with an axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter.


To a person cherishing hopes every morning rises a new sun. Even if it is a fantasy or an illusion, so long as it shows a ray of hope it still urges you on in pursuit of that little sparkle without letup.


Commissioner Chou sat in the hall and watched the candidates crowding in. There were young and old, handsome and homely, smart and shabby men among them.

他决心洗心革面,脱胎换骨。 He is determined to turn over a new leaf.

本店货色齐全,品种多样,任君挑选。 We have a good assortment of goods to choose from.


The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be spent.


The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmanthus trees. Flowers from these trees in different colors are in full bloom which pervade the whole garden with the fragrance of their blossoms.

这些书,都是在全国解放以后,来到我家的。……最初,囊中羞涩,也曾交臂相失。中间也曾一掷百金,稍有豪气。 The books had arrived at my home since 1949, the year the country was liberated (from KMT rule) … During the first few years, as I was financially embarrassed, sometimes I had to turn from the books that I would have liked to give everything in exchange for. However, there were occasions on which I threw my money on books with quite a sense of lavish generosity.


Exhaust from boilers and vehicles, unless properly treated, causes air pollution in cities.


Humor is the crystallization of wit, knowledge, and resourcefulness. It is also indispensable to our work, study, family, society, and life in general.

如果说,词汇是语言的“建筑材料”,那么, 句子便是文章的“基本部件”。

If vocabulary is the“building materials”for language, sentences are the“fundamental parts”of writings.


China can be counted on. Among other things, first, it upholds principles and second, it honors its words.

人有失错,马有漏蹄。 As a horse may tumble, so a man may make mistakes. 以往的国际文献认为,印度是亚洲水稻的原产地。

Previously, in the international literature, India was said to be the country where Asian rice originated.

他的身材魁梧,生一副大长方脸,嘴巴阔大,肌肤呈着紫檀色。 He was a giant of a man with a long square face, a wide mouth and a complexion suffused with the colour of red sandalwood.


Lu Hsun was a man of unyielding integrity, free from all sycophancy or obsequiousness; this quality is invaluable among colonial and semi-colonial peoples.


It was lucky that all these young wives had grown up by the river: their boat went like the wind. It shot forward like some flying fish, hardly skimming the water.

世纪之交, 中国外交空前活跃。

The turn of the century finds China most active on the diplomatic arena.


When he reached Jinan and entered the city, there were flowing streams by every house and willow trees by every door, which delighted him even more than the scenery of the south.


Silence, silence! Unless we burst out, we shall perish in this silence!

不知不觉已入隆冬。 Time went by and before I was aware of it winter was waning.


Looking at a pile of old photos I couldn’t help feeling rather regretful.


The Central Government has never intervened in the affairs of the HKSAR.

中国经济将融入世界经济的大潮。 The economy of China will converge with that of the world. 这事到了现在,还是时时记起。 Even now, this remains fresh in my memory.

世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。 The turn of the century finds China most active on the diplomatic arena. 她使我知道人间的温暖;她使我知道爱与被爱的幸福。

It was to her that I owed my awareness of the fact that there is warmth in the world - - that to show love is no less happiness than to be loved.


You can hear Shanghai people using more and more adjectives of the superlative degree when they talk to the press. (现在上海人的传统形象开始起了变化,)他们的言语和行动都充满了信心和自豪。

They are confident and proud in their speeches and actions.


The palace suffered ravage in the hands of the allied forces of the eight foreign powers.

她们(指“时装模特”)逐渐地镇定下来,有了自信。 Gradually, they calmed down and regained self-confidence.


Feudal society replaced slave society, capitalism supplanted feudalism, and, after a long time, socialism will necessarily supersede capitalism.


Mother is my first teacher who, as I said before, awakened in me a sense of love.



Year after year the swallows come and go;

Year after year the grass before the terrace grows green, yellows.


If agriculture is in good shape and the peasants are self-supporting, then the 500 million people will feel secure. 思想……是炉火,炉火是墙上的树影,是冬夜的声音。

Thoughts… Are the fire in a stove, The fire in a stove is the tree’s shadow on the wall. And the sound in the winter night.

关于如何改进市民的居住条件问题市政府给予了充分重视。 Full attention has been paid by municipal government to the improvement of the housing conditions of the urban inhabitants.


Since a liquid has no definite shape of its own, it varies in shape from container to container. In other words, in whatever container it is poured, the liquid will take exactly the interior shape of the container.


And what’s more, she didn’t share the same likes with ordinary girls.

沙发上坐着一个人。 A man was sitting on a couch.


The beauty of West Lake in Hangzhou was what impressed Marco Polo most during his trip to China.


Taking a walk in parks with caged birds in hand is a common scene in the early mornings.


The sweet barking sent me straight into the dreams I had on my first night at Katmandu.


In a machine a great deal of energy is lost because of the friction between its parts.

他们很细心地观察化学变化。 They observed the chemical reaction with great care.

他们肩并肩地以疯狂速度向那座石塔奔去。 They ran side by side at a fantastic speed towards the stone pagoda. 大会将于今年九月在北京隆重开幕。 The meeting will begin ceremoniously in Beijing the following September. 他一九三五年八月二十二日早晨六点三十分诞生在湖南的一个小县城。

He was born in a small town of Hunan Province at six thirty on the morning of August 22, 1935.


The office on the fortieth floor of a skyscraper in the center of New York City is the world he works in.


Before liberation in 1949 the Chinese people suffered from some of the worst inflation the world had ever known. 正月十五元宵夜,街上挂着各式各样精巧的灯笼。 On the evening of the Lantern Festival, the 15th of the first lunar month, exquisite lanterns of diverse design are hung along the streets.


The Summer Palace of Chengde is one of the three best-preserved magnificent ancient architectural complexes in China, the other two being the Forbidden City in Beijing and the Confucian Temple in Qufu of Shandong Province. 卢沟桥位于北京广安门外约10公里处的丰台区永定河口。 Lugou Bridge spans the Yongding River mouth at Fengtai District, about ten kilometers from Guang’anmenwai Street of Beijing.


the best-preserved magnificent ancient architectural complexes in China


Qufu, Shandong Province is the birthplace of Confucius, a well-renowned ancient Chinese thinker and teacher. 佗用刀刮骨,悉悉有声。 The knife made a thin, grating sound as it scraped the surface. 如果说白天广州像座翡翠城,那么当太阳沉没,广州就成了一颗夜明珠,灯光如海,千街闪烁。

If Guangzhou is like a city of jadeite in the daytime, it becomes a luminous pearl, with a sea of lights twinkling in the streets after the sun sets in the west.

世界锦标赛决赛时,一位跳板跳水名将被他的同胞战友击败,却热烈拥抱胜利者,向他祝贺,满含热泪向观众挥手告别。 A veteran springboard diver, defeated by his compatriot in the finals of a world championship, offered congratulations to the victor in a warm embrace, waving a tearful farewell to the audience.
