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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 06:31:19 小学作文


1、Butcher and pick up a piece of bone thrown in the past, the bones after the wolf came to a halt, but the bones have been the first wolf Yougen up.

2、There are wild to see Michael playing a game, the masters of the field to stack firewood in the wheat field to fight, into a hill-like coverage.

3、After a while, a wolf straight away and the other as a wolf-like dog in front of the squat. A long time, it seems to be a wolf's eyes closed, looking very relaxed. Wolves 3, the other

There is a butcher Tianwan home, where the burden of the meat has been sold out, leaving only some of the bones. Two wolves encounter on the road, followed closely by Zoulehenyuan.

Afraid of the butcher, pick up a piece of bone thrown in the past. A wolf bones have been stopped, along with still another wolf. Butcher and pick up a piece of bone thrown in the past, the bones after the wolf came to a halt, but the bones have been the first wolf Yougen up. Bones have been thrown over, the two together, like the original as a wolf to catch up.

Butcher is distress, I am afraid together before and after the attack by a wolf. There are wild to see Michael playing a game, the masters of the field to stack firewood in the wheat field to fight, into a hill-like coverage. So Ben butcher in the past to rely on firewood pile below, pick up the butcher's knife to lay down their burden. Two wolves are afraid to move on and stare toward the butcher. After a while, a wolf straight away and the other as a wolf-like dog in front

of the squat. A long time, it seems to be a wolf's eyes closed, looking very relaxed. Butcher all of a sudden jump, with a wolf's head Daopi, Liankanjidao to kill wolves. Butcher about to start now, to firewood behind a pile, saw another wolf is firewood heap holes, drilled in the past want to butcher in the back of the attack. The wolf has got half of the body, only the buttocks and tail exposed. From the butcher cut off the back of the hind legs of the wolf, the wolf kill. Understand this in front of the wolf pretending to sleep, was used to lure the enemy.

Wolf is too cunning, but for a while two wolves have been hacked to death, the animal deception to how much? Only give them increased humor.












(n.名词) 狼;残忍凶狠的人,贪婪的人;赤贫,饥饿;[音乐]不和谐音 (v.动词) 狼吞虎咽


(adj.形容词) 似狼的;贪婪的,狼吞虎咽的;残忍的,凶恶的


(adv.副词) 似狼地


(n.名词) 残忍,贪婪


(adj.形容词) 似狼的


(n.名词) 小狼


(n.名词) 狼人


(n.名词) 猎狼犬


(n.名词) 行为似狼者;猎狼者


(n.名词) 狼人;残忍狡诈的人



(n.名词) 狼人


(n.名词) 变狼妄想症患者


(n.名词) 化人为狼的巫术;[医学]变狼妄想


a lone wolf


wolf down


sea wolf


wolves' eyes

狼眼; 反光镜 (设在路面上旨在防止鹿等动物闯到路上来的一种小反光装置)

keep the wolf from the door


throw sb to the wolves


a wolf in sheep's clothing


cry wolf


eat like a wolf

贪婪地吃, 狼吞虎咽

have\hold a wolf by ears


have a wolf in the stomach


see a wolf

张口结舌, 说不出话来

set the wolf to keep the sheep

叫狼看守羊; 引狼入室

the big bad wolf


wake a sleeping wolf



When the wolf grows old, the crows ride him. 狼老遭鸟欺

Who keeps company with the wolf, will learn to howl. 跟狼在一起,就会学狼叫;入乡随俗

The death of wolves is the safety of the sheep. 狼死羊安

The wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature. 狼的牙齿会掉,本性却改不了。





有一位书生东郭先生,读死书、死读书,十分迂腐。一天,东郭先生赶着一头毛驴,背着一口袋书,到到一个叫“中山国”的地方去谋求官职。 突然,一只带伤的狼窜到他的面前,哀求说:“先生,我现在正被一位猎人追赶,猎人用箭射中了我,差点要了我的命。求求您把我藏在您的口袋里,将来我会好好报答您的。” 东郭先生当然知道狼是害人的,但他看到这只受伤的狼很可怜,考虑了一下说:“我这样做会得罪猎人的。不过,既然你求我,我就一定想办法救你。”说着,东郭先生让狼蜷曲了四肢,然后用绳子把狼捆住,尽可能让它的身体变得小些,以便装进放书的口袋中去。

不一会儿,猎人追了上来,发现狼不见了,就问东郭先生:“你看见一只狼没有?它往哪里跑了?” 东郭先生说:“我没有看见狼,这里岔路多,狼也许从别的路上逃走了。” 猎人相信了东郭先生的话,朝别的方向追去了。 狼在书袋里听得猎人的骑马声远去之后,就央求东郭先生说:“求求先生,把我放出去,让我逃生吧。” 仁慈的东郭先生,经不起狼的花言巧语,把狼放了出来。不料,狼却嗥叫着对东郭先生说:“先生既然做好事救了我的命,现在我饿极了,你就再做一次好事,让我吃掉你吧。”说着,狼就张牙舞爪地扑向东郭先生。

东郭先生徒手同狼博斗,嘴里不断对狼喊着“忘恩负义”。 正在这时,有一位农民扛着锄头路过,东郭先生急忙拉住他,向他讲述自己如何救了狼,狼忘恩负义要伤害自己的事,请农民评理。可是狼却一口否定东郭先生救过它的命。老农想了想说:“你们的话,我都不相信,这只口袋这么小,怎么可能装下一只大狼呢。请再装一下,让我亲眼看一看。” 狼同意了,它又躺在地上,蜷作一团,让东郭先生重新用绳子捆起来,装进了口袋里。老农立即把口袋扎紧,对东郭先生说:“这种伤害人的野兽是不会改变本性的,你对狼讲仁慈,简直太糊涂了。”说罢,抡起锄头,把狼打死了。

东郭先生恍然大悟,非常感谢农民及时救了他的命。 现在,“东郭先生”和“中山狼”已经成为汉语中固定词语,“东郭先生” 专指那些不辨是非而滥施同情心的人,“中山狼”则指忘恩负义、恩将仇报的人。

2、伊索寓言 农夫和蛇

冬天,农夫发现一条蛇冻僵了,他很可怜它,便把蛇放在自己怀里。蛇温暖后,苏醒了 过来,恢复了它的本性,咬了它的恩人一口,使他受到了致命的伤害。农夫临死前说:“我 该死,我怜悯恶人,应该受恶报。”


3、牧羊人与狼 牧羊人捡到一只刚刚出生的狼崽子,把它带回家,跟他的狗喂养在一起。小狼长大以后,如有狼来叼羊,它就和狗一起去追赶。有一次,狗没追上,就回去了,那狼却继续追赶,待追上后,和其他狼一起分享了羊肉。从此以后,有时并没有狼来叼羊,它也偷偷地咬死一只羊,和狗一起分享。后来,牧羊人觉察到它的行为,便将它吊死在树上。 这故事说明,恶劣的本性难以改变。

4、野驴和狼 有一天,野驴的脚被刺扎了,走起路来一瘸一拐,十分痛苦。一条狼见到了受伤的野驴,想要吃掉这唾手可得的猎物。野驴请求他说:“你帮我拔出脚上的刺,消除我的痛苦,使我毫无痛苦地让你吃。”狼用牙齿把刺拔出来,野驴不再脚痛了,顿时,他的脚也有力了,便一脚踢死了狼,逃到别处,保住了自己的性命。 这故事说明,对敌人行善,不仅得不到好处,还会遭到不幸。


一只小羊在河边喝水,狼见到后,便想找一个名正言顺的借口吃掉他。于是他跑到上游,恶狠狠地说小羊把河水搅浑浊了,使他喝不到清水。小羊回答说,他仅仅站在河边喝水,并且又在下游,根本不可能把上游的水搅浑。狼见此计不成,又说道:“我父亲去年被你骂过。”小羊说,那时他还没有出生。狼对他说:“不管你怎样辩解,反正我不会放过你。” 这说明,对恶人做任何正当的辩解也是无效的。

6、《狼与牧羊人》:狼老老实实地跟着羊群,什么坏事也没干。牧羊人开始一直把他看成敌人一样小心防范,提心吊胆,十分警惕地看护着羊群。狼却一声不吭地跟着羊群走,没有一点想抢羊的迹象。后来牧羊人不再在意狼,反而认为这是一头老实的护羊犬。一次,牧羊人因有事须进城一趟,于是便把羊留下交给狼守护。狼乘此机会,咬死了多半的羊。牧羊人回来,看见羊群被咬死了,非常后悔,并说道:“我这是活该,为什么把羊群托付给狼呢?” 这就是说,把财物托付给不应托付的人,当然会上当。




狼狈为奸 狼奔豕突 láng bēn shǐ tū 狼狈为奸 鬼哭狼嚎 杯盘狼藉 豺狼成性 豺狼当道 豺狼之吻 官虎吏狼 鼠窜狼奔 虎狼之势 豕突狼奔 狼心狗肺 前怕狼,后怕虎 狼贪虎视 狼吞虎咽 狼贪鼠窃 狼眼鼠眉 如狼牧羊 如狼似虎 声名狼藉 脏污狼藉 羊狠狼贪 引狼入室 鹰视狼步























22、 狼肚子里没有好心肝

23、 舍不得孩子套不住狼







篇四:华尔街之狼 观后感 英文

Wolf of Wall Street Cinematography

The wolf of Wall Street movie is a controversial motion picture based on a bestselling novel about the rise of a Wall Street trader Jordan Belfort. Leonardo Di Caprio, who delves into the life of drugs, women, money laundering and securities fraud plays the main character. Together with his friends, they are able to build a multi-million company that defrauds people by selling them penny stocks.

Wolf of Wall Street movie may be classified as a narrative type of movie and is directed by Martin Scorsese. The cinematographer shot the interesting movie in film mode. Scorsese chose this approach as he saw the images shot by his cinematographer having richer skin tones and possessing more color nuance as compared to digital shots during preproduction testing runs. Most parts of the movie were therefore shot on film, and for night scenes, Alexa was used as well as green screen visual effects.

A major challenge on the film’s director was on deciding how to depict the various phases of the main character’s (Belfort) life. In conjunction with the films cinematographer, Scorsese decided to differentiate scenes of Jordan’s life where he seemed lost or uncertain from the scenes he would appear to have found clarity in his life and some sense of right course. This was successfully achieve from the use of diverse optics, color schemes, and lighting styles. Being guided by Belfort’s mental state and thoughts, the cinematographer alternated between various lenses for example v-lite, Hawk V, V-plus lenses, among others to get various degrees of depth, clarity, and perspective (Barsam & Dave p.238). Moreover, to enhance the contrast, in the different mental states, the director mixed in several diffusion filters, with ambient smoke being used sometimes and pushing the negative. As Rodrigo Prieto, the movies cinematographer explains, at the start of the film, it has a softer and slightly murky look, as Jordan has not yet

found himself. He seems confused and somehow awestruck by the busy Wall Street. During this phase of Belfort’s career, the director used a more narrow depth of field together with some slight alteration of anamorphic lenses (Barsam & Dave p. 240).

Jordan at first works at the firm LF Rothschild before starting his own business. The set at the investment firm is dominated by a color scheme of green and gold light that imply an old vintage look. The director claimed a photo he had seen of a brokerage firm in the 1980’s inspired this idea. In making wide shots, the cinematographer captured the office space using short range V-lite lenses that were able to curve the frames ends a bit, creating a sense of uncertainty. The picture of LF Rothschild is not as crisp clear as the outlook of Jordan’s subsequent firm, which had more of the color white. This helps show a different ambience and timeline of the two firms.

After the crash of 1987, LF Rothschild falls and is shut down. Belfort loses his job and desperately searches for anywhere he can find employment. Eventually, he starts to work as a regular employee at an investment center, an occupation he dislikes. This set was only lit through big windows from one side bringing out a feeling of sort of being in a cave. This part of his life the idea was to show the decline of Belfort’s life and he falls into darkness. After some time Jordan establishes his own brokerage firm and gains massive success. When he knows how to make a lot of money, and is successful, the film has a crisper, pristine look. The cinematographer changed to spherical Master Primes and did not use diffusion for this part.

When he is under investigation, the director, and cinematographer create a sort of paranoia look. They changed back to Hawk anamorphic, with lengthier focal lengths to depict a feeling of being investigated. In some scenes, they also added some smoke to make the background faintly milky and have a shallow depth of field. The cinematographer did also push the film stock for the scenes and stop to improve grain and contrast.

Prieto used an approach aimed at visually differentiating the three reiterations of Belfort’s firm as it grew. It started out in a renovated auto shop then relocated to a suitable office, and later finally moved into a bigger, elaborate office space. To differentiate the sets Rodrigo used a variety of color temperature combinations, applying different filters and diffusion. In the initial location, the auto shop is dimmer and realistic than the later evolved offices. Subsequently, the film brings out a look of power from Belfort and his offices become more luxurious. This is depicted in a crisper look with widely focused shots, white light, clear distinction, and fast camera shifts.

The final version of Jordan’s investment firm is a huge office space full of big windows and offices with glass walls. The location selected for this section was a third floor office building at Westchester in New York. Moreover, the height of the building made it hard to control the amount of sunlight on set and recreating it after sunset. In the evenings to maintain a look of daylight, the film crew had to improvise with light boxes in all sides of the set and vertical blinds to show an effect of a plain whiteout. On another side, Jordan’s lavish office was situated where there lay a window with a vast outward view. The crew also improvised with lamps lighting the backing, and others lighting the set to ensure the film would maintain daylight brightness regardless of the type of weather.

Moreover, the director of the film also created certain images to display characters mental states and emotions. For example, during the many drug escapades of Belfort there were up close shots with the fraudster, as he delivered slow slurred words in his dialogue and feel dizzy or high. The images would bring to mind a feeling of blur but at the same time flowed delivering a sensation of being loose. In one of the scenes where Jordan was high on Quaaludes in a nightclub,

the cinematographer used 20mm lens and brought out very close shots of Leonardo’s mouth and eye as he tried to talk.

The movie may be categorized as a narrative type of movie. There are narrations or commentaries given by the main character, which shape our itinerary in the movie. They are a sequence of cues that guide the viewers in the progression of the movie (Barsam p.159). At the initial scene of the movie, we see busy stockbrokers leapt over their desks in a vast work place where there is a lion lurking the pathways. We are also shown a contrasting view at another angle of the office where there are exhilarated staff who are having fun about to throw a little man towards a Velcro bull's eye. The small man is thrown and a freeze frame appears stopping the man in mid-air. One of the men who have thrown the man approaches the camera and introduces himself as Jordan Belfort. He continues to explain to us with motion pictures and scenes how he lives motivated by drugs, sex, living large and the debauchery he engages in. the scenes are brief and vulgar and does not show the escapade of Belfort implicitly but directly and swiftly.

This type of movie is able to limit our knowledge of certain events and is successful in manipulating the films emotional level arbitrarily. At one time, Belfort angrily slaps Naomi, his Wife. However, the event is shown to the audience through a far camera shot where only a glimpse is seen of what really transpires. The act is seen through a doorway where the impact of the aggression by Belfort is minimized. Here we gain significant information in the story but not as openly as the nearby sexual exploits and drug abuse escapades we get from other sections. This may be explained that a near shot of the violence would have altered the audience’s perception of Jordan’s bad boy pranks as merely entertainment. It would have led viewers to acquire a negative attitude towards the main character.

The director also utilizes suspense in the film to capture the attention of the audience. This is the intensified sense of impatience or anxiousness of what might happen next. For instance, in one scene, Jordan is too high on their special drugs they call Quaaludes to help his colleague Donnie from chocking. This scene makes us anticipate what might happen next due to the tense situation.

The film characters performances especially Dicaprio’s confidence contribute significantly to the mood of the movie. The movie has a stylistically textured soundtrack that is beneficial to the movies nature. The music and sound effects together with Jordan’s Commentary bring out a stimulating and lively experience. The movie is also successful in demonstrating surprising and fascinating attributes of Jordan and his degenerate lifestyle.

Scorsese was also careful in the shot angles he chose for various scenes in the motion picture. When Dunham, the FBI Agent, is interviewing Jordan, the long edgy scene at one instance may lead viewers to consider that the Agent may accept to be paid off by the degenerate Jordan. He makes facial expressions and asks questions implying he may be interested in Belfort’s offer. This conversation is filmed in constricted angles only showing certain parts of the setting. However, when the agent tells Jordan to repeat his proposal we see a shot where the FBI’s colleague in the off screen draws in closer to listen in. This approach helps hide some information and surprise the audience with a different result than they expected.

The film does contain clear depictions of the characters emotions and mental states. There is the use of vivid pictures of the themes contained in the movie. The colors have been expertly selected and used to bring out the season timing and mood as intended by the director.


Goat山羊 beautiful美丽的 smart聪明的 food食物

(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:保护狼的英语作文)

Happy sheep and grey wolf喜羊羊与灰太狼

Lovely、 cute dress up打扮 Pleasant Goat喜羊羊

Slow Goat慢羊羊 Pretty Goat美羊羊 keep fit保持身体健康

Boiling sheep沸羊羊 Lazy Sheep懒洋洋 big big wolf

狼和羊的故事(Wolfe and Sheep)

Wolf had been badly wounded by dogs. He lay sick and maimed (受伤的)in his lair(巢穴). He felt very hungry and thirsty. When a sheep passed by, he asked him to fetch(拿) some water from the stream(溪流). "If you bring me the water," he said, "I will find means to get some food." "Yes," said the sheep, "if I bring you water,you would undoutly(无疑) become my food.


狼和羊狼被狗所咬,伤势很严重,痛苦地躺在巢穴里,不能外出觅食 他感到又饿又渴,这时,他看见一只羊,便请求他到附近的小河里为他取一点水来。“你给我一点水解渴”,他说,“我就能自己去寻找食物了。”“是呀”,羊回答说,“如果我给你送水喝,那么我就会成为你的食物。”

(for example)1、The wounded driver looked round for help,but no one was by.

She cared for sick and wounded soldiers.

2、I'm very hungry,and I can now eat an ox.

I'm very hungry, What can I eat?

3 、 Have a drink when you're thirsty.

After walking a long way in the sun,they felt thirsty.

4 、can you across the stream?

There was a small stream at the end of the garden.花园的尽头有一条小河

5.Have you seen a stranger pass by here?

I all see them pass by this house every day.每天我都看见他们路过这所房子.

6.ask sb to do sth my mother usually ask me to do something i don’t like

The teachers asks students to do their homework.

7.Bring sb sth . “ Can you bring me some toys?”.his daughter asked.

In the morning ,his mother bring her a surprise gift.
